Table A1: Clinton “Morality” Ratings, 1992
Table A1: Clinton “Morality” Ratings, 1992 Regression parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (pre-election respondents) X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled Republican Partisanship -.090 -.106 -.016 -.099 -.099 (.012) (.010) (.016) (.008) (.008) Conservative Ideology -.089 -.050 .039 -.069 -.069 (.018) (.017) (.025) (.012) (.012) Age .00112 -.00142 -.00254 -.00007 -.00002 (.00239) (.00216) (.00322) (.00160) (.00159) Age Squared -.0000171 .0000058 .0000229 -.0000066 -.0000070 (.0000238) (.0000210) (.0000317) (.0000157) (.0000157) Education -.0130 -.0128 .0002 -.0130 -.0132 (.0029) (.0024) (.0038) (.0018) (.0018) Married Black Follow Public Affairs Intercept -.003 .013 .016 .006 .006 (.015) (.013) (.019) (.010) (.009) .031 .091 .060 .063 .062 (.022) (.019) (.029) (.014) (.014) -.058 -.039 .019 -.048 -.048 (.024) (.021) (.032) (.016) (.016) .499 .535 .036 .512 .514 (.053) (.048) (.072) (.036) (.036) Panel Indicator --- --- --- .007 --- adjusted R2 .15 .19 .17 .17 .17 standard error of regression .230 .219 .224 .224 .224 N 1126 1359 2485 2485 2485 (.009) Table A2: Correct Relative Ideological Placements of Bush and Clinton, 1992 Probit parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (pre-election respondents) Age Education X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled -.00033 .00031 .00064 -.00005 .00002 (.00252) (.00224) (.00337) (.00167) (.00167) .1394 .1267 -.0127 .1321 .1298 (.0186) (.0163) (.0247) (.0122) (.0122) Follow Public Affairs .577 .739 .162 .667 .666 (.152) (.134) (.203) (.101) (.101) Ideological Extremity .474 .550 .076 .511 .514 (.158) (.158) (.224) (.112) (.112) -.594 -.652 -.058 -.629 -.625 (.112) (.101) (.151) (.075) (.075) No SelfPlacement Intercept .032 .015 -.017 -.027 .024 (.154) (.140) (.208) (.107) (.103) Panel Indicator --- --- --- .099 --- pseudo-R2 .18 .20 .19 .19 .19 log-likelihood -587.59 -701.73 -1289.32 -1290.13 -1291.61 N 1126 1359 2485 2485 2485 (.058) Table A3: Economic Perceptions, 1992 Regression parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (pre-election respondents) Age Education Income Black Female X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled -.00041 .00025 .00066 -.00005 -.00003 (.00097) (.00088) (.00131) (.00065) (.00065) -.0052 -.0051 .0001 -.0051 -.0054 (.0071) (.0063) (.0095) (.0047) (.0047) -.002 -.090 -.088 -.050 -.052 (.066) (.062) (.090) (.045) (.045) -.027 -.000 .027 -.011 -.012 (.050) (.047) (.069) (.034) (.034) -.067 -.120 -.053 -.095 -.095 (.033) (.031) (.045) (.022) (.022) Republican Partisanship .206 .175 -.031 .189 .189 (.026) (.023) (.035) (.017) (.017) Follow Public Affairs .012 -.101 -.113 -.052 -.052 (.058) (.052) (.078) (.039) (.039) Intercept -.607 -.482 .125 -.547 -.535 (.065) (.059) (.088) (.046) (.044) Panel Indicator --- --- --- .020 --- adjusted R2 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 standard error of regression .539 .546 .543 .543 .543 N 1126 1359 2485 2485 2485 (.022) Table A4: Campaign Interest, 1992 Regression parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (pre-election respondents) Age Education Income Black Female Partisan Strength Days Before Election Intercept X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled .00307 .00245 -.00062 .00272 .00272 (.00060) (.00054) (.00081) (.00040) (.00040) .0440 .0231 -.0209 .0324 .0324 (.0043) (.0037) (.0057) (.0028) (.0028) .058 .071 .013 .065 .065 (.041) (.037) (.055) (.028) (.027) -.012 -.028 -.016 -.019 -.019 (.031) (.028) (.041) (.020) (.020) -.014 -.055 -.041 -.037 -.037 (.020) (.018) (.027) (.014) (.014) .204 .214 .010 .209 .209 (.030) (.027) (.041) (.020) (.020) -.00246 -.00144 .00102 -.00200 -.00200 (.00053) (.00050) (.00073) (.00036) (.00036) .362 .391 .029 .383 .384 (.042) (.038) (.057) (.029) (.028) Panel Indicator --- --- --- .002 --- adjusted R2 .17 .11 .14 .13 .13 standard error of regression .335 .331 .333 .334 .333 N 1126 1359 2485 2485 2485 (.014) Table A5: Presidential Turnout, 1992 Probit parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (post-election respondents) Age Education Income Married X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled .01015 .01896 .00881 .01508 .01507 (.00283) (.00249) (.00377) (.00186) (.00186) .1678 .1273 -.0405 .1445 .1448 (.0203) (.0176) (.0269) (.0133) (.0132) .693 1.011 .318 .864 .866 (.201) (.181) (.270) (.134) (.134) .161 .153 -.008 .150 .149 (.102) (.088) (.135) (.066) (.066) Partisan Strength .797 .843 .046 .822 .821 (.140) (.126) (.188) (.093) (.093) Intercept -.749 -1.303 -.554 -1.035 -1.044 (.165) (.154) (.225) (.117) (.112) Panel Indicator --- --- --- -.017 --- pseudo-R2 .17 .17 .17 .17 .17 log-likelihood -468.69 -605.67 -1074.35 -1080.25 -1080.29 N 1005 1250 2255 2255 2255 (.063) Table A6: Presidential Vote, 1992 Probit parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (major-party voters only) X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled Republican Partisanship 1.576 1.552 -.024 1.557 1.561 (.121) (.109) (.163) (.081) (.081) Conservative Ideology 1.100 .818 -.282 .949 .944 (.213) (.206) (.296) (.147) (.147) Anti-Aid to Minorities .137 .323 .186 .231 .230 (.131) (.129) (.184) (.091) (.091) Pro-Defense Spending .296 .225 -.071 .261 .254 (.179) (.168) (.245) (.122) (.121) Anti-Abortion Economy Better Intercept .204 .274 .070 .242 .239 (.108) (.100) (.147) (.073) (.073) .469 .407 -.062 .433 .430 (.139) (.122) (.185) (.091) (.091) .225 .080 -.145 .198 .144 (.134) (.119) (.179) (.104) (.088) Panel Indicator --- --- --- -.096 --- pseudo-R2 .55 .56 .55 .55 .55 log-likelihood -191.82 -219.30 -411.12 -412.14 -412.61 N 624 733 1357 1357 1357 (.099) Table A7: Clinton “Morality” Ratings, 1996 Regression parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (pre-election respondents) X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled Republican Partisanship -.188 -.192 -.004 -.192 -.192 (.022) (.011) (.025) (.010) (.010) Conservative Ideology -.076 -.081 -.005 -.080 -.080 (.036) (.019) (.041) (.017) (.017) Age .00085 -.00606 -.00691 -.00377 -.00387 (.00418) (.00235) (.00480) (.00200) (.00200) Age Squared -.0000106 .0000564 .0000670 .0000356 .0000363 (.0000426) (.0000221) (.0000480) (.0000192) (.0000192) Education -.0106 -.0138 -.0032 -.0130 -.0131 (.0056) (.0026) (.0061) (.0024) (.0024) -.030 -.020 .010 -.023 -.023 (.027) (.014) (.030) (.012) (.012) Married Black Follow Public Affairs Intercept .128 .085 -.043 .096 .097 (.039) (.021) (.044) (.019) (.019) .025 -.053 -.078 -.037 -.038 (.046) (.023) (.052) (.020) (.020) .385 .578 .193 .522 .518 (.088) (.056) (.104) (.047) (.046) Panel Indicator --- --- --- -.010 --- adjusted R2 .31 .37 .36 .36 .36 standard error of regression .250 .232 .236 .236 .236 N 398 1316 1714 1714 1714 (.014) Table A8: Correct Relative Ideological Placements of Clinton and Dole, 1996 Probit parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (pre-election respondents) Age Education Follow Public Affairs X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled .00437 .00251 -.00186 .00303 .00311 (.00450) (.00243) (.00512) (.00214) (.00213) .1388 .1673 .0285 .1603 .1603 (.0332) (.0173) (.0374) (.0153) (.0153) .793 .337 -.456 .418 .419 (.278) (.143) (.313) (.126) (.126) Ideological Extremity 1.111 .784 -.327 .852 .852 (.305) (.162) (.345) (.142) (.142) No SelfPlacement -.692 -.467 .225 -.525 -.528 (.181) (.108) (.211) (.092) (.092) Intercept -.275 .043 .318 -.052 -.033 (.246) (.145) (.286) (.135) (.124) Panel Indicator --- --- --- .030 --- pseudo-R2 .24 .19 .20 .20 .20 log-likelihood -189.48 -625.90 -815.38 -818.91 -818.98 N 398 1316 1714 1714 1714 (.084) Table A9: Economic Perceptions, 1996 Regression parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (pre-election respondents) Age Education Income Black Female Republican Partisanship X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled .00371 .00188 -.00183 .00223 .00236 (.00214) (.00114) (.00243) (.00101) (.00100) .0472 .0236 -.0236 .0292 .0292 (.0156) (.0080) (.0175) (.0071) (.0071) .191 .264 .073 .244 .248 (.143) (.081) (.164) (.070) (.070) -.133 -.057 .076 -.076 -.078 (.105) (.061) (.122) (.053) (.053) -.054 -.152 -.098 -.128 -.130 (.074) (.038) (.084) (.034) (.034) -.320 -.294 .026 -.301 -.301 (.055) (.028) (.061) (.025) (.025) Follow Public Affairs .257 .165 -.092 .189 .191 (.128) (.066) (.144) (.059) (.059) Intercept -.272 -.050 .222 -.134 -.108 (.138) (.082) (.161) (.074) (.070) Panel Indicator --- --- --- .045 --- adjusted R2 .12 .10 .11 .11 .11 standard error of regression .686 .667 .671 .671 .671 N 398 1316 1714 1714 1714 (.039) Table A10: Campaign Interest, 1996 Regression parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (pre-election respondents) Age Education Income Black Female X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled .00340 .00280 -.00060 .00292 .00300 (.00105) (.00056) (.00119) (.00049) (.00049) .0306 .0266 -.0040 .0277 .0278 (.0074) (.0038) (.0084) (.0034) (.0034) .038 .044 .006 .044 .046 (.070) (.040) (.080) (.034) (.034) .028 .104 .076 .087 .087 (.050) (.030) (.058) (.025) (.025) -.005 -.050 -.045 -.040 -.042 (.036) (.018) (.040) (.016) (.016) Partisan Strength .358 .231 -.127 .260 .261 (.055) (.029) (.062) (.025) (.025) Days Before Election .0002 .0006 .0004 .0005 .0005 (.0010) (.0005) (.0011) (.0005) (.0005) Intercept .051 .186 .135 .136 .151 (.072) (.043) (.084) (.038) (.037) Panel Indicator --- --- --- .027 --- adjusted R2 .17 .11 .13 .13 .13 standard error of regression .335 .330 .331 .331 .331 N 398 1316 1714 1714 1714 (.019) Table A11: Presidential Turnout, 1996 Probit parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (post-election respondents) Age Education Income Married X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled .01794 .01769 -.00025 .01738 .01763 (.00481) (.00272) (.00552) (.00235) (.00233) .1647 .1309 -.0338 .1404 .1406 (.0338) (.0185) (.0385) (.0162) (.0162) .325 1.066 .741 .847 .855 (.342) (.213) (.403) (.180) (.179) .326 .253 -.073 .278 .278 (.176) (.097) (.201) (.084) (.084) Partisan Strength .906 1.169 .263 1.100 1.099 (.255) (.139) (.291) (.121) (.121) Intercept -1.309 -1.644 -.335 -1.580 -1.543 (.284) (.191) (.343) (.165) (.157) Panel Indicator --- --- --- .069 --- pseudo-R2 .16 .19 .19 .19 .19 log-likelihood -175.66 -538.29 -713.95 -716.16 -716.46 N 337 1197 1534 1534 1534 (.090) Table A12: Presidential Vote, 1996 Probit parameter estimates with standard errors in parentheses (major-party voters only) Republican Partisanship X-section Panel Difference Semi-pooled Pooled 1.886 1.508 -.378 1.558 1.550 (.256) (.105) (.277) (.096) (.095) Conservative Ideology .775 1.024 .249 .976 .960 (.421) (.207) (.469) (.185) (.183) Anti-Aid to Minorities .792 .230 -.562 .321 .328 (.330) (.143) (.359) (.130) (.129) Pro-Defense Spending .176 .215 .039 .214 .223 (.394) (.168) (.428) (.153) (.152) Anti-Abortion .378 .163 -.215 .201 .213 (.215) (.097) (.235) (.087) (.087) Economy Better -.315 -.464 -.149 -.436 -.422 (.222) (.099) (.244) (.090) (.089) Intercept -.704 -.242 .462 -.561 -.321 (.225) (.094) (.243) (.151) (.084) Panel Indicator --- --- --- .296 --- pseudo-R2 .66 .58 .60 .60 .59 log-likelihood -44.91 -236.50 -281.41 -283.95 -285.85 N 203 831 1034 1034 1034 (.153)