
Dear Parents,

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Dear Parents,
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Modern World History and thank you for your investment into your child’s
education at Murrieta Mesa High School. I would like to introduce myself Christy Poia and
invite you to our “Back to School Night” that is being held on Monday August 25th, starting at
6:00pm. Please be sure to obtain a copy of your child’s schedule so that you may meet all of
his/her teachers. My classroom is in Heritage Hall room 203. On the panel next to the door it
will read D203- Mrs. Poia. I look forward to the opportunity of meeting many parents.
This week we are beginning our first week of instruction and are covering the
“Developments in Democracy” highlighting the struggle for democracy in various regions of
the world. It serves as our connecting point of ancient and modern world history. I welcome
you to follow your child’s participation in these subjects by accessing our class page.
The url for our Haiku webpage is
It is an open page that can be also accessed by selecting the Teachers Tab within the Mesa
homepage. As usual, grades can be checked using Aeires.Net.
I anticipate an excellent start to the school year and look forward to finding a groove
quickly. I encourage all students to find ways to get plugged in whether it is through
participation in activities on campus, a wide array of clubs, or even athletics. This is truly what
makes Mesa special: the desire to foster avenues where all students can achieve success and
live their passion! Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year!
Go Rams!
Christy Poia
[email protected]
(951) 677-0568 x6203
Fly UP