
Continuing Student Job Process Guideline For FYI Acknowledgment

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Continuing Student Job Process Guideline For FYI Acknowledgment
Continuing Student Job Process Guideline
For FYI Acknowledgment
Table of Contents
Process Purpose …………………...………………….. page
Documentation Purpose …………...………………….. page
Roles/Responsibilities …….………………………….. page
Security ……………………………………………….. page
Set-up of Proxies ……………………………………… page
Logging On …………………………………………… page
Detail Actions Tab …………………………………… page
Detail History Tab …………………………………….. page
Quick Reference Guide ……………………………….. page
Troubleshooting……………………………………….. page
Process Purpose
The purpose of this process is to continue student job assignments via UAOnline. This process
should be used to extend/create future student job assignments. Once the process is initiated in
UAOnline, Workflow will automatically generate several key components to student employment
processes assuring jobs are entered into Banner according to the student employment regulations.
The process will automatically forward to appropriate contacts based on the specific information
entered into the Student Mass Entry (SMA) form. See the continuing student job Process Overview,
Flowchart, and other resources at the project website (http://www.alaska.edu/hr/pjp/index.xml) for
additional information.
Documentation Purpose
Instructions for reviewing, and identifying data from information entered into the Student Mass
Entry (SMA) form.
Those with an FYI role should acknowledge the transaction. Please note, actions will process with
or without FYI acknowledgment. FYI users should review the transaction and use the information
as appropriate for their job. Review the approval queue to determine the action to be taken to
identify issues or concerns for other approval levels.
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A special UAOnline access is required to approve or review the future student job assignments
through this process. Complete the security access form for your area of accountability and submit
to your HR security administrator. See the below list of security classes to determine which you
should request. Remember to request access for both Banner and Vista Plus.
Functional Area.............................. Banner Class Name ...............Vista Plus Class Name
Fiscal Officer ................................... HR_FISCAL_CLS ..................HRV_EPAF_CLS
Grants & Contracts Officer.............. HR_GRANTS_CLS ................HRV_EPAF_CLS
Financial Aid Officer ....................... HR_FINAID_CLS...................HRV_EPAF_CLS
Security forms are located at the following links
Set-up of Proxies
Approvers should be able to log on to UAOnline and/or Banner HR as required to receive the FYI
notices. In the event of an approver’s absence it will be recommended for them to establish a proxy
to act on their behalf. The proxy must also have the same level code approval setup on BANNER.
The proxies are established on NTRPROX. It is possible to have more than one proxy depending on
level code.
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Logging On:
Select “Log on to Secured Area” in UAOnline.alaska.edu through your internet browser
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Current Tab Detail
How to access, acknowledge, and/or place a comment on EPAFs that are ready for review
1. Select the “Employee” tab from the UAOnline menu
2. Select the “Electronic Personnel Action Forms” from the Employee Services menu
3. Select the “EPAF Approver Summary” link from the Electronic Personnel Action Form
4. Ensure that the “Current” tab is highlighted. If you have any current items to review, it will
show up in this list.
5. Queue Status options are shown as “All” or “FYI”. All transactions that are available for
acknowledgement are displayed regardless of selecting “All” or “FYI.”
6. Click on the employee name of the first item listed to preview the EPAF Preview window.
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7. Review the transaction for accuracy and use the information as appropriate for your job.
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8. Review comments section of the record for previous actions. You may have previously
acknowledged the transaction, but the record may have been returned to the originator by
another approver for corrections. Review comments for changes that may have affected
your previous acknowledgement.
9. If there are no errors or concerns, click the
button. You should see the
following message at the top of the page:
10. If there are concerns or corrections that need to be made, review the Routing Queue to
determine what action is required, and who to contact to make the corrections.
A. You have the opportunity to add a comment to the EPAF. To add a comment click
and enter comments in the dialog box that specifically identify the
issue(s) and outline steps that should be taken to correct the error(s). Then click the
button. At the bottom of the page, select
to return to the student
record you are reviewing. Notice: The transaction may move forward regardless of what
is written in the comments section, so additional communication outside of this
electronic process may be necessary to ensure corrections are made.
B. If the routing queue shows a Queue Status of “Approved”, you will need to contact
the originator shown in the Transaction History so they may return the transaction to
themselves, or contact HR.
Note: Transactions will process with or without FYI acknowledgment
History Tab Detail
How to access and review EPAFs that have been previously acknowledged
1. Select the “Employee” tab from the UAOnline menu
2. Select the “Electronic Personnel Action Forms” from the Employee Services menu
3. Select the “EPAF Approver Summary” link from the Electronic Personnel Action Form
4. Select the “History” tab.
5. Queue Status options are shown as “All” or “Acknowledged”. All transactions that are
available for access are displayed regardless of selecting “All” or “Acknowledged”
6. Click on the employee name of the first item listed to preview the job detail record.
and enter comments in the dialog box. Then click
7. To add a comment click
8. Notice: The transaction has already been completed and it is unlikely that changes will be
made just because a comment has been added. Communication outside of this electronic
process may be necessary to ensure corrections are made.
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Quick Reference Guide
Go to “EPAF Approver Summary”
Select an employee record for review.
Review the transaction for accuracy.
Add comment if applicable.
Review all transactions in queue
Log out
If you are asked for the status of a particular job, you can select the History tab in the EPAF
Approver Summary page. Select All. This will list all EPAF transactions. Select the name of the
person and scroll down to the routing queue to view queue status and action date.
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