Optimal Combinations of Government Expenditures To Economic Growth Process in Iran
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Optimal Combinations of Government Expenditures To Economic Growth Process in Iran
Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 6(5): 387-392, 2010 © 2010, INSInet Publication Optimal Combinations of Government Expenditures To Economic Growth Process in Iran 1 Ahmad Jafari Samimi, 1 Amir Mansour Tehranchian, 2 Masoud Abdi Rad 1 2 Department of Economics, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran MA Student of Economics, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran Abstract: This paper analyzes the design of macroeconomic policies for Iran during its forth five years development plan (2005-2009). For this purpose, we develop and use a macroeconometric model using Iran. Macro data for the period 1859-2004. W e determine optimal combination of government expenditures as solutions of optimum control problems with a quadratic objective function and the macroeconometric model as a constraint. The results show that, the optimal values of current and capital government expenditures (except for the first year of government current expenditures) are greater than those proposed in forth development plan. The comparison between the effects of the optimal combination of government expenditures on goal variables, show that using the optimal combination of government expenditures, without creating undesirable effect on unemployment rate, will improve the economic growth rate. Key word: Optimal combinations of government expenditures, Stochastic optimal control algorithm, forth five year development plan , Iran . INTRODUCTION The study of economic changes in economics literature shows that requirement of government policymaking as fiscal instrument in economy, avoidable to obtain the perceived goals[1 ] . Also, we know that carrying out several policies are likely to conflict with the other goals and in this condition cost all or some of other goals, in due to interaction feedback effects distortion. This revealed when intertemporal essence of decision- making is focus. Therefore in spite of substitution ability must optimize control of policymakers variables [2 ]. So, especially in middle of 1990 the more of studies related to economic policies, used the optimization models. So determine the policies or the other words optimal fiscal instrument, state the important policy-making duties each economic system [3 ] . During the last few decades, Iran’s economy has witnessed high inflation and unemployment and high fluctuations in economic growth. Combating the above problems has been one of the important goals of policy making in Iran. Therefore, at the end of the imposed war, the Iranian first, second and third development plan were launched. Due to lack of coordinating between the macroeconomic policies introduced some of the main important goals proposed in these plans were not accomplished. The present paper deals with the quantitative determination of Iran's optimal combination of government expenditures in order to obtain the goals of economic growth, inflation rate and unemployment rate with minimum loss during the counting 4 th economic plan (2005-2009). To do so, first we have defined a dynamic nonlinear system of macroeconomic equation and calculated the effects of combination of government expenditures imposed during the forth development plan on macroeconomic variables using the simulation technique. T hen the optimal combinations of government expenditures are calculated by the optimal control algorithm “OPTCON”. Finally we will compare the effects of the optimal combination of government expenditures on goal variables and ending paper with concluding remarks. The “Stochastic Optimal Control” Algorithm: W e want to calculate time paths of macroeconomic policy instruments that are “optimal” according to an objective function of a hypothetical policy-maker for Iran. To obtain optimal economic policies, we apply the OPTCON algorithm, developed by Matulka and Neck [4] and M atulka, Neck and Karbuz [5 ] . OPTCON determines approximate solutions of optimum control problems with a quadratic objective function and a nonlinear multivariable model. The objective function has to be quadratic in the deviations of the state and control variables from their desired values. The objective function has the following form: Corresponding Author: Ahmad Jafari Samimi, Department of Economics, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran E-mail: jafarisa @umz.ac.ir (A.J. Samimi), 387 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(5): 387-392, 2010 The models include goods, services market and money markets from the aggregate demand side and a production function and the labor market from the aggregate supply side. The goods and services market contain private consum ption function, private investment function, government consumption function, government investment function, imports and exports functions. Also, the models include a money demand equation and wage price system. The wage-price system can be regarded as an enhanced Phillips curve. W ages are determined by the price level and the unemployment rate. The price level depends on wages and the capacity utilization rate. A production function is included to determine potential GDP [9 ] .The labor market is modeled by specifying an employment equation, whereas the labor supply is exogenous to the model. As the stochastic model equations are estimated by OLS, no full covariance matrix of the parameters is available. In this case, only a limited stochastic optimization can be run with the estimated standard errors of the coefficients and the standard errors of the regression equations taken into account. In order to determine the approximate solutions optimum government current and capital expenditures (optimal combination of government expenditures), three “main” objectives are considered. The “main” objective variables are economic growth rate and unemployment rate. The values of target for these variables are the values, which targeted in Iran’s forth development plan. So, the planning horizon for the control experiments has been chosen as 2005 to 2009. After several experiments sensitivity analysis we hare chosen a discount factor á =1, the weight 1000 for main objective variables. Then, in the weight matrix of the objective function, off diagonal elements were all set equal to zero. In addition, all state variables in the model not mentioned above, got the weight zero. In order to compare the optimal combination of government expenditures effects on the main objective function variables with that of the proposed fiscal policies in forth plan and the tentative path for state variables, we used MAPLE 1 0 program for the simulation of the model; we used GAUSS program to determine the optimal combination of government expenditures. The calculated optimum government current and capital expenditures are compared with those proposed valued in forth development plan in table 2. The table shows that, the optimal values of government current and capital expenditures (except for the first year plan of government current expenditures) are greater than those proposed in forth development plan. Table 3 shows the target values and the results for the most important state variables of the simulation and optimization run, respectively. (1) (2) W here denotes the vector of state variables, u t denotes the vector of control variables, and are the desired values of the state and control variables, W t is the matrix containing the weights given to the deviations of the state and control variables from their desired values, respectively, and a denotes the discount factor. The dynamic system has to be given in a state space representation. Although OPTCON can solve deterministic and stochastic optimum control problems, here we confine ourselves to deterministic optimizations only. So the dynamic nonlinear system is defined as: (3) In this system and are the expected value of the stochastic parameter vector, exogenous variables vector and the matrix of the additive system noise respectively. As inputs of the algorithm, the user has to supply the followings: the system function, the initial value of the state vector, a tentative path for the control variables, the expected value and the covariance matrix of the stochastic parameter vector, the covariance matrix of the additive system noise, the weight matrices of the objective function, the planning horizon, the desired paths for the state and control variables, the tentative path for control and state variables and a discount rate of the objective function. T his algo rith m is ex e cutab le in ‘‘G A U SS’’ programming system [6 ,7 ]. Therefore, we used the "OPTCON" algorithm in order to determine the optimal combination of government expenditures for Iran during the forth development plan. The constraint to the optimization problem is given by a macro econometric model of the Iran’s economy. The list of variables is shown in appendix. The dynamic nonlinear systems include two category of equation: behavioral equations and identities. Table1 shows the estimated behavioral equations and identities. The behavioral equations of the model were estimated by O.L.S using time series data for the period 1959-2004 [8] . 388 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(5): 387-392, 2010 Table 1: The equations: N um ber Equations Behavioral: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 CPR = 0.83 CPR (t-1) + 0.10 YDR t: (21.7) (3.4) (2.1) DW = 2.02 R-2 = % 99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 IN VPR = 0.84 IN VPR (t-1) + 0.21 IN VGR + 0.26 ? Dem and - 24.19 LTIR R t: (11.54) (20.10) (14.30) (-0.14) D W = 1.49 R-2 = % 88 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 CGR = 0.19 CGR (t-1) + 0.65GCER t: (1.83) (7.85) D W = 1.93 R-2 = % 98 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 IN VGR = 0.24 IN VGR (t-1) + 0.05 GD PR + 0.48 GM ER t: (1.98) (3.55) (3.65) D W = 2.11 R-2 = % 87 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 IM PR = 0.69 IM PR (t-1) + 0.15 GD PR - 547.10 RPIM P t: (5.13) (1.81) (- 0.85) DW = 1.85 R-2 = % 82 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 AGW N = 0.96 AGW N (t-1) + 3.54 CPI - 0.052 U R t:(18.61) (4.72) (- 0.21) D W = 1.68 R-2 = % 99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 CPI = 0.85 CPI (t-1) + 0.013 AGW N + 0.012 U TIL t: (4.45) (1.69) (1.67) D W = 1.90 R-2 = % 99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 EM P = 1.01 EM P (t-1) + 0.00057 GD PR - 0.053 AGW R t: (75.81) (2.46) (-1.91) D W = 1.6 R-2 = % 99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 LTIR N = 0.94 LTIR N (t-1) + 0.0000027 GD PR - 0.0000028 M 3R t: (9.98) (0.91) (-0.62) DW = 1.71 R-2 = % 93 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 GD PDEF = 0.55 GD PD EF (t-1) + 0.0000027 GD PR + 0.54 IM PDEF t: (5.42) (1.91) (6.29) D W = 1.89 R-2 = % 99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 GD PPO T = 0.31 CAPR + 26.49 LFO RCE + 2050.64 TIM E t: (6.13) (2.08) (8.53) D W = 1.83 R-2 = % 99 Identities: 12 GD PR = CPR + CGR + IN VR + EXPR - IM PR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 IN VR = IN VPR + IN VGR + D IN VR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 D em and = GD PR + IM PR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 GRGD PR = (GD PR - GD PR (t-1)/GD PR (t-1))*100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 GRCPI = (CPI - CPI (t-1)/CPI (t-1))*100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 LTIRR = LTIR N - GRCPI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 AGW R = (AGW N/CPI)*100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 M 3R = (M 3N /CPI)*100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 RPIM P = (IM PD EF/CPI)*100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 U TIL = (GD PR/GD PPO T)*100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 CAPR = CAPR (t-1) + IN VPR + IN VGR - D EPR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 U N = LFO RCE - EM P ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 U R = (U N /LFO RCE)*100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 GCER = (GCEN /GDPD EF)*100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 GM ER = (GM EN /GD PD EF)*100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 TAXRR = (TAXRN /GD PD EF)*100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 Y D R = GD PR - TAXRR *t, R-2 and D.W are the t statistic, adjusted R and Durbin W atson statistic respectively. 389 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(5): 387-392, 2010 Table 2: The values of optim al and third plan control variables 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 GCEN O ptim al 200897.3 266677.2 355466.0 83984.5 669933.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposed in the 222231.1 244457.5 268903.3 295793.6 325372.9 4th plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GM EN O ptim al 176115.8 251502.9 340265.6 449972.3 583719.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proposed in the 102820.7 134746.1 171070.4 214373.6 275841.0 4th plan Source: author calculations. Table 3: The result of optim ization and sim ulation results 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 GRGD PR O ptim ization results 7.0 7.3 7.7 8.3 8.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sim ulation results 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.8 3.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The forth plan targets 7.1 7.4 7.8 8.4 9.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UR O ptim ization results 12.0 11.6 11.0 10.2 9.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sim ulation results 12.1 11.9 11.6 11.3 11.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The forth plan targets 11.8 11.0 10.1 9.3 8.4 Source: author calculations. Appendix. List of variables State (or endogenous) variables AGW N Average gross wage rate per em ployee, nom inal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AGW R Average gross wage rate per em ployee, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAPR Capital stock, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CGR Governm ent consum ption, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CPI Consum er price index ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CPR Private consum ption expenditures, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D em and Total final dem and, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EM P Em ploym ent; 1,000 persons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GCER Governm ent currency expenditure, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GD PR Gross dom estic product, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GD PD EF GD P deflator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GD PPO T Potential GD P ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GM ER Governm ent capital expenditure, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GRCPI Annual growth rate of CPI (rate of inflation ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GRGD PR Annual growth rate of real GD P ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IM PR Im ports, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IN VGR Governm ent investm ent, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IN VPR Private investm ent, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 390 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 6(5): 387-392, 2010 Appendix. List of variables: Continue IN VR Total investm ent, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LTIR N Long-term interest rate, nom inal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LTIR R Long-term interest rate, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M 3R M oney stock M 3, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RPIM P Relative price of im port ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TAXRR Governm ent tax revenue, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UN N um ber of unem ployed persons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UR U nem ploym ent rate, % of the labor force ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------U TIL Capacity utilization rate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YDR Personal disposable incom e, real Exogenous variables D IN VR Inventory change, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXPR Exports, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D EPR D epreciation of fixed capital, real ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IM PD EF Im port price level (im port deflator) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LFO RCE Labor force; 1,000 persons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M 3N M oney stock M 3, nom inal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TAXRN Governm ent tax revenue, nom inal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------N TAXRN Governm ent non-tax revenue, nom inal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIM E Linear tim e trend Control variable GCEN Governm ent currency expenditure, nom inal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GM EN Governm ent capital expenditure, nom inal As seen from the table3, the rate of economic growth is close to forth plan targets with the optimum combination of government expenditures than those proposed by forth plan. Also, under optimum co m b inatio n o f go v e rn m e n t e x p e nd itures the unemployment rate will be the same both under optimal and proposed forth plan. the optimum combination of government expenditures without creating undesirable effect unemployment rate, will improve the economic growth rate. REFERENCES 1. Concluding Remarks: In this paper we have shown how stochastic Optimal Control Algorithm can be used to obtain insights into the design of policy decisions for the forth five year's Iranian development plan (2005–2009) under condition that inactive the monetary policy instrument. Hence , the objective function is quadratic in deviations of the state and control variables from their respective desired values . Also, the constrain of optimization problem is given by a nonlinear stochastic system .W e implemented the "OPTCON" algorithm in the programming language "GAUSS" and applied an econometric model to the Iran economy in order to show the feasibility of the algorithm. 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