Advances in Environmental Biology Hamideh Farahmand,
Advances in Environmental Biology, 8(6) Special 2014, Pages: 1515-1517 AENSI Journals Advances in Environmental Biology ISSN-1995-0756 EISSN-1998-1066 Journal home page: Introduction of Accessory Minerals in Ghareh Gheshlagh Granitoid Mass 1 1 2 Hamideh Farahmand, 2Dr. Syed Mohammad Hossein Razavi PhD student in petrology, Islamic Azad University, Northern Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran Department of Geology, Islamic Azad University, Northern Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran ARTICLE INFO Article history: Received 28 February 2014 Received in revised form 19 April 2014 Accepted 23 April 2014 Available online 25 May 2014 ABSTRACT Ghareh Gheshlagh granitoid are located 52 kms from Kaleybar town. This granitoid mass which consists minerals of quartz, orthoclase and plagioclase, includes various accessory minerals like zircon, sphene and apatite. Keywords: Ghareh Gheshlagh, accessory mineral, apatite, zircon, sphene. © 2014 AENSI Publisher All rights reserved. To Cite This Article: Hamideh Farahmand , Dr. Syed Mohammad Hossein Razavi, Introduction of Accessory Minerals In Ghareh Gheshlagh Granitoid Mass. Adv. Environ. Biol., 8(6), 1515-1517, 2014 INTRODUCTION Ghareh Gheshlagh county is located in eastern Azerbaijan province 52 kms away from Tabriz city which is adjacent in north to Aras River and Azerbaijan republic, in south to Ahar town, in southeast to Varzghan town and in east to Ardebil province. Other counties in Kaleybar are Ghareh Gheshlagh, Hajlou and Tatlar. The area under study is analyzable in a 1:100000 map at 47 26 25 " longitude in east and northern latitude of 38 32 49". In this paper, accessory minerals such as zircon, sphene and apatite are studied in Ghareh Gheshlagh area. A desxription of the aforementioned items is given in the following. In order to identify the granitoid mass in Ghareh Gheshlagh, thin layers of the samples were taken besides field studies that helped in identifying these minerals. Analytical Techniques: In order to identify the accessory minerals in the region of Ghareh Gheshlegh, field research and laboratory studies were carried out. First samples were taken, then thin layers were made of the samples that led to the discovery of accessory minerals like zircon, sphene and apatite. These minerals are visible under microscope. 3. Introducing accessory minerals of the region: 3.1. Amphibole: This mineral is abundantly found in igneous and metamorphic rocks and in any kind of acid-intermediate and basic igneous rocks with more frequency in intermediate ones [2]. Amphibole minerals are in form of subautomorphic crystals with rhombohedral cleavage inside granites (Fig.1.3). 3.2. sphene: One of abundant accessory minerals in igneous rocks an found in many acidic and intermediate titan- rich rocks. This mineral is formed in granites, sinites and diorites with hornblende and also in low temperature vein rocks of the Alpes type and it is the result of releasing titan in these rocks [3]. This mineral is witnessed in subautomorphic in the region’s granites. In sphene, the coloration is mostly stained and mostly faded brownish or greenish (Fig.3.2). 3.3. Apatite: This mineral is found in carbonates, pegmatites, granites and alkaline rocks [2]. In most cases its automorphic crystals are in form of inclusions inside alkali-feldspar and plagioclases (Fig.3.3). Corresponding Author: Hamideh Farahmand, PhD student in petrology, Islamic Azad University, Northern Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran 1516 Hamideh Farahmand et al, 2014 Advances in Environmental Biology, 8(6) Special 2014, Pages: 1515-1517 3.4. Zircon: This mineral is mainly an inclusion of biotites since it is formed in the initial stages of crystallization. The size and shape of zircon crystals compared to the width and length of the mineral can be similar throughout a granitic body. The change of this ratio in a mass is suggestive of the fact that different magmas created it. In some igneous rocks, zircon crystals are seen in circular shape that is probably because of the absorption of edges of the crystals by the primary magma [4]. Zircon granules are almost colorless and circular and are seen in small colorless quantities under a light without analyzer. Zircon has very strong relief. 4. Microscopic shapes Hornblende in P.P.L. light Hornblende in X.P.L light sphene in PPL light sphene in XPL light Apatite in PPL light Apatite in XPL light Fig. 3.1: hornblende. Fig. 3.2: sphene. Fig. 3.3: Apatite. Conclusions: While doing field research on accessory minerals such as apatite, sphene, amphibole and zircon, the presence of sphene and amphibole in Ghareh Gheshlagh granite was approved. This conclusion has been arrived at using microscopic layers of rocks. 1517 Hamideh Farahmand et al, 2014 Advances in Environmental Biology, 8(6) Special 2014, Pages: 1515-1517 REFERENCES [1] Broska, I., M. Kubis, Williams Cot and P. Konecy, 2002. The compo sition of rock-forming and accessory minerals from the Gemeric granites, Bullted of the Czech Geological survey, 77(z): 147-155. [2] Dana, J.D., 1985. Manual of mineralogy zoth Ed Revised, John wiley and sons, Newyork, pp: 596. [3] Deer, W., R. Howie and J. Zussman, 1999. An Introduction to the rock ferming, minerals, 4th Ed Longman, pp: 712. [4] Johan, I., V. Jahan, 2005. Accessory minerals of the cinovec (Zinnwald) granite cupola, Czech Republic mineral, petrol, 83(1-2): 113-150. [5] Mehrparto, M., N. Nazer, 1373. Geographical Map 1:1000000 of Kaleybar, Keshvar Geological publication.