
Personnel Data Entry Procedures for HR Termination Workflow Processes

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Personnel Data Entry Procedures for HR Termination Workflow Processes
Personnel Data Entry Procedures for
HR Termination Workflow Processes
Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
Workflow Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
Accessing Workflow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
Job Termination (HRJT) Workflow. . . . . Page 4
Personnel Emails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
NOAEPAF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
Electronic Approval Messages. . . . . . . Page 5
Data Entry in NOAEPAF. . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
No EA Trans Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
NOAEPAF2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9
PEA2EMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
Mass Apply Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12
System Termination (HRST) Workflow. Page 13
PPAIDEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13
PEAESCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
PEAREVW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17
PEAEMPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18
PPAIDEN2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19
Termination Documentation . . . . . . . . Page 19
Workflow Report Review . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19
Troubleshooting for HRJT. . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20
Troubleshooting for HRST. . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 23
FAQ: General Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . Page 27
This document is a resource for users who act as Workflow administrators (monitor and intercede in
processes) for the HRJT and HRST workflows. The document outlines the termination workflows, lists
steps for user account setups, and addresses possible problems or issues you may encounter. For more
information, refer to the Workflow Resources page at
An overview of the entire Termination Workflow process is available at
Workflow Process
Workflow is a software application that allows users to build automated electronic processes to improve
the “flow” and efficiency of current processes. The application can help minimize or eliminate the need
for paper forms and the need to physically forward that paper on to its next destination. Workflow can
interact with other software applications and system servers. For example, the application can interact
with Banner to open forms automatically and can work with email servers to send messages to specific
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Before Accessing Workflow
The appropriate security accesses and Workflow role assignments must be granted. Fill out the security
access request form requesting the WF_HR_USERS_CLS and submit it to your campus Security
Coordinator for the appropriate database instance (i.e. PROD, PREP, etc.). Access forms are available on
the Workflow Resources web page.
Accessing Workflow
To access the Banner Workflow application, click on the Workflow link under My Links on the Banner
General Menu page or direct your browser to the following URL:
PROD: https://workflowprod.alaska.edu:9044/workflow
PREP: https://workflowprep.alaska.edu:9024/workflow
LRGP: https://workflowlrgp.alaska.edu:9124/workflow
Once the Banner Workflow page opens, enter your username and password (same login as Banner
PROD/PREP/LRGP) and select Submit.
After logging into Workflow, your specific Worklist will appear.
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Worklist items that may require an action from you will be listed under the Workflow column. The
following fields will be listed (from left to right) for each Worklist item:
This icon is displayed to alert the user that they are listed as a proxy for another user. The worklist item is
normally performed by the other user; however, the proxy can perform this item if the other user is
Organization: Can be used to direct a Workflow to a specific area or location (i.e., an MAU). For
HRJT and HRST Workflows, this designation is not used. All items will appear as “Root” in the
Organization column.
Workflow: Shows details about the Workflow, depending on the Workflow type (see examples
below). The status of the Workflow is also listed (e.g. Ready).
HRJT_[TKL]_[first initial of last name]_[Emp ID]_[PCN]_[SUFF]_ [Term Date]_[Term Code]
HRST_[TKL]_[Last Name]_ [First Name]_ [employee ID]_ [Term Date]_[Term Code]
Activity: Shows the position of the item in the Workflow process.
Priority: In the current setup, all of the activities are designated with a “Normal” priority. The
status will escalate if the Workflow is delayed.
Created: Shows the date the Workflow was created.
When you select an item from the Worklist, the status of “Ready” under the Worklist item will change to
“Performing.” Within a few seconds, the appropriate form will automatically open in Workflow or in
Banner HR. If you are not logged into Banner, the Workflow will automatically log you in to Banner and
open the appropriate form. If you are already logged into Banner, you may need to select the application
from your system tray at the bottom of your system’s screen to view the opened Banner form.
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HR Job Termination Workflow
(HR_Stop_Job - HRJT)
The following procedure details the entry required by personnel technician(s) in Workflow and
Banner HR in the event that an employee is terminating employment of a job assignment, but still
has one or more additional active positions within the University system.
Worklist Items for the HR_Stop_Job Workflow
Once a termination has been entered by a submitter in NEA2TRM for your campus/location, an
item will appear on your Worklist in the following format:
HRJT_[TKL]_[first initial of last name]_[Emp ID]_[PCN]_[SUFF]_ [Term Date]_[Term Code]
(e.g., HRJT_T125_D_123456_00_03-FEB-2006_QJ)
Click once on the Worklist item to launch Banner via the web. After a few seconds, Banner will
automatically roll through a series of screens in Banner to the NOAEPAF form. Note, once you
click on a Worklist item, you have reserved that item and are the only person able to access it for
that activity. If you need to release this item for another user, contact your Workflow
Personnel Emails
Two separate emails may be sent to the campus personnel office as part of the HRJT Termination
Workflow process. Links to samples of the emails are listed below:
Missing EA Number:
Primary Job Ending:
Listings of email contacts by campus for the Workflow process are also available under the
Contact Listings section of the Workflow Resources page at
For updates to the listing, please send a request to the HR On-Call Helpline at [email protected].
NOAEPAF (Electronic Personnel Action Form)
This form is used to update or create job records based on the selected approval category. In the
Stop Job Termination Workflow process, the approval category of “TERM” is used. The fields on
the form automatically populate with job record data based on the termination information entered
on NEA2TRM. Once the EPAF is submitted, the data in NOAEPAF will update the respective
records in NBAJOBS.
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Do not initiate or review termination information independently from NOAEPAF. NOAEPAF
must be opened by selecting the appropriate item from the Worklist screen in the termination
workflow process.
Electronic Approval Messages
When selecting NOAEPAF from the Workflow Worklist without a Banner session open, one will be
initiated so that you can complete this activity. The following dialog box will appear before the
NOAEPAF form opens only if other outstanding Electronic Approvals for your user ID are awaiting
submission or application through the Electronic Approval process.
Select “No.” Note: A response of “Yes” will open the NOAAPSM form to review and perform an action
on all outstanding Electronic Approvals for your user ID. Please contact your Workflow Administrator
for assistance regarding the use of the NOAAPSM form if you respond “Yes” to this message.
After selecting “No,” the following message will be displayed.
Select “No.” Note: Do not select “Yes” for Electronic Approvals being processed through the Workflow
process. A response of “Yes” to this message will provide a notification of any new electronic approvals
received for your user ID during the current Banner session. Notification will occur when moving from
one Banner form to another.
The instructions that follow are for initial data entry purposes only.
Review/verify the following fields on NOAEPAF. If you need to verify/view the data entered on the
NEA2TRM form, from any block on the NOAEPAF form, select the Options menu and click on “View
Term Dates [NEI2TRM].”
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In the Banner PREP sample above, the Approval Type is “STJBWF”; however, the Approval Type of “STPJB”
will default in Banner PROD.
Proxy For: Leave this field blank. Any proxy information will default from Workflow.
ID: Defaults from Workflow. The employee name defaults into the name field. If the employee’s
ID does not default, contact your Workflow Administrator for assistance.
Transaction: No entry required. This code is a unique system-generated number assigned for
each termination. Note: be sure to check the dropdown menu before proceeding to avoid duplicate
transactions for the same PCN/Suffix.
Approval Category: “TERM” defaults into the approval category field. The TERM approval
category performs the function of creating the Termination record in NBAJOBS to stop the job.
Approval Type: “STPJOB” defaults from the Approval Category. Note: In the sample above,
the Approval Type is “STJBWF”; however, the Approval Type of “STPJB” will default in PROD.
Generate ID: Do not use this button for the termination process.
Query Date: Defaults from Workflow. The Query Date will default from the termination date
entered on NEA2TRM.
Position: Defaults from NEA2TRM along with the job title.
Suffix: Defaults from NEA2TRM.
Page 6 of 29
Last Paid Da
ate: Defaultts from Bann
ner HR.
Iff any of the default
valuees are incorrect, contact your campuus Workflow
w Administraator for
Status Line
Monitor the status
line at the bottom left
l hand of the Banner sscreen for anny hints or errors. Referr
too the “Troub
bleshooting – Personnel Entry”
on at the endd of this docuument for m
Page Down to the nextt block.
Data Entry in NOAEP
Before enterin
ng the appro
opriate dates on the Tran
nsaction tab, look at the vvalue in the Last Paid Daate field
onn NOAEPAF compared with the Terrm Date enteered on the N
NEA2TRM form. To viiew the data entered
onn the NEA2T
TRM form, from any blo
ock on the NOAEPAF
fform, select tthe Options menu and cllick on
View Term Dates
Compare the Term and Last Work Daates on both forms. If eiither date difffers, you muust update thhe
daate in the Neew Value fieeld on NOAE
EPAF. Refeer to instructtions below tto determinee the
apppropriate date entry.
Iff the Termination Date iss after or eq
qual to the Last Paid Datte:
a) You can
c enter the Termination
n Date in thee Jobs Effecttive Date annd Personnel Date fields..
Page 7 of 29
Jobs Effective Date [Term Date]: The Current Value field reflects the most recent active record
in NBAJOBS. The New Value field defaults from the Termination Date in NEA2TRM. Revise
the date in the New Value field, if appropriate; refer to the “Date Entry in NOAEPAF”
instructions below for determining the appropriate date entry.
If the Termination Date is before the Last Paid Date:
a) If the Termination Date is before the Last Paid Date and is within the pay period in which time
entry is currently being keyed, contact your campus payroll office to re-extract the employee’s
record in PHAHOUR.
b) If the Termination Date is before the Last Paid Date and does not occur during the current
pay period process for payroll, enter the date shown in the Last Paid Date field into the
Jobs Effective Date field.
Personnel Date [Last Work Date]: The value that appears under the Current Value column will
display the Personnel Date for the most current job assignment record. The New Value column
will display the Last Work Date field entered into the NEA2TRM form. The Personnel Date
should always reflect the actual last day of work. If necessary, update the New Value column.
Job Status: No entry allowed. The Current Value of “T” defaults from NBAJOBS.
Job Change Reason: The Current Value defaults from the most recent (closest to termination
date) effective date record in NBAJOBS. The New Value of “TERM” defaults from the
Termination Process initiated on NEA2TRM and is required for inserting a termination record.
Page Down to the Transaction tab. Then, select Save. Saving the record will assign an Electronic
Approval (EA) number for the transaction. Review the status line on the bottom left of your
Banner screen to verify that the Transaction submission was saved.
From the Options menu, select Submit Transaction. Review the information line to verify that
the Submission has been saved.
Lastly, select the Workflow Submit button from the top of the page.
If you were not on the Transaction tab when you saved and submitted the transaction to
Workflow, a Transaction Number for the electronic approval (EA) record was not created. If a
number was not assigned for the EA, a Worklist item of “No EA Trans Number” will appear in
Workflow; see the Worklist example below.
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If the Worklist item is not selected within a few minutes, an email will be sent to the personnel
contact email address for your office to notify you that the EA is missing a transaction number.
Select the item from your Worklist. A “Manual Activity” form will be displayed in Workflow
with instructions on submitting the transaction correctly. After reviewing the instructions, select
the “Complete” button.
Workflow will return you to the Worklist. Select the Refresh/Reload button at the top of your
browser window.
Once your Worklist is refreshed, an item of “NOAEPAF2” will appear on your Worklist.
Select the item from your Worklist. The NOAEPAF form should open again in your active
Banner session. Follow the required steps below for the NOAEPAF form:
1. Confirm the employee’s ID, name, PCN, and Suffix in the key block. An Approval Category of
“TERM” and Approval Type of “STPJOB” (PROD) should also be reflected in the key block.
2. Next to the Transaction field, select the Search button. From the search results, select the most
recent transaction (largest) number from the search results. If no number is listed, then a number
was not yet assigned. Exit from the window and continue to step 4.
3. If you selected a transaction number from the search results, verify that the status (next to the
number field) is “Pending.” If so, continue on to step 4. If not, a transaction number has not been
assigned for this record. Clear out the number in the transaction field and then continue on to step
4. Page Down to the Transaction tab block.
5. Review the “Personnel Date” in the Current Value column. Note: these dates can be verified via
6. Save (F10) the record and an Electronic Approval Number will be assigned in the key block of the
7. From the Options menu, select “Submit Transaction.”
8. Save the record again.
9. Check the Status Line at the bottom of the form for any error messages before proceeding.
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10. Select the 'Submit Workflow' button to complete the NOAEPAF2 workflow step.
11. Exit the NOAEPAF form, if necessary.
If the No_EA_Trans_Number activity appears on your Worklist more than once for the same employee
and position/suffix combination, contact your campus HR Workflow administrator for assistance.
Another term record should not be entered until 1) the original Workflow for the employee is
stopped and 2) the EPAF (for the correct transaction number) is voided by your campus HR
Workflow administrator or by HR Systems.
NOTE: If a full system term is expected for the employee, the HRST Workflow will not be
initiated unless a transaction number is assigned and the Electronic Approval is submitted
correctly in NOAEPAF. Even if an HRJT record has a “Completed” status, the HRST will not
begin if the EA is not completed correctly. More information is available on the Termination
Workflow Reports listing at http://www.alaska.edu/files/hr/workflow_reports.pdf.
PEA2EMP – HR Approval Prior to Rehire
Some termination codes require HR approval prior to the rehire of the employee. If one of the
codes listed below is entered on the NEA2TRM form, an item will appear on your Worklist with
an Activity description of “PEA2EMP.”
Dismissal - Attendance
Dismissal - Cause
Dismissal - Inelig for Re-Hire
Dismissal - Job Abandonment
Dismissal – Non Retention
Dismissal – Not Eligible Employ
Dismissal - Performance
Dismissal - Probationary
Dismissal – At Will
Dismissal – Union Enforcement
Resigned – By Mutual Agreement
Resigned – By Legal Agreement
For a full listing of termination code definitions, refer to
If one of the following sensitive termination codes is used to process an employee’s
termination, an email notification will be sent to the appropriate campus HR director and
Labor Relations office. The HR Director or Labor Relations Office must confirm whether or
not the “Rehire Requires HR Approval” box should be marked for the employee. Be sure to
have the appropriate response from the HR Director or Labor Relations office before
proceeding with the NEA2TERM record.
Deceased (Occupational)
Dismissal - Attendance
Dismissal - Cause
Dismissal - Credentials Revoked
Dismissal - Unable Perform ADA
Dismissal - Non/Return from FML
Dismissal - Inelig for Re-Hire
Dismissal - Job Abandonment
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Dismissal - Other
Dismissal - Performance
Dismissal - Probationary
Dismissal - Reduction in Force
Dismissal - At Will
Dismissal - Union Enforcement
Resigned - By Mutual Agreement
Dismissal - Layoff
Dismissal - Non Retention
Dismissal - Not Eligible Employ
Resigned - By Legal Agreement
Resigned - Occup. Disability
Retirement - Disability
Click on the Worklist item. The PEA2EMP form will automatically open in Banner HR.
Before performing any entry in the PEA2EMP form, select Next Block (Ctrl+Page Down)
so that your cursor is in the main part of the form. If not, you may receive an Oracle error
message when trying to save your changes.
If no record exists when you page down, the following error message will appear on the status
line at the bottom of the screen.
If the HR Director or Labor Relations office confirms that the rehire requires HR approval:
Click in the “Rehire Requires HR Approval” box. Select Save. Then, select the Workflow
Submit button from the menu at the top of the form.
If the HR Director or Labor Relations office confirms that the rehire DOES NOT require HR
Leave the “Rehire Requires HR Approval” box unchecked. Select Save. Then, select the
Workflow Submit button from the menu at the top of the form.
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Mass Apply Process
Once the NOAEPAF item and the PEA2EMP item (if applicable) have been submitted to
Workflow, the employee record awaits the next run of the Mass Apply process (NOPEAMA).
Refer to the automated schedule listed below:
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
12:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
NOTE: If the employee is scheduled to progress through a full system termination, the next
Workflow, HRST (HR System Term) will not proceed until the employee record has been
processed in the next available NOPEAMA mass apply process.
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HR System Termination Workflow
(HR_System_Term - HRST)
The following procedure details the entry required by personnel technician(s) in Workflow and
Banner HR in the event that an employee is terminating employment from the University system.
Worklist Items for the HR_System_Term Workflow
Once a record has processed through the mass apply process for your campus/location, an item will
appear on your Worklist in the following format:
HRST_[TKL]_[Last Name]_ [First Name]_ [employee ID]_ [Term Date]_[Term Code]
(e.g., HRST_T325_Dirt Jr_Pay_30031115_03-FEB-2006_QJ)
PPAIDEN (Prior to Final Pay)
If the address change option “Before Final Pay” was selected on the NEA2TRM form, an item will
appear on your Worklist with “PPAIDEN” under the “Activity” column of your Worklist. Click
once on the Worklist item; Banner will automatically roll through a series of screens and open to
The new address will not be pulled into PPAIDEN. To view the requested address change, from the
Options menu, select “View Term Dates [NEI2TRM].” Key the new address on the PPAIDEN
Save the record and then click on the Workflow Submit button at the top of the screen.
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Address Change After Final Pay
If the address change option “Future Communications” was selected on the NEA2TRM form by the
submitter of the termination, “PPAIDEN” will not appear on your Worklist. Later in the HRST
process, the item “PPAIDEN2” will appear on your Workflow Worklist under the “Activity”
column. This activity is covered later in these procedures.
After the campus payroll office has acknowledged in Workflow that the employee’s final pay has
been processed, an item will appear on your Workflow Worklist with “PEAESCH” under the
“Activity” column of your Worklist. Click once on the Worklist item; Banner will automatically roll
through a series of screens and open to PEAESCH.
PEAESCH assists with terminating the deduction records in PDADEDN and inserting the
Termination Reason, Termination Date, and Last Day Worked in PEAEMPL. The information
necessary to complete the fields in this form will come from the data that was completed on the
NEA2TRM form by the submitter. If you need to verify/view the data entered on the NEA2TRM
form, from any block on the PEAESCH form, select the Options menu and click on “View Term
Dates [NEI2TRM].”
Verify the employee ID on the PEAESCH form. Tab to the Action field and select “Terminate”
from the drop-down menu. Selecting this field will: 1) insert the pay period end date (for the period
in which the termination falls) into PDADEDN for the deductions, 2) update the fields Term Reason,
Term Date, and Last Work Date in PEAEMPL (making the next step in Workflow a verification
step), and 3) attempt to update/insert a job termination record in NBAJOBS. Otherwise, futuredated job records that were already terminated in NBAJOBS during the HRJT process may be pulled
into the Job Data block.
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Mark the All Records checkbox to ensure job records are brought in correctly.
In the Personnel Date field, enter the termination date; the payroll end date for the pay period in
which the termination falls will default as the end date for all active deductions. PEAESCH will not
accept a termination date that is prior to the last paid date; an error message will display if this entry
occurs. If the process termination date is prior to the last paid date, you must insert a date that is
equal to or after the last paid date in this field.
Page Down to the next block. Choose the Termination Reason from the drop-down list and verify
that the Last Work Day is correct. If you need to verify the termination code, select NEI2TRM from
the Options menu. For a description of all termination codes, refer to the Termination Code
Description listing at http://www.alaska.edu/files/hr/termination_code_definitions.pdf.
NOTE: If the original Termination Reason entered in NEA2TRM is incorrect, an updated
termination code can be entered on the PEAEMPL form in a subsequent Workflow activity step.
Page Down twice to the Deduction Information block.
For each deduction, the payroll end date for the pay period in which the termination falls, will
default as the Payroll End Date in the deduction screen. Select (check) the “Check to Terminate
Deduction” field for each deduction. Deductions for child support, garnishments, levies, and
adjunct faculty dues/fees should not be terminated (Union dues must stay active for 2 years after the
term per the UNAD CBA). If the employee has any of these deductions, do not select (uncheck) the
“Check to Terminate Deduction” field for that deduction.
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If the Payroll End Date field (Deduction End Date) has a date greater than the Personnel Date of
termination (e.g. Parking, FSA), navigate to the field and enter in the Personnel Date matching the
other deduction end dates. Once you have entered the date and Save the record, the following box
will pop up.
If you would like to save the changes, click Yes. The new dates will be saved in the record, and the
previous term record for the deductions will be removed.
No date is required in the “Coverage End Date” fields. Any benefit coverage end dates are
automatically applied to PDABCOV during the HRJT Job Termination Workflow process.
Save the record and select the Workflow Submit button at the top of the screen.
You may get one or both of the following “warning” messages. Acknowledge these messages by
clicking the ‘OK’ button and proceed as usual. No further action is necessary.
For any errors on the PEAESCH form, refer to page 25 in the troubleshooting section of this
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Updating the Job Change Reason
If another job change reason besides “TERM” is needed for reference purposes (i.e., LAYF –
Layoff), the revised job change reason can be entered in NBAJOBS for the Terminated effective
date record after you have completed your entry in PEAESCH.
If one of the “Retirement” termination codes was selected on the NEA2TRM form, an item will
appear on your Workflow Worklist with ‘PEAREVW’ under the “Activity” column of your
Worklist. Click once on the Worklist item; Banner will automatically roll through a series of screens
and open to PEAREVW.
The PEAREVW form indicates the employee’s retirement date. If the employee is not retiring, click
on the Workflow Submit button.
If the employee is retiring, verify the employee ID and then Page Down into the main part of the
form. In the “Review Type” field, type “RD” (Retirement Date). Then, enter the retirement date in
the “Due Date” field. The retirement date should reflect the actual termination date. Please note that
the termination date may differ from the last work date.
Select the “Completed” box next to the Due Date. The system will automatically enter today’s date
in the “Completed Date” field. If the termination date is prior to today’s date, enter the termination
date in this field; otherwise, leave today’s date in the field.
Save the record and select the Workflow Submit button at the top of the screen.
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“FK Layoff” or “FR – Reduction in Force” - Entry for Terminating Employees
Employees who are terminated with a termination code of “FK” or “FR” (Dismissal –
Layoff, or Reduction in Force) also require entry in PEAREVW.
An item will appear on the worklist with an Activity of PEAREVW. Click on the item and
the Banner form will open. Enter the employee’s ID, Page Down into the main part of the
form. In the “Review Type” field, type “LO” (Layoff). Then, enter the employee’s
termination date (not Last Work Day) in the “Due Date” field.
Select the “Completed” box next to the Due Date. The system will automatically enter
today’s date in the “Completed Date” field. If the termination date is prior to today’s date,
enter the termination date in this field; otherwise, leave today’s date in the field. Select Save
and exit the form.
An item will appear on your Workflow Worklist with ‘PEAEMPL’ under the “Activity” column of
your Worklist. Click once on the Worklist item; Banner will automatically roll through a series of
screens and open to PEAEMPL.
Verify the employee ID. Page down to the next block. Verify that a value of “Terminated” is
displayed in the “Employee Status” field. If not, select this value from the drop-down list.
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Then, verify that the appropriate Termination Reason, Termination Date, and Last Work Date were
all inserted into PEAEMPL. Otherwise, the appropriate data may be entered in these fields during
this step of the process.
Save the record and select the Workflow Submit button at the top of the screen.
PPAIDEN2 (After Final Pay)
If the address change option “Future Communications” was selected on the NEA2TRM form by the
submitter of the termination, an item will appear on your Worflow Worklist with ‘PPAIDEN2’
under the “Activity” column. Click once on the Worklist item; Banner will automatically roll
through a series of screens and open to PPAIDEN.
The new address will not be pulled into PPAIDEN. To view the requested address change, from the
Options menu, select “View Term Dates [NEI2TRM].” Key the new address on the PPAIDEN
Save the record and then click on the Workflow Submit button at the top of the screen.
Termination Documentation
The personnel entry is now complete. The Termination Workflow will produce and send an email
with the pertinent employee termination information to the campus HR records contact. The records
contact will print and file this email in the employee’s personnel file. An example of this email is
available at http://www.alaska.edu/files/hr/HRST_File_Copy_Email_Final.pdf.
Workflow Report Review
Each day, review the following Workflow reports located in Vista Plus
(https://reports.alaska.edu) under the following directory: Paperless Job Process
(PJP)/term_workflow. A description of each of the reports, their run schedules, Vista Plus
capture schedules, and common errors are available at
NER2JRD – HRJT – Job Term WF - Future Dated Job Records Removal List
NOPEAMA - Electronic Approval Mass Apply Process
NER2EER - Electronic Approval Submission Error Report
NEP2TRN - Future Dated System Termination Workflow Submission Report
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HRJT Troubleshooting – Personnel Entry
Home Organization Termed: The D-Level Org value has been invalidated and has not been
updated on PEAEMPL. Update the Home Orgn field on PEAEMPL before continuing.
Last Paid Date is greater than effective date: The employee’s PHAHOUR record must be reextracted by payroll, if possible. If payroll processing is not in process, Workflow and the
Electronic Approval should be stopped by the Workflow Administrator before re-entry of
termination information in NEA2TRM can occur (to process a termination date that coincides with
the Last Paid Date).
Personnel Date cannot be prior to Current Hire Date: Assessment of the appropriateness of the
Current Hire Date may be necessary. Change the Current Hire Date in PEAEMPL, if need be, or
change the Personnel Change Date to accommodate the Current Hire Date.
ERROR: Position/Suffix invalid for ID: This message may appear as a pop-up window or in the
status line at the bottom of the NOAEPAF form. The error message is generated when a
position/suffix on which the employee was never paid was entered in NEA2TRM. The HRJT
workflow has deleted effective date records for this position/suffix in NBAJOBS, and the workflow
cannot proceed.
Review the NER2JRD report under the Personnel reports folder in Vista Plus. The report will list
the employee’s job record matching the termination date was deleted from NBAJOBS as part of the
HRJT workflow process.
Contact the HR Helpline at [email protected] to report the error message; include all information
known regarding the job records that were deleted in NBAJOBS (or note the NER2JRD report date
in which the employee was reported).
HR Systems will stop the HRJT workflow for the employee. HR Systems will then have the job
records reinserted into the NBRBJOB and NBRJOBS tables. Once the reinsertion is completed, HR
Systems will contact the personnel technician to delete the position/suffix assignment from Banner.
Once the position/suffix records are deleted from Banner, the department must then reenter the
employee’s termination information in NEA2TRM using the appropriate position/suffix, termination
date, and last day worked date.
Routing Error
If the auto-help line displays a message of “User Id(s) must be entered on Routing window,” click on
the Routing Tab of the NOAEPAF form and enter your user ID in the User ID column with a level
code of “Apply.” To prevent this error from happening in the future, the personnel technician’s user
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ID(s) must be added to the NTRROUT form in order for this information to default into the
NOAEPAF entry. See information under the NTRROUT form section below for further explanation
regarding entry.
If any errors or warnings appear on the Electronic Approval Error Message form, all errors must be
corrected before the EPAF can be submitted. Warning messages are usually informational only.
See your campus HR Workflow Administrator if you have any questions.
As a new user of the Electronic Approval Process, initial set-up of the default user for the
appropriate Approval Category and Level Code should be set-up on the NTRROUT form. This setup will default the appropriate user ID(s) into the Electronic Approval Routing tab of the NOAEPAF
form based on the users defined for your Banner User ID. This set-up must be performed only once
to avoid “Routing” definition set-up error messages when submitting an Electronic Approval.
Query Caused No Records to be Retrieved: If no previous record exists for this employee within
the PEB2EMP table (if entry has never been performed on any part of this form in the past), a
message of “FRM-40350: Query caused no records to be retrieved” will be displayed on the status
line of this form. Save the record before completing the submit workflow button; no other action is
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Unable to Insert Record: Before performing any entry in the PEA2EMP form, you must select
Next Block (Ctrl+Page Down) so that your cursor is in the main part of the form. If not, you will
receive this Oracle error message when trying to save your changes.
If you receive this error message, Rollback (Shift+F7) to the top of the form. If you are prompted to
save your changes, select “No.” Once in the top of the form, Next Block to the main part of the
form, make the appropriate changes to the field(s), and save the record. Be sure to select the
Workflow Submit button before exiting the form.
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HRST Troubleshooting – Personnel Entry
Below are screen-shots and descriptions of error messages that may appear on PEAESCH.
Resolutions for each of these errors are listed in the following section.
1. If the Personnel Date is not present within the key block of this form, the following error
message will appear on the status line.
2. When completing the PEAESCH form to terminate all records with a job end date prior to the
employee’s last Paid Date, the following error message will appear on the form status line.
3. If the “All Records” check box is not used and the job assignment is not already terminated in
NBAJOBS, the following error message will appear.
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Resolutions for PEAESCH Errors
For each of the error messages listed above, one of the following may have occurred:
 another job was activated/entered since the HRST workflow was started,
 a user from another department has reactivated the job/kept the job open, or
 the HRJT workflow process did not complete properly.
To resolve the errors, first perform a search for any other active jobs in NBILIST. If the employee
has an active job assignment with another department, contact the department to confirm whether
or not the employee can be terminated fully in the system. If not, contact your Workflow
Administrator to stop the employee’s HRST workflow.
If the employee can be terminated fully in the Banner system, any future records in NBAJOBS
must be removed before proceeding.
If the employee is not employed by another department, but any current or future jobs still exist in
NBAJOBS, the HRJT process may not have completed properly. Before proceeding, enter a
TERM record for any current jobs that were not ended; be sure to enter a date that corresponds
with the termination date. Any future dated records in NBAJOBS must be removed before
4. The following message will appear if the “All Records” check box is not “checked,” the job
assignment is not already terminated in NBAJOBS, and future dated job assignment records exist
If the “All Records” box has been checked, then the following screen will appear.
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The employee may have a job in another department. Perform a job search in NBILIST. If the
employee has an active job assignment with another department, contact the department to
confirm whether or not the employee can be terminated fully in the system. If not, contact your
Workflow Administrator to stop the employee’s HRST workflow.
If the employee can be terminated fully in the Banner system, any future records in NBAJOBS
must be removed before proceeding.
5. If future dated deduction records exist with a date beyond the job end date, the following
message will appear. These deduction records must be removed before proceeding.
If the system termination for the employee can proceed, select “Yes” to delete all deduction
records with a begin date beyond the job end date. Note that some deductions records must be
left open (garnishments, levies, and union dues for adjunct faculty).
If the termination needs to be stopped or halted for any reason, select “No.”
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6. If unable to terminate deduction records due to errors with future date records on either
deduction records or job assignment records, the following warning message will appear when
exiting the PEAESCH form.
Verify that all necessary deductions records and/or job assignment records have been terminated.
Note that some deduction records must be left open (child support, garnishments, levies, and
union dues for adjunct faculty).
When trying to uncheck the “Completed” box without clearing the “Completed Date” field, the
following error message will appear.
To resolve the error, clear the date field and uncheck the box. Then, resave the record.
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FAQ: General Troubleshooting for Workflow
How do I know if the personnel process is complete and/or if the Workflow has stalled?
To verify that the personnel process has completed in Workflow for the employee (or to verify that
the process has not stalled), select “Workflow Status Search” from the left menu in Workflow. Enter
search criteria in the “Workflow Specifics Name” field (enter an asterisk “*” on either side of the
entry as wild card values) and select “Search.”
The results of your search will be displayed. Select the appropriate item and the Workflow Status
window for the item will appear. See the example below.
If the Workflow has successfully completed through the payroll portion of the Workflow, the
“running man” will be on the PEAESCH box. Note that the running man will only remain at this
step in the Workflow until a personnel technician selects “PEAESCH” from their Worklist and
proceeds to the next point in the Workflow. Any items in the Workflow that are completed are
marked with a green check mark.
If the “running man” is at a personnel activity (such as NOAEPAF or PEA2EMP) but is not on your
Worklist, the Workflow may be stalled or the Worklist item may have been selected by another
payroll technician. Only one technician can reserve a selected Worklist item at one time. If the item
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has been selected by another technician, that person must complete the entry or “Release” the item
back to the Worklist. The item can be released:
by selecting the “Workflow Release” button
at the top of the Banner
form (i.e., PEA2EMP) for the appropriate Worklist item, or
by selecting the “Release” button
on the appropriate process in the
Workflow Status window. For example, if the “running man” is on
PEA2EMP, left-click on the process and select the “Release” button. See the
example below:
What do I do if a Workflow Alert is listed at the top of the Workflow Status window?
If you note an Alert in the Workflow Status window (see the examples below), report the Alert to
your campus Workflow Administrator. If possible, take a print screen of the Alert message for the
administrator’s reference. Your campus administrator will research the cause of the Alert and notify
you of the reason for the error and when entry may continue for the Workflow.
Why doesn’t the Workflow and/or Banner window appear when I select the Worklist item?
Your browser settings may not allow pop-up windows. Since Workflow and Banner use pop-up
windows, you must turn off any pop-up blocker software that you have installed on your system
when logging in to these applications. You may allow pop-ups by:
 completely turning off the pop-up blocker tool in your browser preferences, or
 adding “*.alaska.edu” to the list of your allowable pop-ups in your preferences.
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Some sites, such as Yahoo and Google, have toolbars that usually sit under the main browser’s
toolbar or main menu. These site toolbars may also include pop-up blocker add-ons that will need to
be disabled when you log into Workflow or Banner.
For more information on pop-up blocker settings, refer to your browser's Help documentation.
Alternate Option: Your session has timed out and doesn’t tell you. Logout and try logging back in.
What if the Workflow login window reappears after I’ve entered my username and password?
First, close out of Workflow and login to Banner. Your username and password for Workflow are
the same as those for Banner. If your Banner password has expired, you cannot log into Workflow
until you first change your password in Banner. If your password has expired in Banner, you will be
prompted to change your password. You should then be able to login to Workflow directly.
What if I’m prompted to login to Banner (username and password) when I select a Worklist
If you are prompted to login to Banner after you have logged into Workflow, you must reboot (shut
down and restart) your computer. An incorrect version of the Java plug-in that Banner does not
recognize has been installed on your system. Once this issue occurs, Workflow will not
automatically take you to the appropriate Banner forms or offer the Workflow options in the Banner
forms until you reboot your system.
Who do I contact with problems?
Each MAU HR office has one personnel technician and one payroll technician with administrative
access to perform any corrections or movements through the Workflow. These technicians are
referred to as “Workflow Administrators” and will be able to assist you with questions or problems
regarding Workflow. All other issues can be sent to the HR On-Call Helpline at [email protected] or
at 907-450-8208.
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