B{Vhmg HISTORY (315) g_` :
HISTORY B{Vhmg (315) Time : 3 Hours ] g_` : 3 K Q>o Note : (i) {ZX}e : [ Maximum Marks : 100 ] [ nyUm™H$ : 100 This Question Paper consists of two Sections, viz., ‘A’ and ‘B’. (ii) All questions from Section ‘A’ are to be attempted. (iii) Section ‘B’ has two options. Candidates are required to attempt questions from one option only. (iv) Answer Question Nos. 1 to 4 in not more than 20 words each, Question Nos. 5 to 11 and 17 in not more than 80 words each and Question Nos. 12 to 15 and 18 in not more than 200 words each. (i) Bg ‡ÌZ-nà _| Xmo I S> h¢ççI S> "A' Edß I S> "~'ü& (ii) I S> "A' Ho$ g^r ‡ÌZm| H$mo hb H$aZm h°ü& (iii) I S> "~' _| Xmo {dH$În h¢ü& narjm{W©`m| H$mo Ho$db EH$ {dH$În Ho$ hr ‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo h¢ü& (iv) ‡ÌZ gߪ`m 1 go 4 VH$ Ho$ ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ H$m CŒma 20 e„Xm| _|, ‡ÌZ gߪ`m 5 go 11 VWm 17 VH$ Ho$ ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ H$m CŒma 80 e„Xm| _| Am°a ‡ÌZ gߪ`m 12 go 15 VWm 18 VH$ Ho$ ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ H$m CŒma 200 e„Xm| _| Xr{OEü& SECTION–A I S>–A 1. Name the two sects of Buddhism. 2 ~m°’ Y_© Ho$ Xmo dJm] H$m Zm_ ~VmBEü& 315/OSS/207A 2 2. Why is the Harappan Civilization sometimes referred to as the ‘Indus Valley Civilization’? 2 hãS>flnm g‰`Vm H$mo H$^r-H$^r "{g›Yw KmQ>r g‰`Vm' ä`m| H$hm OmVm h°? 3. Why was Zainul Abidin, the ruler of Kashmir, called the ‘Akbar of Kashmir’? 2 O°Zwb Am{~XrZ, H$Ì_ra Ho$ emgH$, H$mo "H$Ì_ra H$m AH$~a' ä`m| H$hm OmVm Wm? 4. What is referred to as ‘avant-garde’ in the field of art and literature? 2 H$bm VWm gm{hÀ` Ho$ joà _| "Adm›V JmS>©o' go ä`m A{^‡m` h°? 5. Why did trade and commerce decline during the Gupta period and post-Gupta period? Explain. 4 OR What is referred to as ‘Sangam Age’? Why is this Age significant? Jw· `wJ VWm Jw·moŒma `wJ _| Ï`mnma VWm dm{U¡` Ho$ joà _| nVZ ä`m| h˛Am? Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& AWdm "gßJ_ H$mb' go ä`m VmÀn`© h°? `h H$mb _hŒdnyU© ä`m| h°? 6. Explain any four characteristics of Regionalism in India. 4 OR “Balban adopted a policy of consolidation rather than expansion.” Justify this statement with examples. ^maV _| ‡mXo{eH$Vm H$s {H$›ht Mma {deofVmAm| H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& AWdm ""~b~Z Zo {dÒVma Ho$ ÒWmZ na gßJR>Z H$s Zr{V AnZmB©ü&'' CXmhaU XoH$a Bg H$WZ H$mo {g’ H$s{OEü& 315/OSS/207A 3 [ P.T.O. 7. Who were the two leaders of the Santhals in their revolt against the British? What were their major grievances? 4 OR Who was Siraj-ud-daula? What were the causes of the Battle of Plassey? A±J´oµOm| Ho$ {dÈ’ {d–moh _| Xmo gßWmbr ZoVm H$m°Z Wo? gßWmbm| H$s _wª` {eH$m`V| ä`m Wt? AWdm {gamO-CX-Xm°bm H$m°Z Wm? flbmgr Ho$ `w’ Ho$ ä`m H$maU Wo? 8. Why was the Rowlatt Satyagraha launched by Gandhiji? What was its significance? 4 OR Account for the rise of radical and revolutionary movements during1930–1934. Jm±YrOr Zo am∞boQ> gÀ`mJ´h ä`m| ewÍ$ {H$`m? Bg gÀ`mJ´h H$m ä`m _hŒd Wm? AWdm go 1934 Ho$ dfm] Ho$ Xm°amZ _m°{bH$VmdmXr Am°a H´$mß{VH$mar Am›XmobZm| Ho$ CÀWmZ Ho$ H$maUm| H$s g_rjm H$s{OEü& 1930 9. How did industrialization change the pattern of global production and trade? OR Critically examine the reasons for the First World War. Am°⁄moJrH$aU Zo d°pÌdH$ CÀnmXZ Am°a Ï`mnma Ho$ T>m±Mo H$mo {H$g ‡H$ma n[ad{V©V {H$`m? AWdm ‡W_ {dÌd`w’ Ho$ H$maUm| H$s AmbmoMZmÀ_H$ g_rjm H$s{OEü& 315/OSS/207A 4 4 10. With what two major objectives was the League of Nations set up? Give two reasons why it failed to become an effective organization. 4 OR Trace the growth of Military Fascism in Japan. {H$Z Xmo _wª` C‘oÌ`m| go amÔ¥> gßK H$s ÒWmnZm H$s JB© Wr? BgHo$ EH$ ‡^mdr gßK Z ~ZZo Ho$ Xmo H$maU Xr{OEü& AWdm OmnmZ _| g°›` µ\$mgr>dmX Ho$ {dH$mg H$s Í$naoIm Xr{OEü& 11. Examine the decisions taken in the Potsdam Conference. What impact did it have on Germany? 4 OR “Unprecedented growth in science and technology in the 20th Century has not been an unmixed boon.” Comment. nmoQ≤>gS>_ gÂ_obZ _| {bE JE {ZU©`m| H$m narjU H$s{OEü& O_©Zr na BgH$m ä`m ‡^md nãS>m? AWdm ""~rgdt gXr Ho$ Xm°amZ {dkmZ Am°a ‡m°⁄mo{JH$s _| h˛Am A^yVnyd© {dH$mg EH$ A{_{lV daXmZ Zht Wmü&'' g_rjm H$s{OEü& 12. How did Sher Shah become the ruler of the Second Afghan Empire? What were his main achievements? 10 OR Describe the contributions of Mahmud Gawan in strengthening the Bahamani kingdom. eoaemh {¤Vr` A\$JmZr gm_´m¡` H$m emgH$ H°$go ~Zm? CgH$s _wª` Cnbp„Y`m± ä`m Wt? AWdm ~h_Zr am¡` H$mo ge∫$ ~ZmZo _| _h_yX Jdm± Ho$ `moJXmZm| H$m dU©Z H$s{OEü& 315/OSS/207A 5 [ P.T.O. 13. Who propounded the theory of ‘Drain of Wealth’? Describe the main aspects of this theory. 10 OR By whom was the Arya Samaj founded? What were its main principles? Name the body which took care of the Samaj after the death of its founder. "gÂn{Œm Ho$ nbm`Z' H$m {g’m›V {H$gZo ~Vm`m? BgHo$ _wª` nhbwAm| H$m dU©Z H$s{OEü& AWdm Am`© g_mO H$s ÒWmnZm {H$gZo H$s? BgHo$ _wª` {g’m›V ä`m Wo? BgHo$ gßÒWmnH$ H$s _•À`w Ho$ ~mX {H$g gßJR>Z Zo g_mO H$s XoI-aoI H$s? 14. Compare the economy of later-Vedic period with that of the early-Vedic economy. 10 OR Examine the main features of the Mathura School of Art. In which two ways was this style different from the Gandhara School of Art? CŒmad°{XH$H$mb H$s AW©Ï`dÒWm Ho$ gmW ‡mapÂ^H$ d°{XH$H$mb H$s AW©Ï`dÒWm H$s VwbZm H$s{OEü& AWdm _Wwam H$bme°br H$s _wª` {deofVmAm| H$m narjU H$s{OEü& {H$Z Xmo {df`m| _| _Wwam e°br, Jm±Yma e°br go {^fi Wr? 15. Why did Gandhiji launch the Quit India Movement? Evaluate the importance of this Movement in the context of the National Movement. OR On what main issue was the Civil Disobedience Movement started? How did this Movement become a widespread mass movement? Jm±YrOr Zo ^maV N>moãS>mo Am›XmobZ H$s ewÈAmV ä`m| H$s? amÔ¥>r` Am›XmobZ Ho$ g›X^© _| Bg Am›XmobZ Ho$ _hŒd H$m _yÎ`mßH$Z H$s{OEü& AWdm {H$g _wª` _w‘o na g{dZ` Adkm Am›XmobZ ewÍ$ {H$`m J`m? `h Am›XmobZ H°$go EH$ OZ-Am›XmobZ ~Z J`m? 315/OSS/207A 6 10 16. (a) On the given Outline Map of India, mark and name the following : (i) (1) Pataliputra 1 (2) Varanasi 1 (ii) The boundaries of Akbar’s empire in 1605 2 (iii) (1) Oudh 1 (2) Multan 1 (iv) Jhansi 1 (v) 1 Dandi (vi) Magadha 1 OR Ellora (b) In the given Outline Map of Europe, mark and name a country occupied by Germany before the Second World War. 1 (H$) {XE JE ^maV Ho$ aoIm_mZ{Mà na, {ZÂZ{b{IV H$mo Zm_ g{hV {M{ïV H$s{OE : nmQ>{bnwà dmamUgr (i) (1) (2) (ii) 1605 (iii) (1) (2) (iv) Pm±gr (v) S>mSß >r (vi) _JY _| AH$~a Ho$ am¡` H$s gr_mE± Am°Y _ybVmZ AWdm Ebmoam (I) {XE JE `yamon Ho$ aoIm_mZ{Mà _| EH$ am¡` H$mo Zm_ g{hV Xem©BE, {Ogo {¤Vr` {dÌd`w’ Ho$ nhbo O_©Zr Zo OrV {b`m Wmü& 315/OSS/207A 7 [ P.T.O. Note : The following questions are for the Blind Candidates only in lieu of Question No. 16 : (a) Where is Sanchi Stupa situated? By whom was it built? 2 (b) Who was Sher Shah Suri? Which Mughal ruler was defeated by him? 2 (c) Name two monuments built by Akbar. 2 (d) Name one important centre of the Revolt of 1857. 1 (e) At which place did the Salt Satyagraha start? 1 (f) Give one factor responsible for the rise of Magadha kingdom. 1 OR Why is Ellora well-known? (g) Name one European country conquered by Germany before the Second World War. {ZX}e> : ZrMo {XE JE ‡ÌZ Ho$db —{Ô>hrZ narjm{W©`m| Ho$ {bE, ‡ÌZ gߪ`m 16 Ho$ ÒWmZ na h¢ : (H$) gm±Mr ÒVyn {H$g OJh na ~Zm`m J`m? Bgo {H$gZo ~Zm`m? (I) eoaemh gyar H$m°Z Wo? CgZo {H$g _wJb emgH$ H$mo ham`m Wm? (J) AH$~a ¤mam {Z{_©V Xmo B_maVm| Ho$ Zm_ Xr{OEü& (K) 1857 Ho$ {d–moh Ho$ EH$ _wª` Ho$›– H$m Zm_ ~VmBEü& (L>) Z_H$ gÀ`mJ´h H$m ewÈAmV {H$g OJh na h˛Am Wm? (M>) _JY gm_´m¡` Ho$ CÀWmZ Ho$ {bE CŒmaXm`r EH$ H$maH$ H$m CÑoI H$s{OEü& AWdm Ebmoam {H$g{bE ‡{g’ h°? (N>) {¤Vr` {dÌd`w’ Ho$ nhbo O_©Zr ¤mam OrVo JE EH$ `yamonr` am¡` H$m Zm_ ~VmBEü& 315/OSS/207A 8 1 SECTION–B I S>ç~ OPTION–I {dH$ÎnçI ( Evolution of State ) ( am¡` H$m {dH$mg ) 17. Discuss the features of a Republican Mahajanapada of Ancient India. 4 OR Explain four features of the Mughal nobility. ‡mMrZ ^maV Ho$ JUam¡` _hmOZnX H$s {deofVmAm| H$s MMm© H$s{OEü& AWdm _wJbH$mbrZ A{^OmV-dJ© H$s Mma {deofVmAm| H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& 18. Trace the development of the system of currency in Medieval period. 10 OR Examine the changes made by the British Colonial State in Indian society. _‹`H$mbrZ ^maV _| _w–m-‡Umbr Ho$ {dH$mg H$s Í$naoIm Xr{OEü& AWdm ^maVr` g_mO _| {~´{Q>e Am°n{Zdo{eH$ am¡` Ho$ A›VJ©V Omo ~Xbmd AmE, CZH$m narjU H$s{OEü& 315/OSS/207A 9 [ P.T.O. OPTION–II {dH$ÎnçII ( Culture of India ) ( ^maVr` gßÒH•${V ) 17. What is referred to as ‘folk culture’? Examine the objects that reflect folk culture. 4 OR Comment upon the features of miniature Mughal painting produced between 16th and 18th Centuries. "bmoH$ gßÒH•${V' go ä`m A{^‡m` h°? CZ dÒVwAm| H$m narjU H$s{OE, Omo bmoH$ gßÒH•${V H$mo Í$n XoVr h¢>ü& AWdm 16dt go 18dt eVm„Xr Ho$ ~rM ~ZmB© JB© _wJbH$mbrZ bKw{MÃm| H$s {deofVmAm| na {Q>flnUr H$s{OEü& 18. Assess the importance of language and writing in culture communication. 10 OR How do geographical and climatic factors influence the clothes of the Indian people? gßÒH•${V Ho$ g߇ofU _| ^mfm Am°a boIZ Ho$ _hŒd H$m _yÎ`mßH$Z H$s{OEü& AWdm ^m°Jmo{bH$ Am°a Obdm`w gÂ~›Yr H$maH$ ^maVr`m| Ho$ nhZmdo H$mo {H$g ‡H$ma ‡^m{dV H$aVo h¢? 315/OSS/207A HHH 10 V13—14000×3