! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! THE WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME AND ITS INEQUALITY, 1970-2009 Paolo Liberati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ipartimento di Economia Università degli Studi Roma Tre Via Silvio D'Amico, 77 - 00145 Roma Tel. 0039-06-57335655 fax 0039-06-57335771 E-mail: [email protected]! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! THE WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME AND ITS INEQUALITY, 1970-2009 Paolo Liberati ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"#$%&%"'()$*+%$,$)"-' ' .&/0$1$"'2*'.$3$44$5' 6++&'7$8+%&' 9&"3"':&11&0&' :"0*%%&';&5%0"*+$' ($3<$&'=*01$' ! ! ! The world distribution of income and its inequality, 1970-2009 Paolo Liberati ( * ) Abstract This paper provides for the first time a full decomposition of world inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient, in the period 1970-2009. In particular, using the Analysis of Gini (ANOGI), the paper describes the evolution of between inequality, within inequality and the impact of overlapping on both factors. While there is evidence that between inequality in the last decade significantly declines due to the rapid Chinese growth, within inequality and overlapping go in the opposite direction. Furthermore, if one makes exception for some Asian countries, the rest of the world does not move significantly. As a result, world inequality remains high by any standard. JEL Classification: I310; H000 Keywords: World Inequality; Gini Coefficient; ANOGI; Lognormal. Università Roma Tre, Department of Economics, CEFIP. I wish to thank Claudio Mazziotta, Pasquale Tridico and Shlomo Yitzhaki for their insightful comments. This paper was written during a visiting period at the IMT Institute for Advanced Studies at Lucca (Italy), whose hospitality is gratefully acknowledged. * 1. Introduction The issue of world inequality is at the forefront of the economic research since many years. On the one hand, after the pioneering work of Theil (1979), the main stimulus to the investigation of world inequality has originated from the publication of the Penn World Tables (Summers and Heston, 1988 and 1991), which provide comparable information on per capita GDP for a large number of countries. On the other hand, the scarcity of data on national income distributions has for some time confined the analysis to the between component of world inequality (Theil, 1979; Podder, 1993; Theil and Seale, 1994; Theil, 1996; Melchior et al., 2000; Melchior, 2001; Sala-iMartin, 2006), without any attempt to estimate a world income distribution or to calculate inequality within countries. This shortcoming has been later addressed in a number of ways. One approach has been to variously mix information from national accounts and survey data. For example, Berry et al. (1983, 1989) computed a world income distribution by apportioning the per capita GDP to income shares provided by countries’ national surveys or estimated by a regression analysis. Similar techniques have been later used by Grosh and Nafziger (1986), Korzeniewicz and Moran (1997), Schultz (1998), Firebaugh (1999) and Bourguignon and Morrisson (2002), where national surveys are always used to get the cumulative share of income received at specific quantiles of the income distribution. More recently, Sala-i-Martin (2006) has also integrated national accounts with micro-data to measure the dispersion of the distribution around the mean and then used a non-parametric approach to estimate the world income distribution. A second approach consists in recovering the world income distribution by some known parameters of a specific functional form. In this vein, Chotikapanich et al. (1997) calculated the world distribution of income using information on mean incomes and Gini coefficients under the assumption that income is log-normally distributed (see also Dikhanov and Ward, 2001; Quah, 2002). This method has been recently applied by Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin (2009), that assume a parametric log-normal distribution, and by van Zanden et al. (2011), that use a log-normal assumption to calculate the Gini coefficients. 2 A third approach exclusively relies on the use of survey data. Earlier works using this method, in a poverty context, are by Ravallion et al. (1991), Chen et al. (1994), and Ravallion and Chen (1997). More recently, Milanovic (2002) and Milanovic and Yitzhaki (2002) have also undertaken studies of the world income distribution using survey data. In the first case, data refer to 1988 and 1993; in the second case, results are replicated for 1993 only using the analysis of Gini (ANOGI) to decompose world inequality. The scant availability of survey data, however, has often confined these studies to specific years, preventing a comprehensive investigation of the dynamics of world inequality. All methods have shortcomings. In the first approach, survey data are often used to apportion per capita GDP and not to build a ‘true’ world income distribution. In the best case, when quantiles are missing, the most common practice is to estimate missing values with a regression analysis or other estimation techniques (Berry et al., 1983; Korzeniewicz and Moran, 1997; Sala-i-Martin, 2006) or to approximate missing income distributions in some countries with the income distribution of one or more countries in the same group (Bourguignon and Morrisson, 2002). In the worst case, countries with missing data are not treated, weakening the generality of results. In both cases, the distribution of income within each quantile remains unknown and assumed to be stable. The second approach usually entails that all distributions follow the same parametric pattern, which may be a debatable assumption. A robustness analysis is thus usually required to check the impact of other assumptions about the form of the income distribution (e.g., Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin, 2009). The third approach assumes that countries’ surveys are a better representation of the true income. Notwithstanding this belief, it is known that there are unsatisfactory features of national surveys: their quality widely differ across countries; some income sources are very imperfectly captured (self-employment income, financial incomes, rents, etc.); the incomes of the very rich and those of the very poor are usually significantly underreported (Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin, 2009); individuals do not always reveal their true income when interviewed, which means that the different extension of the black economy may affect the size of the reported income. Thus, even if all national surveys were available, a great number of adjustments would in principle be required to achieve something close to the true world income distribution. 3 The superiority of one of these approaches is therefore hardly sustainable on a mere list of advantages and disadvantages. Rather, it would be more profitable to consider them as complementary methods, for example to set inequality bounds or benchmarks, and to choose between them according to a criterion of appropriateness to the investigation undertaken, rather than searching for an unavailable perfect information.1 For these reasons, this paper does not propose an entirely new method to analyse world inequality. Rather, it expands over existing studies by fundamentally merging two approaches. Firstly, it follows Chotikapanich et al. (1997) and Pinkovskiy and Salai-Martin (2009) in assuming that income in all countries is log-normally distributed. Secondly, the paper proposes a forty-year decomposition of inequality using the Analysis Of Gini (ANOGI), as in Milanovic and Yitzhaki (2002), to investigate the path of between inequality, within inequality and the impact of overlapping on both. The main characteristics of this paper are two. First, it provides a unique and consistent framework to analyse world inequality in a long-term perspective, instead of dealing with survey- country- and year-specific biases that originate from independent (and sometimes unclear) country practices. Second, it provides for the first time a full decomposition of the Gini coefficient for the whole period using ANOGI, to follow the evolution of between, within and overlapping components by world’s regions. The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 deals with the more consolidated issue of between inequality. Section 3 will propose a method to complement the previous information with an estimation of the within inequality under various hypotheses. Section 4 will implement a more comprehensive approach to derive a world income distribution and to describe its inequality using ANOGI. Section 5 will provide some sensitivity analyses and comparisons with other studies. Section 6 concludes. For example, there may be good reasons to use per capita GDP, as it includes education and health services as well as non-disbursed corporate profits that may be invested, items that are hardly reflected in survey data. Poor countries that have grown faster may have expanded their education and health system; income measures that disregard these items may also underestimate forces toward convergence (Melchior, 2001; 104). 1 4 2. Between-country inequality Between-country inequality has been a natural dimension of investigation of world inequality in many previous contributions. The availability of data for a large number of countries and years has indeed stimulated a series of empirical works on this topic, that have made recourse either to per capita GDP at current prices or, more frequently, to a PPP converted measure of per capita GDP. Following most of the literature on the same issue, the PPP converted per capita GDP at 2005 international dollars (henceforth PGDP) available in the Penn World Table 7.0 (PWT) will be taken here as the relevant variable, and a Gini coefficient of its distribution across countries calculated.2 Following another consolidated issue in empirical works, the between inequality measure will be population-weighted, which means that individuals, and not countries, are implicitly given equal weight (Firebaugh, 1999; Sala-i-Martin, 2006). 2.1. Drivers of between inequality: some descriptive issues The path of Gini coefficients of PPP converted per capita GDP from 1970 to 2009 is illustrated in figure 1 by the bold line. Several periods can be distinguished. First, from 1970 to 1990, Gini inequality has remained almost flat. It is not an easy task to detect a single factor shaping this behaviour, which is also beyond the scope of our analysis, but a number of concomitant factors may be in place. First, the oil boom of the first half of the Seventies caused inequality to decline in some oil-producing states, but it also causes inequality to rise in some oil-consuming and populous countries (e.g. the United States, +1.3 Gini points). At the same time, no recorded change in inequality involved China, rather – according to the available estimates – the Chinese Gini coefficient slightly declined in this period. Second, in the Eighties (until 1987) debt crises were the cause of rising inequality in many countries in South America, in Europe and in Oceania, but they still did not involve India and China, where inequality 2005 is used as a reference year also in PWT 6.3 and in the 146-country benchmark 2005 International Comparison Program (ICP). It must be noted that PWT 6.1 had 1996 as the base year. The revision of the base year, often entailing a revision of national aggregates in the past (e.g., GDP), may lead to significantly different levels of inequality (Milanovic, 2010), an issue that will be discussed in section 5. PWT 7.0 now covers most of the years between 1950 and 2009 for a large number of countries. 2 5 slightly declined or stayed invariant. Third, the gap of the Chinese per capita GDP with the world average slightly narrowed in this period, as well as that of other poor and populous countries (Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Pakistan); at the same time, the richest countries took additional distance from the world average. As a balance, the levels of per capita GDP shifted upward, but their dispersion remained more or less the same. If one makes exception for the peak in between inequality occurred in 1989 (0.624), where the large 1988 recession in China gave rise to a short-term increase of income inequality (Sala-i-Martin, 2006), these two decades can be thought of as the age of high and flat inequality.3 Yet, as we will see below, excluding China from the analysis will give a slightly increasing profile of inequality over the period, which is amplified when all Asian countries are excluded. After 1990, we can instead identify two ages of declining inequality. The first age (moderate decline) is from 1990 to 1995. This decline, however, stopped in the second half of the Nineties; the persistent economic misery in sub-Saharan Africa, the increasing inequality in the republics of the FSU, the modest economic growth in Latin American countries, and some unfavourable economic performances in South Asian countries all contributed to counterbalance the Chinese convergence force in this period (Melchior, 2001). The second age (rapid decline) extends from 2000 onwards, with a sudden and unambiguous decline of between inequality from 0.603 in 2000 to 0.531 in 2009. This trend appears more marked than those identified by previous studies reporting data until around 2000. For example, Sala-i-Martin (2006) claimed that between 1970 and 2000, global inequality declined by about 2.4 per cent. Our measure of global inequality, confirms this decline (-2.8 per cent) but it also identifies a larger structural decline occurring from 2000 to 2009 (about 12 per cent or 7.2 Gini points). Thus, the reduction in between inequality seems now more pronounced than that already identified by previous studies covering varying time periods until 2000 (Sprout and Weaver, 1992; Melchior, 2001; Sala-i-Martin, 2006). In order to capture the determinants of this trend, it is worth analysing the behaviour of between inequality under alternative hypotheses. The first, and most obvious, line of investigation is to explore what happens to inequality when excluding In defining this period as an age of high inequality we take 1970 as the starting point, disregarding the empirical evidence that suggests that inequality increased in the ‘50s and in the ‘60s and followed an opposite trend afterwards. 3 6 China. The outcome is again reported in figure 1 by the line with empty triangles. It is expected that a fast-growing country that is also the most populous country in the world, may have caused significant effects on the estimation of a population-weighted measure of global inequality. Indeed, the graph neatly reveals that when China is excluded, inequality, with few exceptions, has increased from 1970 to 2000.4 Within this period, two sub-periods can be identified. In the first one (until around 1995), world between inequality is always higher than world between inequality measured excluding China. This means that China contributed to larger world inequality, for the basic reason that its per capita GDP was well below the world average. Yet, its inclusion makes the increasing trend to disappear, because the convergence entailed by its even modest growth compensates the divergence that originates elsewhere in the world. In other words, when including China, the contribution to convergence (the fact that China is mounting faster toward average world income) is stronger than the contribution to divergence (the fact that it is still a relatively poor country). However, after 1995 (the second period), the two lines cross and the inclusion of China yields a lower between inequality as the result of its accelerating growth. But unlike what has happened until 2000, the inclusion of China is not fundamental to mark a decline in world inequality. Obviously, when including China, the level of the Gini inequality is lower, but the trend is declining even when China is excluded (even though the decline of the Gini coefficient is narrowed to 3.9 points instead of 7.2).5 A second line of investigation is to analyse what happens to inequality when excluding India, another populous and recently fast-growing country. Now, the line with the white circles in figure 1, shows that, unlike in the case of China, the exclusion of India leads to a smaller world inequality in the whole period without altering its profile. This is to say that India has less power in shaping inequality trends than China has had and still has. Furthermore, while China has been a high-inequality-driver only from 1970 to 1995, India is still a high-inequality-driver, i.e., its inclusion increases inequality, because it has been and still is a relatively poor country. Yet, its contribution to larger inequality has becoming narrower in the last years, as shown by The line has a downward shift in 1990, when data of the FSU Republics became available with a lower than average inequality. Since inequality suddenly increased also in those countries, the same trend is observed after the jump. 5 On this point, see also Milanovic (2010). 4 7 the smaller distance between the two lines in figure 1, the main reason being that India is also reducing gaps with the richest countries. A third line of investigation moves from the observation that it is the bulk of Asian countries that have more effectively caught up to the richest part of the world since the Eighties. The impact of this growth on inequality is analogously measured in figure 1 by excluding all Asian countries from the calculation of between inequality.6 Some points are worth noting. Until 2002 between inequality would have been much lower without Asian countries, which means that when adding Asian countries one adds poor and populous countries contributing to a greater dispersion of per capita incomes. It is indeed worth remembering that Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan and Philippines belong to this area. On the other hand, China explained only a small part of this gap when it was a high-inequality-driver (until 1995); thus, other Asian countries were overall responsible for a greater world inequality more than China was in the same period. But since Asian countries were for a long period invariably poor and have always had a large population weight, their inclusion has had the effect of stabilising world inequality until around year 2000. By excluding Asian countries, inequality in the same period is greatly lower, but increased faster, which means that per capita GDP must diverge among the rest of non-Asian countries. After 2000, the exclusion of Asian countries makes the downward trend of inequality much less pronounced, which means that there are countries elsewhere in the world that display weaker or even opposite stimulus to the convergence that originates from the Asian continent.7 Finally, it is of some interest by itself to investigate the impact of the exclusion of the United States, one of the richest country in the world. As reported in figure 2, US is a higher-inequality-driver along the whole period (its exclusion would give a lower measured inequality), with its contribution slightly increasing over time (the difference between the two lines becomes larger when moving to the most recent years). Yet, its exclusion does not affect the downward trend of inequality observed in the last decade. At this stage, this means that the declining trend of inequality is something that may partially overcome the impact of China, India and the US (which together account for Note that the exclusion of Asian countries makes more visible the downward jump of inequality in 1990 due to the availability of data for FSU republics, with lower than average inequality. 7 On average, from 2000 to 2004, East Asian countries and South Central Asian ones have grown by 3.3 and 3.8 per cent, respectively. The corresponding growth in North America and North Europe was 1.6 and 2.0 per cent. From 2005 to 2009, again on average, the differential was even higher, with about 3.7 per cent for all Asian countries and less than 1 per cent for both North America and North Europe. 6 8 about 42 per cent of the world population in 2009). Indeed, even excluding the US and all Asian countries and even though less pronounced, the downward trend of inequality weakly prevails from 2000 onwards (the first time in the whole period analysed), which means that this process is fed also by other countries. Nevertheless, the role of China remains fundamental in shaping inequality. This can be best captured in figure 3, that reports the path of each country PGDP for selected countries, normalised on the population weighted world average (represented by the straight bold line at 1.0 in the graph). From 2000 to 2009, Germany, US, UK, and Japan converge toward the world average from above, falling back to the levels of the Seventies; at the same time, China rapidly converge to the average from below. This explain why China contributes to inequality reduction. On the other hand, China is moving much faster than India (the second largest country in the world) since the Nineties, which may contribute to increase between inequality. 2.2. Contributions to global inequality The previous results may be more effectively integrated by the analysis of the normalised gaps of PGDP between countries and their contributions to the Gini coefficients. This information is particularly useful to understand the role of China as a force of convergence and divergence at the same time. The first panel of table 1 reports some descriptive variables in selected years (the PPP converted GDP per capita, the same variable normalised on the world average, and the population share of each country). Comparing the normalised PGDP in 2000 and 2009, one has the clear evidence that some previously poor countries have experienced an unprecedented reduction of the distance from the world average (Korea, Indonesia, China, India, Vietnam, Egypt), while the richest countries have deteriorated their positions. To understand the consequences of these gaps, the second panel of table 1 reports the interactions of both China and the US with both the richest and the poorest countries, considering, in each pair, the normalised gap of PGDP, the contribution of the specific gap to global inequality, and the change in Gini points attributable to each specific interaction. Note that the richest country appears in the first position in each pair. 9 Looking first at the triangle US-China-India (the first three rows of the second panel of table 1), one can see in numbers what has been depicted in figure 3. While the normalised gap between China and India dramatically increases from 2000 to 2009 (from 0.17 to 0.42), which means that China is moving faster than India, the same gap between US and China and US and India declines, denoting a convergence between each pair (but faster in the case of China). Even though the contribution of this triangle to the level of the Gini coefficient is above 14 per cent both in 2000 and 2009 (the sum of the contributions between each pair), the contribution of the triangle to the change of the Gini coefficient in the same period goes in an opposite direction. While a narrow gap between US and China and US and India contributes to inequality reduction (-1.29 and -0.59 Gini points, respectively), the faster growth of China with respect to India contributes to greater inequality (+0.83 Gini points), as China is leaving a populous and poor country behind. Thus, over a total reduction of inequality of 7.17 Gini points between 2000 and 2009, the convergence between US and China and US and India can explain 1.9 Gini points. On the other hand, inequality has increased by 0.83 Gini points because China is growing faster than India. This clarifies why and how China is a force of convergence and divergence at the same time. In order to capture this contradiction, one can consider the impact of China on inequality when it interacts with a set of richer countries (France, Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Korea, Mexico and Russia). In the last decade, China is moving faster than all these countries, as the normalised gap declines. The counterpart of this faster growth is a large contribution to inequality reduction in 2009, of which a total of about 1.8 Gini points is due to the convergence of China towards the levels of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, UK and Japan together. Moving faster than Brazil, Korea, Mexico and Russia also contributes to a further decline of 0.5 Gini points. Overall, including the effect of the interaction with the US, the rapid growth of China between 2000 and 2009 explains a reduction of 3.6 Gini points. These numbers give now a more precise content to the role of China as a force of convergence. On the other hand, China is playing a different role when it interacts with poorer (and large) countries. It is now easily seen that the normalised gaps with Indonesia, Nigeria, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Egypt (accounting for 14.6 per cent of the world population) are all increasing between 2000 and 2009, suggesting that China is taking increasing distance from the poorest part of the world. Thus, in 10 this case, the growth of China must contribute to growing inequality. This is captured by the last column of the second panel of table 1. The distance from Indonesia accounts for a larger inequality of about 0.21 Gini points, while the distance from Pakistan and Bangladesh account, respectively, for 0.18 and 0.15 Gini points. Overall, the interactions of China with poorer countries (including India) contributes to 1.7 Gini points of additional inequality. Analogously to the previous case, these numbers now give a precise measure of the impact of China as a force of divergence. However, its contribution to a reduction of inequality presently overcomes the contribution to inequality growth, leaving its net impact at -1.9 Gini points. Consider now the impact of the United States, one of the richest and contemporaneously populous countries. In this case, with respect to both relatively richer and relatively poorer countries, the normalised gap declines from 2000 to 2009 (with the possible exception of Italy), which means that the PPP converted per capita GDP of the US and those of the selected countries of table 1 are closer in 2009 than they were in 2000. As a consequence, the slower growth of the US must also contribute to inequality reduction. This contribution is however almost entirely due to the faster growth of poorer countries (-1.36 Gini points, including India and excluding China), with the convergence of relatively richer countries accounting only for about 0.1 Gini points. Putting all things together, between 2000 and 2009, one can observe that the interactions of China and the US are responsible for an inequality change of -3.35 Gini points (the sum of the two net impacts in table 1), which is about 46 per cent of the overall change of Gini points in global between inequality (about 69 per cent if one considers only the impact of both countries on inequality reduction). This contribution is at the same time significant but not sufficient to explain the overall decline in inequality, which is another way to confirm what has been already observed in figure 2, that between 2000 and 2009 global inequality follows a slightly declining trend even when the US and all Asian countries are excluded from the calculations. Thus, while the fact remains that China is a fundamental player for both the convergence and the divergence of between inequality, the decade between 2000 and 2009 marks an unprecedented reduction of between inequality as measured by PGDP. Even though India and China are two fundamental engines of this decline (Milanovic, 2010), for the first time in the period analysed between inequality follows a weak downward trend 11 even when these two countries are excluded, even though the levels of between inequality remain remarkably high. 3. Within-country inequality 3.1. Imputation of missing Gini coefficients The results discussed in the previous section are exclusively based on the concept of population-weighted between-country inequality. The observed fact that this inequality is rapidly declining over the last decade can tell us nothing about what happens to within-country inequality and about its possible counterbalancing effect. On the other hand, to have a reliable approximation of within inequality and of its changes over time, that is also consistent with the measurement of between inequality, Gini coefficients must be available for all years and for all countries used in the previous analysis. Unfortunately, this series of Gini coefficients is not available. One of the most common database containing information on Gini coefficients is the revised wave of the World Income Inequality Database (WIID2) developed by the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER). This dataset originates from Deininger and Squire (1996) (henceforth DS), that was first used to generate WIID1 in 2000, covering the period 1950-1998, and then updated. In the present version, WIID2 reports two different values of Gini coefficients. The first is calculated from quantile shares, where available. The second (reported Gini in the database) is either reported by the source or calculated by WIDER or by DS through parametric extrapolation. In some countries, multiple Gini coefficients are also reported in the same years, based on different income definitions. More recently, alternative or complementary datasets have been developed. On the one hand, Milanovic (2010) has updated the All the Ginis database, a collection of Gini coefficients retrieved from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), the Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SEDLAC), the World Income Distribution (WYD) dataset, the World Bank East and Central Europe (ECA) database and the WIDER dataset. As a result, this new database gives Gini coefficients for 1,541 country-year pairs, variously based on 12 income or consumption, on net and gross incomes and on whether the recipient unit is household or individual. On the other hand, Solt (2009) has developed a Standardized World Income Inequality Database (SWIID), to enlarge the comparability of Gini coefficients of gross and net incomes, using a combination of WIDER and LIS, this latter being used as a benchmark in the calculation of Gini coefficients. SWIID gives 4,459 Gini coefficients for 173 countries in (irregular) intervals between 1960 and 2009. In all cases, the datasets are far from being comprehensive collections of Gini coefficients for a long-run analysis of inequality. Thus, to various extent, the analysis is either limited by the availability of data or required to impute missing information. Our first choice to address the issue of within inequality is the WIDER dataset with 4,333 country-year observations, despite its heterogeneity and a number of shortcomings (Atkinson and Brandolini, 2001; Galbraith and Kum, 2004). The heterogeneity of the dataset relates to different dimensions. In particular, age coverage is “All” for 4,199 observations; area coverage is “All” for 3,555 observations; population coverage is “All” for 3,464 observations; and the unit of analysis is “Person” for 3,326 observations. Keeping the observations with all these characteristics at the same time would reduce the dataset to 2,051 observations that are still largely heterogeneous with respect to the income definition and to the equivalence scale used. For example, 1,418 observations use household per capita, 256 the modified OECD equivalence scale, while the other observations are dispersed on ad hoc equivalence scales. Furthermore, 757 observations refer to disposable income, 319 to consumption, 265 to gross incomes, 242 to disposable monetary incomes and 126 to some not specified definitions of income (disregarding other cases with a smaller number of observations). The heterogeneity of the dataset also extends to the geographical distribution of these definitions. As reported in table 2, Europe and America make preferential recourse to income-based measures (disposable income, gross income or earnings), while Africa, and to a less extent Asia, mostly use expenditure-based definitions. This may be less a cogent problem at least in those countries where the share of direct taxes is minimal; but it is worth noting that there is a huge amount of observations whose “income” definition cannot be classified among the previous ones. Thus, discarding heterogeneous observations would be impracticable, if one wants to cover the entire world, an obstacle that is common to other studies on the world distribution of income 13 (see for example Milanovic and Yitzhaki, 2002, who mixed incomes and expenditures). Indeed, the choice to consistently use an homogeneous segment of data will severely limit the possibility to discuss global trends in income inequality (Heshmati, 2006). Alternatively, one can argue, as in Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin (2009), that the problems of heterogeneity may be less serious when observing inequality changes or trends rather than levels. For the practical impossibility of having a totally homogeneous dataset, we first choose to take Gini coefficients as they are reported in the WIDER dataset and then to propose a sensitivity analysis of the results with alternative datasets. A first step is to classify countries according to the availability of Gini coefficients. Countries fall into one of the following cases: 1) countries for which one or more data points on Gini coefficients are available; 2) countries as in 1) but where multiple Gini coefficients for the same years are available, possibly based on different income definitions; 3) countries with no data on Gini coefficients. In the first case, Gini coefficients are taken as given regardless of the income definition. In the second case, Gini coefficients based on different definitions of income for the same years have been averaged, an issue that involves 539 country-year pairs. In the third case, nothing has been done at an initial stage. After this step, we are left with countries having one or more single data points on Gini coefficients between 1970 and 2009 and countries with no data on Gini coefficients.8 Note, however, that on average, the countries for which Gini coefficients are not available account for about 6.6 per cent of the total world population in the period; thus, their inclusion or exclusion should not have a dramatic impact on world inequality measurement. The second step is to integrate the missing values of Gini coefficients in those countries where some coefficients are already available for some years and in those where the vector of Gini coefficients is empty. The simplest way to perform this task is to exploit as much information as possible with a regression analysis.9 In particular, the regression is based on the relationship between inequality and per capita incomes firstly proposed by Kuznets (1955). It is worth noting that the focus of our method is Countries with no data are: Afghanistan, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahrain, Belize, Bermuda, Bhutan, Brunei, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gambia, Grenada, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macao, Macedonia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Montenegro, Oman, Palau, Qatar, Russia, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, Sudan, Syria, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu, Yemen. 9 The use of regression techniques is not new. Berry et al. (1983), for example, performed a regression analysis to estimate missing quantiles needed to identify the distribution of income within countries. 8 14 not to dispute or to validate the existence of a Kuznets curve, which is not the main aim of the analysis, but to derive a profile of the Gini coefficient in each country, on the basis of an assumed link between inequality and development. A panel analysis is performed on which the Gini coefficient is regressed on per capita incomes and their inverse (Anand and Kanbur, 1993; Deutsch and Silber, 2001) controlling for the degree of openness of the economy at constant prices (openk in Penn World Tables), and for different income definitions and equivalence scales by introducing dummy variables.10 In symbols: (1) where G is the Gini index, Y is the log of per capita income, Open approximates the openness of the economy by the sum of imports and exports over GDP (Anand and Kanbur, 1993) and X is a vector of dummy variables controlling for different definitions of income and equivalence scales.11 The panel analysis is performed with a fixed effect estimator to capture country-specific effects and the possibility that different countries may lie on Kuznets curves that have the same shape but different intercepts.12 Since we are interested in inequality within countries – and to the overall determinants of inequality – fixed effects are a convenient estimator to capture intracountry variation. Results are reported in table 3, where it is shown that the coefficients of the log of per capita income and its inverse are statistically significant. Of particular importance is also the expected downward shift of the Gini coefficient when measured by consumption (about -2.5 Gini points) and earnings (about -1.2 Gini points) and its upward shift when Gini is averaged (+1.9 Gini points) and measured without adjustments for equivalence scales (+1.4 Gini points).13 The predicted values of equation (1), , now give a vector of Gini coefficients for all country-year pairs, with For example, consumption inequality is usually lower than income inequality, and inequality of non-adjusted incomes is usually higher than inequality of equivalent incomes. The set of control variables is severely limited by the availability of data for all countries and years. 11 Similar control variables have been used by Schultz (1998) for the analysis of intra-country inequality. 12 The basic regression is run without time dummies. The inclusion of time dummies has been experimented and it does not affect the results, as strong and systematic significance levels are shown only in the period from 1977 to 1988. After 1994, time dummies are not significant. 13 Just to recall that the baseline is Gini coefficients calculated on the basis of definitions that cannot be classified as gross income, consumption and earnings. The lack of statistical significance of the dummy gross income suggests that these definitions are much closer to gross incomes than to other cases. 10 15 estimated values ranging from 0.174 to 0.776, which are sensible values. In principle, these estimations would allow to draw a profile of inequality over time for each country, regardless of the already available Gini coefficients. However, we first choose to superimpose the estimated profile to the available Gini coefficients and fill the gaps, instead of using the full vector of predicted values. Thus, for those countries where the vector of the available Gini coefficients is empty, the estimated vector of is fully imputed. For the other countries, available Gini coefficients provide anchors to fill the missing values according to the estimated profile. This amounts to extrapolate the values of the missing Gini coefficients from the vector of . To capture the essence of this method, assume, for country j, that the fixed effects estimation gives a series of five simulated Gini coefficients in five periods identified as and to . Assume also that the available Gini coefficients are only , so that the other three coefficients must be recovered from the simulated ones. In this case, for example, we would have that , where the term in square brackets gives the trend of the estimated profile (upward if the ratio is less than one; downward in the opposite case), which is then anchored to the nearest Gini coefficient available ahead ( ). If no Gini is available ahead, the benchmark becomes the first Gini coefficient back. Assume an upward trend, so that . Thus, in the same proportion. The final result of this process is a series of Gini coefficients anchored to the original data but with gaps filled imposing the same profile of . This method is particularly useful as it may take into account trends of inequality if they are particularly strong, at the same time avoiding sudden jumps of the Gini coefficients from one year to another. As a robustness check, however, the attempt will be made to use the full vector of to calculate within inequality, without taking into account the anchors. 16 3.2. The trend of within inequality Once the Gini coefficients are available for all countries and for all years, within inequality can be estimated as a part of the standard Gini decomposition (Pyatt, 1976), by which , where coefficient of country i, is within inequality, is its population share and is now the Gini is its income share. As it will become clearer in the next paragraphs, standard within inequality as defined by cannot include any impact of overlapping, which are instead fully contained in the residual term , which is still not recoverable at this stage. Figure 4 reports the outcome of this estimation by continents. Some points are worth noting. First, total within inequality (the bold continuous line) has been almost stable until the mid-Nineties and has increased steadily since then. This marks a similarity and a difference with the path of between inequality. The similarity concerns the long age of stability from 1970 to 1995.14 The difference concerns the trend followed from 1995 onwards, which is now positive. Second, the trend of within inequality is totally driven by Asia and, in particular, by China. Indeed, within inequality calculated in the Asian continent (the thin continuous line) has the same profile of the overall within inequality. In other words, it is Asian countries that dictate the trend, while the other countries just play a shifting effect. Within Asia, however, it is China that shapes the trend. If one excludes China (the dot line with the cross), the marked upward trend of inequality within Asian countries disappears and the levels significantly fall. In all other continents, within inequality is low and flat. We estimate that the change in the Chinese Gini coefficient from 2004 to 2009 (+5.1 points, about 11 per cent more than the Gini in 2004) entails an increase of within inequality of about 0.15 points, which is about 6 per cent more than the level of within inequality measured when assuming the invariance of the Chinese Gini coefficient from 2004 to 2009. Thus, it seems that large increases of the Gini coefficients do not affect the within component significantly, unless China and India will become countries with a large world income share (see also Milanovic, 2002) and with a Gini coefficient greater than the mean Gini in the world. The same result, only slightly weaker, is still visible in the case where the simulated Gini coefficients ( ) are 14 The stability of within inequality for a smaller number of countries (49) has been observed also by Li et al. (1998). 17 used instead of anchoring the estimated profile to the available Gini coefficients (the line with white boxes). The main reason of the distance is that the vector of for China underestimates the Gini coefficients projected on the basis of the available anchors. Third, within inequality, in absolute values, is small, the main reason being that any given Gini coefficient is weighted by the product of population and income shares. Large weights would emerge in richer and populous countries, while small weights would be attached to poorer and small countries. But usually, large countries are poorer and smaller countries are richer. The composite weight is thus on average small, which makes the magnitude of within inequality dwarfed by the change in per capita incomes (e.g. Quah, 2000). In our dataset, the highest weight is observed in China 2009 (0.029) as the product of a population share of 19.8 per cent and an income share of 14.7 per cent. The same weight in 1970 was 0.01, which means that, in the calculation of within inequality, a given Gini coefficient in China counts three times as much today than forty years ago. On the other hand, the highest US weight was in 1970 (0.015), as a product of a population share of 6.1 per cent and an income share of 25.3 per cent. This weight, in 2009, has declined to just around 0.01, which is the same weight achieved by India in the same year, with a much larger population and a much lower income share. Overall, within and between inequality have thus followed an opposite path. This is especially true in the last decade. The change in between inequality is always negative from 2001 onwards, while the change in within inequality, in the same period, is always positive (in both hypotheses of Gini coefficients). Even though the magnitude of the change of between inequality is larger, the reduction of total inequality may appear lower than it seems by looking only at the between inequality. However, given the imperfect decomposition of the Gini coefficient, the treatment of overlapping on both within and between component must be addressed, which is part of the analysis of the next section. 18 4. The world distribution of income and the analysis of Gini 4.1. Recovering the world income distribution The methodology adopted in the previous section leaves us with a full country-year set of observations on mean incomes (per capita GDP) and Gini coefficients. This makes possible to draw a long-run profile of at least two major components of the Gini disaggregation, between and within inequality, and follow their trends and relative size over time. Yet, nothing can be said about the underlying income distribution, which is in fact unknown, and on the impact of the overlapping term, which may also be significant when total inequality is measured by the Gini coefficient. In this section, a complementary method to recover the world income distribution and to provide a full decomposition of Gini inequality in a long-run perspective is proposed. The starting point of the approach is to assume that income X is log-normally distributed (as, for example, in Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin, 2009). Accordingly, is normally distributed. By the properties of the lognormal distribution, we know that any income X of the original income distribution can be calculated by using: (2) where the mean and the standard deviation in the round brackets refer to the distribution of log incomes Y and Z assumes the values of a standard normal distribution. This means that if and were known, the entire income distribution X could in principle be recovered. Aitchison and Brown (1957), showed that if income is log-normally distributed, the Gini coefficient could be obtained by where , is the value of the cumulative standard normal distribution.15 In our case, the Gini coefficient is known, while the unknown parameter is . Inverting the previous formula, one can get: Just recall that the assumption that income is log-normally distributed in each country does not entail that world income (as a sum of lognormal distribution) is also log-normally distributed. 15 19 (3) where now is the value of the inverse of the cumulative standard normal distribution. Furthermore, in a log-normal distribution, . This means that once the standard deviation is estimated by (3), the mean of Y can also be estimated, if (as in our case) is a known parameter. Having both and , the full underlying income distribution X can be recovered from (2). This procedure, for each country, would allow to recover the income distribution on the basis of the anchors provided by the available Gini coefficients and per capita incomes. Chotikapanich et al. (1997) used this method to calculate population and income shares, while Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin (2009) estimated the variance using least squares regressions on the quintile shares reported in the surveys. It is worth remembering, for the sake of clarity, that the anchors provided by the Gini coefficients are those estimated using equation (1) and thus possible imperfections in their estimates are transplanted to the whole income distribution. On the other hand, without a full set of Gini coefficients, this method would be applicable only to those cases where Gini coefficients were available, but in this case one would be back to the issue of insufficient information for the long-run analysis of world inequality. In order to assign the appropriate weight to each country in the world income distribution, the Chinese income distribution is built by imposing five hundred thousands observations, while other countries are assigned a number of observations that is proportional to the ratio of their population to the Chinese one. This method yields a dataset of more than 2 millions of observations in any year. Its potentialities, however, should not conceal possible shortcomings, as raised in Milanovic (2002; 5354). On the other hand, the shortcomings of this approach should not be magnified compared with alternative methods of analysis of world inequality (Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin, 2009; 4-6). Comparisons with other results and the sensitivity analysis of section 5 will help understand the complementarity of this method with alternative options. 20 4.2. The ANOGI decomposition: conceptual issues The availability of the world distribution of income makes possible to investigate in more detail inequality issues and refine the investigation of the previous two sections, by decomposing the Gini coefficient according to the Analysis Of Gini (ANOGI) as developed by Yitzhaki (1994). This would extend over the work by Milanovic and Yitzhaki (2002) where ANOGI was applied only to the income distribution of 1993, with data provided by countries’ household surveys. As well known, one problematic issue of the analysis of the world income distribution with Gini coefficients was indeed related to its imperfect decomposition (Pyatt, 1976), as the Gini coefficient cannot be fully interpreted as the sum of a between and a within component. A residual term (overlapping) completes the decomposition that is not recoverable unless the full income distribution is available. The results of the previous section, while suggesting that between and within inequality may follow opposite directions, can tell nothing about the intensity of the overlapping term and its impact on total inequality. This is the reason why all empirical studies, at the best, provide an overall value of the Gini coefficient, while inequality decomposition is usually performed with a Theil index or similar decomposable inequality measures. In what follows, we try to fill this gap applying ANOGI, and providing a full decomposition of the Gini coefficient in between inequality, intra-group inequality and overlapping terms for the whole period. In particular, let defining the world income distribution given by the union of the income distribution of different n countries, and denote G as the Gini coefficient of the world income distribution. According to ANOGI, the Gini coefficient can be decomposed as follows: (4) where is the overlapping index of country i with the world distribution, is the is the between-Gini index of the Pyatt’s Gini coefficient of between-inequality, and (1976) decomposition. 21 The overlapping term is of particular relevance in this decomposition. Formally, it , where the numerator is the covariance between can be defined as incomes of country i and their ranking in the world income distribution , while the denominator is the covariance between the same incomes and their rankings within each country. This means that if the incomes of a country i have the same ranking as in the world income distribution, i.e. if the two distributions perfectly overlap. More generally, when the scatter of the ranks of a given country is narrower than that of the total population; analogously, when the scatter of the ranks of a country is larger than that of the total population. It is worth noting that by the same definition of the overlapping term, one can interpret the overlapping of country i with respect to total population as the weighted sum of overlapping of country i with all other countries j. In symbols: (5) where is the share of population of country j and , where the denominator is as before and the numerator is the covariance between the income of country i and their ranking in the population formed by the union of country i and j. If no member of the j distribution lies in the range of distribution i, country j is a perfect . In this case, stratum and , i.e. total overlapping is exactly equal to the share of population i. When the two distributions are identical, instead, and . By the properties of the overlapping term, the interpretation of becomes easier, as it embodies the impact of overlapping ( inequality ( ) on intra-group ). This characteristic is easily shown if one considers what happens when the distribution of incomes of different countries form a perfect stratum, i.e. when they do not overlap. In this case, we know that , thus , which is the definition of within inequality 22 in the standard Gini decomposition, where the absence of overlapping would make the Gini coefficient exactly decomposable. However, in the general case , which means that IGO provides either a negative or a positive revision to intra-group variability IG, respectively for and . This explains how overlapping may affect the within-component. Consider now the definition of the between Gini coefficient. In equation (4), a distinction is made between defines and . The original Pyatt’s (1976) decomposition , by which between inequality is measured considering the covariance between mean incomes and their rank among the distribution of mean incomes of all countries. Thus, in the Pyatt’s decomposition, it is the rank of the mean income of the country that defines between inequality. Alternatively, Yitzhaki and Lerman (1991), provide a version of between inequality based on the covariance between mean incomes and the mean rank of individuals according to their incomes in the country. and More formally, one can define , where is the mean rank of individual incomes in country i in the world income distribution and is the rank of the mean income of country i among the distribution of mean incomes of all countries. When countries are perfectly stratified, for example in the case where all poor individuals live in a country i and all rich individuals live in a country j, there will be no overlapping among distributions. Thus, for each country, the mean rank of individual incomes is equal to the rank of its mean income in the total distribution, which means and then . In this special case, the Pyatt’s Gini decomposition and the ANOGI decomposition gives the same between inequality. In the general case where some incomes overlap, the two ranks differ. This implies that the correlation between the rank of mean incomes and the average rank of incomes is less than 1. In this case, alternatively, , or, .16 In this latter form, the ratio can be used as an indicator of the reduction of between inequality caused by overlapping of incomes across countries , as in the case where one distribution has a low mean rank of It is also worth noting that one can have individuals incomes (e.g., there are many poor individuals), but at the same time, it has a higher mean income because of the presence of few very rich individuals. In this case, the covariance between mean incomes and the mean rank can be negative. See Frick et al. (2006). 16 23 (Milanovic and Yitzhaki, 2002). Thus, for a given Gini coefficient of total inequality, a reduction of must be associated with an increase of overlapping, embodied in the last term of the r.h.s of equation (4), as shown in Frick et al. (2006). 4.3. The inequality of the world income distribution Equipped with these techniques, we now proceed to discuss the ANOGI decomposition for each year with individual countries as benchmark units (table 4). Some points are worth noting. First, total inequality declines, with few exceptions, even though the downward trend is particularly accentuated in the last decade (column (1)). Yet, a Gini coefficient of 0.650 in 2009 is still high by any standard. To get the implications of this number, it is worth recalling that this Gini coefficient would almost correspond to an income distribution where 66 per cent of the population had zero incomes and all incomes were equally divided among the rest of the population (Milanovic and Yitzhaki, 2002). Second, as reported in figure 5 where all series are normalised to the corresponding means, the declining trend of total inequality (the bold line) is the outcome of two different behaviours. On the one hand, between inequality pushes total inequality down, especially since 2000 onwards, an issue already discussed in section 117; on the other hand, within inequality (sGO in column (2)) partially compensates this decline, pushing inequality upward. In absolute values, it is confirmed that the decline of between inequality is larger than the increase of within inequality including the impact of the overlapping term. This is the reason why total inequality declines; yet, it is clear from figure 5 that the mounting distance of within inequality from its mean is larger than the negative distance of between inequality from its mean, which implies that within inequality grows at a faster pace than how between inequality declines. Third, when within inequality is further decomposed to isolate the standard within inequality and the impact of overlapping, one can note that overlapping has a nonnegligible impact on total inequality. To capture the essence of this impact, it is It is worth recalling that the between-Gini of the ANOGI decomposition reported in column (3) is different from the between-Gini calculated in section 1 (which is that in column (6)), for the reasons above discussed. Even though differently calculated, the declining profile of between inequality is however preserved. 17 24 convenient to combine equations (4) and (5) to get . The previous expression suggests that overall within inequality (the left term), can be split in standard within inequality without overlapping (the first term on the right hand side) plus the impact of overlapping on within inequality (the far right term).18 This latter term is calculated by the sum of the contribution of each country i to intra-group inequality times the sum of its overlapping with each other country j weighted by the population of country j. If all countries were perfect strata (i.e. ), then the , which is the exact measure of previous expression would become within inequality provided by the standard Gini decomposition. On the other hand, if income distributions in all countries would perfectly overlap (i.e. ) then: Table 4 (columns (11) and (12)) clearly shows that the two terms have moved in the same direction. As noted before, standard within inequality (column (11)) has increased from 0.015 in 1970 to 0.026 in 2009, with a rapid growth occurred again in the last decade. On the other hand, the most important contribution to total within inequality comes from the increasing impact of overlapping (column (12)). Note, however, that in the last decade, standard within inequality is moving faster than overlapping in shaping within inequality. From 1970 to 2000, indeed, standard within inequality was about 11 per cent of the total within inequality as measured by ANOGI. In the last decade, the percentage has first risen to 11.5 per cent and then peaked at 12.4 per cent in 2009. By simply extrapolating this trend would mean that within inequality is likely to play a more prominent role in total inequality in the near future. It is worth noting that what we call here within inequality without overlapping is the standard within inequality term in the classical Gini decomposition where overlapping is entirely contained in the residual term of that decomposition. 18 25 4.4. The ANOGI decomposition by world regions The same analysis as before is now repeated using world regions as reference units in selected years. Results are reported in table 5. It is worth starting the comments from column (7), the mean rank. Just recall that the mean rank is the expected rank in the world income distribution of an individual living in a given region. This column clearly depicts the persistence of several worlds. Firstly, considering East Asia (which includes China), one can note that in 1970 the mean rank of individuals living in that region was 39.3rd percentile, i.e. well below the median in the world income distribution. In the following years, the mean rank of East Asian people has climbed, rising to the 53.5th percentile in 2009, mainly due to the rapid Chinese growth. The same effect, for example, cannot be noticed for South Central Asia, where a number of populous and still poor countries belong to (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and then Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Maldives). In this case, the average rank of people in the area was 34th percentile in 1970 and still 34.9th percentile in 2009 after a fall to around the 30th percentile in all other years. Thus, even within the fast-growing Asia, there are countries that do not move significantly in forty years relatively to other parts of the world. Secondly, looking at the various partitions of African countries (Central West Africa, East Africa, North Africa and South Africa), there is the clear impression that the continent is losing positions and it has not benefited from the rapid growth occurred elsewhere. In all cases, the average rank of individuals living in Africa (with the exception of North Africa) is lower in 2009 than in 1970. According to our estimates, the rank of Central West African countries would fall from the 33.2nd percentile in 1970 to the 17.3rd percentile in 2009, which means that on average all Central West Africans are relatively poorer now than forty years ago. South African and East African countries are not performing better, while North African countries have recently fallen back below the median. Quite interestingly, South American and Central American countries, that were, on average, well above the median in 1970, have either converged to the median rank (South America) or even fallen below it (Central America), deteriorating their position in the world income distribution. 26 Thirdly, as a world apart, the mean rank of Europe, North America and Oceania, with only one exception in 2000, was always above the 70th percentile of the total ranking, with North European always above the 80th percentile. Thus, with very few exceptions, the dynamics of the world income distribution is slower than it seems, if one makes an exception for China. The same impression can be get by looking at the income shares of different areas over time (column (8)). East Asian countries had 18.5 per cent of total world income in 1970 and have 28 per cent of the same income in 2009. Correspondingly, even the shares of the richest countries (North Americans and North Europeans) have significantly fallen over the period. Given the importance of China in the world income distribution, it is not a case that the Gini coefficient of the East Asian area is always very close to the total Gini (column (1)). A further way of looking at the nature of the regions is to analyse the overlapping index. East Asian countries have overlapping indices that indicate that their distribution mimics the world income distribution. More recently, however, the overlapping index is below 1, which means that these countries form more a stratum now than in the past. This is due to the fact that the Chinese growth partly closes the gap with the richest part of the world and then leaves behind the bulk of poorer countries. One can indeed note from the overlapping column that the richest regions of the world have very low overlapping indices (below 0.5). Especially in North Europe, the overlapping index is extremely low (0.209) which means that, even though not a perfect stratum (as ), North European countries are very far from representing the typical world income distribution. On the other hand, the overlapping index of the South African region, which is always and increasingly above 1, indicates that this region is rather heterogeneous with respect to the world, being more characterised by two separate strata, one richer and the other poorer than the rest of the world. This means that the scatter of ranks of people in South African regions is larger than the scatter of ranks of the rest of the population in the world. In turn, this implies a high Gini index (ranging from 0.65 to above 0.7). Four worlds seems thus to emerge from the analysis. Some Asian regions, involved in a rapid growth; almost all African regions, worsening their conditions; Central and South American regions as well as South Central Asia to some extent preserving their living standards or slightly deteriorating it; North America, North Europe and 27 Oceania in their ‘splendid isolation’. In any case, it is rather impressive that in forty years, almost all regions are stuck where they were in terms of relative positions, with very few exceptions. 4.5. The overlapping matrix As discussed above, the general overlapping index can be obtained by the sum of overlapping indices among pairs of countries. A useful product of the ANOGI decomposition is then the investigation of the matrix . Table 6 reports this information for 1990 and 2009. It is worth recalling that the matrix is not symmetric. Rows represent the region whose distribution is used as the base distribution (region i). Several things can be noted that characterise the existence of different worlds. Consider the matrix for 2009. First, when the richest part of the world is used as a baseline (North America, North Europe and Oceania), one can see that African regions have nothing in common with advanced economies; rather they form almost a perfect stratum with respect to the income distribution of the richest countries. When African regions are used as the baseline, richest countries also form a stratum in many cases, with the caveat that the overlapping indices are usually higher. For example, , where region 5 is Central West Africa and region 10 is North America. The interpretation of these differences is that usually there are relatively more (poor) citizens of the “richest world” in the range of Africa’s distribution, than there are Africans in the range of the income distribution of the richest regions. This is also more clearly seen by comparing the European (region 11) and the East Asian regions (region 1). In this case, =0.187, which means that there are only a few percent of East Asian people that fall into the income range of European countries. On the other hand, =0.898, which means that more Europeans are within the income range of the East Asian distribution. Particularly interesting is then the case where . It is worth recalling that in this case, the scatter of ranks of the income distribution of the base country is larger than the scatter of ranks of the other distribution. In other words, the base country forms two strata, one poorer and one richer than the country whose distribution is compared. It is worth noting that this occurs significantly for South Africa compared with most of the income distribution of other regions, which is 28 another way to capture the large inequality of the income distribution of this region (a Gini coefficient of 0.707). What has changed compared to 1990? Almost nothing, as can be seen in table 6. When the richest part of the world is used as a base, African regions were already a world apart, and South Africa had the same characteristic of having two strata with respect to many regions in the world. That the characteristics of overlapping have not significantly changed across regions, is indirectly supported by a very high correlation coefficient between the columns of the matrix in 1990 and 2009. Interestingly, the lowest correlation appears in the case of the East Asian region, where China is included and where the most significant changes in the income distribution have occurred in the last decade, again a support to the idea that, with very few exceptions, world’s regions are moving slowly along the world income distribution. 4.6. The ranking matrix Table 7 finally shows the average ranking of members of one region in terms of the other, which means that the main diagonal is 0.5 for all regions. Thus, a value greater than 0.5 means that, on average, people in the base region i are richer compared with people in other regions. The opposite occurs for values lower than 0.5. In 2009, it is striking to note, for example, that – on average – people living in North America and in North Europe would rank, respectively, around or above the 95th percentile of the , most African people would rank distributions of all African regions. Since in the lowest decile of the distribution of the richest world. In particular, compared with North America, South African people would rank at the 5.7th percentile (thus, in the middle of the lowest decile), while compared with North Europe, they would rank at the 1.8th percentile of the corresponding income distribution. The same argument holds for all African regions, and even more for Central West and East Africa. It is also interesting to note that, despite the rapid growth of the Chinese economy, the average rank of an East Asian individual in the North European income distribution would be at the 7.7th percentile, which implies that the average rank of a North European would be at the 92.3rd percentile. Some African regions would instead perform better compared with Asian and Latin America regions (Central and South 29 America). In particular, the average rank of a North African in the East Asian distribution would be at the 45.2nd percentile, which increases to the 70.5th percentile when considering the distribution of the South Central Asian region. The main reason is that even though the average income of this region is higher than the average income in North Africa, in South Central Asia there are masses of people in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan that have a very low rank in the world income distribution. This same rank would be 53.9th percentile in Central America and 41.9th percentile in South America. Quite strikingly, the situation was again almost the same in 1990. The position of North American and North European people with respect to all African regions were already above the 95th percentile. The Chinese growth, however, has had an impact, as in 1990 the average rank of an East Asian individual in the North European distribution was at the 4.6th percentile; while North African people have slightly climbed positions compared to Latin America (Central and South America). Again, the fact that average ranks have not changed significantly across regions, is indirectly supported by a very high correlation coefficient between the columns of the matrix in 1990 and 2009. Thus, in the last decade, China moves fast but the rest of the world does not move significantly. 4.7. The concentration of world income All indicators go in the direction of suggesting a large concentration of world income in the hands of few people. As a final synthetic outcome, figure 6 shows the Lorenz curve of the world distribution in the initial and in the final year of our analysis (1970 and 2009). Two things are worth noting. The first is that world income is slightly less concentrated now than it was in 1970. The second is that income is still largely concentrated in the hands of few people, which may incidentally opens the debate on how the alleged benefits of the globalization wave have spread across countries or world’s regions. The coordinates of the Lorenz curve reveals that in 1970, 80 per cent of the population owned 23.7 per cent of income. After forty years, the same percentage of population still owns less than 31 per cent of total income. As a consequence, the top 10 per cent of the population still owns about 50 per cent of the 30 world income. Even worse, the bottom 20 per cent of the population has also slightly worsen its position, as in 2009 the corresponding share of income (1.48 per cent) is less than the share they owned in 1970 (1.51 per cent). To this purpose, the first panel of table 8 shows the evolution of the income shares at the bottom and at the top decile from 1970 to 2009 at five-year intervals. It is clear that the share of the top decile has been slightly eroded, a fact that is partially responsible for the dominance of the 2009 Lorenz curve in figure 6. On the other hand, the share of the bottom decile has also been eroded. In percentage terms, the income share of the poorest people has declined by more than 21 per cent, while the income share of the richest people has only declined by less than 10 per cent. As argued above, world income remains largely concentrated, as Gini coefficients above 0.65 would be considered intolerable in any single country. Furthermore, the second panel of table 8 shows the frequency of incomes in the bottom and in the top decile for each continent between 1970 and 2009. In the bottom decile, a great composition change has taken place between African and Asian people. In 1970, 68.5 per cent of people in the bottom decile were from Asian countries; in 2009, this percentage has fallen to 35.8. Conversely, in 2009, the share of African people falling in the bottom decile has more than doubled (60.1 per cent against 28.3 per cent). However, while Asian people have doubled its presence in the top decile (from 13.6 to 27 per cent), African people are still virtually absent. 5. Robustness of results 5.1. Comparisons with other studies How reliable are our results? As any study that involves estimation procedures (at least partially) it is useful to compare its performance with other available results. Figure 7 proposes this comparison with both studies showing a sufficient series of data and studies with scattered evidence on Gini coefficients. The top graph of figure 7 reports the comparison between our estimates (for both total and between inequality) and those studies with long time series (Sala-i-Martin, 2006; Pinkovskiy and Sala-iMartin, 2009). With regard to total inequality, the recent paper by Pinkovskiy and 31 Sala-i-Martin (2009) (henceforth PS) gives the profile identified by the white box until 2006. As clearly visible, our estimates (the continuous line) give a higher level of total inequality, yet the declining profile strongly mimics the PS estimations, with the possible exception of the second half of the Nineties. We think that the main reason for this discrepancy is that our estimates are based on PWT 7.0, at 2005 international dollars, while PS estimations are based on PWT 6.2, evaluated at 2000 international dollars. As argued by Milanovic (2010), the recent revision of PPP, which has changed the GDP estimates for China and India, may entail substantially higher inequalities than previously thought. By a different strategy, our results confirm this impression, even though our Gini coefficients for 2002 and 2005 are slightly lower than those measured by Milanovic (2010; table 4). It is worth noting that changing the reference year for the calculation of PPP converted per capita GDP may cause discrepancies also in the past. In figure 7, around year 2000, the between inequality estimated by Sala-i-Martin (2006), on the basis of 1996 international dollars, is higher than total inequality estimated in PS at 2000 international dollars. Levels are thus important in this kind of analysis, but the analysis of trends may give relatively more reliable outcomes, given that revisions of data are frequent. For example, with regard to between inequality, our estimates shows lower values compared with Sala-i-Martin (2006), but again the profile until 2000 is almost identical. The different number of countries covered (138 countries in Sala-iMartin, 2006) does not significantly affect the levels of between-country inequality.19 In the bottom graph of figure 7, the comparison is made among our estimates (the continuous lines) and the available scattered points in other studies (Firebaugh, 1999; Korzeniewicz and Moran, 1997; Dikhanov and Ward, 2001; Berry et al., 1983; Chotikapanich et al., 1997). Given the small number of points, it is hard to identify any reasonable profile; yet, it seems that the only divergent series, compared to our estimates, is that reported by Korzeniewicz and Moran (1997), which is however divergent also with respect to other studies. Unfortunately, no comparable series of within inequality are available that may validate our estimates of both the standard within inequality and the overlapping factor. Two point estimates of within inequality are available in Milanovic (2002), where within inequality is calculated at 0.013 both in 1988 and in 1993, against our Data are not reported in the graph, but the calculation repeated with the same countries as in Sala-i-Martin (2006) does not alter the results. 19 32 almost identical 0.014 in 1988 and 0.013 in 1993. It is worth noting that this similarity is however achieved with a different number of countries (91 in Milanovic, 2002; 164 in 1988 and 186 in 1993 in the present study). This can be explained by the fact that despite the number of missing countries in Milanovic (2002), they may represent a smaller share of both total population and income, which means that their combined weight and contribution to within inequality is small. 5.2. Sensitivity of results to different values of Gini coefficients A second important sensitivity test concerns the WIDER Gini coefficients used as anchors. A natural question to ask is whether a change of the anchors may change the measurement of within inequality. This issue has been already partially addressed above, where within inequality was measured once by the series of Gini coefficients estimated on the basis of the anchors, and a second time by the full series of simulated Gini coefficients estimated by (1), without any significant change of the inequality profile. Here, we investigate whether a change of the dataset on Gini coefficients may significantly affect the results. To this regard, some alternatives can be explored. First, the Texas Inequality Project Database (TIPD) is taken, where the Gini coefficients refer to gross household income inequality computed from a regression analysis between DS inequality measures and the UTIP-UNIDO pay inequality measures, controlling for the source characteristics in DS and for the share of manufacturing in total employment. TIPD uses international datasets for global comparisons (e.g., UNIDO’s Industrial Statistics) as well as regional and national datasets for Europe, Russia, China, India, and the US, and provides 3200 country-year pairs, more dense and consistent that in the DS dataset, and reported to be homogeneous for Europe, North America and South America, even though highly heterogeneous for Asia. Available TIPD Gini coefficients, according to the methodology proposed in section 2, have been included in the fixed effect estimation of equation (1) and the full analysis replicated. Missing Gini coefficients, as before, are filled with the predictions of the regression. Figure 8 reports the path of the estimated within inequality with TIPD, compared with the previous estimation with WIDER and the set of fully simulated Gini coefficients. Even though at a different scale, within inequality with TIPD Gini 33 coefficients follows the same increasing trend, especially in the last decade. The fact that TIPD Gini coefficients are based on global pay, which is expected to be just one of the many possible income sources, may partially explain some divergence of this estimation compared with the use of the WIDER dataset. In any case, the increasing trend does not depend on the specific source of data, and this confirms the robustness of our procedure, at least to track the evolution of inequality over time. As a further robustness test, the SWIID database by Solt (2009) has been taken as a reference for Gini coefficients, and the results drawn in figure 9 by world’s regions for the period 1975-2005 (the time span where full comparability is assured).20 The comparison between figures 4 and 9 shows negligible differences in levels and no differences in trend. Note that when using the SWIID database, no imputation of missing Gini coefficients is done; thus, the estimation of within inequality is not affected by the possible weaknesses of the regression analysis. Yet, results are fully comparable with those obtained by our methodology. 5.3. Income shares by quantiles As a further sensitivity analysis of our estimation, one can take the comparison between the decile shares as reported in WIDER and the decile shares resulting from our estimated world income distribution. Unfortunately, decile shares are not frequently available; among the most recent years, a meaningful comparison can be made for year 2000, yet with a limited number of countries (56). Figure 10 reports, for each available country, the graph of the difference between the income shares actually imputed to each decile and the income shares estimated with our procedure. A positive bar means that WIDER income shares are greater than those resulting from our estimates; the opposite is true with a negative bar. As can be easily seen, all diagrams report very small differences, if one makes exception for specific countries at the top of the income distribution. To some extent, this is an expected outcome, as the lognormal distribution fits the actual income distribution more satisfactorily at lower and central levels, while it is less precise at the upper tails (Majumder and Chakravarty, 1990). After 2005, the Gini coefficient of China is not available in SWIID, which makes meaningless any investigation of within inequality. 20 34 Provided that there is no certainty that the WIDER income shares give the correct information, Chile (CHL), Colombia (COL), Mexico (MEX) and South Africa (ZAF) are cases where our world income distribution underestimates the income share of the top decile; Romania (ROM), Austria (AUT), Hungary (HUN) and Ireland (IRL) are instead cases of overestimation, which means that the error is not systematic. In all cases, these countries represent a small share of the world population; thus, discrepancies at the top decile are not likely to significantly affect the general outcome. Furthermore, the fact that all countries’ distribution are in this paper estimated with the same homogeneous method makes the results overall more stable, compared with the case where income shares are captured by national surveys or estimated. Support to the quality but also caveats for our assumption also arise from the comparisons reported in table 9. For example, our simulated world income distribution fits pretty well with the results obtained by Milanovic (2010) for 2005 using national household surveys. The only notable discrepancy is the different distribution of income shares between the eightieth and the tenth decile. The underestimation of this latter decile is partially spread over the lower deciles, with the effect of possibly underestimate total inequality. However, our estimation of the income share of the top ventile is not far from Milanovic’s one, and the aggregate income share of the top three decile is underestimated by just 2 percentage points (82.1 instead of 84.1). Comparisons with other studies are also described in table 9. Discrepancies among these studies and our estimates are not huge, especially with more recent studies (Morrisson and Murtin, 2011; Ortiz and Cummins, 2011) and surely not greater than discrepancies that sometimes arise among different studies in the same year, as in Chotikapanich et al. (1997) and Korzeniewicz and Moran (1997), for both 1980 and 1990. To some extent, discrepancies arise because methods are different, the quality of data is imperfect in all cases, and it is not always clear whether the distribution by quantiles is obtained by referring to the PPP converted per capita GDP or to a measure of GDP valued at market exchange rates. Beyond these discrepancies, all data in table 9 converge to show an impressive invariance of the world income distribution, where about 75 per cent of income is in the hands of 30 per cent of the population and more than 50 per cent of world income is in the hands of the top 10 per cent, forty years ago as well as in more recent times, 35 despite the recent and rapid growth of some Asian countries and the alleged benefits of the globalisation wave. 5.4. Purchasing power parity converted GDP and GDP at current prices It is well known that the use of PPP converted per capita GDP with the GearyKhamis (GK) method introduces a systematic substitution bias, as it values the GDP of each country at average international prices by ignoring local consumers’ ability to shift towards local cheaper goods (Dowrick and Akmal, 2005). Since price and quantities structures may be very different across countries – especially in the poorest countries – the use of PPP converted GDP (PGDP) may underestimate inequality when prices become more dissimilar across countries. On the other hand, the most used alternative based on per capita GDP at current prices and market exchange rates (CGDP), may understate the real incomes of the poorest economies. Indeed, market exchange rates are more likely to equate prices in the traded sector, introducing a nontraded sector bias. Since this latter sector is likely to be more important in less developed countries, the use of current prices undervalues the domestic purchasing power of poor countries, which overstates inequality. Measuring between inequality with PGDP and with CGDP may thus lead to opposite conclusions. By hypothesis, if the price structure across countries would become more dissimilar, PGDP would show lower inequality, while CGDP would show higher inequality (Dowrick and Akmal, 2005; 204), which may lead to contradictory outcomes. The issue of what series should be used is basically unresolved, but there is the impression that the overestimation of inequality using CGDP can be much stronger than the underestimation of inequality implied by PGDP, which is an argument for sticking to PGPD data (e.g., Melchior, 2001). For the sake of completeness, figure 11 reports the two series of betweeninequality. The PGDP series is that already used in section 1. The fact that CGDP lies over PGDP in the whole period and slightly diverges from the beginning of the Eighties until around 2000, could be a signal that, in that period, the price structure has become more dissimilar. This divergence confirms the intuition by Dowrick and Akmal (2000) that the use of different series may make inequality to appear increasing 36 or declining, giving contradictory outcomes. It is also consistent with the findings of Melchior et al. (2000), where the unadjusted series shows a greater level of inequality than the PGDP series, with diverging trend from 1980 to around 1993 (see also Korzeniewicz and Moran, 1997). In our calculations, this effect seems to disappear after 2000, supporting the conjecture that the similarity (or dissimilarity) in the price structure is not fundamental to shape inequality trends in the last decade. Again, in the last decade, levels may differ, but – according to the series used – the trend is common. 5.5. Population structure The declining trend of inequality in the last decade so far observed may actually be caused either by a realignment of per capita GDP or by a faster population growth in richer countries (compared with the poorer countries) or by both factors. Thus, a natural question to ask is whether the population growth from 1970 to 2009 may have to some extent affected our estimates. Figure 12 reports the estimated between inequality with actual population (the continuous line), the estimated between inequality by assuming that all countries have in all years the population of 1970 (the line with black circles) and the estimated between inequality by assuming that all countries have in all years the population of 2009 (the line with white triangles). The outcome suggests to exclude that a different distribution of the population among countries may have significantly affected the path of between inequality. In particular, the close behaviour of all lines reveals that the changed population distribution between richer and poorer countries did not affect inequality (see also Milanovic, 2005), which means that the declining trend of inequality can be almost fully imputed to the realignment of PPP converted per capita GDP. 5.6. Rural and urban China Last but not least, it is worth addressing the role of China in shaping world inequality. As the biggest country, China has wide differences among rural and urban areas, in terms of both mean income and income growth. This issue is not without potential 37 consequences for both between and within inequality. On the one hand, if rural China has a lower mean income than the country average, this can contribute to a greater between world inequality. On the other hand, if the income distribution of each area is relatively more homogeneous, their Gini coefficients should be lower than the Gini coefficient of the overall country, which means that measured within inequality could be lower. In order to take into account this problem, according to our methodology, one must have information on the distribution of population among areas as well as on the size of the corresponding mean incomes. This is enough to recalculate between inequality. With regard to within inequality, Gini coefficients of rural and urban areas are also required. Table 10 reports the essential data for this analysis, which now spans from 1981 to 2009, and are mostly based on the series of mean incomes reported in Chen and Ravallion (2007) until 2001, on Chow (2006) for 2002 and 2003, on Yang et al. (2010) for 2004 and 2005 and on other official data from 2006 to 2009, on the series of rural and urban Gini coefficients as calculated in Chen et al. (2010), and on extrapolations of Gini coefficients from 2007 to 2009. With this information, the previous procedure can be replicated assuming that urban China and rural China are two different countries, in order to obtain two separate distributions. As a test for the correspondence of these distributions with other empirical evidence, the far right panel of table 10 reports data on the cumulative percentages of income in both urban and rural areas available in Gustafsson et al. (2008) for 2002 – columns (9) and (11) – and according to our estimates in the same year – columns (10) and (12). The similarities between available data and our estimates are striking, which is further support to the power of the methodology. Figure 13 reports the outcome of the analysis for both between and within inequality. In the top graph, as expected, measured between inequality is slightly higher when China is split in two parts, and the distance with respect to between inequality when China is a single country is more pronounced in recent times, which is mostly due to the enlarged gap between rural and urban mean incomes. Indeed, rural China includes a mass of people that is poorer than the average country; urban China, instead, includes a mass of people whose income grow even faster than that of relatively poor countries. Overall, however, the differences are not dramatic and the trend of inequality is basically the same. 38 In the bottom graph of figure 13, one can instead note that by splitting rural and urban China, within inequality maintains its increasing trend, but the level is significantly lower. This is easily explained by the fact that both urban and rural China have Gini coefficients that are below the Gini coefficient of the whole country. Thus, when weighted by population and income shares, their contribution to within inequality declines. In any case, it is worth remarking again that even after controlling for rural and urban China, between inequality declines, while within inequality increases. 6. Conclusions Our analysis shows some insightful facts. First, between inequality is experimenting an unprecedented decline in the last decade. Even though the bulk of this decline is due to the performance of China and other Asian countries, we have shown that a (weaker) declining trend survives even when these countries are excluded from the analysis. Second, within inequality, in the last decade, is increasing and almost all of its growing relevance is led by the increased level of inequality within China. As a consequence, total inequality receives two contrasting inputs. On the one hand, the powerful convergence force associated to the reduction of the Chinese gap with richer countries; on the other hand, the powerful divergence force associated both to the enlargement of the Chinese gap with poorer countries and to the greater weight of the Chinese within inequality. Third, apart from this fundamental role played by China, the world distribution of income forty years ago does not appear fundamentally changed in most recent times. African countries had and still have nothing in common with advanced economies. In 1970 as well as in 2009, they form almost a perfect stratum with respect to the distribution of income of the richest part of the world and most African people would rank in the lowest decile of the distribution of the richest world now as well as forty years ago. Fourth, the fact that total inequality has slightly declined is not necessarily an indicator that world resources are better shared. 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