Comparing GEE and Robust Standard Errors, with an
Comparing GEE and Robust Standard Errors, with an Application to Judicial Voting Christopher J. W. Zorn Department of Political Science Emory University Atlanta, GA 33022 [email protected] Version 1.0 October 16, 2000 Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, November 9-11, 200, Atlanta, GA. This is a very preliminary version; comments are especially welcome. 1. Introduction More than fifteen years have passed since Gibson’s (1983) call for an “integrated” theory of judicial decision making. A central concern of Gibson’s plea was the need to focus on individual decision makers, including models which test theories from other levels of analysis at the individual level. Since that time, scholars of judicial behavior have responded with an increasingly complex array of models designed to incorporate background and socialization variables, attitudes, roles, fact patterns and precedent, and institutional and strategic considerations into explanations of judicial activity. But while the theoretical richness of this literature has grown immensely during this period, little development has occurred in the way in which we incorporate these developments into our empirical work. This lag in the development of models of judicial behavior becomes clear when we examine the modus operandi of the archetypical judicial behavior study. Such studies often consider data on a particular area of the law (e.g. search and seizure, obscenity) and posit a model of the decision process based on one or more of the set of factors outlined above. The variable of interest — the decision — is more often than not dichotomous, and the unit of analysis is, variably, the decision of the Court or the vote of the various judges or justices in those cases. A probit or logit model is estimated via MLE, probabilities compared, and conclusions are drawn. Implicit in this formulation, however, 1 is the assumption that the observations are conditionally independent, a claim with important implications, both statistical and substantive, for the conclusions we draw. Substantively, I argue here that this assumption of conditional independence flies in the face of our knowledge of judicial behavior. Our understanding of judicial politics implies a wide range of sources of heterogeneity in these observations, all of which have a potentially critical influence on our understanding of decision making. Moreover, these factors are of greatest concern in modeling individual-level decisions, arguably the most fruitful ground for analyzing judicial politics. Methodologically, I outline and compare two alternatives for addressing this heterogeneity: the use of "robust" (or "heteroskedasticity-corrected") standard errors, and application of the method of generalized estimating equations ("GEEs"). I provide an example, based on an earlier study of judicial voting in search and seizure cases (Segal 1986), and use the example to discuss practical considerations in choosing among the various variance estimators in the face of correlated data. 2. Robust Standard Errors and GEE Models for Correlated Data The paper starts with the premise that we have a well-specified model of some phenomenon, but that we also have reason to believe that, even conditional on this specification, the observations in the data are not independent. Such a situation may be especially likely to arise when data are "grouped" or "clustered"; examples include dyadic 2 data (e.g. Hojnacki and Kimball 1998) or panel/time-series cross-sectional data, with repeated observations on units (Stimson 1985). Under conditions of independent observations and a properly-specified model, as well as the usual regularity conditions, one can obtain a consistent estimate of the variance of an estimated parameter vector by considering the negative of the inverse matrix of second derivatives (the "information matrix"): (1) In recent years, researchers have begun to make more widespread use of "robust" variance estimates (e.g. Huber 1967; White 1980, 1982; Beck 1996). These estimates, which are also referred to as "sandwich" and "empirically-corrected" estimators, because they incorporate a correction factor which is a function of the data and the estimates. In the context of MLE, the general robust variance estimator is: (2) where ui is the contribution of i to the scores MlnL/Mb, i.e., MlnLi/Mb, evaluated at This estimate is sometimes referred to as the "empirical" variance estimate, since it 3 . incorporates additional information from the estimates. This estimate can be extended to consider data which are grouped or "clustered" in a straightforward fashion: (3) where each of the NC "clusters" j = {1,2,...NC } consists of nj observations i = {1,2,...nj}. These standard errors thus treat each cluster as a "super-observation", considering first variability within each cluster and then summing across clusters for the final adjustment. As a result, it is important to note that, while the simple robust estimates given in (2) will generally be larger than the "naive" estimates in (1), those calculated based on (3) may be either smaller or larger. This is because, if there is negative variability within clusters, the estimates of uij ill tend to "cancel each other out", such that the overall estimate VC will be smaller than V alone. Informally, the importance of accounting for intercluster dependence lies in the amount of information in the data. One can think of the naive variance estimates as giving "equal weight" to all observations in the data. If, in contrast, observations are correlated (conditional on the covariates and their estimated coefficients), then the actual variability in the data may over- or under-represent the actual amount of information the data contain. As a result, methods which fail to account for this variability will over- or 4 underestimate the precision of the parameter estimates (for an example, see Giles and Zorn 2000). An important (and attractive) characteristic of robust variance estimates is that they are agnostic about the nature of the interdependence in the data. That is, the estimates obtained by applying (2) or (3) do not depend on whether the conditional correlation among observations is positive or negative. In contrast, GEE models provide a means of evaluating covariate effects in which the nature of the interdependence, if known, can be used by the researcher to obtain better estimates of the parameters of interest. GEE models were introduced into biostatistics by Liang and Zeger (1986, Zeger and Liang 1986).1 They are a generalization of the widely-used generalized linear model formulation for uncorrelated data (see, generally, McCullagh and Nelder 1989). Under both GLM and GEE, only the first two moments of the outcome variable are specified; specifically, we set the mean of Yi equal to some "link" function of the k covariates Xi: (4) and the variance is set to be a function of the mean (and, if necessary, a scale parameter). Estimates of $ are then obtained from the solution to the set of "quasi-score" equations: 1 Good reviews of GEE models include Diggle et. al. (1994) and Zorn (2001); a recent bibliography of these methods can be found in Zeigler et. al. (1998). 5 (5) In cases where the data are correlated within i clusters of size T, some provision must be made to account for that dependence. Zeger and Liang's solution was to specify a T×T matrix Ri(") of the “working” correlations across t for a given Yi. While Ri(") can thus vary across observations, it is assumed to be fully specified by the vector of unknown parameters " , which have a structure determined by the investigator and which are constant across observations. This correlation matrix then enters the variance term of equation (5): (6) where the Ai are T×T diagonal variance matrices of Yi with g(µit) as the tth diagonal element. From this discussion, it is clear that the GEE is an extension of the GLM approach, and that the former reduces to the latter when T = 1. A range of possible correlation structures are possible, including independence (i.e., no intraunit correlation), exchangeable (where all observations in a cluster are equicorrelated), and autoregressive 6 specifications of various orders; alternatively, a researcher may leave the matrix unspecified and simply estimate all unique elements of Ri. If the model is properly specified, it can be shown that Cov[Qk (b)] = DiNV -1Di, where Di is the vector of derivatives with respect to the parameters of interest, from which one can obtain a simple, "model-based" estimate of the parameter variances and covariances. This result depends, however, on proper specification of the correlation matrix Ri; in the presence of misspecification of the correlation structure, the estimates $ GEE are still consistent, but for which Cov[Qk (b)] … DiNV -1Di. Under these circumstances, Liang and Zeger suggest a "robust" estimate of the variance-covariance matrix: (7) where is a simple empirical covariance estimate. This estimator is analogous to that of White, in that it is consistent even if Ri is misspecified. While they were developed primarily for data involving multiple observations over time, GEEs have come to be used to address a range of other causes of correlated data as well, including spatial correlation (e.g. Albert and McShane 1995; Mugglestone et. al. 1999) and correlation due to dyadic data (e.g. Oneal and Russett 1999). At one level, 7 GEEs are similar to standard models with robust standard errors,2 in that they account for dependence by simply correcting the variance-covariance matrix "after the fact."3 On the other hand, a potential advantage of GEEs over simple robust variance estimates is its ability to use information about the nature of the intracluster dependence to recover more precise estimates of $ . The question, then, is whether and to what extent, under practical conditions, the added complexity of GEEs is warranted in comparison to clustered or unclustered robust variance estimates. 3. An Example: Reevaluating Search and Seizure, 1963-81 In his influential study, Segal (1986) examined individual-level voting in search and seizure cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court between OT1963 and OT1980. Because of lack of variability in certain covariates for some justices, Segal limited his analysis to the votes of justices White, Stewart, Potter and Stevens. Here, I reexamine Segal's data, considering the effects of case factors as well as measures of judicial ideology on the votes of justices in search and seizure cases. 4 The purpose of the reanalysis is to illustrate that decisions over variance estimates can have significant implications for one's findings, and 2 Formally, GEEs are identical to such models when the correlation structure is specified to be independence; that is, when Ri = I. 3 This is in contrast to subject-specific approaches, such as fixed and random effects models, which account for intrasubject correlation through explicit parameterization; see Wawro (2000) for an example. 4 I am grateful to Jeff Segal for making his data available to me. 8 to discuss how applied researchers can go about making these decisions in the most informed way. The data consist of observations on 1037 votes by 14 different justices in 123 search and seizure cases. The outcome of interest is each justice's vote on whether or not the search is reasonable (coded 1) or not (coded 0). Segal examined the influence of variables relating to the nature of the search, the decision of the court below, and the participation of the United States on that outcome;5 here, I also include a variable for justices' liberalism, coded as each justice's rescaled Segal-Cover score (Epstein and Mershon 1996), with the expectation that it will be negatively related to the propensity to find a search reasonable. Summary statistics are presented for the variables in Table 1. These data are particularly appropriate for an examination of the differences across these models, as it is widely agreed that these factors constitute a well-specified model of Supreme Court decision making in search and seizure cases. I begin by examining standard probit models, including all twelve of Segal's covariates plus judicial liberalism; these results are presented in Table 2. In addition to the point estimates, I present four sets of estimated standard errors, and their corresponding z-scores.6 In addition to the non-robust and unclustered estimates, I present two sets of clustered estimates: The first treats the case as the "unit" for clustering, and so 5 These variables are coded as in Segal (1986); see that paper for coding details. 6 Note that because adjustments to the standard errors take place after estimation, they have no effect on the point estimates of $ . 9 sums scores across votes within cases before summing across cases. This yields an effective "N" of 123, with from six to nine votes per case, and is analogous to the situation where votes within cases are (conditionally) dependent, but cases themselves are independent. The second treats the justice as the unit for clustering, yielding an "N" of fourteen with between 24 and 121 votes per justice (mean = 74). This is corresponds to a situation where each justice's votes are correlated across cases, but that votes across justices within any given case are independent. In practice, either of these assumptions might be reasonable. On one hand, factors specific to each case, as well as potential interjustice influence in the form of bargaining, persuasion, and the like (e.g. Spaeth and Altfield 1985), might lead one to the conclusion that justice's votes within a particular case are likely to be related. On the other hand, to the extent that justices attempt to maintain consistency in their voting records, and possible because of the impact of precedent and other temporal factors, it is also reasonable to believe that a given justice's votes may be correlated across cases, but that there are few reasons to believe that different justices' votes within a case will be strongly related. Substantively, the results square with the expectations in Segal's paper: judicial ideology, the location and extent of the search, the occurrence of one or more "exceptions", and the presence of the U.S. as a litigant all have the expected effects on the finding that a search is reasonable. In addition, several things about the various types of estimates are immediately apparent. First, there are only small differences between the non-robust and robust standard error estimates. Moreover, these differences are not 10 systematic: for some covariates, the robust estimates are larger, while for others the reverse is true. In this case, then, the choice of standard or robust (but non-clustered) variance estimates will make no difference in the inferences one would make about the data. The same cannot be said, however, about the clustered estimates. In contrast, we see large differences in the sizes of the standard error estimates, depending on whether observations are clustered by case or by justice. In general, both sets of clustered estimates are larger than either the naive or the unclustered robust estimates; this is unsurprising, since we would expect that, in either case, any within-cluster correlation across votes would be positive. In addition, the estimates clustered by justice are generally smaller than those clustered by case, suggesting that the extent of within-case correlation across votes is greater than the cross-case correlation within each justice's set of votes. The differences in the standard error estimates are illustrated graphically in Figure 1, which plots the estimates for each probit model against one another. Clearly, the strongest correspondence is between the naive and unclustered robust models; we see only a slight increase in the size of the standard errors from the naive to the unclustered model.7 In contrast, the largest differences are between the case-specific and justice- The relationship is NAIVE = 0.001 + 1.018(ROBUST) + g (R2=0.97, N=14). Also, a Wald test fails to reject the null that the two are the same (i.e., that $ = 1) (P 2=0.13, p = .72). 7 11 specific robust models, where there is little or no correspondence between the standard error estimates. 8 Also, Figure 1 illustrates the fact that models which cluster on a particular unit have a disproportionate effect on the standard errors of covariates which vary only within those units. This is seen most graphically in the estimates for justice liberalism, a variable which is constant for any particular justice; relative to the naive estimate, the justice-specific estimate is more than double. Conversely, for case-specific variables, we see the largest differences between the naive model and the case-specific estimates: in many instances (e.g., the estimates for House and Business Search, and the Exception Index) the case-clustered estimates are substantially larger than those in any of the other three models. Once again, this is unsurprising: for variables which do not vary within clusters, equations (2) and (3) will yield similar results. For comparison, we next turn to estimates derived from the application of GEE models. Specifically, I estimate a series of four GEE models, all of which assume an exchangeable correlation structure within each cluster.9 I include both naive and robust estimate, and as before estimate models with both the justice and the case as the unit of clustering. Results are presented in Table 3. Formally, CASE SPECIFIC = 0.223 + 0.151(JUSTICE SPECIFIC) + g (R =0.02, N=14); the corresponding Wald test rejects H 0: $ = 1 (P 2=7.17, p = .02). 8 2 9 While other correlation structures may alter the results slightly, limiting the estimates to a single choice for Ri assists in the presentation. Moreover, GEE estimates are typically only slightly responsive to the choice of correlation structure; see Liang et. al. (1992) for a discussion. 12 An important difference from the models presented in Table 2 is that, for GEE models, the choice of unit has implications for the point estimates as well as for the standard errors. This is because the elements of $ and Ri are estimated iteratively, so that the correlations influence the main parameter estimates. With one or two exceptions, the point estimates in Table 3 map closely both to one another and to those in Table 2, indicating that the choice of GEE and the selection of units has little effect on our assessment about the size of the estimated relationships. In contrast, we see larger differences in the estimated standard errors, both across models and between naive and robust variance estimators. Interestingly, the GEE results reveal what the standard probit results could only hint at: that the extent of intracluster correlation is higher within cases than within justices. While the lack of standard error estimates for D make inferences impossible,10 the estimate for intracase dependence is over twice that for dependence within justice's votes; to the extent that the divergence between naive and clustered estimates depends on the extent of intracluster correlation, this finding is consistent with the results in Table 2. The differences in standard errors across the different GEE models are illustrated in Figure 2, which again plots the various standard error estimates against one another. While, strictly speaking, the four panels in the lower left are not comparable (since they 10 If the intragroup correlation were of greater substantive interest, GEE2 models could be used to estimate D along with an associated measure of uncertainty; see Zorn (2001) for an illustration. 13 are based on different estimates of $ ), they are presented for illustration. Within each choice of unit, the differences between naive and robust standard errors are generally slight.11 And once again we see that, because it varies only across cases, the variable for Justice Liberalism is an outlier in the comparisons between the justice-specific and casespecific models. This findings again stresses the difference that the choice of unit makes when using clustered robust variance estimates, particularly for variables which vary only within clusters. A final question regards the practical effects that model choice may have on the inferences one makes from these data. To summarize these effects, I have grouped the findings into one of five categories, based on their significance levels: p .001 # .001, # p < .01, .01 # p < .05, .05 # p < .10, and p $ .10, all one-tailed.12 I then examine whether the inference one would make about the significance of each variable is consistent with that from the naive probit model (i.e., Table 2, column 1). Variables in which the estimate's significance level category is the same as for the naive probit model receive two 11 Formally: NAIVECase = 0.040+0.880(ROBUSTCase)+g (R2=0.67; H0: $ =1 6 P 2(1)=0.45, p=.51) and NAIVEJustice = 0.038+0.821(ROBUSTJustice)+g (R2=0.88; H0: $ =1 12 6 P 2(1)=4.16, p=.06). While this is, admittedly, a bad way to go about discussing statistical inference (e.g. Gill 1999), it nonetheless corresponds to the approach taken by most quantitative political scientists. 14 marks; those in which the significance level is in an adjacent category receive one mark; these results are illustrated in Table 4. Perhaps most interesting in Table 4 is the fact that it appears to be the choice of unit, rather than the statistical method, which has the largest impact on inferences. That is, while both ordinary probit and GEE models clustered by justice correspond closely to the naive results, both sets of case-based results show marked differences. This is particularly true for the Extent of Search and U.S. Party covariates: for those variables, all three case-clustered models yield the same inferences as the naive model, while none of the justice-clustered models do so. The exception is, predictably, the judicial ideology variable, where the results of the justice-based GEE models are the only ones which differ substantially from the naive model. Thus, from this example, it would appear that the unit of analysis, rather than the choice of estimator itself, is the larger factor affecting inferences. 4. Conclusion From this examination of various approaches to correlated data, we may draw several conclusions. First, as was just noted, the differences between GEE and more traditional GLM models with robust variance estimates appears to be less important, at least for inference, than do choices about the unit on which observations will be grouped. The implication of this result is that researchers need to "think hard" about what is the 15 appropriate unit for grouping variance estimates. At the same time, these decisions were also shown to have differential impacts on different covariates, depending on whether those covariates varied only within, or also between, clusters. This fact is also important, since it is often the case (as it was here) that there will be a greater number of important covariates in one or the other of these groups. But while these results are informative, two additional factors need to be considered. First, the fact that this example represented a relatively well-specified model means that we cannot, from these findings, assess the performance of the estimators under conditions where under- or misspecification is an issue. This is particularly important, since it is often the case that researchers have reason to believe that important covariates are omitted or mismeasured in their models, and so turn to robust variance estimates as a "quick fix". Second, the results here fail to include covariates which exhibit variation both within and across units. Such covariates are commonly included in models of other political phenomena (e.g., the influence of economic interdependence and trade on international conflict), and thus should also be examined in any attempt to tease out the various influences of model and unit selection on one's empirical work. 16 References Albert, Paul S. and Lisa M. McShane. 1995. "A Generalized Estimating Equations Approach for Spatially Correlated Binary Data: Applications to the Analysis of Neuroimaging Data." Biometrics 51(June):627-38. Beck, Nathaniel. 1996. "Reporting Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Standard Errors." The Political Methodologist 7(2):4-6. Diggle, Peter J., Kung-Yee Liang, and Scott L. Zeger. 1994. Analysis of Longitudinal Data. New York: Oxford University Press. Epstein, Lee and Carol Mershon. 1996. "Measuring Political Preferences." 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American Journal of Political Science 45(January):forthcoming. 19 Table 1: Summary Statistics Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum Vote to Uphold Search 0.53 0.50 0 1 House Search 0.23 0.42 0 1 Business Search 0.15 0.36 0 1 Auto Search 0.20 0.40 0 1 Person Search 0.31 0.46 0 1 Extent of Search 0.86 0.35 0 1 Warrant 0.15 0.35 0 1 Probable Cause 0.32 0.47 0 1 Incident to Lawful Arrest 0.06 0.23 0 1 After Lawful Arrest 0.13 0.33 0 1 Unlawful Arrest 0.07 0.26 0 1 Exception Index 0.35 0.60 0 3 U.S. Party 0.45 0.50 0 1 Justice Liberalism 0.59 0.35 0.045 1 Variable Note: N = 1037 (123 cases and 14 justices); see text for details. 20 Table 2: Probit Models of Supreme Court Voting Variables Estimated $ S.E. (z-score) Robust S.E. (z-score) Robust S.E., By Case (z-score) Robust S.E., By Justice (z-score) (Constant) 1.531 0.213 (7.20) 0.215 (7.11) 0.406 (3.77) 0.234 (6.55) Justice Liberali sm -1.498 0.131 (-11.47) 0.126 (-11.88) 0.183 (-8.18) 0.317 (-4.72) House Search -0.816 0.175 (-4.66) 0.174 (-4.70) 0.304 (-2.68) 0.160 (-5.09) Business Search -0.957 0.180 (-5.32) 0.184 (-5.21) 0.327 (-2.93) 0.140 (-6.85) Auto Search -0.863 0.190 (-4.55) 0.184 (-4.70) 0.336 (-2.57) 0.127 (-6.82) Person Search -0.705 0.163 (-4.31) 0.163 (-4.33) 0.310 (-2.27) 0.117 (-6.02) Extent of Search -0.390 0.140 (-2.78) 0.143 (-2.73) 0.270 (-1.44) 0.150 (-2.60) Warrant 0.425 0.135 (3.16) 0.128 (3.33) 0.182 (2.34) 0.128 (3.33) Probable Cause 0.028 0.113 (0.25) 0.110 (0.26) 0.178 (0.16) 0.088 (0.32) Incident to Lawful A rrest 0.971 0.213 (4.55) 0190 (5.11) 0.174 (5.57) 0.279 (3.48) After Lawful Arrest 0.303 0.155 (1.95) 0.146 (2.07) 0.226 (1.34) 0.167 (1.81) Unlawful Arrest -0.112 0.178 (-0.63) 0.173 (-0.65) 0.281 (-0.40) 0.216 (-0.52) Exception Index 0.552 0.086 (6.45) 0.083 (6.64) 0.137 (4.04) 0.082 (6.77) U.S. Party 0.357 0.092 (3.89) 0.091 (3.92) 0.158 (2.25) 0.072 (4.93) Note: lnL = -582.62; N = 1037. See text for details. 21 Table 3: GEE Models of Supreme Court Voting GEE, Grouped by Case Variables Estimated $ GEE, Grouped by Justice S.E. (z-score) Robust S.E. (z-score) Estimated $ S.E. (z-score) Robust S.E. (z-score) (Constant) 1.738 0.365 (4.76) 0.412 (4.22) 1.360 0.312 (4.36) 0.281 (4.84) Justice Liberalism -1.800 0.123 (-14.66) 0.169 (-10.65) -1.232 0.367 (-3.36) 0.393 (-3.13) House Search -0.816 0.311 (-2.62) 0.285 (-2.86) -0.904 0.164 (-5.52) 0.127 (-7.11) Business Search -0.984 0.322 (-3.06) 0.302 (-3.26) -0.998 0.168 (-5.93) 0.121 (-8.25) Auto Search -0.888 0.337 (-2.63) 0.322 (-2.76) -0.849 0.175 (-4.86) 0.121 (-7.02) Person Search -0.830 0.293 (-2.83) 0.295 (-2.81) -0.715 0.151 (-4.73) 0.116 (-6.19) Extent of Search -0.367 0.254 (-1.45) 0.296 (-1.24) -0.415 0.131 (-3.17) 0.144 (-2.88) Warrant 0.330 0.237 (1.39) 0.205 (1.61) 0.392 0.124 (3.17) 0.117 (3.34) Probable Cause 0.063 0.200 (0.31) 0.196 (0.32) 0.082 0.104 (0.78) 0.082 (1.00) Incident to Lawful Arrest 0.882 0.362 (2.44) 0.220 (4.02) 0.987 0.194 (5.10) 0.254 (3.89) After Lawful Arrest 0.263 0.274 (0.96) 0.248 (1.06) 0.227 0.143 (1.59) 0.151 (1.50) Unlawful Arrest -0.096 0.316 (-0.31) 0.302 (-0.32) -0.065 0.164 (-0.40) 0.191 (-0.34) Exception Index 0.527 0.148 (3.57) 0.146 (3.60) 0.577 0.080 (7.17) 0.065 (8.83) U.S. Party 0.345 0.165 (2.09) 0.171 (2.02) 0.345 0.085 (4.06) 0.073 (4.76) Estimated D 0.303 (n/a) 0.122 (n/a) Note: All models assume an exchangeable correlation structure. N = 1037; see text for details. 22 Table 4: Variable-Specific Inferences Across Models Probit Models Variables GEE Models Robust Robust, By Case Robust, By Justice Naive, By Case Robust, By Case Naive, By Justice Robust, By Justice (Constant) (( (( (( (( (( (( (( Justice Liberalism (( (( (( (( (( ( ( House Search (( ( (( ( ( (( (( Business Search (( ( (( ( (( (( (( Auto Search (( ( (( ( ( (( (( Person Search (( - (( ( ( (( (( Extent of Search (( - (( - - (( (( ( (( ( - ( (( ( Probable Cause (( (( (( (( (( (( (( Incident to Lawful Arrest (( (( (( ( (( (( (( After Lawful Arrest (( ( (( - - ( ( Unlawful Arrest (( (( (( (( (( (( (( Exception Index (( (( (( (( (( (( (( U.S. Party (( - (( - - (( (( Warrant Note: Table indicates whether the same inferences would be drawn about the variable effects as in the naive model. (( indicates categorical agreement about variable significance; ( indicates agreement within one category. Categories are p # .001, .001 # p < .01, .01 # p < .05, .05 # p < .10, and p $ .10 (all one-tailed). See text for details. 23 Figure 1: Estimated Standard Errors, Probit Models Note: Figure plots standard error estimates for the 14 estimates (13 covariates plus the constant term), by type of estimate. Lines are cubic splines (bandwidth = 5). See text for details. 24 Figure 2: GEE Standard Errors Note: Figure plots standard error estimates for the 14 estimates (13 covariates plus the constant term), by type of estimate. Lines are cubic splines (bandwidth = 5). See text for details. 25