Political Cognition and Connectionism: Modeling Political Reasoning Daniel Schneider, Stanford University
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Political Cognition and Connectionism: Modeling Political Reasoning Daniel Schneider, Stanford University
Political Cognition and Connectionism: Modeling Political Reasoning Daniel Schneider, Stanford University “Connectionism” and “Parallel Distributed Processing” describe a group of computational models which have been applied to many cognitive-psychological processes. This poster explains some general concepts of connectionism, illustrates these concepts with a simple example, provides ideas for further research and points to relevant introductory literature. Only a few studies have applied computational approaches to political cognition, for example: A Simple Political Science Example Further Steps & Applications Holbrook et al. (2001) proposed a ‘Asymmetric Nonlinear Model’ (ANM) of attitudes towards candidates. Citizens integrate positive and negative beliefs into an attitude according to this equation: A = α1 (F)m + α2 (U)n +I (A=Attitude; F=Favorable B.; U=Unfavorable B.; I=Initial Impression; m, n, α1, α2 = parameters) • McPhee (1963): a brief report on computer simulations of voters’ decisions in election campaigns • Taber and Steenbergen (1995): a framework for computer simulations and models of electoral behavior • Models of spreading activation processes of candidate evaluation (Boynton & Lodge, 1994; McGraw & Steenbergen, 1995; Taber & Timpone, 1994) • Survey responses and attitude activation (Boynton, 1995) • Hanges, Lord, and Dickson (2000): a connectionist approach the relationship between political leadership and culture. Holbrook et al. estimated the parameters based on survey data: A = 19.66(F).36 – 12.27(U).61 + 54.83 The initial impression has a slight positive offset, initial beliefs are more relevant, and citizens seem to focus on flaws (see Lau, 1982). A very simple connectionist approach was used to model this relationship: F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Favorable Belief Favorable Belief Favorable Belief Favorable Belief Favorable Belief Candidate Parallel processing: simultaneous activation of nodes which gives rise to perception, pattern representation or decisions, rather than serial processing of information. Negative U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 Unfavorable Belief Unfavorable Belief Unfavorable Belief Unfavorable Belief Unfavorable Belief Fig 2.: Recurrent-Network of Candidate Evaluation The implementation has three steps: 1.Pre-Trial Training: By simultaneously activating unfavorable beliefs with the negative-node, the network learns which nodes represent negative beliefs (the same for positive beliefs) Input from unit i to j: 2.Training: The network then learns about the specific respondents beliefs: connections between beliefs and the candidate node are trained; to replicate different respondents/conditions, different numbers of positive and negative beliefs are activated Netinput for unit i: out1 W in0out1 Win0out0 Win1out0 Win1out1 3.Test: The candidate node is activated and the results on the positive and negative node are compared: stronger positive node, in0 in1 ‘Delta Rule’ learning: positive evaluation; stronger negative node, negative evaluation (50 different ‘respondents’, random order, noise, and starting ∆wij = [ai(desired)-ai(obtained)] aj ε weights). Pre-trial training modeled negativity with increased activation for Activation (a) is created by a function (e.g., linear, Fig 1.: A Simple negative beliefs. Positive offset is modeled by one initial training sigmoid, binary,…) of the netinput. Feed-Forward Network connection between the positive-node and the candidate-node. out0/out1: Output Nodes Hebbian learning (not shown here) uses A replication of the non-linear regression by Holbrook et al. was in0/in1: Input Nodes correlations in activations (‘fire together, wire Wij: Connections run on the data points generated by the model: together’) and does not require a ‘desired’ .76 – .11(U).61 + .028 weights A = .05(F) activation. from i to j General usefulness of the model is confirmed (scale is irrelevant). netinputi=Σjajwij • media priming effects: understanding the role of accessibility • stronger connection between political psychology, social psychology and investigations in neuro-foundations of political behavior. Advantages of Connectionist Models • Constraint satisfaction Figure 1 shows a simple feed-forward network with two input nodes, two output nodes and connections between all nodes (see McLeod et al. 1998). In a feed-forward network information is passed on in only one direction, no back-propagation takes place. out0 • online vs. memory-based impression formation: modular approach with separate memory and online-tally-systems and a connectionist ‘handler’ that can move information from one system to the other • Memory access by content: activation of any node will send activation to other nodes (McClelland, 1981) (all nodes are interconnect, some arrows are omitted) inputij=ajwij • some possible future applications: • Distributed representations are neurologically plausible, fault tolerant, and damage resistant (‘graceful degradation) Positive Distributed processing: non-localized representation of information: not individual nodes (or units) represent information, but information is stored in connections between nodes (which in turn are uninterpretable on their own). • does not replicate all features of the ANM; some features are not tested in the Holbrook et al. (2001) paper (e.g., order of presentation of facts rather than unordered recall) or not tested experimentally. (see McLeod et al., 1998) + What is Connectionism or Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP)? • this example directly implements specific characteristics of the ANM (e.g., stronger pre-training trials for negative beliefs) to achieve the desired outcome • No distinction between ‘processing’ and ‘memory’ (interesting opportunities for a model of OL/MB candidate evaluation) Recommended Software & Reading Software • FIT2 by van Overwalle: http://www.vub.ac.be/FIT/ • PDP++: http://www.cnbc.cmu.edu/Resources/PDP++/ • Old PDP tools (DOS): http://www.cnbc.cmu.edu/~jlm/distrib/pdp-DOS.zip • New PDP tools (MATLAB): in development http://psych.stanford.edu/~jlm/ Suggested Readings • Rumelhart & McClelland (1986): Parallel Distributed Processing (Volume I); McClelland & Rumelhart (1986): Parallel Distributed Processing (Volume II) – classical ‘bible’ • McLeod, Plunkett, Rolls (1989): Introduction to Connectionist Modelling of Cognitive Processes • Smith (1996): What Do Connectionism and Social Psychology Offer Each Other? (JPSP) • van Overwalle (2007): Social Connectionism: A Reader and Handbook for Simulations - collection of papers using FIT2 • O’Reilly & Munakata (2000): Computational Explorations in Cognitive Neuroscience – broad overview, includes software.