Microcomputer Application on Testing System in Food Palatable Strength
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Microcomputer Application on Testing System in Food Palatable Strength
Microcomputer Application on Testing System in Food Palatable Strength GUO Li YANG Fang Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin Heilongjiang 150030 [email protected] Abstract In view of the requirement of food quality test we put forward food palatable strength testing system. According to mechanic principle of tooth chew food, data acquisition system and PC software platform were designed. The system accomplished date storage, calculate and processing. Key words: SCM; Palatable strength; Cutting machine Foreword As the people’s living standard improving, the demand for food is also increasing. Facing so many kind of food how does people to choose from? It was through the ancient way-taste (chewing)- to judge a certain food being good or bad, however, because it was their own mental physical and hobbies, and other factors directly affect the differences rating, and even the same food have different conclusions, leaving the rating lose comparability. Thus finding a method of food scientific testing is very necessary, for which we put foreword. The concept of “food palatable power” At present the test of food palatable remains a gap in our country. Food palatable strength as a standard to assess food quality can regulate food production, processing and promote the development of the food industry. It is therefore necessary to design a study of economic, practical advanced food palatable strength detection system. 1 The holistic design of the system The system was designed base on the mechanical principle of tooth chewing food. The design of the system mainly includes three parts: the design of food cutting machine, the design of date collecting system and the design of PC software platform. The design of date collecting system includes the design of hardware circuit and software of SCM. The framework of the system was shown in figure 1. specimen Cutting force Voltage signal PC SCM Keyboard&Display Reset Figure1 The framework of the system 2 concrete system design 963 amplify A/D Warning 2.1 The design of cutting machine 2.1.1 The testing principle of cutting machine When cutting food, the requisite stress was affected by sheared area and the mechanical nature of the food itself. To avoid the effect of cross-section size of food, use cutting stress Fb divide A (cross-section area) Fb Defined: τb = A τb was named cutting strength, it only have to do with the material of the specimen, have nothing to do with the area of cross-section. This also indicates that in the same cross-sectional area two different nature of food when be sheared the cutting stress Fb1 and Fb2 direct ratio withτb1 andτb2, That is: τ F b1 Fb 2 = b1 τ b2 Thus cutting stressτb can be used denote the mechanical identity of food, therefore τb can be used measure food palatable norm. 2.1.2 The mechanical structure of the cutting machine The cutting machine made up of the mainly-blade and aid-blade. As shown in figure 2. The mainly-blade connected with the sensor by bolt, the aid-blade linked to the vertical structure. As shown in figure 3. Figure 2 Mainly-blade and aid-blade Figure 3 A. fan-shaped panel B. inferior slideway panel C. slideway panel D. oriented slideway E. blade support F. mainly-blade G. press haulm H. aid-blade I. electric motor J. sensor K. reposition spring L. back panel When press the controlling button the electric motor begins rotating clockwise, the whole machinery move outward along the chute, when encountered the spacing switch, electric motor stop, and then rotate anti-clockwise until encountered another spacing switch electric motor will stop immediately, here the cutting experiment can be done. Put the specimen of the food on the mainly-blade, and then press the starting button start cutting. When press the out-in button the whole machinery will get into the inside of the cabinet. 2.2 The design of hardware The controlling core of hardware is SCM AT89C52, hardware circuits include measurement amplifying circuit, A/D conversion circuit, keyboard and display circuit, warning circuit, resting circuit. 2.2.1 Amplifying circuit The sensor output signal is weak; therefore the part of circuit is very important to the whole system. 964 To improve measurement accuracy, three stage amplifying was used, the first stage is differential amplifier, the second and the third stage are sign-reversing amplifier and in the second stage input point a resistance-capacitance circuit was introduced, the amplifier we choose ICL7650 the high-precision processing amplifier, as shown in figure 4. 11 R3 U2 4 R7 10 C1 0.1 U2 4 5 10 7650 R6 2 R5 7 1 R4 10 7650 5 7650 11 U2 2 5 7 1 4 R2 Rf3 11 R1 Rf2 2 7 1 Rf1 R8 Figure4 signal amplify circuit 2.2.2 A/D conversion circuit A/D conversion circuit is a very important link, considering that measurement precision and economic,12 serial interface chip TLC2543 was chosen, it has 11 analog input channels. The chip communicate with the SCM by SPI bus, the interface circuit is shown in figure 5 +5V VCC U3 AD_CLK AD_DIN 1 IN1 2 IN2 6 IN3 7 IN4 VCC 8 VCC 3 OUT1 5 OUT 4 GND R41 U4 1 IN1 2 IN2 6 IN3 7 IN4 VCC 8 VCC 3 OUT1 5 OUT 4 GND U13_D U5 3 2004 U12_C 10 10 9 U13_C 12 TLP521-4 C36 0.1 2004 U12_D 6 R40 11 5 VCC EOC CLK DIN DOUT CS RES+ RESAIN11 AIN10 C37 100/16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 AIN9 GND 2543_0 2543_1 TLC2543 12 510 TLP521-4 R44 2.2K 7 +5V 5 DS75451N 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 14 TLP521-4 8 AD_OUT 510 4.7K*4 16 2004 U12_B 14 13 7 R43 1 TLP521-4 4 510 AD_CS U12_A 15 U13_B 3 R42 RP4 16 2 510 DS75451N +5V U13_A 1 2004 RP2 RP3 2.2K*3 Figure 5 Connecting circuit of SCM to TLC254 g f a b g f a b D1 Y5 g f m a b 10 9 8 7 6 Y4 g f m a b g f m a b Y3 10 9 8 7 6 a b g f Y2 10 9 8 7 6 a b g f g f m a b Y1 10 9 8 7 6 VCC VCC g f m a b a b 10 9 8 7 6 g f 2.2.3 Keyboard and display circuit The common cathode serial chip HD7279 was chosen as display driving chip can drive eight common cathode digital valve. The chip can connect a keyboard matrix with 64 keys simultaneously. The circuit can eliminate hey flutter and identify keys code. The keyboard and display circuit was shown in figure 6. a Kg.f R1 1.5k 6PIN R2 100K R3 L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1 e d m c dp e d m c dp e d m c dp D2 SMG f N e 1 d 2 L1 3 c 4 dp 5 C2 15P e d m c dp 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 e d m c dp RESET RC CLKO DIG7 DIG6 DIG5 DIG4 DIG3 DIG2 DIG1 DIG0 DP SA SB SMG L6 79_CS 79_CLK 79_DATA 79_KEY VCC VCC NC GND NC CS CLK DATA KEY SG SF SE SD SC SMG e 1 d 2 L2 3 c 4 dp 5 VCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SMG e 1 d 2 L3 3 c 4 dp 5 J1 SMG U1 e 1 d 2 L5 3 c 4 dp 5 47uF/16V C1 0.1uF e 1 d 2 L4 3 c 4 dp 5 C3 R8 200 R15 HD7279 100K R4 100K R5 100K R6 R9 200 R7 200 R10 200 R11 200 R12 200 R13 200 R14 200 S51 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 1 2 号号 4号号 3号号 2号号 1号号 0号号 10K 25 dp a dpD3 YX e D4 LJ c D5 CX d D6 JZ b c d e f g 100K R16 100K Figure 6 Keyboard and display circuit 2.2.4 SCM control circuits SCM AT89C52 is the core device. The circuits have resetting circuit, warning circuit, relay protection circuit and communication circuit, as shown in figure 7 965 VCC VCC 4.7K*8 RP1 VCC U2 1 2 CS SO 3 4 WP GND VCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X25045 R35 10K J2 6PIN P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 13 INT1 12 INT0 VCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 4.7K*8 RP2 U6 8 VCC 7 RESET 6 SCK 5 SI Z1 VCC 15 14 T1 T0 31 C2912M 30P C30 30P EA/VP 19 X1 18 X2 9 RESET 17 16 RD WR D1 P00 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AD_DOUT AD_CS AD_DIN AD_CLK JDQ U11 C53 4148 T2 9013 R38 JDQ1 4.7uF/16V 4.7K 16 VCC R2 FMQ 4.7K R36 R39 T1 9012 FMQ/5V 89C52 - + 13 11 2D 2B 9 2K 4.7K 1 4 1D 6 1B 8 1K DS2Y_S_DC5V 4.7K A1 J3 VCC 10 RXD 11 TXD 30 ALE/P 29 PSEN +5V +5V DB9 U6 C31 0.1µ 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 VCC GND T1OUT R1IN R1OUT T1IN T2IN R2OUT C32 C1+ V+ C1C2+ C2VT2OUT R2IN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 232-2 1µF/16V C34 VCC 232-2 C33 C2+ C2V- 1µF/16V 232-2 232-3 1µF/16V C35 V- 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 1µF/16V MAX232 Figure 7 SCM controlling circuit 2.3 software of system C language was used to program the software of the system. The software is composed eight components include : switch on and self-check, off-line working pattern, on-line working pattern, the control module of cutting machine, date collecting program, overload detecting and handling programs, keyboard module. System flow diagram was shown in figure 8. 2.4 The design of PC software platform Visual basic is a efficient visible programming language. It not only provides a good interface of design capability but also can communicate with SCM easily. The serial communicate with protocol baud rate 4800, a start bit, without even-odd check bit. Packets of date transmission: start-up character + quantum mark + end character. 3 The method of system calibrating The system was calibrated by system-calibration, use three-point method: idle zero setting, full load checkout and median checkout. (1) Idle zero setting: In the sensor’s each measurement range doesn’t hang anything, in each measurement range, respectively measure seven idle zero value then calculated out the average, according to the average adjust the system corresponding benchmarks. (2) Full load checkout: In the sensor’s each measurement range hang the standard weight respectively, which weight is as much as the largest cutting power in each measurement, respectively measure seven full load value in the same measurement then calculated out the average, according to the average adjust the system corresponding benchmarks. (3) Median checkout: In the sensor’s each measurement range hang the standard weight respectively, which weight is as much as a half of the largest cutting power in each measurement, respectively measure seven median value in the same measurement then calculated out the average, according to the average adjust the system corresponding benchmarks. 4 Conclusions 4.1 The originality of the design Together with mechanical and electrical; digital display; peck value lock-in; automatic change measurement range; 100 date memory and inquiry; software calibrate; power- off date memory. The date can be transmitted to PC; system overload protection; operate and analysis platform. 4.2 The market prospect of food palatable strength test system The system is adequate for testing the palatable strength of meat, meat product and other soft solid food. It is very practical and in common use and has a good generalizing prospect. Food palatable as a criterion of assess food quality and the basis for our food industry will bring a revolution to regulate the producing and processing, promote the development of food industry. The apparatus in food producing 966 and selling has very good prospect, it has nicer economic and societal benefit. Author in Brief GUO Li – Female. Master degree. Senior engineer in Electricity Engineering Department, Engineering College, Northeast Agricultural University, China. Main research area is on Electronic Technology Application. References: [1]Zhao Jiwen. Sensor and applications circuitry design. Science Press. 2002. [2]Liang Yangui. Integrate Operational Amplifier and Voltage Comparators fascicule. Science Press. 2002. [3]Device Datasheet. TI high high-powered Operational Amplifier. Wuhan Liyuan Co., Ltd [4]Zhan Shuren. Microcontroller Principle and application. Wuhan Liyuan Co., Ltd [5]Ouyang Binlin, Liu Lishan, Jiang Wenke, Liu Deying. Microcontroller Principle and application. 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