
World War II: Chapter 16 Section 1—Hitler’s Lightening War (491)

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World War II: Chapter 16 Section 1—Hitler’s Lightening War (491)
World War II: Chapter 16 Section 1—Hitler’s Lightening War (491)
Charles de Gaulle
Winston Churchill
Battle of Britain
Erwin Rommel
Operation Barbarossa
Atlantic Charter
1. What did each leader gain from the secret
August Hitler and Stalin sign
a Non-aggression pact.
Hitler invades Poland
3. What was Hitler’s plan for conquering France?
4. Describe what happened at Dunkirk.
Hitler invades Denmark
And Norway
France surrenders
German Luftwaffe begin
bombing British cities.
Italy moves to seize
Egypt & the Suez canal.
2. What strategy did Hitler use to conquer Poland?
Hitler sends Rommel to
help Italian troops
seize Egypt and the
Suez Canal.
5. Describe the events and outcome of the Battle of
6. What was the outcome of the fighting at Tobruk?
7. How did Hitler’s invasion of Russia compare to
that of Napoleon?
Hitler invades the
Soviet Union
8. Why was Winston Churchill considered Britain’s greatest weapon?
9. How did the Lend-Lease Act help the allies before the US entered the war?
Chapter 16 Section 2—Japan’s Pacific Campaign (497)
Emperor Hirohito
Isoruko Yamamoto
Guam and Wake Islands
Bataan Death March
Douglas Mac Arthur
In the following table, describe what happened and explain the event’s importance.
1. Bombing of Pearl Harbor
2. Fall of S.E. Asian colonies
3. Doolittle’s raid on Japan
4. Battle of Coral Sea
5. Battle of Midway
6. Battle of Guadalcanal
7. What was Mac Arthur’s strategy and why did he use it to combat the Japanese?
8. Why did the Japanese change from trying to win support of colonies to acting like
an aggressive and uncaring conqueror?
Chapter 16 Section 3—The Holocaust (503)
“Final Solution”
1. Who?
Who were the victims of the Holocaust?
Who were members of the “master race”?
2. What?
What were the Nuremberg Laws?
What happened at night on Nov. 9, 1938?
What was Hitler’s “final solution”?
3. Where?
Where did German Jews try to migrate to
find safety from Nazi
Where were Jews forced to live?
Where were the concentration camps?
4. Why?
Why did Hitler believe that Jews and
other “subhumans” had to be
Why did the Germans build extermination
5. When?
When did the “Final Solution” begin?
6. How?
How did non-Jewish people try to save
Jews from the horrors of Nazism?
How many Jews died in the Holocaust?
7. Why might people want to blame a minority group for their country’s problems?
8. What impact did the Holocaust have on the Jewish population of Europe?
Chapter 16 section 4—The Allied Victory (506-513)
Dwight D Eisenhower
D Day
Battle of the Bulge
V E Day
Iwo Jima
Harry S Truman
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
V J Day
Write a brief description of each event.
North Africa Campaign
North African Battle in
which German troops were
beaten back.
German General in North
Battle of Stalingrad
German commander in Battle
of Stalingrad
Number of Soviet Military
Mobilization for war
Process of controlling
goods that are scarce
during wartime
Process of relocating
Japanese-Americans into
restricted areas
Victory in Europe
Location of Allied D Day
Battle along the front in
the Ardennes in which the
allies pushed the Germans
Victory in the Pacific
Japanese suicide pilots
Event that caused the
Japan to surrender
How did the Allies conceal the location of the D Day invasion?
Did President Truman make the correct decision in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan?
Provide reasons to support your answer.
Chapter 16 section 5—Europe and Japan in Ruins (514-517)
Nuremburg Trials
Postwar Europe
List three ways that
war affected the land
and people of Europe.
List three political
problems that postwar
governments faced.
List one way that the
Allies dealt with the
Postwar Japan
List two effects of
Allied bombing raids
on Japan.
List three ways that
the US occupation
changed Japan.
List three provisions
in Japan’s new
Explain the objectives of the Nuremberg Trials after World War II.
Explain the objectives of the demilitarization of Japan after World War I.
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