
SIGHT GLASS Reflecting the RSES Auxiliary Activities

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SIGHT GLASS Reflecting the RSES Auxiliary Activities
Reflecting the RSES Auxiliary Activities
Volume 61 issue 2
April 2012
This issue featuring award photos from the 2011 RSES Annual
International Conference held in Norfolk, Virginia
“ Make Life Worthwhile”
International RSESA Officers and Board of Directors
Patricia McCarthy
Holly Friedman
7500 Terry Court
28 Thelma CT
N Richland Hills,
Colonia, NJ 07067
TX 76180
817-281-5292 (H)
817-994-3705 (C)
Gail Paschal
Ray Clary
5412 Milford RD
2410 Jewett Drive
Greensboro, NC 27405 Richmond, VA 23228
336-375-8773 (H)
Barbara Frase
1722 Pine Tree DR
Edgewater, FL 32132
Bonnie Johnson
3303 S. Birch
Norfolk, NE 68701
402-649-9303 (H)
Denise Ziegelbein
8216 Lohman RD
Lohman, MO 65053
573-690-0881 (C)
573-782-6675 (H)
Terry Hollander
1837 61st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Sandy Ralston
7019 Hadley
Overland Park, KS
913-722-1328 (H)
Darlene Baker
1606 Theodore RD
Rising Sun, MD 21911
410-303-1623 (C)
For the year 2010-2011
Lyn Sherman
May Stewart
2742 Kathleen Street
4604 Olympia Ave
Riverside, CA 92506 Beltsville, MD 20705
951-315-7589 (C)
Lynn Hoke
Karen Krepcik
21 Laurel CT
3308 Dominion Ave
South Elgin, IL 60177
Norfolk, VA 23518
847-742-4377 (H)
757-588-1358 (H)
847-721-7325 (C)
757-831-1115 (C)
Email addresses:
Darlene Baker
Susan Eckstein
Barbara Frase
Holly Friedman
Terry Hollander
Lynn Hoke
Bonnie Johnson
Karen Krepcik
Pat McCarthy
Gail Paschal
Sandy Ralston
Lyn Sherman
Diane Smith
Irene Thompson
Denise Ziegelbein
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
We look forward to seeing everyone
in Charleston, South Carolina for the
2012 RSES International Conference.
Mary Lou and Lloyd Waitschies
Table of Contents
International board off directors and Officers Addresses
Email addresses
Table of contents
List of Contributors
North Carolina ……….. Letter from Vice president, Gail Paschal
California…Letter from Lyn Sherman, Officers Activity Chairlady
Award photos from the 2011 RSES Annual International Conference
Ad: Dallas Chapter Region 10
New Jersey…… Letter from May Stewart, Post Mistress
Texas RSESA International President, Pat McCarthy
Ad: Bob Sherman, CM , RSES International Past President
Ad: Mid West Association Auxiliary Region 9
Recap of 2011 International annual RSES Conference activities
Ad: St Louis Gateway Chapter Region 9
Ad: Harlan “Skip” Krepcik, CMS and Karen Krepcik
Ad: Niagara Frontier Chapter Region 2
Ad: Garden State Chapter Region 3
Missouri…..Letter form the Treasurer, Denise Ziegelbien
General Business Meeting from November 2011
Fifes and drums photo of the continental Color Guard
Ads: Triad Chapter Region 4
Ad: Virginia Chapter One Region 4
Virginia…... Sargent at arms, Ray Clary, CMS
Ad: Empire Keystone Association RSES Region 2
Ad: The Great Midwest RSES Region 9
Ad: Metropolitan New York Chapter Region 2
Ad: Tidewater Chapter of Virginia Region 4
AD: RSES Headquarters
RSES International President & RSESA International Officers photos
In Memory
Ad: Mid Southeast Regional Association Region 4
Visit south Carolina …. SAVE THE DATE…...
Missouri Thank you…….Bob & Diane on their way to Recovery
Kansas…… Letter from Director of Membership, Sandy Ralston
Ad: FIRE ICE Mechanical Kurt and Lisa Eggert
Ad: Middle Tennessee Chapter RSES Region 7
Ad: UMRA Region 11
Please update your Records
Pay your dues * Current Address
1 8/19
Special Thanks to Our Contributors
We auxiliary members would like to thank those who have helped
sponsor this edition with their ads. We are able to share the activities and news of the Regional and International Members do to
your support. For those who may not of been able to attend the different Conferences we hope this newsletter will give you updated
information. Recognitions go to the following who have contributed to this issue.
Dallas Chapter Region 10
FIRE ICE Mechanical Kurt and Lisa Eggert
Empire Keystone Association RSES Region 2
Garden State Chapter Region 3
Harlan “Skip” Krepcik, CMS and Karen Krepcik Region 4
Metropolitan New York Chapter Region 2
Mid-Southeast Region 4
Mid-West Auxiliary Region 9
Middle Tennessee Chapter RSES Region 7
Niagara Frontier Chapter Region 2
RSES Region 9
RSES Headquarters
Robert “Bob” Sherman, CM RSES International President
St. Louis Gateway Region 9
Tidewater Chapter of VA Region 4
Triad Chapter NC Region 4
UMRA Region 11
Virginia Chapter 1 Region 4
The “Sight Glass” is a publication that keeps RSES Auxiliary members
up to date on officers and chapter activities. With the support of our
advertisers we are able to publish three issues a year and offer them to
our members for $10.00 a year. There are three Ad sizes offered now;
a business card size for $100; a half page for $200; or a Full page AD
for $300. Checks are to be made out to RSESA Treasurer and mailed
to; Karen Krepcik, Sight Glass Editor at 3308 Dominion Ave, Norfolk,
Virginia 23518.
Hello Everyone,
We’ve really had a busy Spring here in North Carolina.
All the flowers bloomed earlier than normal and the strawberry season came earlier, also. Yum!! In March, we
went to Round Rock, Texas for the SWRA Conference. It
was a wonderful trip. They really put together a great
conference. We hope to visit them again in the future.
We took a trip to the beach at the end of March. We also
took a bus trip to The Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia with some
friends. It has an underground bunker that was built during the Cold War
era to house the President, Vice-President and Congress in the event of an
attack. It was never used for that purpose and is now offered as a tour option at the resort. I am definitely my Mother’s child, I have to get outside
and work. She is 87 and still mows her yard and I hope I can say the
same at that age. We have been really busy cleaning up storm debris,
mowing grass, pruning shrubbery, cutting wood, etc. but still make time
to play with Vegas and Tyler. Vegas is in dance class one day a week and
goes to day care 3 days. Tyler is not in day care and loves to spend mornings with Memaw and Gaga. They are so much fun and oh the questions
they ask now. I have been doing a little catch up work on my genealogy
project. We have played music at several events so far this year. Some
for senior citizens, some for church, played for a wedding, and played and
sang for a fundraiser at a drug and alcohol rehab center. Hope everyone
has a wonderful summer. Do something outside, it’s good for the soul.
Gail Paschal, International Vice-President
Be sure to submit your nominations
for the Awards “Make Life Worthwhile”
Did you know… In the Twelfth century Men were the
first to wear the apron as hygienic, protective wear.
Hello from sunny Lake Havasu,
Spring break is in full swing here with the usual complaints from the locals about crowds, misbehaving college students etc although they love
the money they spend. Overall the spring break crowds are much less of a
problem than the snowbirds who just left according to the police blotter in
the local paper. That’s what we get for having great weather all year,
luckily the two crowds like two different seasons or we could be in real
We had fun seeing everyone again in Norfolk. Skip, Karen and their team
did a great job. Thanks to them and RSES Staff for all your hard work.
Since returning we have been busy with our granddaughter Lyndsey who
is a great swimmer competing for the Lake Havasu Stingrays. We have
just completed regional finals (a bronze medal in 50 yard freestyle) and
state finals where she did well for her first state competition. In between
the regional & state finals we were in Texas for the Southwest Region
Conference. We had a wonderful time and got to see our Texas friends
and a few they have acquired or adopted. ( Ray, John & May)
Next week we’re off to Phoenix for our CARSES Regional Conference.
Then its off to Las Vegas for the first swim meet of the Long Course
Swim season.
Now for a little RSESA business, as director of Officer’s activities is my
job to prepare the President’s scrapbook. Being a two time past president
I have really enjoyed reviewing the memories in both of my books and I
know that Pat has enjoyed hers also. Please send me any pictures you
have from your conferences if Pat visited you and a letter from yourself to
be included. You do not have to be a member of the Board to send an
item for her book. You may email them to me at [email protected] or
mail them to me at 2742 Kathleen St, Riverside, CA 92506. I look forward
to hearing from you.
Hope all of you have survived the bad weather and are
now on track for Spring and Summer as well as making plans to go to Charleston in November.
Lyn Sherman, Officers Activities
Member of the Year Mac McCarthy
Be sure to submit
for the Awards
your nominations
“Make Life Worthwhile”
hot3rdcm @hotmail.com
FROM MAY STEWART, Secret Pal Postmistress
Thank you to all participants of the Secret Pal project
who have sent me your cards. So far we are up to date.
John and I attended the SWRA conference at the beginning of March in Round Rock, Texas. This was a well
attended seminar, so well in fact that for a couple of the
programs all seats were filled! John was not able to attend one of the seminars due to the lack of room but it
was a bit gratifying to see so many young participants there. Also, the
exhibits were well displayed and attended.
Unfortunately John caught some Texas "bug" and has been battling
this cough for several weeks now, but he is improving thank goodness.
Perhaps the next time he will listen to his wife and get the medication
prior to the trip. What was sort of odd though was that he called his
doctor's office for an appointment as soon as we arrived home and then
it was cancelled because the doctor became ill!
It was great to see so many members at the conference and renew "old"
acquaintances, the emphasis not being on our ages but long-time
friends. Thanks for all who organized the conference, if I mention
some I will leave out others and then feelings will be hurt!
May Stewart
Please update your Records
Current Address * Pay your dues
Hello to all from sunny, warm Texas. The weather has
been so crazy in Texas and the mid-west the last few weeks.
We were very lucky in my neighborhood that the tornadoes
missed us. One tornado was headed our way but turned a
little to the right and hit Arlington and did so much damage.
Now I hear the mid-west really got hit hard this past week
end. I hope all of our members and their families are OK.
The scary part is that we still have at least another month of
really stormy weather ahead of us. Hopefully the worst is over for a while.
Since last issue, I attended my own region conference (SWRA) in Round
Rock, TX ( close to Austin). We had a great time and we were very lucky
to have a lot of guest that attended the conference. Let me see, if I remember all of their names. Linda and Fred Townsend from CA, Lyn and Bob
Sherman from AZ, Gail and Tommy Paschal from NC, Larry Donaldson
from FL Barbara Frase from FL, Ray Clary and his parents Mary and
Thornton Clary from Va. and May and John Stewart from Md. We always
enjoy our guest at SWRA and I hope you will all return again to see us.
Course I have to work at our conference as I'm still the SWRA Auxiliary
Treasurer. Mac and I also take care of the hospitality room for the conference. This year I had a lot of help with baking the desserts from Jill
Campbell. She is a great asset to our auxiliary and I have plans for her, I
just have to get her to start coming to International. Mac was awarded the
SWRA Lifetime Achievement Award which was quite an honor for him.
I sent Karen a picture of the special "roast" Gail Paschal did to him.
Thanks for Ray Clary we were able to sneak a few things from Mac's past
to help her. What a treat!
A week later we left Texas and drove in the worst rain possible on Interstate 30 to Tunica, Ms. We stayed and played for 2 days then drove to St
Louis. We stayed 2 nights at the Harrah’s casino. This was a great casino. One of largest non-smoking areas I've seen in the US and the machines paid off. I didn't win a lot but I won. On Thurs morning we drove to
the hotel where the Mid-West Region had their conference. I really enjoyed the conference and they didn't make me work! On Friday we visited
a Tea room where we had a really nice lunch. Then Fri night I got to attend
my first Mid West White Elephant auction. I had so much fun and contributed to the Auxiliary funds. If you ever go to Mid-West conference be prepared for a great time and many, many laughs on Friday night. On Sat we
had a special treat and had lunch prepared by one of the members daughter. What a lovely house and the lunch was so very good. I sure can't
imagine a bunch of ladies showing up at my son's house for lunch. She
was such a great hostess and I hoping one of the Mid-West sends in an
article with her name. (As you all know the first thing to go is memory
when we get older) Not only did the young lady make lunch for eleven
ladies, she ran a St. Patrick's day race that morning and she has a baby
due in August. (To be that young again) I then was honored to swear in
the new officers for 2012. Oh yes, before going to lunch, we went to the
Ronald McDonald house for a visit and dropped off a lot of items for the
house given by the members. I just want to let all the Mid-West members know how much Mac and I enjoyed ourselves. I hope to go back
next year.
I don't know if I will get to attend another area conference. For one
thing, no one has invited me, so sad. Now our business has picked up so
I couldn't go to another until Sept or Oct. I sure would like to have gone
to another conference but I have really enjoyed the two I was able to attend.
Here is April, today was the last day to file out 2011 taxes, now maybe
we can settle down for the work ahead for the summer. Our business
has picked up finally. Really a little early this year as it turned warmer
a little earlier than normal. Some say this means a hot, hot summer.
I would like to see it hot enough for business to be good but not hot
enough to make all of us miserable.
Time for us to begin thinking of the next year for the Auxiliary. I think
Ray Clary says it very well in his article (please read) I plan on contacting the conference chair lady and see what is in the area for our support
as we do each year at the conference. I also am wondering if we want
classes to Thursday or Friday or if we just want to be tourist this time as
the hotel is going to have a shuttle on Thursday, Friday and Saturday for
us to go into the town of Charleston. I understand there is much to see
and do in the area. What do you think, members? Please start making
plans to attend, I know November is a long way off but it will be here
before we realize it. I would love to see a really good turn out in
Charleston. Norfolk was such fun and I do really enjoy seeing all
the auxiliary members and spouses and friends at the International Conferences. The older I get, the more important that is to me!
Stay well, until next issue
Pat McCarthy, International RSESA President
The important use of aprons was to protect the dress
underneath, it was easier to wash aprons than dresses
since they used less material, but along with that, it
served many duties as well. In the Nineteenth century
Cooks began turning the apron to hide the stains before
washing. On the farm the apron was used for carrying
all sorts of vegetables from the garden, to hold apples
that had dropped from the trees and even used to carry
eggs gathered from the hen house. Aprons were used as
a potholders for removing hot pans from the oven. And
when in need to wipe away tears from a small child.
Even George Washington wore an apron on occasion.
No Bake Cookie Contest
On lookers wait anxiously to
test the finished products!
Using no recipe these gals came up with
some great tasting cookies. Having limited
ingredients and just a few supplies to share, I
think that there
were definitely
some prize winning cookies created at the
No Bake Cookie Contest
on Thursday afternoon at
the International Conference held at Norfolk, VA!
ry in Norf
Although these guys did not
participate in the cookie contest,
They were prepared as always
for kitchen duty following the
close of the hospitality room in
the evenings.
A special thanks, for all you do
whether it’s at International or
Regional. We appreciate your
Niagara frontier CHAPTER, RSES
Region 2
Proudly Supports The
We appreciate all the support they give to
“Compliments of ”
“Better Service Through Knowledge"
Wow, I can’t believe it is time to write another article
for the Sight Glass. It seems as if I just wrote one, oh
yeah, that was three months ago. Well, we are on the
road again, and as always this seems like the best
time for me to stop and write my article. As Keith
and I drive west to our daughter’s home in Rapid
City, SD we have our eyes to the sky because there
are Severe Storm and Tornado Watch /Warnings, issued. It appears to be
the nature of the Spring season in the Midwest and some pretty awesome
We are headed West because we get the privilege of taking
care of our granddaughter, Elliana for 5 days while her parents
are on a cruise that Nikol qualified for through Pampered Chef.
I hope we are ready to babysit a 20 month old. It has been a
long time since we had a little one and the first time for Elliana
to be away from her Mom for any longer than a few hours.
Our grandsons are growing so fast and they would spend all of their time
outside if they could. Baby Brayden
is already trying to keep up with big
brother Brice. Brice is helping plant
a garden and he also has some baby
chicks to help care for.
Treasurer Information -- I would like to apologize for all that did not receive their membership cards in a timely manner after paying dues either at
Conference or when they were mailed to me. I had prepared several for
mailing and during one of my paper shuffles the letters were
misfiled. Hopefully, by the time this article is published all
have received their cards. If you haven’t received yours please
send me an email. Also I will be mailing out reminder postcards within the next few weeks to members that we haven’t heard from in
the last two years.
Be sure to submit your nominations
for the Awards “Make Life Worthwhile”
With the postage fees continuing to rise, I am wondering
how many of the membership would be just as happy
receiving the Sight Glass as a PDF via email. I for one
would rather receive mine in this matter and then maybe
we could use our funds in assisting members attend International. What do you think??? Let us on the Board
know your thoughts.
Till the next time – Denise Z
Denise Ziegelbein, RSESA International Treasurer
8216 E Lohman Rd, Lohman, MO 65053
Email:[email protected]
Cell phone: 573-690-0881
The following RSES members passed the CM exam and were awarded
CM status: Lawrence G. Kauffmann, CM, of the Cowtown Chapter, Fort
Worth, Texas; Andrew C. Thompson, CM, of the San Gabriel Chapter,
Georgetown, Texas; Allen Smith, Jr., CM, of the Greater Chicago Chapter,
Chicago; Perry E. Anderson, CM, of the Central Arizona Chapter, Phoenix;
and Louis E. Pajdak, CM, of the Camden Chapter, Camden, N.J.
The following RSES members passed a CMS exam and were awarded
CMS status: Jaroy A. Roberts, CMS, of the Permian Basin Chapter,
Odessa, Texas and Mark L. Wood, CMS, of the Red River Chapter, Fargo,
N.D., passed the CMS exam in HVACR Electrical; and Burt Wallace,
CMS, of the Rose City Chapter, Tyler, Texas and Jeff D. Kukert, CMS,
of the Red River Chapter, Fargo, N.D., passed the CMS exam in Domestic
John Clark will be celebrating
his 90th Birthday in June
Cards of congratulations will reach
him at; 809 Honeysuckle DR.
Olathe, KS 66061
RSESA 70th Annual Conference
General Business Meeting – Norfolk, Virginia
November 4, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 9:49 am by President Holly Friedman.
Historian, Barbara Frase led us in the RSESA prayer and The Pledge of
Allegiance. The Canadian and American National Anthems were presented.
Roll call was taken. All were present, with the exception of Bonnie
Johnson and Irene Thompson, who were excused.
Conference Chairlady, Karen Krepcik, welcomed everyone and reported
on the events of the conference.
President Friedman welcomed members and guests who were present,
recognizing Past Presidents and first time attendees.
President Friedman announced that Paul Winberry would serve as Parliamentarian for this meeting.
Denise moved to accept the minutes from the 2010 General Business
Meeting. Sandy Ralston seconded. Motion carried.
Sandy Ralston moved to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented by
Treasurer Ziegelbein. Barbara Frase seconded. Motion carried.
The Auditing Committee reported that the Treasurer’s books were in balance and excellent form.
The Nominating Committee presented a partial slate of officers. They
have not found anyone for Sergeant At Arms.
The Credentials Committee reported that five chapters are represented
and nine members at large are present.
President Friedman passed the Sight Glass report on to the second board
meeting on Saturday morning. She congratulated Editor, Karen Krepcik,
for the Sight Glass being an award winner again this year.
The “To Make Life Worthwhile Award” was presented to Region 9 for
their donations/care packages to the Children’s SPOT (speech, physical,
occupational therapy). Denise will be giving you a check for $25.00 to
aid your community service.
We recognized J.R. “Dick” Burks, Nell Rhoton and Verna Jean Snow for
being 25 year members.
We observed a moment of silence for those we have lost this year.
Denise Ziegelbein moved that we make a donation of $100.00 to the
Wonder Kids. Barbara Frase seconded. Motion carried.
May Stewart moved that we donate $100.00 to Mid Southeast Regional
Association Auxiliary. Lyn Sherman seconded. Motion carried.
The slate of officers presented by the Nominating Committee
is as follows:
President – Pat McCarthy
Vice President – Gail Paschal
Secretary – Barbara Frase
Treasurer – Denise Ziegelbein
Historian – Bonnie Johnson
Sergeant At Arms – Ray Clary was nominated by Pat McCarthy, seconded by Karen Krepcik. Nomination accepted.
Credentials – Darlene Baker
Publicity – Terry Hollander
Membership – Sandy Ralston
Officers Activities – Lyn Sherman
Chapter Supplies – Lynn Hoke nominated by Karen Krepcik, seconded by
Pat McCarthy. Nomination accepted.
After calling for nominations from the floor, the slate of officers was accepted by unanimous vote.
Treasurer Ziegelbein will be available to accept dues after the meeting.
President Friedman thanked the board of directors and officers for serving
and discharged her committees.
We adjourned at 10:30 am.
Gail Paschal, International RSESA Secretary
Beginning Ceremony Fifes and Drums make their way to front and center
stage at Norfolk, Virginia. In 1778, Virginia needed soldiers to protect
the Capitol City of Williamsburg. The General Assembly established
the Virginia State Garrison Regiment, which served in the Tidewater area
of Virginia, stationing troops at Hampton, Yorktown, and Williamsburg.
The Fifes and Drums appear in more than 700 performances each year.
Colonial Williamsburg is justifiably proud of each of these truly remarkable young Americans, past and present. They have come to symbolize
what is best about our community, our history, and our museum. If you
would like to purchase a video or see their performance schedule visit
the web sight www.history.org/History/fife&drum/about.cfm
* Greensboro, N.C.
[email protected]
It’s that time of the year, which is to update everyone on
what’s been happening with me since the last issue of the
Sight Glass. At the end of February, I made my annual
pilgrimage down to Texas. I flew into Austin, and then
drove up to Fort Worth, where I spent some time with Mac
& Pat. It was good getting away for a few days, to have
fun & reconnect with friends & relatives. One of my nieces
lives in Austin, and my parents came down as well.
They’ve heard about the great people in Region 10 for a long time, so I
figured that it was time for them to put faces with the names & stories.
They seemed to have had fun, and were welcomed like I knew they
would be. Some of the people down there were surprised that someone as
nice as my parents could have someone like me for a son (as Rodney
Dangerfield used to say, “I don’t get no respect”). As always, the Austin
Chapter did an outstanding job of putting on a Conference. Work is going
good, and I’m still travelling a bit. At the end of March, my Mom had a
knee replacement done, and then went to a Rehabilitation Facility, where
she’s doing great. Hopefully, by the time that you read this, she’ll be
I’d also like to put in a word on behalf of the International Nominating
Committee for people to serve on the Board, starting in November.
Please give considerable thought to serving in a position there. You will
always have people to assist & mentor you. If you have any desires to
serve, please don’t hesitate to contact anyone on the Board (contact information is in the front of this issue) and state your desire to serve. If
you’re contacted by someone to serve, then please think on it very carefully. It’s a very rewarding experience, to get involved in an outstanding
organization. I ’ve been a member (of the other side of RSES) for almost
31 years (it doesn’t seem possible that it’s been that long; I must have
joined when I was still in the crib), and of the Auxiliary for 10. With that
much experience, I can, without any doubt, state that both sides of RSES
are outstanding and are comprised of great people. There are people on
both sides that are just like family to me.
I’d also like to also put in a word about communications. In this day of
emails, it’s hard to think that not everybody checks theirs regularly. I
check mine at least daily, and sometimes as much as 2 to 3 times a day,
due to getting so much mail (a lot of it is just ads and/or spam, as well as
jokes and correspondence with friends/relatives). However, I know of
people who only check theirs once a week, or even once every 2 to 3
weeks (especially if they’re travelling). If you send someone an email,
but don’t hear back from them in a timely manner, then either email them
again, or call them (phones do still work, believe it or not). It’s also possible that they didn’t get your message. I n this day of free long distance,
not only is it a good way to communicate with each other, it’s also a good
way to know that they got your message. If you go that route, please
don’t forget about the time differences. If they’re known to travel, then
they might possibly be as much as 3 to 5 hours (or more) different than
normal (east coast versus Hawaii, or west versus east coast). If you wake
them up too early, or get them up after they’ve gone to bed, they might
not be in a very good mood.
See you down in Isle of Palms (Charleston) S.C. in November,
Ray Clary, CMS
A chance to meet and relax at the SWRA Conference 2012.
Ray Clary, Lyn Sherman, May Stewart, Pat McCarthy, Barbara Frase
and Gail Paschal.
Proud to support the RSES Auxiliary
The Refrigeration Services Engineer Society
1666 Rand Road, Des Plaines, Illinois 60016-3552
Sponsor and Supporter of the RSES Auxiliary Sight Glass
Newly Elected RSES International
President , Larry Donaldson with his
sister, Barbara Frase.
RSRS International Immediate Past
President, Bob Sherman takes time
to have photo taken with wife, Lyn.
Pictured below meet our newly elected International RSESA Officers.
Sitting from left to right are Barbara Frase, Secretary,
Gail Paschal, Vice President, Pat McCarthy, President, Denise Ziegelbein,
Treasurer, and Ray Clary, CMS, Sargent-At-Arms.
Standing left to right– Lynn Hoke, Officers supplies,
Darlene Baker, Credentials, Holly Freidman, Immediate Past President,
Sandy Ralston, Membership. Lyn Sherman , Officers Activities and Terry
Hollander, Publicity Officer.
Standing Left to right: Rich Hoke, CMS, Larry Brewer, CM,
Harlan Krepcik, CMS, and Fred Townsend.
Sitting Left to right:: Roger Hensley, CMS, George Friedman, CM
Larry Donaldson, and Mike Eckstein, CM
In Memory of……
David Rifki, from Oceanside, CA, San Diego Chapter
Thomas Fleming, CMS, from Chilliwack, BC, Canada,
Lions Gate Chapter, and to the family of
Jack D. Brause, CM from Mesa, AZ, Central Arizona Chapter.
We also send our thoughts and prayers to the families and
Care givers of those who are undergoing medical
treatments and wish them well.
Be sure to submit your nominations
for the Awards “Make Life Worthwhile”
Mid Southeast Regional
Consisting of Participating Chapters from
North Carolina
South Carolina
Cordially invites you to participate in our
Educational Conference held annually on a rotating basis
throughout the three states of the Mid-Southeast Region.
REGION 4 DIRECTOR--SKIP KREPCIK, CMS at [email protected]
NORTH CAROLINA--TOMMY PASCHAL at [email protected]
SOUTH CAROLINA--ROBERT FOUST, CMS at [email protected]
VIRGINIA--RAY CLARY, CMS at [email protected]
2012 Annual Conference
November 14-17
Wild Dunes Resort in Isle of Palms,
South Carolina
Held in conjunction with the 75th Annual RSES International
Conference HVACR Technology Expo
For further information or to find a local chapter in your area visit
Dedicated and opened on July 16,
2005, the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge
(also called the Cooper River Bridge),
connects downtown Charleston to
Mount Pleasant via Highway 17. The
span of the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge
is the longest cable stay span in North
America. The diamond towers were
named the John P. Grace Tower and
the Silas N. Pearman Tower in remembrance of former bridges that were replaced by the new bridge.
Located across the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge in Mt. Pleasant, about ten
miles from downtown Charleston, antebellum Boone Hall Plantation,
listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is one of the oldest
working, living plantations in the United States. The plantation's Avenue
of Oaks, first planted in 1743, is a picturesque three-quarter mile drive
lined by majestic live oak trees, forming a tunnel of seemingly sculptural
branches embellished with cascading Spanish moss.
Save the Date . . . for the 75th Annual RSES
Conference . . . November 14 –17, 2012
in historic and beautiful Charleston, SC!!!
Breathtakingly beautiful sites, rich history, excellent restaurants, a variety
of shopping, and a welcoming community earned Charleston the Condé
Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Award for “Top City in the U.S” for
2011. This is your opportunity to visit this absolutely wonderful location! In Charleston, there is something for everyone! Relax with a good
book while overlooking the ocean at the gorgeous beachfront Wild
Dunes Resort, site of the 2012 conference. Or, for those who prefer a
little more activity, downtown Charleston is filled with history, museums, art galleries, shops of every kind (including numbers of antique
stores), and excellent restaurants. And don’t forget the harbor cruises,
golf, and tennis that are also available. Mark your calendars now . . .
This is one conference you won’t want to miss! Watch the next issue for
additional information.
Be sure to submit your nominations
for the Awards “Make Life Worthwhile”
Thanks to all of you that sent cards, made calls to us and
your prayers. The kidney transplant happened January 10,
2012. Bob woke up from surgery feeling so much better
right away. Diane was more sore than she had expected.
Both of us are feeling good and just so happy that transplant was a success and we are back to healthy lives.
Looking forward to next years conference and seeing everyone.
Diane & Bob Smith
Happy Spring Everyone,
Even though we haven’t had much of a winter, it is still
nice to see spring appear. The flowering trees, green
grass, and birds singing, it’s one of my favorite times of
the year. I have been busy working on a quilt for a
wedding gift for nephew who is getting married in July.
I want to say “Thank you” to Karen and Skip for all the
hard work and time they put into the conference in Norfolk. We had a great time despite the weather. After the conference,
Mike and I did the “historical Virginia” thing. We went to Yorktown,
Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown Settlement, then headed north to Mt.
Vernon, then to Charlottesville to see Monticello. History is a lot more
interesting when you can see where so much happened. It also makes
you appreciate the “modern” conveniences we take for granted.
Have a Safe and Happy Summer,
Sandy Ralston, Director of Membership
82-67 233RD STREET
Annual Conference
November 14-17 –2012
Charleston, NC
PROXY: ____________________________________________________
ALTERNATE DELEGATE:____________________________________
CHAPTER PRESIDENT:______________________________________
CHAPTER SECRETARY:——————————————————Mail this copy to the International Secretary:
Annual Conference
November 14-17-2012
Charleston, NC
PROXY: ____________________________________________________
ALTERNATE DELEGATE: ___________________________________
CHAPTER PRESIDENT:______________________________________
CHAPTER SECRETARY: ——————————————–-—
Delegate: Bring this copy to the annual Conference.
Annual Conference
November 14-17 –2012
Charleston, NC
MEMBER AT LARGE: _________________________________________
DELEGATE: _____________________________________________ __
PROXY: ___________________________________________________
ALTERNATE DELEGATE:___________________________________
(MAL) CITY AND STATE:___________________________________
MEMBER AT LARGE:__________________________________________
Mail this copy to the International Secretary:
Annual Conference
November 14-17 –2012
Charleston, NC
MEMBER AT LARGE__________________________________________
DELEGATE: _______________________________________________
PROXY: ___________________________________________________
ALTERNATE DELEGATE:___________________________________
(MAL) CITY AND STATE:___________________________________
MEMBER AT LARGE: _________________________________________
Delegate: Bring this copy to the annual Conference.
The 2012 RSES conference will deliver a total learning experience for:
heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration contractors; service technicians; operations/maintenance managers, engineers and technicians; engineers; sales staff; instructors; and students.
Supporter for the Annual RSES International Conference
Be sure to make plans now and
Attend the 2012 International Conference
Both Lyn Sherman and Mike Eckstein are recovering from surgery
We wish you both well. Be sure to send them a card of encouragement.
Many of you may not be aware that our Son’s wife has been suffering
from the worse kind of lupus. As her organs continue to being affected
by the attack from this disease we spend a great deal of time at the Hospital. The last couple of years have been brutal and we never know what
to expect. My heart goes out to anyone that has to deal with the stress
and strain of taking care of someone you hold dear to you with out being
able to bring them any relief or comfort from the pain. Please bare with
me as I try to keep up on the Sight Glass. As for those of you that contribute articles, thank you for getting them to me as soon as possible.
Again, Thank you for being so patient with me on getting the Sight Glass
issues mailed out.
Sight Glass Editor, Karen Krepcik
Gail Paschal and Pat McCarthy, Our New Leaders before they were sworn into office for 2012.
Meeting Information visit www.midtennrses.com
Or contact Jayson Goff
The 75th Annual RSES Conference and HVACR Technology Expo,
in conjunction with
The 23rd Annual RSES Mid-Southeast Regional Association Conference
November 14-17, 2012
Wild Dunes Resort
5757 Palm Blvd.
Isle of Palms, SC 29451
For more information, contact the RSES Conference and Seminar Manager at
800/297-5660 x4046.
“Making Life Worthwhile”
Fly UP