3830 Advances in Environmental Biology, 5(13): 3830-3835, 2011 ISSN 1995-0756 This is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and reviewed ORIGINAL ARTICLE Effect of Trichoderma spp and Compost on Seedling Emergence and Early Growth of Corn (Zea mays L.) 1 Mohammad Yazdani, 2Abbas Ghanbari-Malidarreh and 3Hossein Bagheri 1 PhD Student, Department of Agriculture ,Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tabriz,Iran. Department of Agronomy, Jouybar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jouybar, Iran 3 Department of Agriculture ,Chaloos Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chaloos, Iran. 2 Mohammad Yazdani, Abbas Ghanbari - Malidarreh and Hossein Bagheri; Effect of Trichoderma spp and Compost on Seedling Emergence and Early Growth of Corn (Zea mays L.). ABSTRACT Effects of Trichoderma spp and different rate of compost on corn germination and early growth seedling were investigated. An experiment was conducted at glasshouse in Sari Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences University. The pot experiment was laid out factorial based on completely randomized design with four replications. Three seedbed materials consisted of field soil as check, compost (20 Mg.ha-1) and (20 Mg.ha1 ) and two species of Trichoderma (T. harzianum and T. viride) with a check were the treatments. Results show that application of compost with 20 Mg.ha-1, emergence of the seedlings (Percentage and Rate Emergence) a 9.1% and 6.6% increased compared to the other treatments respectively. Seedling vigor increased by higher dosage of Trichoderma spp in the compost (20 Mg.ha-1) treatment. Dry weight of corn grown in the compost were significantly affected by the application of T, harzianum and T, viride that is the dosage main effect was statistically significant. Furthermore, application of two fungi with compost simultaneously increase seedling emergence compared to check. However, Trichoderma and compost combination had additive effect in on seedling emergence and early growth of corn. Key words: Trichoderma, Compost, Seedling emergence, Corn. Introduction The use of bio-fertilizers is the key to sustainable agriculture [17]. Bio-fertilizers being essential components of organic farming play vital role in maintaining long term soil fertility and sustainability by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, mobilizing fixed macro and micro nutrients or convert insoluble P in the soil into forms available to plants, there by increases their efficiency and availability [23,4,7]. Fungal biofertilizers help to enhance crop yield and promote sustainable agricultural production and are safe to the environment. Fungal biofertilizers have advantages in terms of nutrient supply, soil quality and crop growth and yield. Development in the effectiveness of fungal species for formulation as biofertilizers should be considered. Applying beneficial microorganisms to seed during the priming process is commercially realistic, as microorganism suspensions can easily be incorporated into the water used for seed priming. It is equally important that the microorganisms remain viable and can colonies the developing roots and rhizosphere in order to continue improving plant growth and to potentially control disease. Seed-applied microorganisms have the potential to become established in the rhizosphere of plants, as they may transfer onto the developing root as it emerges from the seed [11,13]. Even small improvements in plant growth and health can result in significant economic benefits. Different species of Trichoderma have the potential to control soil borne plant pathogens more effectively than chemicals [12]. Use of these fungi is not as harmful to the environment as chemical pesticides. They can also compete with other microorganisms; for example, they compete for key exudates from seeds that stimulate the germination of propagules of plant-pathogenic fungi in soil and, more generally, compete with soil microorganisms for nutrients and/or space. Furthermore, they inhibit or degrade pectinases and other enzymes that are essential for plant-pathogenic fungi, to penetrate leaf surfaces. In vitro studies have shown that micronutrients and insoluble phosphates became soluble and available, therefore useful to the roots interacting with T. harzianum in the root zone. Species in the filamentous fungal genus Trichoderma are of great economic importance as sources of enzymes and antibiotics; plant growth promoters; Corresponding Author Mohammad Yazdani, Department of Agriculture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran. E-mail: [email protected] 3831 Adv. Environ. Biol., 5(13): 3830-3835, 2011 degraders of xenobiotics, and most importantly, as commercial biofungicides. Different mechanisms have been suggested as being responsible for their biocontrol activity, which include competition for space and nutrients, secretion of chitinolytic enzymes, mycoparasitism and production of inhibitory compound. Trichoderma ability to attack other fungi (plant pathogens) mycelia, Trichoderma hyphens growing surround of other fungi mycelia, penetrate and feed from them. In addition to the above, various species of Trichoderma were also effective in the promotion of growth and yield in various crops. The ability of Trichoderma to recognize and parasitize phytopathogenic fungi in the rhizosphere has been ascribed to several complex mechanisms, such as nutrient competition, antibiosis, mycoparasitism, induction of systemic resistance, and increased plant-nutrient availability [11,5,19,9]. Compost and compost extracts applied to soil improve its quality by altering the chemical and physical properties, increase organic matter content, water holding capacity, overall diversity of microbes, provide macro- and micronutrients essential for plant growth and suppress diseases which indirectly contribute to plant growth enhancement [7]. Corn (Zea mays L.) is one of the main crops and is commonly employed in the human diet in its natural form as sweet corn or as a sub product in bread, flour and dough, among others. In addition Corn suffers from various fungal diseases in its entire growing period from germination of seeds to the mature plant stage. Seedling emergence is an important trait that can limit commercialization of sweet corn hybrids. A rate of seedling emergence and leaf appearance is important in developing a corn crop with earlier canopy closure and better seasonal light interception. The aim of this study was to effect of Trichoderma spp and compost on germination and early growth of corn. Therefore, this study was design to find out the effect of different Trichoderma strains and compost on the percentage emergence, rate emergence and seedling parameters of corn seeds in glasshouse conditions. 2.2. Trichoderma Spp and Inoculation: This work investigated the application of two selected beneficial microorganisms (T. harzianum and T. viride) to corn seed and their subsequent survival and establishment in the rhizosphere once the seed was planted. Briefly this involved storing agar plugs taken from the periphery of an actively growing colony in a 10% (v:v) aqueous solution of glycerol in straw ampoules. Fungi recovered from this system were subsequently grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA; Merck) [21] slopes for storage for 7 days at 30 °C in a termostated incubator chamber with air circulation. This period showed to be sufficient for fungi sporulation. The substrates used were wheat bran. Wheat bran showed to be the most suitable substrate to produce Trichoderma spores for all strains that were evaluated. The substrates were sterilized at 121 °C for 15 min in a Phoenix autoclave model AV 50 and cooled down to room temperature before the inoculation, which was done until 24 h after sterilization. The dosages of two funguses applied were 5 and 10g per pot. Control plants were also available. A control plot in each block was left untreated and only water without the antagonistic fungus was provided. Corn seeds were sown in plastic pots on July 6, 2009. Availability of water in the soil plays an important role in facilitating establishment and effectiveness of Trichoderma in the soil, Therefore irrigation was done so on a regular basis. 2.3. Observations Recorded: Percentage emergence and rate emergence was recorded on the15th day after sowing, shoot length and total weight and seed vigor on the 45 the day after sowing were recorded. Seedling vigor index was recorded after 15 days. Vigor index for each treatment was determined using the following formula developed by Abdul-Baki and Anderson [1]. Seedling Vigor = [root length + shoot length] × percentages of germination. Materials and Methods The plants were removed 45 day after sowing, and roots were washed using slow running water to remove soil particles and organic debris. The dry mass of shoot and root samples, root length and shoot length was determined after drying in an oven at 60 °C with forced air. 2.1. Experimental Design: An experiment was conducted at research farm of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University (Latitude 42.36 N, longitude 13.53E and 16 m above mean sea level), Iran during 2009. Experiment laid out as factorial plot based on randomized complete design. Three replicates were set up for each treatment. Three seedbed materials consisted of field soil as check, compost (20 Mg.ha-1) and (40 Mg.ha-1) and two species of Trichoderma with a check were the treatments. The compost was applied two weeks before sowing and mixed thoroughly with the soil of each pot. 2.4. Statistical Analysis: Data were subjected to ANOVA using the SAS statistical software package using GLM, [18] and Duncan's multiple range test was performed to compare the treatment means. The level of statistical significant was accepted as P<0.05. 3832 Adv. Environ. Biol., 5(13): 3830-3835, 2011 case of T. harzianum and T. viride to enhanced seed germination root and shoot length [9] as well as increasing the frequency of healthy plants, and boosting yield [12]. Root colonization by Trichoderma spp therefore induces significant changes in the plant metabolic machinery. Root colonization by these fungi, also frequently enhances root growth and development, crop productivity, resistance to abiotic stresses and the uptake and use of nutrients [11]. Results and Discussion The effect of two Trichoderm strains (T. harzianum and T. viride) and compost on seed percentage and rate emergence and seedling parameters of corn in glasshouse conditions, the results are presented in table 1. Statistical analysis showed significant differences in treatments at P ≤ 0.05 levels. 3.1. Seedling Emergence: 3.2. Seedling Vigor: The emergence of the seedlings (Percentage and Rate Emergence) a 9.1% and 6.6% increased in compost with 20 Mg.ha-1, compared to the other treatments respectively (Table1). The increase in emergence of the seedlings corn in compost treatment, especially in 20 Mg.ha-1 rates, provides further support to the hypothesis that increase of organic matter in soil, increased Seedling emergence [4,7]. Compost contains other essential nutrients, such as P and K, and minor nutrients which will stimulate plant emergence. Therefore, Nutrient-rich organic amendments by compost can improve soil physical and chemical properties, increasing water holding capacity and nutrient availability, and promoting seedling establishment [7]. Zaller reported that compost amendments increased emergence, elongation and biomass allocation (root: shoot ratio) of seedlings of tomato. Additionally, compost contains humic acids. Humic acids are molecules that regulate many process of plant development included macro and micro nutrients adsorption and they stimulate plant growth. Seedlings are an important stage in the life cycle of plants and their successful recruitment is important for plant population dynamics and ultimately to community development, structure and sustainability [6]. At the same time, seedlings are the most vulnerable part of the life cycle of plants, being subject to a plethora of abiotic and biotic factors that may affect their emergence, survivorship and establishment [15]. In addition, Compost based suppression of wide range of major soil borne diseases has been demonstrated in the last decade as a promising option [17]. Treatment of compost in the 40 Mg.ha-1 rates reduced the emergence rate of seedling. However, compost in the 20 Mg.ha-1 rates did not reduce this rate, in the same conditions. Probably due to the high salinity and heavy metal concentrations of this treatment (40 Mg.ha-1), which could have unfavorable affected the emergence rate of corn seedling. Our results showed that, all Trichoderma strains were found effective to enhance the emergence percentage compared to control (Figure1). However among the five treatments, two Trichoderma strains (T. harzianum and viride) in 10g per pot exhibited significantly enhancement of percentage emergence, rate emergence, total weight and seed vigor in corn seeds. The lowest vigor index was recorded in control (Table 1). Studies have been confirmed in When soil was amended with compost (20 Mg.ha-1 and 40 Mg.ha-1), a 33.6% and 14.2% increase in Seedling vigor was observed up to 15 days after sowing respectively. The highest increase in the seedling vigor of corn was also from compost (20 Mg.ha-1) treatment. Interestingly, however, in some other characteristics studied such as dry weight and percentage emergence the control plants (without compost treatment) were with the superior figures. Effects of Trichoderma spp dosages (10g per pot) on seedling vigor were significant (Table1). In the present experiment, Seedling vigor increased by higher dosage of Trichoderma spp in the compost (20 Mg.ha-1) treatment (Figure2). [7] found greater fungal species diversity under organic cultivation than under conventional cultivation with inorganic fertilizer. Enhanced plant vigor has also observed following application of Trichoderma species to other crops. Evidence in the literature suggests that disease control activity or plant growth promotion can be achieved when beneficial microorganisms are present above 1*105 per gram of seed, root or soil and thus this was the target application rate for seed in this work. Promotion of growth by Trichoderma spp. is a result of increased root area allowing the roots to explore larger volumes of soil to access nutrients, and increased solubility of insoluble compounds as well as increased availability of micronutrients [15,10]. Seed vigor, an important agronomic trait defined as the potential to produce vigorous seedlings. This characteristic of Seed is a measure of the quality of seed, and involves the viability of the seed, the germination percentage, germination rate and the strength of the seedlings produced [15]. In theory, seed vigor may influence crop yield through both indirect and direct effects. The indirect effects include those on percentage emergence and time from sowing to emergence. These influence yields by altering plant population density, spatial arrangement, and crop duration. Direct effects on subsequent plant performance are more difficult to discern. A number of different approaches to testing the hypothesis that seed quality affects subsequent plant performance (implicit in some definitions of vigor) are illustrated. The results show that it is possible to detect such effects in some circumstances [8]. 38333 Adv. Enviroon. Biol., 5(13): 3830-3835, 3 20111 3.3. Dry Weight: W i in dryy On daay 45, these plaants exhibited increase weight in the compost treatment t especially with 200 Mg.ha-1 The T lowest rate of compost was w effective att increasing dry weight of seedling corn. Dry weight off wn in the compost c were significantlyy corn grow affected by y the applicatiion of T, harzzianum and T, viride that is the dosage main effect was w statisticallyy d (10g) of Trichodermaa significant. The highest dosage spp. was main m effect on the t biomass in comparison too the conttrol treatmennt without Trichoderma. Inoculation n of Trichodderma speciess significantlyy increased of o 15% T. viridae to 12% T. harzianum inn dry matterr seedling (fig gure3) of cornn as comparedd with untreaated plants. Freesh weight, shooot length, dryy weight of cucumber seeedlings as weell as seedlingg weight of corn were inccreased signifi ficantly by thee applicationn of T. harzia anum and T. viride v [23,24].. Positive effects of Tricchoderma spp.. are not limiteed to the above, many speecies of Trichoderma promoteed ment of seed dlings of cropps growth and developm [22,10,5]]. In our o experimennts, response of seedlings to Trichodeerma applicatiion varied in that while thhe increasedd growth respoonse at signifi ficant levels was w recorded d for some orgaans of seedlinggs such an effeect was not significant inn others. These effects weere n due to nuttrient solubilizzation or to thhe clearly not control of plant pathogenic microorganism m ms. ng to Altintas and a Bal [5], thhe application of Accordin Trichodeerma spp increeased the grow wth of seedlinng corn wiith induced resistance, changes in thhe microflorral compositioon on roots, en nhanced nutrieent uptake, including buut not limiteed to nitrogeen, enhancedd solubilization of soil nutrrients, enhanceed root deveelopment, incrreased root haiir formation annd deeper roooting. m and T. viridae annd different rate off compost on germ mination and early growth of corn. Table 1: Effeect of T. harzianum Treatmentss Rate Emergennce Perrcentage Emergencce Seedlinng vigor -1 Compost (220 Mg.ha ) 5.61 a 96.00 a 57.9 a Compost (440 Mg.ha-1) 5.02 b 94.1 ab 44.8 b Control 5.14 b 90.00 b 38.4 c Trichoderm ma spp Control 4.82 b 88.8 b 37.96 c T. harzianuum5g 5.47 a 93.33 b 46.94 b T. harzianuum10g 5.43 a 97.77 a 51.63 a T. viridae5 5g 5.33 a 91.22 ab 45.52 b T. viridae1 10g 5.54 a 95.66 a 53.43 a Levels of siggnificant:* P< %5, ** P<%1, NS = not n significant. Fig. 1: Efffect of Trichodeerma spp and different d rate oof compost on rate r emergencee seedling. d rate oof compost on seedling s vigor of corn. Fig. 2: Efffect of Trichodeerma spp and different Dry Weight 180.6 a 163.6 b 147.2 c 159.0 d 170.2 bc 175.5 ab 164.7 dc 179.6 a 38334 Adv. Enviroon. Biol., 5(13): 3830-3835, 3 20111 d rate oof compost on dry d weight of seedling s corn. Fig. 3: Efffect of Trichodeerma spp and different 5. Conclussion: mpost with 200 In this study, appliication of com e off the seedlinngs increasedd Mg.ha-1, emergence compared to the other treatments. Seedling S vigorr b higher dossage of Trichooderma spp inn increased by the compo ost (20 Mg.ha-1 ) treatment. Dry D weight off corn grow wn in the compost c were significantlyy affected by y the applicatiion of T, harzzianum and T, viride that is the dosage main effect was w statisticallyy significant. The preseent study cooncludes thatt Trichoderm ma species haave potential too enhance thee seedling em mergence in corn c which cann be useful too enhance thhe emergencee percentage of o corn seedss besides red ducing loses due d to delayedd germination.. Trichoderm ma harzianum m and Trichooderma viridee promoted the growth of corn plannt, increasingg percentagee and rate emeergence and seedling s vigor.. However, Trichoderma and compostt combinationn had additive effect in on o seedling em mergence andd early grow wth of corn. 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