An Analytical Study for the Impact of Agricultural Polices on
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An Analytical Study for the Impact of Agricultural Polices on
Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2(10): 675-686, 2006 © 2006, INSInet Publication An Analytical Study for the Impact of Agricultural Polices on Producing the Most Important Beans and Grains in Egypt Mohamed Hany Mostafa Shabbara Department of Agricultural Economics, National Research Center, Egypt. Abstract: The susceptibilityof theagriculturalproduction by different policies done by governments represents the main problem of this research. Price policy is one of these policies, which affects (in periods; before liberalization, partial liberalization and complete liberalization) on the agriculture production. This study aims at showing the impact of economic liberalization policy on prices of wheat, maize, rice, broad bean and lentil. To achieve this aim analyzing different relations had been done, in the liberalization periods and the period before liberalization, (in order to knowthe effect of changesin global prices on the local prices of these crops) via simple linear regression, dummy variable and policy matrix. Using the Dummy variable, the direct impact of complete and partial liberalization polices had been indicated on the production, productivity and the area of wheat, maize and rice crops, while the negative impact is shown on broad bean and lentil crops. The results ofnominal protection coefficient indicated that wheat, maize,rice and broad bean producers received a subsidy from the value of their production as a result of the positive protection which covers the producers of these crops, during the complete liberalization period, in exchange of taking implicit taxes during the partial liberalization period. These taxes were greater, for all studied crops, during the period before implementingthe policies, except lentil crop whose taxes were greater during the implementing of these policies. Values of the effective protection coefficient of wheat, maize and rice, which passed integer one during the period of complete liberalization, revealed the positive protection policy covering their producers (by receiving subsidy on their crops) at that period. In exchange of increasing implicit taxes on these producers during the period before implementing the policies. However, these taxes had the highest value, for the broad bean and lentil producers during complete liberalization period and lowest value during the period before implementing the policies. Key words: Agriculture, polices, production, wheat, maize, rice, broad bean, lentil. INTRODUCTION of capability for specifying economic sources for agriculturesector. The second period (startingfrom 1987) is of economic liberalization. This period is distinguished by absence of obligate import of crops and presence of some variations in pricing and marketing where the producer becomes free in marketing crops according to the free market prices. Hence, the role of the government is restricted to work for price stability and that, by doing as optional purchaser to ensure minimum limit of prices. The implementationof this economic liberalization policy was achieved gradually in two periods; partial liberalization (1987-1992) and complete liberalization (from 1993 till now). Polices, either being partial or national, play an important role in the agricultural economic structure. It can direct the production (by determining the price relationships that can, in turn, direct, specify and use resources) from one hand and direct the consumption of commodities, to achieve equilibrium betweenthe demand and supply of these commodities[3] from another. The agriculture sector occupies the main position between other sectors in the national economic of Egypt. Itstill represents the base stone of economic development where the agriculture production is ca 16% of national production in Egypt[9]. The agricultural polices aims to increase this production, especially for food crops. But, self-sufficiency of some strategic crops as wheat, maize, rice, broad bean and lentil are strongly varied. Its percentagesare 55.4%, 59.4%, 106.8 %, 60% and 4.8%[6] respectively in 2003. Price and marketing policy is one of the most important policies in agriculture. It has two main periods. The first period (1980-1986) was b efore economic liberalization. This period was distinguished by obligate import polices of crops and the interference of the government in their pricing and marketing for saving subsided commodity for consumers. This policy caused some deformations in prices that caused, in turn, absence Corresponding Author: Mohamed Hany Mostafa Shabbara, Department of Agricultural Economics, National Research Center, Egypt. 675 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 675-686, 2006 This study deals with some most important crops in Egypt; wheat, maize, rice, broad beans and lentil. The area of all these crops reaches to 6.86 million feddans that represents 49.34% of total crop area in Egypt (13.9 million feddans) in (2001-2004). The area of wheat is about2.6 million feddans, while thearea of maize is about 1.65 million feddans and that of rice is about 1.46 million feddans which represent 18.7%, 11.87% and 10.5% from total crop area respectively. While areas of broad beans and lentil are much smaller; 0.297 and 0.005 million feddans representing 2.14% and 0.04% of total crop area at the same time respectively. The problem of this study is obscure in the impactsof different economic policies of governments on agricultural production. Price policy (before and after liberalization) is considered one of the most important polices which affect, positively or negatively, the agricultural production, especially of beans and grains in Egypt. This study aims at showing the impacts of the economic liberalization policies on the prices of the most important strategic crops in Egypt which are wheat, maize, rice, broad beans and lentil, via analyzing the different relations of the liberalization period and the period before liberalization. That, in order to know the effect of changes in global prices on the local prices of these crops, also to know the impact of canceling the subsidy from the agricultural production requirements. (D2), which equal to (zero) in (1980-1992) period and equal to (one) in (1993-2004). Policy matrix gives some important analytical economic indicators. These indicators deals with the impactof agricultural polices, or any dominant productive pattern, on revenues and agricultural productive costs. It workson three levels;productive agriculturecommodities level to study its comparative advantage compared by another local agriculture commodities, the farm level by studyingthe impact of the followed agricultural polices or thedominant technological pattern on internal and foreign trades of productive inputs and outputs[8] , and the comprehensive national level and the extent of success or failure of used polices or productive patterns in recovering the problems of agriculture sector and what was performed from suffering from subsidy or assigning taxes on producers[7]. To evaluate manners of pricing polices, estimation of some indicators (nomial protection coefficient of output and effective protection coefficient) have been done. These estimations have been done, also by using Polices Analytical Matrix. Also, this matrix shows level of motives and types of produced protection for producers, thus evaluate deformations done in both input and output markets. Nomial protection coefficient of output indicates the ratio between revenue or price (evaluated by market or economic prices) which reflects approaching or faring of local prices with global prices and also reflects the extent of government suffering from the high load of crop subsidy or assigning taxes on producers. The high value (more than one integral) of this coefficient indicates providing producers by subsidies on their products while thelow value (less thanone integral) indicates presence of implicit taxes on their products. If this coefficient equal to one integral, this indicates fair productive policy[3]. The effective protection coefficient is the ratio between the adding value, at dominant local prices in market, and that measured by global prices. Increasing the value more than one integral indicates that, the commodity has a protection and its production activity get motives[11] . This study includes four parts. The first part concerningthe estimation of the agriculture polices affect on area, productivity andproduction of wheat,maize, rice, broad bean and lentil, which represent most important crops in Egypt. The second part deals with the relation between farm gate prices and the production cost of studied crops. While the third part deals with the effect of net revenue per feddan in the previous year on cultivated area in the present year through three periods; before application of liberalization polices (1980-1986), partial liberalization period (1987-1992) and complete applicationof liberalization polices(1993-2004). Andthe fourth part deals with Pricing Polices Matrix. MATERIALS AND METHODS The prime sources of data of this work were the secondary data issued from the Central Administration of Agriculture Economics in Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation [2] ,The Central Body of General Mobilization and Statistics [10] and Food Agriculture organization (FAO)[12]. To achieve the research objectives, both descriptive and quantitative statistical analytical methods were used for time series data of variables under study for wheat, maize, rice, broad bean and lentil, through the period (1980-2004). This period included three periods of study; period before liberalization (1980-1986), period of partial liberalization (1987-1992) and period of complete liberalization (1993-2004). Also both simple linear and multi-regression models are used. That in addition of using Dummy variable and the estimation of some economic indicators by using Policy matrix[3]. Dummy variable (D) was used to detect changes in cultivated area, productivity and total production of studied crops. It was a variable represented by (D1 ), which equal to (zero) in periods (1980-1986) and (19932004) and equal to (one) in (1987-1993), and variable 676 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 675-686, 2006 total production of wheat, respectively. While the cultivated area of maize increased only during complete liberalization period by 13.8 % of average cultivated area of maize, but productivity of maize was increased by 21.02% and 50.48% of average of total productivity of maize, in periods of partial and complete liberalization polices, respectively, and its total production increased by 67.76% and 63.56% from average of total production of maize, respectively. Also, the cultivated area of rice increased by 43.1% of average of total area of rice, in the period of complete liberalization only. While its productivity increased by 16.8% and 40.8% of average of productivity of rice, in periods of partial and complete liberalization respectively. And the total production was directly increased by 20.2% and 82.1% of average of total production of rice, in periods of partial and complete liberalization respectively. On the other hand, it shown from the table that, cultivated area of broad bean did not be affected through periods of partial and complete liberalization.But, the direct effect on productivity of this crop was noticed in period of partial and complete liberalization where it was increased by 21.9% and 40.8% of average of productivity of broad bean, respectively. Also, the total production increased in period of RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The impact of agricultural polices on area, productivity and production of studied crops: The economic liberalization period is characterized by canceling the obligate import (which was present before liberalization), so prices agree with the global market. This policy leads to increase areas and productivity of legumes and grains and cultivate new types of them, thus increase marketing surplus which leads, in turn, to some changes in crop structure. Table 1 shows changes between periods before liberalization, partial liberalization and complete liberalization of cultivated area, productivity and total production of studied crops at period of study (19802004). It shows that there was direct impact of the application of partial and complete liberalization polices on cultivated area and productivity (and accordingly, the total production) of wheat, maize and rice. Cultivated area of wheat increased by 352.8% and 60.8% of the average of total cultivated area of wheat, respectively, while its productivity increased by 29.6% and 47.2 % of average productivity of wheat, respectively, and its total production increased by 47.2% and 100.1% of average of Table 1: Estimation of the impact of liberalization polices on area, productivity and totalproduction of most important grains and legumes in Egypt through the period (1980-2004). Data A D1 D2 T1 T2 R2 F Static significant Wheat area (thousand feddan) 1284.3 538.7 1155.9 4.43 10.1 0.82 51.54 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wheat productivity (ardb) 9.94 4.06 6.47 17.34 12.4 0.89 77.51 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All production of wheat (ardb) 12727.9 12938.8 27438.3 5.2 11.7 0.87 69.1 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maize area (thousand feddan) 1869.8 95.57 277.4 1.48 4.57 0.53 11.1 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maize productivity (ton) 12.95 3.69 8.86 3.62 9.22 0.79 43.67 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All production of maize (ton) 24164.8 8622.5 22665.8 3.74 10.43 0.84 56.65 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rice area (thousand feddan) 983.1 79,85 522.5 1.5 10.6 0.87 67.9 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rice productivity (ton) 2.39 0.51 1.24 4.18 10.8 0.86 59.9 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All production of rice (ton) 2357,5 770.8 3133.9 2.6 11.2 0.87 70.7 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Broad bean area (thousand feddan) 288.6 21.87 29.97 1.28 29.97 0.44 2.08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Broad bean productivity (ardb) 6.41 0.53 1.58 1.17 4.01 0.67 8.44 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All production of Broad bean (ardb) 1730.2 379.7 605.7 1.74 605.7 0.56 5.05 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lentil area (thousand feddan) 17.13 1.34 -9.4 0.54 4.32 0.75 13.9 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lentil productivity (ardb) 3.53 1.19 0.71 3.98 2.71 0.66 8.29 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All production of lentil (Çardb) 63.45 22.98 -31.56 1.99 2.98 0.73 11.9 ** D1 = Dummy variable equal to (zero) in (1980-1986) and (1994-2004) and to (one) in (1987-1993). D2 = Dummy variable equal to (zero) in (1980-1993) and to (one) in (1994-2004). * * = Significant at 0.01 level * = significant at 0.05 level. Ton = 7.787 ardb Source: Collected and calculated from Tables (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) of appendix. 677 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 675-686, 2006 complete liberalization by 29.15% of average of total production of broad bean. But, a negative effect was shown on the cultivated area of lentil in period of complete liberalization, where it decreased by 69.9% of the average of cultivated area of lentil, while the direct impact was shown on the productivity in partial and complete liberalization periods, where it increased by 27.67% and 17.19% of the average of productivity of lentil, respectively, and the direct impact in partial liberalization period was shownin total production of this crop as it increased by 40.99% of the average of total production of lentil, whilethe negative impact was shown through period of complete liberalization as it decreased by 56.31% of the average of total production of lentil. Table 2: Therelationship between farm gate prices of the unite and its productive costs of studied crops through three periods (1980-1986), (1987-1992) and (1993-2004). Data Equation t R2 F Wheat (1980-1986) yt= 4.53 + 1.09 xt 6.59 0.89 43.54* Wheat (1987-1992) yt= 25.47 + 1.54 xt 2.03 0.44 4.1 Wheat (1993-2004) yt= 337.3 + 4.35 xt 1.62 0.51 4.69 Maize (1980-1986) yt= 12.48 + 1.74 xt 8.24 0.93 68* Maize (1987-1992) yt= 36.1 + 0.592 xt 2.29 0.57 5.24* Maize (1993-2004) yt= 54.91 + 0.37 xt 0.8 0.09 0.65 Rice (1980-1986) yt= 62.8 + 2.06 xt 3.07 0.64 9.05* Rice (1987-1992) yt= 221.24 + 0.67 xt 0.85 0.15 0.73 Rice (1993-2004) yt= 455.1 + 0.617 xt 1.4 0.21 2.1 Broad bean (1980-1986) yt= 11.1 + 1.73 xt 3.48 0.75 14.8* Broad bean (1987-1992) yt= 52.7 + 0.77 xt 4.37 0.79 19.16* Broad bean (1993-2004) yt= 108.13 + 0.567 xt 2.47 0.43 6.12 Lentil (1980-1986) yt= 172.2 + 4.4 xt 3.19 0.67 10.22* Lentil (1987-1992) yt= 173+ 0.39 x t 2.14 0.47 4.58 Lentil (1993-2004) yt= 0.03 + 1.002 xt 374 0.99 140* yt = Estimated value of farm gate price of unit of the crop through the period. xt = Unit productive cost of the crop through the period. * = Significant at 0.01 level. Source: Collected and calculated from Tables (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) of appendix. The relation between farm gate prices and the productive unit cost of studied crops: It is very important to study the relation between farm gate price of the unit of studied crops and the cost of its production. This relationship helps in detecting the net revenue for producers of these crop, from one hand, and drawing succeeded pricing policies from the other hand. In this part, this relationship has been studied, through the three studied periods, by considering the farm gate price of productive unit as dependent factor (Y) and the productive unit cost as independent factor (x). Table 2 shows that the increasing of one ardb productive cost of wheat crop by one pound increases its price significantly by 1.094 pounds in the period before liberalization (1980-1986) which indicate that the price policy at that time encourages producers to increase production. This may be attributed to the subsidy taken from thegovernment. While there is no obvious impact of costs on prices of wheat crop through periods of partial and complete liberalization. It is shown also from the table that, the increasing of one ardb productive cost of maize crop by one pound increases its price significantly by 1.74 pounds in the period before liberalization but increases the ardb price by 0.592 pound through period of partial liberalization, which indicates that, rate of increasing in production costs was greater than that in prices of maize through theperiod ofpartial liberalization, while no obvious effect was noticed of unit productive cost on farm gate price through the period of complete liberalization. Table 2 shows also that, the increasing of one ton productive cost of rice crop by one pound increases its price significantly by 2.06 pounds in the period before liberalization (1980-1986) which indicates that the price policy at that time encourages producers to increase production. This maybe attributed to the subsidy taken from the government. Also, a previous study[1] clarified a significant effect of the productive cost of rice on farm gate prices at 0.01 level in (1975-1986), as changington productive cost ofrice by 10% changed farm gate prices by 8.8%. But there was no obvious impact of costs on prices of rice crop through periods of partial and complete liberalization. it is shown also from table that, the increasing of one ardb productive cost of broad bean crop by one pound increases its price significantly by 1.73 pounds in the period before liberalization (1980-1986) which indicates that the price policy at that time encourages producers to increase production, for the subsidy taken from the government. But, there is an inverse impact of costs on prices of broad bean crop through periods of partial and complete liberalization where increasing one ardb productive cost of broad bean crop by one pound increases its price significantly by only 0.77 and 0.57 pounds through periods of partial and complete liberalization, respectively. Also, increasing of one ardb productive cost of lentil crop by one pound increases its price significantly by 4.4 pounds in the period before liberalization (1980-1986) which indicates that the price policy at that time encourages producers to increase production. But, increasing one ardb productive cost of lentil by one pound increases its price significantly by 0.39 pounds in the period of partial liberalization and by 1.002 in the period of complete liberalization. The relationship between the current cultivated area and feddan revenue of the previous year for studied crops: Studying the feddan net revenue is very important in production or supply studies of different crops. It considered to be one of limited factors which affects enlarging or diminishing of concerning areas for cultivating these strategic crops. The feddan net revenue depends on many factors. The most important factors are; feddan productivity and level of farm gate prices for each of main and secondary products and input prices. 678 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 675-686, 2006 Table 3: The relationship between cultivated area and feddan net revenue by pound in the previous year of studied crops through three periods (1980-1986), (1987-19 92) and (1993-2004). (area by thousand feddans) Data Equation t R2 F Wheat (1980-1986) yt= 7350 - 0.49 xt 2.12 0.47 4.47 Wheat (1987-1992) yt= 1011.3 + 1.34 xt 12.3 0.97 152.3* Wheat (1993-2004) yt= 1981.9 + 0.537 xt 1.62 0.25 2.65 Maize (1980-1986) yt= 360.1 - 0.139 xt 1.33 0.27 1.87 Maize (1987-1992) yt= 1720.6 + 0.485 xt 3.32 0.73 11.04* Maize (1993-2004) yt=2034.66+ 0.159 xt 0.8 0.07 0.64 Rice (1980-1986) yt= 991.1-0.031 xt 0.17 0.005 0.02 Rice (1987-1992) yt=1113.2+3.15 xt 9.24 0.95 85.4* Rice (1993-2004) yt=1231 + 0.128 xt 1.4 0.21 2.1 Broad bean (1980-1986) yt=262.9 + 0.41 xt 0.24 0.01 0.05 Broad bean (1987-1992) yt= 244.6 + 0.171 xt 2.48 0.52 5.36* Broad bean (1993-2004) yt= 276.90 + 0.053 xt 0.71 0.06 0.5 Lentil (1980-1986) yt= 12.36 + 0.022 xt 3.02 0.65 19.2 Lentil (1987-1992) yt= 34.04 - 0.029 xt 2.75 0.6 7.58* Lentil (1993-2004) yt= 6.6 – 0.007 xt 0.86 0.08 0.75 yt = Estimated value of cultivated area through the period. xt = Feddan net revenue by pound in the previous year through the period. * = Significant at 0.01 level. Source: Collected and calculated from Tables (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) of appendix. Agricultural Polices analysis Matrix: Applying methods of price polices on wheat, maize, rice broad bean and lentil through the three periods of study; the period before liberalization (1980-1986), period of partial liberalization (1987-1992) and period of complete liberalization (19932004), both nomial protection coefficient of outputs and effective protection coefficient are estimated. Table 4 shows that, the nomial protection coefficient ofwheat was (in average) ca. 0.44 in (1980-1986), 0.67 in (1987-1992) and 1.13 in (1993-2004). Also, this coefficient of maize was 0.63 in (1980-1986), 0.68 in (1987-1992) and 1.08 in (1993-2004). While that of rice was 0.49 in (1980-1986), 0.61 in (1987-1992) and 1.07 in (1993-2004). These results indicate that the government assigned direct and implicit taxes on wheat and maize producers in periods before liberalization more than in partial liberalization while it provides subsidies for wheat, maize and rice producers in period of complete liberalization till 2004. These subsidies were ca. 13% of wheat productive value while ca. 8% of maize productive value and 7% of rice productive value. This is due to the positive protection policy for wheat, maize and rice crops. On the other hand, the nomial protection coefficient of broad bean was ca. 0.86 in (1980-1986), 0.75 in (1987-1992) and 0.90 in (1993-2004). Also, this coefficient of lentil was 0.94 in (1980-1986), 0.8 in (1987-1992) and 0.87 in (1993-2004). This indicates increasing the implicit taxes on producers and giving subsidies to consumers. Thus implicit taxes for broad bean increased in period of partial liberalization more than before liberalization while implicit taxes for lentil increased through period of complete liberalization more than partial liberalization. This conclusion was also shown in previous study[5] which declared that the nomial protection coefficient of broad bean and lentil was less than one integral. They were ca. 0.75 and 0.92 for broad bean in (1986-1993) and (1994-2003) respectively, i.e. producers suffers implicit taxes ca. 25% and 8% of broad bean productive values, in partial and complete liberalization periods respectively. In this part, this relationship has been studied, through the three studied periods, by considering cultivated area in the current year as dependent factor (y) and feddan net revenue in the previous year as independent factor (x). Table 3 revealed increasing feddan net revenue in the previous year by one pound increases cultivated area of wheat, maize, rice and broad bean by 1.344, 0.485, 3.153 and 0.171thousand feddans, respectively in period of partial liberalization, but no effect was appeared on cultivated area of these crops in periods before or at complete liberalization. On the other hand, increasing feddan net revenue in the previous year by one pound increases cultivated area of lentil by 0.022 thousand feddanin period of partial liberalization, while increasing feddan net revenue in the previous year by one pound decreasing cultivated area of lentil by 0.029 thousand feddan in period of complete liberalization. Table 4:Nomial protectioncoefficient and effective protection coefficient of wheat, maize, rice, broad bean and lentil through the period (1980-2004) Wheat Maize Rice Broad bean Lentil ------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------Nomial Effective Nomial Effective Nomial Effective Nomial Effective Nomial Effective protection protection protection protection protection protection protection protection protection protection Period coefficient coeffici-ent coefficient coefficient coefficient coefficient coefficient coefficient coefficient coefficient (1980-1986) 0.44 0.6 0.63 0.67 0.49 0.47 0.86 -0.01 0.9 0.96 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1987-1992) 0.67 0.75 0.68 0.7 0.61 0.67 0.75 0.39 0.78 0.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1993-2004) 1.13 1.17 1.08 1.12 1.07 1.13 0.9 0.59 0.8 0.55 Source: 1- The Central System of General Mobilization and statistic, foreign trade publication., different issues. 2 The Central System of General Mobilization and statistic, Annual statistical book, different issues. 3 Egyptian Ahli Bank, economic publication, different issues. 4 Agricultural and land reclamation Ministry, Economic sector, Agriculture economic publication, different issues. 679 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 675-686, 2006 Also, they were ca. 0.79 and 0.81 for lentil in ( 19861993) and (1994-2003) respectively. i.e. producers suffers implicit taxes ca. 21 % and 19 % of lentil productive valuesrespectively. These resultsindicated decreasingthe percentage of implicit taxes of broad bean and lentil throughcomplete liberalization period in comparable with the period of partial liberalization. This decreasing was more for broad bean than for lentil which explained decreasing cultivated area of lentil at this period. Also the effective protection coefficient wasestimated to reflect the implicit taxes on outputs and the subsidy produced on inputs or vise versa, and it measures the net impact of local economic polices on both outputs and input markets. Table 4 shows that the effective protection coefficient of wheat crop was (in average) 0.60 in (1980-1986), 0.75 in (1987-1992) and 1.17 in ( 1993 -2004). Also, this coefficient of maize crop was 0.67 in (1980-1986), 0.70 in (1987-1992) and 1.12 in (1993-2004). While that of rice was 0.47 in (1980-1986), 0.67 in (1987-1992) and 1.13 in (1993-2004). This indicates that the government assigned less direct and implicit taxes on wheat, maize and rice producers, producing more positive motives and increasing protection level in partial liberalization period than in period before liberalization. While it gives the most positive protection by producing subsidy ca. 17%, 12%, 13% from the value of production of wheat, maize and rice production respectively in complete liberalization period. This is for the positive protection policy done by the government for these three strategic crops. On the other hand, it is shown from Table 4 that, the effective protection coefficient of broad bean crop was(in average) 0.01 in (1980-1986), 0.39 in (1987-1992) and 0.59 in (1993-2004). This indicates decreasing consumer subsidy through period of complete liberalization than before. While, this coefficient of lentil crop was 0.96 in (1980-1986), 0.05 in (1987-1992) and 0.55 in (19932004). This indicates that producers of lentil crop suffer most implicit taxes in partial liberalization period and absence of taxes in period before liberalization. Hence, there are an increase in consumer subsidy through period of complete liberalization. A previous study [5] showed also, that the effective protection coefficient of broad bean and lentil through periods of partial and complete liberalization were less than one integral which indicates suffering of producers from implicit taxes and presence of consumer subsidy, which coincide with my study. It was ca. 0.42 and 0.61 in periods of partial and complete liberalization respectively for broad bean, and ca. 0.49 and 0.56 in periods of partial and complete liberalization respectively for lentil Conclusion: This study reveals the success of the economic reclamationpolices (complete liberalization) in Egypt as cultivated area and feddan productivity of studied crops are proved to increase through period of complete liberalization (1993-2004). The study recommends the Egyptian government to increase the limit of this policy but decrease the implicit taxes on broad bean and lentil producers to encourage cultivating these crops, as they are not less important than wheat, maize and rice for Egyptian people. It also recommends that there must be a control on increasing the productive unit cost of studied crops to terminate increasing rates of increasing costs, especially those of agriculture production requirements, in comparable with rates of increasing prices. APPENDIX Table 1: Development of some productive and economic indicators of wheat crop in Egypt in period (1980-2004) Area Feddan Total Farm price Total Feddan Total Total net Net feddan Global (thousand productivity production for ton revenue productivity cost revenue revenue price Year feddan) (ton) (thousand ton) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (dollar) 1980 1326 2.45 3248.7 99 321621.3 141.62 187788.1 133833.2 100.9 150.89 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1981 1400 2.34 3332 108.92 3629221 152.7 213780 149141.4 106.5 233.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 1374 2.38 3270.12 99.19 324363.2 176.19 242085.1 82278.14 59.9 222.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1983 1320 2.41 3181.2 128.51 408816 229.18 302517.6 106298.4 80.5 217.35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1984 1178 2.27 2674.06 146.73 392364.8 264.57 311663.5 80701.34 68.5 244.28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1985 1186 2.5 2965 198.69 589115.9 292.51 346916.8 242199.1 204.2 284.57 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1986 1206 2.42 2918.52 252.79 737772.7 328 39995568 342204.7 283.8 336.57 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1987 1373 2.49 3418.77 256.55 877085.4 353.19 484929.9 392155.5 285.6 355.68 680 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 675-686, 2006 Table 1: Continue 1988 1422 2.54 3611.88 73.01 986079.4 383.1 544768.2 441311.2 310.3 429.74 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1989 1533 2.72 4169.76 432.1 1801753 405.73 621984.1 1179769 769.6 557.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1990 1955 3.05 5962.75 468.6 27941145 483.61 945457.6 1848687 945.62 642.05 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1991 2215 3.13 6932.95 498.13 3453510 562.4 12455716 2207794 996.75 677.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1992 2092 3.21 6705.32 526.8 3537631 664.4 1389925 2147706 1026.63 635.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1993 2171 3.24 7034.04 528.86 3719600 940.7 2042260 1677341 772.6 667.52 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1994 2111 3.32 7008.52 531.93 3728042 981 2070891 1656151 785 821.46 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1995 2512 3.42 8591.04 560 4810982 1035.7 2601678 2.21E+08 789.5 845.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1996 2412 3.48 8696.76 640 5372006 1086.9 2621603 2750403,6 1140.3 869.18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1997 2486 3.53 8775.58 666.93 5852698 1198 2978228 2874470 4456.26 593.26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1998 2421 3.63 8788.23 680 59755996 1522.9 3686941 2289056 945.5 589.88 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1999 2379 3.73 8873.67 686.66 6093194 1532.7 3646293 2446901 1028.5 610.32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2000 2463 3.82 9408.66 693.33 65523306 1510.4 3720115 2803191 1138.12 625.61 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2001 2342 3.82 8946.44 704.47 6302499 1532.7 3589583 2712915 1158.38 729.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2002 2450 3.82 9359 717.26 6712836 1532.7 3755115 2957721 1207.23 833.86 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2003 2553 3.82 9752.46 730.05 7119783 1532.7 3912983 3206800 1256.1 938 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2004 2600 3.77 9802 1168 11448736 1763 4583800 6864936 2640.36 1042.1 Source: Agricultural and land reclamation Ministry, Economic sector, , Agriculture economic publication, Central Administration of Agriculture Economics, different issues. Table 2: Development of some productive and economic indicators of maize crop in Egypt in period (1980-2004) Area Feddan Total Farm price Total Feddan Total Total net Net feddan Global (thousand productivity production for ton revenue productivity cost revenue revenue price Year feddan) (ton) (thousand ton) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (dollar) 1980 1433 2.26 3223 122.85 3971741 135.44 194085.5 203088,35 142 135.88 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1981 1434 2.31 3308 122.35 404733.8 169.13 242532.4 162201.4 113 239.12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 1452 2.305 3347 124.85 417873 207.94 301928.9 1115944 80 243.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1983 1400 2.51 3509 160.57 563440.1 251.69 350966 212474.1 152 166.75 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1984 1450 2.55 3698 172.78 638940.4 278.98 404521 234419.4 162 202.12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1985 1396 2.65 3699 194.35 718900.7 315.95 441066.2 277834.5 199 217.36 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1986 1122 2.59 2098 219 636852 323.3 362742.6 274109.4 244 215.94 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1987 1353 2.09 3619 254.64 921542.2 348.23 471155.2 450387 333 178.88 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1988 1480 2.02 4088 324.28 1325657 356.16 527116.8 798539,8 540 267.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1989 1534 2.16 4529 404.64 1832615 397.7 6100072 1222544 597 378 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1990 1547 2.24 4799 426.78 2048117 470.73 728219.3 1319898 654 362.87 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1991 1676 2.44 5122 441.07 2259161 533 893308 1365853 603 388.6 681 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 675-686, 2006 Table 2: Continue 1992 1649 2.62 5069 435.42 2207144 628.4 1036232 1170912 520 410 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1993 1663 2.63 4943 457.92 2263499 723.3 1201401 1062097 353 425 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1994 1740 2.69 5550 478.57 2656064 956 1663440 992623.5 417 439.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1995 1751 2.66 5178 514.28 2662942 1005.3 1760280 902661.5 356 476.64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1996 1768 2.81 5825 537.14 3128840,5 1074.6 1899893 1228948 546 498.33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1997 1636 2.59 6076 551.64 3351765 1132.2 1852279 1499485 751 499.32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1998 1755 2.99 6336 579.14 3819658 1113.3 1890383 1929274 494 506.16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1999 1647 3.15 6146 602.85 3705116 1402 2310496 1394620 743 554.17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2000 1679 3.29 5650 607.85 3434353 1430 2400970 1033383 763 541 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2001 1674 3.165 5661 633.513 3586602 1471 2393463 1193140 752 592.72 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2002 1669 3.04 5673 652.776 3703133 1480 2385955 1317178 824 644.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2003 1658 3.42 5681.8 672.039 3818391 1790 2370654 1447737 873.2 696.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2004 1685 3.18 5358.3 1129.12 6050163,7 1846 3110510 2939654 1744.6 747.86 Source: Agricultural and land reclamation Ministry, Economic sector, , Agriculture economic publication, Central Administration of Agriculture Economics, different issues. Table 3: Development of some productive and economic indicators of rice crop in Egypt in period (1980-2004) Area Feddan Total Farm price Total Feddan Total Total net Net feddan Global (thousand productivity production for ton revenue productivity cost revenue revenue price Year feddan) (ton) (thousand ton) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (dollar) 1980 970 2.45 2383 120.89 288080.9 162.54 157663.8 130417.1 134.5 310 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1981 954 2.34 2236 147.46 329720.6 196.54 187499.16 142221.4 149 350 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 1024 2.38 2441 194.2 474042.2 238.97 244705.28 229336.9 223.96 201 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1983 1011 2.41 2442 188.5 460317 263.57 266469.27 193847.73 191.7 175 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1984 984 2.27 2236 195.52 437182.7 323.58 318402.72 118779.98 120.7 177 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1985 924 2.5 2311 211.5 488776.5 354.28 327354.72 161421.78 174.7 145 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1986 1008 2.42 2445 247.5 605137.5 380.68 383725.44 221412.06 219.65 260 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1987 981 2.49 2402 206 494812 424.17 416110.77 78701.23 80.22 315 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1988 837 2.54 2131 256.5 546601.5 443.42 371142.54 175458.96 209.6 447 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1989 982 2.72 2676 362 968712 474.71 466165.22 502546.78 511.76 624 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1990 1036 3.05 3166 367 1161922 522 540792 902546.78 599.55 648 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1991 1100 3.13 3447 436 1502892 694.4 763840 1426512 671.87 689 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1992 1215 3.21 3908 452 1766416 838.8 1019142 747274 615 987 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1993 1282 3.24 4158 504 2095632 1113.2 1427122.4 1952919.6 521.46 1138 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1994 1378 3.32 4582 606 2776692 1173.3 1616807.4 1159884.6 841.72 1256 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1995 1400 3.42 4788 656 3140928 1258 2135000 1005928 718.52 1328.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1996 1405 3.48 4895 702 3436290 1307.5 1837037.5 1599252.5 1138.26 1485 682 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 675-686, 2006 Table 3: Continue 1997 1550 3.53 5480 718 3934640 1426.8 2211540 1723100 1111.68 1505 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1998 1225 3.63 4450 724 3221800 1704.8 1893605 1328195 1084.24 1680 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1999 1559 3.73 5816 730 4245680 1750.7 2729341.3 1516338.7 972.64 1670 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2000 1569 3.82 6000 583 3498000 1692 2556371.7 1241628.3 600.15 1665 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2001 1340 3.9 5226 592 3093792 1685 2345938 747854 558.1 1035.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2002 1547 4.95 6110.7 671 4100280 1760 2708332.9 1391946.8 899.77 990 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2003 1507.6 4.09 6174.4 992 5692797 2059 2639355.3 3053441.5 2025.37 1851.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2004 1536.7 4.133 6351.2 1024 6503609.5 2373 3646589.1 2857020.4 1859.19 1508 Source: Agricultural and land reclamation Ministry, Economic sector, , Agriculture economic publication, Central Administration of Agriculture Economics, different issues. Table 4: Development of some productive and economic indicators of broad bean crop in Egypt in period (1980-2004) Area Feddan Total Farm price Total Feddan Total Total net Net feddan Global (thousand productivity production for ton revenue productivity cost revenue revenue price Year feddan) (ton) (thousand ton) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (dollar) 1980 244.7 5.61 1372.1 30.86 32343 114 27895.8 14447.2 59.04 566.29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1981 237.7 5.64 1340.6 36.38 48771 73.3 17423.41 31347.6 131.88 553.54 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 274.1 6.11 1675 37.7 63147.5 64 17542.4 45605.1 166.38 540.77 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1983 289.5 6.57 1902.2 38.95 74090.69 84.5 24462.75 49627.9 171.43 528.01 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1984 271 6.46 1751 43.01 75310.5 228.06 61804.26 13506.24 49.84 442.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1985 285 6.84 1947 49.3 95987.1 251.53 71686.05 24301.05 85.27 468.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1986 270 6.73 1820 71 129220 273.01 73712.7 55507.3 205.58 866.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1987 286 7.29 2086 85.2 177727.2 298.49 85368.14 92359. 06 322.9 457.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1988 263 6.25 2338 85.8 200600.4 327.3 86079.9 114520.5 435.44 428.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1989 329 7.97 2624 89.5 234848 372.82 122657.78 112190.22 341 400 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1990 303 7.98 2418 107 258726 489.32 148263.96 110462.04 364.56 356 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1991 292 6.25 1829 135.6 248012.4 580.9 169622.8 78389.6 268.46 332 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1992 390 6.56 2558.4 164 419577.6 648 252720 166857.6 427.84 318 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1993 266 6.6 1755 160 280800 986.8 262488.8 18311.2 68.84 304 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1994 342 5.99 2048 155 317440 871.2 297950.4 19489.6 57 307.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1995 295 8.58 2531 162 410022 957.4 282433 127589 432.5 316.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1996 329 8.67 2854 172.3 491744.2 1000.8 329263.2 162481 493.86 388.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1997 355 8.65 3072 189.68 582697 1025.9 364194.5 218502.5 615.5 387.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1998 385 8.77 3375 192.59 649991.3 1413 544005 105986.3 275.29 285.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1999 319 8.22 2622.2 194.7 510538.4 1370.4 437157.6 73380.8 230 313.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2000 271 8.44 2283 195 445185 1332.6 361134.6 84050.4 310.15 313 683 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 675-686, 2006 Table 4: Continue 2001 334 8.49 2834 194 549796 1288 430192 119604 358.1 307.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2002 303 8.54 2586 197 509442 1366.9 414170.7 95271.3 314.43 276.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2003 352 8.61 2173 218 473714 1476 373428 100286 396.39 355.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2004 240.9 8.68 2091 326 681669.9 1763 424706.7 256963.2 1066.7 435 Source: Agricultural and land reclamation Ministry, Economic sector, , Agriculture economic publication, Central Administration of Agriculture Economics, different issues. Table 5: Development of some productive and economic indicators of lentil crop in Egypt in period (1980-2004) Area Feddan Total Farm price Total Feddan Total Total net Net feddan Global (thousand productivity production for ton revenue productivity cost revenue revenue price Year feddan) (ton) (thousand ton) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound) (dollar) 1980 34.3 4.08 113.79 74.45 8471.665 152.6 5234.2 3237.49 94.4 668 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1981 32.9 4.25 109.58 86.34 9461.137 108 3553.2 5907.9 179.6 677 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 31.5 4.09 105.38 98.24 10352.53 43 5907.9 4444.6 141.1 654 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1983 30.28 4.11 101.19 109.9 11120.78 39 1180.9 9939.9 328.26 648.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1984 18 3.69 66.4 63.9 6234.96 258.87 4659.66 1575.3 87.5 387.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1985 19.9 3.54 70.45 116.98 8241.24 277.45 5521.26 2718.98 136.6 759.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1986 21 3.67 77.07 156.5 12061.5 298.15 6261.15 5800.35 276.2 1193.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1987 24.2 3.87 93.65 160 14984 376.63 9114.45 5869.55 242.5 578.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1988 19 4.95 94.1 155.5 14632.55 383.06 7278.14 7354.41 687.1 377.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1989 17 4.99 84.8 210 17808 423.8 7204.6 10603.4 623.73 480.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1990 14 5.34 73.4 218.7 16052.58 456.06 6384.84 9667.74 690.55 597.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1991 16.2 4.73 76.5 220.3 16852.95 586.6 9502.92 7350.03 453.7 694.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1992 14.6 4.53 65.9 236.3 15572.17 720.4 10517.84 5054.33 346.19 651.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1993 20.9 4.34 90.7 246.1 22321.27 995.3 20801.77 1519.5 72.7 507.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1994 15.5 4.54 70.37 246.7 17360.28 961.7 14906.35 2453.9 158.32 413.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1995 10.9 4.38 47.74 252 12030.98 1012.7 11038.43 992.55 91.1 563.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1996 7.8 4.5 35 279.8 9793 1032.7 8055.06 1737.9 222.8 549.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1997 9.1 4.45 40.5 284.9 11538.5 1067.3 9712.43 1826.07 200.67 623.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1998 10.7 4.48 47.8 289.4 13833.32 1520.1 16265.07 -2431.75 -227.3 637 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1999 6 4.58 27.48 290 7969.2 1441.2 7206 763.2 127.2 644.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2000 5.8 4.4 25.52 295 7528.4 1465.9 7036.3 492.1 84.8 552.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2001 6.4 4.41 28.224 312.4 8817.18 1514.6 8178.84 638.34 99.7 442.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2002 5.9 4.48 26.43 321 8484.67 1569.1 7688.9 795.8 134.9 645 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2003 5.2 4.27 22.2 340 7549.36 1609 6757.8 791.56 152.2 650.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2004 3.54 4.65 16.46 451 7423.91 1759 6226.86 1197.05 338.15 656 Source: Agricultural and land reclamation Ministry, Economic sector, , Agriculture economic publication, Central Administration of Agriculture Economics, different issues. 684 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(10): 675-686, 2006 Table 6: Nomial protection and effective protection coefficients of broad bean, lentil, wheat, maize and rice crops through the period (1980-2004). Broad bean Lentil Wheat Maize Rice ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year nomial effective nomial effective nomial effective nomial effective nomial effective 1980 0.79 0.48 3.82 2.29 0.5 0.58 0.82 0.81 0.5 0.41 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1981 0.85 0.51 1.80 1.05 0.37 0.51 0.37 0.3 0.36 0.29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 0.88 0.54 1.44 0.89 0.3 0.43 0.47 0.42 0.4 0.32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1983 1.11 0.68 1.27 0.79 0.46 0.61 0.9 1 0.49 0.45 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1984 1.23 0.82 2.25 1.38 0.45 0.63 0.6 0.62 0.54 0.54 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1985 0.0004 0.62 1.4 0.84 0.44 0.65 0.66 0.83 0.62 0.69 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1986 0.753 0.243 0.788 0.442 0.55 0.81 0.58 0.73 0.52 0.61 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1987 0.791 0.27 0.791 0.37 0.46 0.68 0.52 0.61 0.4 0.44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1988 0.775 0.251 0.794 0.455 0.31 0.45 0.39 0.42 0.46 0.55 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1989 0.728 0.365 0.734 0.56 0.45 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.49 0.48 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1990 0.753 0.471 0.818 0.512 0.69 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.64 0.61 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1991 0.762 0.587 0.805 0.6 1.8 1.07 0.95 0.94 0.98 0.96 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1992 0.705 0.563 0.78 0.56 1.4 1.04 0.97 0.95 0.74 0.97 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1993 0.925 0.582 0.767 0.457 1.2 1.03 0.87 0.82 0.9 0.87 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1994 0.917 1.036 0.8 0.571 1.23 1.25 0.98 0.97 0.98 0.97 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1995 0.919 0.819 0.819 0.441 0.92 0.86 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.89 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1996 0.917 0.578 0.822 0.645 0.81 0.77 0.78 0.7 0.99 0.99 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1997 0.916 0.511 0.793 0.574 1.07 1.09 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1998 0.915 0.606 0.82 0.575 1.25 1.25 1.22 1.33 0.63 0.55 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1999 .916 0.719 0.815 0.568 1.22 1.4 1.26 1.36 1.4 1.65 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2000 0.916 0.559 0.806 0.617 1.24 1.36 1.18 124 1.29 1.47 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2001 0.925 0.501 0.811 0.689 1.25 1.32 1.2 1.31 1.3 1.42 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2002 0.922 0.452 0.791 0.449 1.28 1.40 1.3 1.43 1.3 1.49 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2003 0.919 0.304 0.789 0.474 1.1 1.39 1.34 1.49 1.34 1.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2004 0.916 0.299 0.787 0.499 1.1 1.38 1.38 1.55 1.38 1.51 1 The Central System of General Mobilization and statistic, foreign trade publication., different issues. 2 The Central System of General Mobilization and statistic, Annual statistical book, different issues. 3 Agricultural and land reclamation Ministry, Economic sector, , Agriculture economic publication, different issues. 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