51 A (âæ×æçÁ·¤ çßææÙ) SOCIAL SCIENCE
This Question Paper consists of 29 questions and 10 printed pages + one outline map of India. §â ÂýàÙ-Âæ ×ð´ 29 ÂýàÙ ÌÍæ 10 ×éçÎýÌ ÂëcÆU + ÖæÚUÌ ·¤æ °·¤ ÚðU¹æ-×æÙç¿æ ãñÐ Roll No. Code No. ¥Ùé·ý¤×æ´·¤ ·¤æðÇU Ù´. 51/AS/3 SOCIAL SCIENCE Set (âæ×æçÁ·¤ çßææÙ) A (213) Day and Date of Examination ÂÚUèÿææ ·¤æ çÎÙ ß çÎÙæ´·¤ Signature of Invigilators 1. çÙÚUèÿæ·¤æð´ ·ð¤ ãSÌæÿæÚU 2. General Instructions : 1. Candidate must write his/her Roll Number on the first page of the Question Paper. 2. Please check the Question Paper to verify that the total pages and total number of questions contained in the Question Paper are the same as those printed on the top of the first page. Also check to see that the questions are in sequential order. 3. For the objective type of questions, you have to choose any one of the four alternatives given in the question i.e. (A), (B), (C) or (D) and indicate your correct answer in the Answer-Book given to you. 4. All the questions including objective type questions are to be answered within the allotted time and no separate time limit is fixed for answering objective type questions. 5. Making any identification mark in the Answer-Book or writing Roll Number anywhere other than the specified places will lead to disqualification of the candidate. 6. Write your Question Paper code No. 7. (a) (b) 51/AS/3-A on the Answer-Book. The Question Paper is in English/Hindi medium only. However, if you wish, you can answer in any one of the languages listed below : English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Konkani, Manipuri, Assamese, Nepali, Kashmiri, Sanskrit and Sindhi. You are required to indicate the language you have chosen to answer in the box provided in the Answer-Book. If you choose to write the answer in the language other than Hindi and English, the responsibility for any errors/mistakes in understanding the question will be yours only. 51/AS/3-213-A ] 1 !51/AS/3-213-A! [ Contd... âæ×æØ ¥ÙéÎðàæ Ñ 1. ÂÚUèÿææÍèü ÂýàÙÂæ ·ð¤ ¤ÂãÜð ÂëcÆU ÂÚU ¥ÂÙæ ¥Ùé·ý¤×æ´·¤ ¥ßàØU çܹð´Ð 2. ·ë¤ÂØæ ÂýàÙÂæ ·¤æð Áæò¡¿ Üð´ ç·¤ ÂýàÙÂæ ·ð¤ ·é¤Ü ÂëcÆUæð´ ÌÍæ ÂýàÙæð´ ·¤è ©ÌÙè ãè â´UØæ ãñ çÁÌÙè ÂýÍ× ÂëcÆ ·ð ¤âÕâ𠪤ÂÚU ÀUÂè ãñÐ §â ÕæÌ ·¤è Áæò¡¿ Öè ·¤ÚU Üð´ ç·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ý ç×·¤ UM¤Â ×ð´ ãñ´Ð 3. ßSÌéçÙcÆU ÂýàÙæð´ ×𴠥淤æð ¿æÚU çß·¤ËÂæð´ ©æÚU-ÂéçSUÌ·¤æ ×ð´ ¥æ âãè ©æÚ çÜç¹°ÐU 4. ßSÌéçÙcÆU ÂýàÙæð´ ·ð¤ âæÍ-âæÍ âÖè ÂýàÙæ𴠷𤠩æÚ çÙÏæüçÚUÌ ¥ßçÏ ·ð ÖèÌÚU ãè ÎðÙð ãñ´Ð ßSÌéçÙcÆU ÂýàÙæð´ ·ð¤ çÜ°¤¥Ü» âð â×Ø Ùãè´ çÎØæ Áæ°»æÐ 5. ¤ ©æÚU-ÂéçSUÌ·¤æ ×ð´ Âã¿æÙ-ç¿q ÕÙæÙð ¥Íßæ çÙçÎücÅU SÍæÙæ𴠷𤤠¥çÌçÚUÌ ·¤ãè´ Öè ¥Ùé·ý¤×æ´·¤ çܹÙð ÂÚU ÂÚUèÿææÍèü ·¤æð ¥ØæðØ ÆUãÚUæØæ ÁæØð»æÐ (A), (B), (C) ÌÍæ (D) ×ð´ âð ·¤æð§ü °·¤ ©æÚ ¿éÙÙæ ãñ ÌÍæ Îè »§ü 6. ¥ÂÙè ©æÚU-ÂéçSUÌ·¤æ ÂÚU ÂýàÙÂæ ·¤è ·¤æðÇU â´Øæ 51/AS/3-A çܹð´Ð 7. (·¤) ÂýàÙÂæ ·ð¤ßÜ çã´Îè/¥´»ýðÁè ×ð´ ãñÐ çȤÚU Öè, ØçÎ ¥æ ¿æãð´ Ìæð Ùè¿ð Îè »§ü ç·¤âè °·¤ Öæáæ ×ð´ ©æÚ Îð â·¤Ìð ãñ´ Ñ ¥´»ýðÁè, çã´Îè, ©Îêü, ´ÁæÕè, Õ¡»Üæ, Ìç×Ü, ×ÜØæÜ×, ·¤ÙǸ, ÌðÜé»é, ×ÚUæÆUè, ©çǸØæ, »éÁÚUæÌè, ·¤æð´·¤æè, ×çæÂéÚUè, ¥âç×Øæ, ÙðÂæÜè, ·¤à×èÚUè, â´S·ë¤Ì¤¥æñÚU çâ´ÏèÐ ·ë¤ÂØæ ©æÚU-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ×ð´ çΰ »° Õæòâ ×ð´ çܹð´ ç·¤ ¥æ 緤â Öæáæ ×ð´ ©æÚU çܹ ÚUãð ãñ´Ð ¤ (¹) ØçÎ ¥æ çã´Îè °ß´ ¥´»ýðÁè ·ð¤ ¥çÌçÚUÌ ç·¤âè ¥Ø Öæáæ ×ð´ ©æÚU çܹÌð ãñ´ Ìæð ÂýàÙ ·¤æð â×ÛæÙð ×ð´ ãæðÙð ßæÜè æéçÅUØæð´/»ÜçÌØæð´ ·¤è çÁ×ðUÎæÚè ·ð ßÜ ¥æ·¤è ãæð»èÐ 51/AS/3-213-A ] 2 !51/AS/3-213-A! [ Contd... SOCIAL SCIENCE (âæ×æçÁ·¤ çßææÙ) (213) Time : 3 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 100 â×Ø Ñ 3 æÅðU ] Instructions : çÙÎðüàæ Ñ 1. [ ÂêææZ·¤ Ñ 100 (1) All Questions are compulsory and carry marks as indicated against each question. (2) For Multiple Choice Questions four options are given. You have to choose right option and indicate it in your answer book. (3) Attach the map with answer script. (1) âÖè ÂýàÙ ¥çÙßæØü ãñ´ ¥æñÚU ÂýØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ ¥´·¤ ©â·ð¤ âæ×Ùð çÎØð »Øð ãñ´Ð (2) Õãééçß·¤ËÂèØ ÂýàÙæ𴠷𤠿æÚU çß·¤Ë çÎØð »Øð ãñ´Ð ¥æ âãè çß·¤Ë ¿éçÙØð ¥æñÚU ¥ÂÙè ©æÚU-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ×ð´ çÜç¹°Ð (3) çÎØð »Øð ×æÙç¿æ ·¤æð ©æÚU-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ·ð¤ âæÍ â´ÜÙ ·¤èçÁ°Ð In the given political outline map of India, mark and label the following with appropriate 1x4=4 symbols : (i) K2 (ii) River Narmada (iii) State having highest sex ratio according to 2001 census (iv) Vishakhapattnam port çΰ »° ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ ÚUæÁÙèçÌ·¤ ÚðU¹æ-×æÙç¿æ ×ð´, çÙÙçÜç¹Ì ·¤æð ©ÂØéÌ ç¿ãæð´ âð Îàææü§° ÌÍæ ©Ù·ð¤ Ùæ× çÜç¹° Ñ (i) ·ð¤ 2 (ii) Ù×üÎæ ÙÎè (iii) 2001 ÁÙ»æÙæ ·ð¤ ¥ÙéâæÚU âÕâð ¥çÏ·¤ çÜ´» ¥ÙéÂæÌ ßæÜæ ÚUæØ (iv) çßàææ¹æÂ^Ù× Õ´ÎÚU»æã 51/AS/3-213-A ] 3 !51/AS/3-213-A! [ Contd... 2. Identify and write in your answer book the correct names of four major biosphere reserves shown as (A), (B), (C) and (D) in the given political outline map of India. 1x4=4 çΰ »° ÖæÚUÌ ·¤ð¤ ÚUæÁÙèçÌ·¤ ÚðU¹æ-×æÙç¿æ ×ð´ ¿æÚU Âý×é¹ Áñß ¥æÚUçÿæÌ ÿæðææð´ ·¤æð (A), (B), (C), ÎàææüØæ »Øæ ãñÐ §Ù ÿæðææð´ ·¤æð Âã¿æçÙ° ß ©Ù·ð¤ âãè Ùæ× ¥ÂÙè ©æÚUÂéçSÌ·¤æ ×ð´ çÜç¹°Ð 51/AS/3-213-A ] 4 (D) !51/AS/3-213-A! âð [ Contd... Note : ÙæðÅU Ñ 3. The following questions are for the BLIND CANDIDATES ONLY in lieu of question No. 1 and 2. (i) What is biosphere reserve ? 2 (ii) State any two objectives behind the establishment of biosphere reserves in India. 2 (iii) Which is the only major port in the State of Karnataka ? 1 (iv) Name any two rivers of the Brahmaputra river system. (v) According to 2001 census, which state of India has the lowest density of population ? 2 1 Ùè¿ð çÎØð »° ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ßÜ ÎëçCãèÙ ÂÚèUÿææçÍüØæð´ ·ð¤ çÜØð ÂýàÙ â´Øæ 1 ÌÍæ 2 ·ð¤ SÍæÙ ÂÚU ãñ´Ð (i) Áñß ¥æÚUçÿæÌ ÿæðæ 緤ⷤæð ·¤ãÌð ãñ´? (ii) Áñß ¥æÚUçÿæÌ ÿæðæ ·¤è SÍæÂÙæ ·ð¤ ÂèÀðU ç·¤ãè´ Îæð ©Î÷ÎðàØæð´ ·¤æ ©ËÜð¹ ·¤èçÁ°Ð (iii) ·¤ÙæüÅU·¤ ÚUæØ ·¤æ °·¤×ææ Õ´ÎÚU»æã ·¤æñÙ âæ ãñ? (iv) ÕræÂéæ ÙÎè ÂýææÜè ·¤è ç·¤ãè´ Îæð ÙçÎØæð´ ·ð¤ Ùæ× çÜç¹°Ð (v) 2001 ÁÙ»æÙæ ·ð¤ ¥ÙéâæÚ ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ ç·¤â ÚUæØ ·¤è ÁÙâ´Øæ æÙß âÕâð ·¤× ãñ? Which one of the following states has a bicameral legislature ? (A) Odisha (B) Tamil Nadu (C) Gujarat (D) Bihar 1 çÙÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ç·¤â ÚUæØ ×ð´ çmâÎÙèØ çßÏæçØ·¤æ ãñ? (A) ¥æðçÇUàææ (B) Ìç×ÜÙæÇéU (C) »éÁÚUæÌ (D) çÕãæÚU 4. Which one of the following was a result of voyages of discovery ? (A) Setting up of colonies in Latin America and Australia (B) End of the slave trade (C) Rise in the prosperity of the colonies (D) Expansion of European commerce 1 çÙÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ âæ ¹æðÁ ·¤è Øæææ ·¤æ ÂçÚUææ× Íæ? (A) ÜñçÅUÙ ¥×ðçÚU·¤æ ÌÍæ ¥æSÅþðUçÜØæ ×ð´ ©ÂçÙßðàææð´ ·¤è SÍæÂÙæÐ (B) »éÜæ× ÃØæÂæÚU ·¤æ ¥Ì (C) ©ÂçÙßðàææð´ ·¤è â×ëçh ×ð´ ßëçh (D) ØéÚUæðÂèØ ßæçæØ ·¤æ çßSÌæÚU 51/AS/3-213-A ] 5 !51/AS/3-213-A! [ Contd... 5. Why did Europeans coined Medieval Period in Europe as a Dark period ? 1 (A) There was no significant development during this period. (B) They saw it as a period of interruption between classical period of ancient Greek and Roman civilisation and their own modern age (C) There was significant development in Islamic world and India in comparision to Europe (D) All of the above ØêÚUæðçÂØÙæð´ Ùð ×Ø·¤æÜ ·¤æð ¥´Ï·¤æÚU×Ø ·¤æÜ Øæð´ ·¤ãæ? 6. (A) §â ·¤æÜ ×ð´ ·¤æð§ü ×ãßÂêæü çß·¤æâ Ùãè´ ãé¥æÐ (B) Øæð´ç·¤ ©ãæð´Ùð §âð Âýæ¿èÙ ØêÙæÙè ¥æñÚU ÚUæð×Ù Üçâ·¤è ·¤æÜ ¥æñÚU ¥ÂÙð ¥æÏéçÙ·¤ ·¤æÜ ·ð¤ Õè¿ â´·¤ÅU ·ð¤ °·¤ ·¤æÜ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ Îð¹æÐ (C) ØéÚUæð ·¤è ÌéÜÙæ ×ð´ §SÜæç×·¤ ÎéçÙØæ ÌÍæ ÖæÚUÌ ×ð´ ×ãßÂêæü çß·¤æâ ãé¥æÐ (D) ©ÂÚUæðÌ âÖè Which one of the following was not a tribal revolt ? (A) The Sanyasi Rebellion (B) The Santhal Rebellion (C) The Munda Rebellion (D) The Kol uprising 1 çÙÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙ âæ ÁÙÁæÌèØ çßÎýæðã Ùãè´ Íæ? 7. (A) â´Øæâè çßÎýæðã (B) â´ÍæÜ çßÎýæðã (C) ×é´ÇUæ çßÎýæðã (D) ·¤æðÜ çßÎýæðã Name the two important city states in Greece. 2 ØêÙæÙ ·ð¤ Îæð ×éØ Ù»ÚU ÚUæØ ·ð¤ Ùæ× çÜç¹°Ð 8. Define imperialism. 2 âæ×ýæØßæÎ ·¤è ÂÚUèÖæáæ çÜç¹°Ð 51/AS/3-213-A ] 6 !51/AS/3-213-A! [ Contd... 9. How are human rights universal, fundamental and absolute ? 2 ×æÙß ¥çÏ·¤æÚU ·¤æð âæßüÖæñç×·¤, ×êÜÖêÌ ¥æñÚU Âêæü ·ñ¤âð ×æÙæ ÁæÌæ ãñ? 10. Though Simla and Ludhiana are located almost in the same latitude, Simla is cooler than Ludhiana during the summer season. Why ? 2 ãæÜæ´ç·¤ çàæ×Üæ ÌÍæ ÜéçÏØæÙæ °·¤ ãè ¥ÿææ´àæ ÂÚU çSÍÌ ãñ ÂÚU »ýèc× «¤Ìé ×ð´ çàæ×Üæ ÜéçÏØæÙæ âð ¥çÏ·¤ Æ´UÇUæ ÚUãÌæ ãñÐ §â·¤æ ·¤æÚUæ ÕÌ槰Р11. State any four demands of the early congress leaders as they placed before the British 1x4=4 Indian government. çÕýçÅUàæ ÖæÚUÌèØ âÚU·¤æÚU ·ð¤ âæ×Ùð àæéL¤¥æÌ ·ð¤ ·¤æ»ýð´âè ÙðÌæ¥æð´ mæÚUæ ÚU¹è »§ü ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ×æ´»æð´ ·¤æ ©ËÜð¹ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 12. Describe any four economic impacts of British rule on various Indian Industries and trade in India. 1x4=4 ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ çßçÖÙ ©læð»æð´ ÌÍæ ÃØæÂæÚU ÂÚU çÕýçÅUàæ àææâÙ ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ¥æçÍü·¤ ÂýÖæßæð´ ·¤æ ßæüÙ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 13. Describe any four characteristics of tidal forests. 1x4=4 ßæÚUèØ ßÙæð´ ·¤è ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU çßàæðáÌæ¥æð´ ·¤æ ßæüÙ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 14. State any four fundamental duties as listed in the Constitution of India ? 1x4=4 ÖæÚUÌèØ â´çßÏæÙ ×ð´ âêç¿Ì ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ×æñçÜ·¤ ·¤æüÃØæð´ ·¤è ¿¿æü ·¤èçÁ°Ð 15. Describe any four causes of regional disparities in India. 1x4=4 ÖæÚUÌ ×ð´ ÿæðæèØ ¥â×æÙÌæ¥æð´ ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ·¤æÚUææð´ ·¤è Âã¿æÙ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 51/AS/3-213-A ] 7 !51/AS/3-213-A! [ Contd... 16. How did growth of transport and communication coincided with the growth of 1x4=4 imperialism ? Give any four reasons. âæ×ýæØßæÎ ·¤æ çß·¤æâ ç·¤â Âý·¤æÚU ÂçÚUßãÙ ¥æñÚU â´¿æÚU ·ð¤ çß·¤æâ ·ð¤ âæÍ â´Öß ãé¥æ? ·¤æð§ü ¿æÚU ·¤æÚUæ ÕÌ槰Р17. Explain any four consequences of World War I. 1x4=4 ÂýÍ× çßàß Øéh ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ÂçÚUææ×æð´ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 18. Explain any four contributions by Swami Vivekanand in the areas of socio-religious reforms. 1x4=4 âæ×æçÁ·¤-Ïæç×ü·¤ âéÏæÚU ·ð¤ ÿæðæ ×ð´ Sßæ×è çßßð·¤æÙÎ ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU Øæð»ÎæÙæð´ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 19. Explain any four points of importance of roads in terms of connecting people and 1x4=4 ensuring socio-economic growth in the country. Îðàæ ×ð´ Üæð»æð´ ·¤æð ÁæðǸÙð ÌÍæ âæ×æçÁ·¤-¥æçÍü·¤ çß·¤æâ ×ð´, âǸ·¤æð´ ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ×ãßæð´ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 20. Bring out any four differences between political parties and pressure groups. 1x4=4 ÚUæÁèÙèçÌ·¤ â×êã ÌÍæ ÎÕæß â×êã ·ð¤ ×Ø ¿æÚU-¿æÚU çßçÖÙÌæ¥æð´ ·¤è âãæØÌæ âð çßÖðÎ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 21. Explain in brief any two agencies which help to formulate public opinion. 2+2=4 ÁÙ×Ì çÙ×æüæ ×ð´ âãæØ·¤ ç·¤ãè´ Îæð °ÁðçâØæð´/¥çÏ·¤ÚUææ´ð ·¤è â´çÿæÌ ÃØæØæ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 22. Classify environment on the basis of evolution. Explain them with examples from your surroundings. 4 ©Âçæ Øæ çß·¤æâ ·¤è Âýç·ý¤Øæ ·ð¤ ¥æÏæÚU ÂÚU ÂØæüßÚUæ ·¤æ ß»èü·¤ÚUæ ·¤èçÁ°Ð ¥ÂÙð ¥æâÂæ⠷𤠩ÎæãÚUææð´ ·¤è âãæØÌæ âð ÃØæØæ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 51/AS/3-213-A ] 8 !51/AS/3-213-A! [ Contd... 23. Study the table given below and answer the questions that follow : Station A Temperature (in 8 Celsius) and Rainfall (in cm) Months Temperature Rainfall J 24 4 F 24 2 M 24 2 A 28 2 M 30 18 J 29 465 J 27 613 A 27 329 S 27 286 O 28 65 N 27 18 D 25 2 (i) Calculate the annual average temperature of Station A. 1 (ii) Calculate the annual average rainfall of Station A. 1 (iii) Name two months in which Station A receives more than 400 cm rainfall. 1 (iv) What type of climatic condition Station A represents ? 1 Îè »§ü âæÚUæè ·¤æ ¥ØØÙ ·¤èçÁ° ¥æñÚU ©Ù·ð¤ Ùè¿ð çΰ »° ÂýàÙæ𴠷𤠩æÚU ÎèçÁ° Ñ SÅðUàÙ-¥ ÌæÂ×æÙ (8 âðçËâØâ ×ð´) ÌÍæ ßáæü (âð×è ×ð´) ¼ÈÍ¾Ë ±Ë§¼Ë¾ ÄÆËá 24. ¦ ¼Ë. . ¼á. ¦Ï ¦Î . ÌÇ. þ. ¾Ä. ̳Ç. 24 24 24 28 30 29 27 27 27 28 27 25 4 2 2 2 18 465 613 329 286 65 18 2 (i) SÅðUàæÙ Ò¥Ó ·ð¤ ßæçáü·¤ ¥æñâÌ ÌæÂ×æÙ ·¤è »æÙæ ·¤èçÁ°Ð (ii) SÅðUàæÙ Ò¥Ó ·¤è ßæçáü·¤ ¥æñâÌ ßáæü ·¤è »æÙæ ·¤èçÁ°Ð (iii) °ðâð Îæð ×ãèÙæð´ ·¤æ Ùæ× ÕÌ槰 çÁÙ·ð¤ ÎæñÚUæÙ SÅðUàæÙ Ò¥Ó ×ð´ 400 âð×è âð ¥çÏ·¤ ßáæü ãæðÌè ãñÐ (iv) SÅðUàæÙ Ò¥Ó ç·¤â Âý·¤æÚU ·¤è ÁÜßæØé ·¤æð ÎàææüÌæ ãñ? Rights have real meaning only if individuals perform duties. Justify the statement with any four arguments. 1x4=4 ÒÒ¥çÏ·¤æÚUæð´ ·¤æ ßæSÌçß·¤ ¥Íü ÌÖè ãñ ÁÕ ÃØçÌ ¥ÂÙð ·¤æüÃØæð´ ·¤æ ÂæÜÙ ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñÐÓÓ §â ·¤ÍÙ ·¤æð ¿æÚU Ì·¤æðZ ·¤è âãæØÌæ âð çâh ·¤èçÁ°Ð 25. Suggest any four measures that would empower women economically in our society. 1x4=4 ã×æÚðU â×æÁ ×ð´ Sæè ·¤æð ¥æçÍü·¤ M¤Â ×ð´ âàæÌ ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ÌÚUè·¤æð´ ·¤æ âéÛææß ÎèçÁ°Ð 51/AS/3-213-A ] 9 !51/AS/3-213-A! [ Contd... 26. State any five main features of the 73rd Constitutional Ammendment, 1992. 73 ß´ð 27. â´çßÏæÙ â´àææðÏÙ 1992 ·ð¤ 1x5=5 ç·¤ãè´ Âæ¡¿ çßàæðáÌæ¥æð´ ·¤è ¿¿æü ·¤èçÁ°Ð How did Medieval Indian culture represent a harmonious synthesis of traditions in the fields of religion, arts, architecture and music. Support your answer with any five 1x5=5 examples. ×Ø·¤æÜèÙ ÖæÚUÌèØ â´S·ë¤çÌ ç·¤â Âý·¤æÚU âð Ï×ü, ·¤Üæ, ßæSÌé·¤Üæ ÌÍæ â´»èÌ ·ð¤ ÿæðæ ×ð´ ÂÚUÂÚUæ¥æ𴠷𤠰·¤ âæ×´ÁSØÂêæü â´àÜðáæ ·¤æð ÂýSÌéÌ ·¤ÚUÌè ãñ? Âæ¡¿ ©ÎæãÚUææð´ ·¤è âãæØÌæ âð ©æÚU ·¤è ÂéçcÅU ·¤èçÁ°Ð 28. Explain any five major challenges faced by Indian agriculture. 1x5=5 ÖæÚUÌèØ ·ë¤çá ·¤è ç·¤ãè´ Âæ¡¿ ×éØ ¿éÙæñçÌØæð´ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤èçÁ°Ð 29. What kind of relationship exists between the Governor and the Council of Ministers of a State in India ? Explain it in atleast five points. 1x5=5 ÖæÚUÌ ·ð¤ ç·¤âè ÚUæØ ·ð¤ ÚUæØÂæÜ ÌÍæ ×´çæ×´ÇUÜ ·ð¤ âÕ´Ï ç·¤â Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ ãñ´? §â·¤è ÃØæØæ ç·¤ãè´ Âæ¡¿ çÕÎé¥æ𴠷𤠥´Ì»üÌ ·¤èçÁ°Ð -oOo- 51/AS/3-213-A ] 10 !51/AS/3-213-A! [ Contd... $ Roll No. $ Outline Map of India (Political) 51/AS/3-213-A ] 11 !51/AS/3-213-A! [ Contd...