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Copyright © 2014, American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information publisher
JOURNAL home page: http://www.aensiweb.com/JASR
Published Online
2014 August; 8(9): pages 15-19.
15 September 2014.
Research Article
The Globalization of the Media, Threats and Opportunities
Maryam Gorbani, Mohammadtagi Ghezelsofla, Susan Noruzi
Department of Political science, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran
Received: 14 June 2014; Revised: 4 July 2014; Accepted: 3 September 2014, Available online: 15 September 2014
© 2014
AENSI PUBLISHER All rights reserved
Human history is yretemec of great cultures that rieht catastrophicdne is due to that they could tonreflect planning, rationally and
voluntarily response against challenges. Erich Fromm, Revolution of Hope Global era, is the era of the big society with a complex
labyrinth that compared to a few decades ago, it is now away from the case is closed, having geography or a rigid form of the local and
domestic. The obvious aspect of the large society, the extent of the global economic and cultural forms created by developments in
communications and media, which intentionally or unintentionally it might be some sort of interaction between national and international
factors. Tangled network of interactions that underlie the increasing compression of time and space is visible in the accumulated society of
Keywords: globalization, media, threats, opportunities
In the words of Thomas Friedman, the world is
reduced from small to fine, because of flattening of
the world, the playing field has been leveled. “the
playing field has leveled so that not just a especial
group of the renovators of world of communication,
but many men and women that are angry, frustrated
and humiliated benefit from it and get capable”
seems that, as Douglas Keller said, in a global age
“media culture has become one of the dominant
forces in the socialization process.” as in recent
years is clearly is visible and observable, in its turn it
would be pacemaker and new opportunities for the
identification and combined with it, the patterns of
another way to live. A look at developments in the
late twentieth century with the dramatic changes in
the global scope and extraordinary advances in the
technology of communicational- digital cause
conditions while challenging traditional forms of
culture and politics, accessing to new media such as
mobile phones and internet access to a range of
social networking has become an inevitable life.
“The new media has caused not only to the
emergence faster and more immediate forms of
communication but also has removed the boundaries
between public and private spaces.
In this condition, the minds of experts and
political and cultural elite have been challenged with
several important questions. The problem is that, if
global trends are exacerbated by the cultural and
political nature, these terms what creates of the
challenges and opportunities for the world countries,
especially for those who have ethnically and
linguistically diverse contexts? Primarily in the
accumulated areas of media, the situation of ethnic
groups and religions How would be? Basically by
planning kind of addressing identity in the
continually diverse space and world fluid space
produced by the interaction of global media, what
way is imaginable for identities? How and under
what conditions how do created spaces for the cyber
or virtual space become a facility to against identity
crises? These are important and limited issues of
questions as it referred it are unavoidable reflection
of globalization phenomenon in political, economic
and especially cultural era. In the words of Malcolm
Watters, if in this conditions the communities and
groups feel that increasingly being removed from
their cultural or political terms, naturally, they will
show reaction against the social and cultural
homogenization. In regard to the situation where
many countries have multiple ethno-linguistic
context that gets more important. 192 countries are
forced to live in the world today, but few of them are
all communities that are composed of different
ethnic and cultural groups
For example, India has been called the country
of a few hundred pieces. Also, Mongolia, Tibet,
Russia and many others. Expect a few Scandinavian
Corresponding Author: Maryam Gorbani, Department of Political science, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran
Maryam Gorbani et al, 2014 /Journal Of Applied Sciences Research 8(9), August, Pages:15-19
countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Iceland that
in the history of the invasion were safe from harm,
other countries have a multi-ethnic and cultural
characters. Since Iran has a significant political and
cultural diversity can be exposed to the effects and
consequences. For example, the industrial- economic
of the global expansion puts at risk our capitalist
sources and economic independence. From the
cultural dimension, we see the cultural turn in the
world, and increased sales in many other cultures in
countries. It is natural that Iran is also part of the
"global village", will be subject to this influence and
impact. It is clear, it is important to note that Iran is a
land of great diversity and the diversity in the field
of environmental, social, political, cultural, religious
and population aspects is plainly evident. It is natural
variation in the cultural, political; ethnic of the
country brings diverse interests, attitudes and
political and social dispositions, and diverse
demands.The present article is based on the
assumption that Media globalization is also creating
a serious threat to the national- language action of
the communities due to diverse and interaction
nature that resulted from the lower levels of play and
participation, it would be the suitable opportunity for
revitalization of cultural and identity crises. In order
to achieve an appropriate response to the
assumptions discussed in the first part we will
analysis the cultural globalization and the
importance of the media in appearing this process.
Then in the next section on the theory of the media
that been seen as a threat to the intellectual and
social base of the community life we will have an
overview and some evidence will be presented. But
in the end, given the assumptions of the present
paper, will have critical overview about the approach
and the theory that the media in what way and with
what action seize opportunities to consolidate
multiple identification perspectives and get rid of the
crisis. In the end we will propose some guidelines
and requirements to deal with the media situation in
the world.
2. Cultural globalization and media storage space:
The phenomenon of globalization, and the
effects and issues arising from it, has a reflection of
the diversity in the field of theory and practice, as
diverse range of according and opposing opinions
and views have emerged in this field. Since the
phenomenon of globalization in the early 1980s to
the present century several works written for
adaptation and against this (Boli & Lechner, 2008,)
remember that during the years 1990 to now,
globalization, has been one of the most common
terms in the social and economic sciences literature.
(Martell, 2010: 19)
Globalization is generally meant to expand the
scale, increase the size, speed, finding and deepening
the impact of the transcontinental currents and
patterns of social interaction. This means that the
Heldmak Grove said “globalization is trends, which
connects remote community together, and
availability of power relations across regions and
continents of the world will be expanded.” Roland
Robertson, defines globalization as the compression
of the world and the accumulation of knowledge
about the world as a whole. Anthony Giddens, like
Robertson defines globalization as “pressing social
and cultural ties that bind separate areas so that local
events are formed by events that occur hundreds of
miles away from it, and vice versa.” "also in the
book, globalization and culture by John Tomlinson,
he alluding to the fact that this phenomenon is due to
information technology and cultural contexts is
multi-faceted and complex, he describe it as
expanding mutual ties and interdependencies in
another sense, is characterized by modern social life”
It looks like to consider any modified definition
of the phenomenon. All suggest the objective and
quantitative and qualitative changes at the global
level that include significant changes in the
organization of social life and economic, cultural and
political issues, to quote the author the globalization
has a face of Venus, which is both a threat and an
3. Media and opportunities for constructive change:
While between different interpretations of the
nature and importance of the media, mainly from the
perspective of functionalist sociology it took shape
in the 1950s and 1960s. This research emphasized on
interactive communication, persuasion and activism
among the media and the masses, as far as knew that
they contrary to the Frankfurt's dark view, do not
need to mental requirements that causes physical and
social environments and the media could respond to
these needs. In this connection a positive role was
considered for the media including that the media
helps to the consolidation of relations and forming
individual identity and collective solidarity. Herold
Aynis and Marshall McLuhan, the Canadian author
are examples of this persons. They are sometimes
referred to as "media theorist" raised the issue that
the communications medium can effect on the nature
of social organization and the sensitivity and
orientation of the human. For example, McLuhan
believed that media technologies have had
fundamental effect on the human senses and
cognitive abilities and talents. The development of
writing and printing, as compared to the old oral
communities, created a culture that were dominated
by the sense of sight and analytical approach and
step by step way to solve problems. This culture
stems from the diversity and interaction of media
enables people became more independent, more
rational and more specialized. But he said the growth
of media at the same time created a new cultural
climate in which the priority of the sense of sight,
has changed to engage the integrated senses and in
the region individuals are connected together in the
Maryam Gorbani et al, 2014 /Journal Of Applied Sciences Research 8(9), August, Pages:15-19
immediate global communications networks. The
media have created a global village. During the past
two decades scholars have offered a virtual world
and a wide space resulting new forms of public
sector, innovation and creativity that unlike common
location-based approaches, are not rigid on
landlocked geography, and other identity domains.
community where belong to it can efficient from the
"Agora Media". [9]. Embodies the positive role of
the media in the notion of sovereignty and deepening
democracy can see in political new literature such as
"electronic democracy", "Tele-democracy", "cyber
democracy", "Networked Society" and "The Power
of Cybernetics", see that the rapid developments in
the fields of economy, politics and culture in the
information age provides the opportunity to recover
and rethink in the idea of democracy, and the
reduction of questions in answering of the
government, creating an informed and a more
participatory citizenry, facilitated discussions and
consultations on the free and equal relations in
common space "without gatekeeper". In addition, it
emphasizes on the positive role of the media in the
process of identity construction as a way of cultural
exchange, finding meaning events process, and
pleasure and entertain the public, structured daily life
and easier access to the public sphere.
According to this model, the theory it can be
noted to some of the roles that the media play in the
current situation and the global environment. The
authors of the article aim with citations and
references to these cases, consider solutions that can
be implemented to meet the challenge of governing.
One of the most important functions of the media,
which its performance historically have been
visualized is the helping to make identity. In this
sense the media practices as an act of cultural
interlocution tools. "Mainly it is the practical and
tangible results of media that people are motivated to
think about media about what they want to be in
terms of identifying or who are." The trick here
which is important is that the media outlet, the
artistic and cultural production for identity process is
important. For example, specific books reading, or
watching movies can create stay and the opportunity
to test themselves, and think about who they are and
where they are located in relation to the identity of
his community.
The other is that the media can help the process
of finding meanings and constructing new meanings,
such as the subject and actively seeking. Especially
in a world that is increasingly complex, and multiple
events occur at any time, the media can, out of the
thousands in the future, make the world meaningful
for us. They identify an agenda for each individual
and the community about what they think about.
Therefore, in this medium, large facilities lies for
power and subject of citizens, because the ability to
tell their story makes people capable of influencing
the political atmosphere, effects that are already
happening, and not from outside but from within
countries (especially developing countries) Example
of this is the development of "blogging" that like an
expression realm of the views of the public, and has
challenged the hegemony of traditional media and its
activists (virtual citizens or netizens) with collective
positions, transferring the contents of the chat show
that in cyberspace can be as informed and active
citizens to pay attention for political activism. That's
why the Genz with the belief that in today's Internet
chats and blog gives people opportunity for
commenting far more than the media (strictly
focused on ideas newsworthy), considers promising
of these networks as an hopeful evolutionary Due to
merger of the print media and electronic properties,
to the extent compensate the end of the golden age of
journalism (the middle of the twentieth century)
despite him the fact that young (commonly known as
inattention to news) note the news of sites should be
good omen for the future.
Three, in an accumulated place of the media,
these technologies can be seen as a policy
environment in the virtual era. In the context of
today's politics, the ruling class and the people
through the media take their information, say their
political opinions, especially from the aspect of their
relationship with the state, sometimes need arises to
mobilize citizens. Yet the media is the framework of
the policy, and governance for successful
macroeconomic management process needs daily
assess of society, the media can be the closest and
the most readily available tools. As Manuel Castells
has made clear, we must believe that, without the
active participation of the media and in the media, no
grand or irrationality plan will be successful and
effective. If in the past the opposite was possible, but
at least the 1990s and the emergence of diversity,
pluralism and decentralization of local media, the
dominance of the media in policy space became
Ways to strengthen the relationship between the
media and government:
However, with the positions outlined in the
previous section and the inevitable presence and
deepening of various communication technologies in
the public and private sector must deal with the facts
that to achieve a situation in which there is both
continuous and constructive relationship between the
political and cultural management, and the civic
society, and in the context of media, to help enabling
the people, we need a few basic prerequisites below
we briefly mention them:
1) Expanding representations enrollment: In order
to create a free box "electronic conversation" for all
citizens, while reforming of ignoring the current
media surveys to people who do not vote (or will not
vote likely), legal/ financial aids of actions are
essential that perform to guarantee the right of access
Maryam Gorbani et al, 2014 /Journal Of Applied Sciences Research 8(9), August, Pages:15-19
to individuals, groups and independent program
makers for media (Radio, TV).
2) Changing the news setting policies: this issue is
not negligible and cannot be ignored, that there are
dozens of channels, films, reports and news which
consumers can easily find them, in order to properly
understand the real needs of your audience, you
should consider making it more local (examining the
implications of national and international events in
the local community) and making news more
participatory (participation of the people through
dialogue with them and report their problems), all
components of society (such as economic problems),
which destroys democracy, as well as the policies
are deemed newsworthy.
3) Changing the situation of the organization of
media production line: another important issue to
construct a media is related to variant levels of civil
society. According to the importance of reducing the
emphasis on top-down news, and missionary news
about the politicians and the rich, it is essential the
establishment of independent media institutions,
public and private in civil society and ensuring legal
guarantees and privileges and grants, subsidies.
4) Removing goods from the media: in order to
closing the media to the context of the lives of
citizens, determining the exact standards of public
services is essential so by the way, you could catch
center- oriented media in the spider web of legal
obligations and responses. Such as the creation of a
supranational regulatory devices and democratic
decision-making processes such as staff participation
and the formation of a board of directors and support
board of alternative investment strategies.
5) Social and cultural policy take precedence over
profitability: in order to set the pace of technological
innovation with the social and political public needs,
giving priority to policies to the profitability in
communications is essential. Because, in the words
of Karl Polanyi, a self-regulating market is utopia
which soon destroys their social preconditions.
6) The transition from the general trustee to public
of media: we aware of process of globalization with
decreasing charge of the government, and the idea of
a good ruling has interacted with the participation of
various institutions. So in order to maintain and
enhance the disclosure of Non-governmental
dysfunction and harness the power of responsible
government, public debate never depends on the
government sufferance, as a result of extreme
paternalism of state media or the exchanging of
government to plenipotentiary citizens, or socialist /
Procustes media management (imposing regulations
with regardless of individual differences). In this
case, the media is removed from one side state, and
becomes a product of society and its cultural
diversity; this means that passively media consuming
changes to creative activism, based on the mass
media, which is guided by the interests of citizens,
and the media structure of today's pluralistic society,
has become activism of the subjects of their
pluralistic wisdom and stories.
Global era, is the era of centrifugal, allusion of
congregation and the reproducing life-world. The
situation has gotten particular case while collective
communication has besieged our time. Media makes
a fine variety of news and information to the masses,
and expands certain forms of consumption and
encourage thinking, increases processes of "self", so
that we see the result that a "post-modern culture"
produced by the media, structure factors or the
traditional identity such as gender, ethnicity and
language, lose their importance day by day. Stuart
Hall has summarized the state of identity crisis, “we
are no longer able to portray person subjects as a
whole, focused, stable and always complete, or
independent. Now an individual is tattered and
incomplete.” [7].
As noted, this paper is composed also noting the
situation and concerning of its consequences. In the
previous section, citing the possibility of potential
situations raised from the media performance we
showed how you can benefit from this situation to
meet current challenges. Now, and in the end, we
consider abbreviated guidelines on the political and
cultural management macro-level of community that
can be practical.
One of the key factors and drivers in the history
of the West was the event of cultural renaissance that
could by reviving the capacities and talents of the
artistic, literary of various countries in Europe,
predominantly growth and strengthen the
foundations of citizenship and sovereignty.
Accordingly, we also require a serious renaissance in
present atmosphere of cultural globalization, as a
result, by using of mythological, religious and social
aspects responses needs of the young people and
make positive cultural context. According to our
“cultural resistance” is another simile for cultural
Resonance. Because the interest in reviving it
requires much strength to keep it from every evil
thought. The cultural resistance means national
determination and persistence to preserve their
language and cultural heritage, but also compels the
government to protect their values and establish
valuable things of the past. In this way, it is better to
use than diversity of cultures and subcultures of Iran
in the world to properly display Iranian multi culture
environmental effects. The powerful countries of the
world, with its vast mass media, and assign a
massive budget to cultural activities in various fields,
have such a power to portray their own cultural
values which can easily inhibit the appearing of
authentic culture that lacks the technology ability to
supply to the world. And with the help of powerful
transmitters, satellite, and broadcasting and many
other appliances, the younger generations, cultures
and subcultures throughout the world put under their
Maryam Gorbani et al, 2014 /Journal Of Applied Sciences Research 8(9), August, Pages:15-19
bombardment thoughts and inducing tempting ideas.
It is our duty to effort our as the large and diversity
ethnic-cultural country with proper enjoyment of
media, models and media education in schools, we
must also emphasize the common historical
background, and to strengthen areas of Iranian
ethnicities positive interaction with each other.
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