Model of Relative Permeability Curves of Viscoelastic Polymer Flooding CAO Renyi
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Model of Relative Permeability Curves of Viscoelastic Polymer Flooding CAO Renyi
Physical and Numerical Simulation of Geotechnical Engineering 4th ISSUE, Sep. 2011 Model of Relative Permeability Curves of Viscoelastic Polymer Flooding CAO Renyi1, CHENG Linsong1, HOU Jun2 1. School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum at Beijing 2. Sinopec International Exploration and Production Corporation ABSTRACT: Due to the viscoelastic behavior of polymer solution, its flowing characteristic is different to the Newton and viscosity fluid in porous media, so that there is essentially difference of relative permeability between the polymer flooding and water flooding. Through the core displacement experiment, this article characterizes the relationship between the endpoint of relative permeability curve and pore throat ratio and permeability, which confirmed the viscoelasticity of polymer flooding could enhance the displacement efficiency. Besides, the article improved the measurement of relative permeability experiment, and also characterizes features of relative permeability of polymer flood. On the basis of interpolation of polymer fluid‘s concentration, a mathematical model of relative permeability curve is established and added in the numerical module with polymer flooding simulator. The results show that this module can reflect the viscoelastic mechanism of the polymer flooding and the predetermination is consistent with the field experience. KEYWORDS: Polymer flooding, Viscoelasticity, Relative permeability curve, Mathematical model, Numerical simulation 1 INTRODUCTION The HPAM is used as the solvent in polymer flooding now in China EOR practice (Wang et al. 2000; Han et al.2006; Liu et al. 2008; Zhou et al. 2007, 2008; Wang et al. 2008). This fluid is a kind of viscoelastic rheological material while flowing through the porous media that will become shear thinning, be absorbed and detented and so on (Heemskerk et al.1984, Wang et al. 2000, and Seright et al. 2009). The viscoelastic fluid is different to the common non-Newtonian fluid, so that the displacement mechanism of polymer solution is different to water or other pure viscous flooding (Wang et al. 2000, and Zhang, 2004). So that there is essentially difference of relative permeability between the polymer flooding and water flooding. Relative permeability curve is the synthetical description of the flowing process of oil and gas, so it‘s very essential in the process of reservoir engineering and numerical simulation. With the maturity of polymer flooding technology and field practice, the measurement and characterization of the relative permeability curves of the polymer solution flooding have gained more and more attention. Its accuracy has a direct impact on the feasibility evaluation of chemical flooding, the prediction of effects and the reservoir management. Many researchers also suggest that polymer flooding may reduce the relative permeability of water phase (Barreau et al., 1999; Grattoni et al., 2004; Zheng et al.,2000). Recent study shows that the polymer flooding residual oil saturation is lower than the waterflood residual oil saturation, when polymer flooding is employed right after primary production or at early stages of waterflood (Huh and Pope, 2008; Kamaraj et al, 2011). The rheology of polymer solution leads to a large difference of relative permeability features between polymer drive and water © ST. PLUM-BLOSSOM PRESS PTY LTD drive, and also bring a huge difficulty when measuring the relative permeability curves and handling the data (Schneider and Owens, 1982; Lei and Xu, 1994; Shi and Li, 2001; Chen et al. 2005). During the calculation process of classical numerical simulation and reservoir engineering, the oil and gas relative permeability curves are still used without considering the variable features of endpoint and trend resulted by the polymer flooding (Pan, 2008; Chen et al. 2011). In the process of conventional numerical simulation, a permeability decrease coefficient is given in the relative permeability curves of water flooding, which indicates the permeability decrease and polymer absorption (Barreau et al, 1997; Ogunberu and Asghari, 2004; Vasquez and Miranda, 2010). However this method may lead to big errors and bad forecast results (Chen, 2011). Aimed the viscoelastic rheology and physical and chemical reaction of polymer solution flowing in porous media, we designed a series of core experiments and established the relationship between relative permeability features and the core and parameters of polymer. Subsequently we built a mathematical model and a numeric simulation module of the relative permeability curves for EOR simulation software. 2 EXPERIMENTS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THE RESIDUAL OIL SATURATION OF POLYMER FLOODING The viscoelasticity of polymer flooding can enhance the displacement efficiency (Wang et al. 2000, and Zhang, 2004). Based on a large number of experiments and theories, many scholars have confirmed that the higher the viscoelasticity, the better the displacement efficiency. The effect of polymer‘s viscoelasticity varies with the different types of throats and interfacial properties of porous media, Model of Relative Permeability Curves of Viscoelastic Polymer Flooding DOI: 10. 5503/J. PNSGE. 2011.04.015 and there still isn‘t any accurate method to quantitatively characterize the increase scope of recovery ratio. So we measure the endpoint value of the relative permeability of cores with different throat and permeability, and probe the displacement effect of polymer fluid‗s viscoelasticity. measurement system. The cores used in the experiment are natural cores, through the mercury injection experiment and cast thinning and scanning electron microscopy, we measured the pore structure parameters of nine cores with different permeabilities (Table 1). The water used in the experiment is formation water with a salinity of 4120 mg/L. The oil is a mixture of crude oil and kerosene, and its viscosity is 6.278 mPa· s. The polymer is anti-salt polyacrylamide with a molecular weight of 18 million. 2.1 Equipment and conditions of experiments The displacement equipment consists of displacement system, casing pressure system and calculation and Table 1 Parameters of experimental cores Core numbers Porosity volume (ml) Permeability (10-3μm2) Porosity (%) Effective radius (μm) Coordinate number Pore throat ratio Grading factor DJT-1 8.41 58.9 28.1 1.3 1.7 78.9 6.22 DJT-2 8.24 70.6 23.9 1.5 2.4 62.8 3.97 DJT-3 11.51 80.4 30.4 1.5 2.4 62.8 3.97 DJT-4 10.94 145.2 29.3 2.0 1.9 51.5 3.57 DJT-5 12.12 255.6 32.6 2.5 2.1 40.2 2.63 DJT-6 10.20 279.9 31.7 2.7 2.1 40.2 2.63 DJT-7 8.78 424.3 27.8 3.5 1.7 26.2 1.38 DJT-8 10.32 528.4 28.6 3.8 1.7 26.2 1.38 DJT-9 10.53 724.1 30.1 4.4 2.7 7.1 0.64 2.2 Process and results saturation is higher than cores with high permeability, which means that there is more residual oil left in the pores with the shape of films, islands and dead-end. So the polymer could effect the more viscoelastic flooding in low permeability cores, and more residual oil is droved by polymer solution. We can figure out from figure 1 and figure 2 that there is a good linear relationship between △ Sor and permeability and pore throat ratio, which can be expressed by equation 1 and equation 2: (1) Sor a1 b1 (2) Sor a2 K b2 聚驱与水驱残余油饱和度差(%) 聚驱与水驱残余油饱和度差(%) First, injected water until the water content is 98%, and then injected 0.4 PV polymer solution with concentration of 1200 mg/L, and then continued to flood the core with water until there was no oil coming out. Figure 1 and figure 2 are the curves showing the relationships between the core permeability and the differential residual oil saturation of polymer flooding and water flooding (△ Sor), which can be fitted and exhibited by linear expressions. There exists an inverse relation between the core permeability and pore throat ratio. The curves also show that the lower the permeability or the bigger the pore throat ratio, the higher the residual oil saturation difference (△ Sor). This is because that the pore and throat relation of the cores with lower permeability is more complex, so their residual oil 10.0 9.5 y = -0.0036x + 9.3679 9.0 2 R = 0.9509 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 0 200 400 600 -3 800 y = 0.0363x + 6.7214 9.5 2 R = 0.9169 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 孔喉比 Pore throat ratio 2 -3 渗透率(10 μm ) Permeability(10 μm2) Fig 1 The relationship between K and △ Sor 10.0 Fig 2 The relationship between pore throat ratio and △ Sor 96 Physical and Numerical Simulation of Geotechnical Engineering 4th ISSUE, Sep. 2011 Two cores were chosen to measure the relative permeability curves, and the basic data of cores and fluids are as follows (Table 2). 3 EXPERIMENTS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF RELATIVE PERMEABILITY CURVES Table 2 Basic data of cores and fluids Core number Porosity (%) Permeability (10-3μm2) Residual oil saturation of water flooding (%) Residual oil saturation of polymer flooding (%) Viscosity of simulated oil (mPa· s) Viscosity of polymer (mPa· s) c-1 23.9 0.21 44 45 6.9 14.1 c-2 27.1 1.3 30 32 6.9 17.3 Normally we use the non-steady method (Shi and Li, 2001; Chen et al. 2005) (―JBN‖ method) to deal with the data of polymer flooding‘s relative permeability. Due to the difficulty of calculating the produced fluid in the core‘s outlet of polymer drive, we need to use differential calculus, which exists huge difficulties whiling handling it in practice. Oil and water are always recovered in the form of emulsion, which will result in big errors when using the automatic measuring system. So we used a difference quotient to replace the derivation, and calculated it after the oil and water being standed for a while or by adding demulsifer. So this method can increase the accuracy of calculation, which makes the measured curves more close to the real condition. The formulas of the modified ―JBN‖ method are: 1 1 f (S ) K ro ( S w ) f o ( S w ) / o w I Vt IVt K rw ( S w ) K ro ( S w ) fo (Sw ) qo / q (5) f w 1 f o ( Sw ) I po / pt (6) (7) The results of C-1 and C-2 cores‘ relative permeability experiments are shown as figure 3 and figure 4. In the semi-logarithmic coordinates, we used the dimensionless water saturation Sw* as the right angle horizontal axis, and the relative permeability Kro, Krw as the logarithmic ordinate, and we can see from the matching relation that there is a good linear relationship between Sw* and Kro, Krw, which fits in the following expression: (8) lg K ro cS w* d lg K rw eSw* f While: S * S w S wr w 1 S wr Sor (3) 1 (9) 1 0.1 0.1 Kro Kro Kro,Krw ef f w ( S w ) (4) o f o ( S w ) Krw 0.01 Kro Krw 0.01 0.001 0 0.05 0.1 Sw 0.001 0.15 0 0.02 0.04 * 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 Sw * Figure 3 The relative permeability curve of C-1 Figure 4 The relative permeability curve of C-2 and (9) established the mathematical model of viscoelastic polymer flooding. (1) The constitutional equation of water relative permeability: o (10) K rw K rw ( S w* )n1 K ro K roo (1 Sw* )n 2 4 THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF RELATIVE PERMEABILITY CURVES In the numerical simulator, there are two ways of endowing relative permeability, one is to give the maximal and minimal endpoint value of the relative permeability function, and another way is to give several saturations and correspondent relative permeability table or function to calculate the endpoint value (Liao, 1999). This article used the first method, and according to the expressions (2), (8) (2) Endpoint values affected by polymer‘s viscoelasticity The relationship between the permeability and residual oil saturation of polymer with a high elasticity ( P follows: Sor high a high K bhigh 97 (11) high ) is as (cPlow): The relationship between the permeability and residual oil saturation of polymer with a low elasticity ( P low lg K rolow clow S w* d low ) is as lg K rw follows: Sor low alow K blow (12) low e S f low * w low (17) (18) So the parameters of a certain concentration(cP): low So the parameters related to the relationship between the permeability and residual oil saturation of polymer drive cP cP low high low cP high cP low with a characteristic time of certain elastic ( P ): parameter c, d, e or f p P high a a low high a a low low P P low p P b blow high b high blow low P P 5 THE MODULE AND CALCULATION WITH SIMULATOR is (19) low While the relationship between (13) (12) P P f cp (14) (3) The relative permeability of polymer drive: The parameter of relative permeability is based on the interpolating calculation of relative permeability with different concentrations of polymer. And high and low represent values of different concentrations respectively. So the relative permeability of a known high concentration (cPhigh): (15) lg K ro high c high S w* d high lg K rw high ehigh S w* f high THEORETICAL NUMERICAL On the basis of UTCHEM simulator, we modified the processing module of viscoelastic polymer flooding‘s relative permeability curve. We simulated a well group with four injection wells and one production well. The grid is 10×10×1 while and the step is 20m×20m×5m. The permeability is 300mD, the porosity is 0.25, the slug size is 0.5PV, and the mass fraction is 0.15%. The fluid parameters are measured parameters of C-2. The results of simulation are shown by figure 4 and figure 5. The recovery ratio, while considering viscoelasticity of polymer, increases 4.3% when compared to that without considering viscoelasticity, which coincides with the field experience. and cP is as follows: (16) The relative permeability of a known low concentration 100 100 含水率(%) 40 20 0 0 2 4 80 Recovery (%) 60 60 采收率(%) 80 Water Cut (%) 含水率(%) Model of Relative Permeability Curves of Viscoelastic Polymer Flooding DOI: 10. 5503/J. PNSGE. 2011.04.015 60 40 水驱 Water flooding 水驱 纯粘性聚驱 Viscous polymer flooding 纯粘性聚驱 粘弹性聚驱 Viscoelastic polymer flooding 粘弹性聚驱 20 0 50 40 30 06 28 时间(a) 410 612 8 14 Time时间(a) (years) 10 12 14 Figure 4 Water cut ratio of polymer flooding Water 水驱 Viscous 纯粘性聚驱 polymer Viscoelastic 粘弹性聚驱 polymer Figure 5 Recovery ratio comparison of polymer flooding concentration, but also relates to the microscopic pore structure of the porous media. The experiments show that the lower the permeability of cores the more complex the pore and throat relation, the higher the residual oil saturation after water flooding and more oil could be displaced by viscoelastic polymer flooding, and also show that the decrease of the residual oil saturation is inversely proportional to permeability and proportional to pore throat ratio, meanwhile, the curves display good linear relationships. (3) According to the improved non-steady relative permeability experiments, we can conclude that the water relative permeability of polymer flooding declines severely, while the oil phase curve raises and the isotonic point moves right and lowers as well. We also fit the function 6 CONCLUSIONS Through the core-scale endpoint value experiments of residual oil saturation of polymer drive and the improved non-steady relative permeability experiments, together with the modified description method of polymer drive‘s relative permeability, we draw several conclusions as follows: (1) The core-scale endpoint value experiment of residual oil saturation shows that the polymer can decrease the residual oil saturation of water flooding, which further proves that polymer flooding can enhance the final displacement efficiency. (2) The mechanism about that polymer can decrease the residual oil saturation not only relates to the polymer‘s 98 Physical and Numerical Simulation of Geotechnical Engineering 4th ISSUE, Sep. 2011 equation using the logarithmic coordinates. (4) Based on the relative permeability‘s functional equation of polymer flooding, we established the mathematical model of polymer drive, and developed the correspondent simulation module to calculate it theoretically, and the results could be consistent with that obtained through field practice. [6]. [7]. EXPRESSIONS [8]. Kro(Sw)—— oil phase relative permeability [9]. μef —— Viscosity of polymer solution equivalent μo——water viscosity Sw—— water saturation fo(Sw)—— oil content ratio Swe—— water saturation at the outlet point Vt ——dimensionless accumulative injection volume [10]. [11]. (V/Vp) ——dimensionless accumulative oil production (Vo/Vp) Vot [12]. 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