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News and Announcements
News and Announcements
Call for Papers. Working-Class Studies: Class, Identity, and
Nation, the Fourth Biennial Conference of the Center for WorkingClass Studies at Youngstown State University. Conference dates are
June 9-12,1999. Proposals sought for presentations, panels, workshops,
performances, exhibits, and readings that address issues and/ or representations of class; race, gender, sexuality and nation in workingclass life and culture. Submissions of 250-300 words, describing proposed projects with suggested presentation format. Contact: John
Russo, Labor Studies Program, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio, 44555; fax 330-742-1459; or e-mail Sherry Linkon at
[email protected]. The ewes website is at http:/ 1as.ysu.edu/ as/
ewes. Deadline for proposals: January 8,1999.
Conference announcement: Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition, July 4-7, 1999. Conference theme "Rhetorical
Education in America." Keynote Kathleen Jamieson. For additional
information, http:/ jwww.psu.edu/ dept/ english/ rhetcomp99 /
Northeast Writing Centers Association (NEWCA) conference
announcement. The 15th Annual Conference of NEWCA,
"Counterring Educational Malaise: The Writing Center as Stimulant/
Stimulating the Writing Center," will be held April10, 1999 at Bates
College, Lewiston, Maine. Keynote address: Albert DeCiccio, President of the National Writing Centers Association. Additional conference information at: http:/ jwww.mcp.edujasjwcjwc.html
Conference announcement and call for proposals: National
Writing Centers Association and East Central Writing Centers Association Conference. "Writing Center 2000: Meeting the Challenges of
the New Century." Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, April
1-17, 1999. Keynotes Muriel Harris and Edward M. White.
Call for papers: The University and the City: Urban Education
and the Liberal Arts. The Program Committee invites proposals for
sessions, single papers and panels on the theme, "The University and
the Liberal Arts," for an interdisciplinary conference to be held March
4-7,1999, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Information contact Julie Longo, Project Manager, Department of History, 312, F/ AB,
Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml, 48202. (313) 77-22;
[email protected]
Call for manuscripts. ACE Journal is a juried publication of the
NCfE Assembly on Computers in English which is published three
times a year. The editor seeks articles that relate to the teaching of
English at all levels with the aid of computers. The theme for volume
2., issue 2 (to be published April 1999) is new rhetorics and strategies
for computer-mediated communication. Deadline for submissions
March 1, 1999. For information and submission guidelines contact
Robert D. Royar at [email protected], or at UPO 635, Morehead
State University, Morehead, KY 40351-1689.
Call for papers/hypertext: Tenure 2000 will be a special issue of
Computers and Composition coming out in April, 2000, guest-edited by
Susan Lang, Janice Walker, Mick Doherty, Keith Dorwick, and Susan
Halter. For further information and the full call for papers/hypertext,
see http:/ fwww.uic.edu/-kdorwick/tenure2000/ or contact Dr. Susan Lang at [email protected].
Conference announcement: Links to Success: Bridges Over
Boundaries, An Intersegmental Conference at Cal State Hayward,
May 14-15, 1999. Keynote speaker: Dr. Sue McLeod. For more information on the conference visit http:/ / YEN/FACULTY /Warrinerfwarrinerhome.html, or contact Alison Warriner,
Coordinator of Composition, Cal State, Hayward, at
[email protected].
Conference announcement: Creating and Sustaining Learning
Communities: Connections, Collaboration, and Crossing Borders,
March 10-13, 1999, Holiday Inn Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida. This
conference will familiarize participants with innovative learning community models, interdisciplinary themes, and methodologies for assessing student learning and learning community programs. For more
information, http:/ fwww.usf.edu/-lc/conf
The 1999 Kellogg Institute for the Training and Certification of
Developmental Educators will be held from June 2 through July 23
on the campus of Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. For application or additional information, contact Director,
Kellogg Institute, PO Box 32098, Appalachian State University, Boone,
NC 28608-2098, (82) 262-3307; http:/ /www.ced.appstaate.edu/ncde.
The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning UAEPL) invites submissions for its fifth annual issue. The Journal
solicits theory-grounded manuscripts that discuss pedagogical concerns
focusing on topics that extend beyond currently accepted attitudes towards, and paradigms of, language. Send four copies of ms., MLA
style, 12-15 pages, to: Linda Calendrillo, Co-Editor, JAEPL, Department
of English, 600 Lincoln Avenue, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, 61920, by January 31, 1999. Inquiries: Kristie S. Fleckenstein,
Co-editor, }AEPL, Department of English, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499, e-mail: [email protected].
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