Zirconium Dioxide Dispersed in SiO -Montmorillonite: Heterogeneous Catalyst For
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Zirconium Dioxide Dispersed in SiO -Montmorillonite: Heterogeneous Catalyst For
Journal of A pplied Sciences Res earch, 5(10): 1277-1284, 2009 © 2009, INSInet Publication Zirconium Dioxide Dispersed in SiO2 -Montmorillonite: Heterogeneous Catalyst For Citronellal Conversion To Isopulegol Is Fatimah Chemistry Dept., Islamic University of Indonesia Kampus Terpadu UII, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14, Besi, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55581 Abs tract: Study on preparation of ZrO2 dis p e rs e d in S iO2 - pillared montmorillonite (ZrO2 /SiO2 M ontmorillonite) and its application as heterogeneous catalys t for citronellal convers ion to is opulegol has been inves tigated. The catalys t preparation involving zirconia dis pers ion by impregnating ZrOCl2 precurs or to s ilica pillared montmorillonite was evaluated by s everal technique in phys icochemical character meas urements s uch as XRD, s pecific s urface area, F T IR a n d SEM micrograph. Bas ed on the phys icochemical data, the improved catalys t character was correlate with its activity in citro n ellal convers ion to is o p u legol. In general, it was s howed that dis pers ion produce in s urface acidity and s pecific s urface area as well as the catalys t activity in producing is opulegol. It was found t h a t the us e of ZrO2 / S iO 2 -M o n t mo rillonite increas e the kinetic cons tant rate in the ratio of 1.97. Prepared material give 94.640 % s electivity in producing is opulegol and it is much higher than the s electivity gained by us ing montmorillonite and SiO2 -M ontmorillonite with the values of 0.003% and 14.496 % res pectively. Key words : pillarization, impregnation, citronellal convers ion INTRODUCTION Is opulegol is important chemical intermediate in the manufacture of menthols (C1 0 H2 0 O) and o t h e r compound in pharmac e u t ical indus try. The s imples t way to s ynthes is is opulegol is the cyclis ation of citronellal, which is a ls o a main component in lemon gras s oil [2 ,1 0 ]. The reaction of citronela l c onvers ion (Fig. 2:) s h o w that acid catalys t needed for the convers ion. In the Takas ago proces s aqueous ZnBr2 is us ed t o perform the ene-cyclis ation in very good yield and excellent s electivity. Other c a t a lys t as a recent p a t e n t o f t h is c o mp a n y is t r i s (2,6triarylphenoxy )a lu min iu m, w h ic h g iv e s a lmo s t e xclus ively (2)-is opulegol, 99.3%, with only traces o f the other is omers [1 0 ]. Lewis acidit y p lay important role in the mechanis m. However, the us e of homogeneous catalys t in indus try make new problem in e n v ironment due to its difficulties in catalys t recyc ling and the product s eparation. T he us e of heterogeneous catalys ts can be indus trially a more attractiv e a lternative for the production of fine chemicals due to the eas y s eparation and re u s e of thes e catalys ts . A dditionally the us e of hetero geneous catalys ts allows more environmentally friendly proces s es than homogeneous catalys ts . This advantageous make the proces s more e c o nomic [1 , 6 ]. For this purpos e, s everal inorga n ic material us ed as Corresponding Author: s olid s upport o f lewis acid s ite needed in the mechanis m [3]. Zeolite, s ilic a a n d M CM -41 are reported by s everal author. The s ign ificant point of the res ults is the domination of s urfa ce acidity and reactant acces s to the catalys t pore or s urface to the convers ion p e rc e ntage and product s electivity. Zirconium in the ionic and oxide form are the exclus ive active s ite for this s urface reaction [4 ,1 4 ,1 5 ]. A iming to improve the activity and s electivity to (-)-is opulego l, c o mb ining zirconium with s everal inorganic matrices s uch a s s ilica alumina and zeolite minerals was s tudied [1 2 ,1 6 ]. In other s id e , pillared clays are new clas s of inorganic matrix h ave received wides pre a d interes t as a novel clas s of microporous s olid acids . The bas ic principle of its s ynthes is cons is t of metal oxide ins ertion in interlayer s ilica s pace make t h e s tructure of pillared clay in the zeolite-like mate ria l clas s ification. Bes ide of its us e as catalys t, available s pace in pore s tructure and thermal s tability lead the potential application as catalys t s upport [5]. This res earch inves tigate the s ynthes is of ZrO2 dis pers ed into s ilica-pillared montmorillon ite s upport. Natural montmorillonite called as bentonite was us ed as raw clay con s idering that this s tructure is s mectitic c lay. Simple preparation method of s ilica pillare d montmorillonite and many reports regarding to the high a c t iv it y o f ZrO2 combined with SiO2 in org a n ic s ynthes is are the promis ing idea for this s ynt hes is . Is Fatimah, Chemistry Dept., Islamic University of Indonesia Kampus Terpadu UII, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14, Besi, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55581 Tel: +62818 273 001 E-mail: [email protected] 1277 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1277-1284, 2009 Some res earch reported the important increa s e in phys icochemical character of s pecific s urface area and homogeneous pore dis tribution in the mes oporous range as a new challenge in its u t ilization for ZrO 2 hos t matrix [7 ,8 ,9 ,1 1 ]. Homo geneous dis pers ion in the matrix hope This paper dis cus s es the relations hip of the phys icochemical character of prepared material with the catalys t activity and s electivity in producing is opulegol. MATERIAL AND METHOD Raw Mate r ial and S ilica Pillarization Proces s : The natural clay mineral us ed in this work was bentonite from PT. Tunas Inti M akmur, Semarang, Indones ia. The fraction with particle s ize s maller than 200 mes h was obt ained after was hing and careful aqueous d e cantation of the natural clay, and was then us ed fo r intercalation e xperiments . Its chemical compos ition is given in Table 1. Silica pillarization was condu c ted by us ing s ilica precurs or of tetraethyl ortho s ilicate (TEOS) followed the modified method pres ented b y M ao et al.[1 1 ] with chloride acid in the hydrolys is s ys te m. T h e SiO2 pillare d mo n t morillonite was prepared by the dis pers ing s olution of TEOS in eth a n ol into montmorillonite s us pended in low concentration of HCl s olution under vigorous ly s tirring. The s us pens ion was kept for 48 h at room temperature, was hed with aquades t until abs ence of chloride (A g + tes t) and dried at 70 NC for 16 h. The s olid from this s tep was called as Si-intercalated montmo rillonite. The intercalated s olid was calc in e d with a heating rate of 1 NC/min and main tained at the final calcination temperature of 400o C for 4 h under N2 ga s flowing. Solid produced by this proces s was called as SiO2 -montmorillonite. Zirconia D i s pers ion: Zirconium oxide chloride was us ed as zirconia precurs o r in the catalys t preparation. Impregna t io n proces s was performed by mixing the precurs or s olution with SiO 2 -montmorillonite, s tirring at 60o C fo r 4 h a nd evaporating s olvent. Solid gained by this s tep was calcined at 400o C for 4 h u n d e r N2 gas flowing. The s olids pro d u c e d is labeled as ZrO2 /SiO2 montmorillonite. S olid Characterization: X-ray Diffraction: XRD analys es were c a rried out with a Shimadzu X6000 diffractome t e r us ing a CuKá radiation s o urce. The analys is was performed from 3 to 65o . Area and Pore S ize D i s tribution: The s pecific s urface area and the pore s ize dis tribution were determined by nitrogen ads orption is o t h e rms at 77 K by us ing 1278 NOVA 1000 gas s orpt ion analyzer. BET-is otherm eq u a t ions were applied to determine s pecific s urface area and pore s ize dis tribution res pectively. S canning Electron Mi c r os copy (S EM): SEM was performed us ing JSM -5310 LV micros cope. Catalytic Activity Tes t: Ca t a ly t ic a c t iv it y o f ZrO2 /SiO2 -M ontmorillonite for the citronellal convers ion reaction was carried out at reflux s ys tem. A nalys is of t h e reaction res ult compos ition in the certain interva l t ime was meas ured by GC and the data pres en t e d in kinetic s tudy. Effect of catalys t to reactant ma s s ratio (c/r) to the catalys t activity and s electivity in is opulegol production was s tudied. S u r fac e A c i di ty Me as u r e ment by P yr i di n e A ds or pti on-FTIR Analys is : Surfa c e a c id it y o f materials are evaluated by ads orption proces s of pyridine vapor by materials followed by FTIR analys is . M aterials are h e a t e d in 103o C for 4 h before evacuated in low pres s ure ( ~ 300 mmH g ) fo r 1 h in a chamber. Pyridine vapor was flo wed to the chamber and le ft for 24 h. Solids were evacuated in low pres s ure ( ~ 300 mmHg) for 1 h in orde r t o o u s t u n a d s o rb e d pyridine before analyzed by FTIR s pectrophotometry. RES ULT AND DIS CUS S ION Material Char acterization: Table 2 pres ent the chemical compos ition, s urface analys is data and the value of d 0 0 1 bas al s pacin g meas ured by XRD. From the data, it is found t h a t SiO2 and A l2 O3 are main component repres enting the s ilica alumina framework. T h e higher content in Na than to Ca in the ra w montmorillonite s how the typical cha ra c t e ris tics of a Na-s mectite with the s w eallable properties . Res ult of d 0 0 1 bas al s pacing meas u re ment due to the XRD reflection indicating the d 0 0 1 bas al reflect ion equal to 14.39 Å . A s s uming that the thicknes s of s ilica layer c.a 9.6Å , the interlayer dis tance between two s ilica layer is equal to 4.79Å . The evolution on phys icochemical charact e r of material after s ilica pillarization and zirconia dis pers ion. s h o w n b y the alteration in d 0 0 1 bas al s pacing value, s pecific s urfa ce area and pore volume. Fig. 2: s how t h e re flection of X-ray diffraction analys is . The patterns indica t e that the ZrO2 /SiO2 M ontmorillonite was s ucces s fully s ynthes ized. Reflections of natural montmorillonite (NM ) s how t h e s ignificant characteris tic peaks at 2è = 6.30o (d= 14.47Å ) and 2è = 19.91o (d= 4.45Å ) with the valuable intens ity and other reflections at 2q = 20.18o , 23.57o and J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1277-1284, 2009 Table 1: Elemental analysis result of montmorillonite and saponite Mineral/element Composition (% wt.) SiO 2 59.80±0.67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Al 2 O 3 22.19±0.65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MgO 2.82±0.27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CaO 0.77±0.27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Na 5.25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cation Exchange capacity (meq/100gram) 68,00-69,72 Table 2: Specific Surface Area and Pore Volume data of Materials Sampel Specific Surface area (m 2 /g) Pore Volume (cc/g) Natural Montmorillonite 45.82 54.88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SiO 2 -Montmorillonite 165.32 171.64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ZrO2 / SiO 2-Montmorillonite 79.05 67.98 Fig. 1: Convers ion of citronellal to is opulegol is omers Fig. 2: XRD pattern of (a) M ontmorillonite (b) SiO2 -M ontmorillonite (c) ZrO2 /SiO2 -M ontmorillonite 1279 d 001 (D) 14.47 15.85 15.84 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1277-1284, 2009 Fig. 3: FTIR Spectra of (a) montmorillonite (b) SiO2 -M ontmorillonite (d) ZrO 2 /SiO 2 -M on t mo rillo nite after ads orbed pyridine 26.57 o . T h e reflection at 2è = 5.92o is correlated to the d 0 0 1 bas al s pacing of s mect itic clay s tructure. Other reflections corres ponding to the impurities minerals of quartz and crys toballite are als o identified. Specific a lteration to the montmorillonite reflectio n w a s obs erved, which s hows a s hift of d 0 0 1 to the lower angle after pillarization and zirconia dis pers ion. The d 0 0 1 reflection of SiO2 -M ontmorillonite is a t 5.75o implying a larg e r d 0 0 1 value of arrond 15.85D res ulted from s ilica pillarization. ZrO2 dis pers ion into SiO2 montmorillonite do not s how any differences in reflection pattern. Compared to SiO2 -M ontmorillonite, the d 0 0 1 peak of s lightly decreas ed, which refle c t ed the lower crys tallinity in the clay layer, b u t t h ere is no s hift of d 0 0 1 is reflection after zirconia pillarization.. It is predicted that the dis pers ion fo rm metal oxide was s lightly affect to th e p illared montmorillonite s tructure. The acid environment of zirconia precurs or a nd calcinations proces s during th e d is pers ion may the pos s ible affecting s tep. However, the relative low in decreas ing intens ity of d 0 0 1 reflection s u gges t that the SiO2 -M ontmorillonite is s table enough a s hos t matrix of zirco n ia loading. Furthermore, there were no characteris tic reflections res p o ns ible to the zirconia 1280 phas e identified in ZrO2 / SiO2 -M ontmorillonite. The res epons ible reas on for this ind ication is that there is no zirconia aggregatio n found in s urface or the dis pers ion occurs homogeneous ly. In agre e ment with XRD data, s urface area s how the increase of phys ic o c h e mical character after pilla rization proces s . However, and pore dis tribution analys is of material indicatin g t h e mes oporous formation that can be produced either by hous e of cards formation or s urfa c e from the pillar gallery in the pillared s tructure. The s pecific s urface area and pore v o lume from the N2 ads orption data are giv e n in Table 2. During pillaring, the expans ion in the clay s tructure largely contributed to the enhancement of the s urface area of th e c lay. The s urface area analys is indicated that pillaring with SiO2 s ignificantly increas ed t h e s u rfa c e a re a , fro m 45.82 m2 /g o f t h e mo ntmorillonite to a value of 165.32 m2 /g, and increas e d the pore volume by a factor of at leas t 3.12 (from 54.88 cc/g to 171.64 c c/g). ZrO2 dis pers ion into SiO2 -montmorillonite producing the s pecific s urface area of 79.05 m2 /g as being c aus ed by metal oxide aggregation of me tal oxide particles as refer to the XRD interpretation. J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1277-1284, 2009 FTIR s pectum of materials after pyridine ads orption are s hown in Fig. 3: Pyridine s pecies that are forme d b y interaction between catalys t are pres e n t e d in Fig. 4. Species A (Lpy) is formed by co ordination bond of paired e lectron of the nitrogen atom with Lewis acid s it e o f the s urfac e , i.e from A l or Zr in s urface. Species II (Bpy) is pyridinium ion t h a t is formed by H+ trans fer from Brøn s ted acid–OH2 + of the clay s tructure with pyridine. Species III (Hpy) is formed by hydrogen bonding between N atom with –OH functional group of clay s tructure. The vibrations s howing the pyrid in e fundtio n al group are depicted in the region of 1400–1700 cm-1 . Vibration s pectrum in t h e range of 1640 cm-1 is correla ted to the Bpy acid s ite and vibrations in the range of 1450–1455 cm-1 are characteris tics for Lpy s ite [1 3 ]. FTIR s pectra of the ZrO2 /SiO2 -montmorillonite s how t h e more intes ive abs orption at around 1430.83 cm-1 than in natural montmorilonite a n d S iO 2 mo ntmorillonite i.e are s hown at 1435.07 cm- 1 a n d 1434.39 cm-1 res pectively. The s hift of the s pectrum to the lower w a v e number was predicted to be in correlation with pyrid ine-Lewis acid s ite of ZrO2 in s olid. T h is s hifting band at lower wave number was probably caus ed by ZrO2 dis pers ion. However, the s imilar in d ic a t io n is n ot found in ZrO2 /SiO2 M ontmorillonite. From the SEM profile (Fig. 5 ), it was es tablis hed that there w a s an improvement in porous s tructure by pillarization in that tightly packaged s t ru cture of the o rig inal clay s ample w e re o p e n e d in S iO 2 mon tmorillonite. The exis tence of ZrO 2 nanoparticles attached on the s urface as s hown by clearer p a rt ic les , however it is very difficult to dis tinguis h th e ir s ize and s hape are in irregular formation. the react io n rate of citronellal convers ion increas e by us in g catalys t in this order : raw-montmorillonite < SiO2 -M ontmorillo n t e < Z rO 2 / SiO2 -M ontmorillonite. This indica tion is appeared from the lower citronellal concentration in the product as a function of the reaction time. Quantitat iv e meas urement of kinetics data was evaluat e d by kinetics s imulation bas ed on eq (1). Data in Table 3 s how that the rea ctions are fit to the firs t orde r as the higher correlation coefficient for firs t order reaction than for the s econd o rd e r reaction. T h e reaction cons tant s how that ZrO2 dis pers ion into SiO 2 -M ontmorillonite make up the catalys t activity in the ratio of 1.88 to 1.97. T h is ratio is not much s ignificant in the role of improving catalys t efficiency. However, t he s electivity of reaction in producing is opulegol is the important goal as well. Selectiv it y value is d e t ermined as the percentage of is opulegol concentration in the product compared to the other comp o nent in the product. The values meas ured from 9 hours reaction are pres ented in Table 4. The s ignificant improvement of the s electivity is determined by higher value of s elect iv it y in producing is opulegol by us ing ZrO2 / SiO2 -M ontmorillonite in th a t this value is als o needed in fin e chemicals indus try. Study on the correlation between ph ys icochemical character of materials with t h e catalytic activity tes t s how that there are s imilar pattern of phys icochemical chara c t e r produced by both metal oxide dis pers ion in that s pecific s urface area decreas e as well as crys tallinity of the materials . A lthough the s pecific s urface area d a t a for both metal oxide s upported SiO2 M ontmorillonite are s imilar, there is a s ignificant difference in the catalys is tes t res ult. It is mean that Z rO 2 play an active mechanis m in pro d u c in g is opulegol. C atal ys t Activity: The kine t ic s o f c it ro n e lla l convers ion was s tudied ba s e d on the citronellal concentration in the product. T h e activity values were meas ured by the percentage value of citronellal peak in the product. Reaction rate of the reac t io n can be expres s ed as : Effect of Catalys t to Citronellal Ratio: The effect o f catalys t to citronellal mas s ration was s tudied at the 1:1, 1:5 and 1: 10. The reaction was conducted for 6 hours before analyzed by GC-M S . The chromatogram of products as the res ult of varied ratio is pres ented in Fig. 7 A s s hown in Fig. 7, is opu legol, neois o-is opulegol a n d neois opulegol are the identified products . Effect of cata lys t to citronellal mas s ratio to the total convers ion, catalys t activity and als o s electivity in producing is opulegol is tabulated in Table 5. W hat can be concluded by the variation of catalys t to citro n e llal mas s ratio as pres ented in Table 5 is that the varied ratio is not give s ignific a nt effect on s electivity to produce is opulegol, citronellal convers ion and als o percent a ge of total product A lthough more area is available and pronounced s urface area to (1) W ith : [citronellal]= citronellal convers ion n = order of reaction k = rate cons tant t = reaction time From the curve in Fig. 6, it can be c o ncluded that 1281 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1277-1284, 2009 Table 3: Simulation data for kinetics reaction of citronellal conversion Catalyst Simulation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Order 1 Order 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Correlation Coef. k Correlation Coef. k Raw- Montmorillonite -0.9616 0.2376 0.9577 -0.0007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SiO 2 -Montmorillonite -0.9563 0.2486 0.9538 -0.0009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ZrO2 / SiO 2-Montmorillonite -0.9678 0.4692 0.8788 -0.00072 Table 4: Selectivity value to isopulegol product Catalyst Selectivity to isopulegol (%) Natural Montmorillonite 0.003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SiO 2 -Montmorillonite 14.496 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ZrO2 / SiO 2-Montmorillonite 94.640 Table 5: Reaction Parameters at varied catalyst to citronellal mass ratio Catalyst to Feed mass ratio Reaction Parameter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Selectivity to Produce Isopulegol (%) Citronellal Conversion(%) T otal Product (%) 1 : 5 95.10 62.26 81.92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 : 10 94.64 76.21 81.92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 : 15 96.19 59.22 76.77 Fig. 4: Pyridine s pecies s on the s urface Fig. 5: SEM micrograph profile of (a) M ontmorillonite (b) SiO2 -montmorillonite (c ) Z rO 2 / SiO2 -montmorillonite (magnification : 5000 x) 1282 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1277-1284, 2009 Fig. 6: Citronellal concentration in product as function of reaction time Fig. 7: Chromatogram of reaction product as fu n c t io n o f catalys t to reactant mas s ratio ( A : is opulegol, B: citronellal, C : neois o-is opulegol, D: neois opulegol. 1283 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1277-1284, 2009 increas e the s urface mechanis m, the additional catalys t does not particip a te in the reaction and the reaction rate d o es not increas e with growing catalys t load beyond a certain level. It indicates that th e c a talys t p ro file is more determined by the zirconia loading than the s urface a re a of s olids . It is als o imply that at the conditions , the reaction pos es at ps eudo firs t order reaction in that the amount of catalys t give no effect to the reaction rate and other reaction parameters . Conclus s ion: SiO2 -montmorillonite is promis ing hos t matrix for Z rO2 and play role as acid catalys t toward c it ronellal convers ion to is opulegol. Its increas ed phys icochemical character of acidit y a nd s pecific s u rface area is reas onable as pect for the rate of conves ion and in creas e in is opulegol s electivity in the product. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ack nowledgement 11. A uthors wis h to thank DP2M -DIKTI for financial s upport through Hibah Bers aing 2007-2008 and Bayu W iyantoko, S.Si, M us tofa A hda, S.Si and Iin Setyowati for their lab.work as is tance. 12. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A rvela, P.M ., M . Kumar, V. Nieminen, R. S jöholm, T. Salmi an d D . M u rzin , 2004. Cyclizatio n o f c it ronellal over zeolites and mes oporous materials for production of is opulegol, Journal of Catalys is , 225: 155-169. Bakka li, F., S. A verbeck, D. A verbeck, M . Idaomar, 2008. Biological effects of es s ential oils – A review, Food and Chemical T o xicology, 46: 446-475. 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