Parameter Estimation for Three-Parameter Kappa Distribution Under Type II Censored Samples
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Parameter Estimation for Three-Parameter Kappa Distribution Under Type II Censored Samples
Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 5(10): 1762-1766, 2009 © 2009, INSInet Publication Parameter Estimation for Three-Parameter Kappa Distribution Under Type II Censored Samples 1 Prof. Samir, K. Ashour, 2Dr. El-Sayed, A. Elsherpieny, 3Yassmen, Y. Abdelall Abstract: In this paper, maximum likelihood estimators (MLE’s) for the unknown parameters and the corresponding asymptotic variance covariance matrix of the three-parameter kappa distribution will be obtained under type II censored sample. Results obtained by Park et al. [4 ] in the complete case may be considered as a special case from present results. An illustrative example will be carried out. Key words: Three-parameter kappa distribution, maximum likelihood estimators, type II censored sample, asymptotic variance covariance matrix. INTRODUCTION A family of positively skewed distributions, called the kappa distribution, was introduced by Mielke [2 ], and Mielke and Johnson [3 ]. The kappa distribution has received attention from the hydrologic community. Common distributions that traditionally have been fitted to historical rainfall data are the gamma and log-normal distributions, these distributions are, however, computationally inconvenient because of no closed forms of the cumulative distribution function and quantile function. The kappa distribution families are closed algebraic expressions that can easily be evaluated. Let X be a three-parameter kappa random variable, with the probability density function: W here ì is a location parameter, â is a scale parameter and á is a shape parameter. For ì=0, distribution (1) becomes the two-parameter kappa distribution, and for ì=0, and â=1, it reduces to oneparameter kappa distribution with only shape parameter á. Park et al. [4 ] estimate the unknown parameters of the three-parameter kappa distribution using maximum likelihood estimation, moment estimation and Lmoment estimation, and use the Monte Carlo simulation for performance evaluation of these estimators. Section 2 of this paper, gave maximum likelihood estimators for the unknown parameters and elements of fisher information matrix of the three-parameter kappa distribution will be obtained under type II censored sample. The corresponding asymptotic variance covariance matrix. An illustrative example will be carried out in section 3. 2. M aximum Likelihood Estimators for Type Ii Censored Sample: In a typical life test, n specimens are placed under observation and as each failure occurs the time is noted. Finally at some pre-determined fixed number of sample specimens fail, the test is terminated. In this case the data collected consist of (1) W ith cumulative distribution function observations plus the information that (n-r) items survived beyond the time (2) of termination Corresponding Author: Prof. Samir, K. Ashour, E-mail: [email protected] 1762 , when r is fixed and the time of J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1762-1766, 2009 termination is a random variable, that is censoring is said to be censored type II. Cohen [1 ] gave the likelihood function for type II censoring: W here C is a constant, r is the number of uncensored sample, is the lifetimes of the i th order statistic, f(x, è) and F(x, è) are the density function and the cumulative function of the underlying distribution, respectively. For the three-parameter kappa distribution (1), the likelihood function will be (3) Taking the logarithm, (3) becomes (4) The MLE for the unknown parameter ì is min(x) because it maximizes (4) for any fixed values of á and â. Hence min(x) = x (1 ). Thus, the MLE for the unknown parameters á and â are obtained from the adjusted likelihood function: (5) Differentiate (5) with respect to á, â and then equate by zero: (6) W here 1763 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1762-1766, 2009 and Solve the desired system of equations to get A numerical technique using computer is needed to obtain The asymptotic variance-covariance matrix for the estimators can be obtained by inverting the information matrix with the elements that are negative of the expected values of the second order derivative of logarithms of the likelihood functions. Cohen [1 ] concluded that the approximate variance covariance matrix may be obtained by replacing expected values by their MLE’s. Therefore, the elements of the approximate information matrix are given by: 1764 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1762-1766, 2009 and Table 1: The m axim um likelihood estim ates of the param eters á = 1 and â = 2 of the three-param eter kappa distribution, the asym ptotic covariance's and coefficient of variation (CV) , based on type II censored sam ples. Sam ple Size r 40 20 2.068E3 3.423 1.003 0.158 22.843 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 2.899 2.346 0.692 0.303 1.234 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------35 2.852 2.369 0.428 0.249 0.58 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40 1.892 1.982 0.238 0.215 0.103 Again, a numerical technique and computer facilities are used to obtain the variance-covariance matrix. three-parameter kappa distribution (1) we have: 3. A Numerical Illustration: In this section, we present a numerical example to illustrate different maximum likelihood estimators, and their variance covariance matrix. T o generate random numbers from 1765 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(10): 1762-1766, 2009 The left hand side of (7) is distributed uniform (0,1). Using Mathcad 2001 package, we obtain x and used to generate 40 numbers from (1) with á = 2, â = 2 and µ = 1. For type II censored sample, suppose we have r = 20, 30, 35 and 40 respectively. W hen r = n the results reduces to complete sample case. All results are displayed in following table. From table shows that in general the coefficient of variation of estimators are decreasing with increasing in r. A comprehensive numerical investigation is needed to study the properties of defined estimators numerically. 2. 3. 4. REFERENCES 1. Cohen, A.C., 1965. Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the W eibull Distribution Based on Complete and Censored Samples, Technometrics, 7: 579-588. 1766 Mielke, P.W ., 1973. Another Family of Distributions for Describing and Analyzing Precipitation Data, Journal Applied Meteorology, 12: 275-280. Mielke, P.W ., E.S. Johnson, 1973. Three parameter K a p p a D istr ib utio n M a xim u m L ike liho o d Estimations and Likelihood Ratio Tests, Monthly W eather Review, 101: 701-707. Park, J.S., S.C. Seo, T.Y. Kim, 2008. A Kappa Distribution with a Hydrological Application, Stochastic Environmental Research, Spring Berlin/ Heidelberg.