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heating up
Progress through Participation
hat motivates you to get up every morning and do
what you do? Did someone introduce you to the
HVACR industry or share their passion of it in such
a way that you now have that same enthusiasm for it? Well,
we want to hear about it!
One of my favorite topics to cover in the magazine each
month, besides of course the technology, are the stories related
to how people were introduced to this industry and this organization and ways they now spread the word to the next generation. Getting involved beyond the 9 to 5 (or 6, 8 maybe
10, depending on the day) serves so many purposes. Perpetuating
the importance of our industry to those just getting started in
the field and giving back to this group of individuals typically
takes place when one has been mentored themselves. Even if
this is not the case though, and you came up in this industry
without the help and support of another individual, supporting
someone in a way you would have liked to have been supported
helps everyone!
My point is, get more involved. I know, between the working
hours and the downtime you need to refuel yourself, where
are you supposed to find time to give more? Well, that’s
a tough battle. Know that where you put your energy is a
choice. Balancing the give and take in your work and personal
life is a practice that continuously needs honing. But know
that there are small ways you can give that do not require a
ton of your time.
You can attend a 45-minute RSES Webinar; submit an
MSAC question; submit a Troubleshooting answer; show
someone an RSES Journal article that piqued your interest;
Technical Review Committee
Chairman Loren “Shorty” Shuck, CMS;
Raymond Clary, CMS,
Colonial Webb Contractors;
Dave Demma, CM,
United Refrigeration Inc.;
Tim Lloyd, CMS, NAIT;
Chuck Otto, D&C Consulting LLC;
Andy Schoen, CM, Tecumseh Products;
Jeffrey Smith, CMS, J.A. Smith Htg & AC;
George Story, CMS, Meier Supply Co.;
Wesley Taylor, CMS,
Mechanical Systems Consultant, LLC;
Steve Wright, CMS, Wright Brothers Inc.
Casey & Associates
P.O. Box 149
Grayslake, IL 60030
Fax: 847-223-5281
w w w. r s e s j o u r n a l . co m
introduce someone to an RSES Chapter meeting; start a
new Chapter; attend a seminar or spend a day learning at
the Annual Conference; nominate a fellow RSES Member
for one of our annual awards; write an article for this magazine; purchase an RSES eLearning course; or submit someone’s name to be featured in the “I am RSES” section of
Cooling Down.
Participation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference, in your life and in the lives of those around you. Being a better contractor, technician or facility
manager is a great example to set for the next generation.
Before you get too mired in the cooling season calls, take a
moment to invest in yourself.
Next month marks RSES Journal’s 20th anniversary of inhouse publishing. Help us celebrate this momentous occasion by
sending me a couple of sentences describing how the magazine
has helped you over the years! Be on the lookout in the next
issue for a 20-year recap of the evolution of the magazine!
Lori A. Kasallis
Robert D. Casey
Tel: 847-223-5225 x10
Mobile: 847-722-0250
Email: [email protected]
Theresa Clendening
Tel: 847-223-5225 x15
Email: [email protected]
Jennifer Drevline
Tel: 847-223-5225 x11
Email: [email protected]
Casey & Associates
P.O. Box 149
Grayslake, IL 60030
Tel: 847-223-5225
Fax: 847-223-5281
Customer Service
For information, call 847-297-6464
or fax 847-297-5038.
RSES Journal is available at an annual subscription rate of
$54 for U.S. residents; $72 for Canadian addresses; and $78
for all other international locations. RSES Members receive
RSES Journal automatically as part of their annual dues
($24 of total dues).
Articles and materials published in RSES Journal reflect
the views of their authors and do not necessarily represent
official positions of RSES or its membership. RSES neither
supports nor endorses particular products or services.
RSES Journal (ISSN 1085-0538) is published monthly by
the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society. Please send all
correspondence related to editorial/advertising/reprint
requests or permission to photocopy to: 1911 Rohlwing Road,
Suite A, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-1397. Periodical Postage
paid at Arlington Heights, IL, and at additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: RSES Journal, 1911
Rohlwing Road, Suite A, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-1397.
MAY 2014 RSES Journal 5
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