
Psychology Research Singles from the Perspective of Innovative Concept

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Psychology Research Singles from the Perspective of Innovative Concept
Psychology Research 08 (2012) 1838—658X
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Psychology Research
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Types of Styles of Playing and the Way to React in Badminton
Singles from the Perspective of Innovative Concept
Weidong HE 1,, Xinfen YOU 2
1. Sports and Health Science College of Guangxi University of Nationalities, Nanning 530006, Guangxi,
2. Hebei Physical Educational Institute, Shijiazhuang 050041, Hebei, P.R.China
Style of playing,
By applying innovative concept to analysis on styles of playing and the way to react in
Badminton singles, we find out: 1. Adopting styles of playing including “fast high drop shot
combining with raid”, “rhythm change and raid”, “making the opponent unable to do
anything but lob constantly by smashing”, and “counter-attack while in defense” according
to the technique, tactic features, and situation on-court can strengthen players’
comprehensive capability and make them develop some specialties. 2. Summarizing the
ways to react to all the styles of playing, with factors like techniques, stamina, course of
action, tactics, mentality, rhythm, and experience taken into consideration, is beneficial to
enhance players’ ability in reacting to in-game changes and actual combat. 3. Players should
make use of their own specialties to combat actively, take initiative instead of acting
passively, and make full use of the fact that different styles of playing can restrain or
complement each other. 4. Different principles should be applied at different learning stages,
technique characters and requirements in every link should be taken into consideration. As a
result, an all-sided style of playing and tactics to react are formed, and a comprehensive
upgrade of players’ athletics level will be realized. Meanwhile, these methods of thinking,
technique means, and training approaches can play a positive role in cultivating and
increasing students’ abilities in innovative thinking, innovation, and practice.
Badminton is one of the most popular games. Some scholars are keeping a close eye on the research on the teaching and training of
Badminton. Among them are Peng Meili [1] (2003), Hui Chengjun [2] (2010), Lin Jiancheng [3] (2009), Yang Heng [4] (2007), and
Zheng Baojun [5] (1996), who have gained successful achievements. Once students enter into a whole new level and begin to shape
their techniques, tactics, and course of action, they are facing the problems like how to choose a style of playing that is suitable to
themselves and how to react to opponents’ different styles of playing. If the innovative notions in the present teaching reform can be
applied, students’ multiple styles of playing-adopting ability and reaction ability to different styles of playing can be successfully
cultivated. They would play a positive role in increasing students’ shuttlecock-controlling ability, fast reaction ability, and on-court
situation-controlling ability. Based on the findings and exploration in practical games, this article aims to take the issues like how to
choose the style of playing for Badminton Singles and how to increase reaction ability in teachings and trainings as the entry point to
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DOI: 10.5503/J.PR.2012.08.004
conduct exploration, realize the cultivation of undergraduates’ innovative thinking, innovation ability, and practical ability in
multiple ways, so as to increase the quality and effect of Badminton training lessons in universities.
1 Style of Playing of Badminton Singles
Style of playing is a description of the combination style of relatively fixed and repeated technique and tactic. Every player of
badminton singles can form a specific stable style of playing and a combination of technique and tactic according to their own
technique advantage, physical quality, and willpower. Tactic refers to a technical strategy a player adopts for the purpose of winning
according to factors like opponent’s technique, style of playing, stamina, and willpower. Style of playing is different from tactic, but
they are closely related: The basis of both style of playing and tactic is technique. The constant development of technique can
facilitate the enrichment and innovation of style of playing and tactic.
As far as Badminton Singles is concerned, application of different technique means can reach basically the same goal tactically. In
that sense, the combinations of technique and tactic in singles are sorted into a unified category, which is named types of style of
playing of Badminton Singles. The most important ones include: fast high drop shot combining with raid, rhythm change and raid,
controlling the area in front of the net through smashing, and counter-attack while in defense. Coaches can make a corresponding
capability training plan to each of the different objects (player or student) according to the foresaid 4 types and the objects’ technique
and tactic characters. As one’s capability increases, coaches should give training on how to react to each of the 4 types and increase
their capability in doing that. Consequently, players’ comprehensive capability can be heightened.
2 The Analysis on Types of Style of Playing in Singles and the Way to React
2.1 Analysis on the style of playing “fast high drop shot combining with raid” and the way to react
(1) Analysis on the style of playing “fast high drop shot combining with raid”
Technique requirements: player should be active, technically versatile, proficient and accurate, capable of raid, very good at control
and counter-control, tactically flexible, consistent in technique and capable to change abruptly, fast in movement, agile, and speed
enduring. This type is a basic one that the beginners must begin their study with.
Application of technique and tactic: to apply fast and accurate flat and high strike in association with drop, control the drop point,
maneuver the opponent to different points in multi-bouts, and seize opportunities to smash when the opponent does a bad job in
Conditions to apply: Adopt it when the opponent is slow in moving, weak in stamina, inadequately capable of attack, and not
technically versatile.
Key advantage: Through drop point changes, force the opponent run in different directions, and respond passively and more and
more terribly, attack faster when they make significant mistake, take grip of the trend more and more tightly, and score one point
(2) The way to react
If the opponent adopts this style of playing, firstly one should slow down the rhythm in the practical game, reduce the flat and fast
returns, and make the opponent’s stamina consumed as much as possible; Secondly, react with quality returns, make the drop point
accurate, keep changing the court of action; Thirdly, await an opportunity to raid, increase the high-point drop shots, and make smash
faster and more powerful; Lastly, to mainly choose speed-changing raid to react to fast high drop shot combining with raid. Moreover,
routine stamina training should be intensified, and fast moving ability should be strengthened.
2.2 Analysis on the style of playing “rhythm change and raid” and the way to react
(1) Analysis on the style of playing “rhythm change and raid”
Technique requirements: stress rhythm-changing attach on the basis of fast high drop shot combining with raid. It requires a
consistency in technique and fast change ability. The back-court smashing raid is hidden but explosive, player can abruptly jump at
the back court and leap in the front court. A judgment of start, rushing to strike, and an elusive drop point are stressed in terms of
awareness. This is also a basic style of playing. However it requires certain fundamentals.
Application of technique and tactic: Through accelerating player’s own moving speed, to gain more opportunities to raid. The
collocation of “high” and “drop” or “high” and “smashing” combined with urgency to raid or raid by speedy jump after push and
Conditions to apply: mainly adopted on the premise that the opponent is slow in moving, weak in stamina, not technically versatile,
not accustomed to rhythm change and prefers to slow rhythm.
Key advantage: Through fast high drop combining with fast raid, stress fast start, rush to strike, elusive drop point. Force the
opponent to move faster and become slow in return. As a result, the opponent will return more and more terribly, seize the rip the
opponent shows in a flash, accelerate attack and raid, and strive to gain a point.
(2) The way to react
First of all, explosive force and speed endurance training should be strengthened regularly. Alter the footwork and increase fast raid
ability. Secondly, in the practical games, A. Mainly adopt fast rhythm, keep changing footwork, destruct opponent’s rhythm; B.
Coordinate “high” and “drop” with concrete technique, make the drop point elusive, and change the course of action frequently; C.
Be stable without costing fastness, be fast without costing stableness, rush to strike, intensify the capability of effective attack and
effective scoring; D. Decrease bouts as much as possible and stamina consuming, retain stamina, seek for more opportunities of raid;
E. Choose the counter-attack while in defense and multi-bout fast high drop shot combining with raid as the main means of defense.
2.3 Analysis on the style of playing “making the opponent unable to do anything but lob constantly by
smashing” and the way to react
(1) Analysis on the style of playing “making the opponent unable to do anything but lob constantly by smashing”
Technique requirements: Forestall the opponent, be offensive, and try to end the battle as fast as possible. It requires a fast speed and
accuracy, fast strike, a high hitting point, powerful smash, fast moving, good leaping ability, being good at half step plus striding and
leapfrogging. It includes smashing, front-net inducing, attacking after service, pushing with attack. This is an important style of
playing that requires certain fundamentals.
Application of technique and tactic: In association with the application of “flat and high”, mainly adopt attacking after service,
combine serving low in front of net and serving flat, force the opponent to return upwards, then powerfully smash or drop, lightly
smash, half smash in combination, move to the front of net and control the part. Apply chopping, pushing, snapping, hooking to
create chances to attack from mid-back court. Try to make the return straight downwards.
Conditions to apply: The opponent is slow in moving, weak in stamina, weak in attacking, especially incapable of front net and
mid-back court combating.
Key advantage: By virtue of fast and accurate attacking route, the drop point is controlled precisely, powerful when striking from the
mid-back court and in sustained rally, the pushing is clear, able to get in front of the net applying chopping, pushing, snapping, and
hooking, get in front of the net and control this area further, disturb opponent’s rhythm, and make the opponent in a defensive and
passive state, seize opportunity to score when opponent return terribly.
(2) The way to react
According to the characters of this style of playing, absolute strength and speed endurance training should be intensified regularly to
make footwork agile and stamina full-fueled, so as to increase the fast coherent raid ability in the front court and back court. In the
practical game: A. Mainly adopt down-pressing in sustained confrontation. One must apply “flat” and “high” in rotation. B. One
should be flexible in footwork, ever changing in technique, rich in course of action, and coherent and smooth in motion. C. One
should be mentally prepared for a multi-bout sustained confrontation, take pains to battle the opponent, make the opponent’s stamina
consumed little by little; D. Through multi-point maneuver and down-pressing, strike the shuttle to point that will give the opponent
a hard time, disrupt the opponent’s rhythm, make the opponent mentally collapse, retain a steady increase in points scored, and
control the on-court situation; E. React to counter-attack while in defense with rhythm change and raid, and controlling the area in
front of the net through smashing.
2.4 Analysis on the style of playing “counter-attack while in defense, and pay attention to both attack and
defense” and the way to react
(1) Analysis on the style of playing “counter-attack while in defense, and pay attention to both attack and defense”
Technique requirements: A good defense is actually an attack, gain mastery by striking only after the opponent has struck. Be fast
and flexible in footwork, be fast in reaction, be mentally stable, control the shuttle stably, and be solidly capable of defense. This
style of playing comprises of multi-hitting “high” and “drop”, and it is an important style of playing that requires solid fundamentals.
Application of technique and tactic: Through the collocation of “high” and “drop”, maneuver opponent to control the end line on
opponent side, through a change of course of action in defense, make opponent’s stamina badly consumed, when the opponent is
trapped passively or the opponent begins to attack not as well as before, seize the opportunity to counter-attack timely, fast, and
ferociously by making use of the mistake the opponent makes caused by unstable mental condition.
Conditions to apply: The opponent who is slow movement, weak stamina and weak speed endurance, is less capable of defense,
plays in a disorganized way, and attacks blindly.
Key advantage: Through combination of multi-hitting highly intense “high”, “flat”, “drop”, make the opponent’s stamina consumed
badly, patiently combat to dissolve the opponent’s will power, adopt defense primarily, and gain mastery by striking only after the
enemy has struck. Be emotionally stable on one’s own part, be rich in course of action, hitting the shuttle without haste, be fast and
flexible in footwork, and be very capable of defense. When the opponent’s stamina drops continuously, the threat the opponent
caused become more and more ineffective, when the mental condition rises and falls and affect the rhythm in a bad way, it’s time to
switch to attack, and cause more unforced errors on opponent’s part, thereby, gradually control the on-court situation, and strive for
more initiative to attack, and complete the counter attack and win.
(2) The way to react
A. At ordinary times, pay extra attention to speed endurance and strength training, make the footwork more flexible, and reaction
speed faster, train with different kinds of course of action, enhance the stamina and defense capability. B. In the practical games,
mainly adopt multi-hitting sustained rally and be stable, be technically proficient in “mid-high”, drop, lifting, pushing, intercept,
chopping, and hooking, and collocate with each other, retain a sustained rally state on court. C. Maneuver opponent as much as
possible and control the end line on the opponent’s side, keeping changing the course of action in terms of defense, and control the
drop point. D. When the combat transits from defense state and sustained rally, accelerate the speed appropriately in terms of both
offense and defense, switch to attack state, intensify effective attack and score-seizing abilities, defeat the opponent’s resistance
mentally, take control of the on-court situation, and strive for more initiative in attack. E. Adopt fast high drop shot combining with
raid to react to counter-attack while in defense.
2.5 Make use of own specialties to take initiative to combat, survive in extremely bad situation
When a player is in extremely bad situation, he or she usually loses the game because they can’t overturn the situation. However,
some players can take advantage of their own specialties fully, and make themselves take the driver’s seat from the back seat, and
finally win the game despite of almost being defeated at first. The application of specialties requires one to be fast in moving, capable
of finding the optimal hitting point, and to hit in a hidden way with body swaying and deceptive movement, and the hitting point can
bewilder the opponent, convert the passiveness, achieve breakthrough in unfavorable situation, even in the end give the opponent a
deadly shot, score one point in extremely bad situation. In the teaching practice, we should make efforts to apply innovative thinking,
develop thinking, analyze from different angles, take advantage of opponent’s technical weak points, exploit and cultivate one’s own
specialties. Currently classic cases of specialties of specific players include: domestically, jumping half smash and backhand drive by
Tang Xianhu, direction-changing half smash by Ye Zhaoying, deceptive oblique-line lifting by Sun Jun, forehand pushing and mild
smash by Gong Zhichao, back-court jumping smash and front net straight line blocking by Lin Dan. In overseas, this includes deadly
shot in bad situation by Wang Youfu from Malaysia, light chop to the diagonal by Li Zongwei from Malaysia, sliding push and
diagonal hitting by Peter Gade from Denmark, swift moving and hitting with body swaying by Rasmussen from Denmark.
2.6 Some issues that should be noticed regarding choosing different styles of playing and the way to react in
badminton singles
Firstly, when students are learning the application of technique and tactic and course of action, according to students’ fundamentals,
we should choose a certain course of action or style of playing and intensify it. This course can be conducted through multi-shuttle
practice or increase the difficulty and intensity, so as to heighten their fundamentals.
Secondly, when the students are getting training of course of action and are in the “extensive” stage of the learning, we should stress
the combination of course of action of a certain style of playing, and stress an awareness in advance, timely moving, using technique
correctly, make sure the move is coherent, and the drop point can be basically where it’s expected to be. When students enter into the
grasping stage, we should stress different combinations and cross-application of different styles of playing, draw inferences about
other cases from one instance, increase their elementary capability in reaction, realize fast moving, be coherent and smooth, make
sure the drop point is precise, increase the combating ability, the amount of bouts will gradually increase, make the technique and
tactic goal explicit, and enrich the styles of playing. When they are in the consolidation stage, we should stress the application of all
of kinds of styles of playing according to the situation, and advance the awareness, snap fast and precisely, make full use of running,
the swaying and pause when hitting with pat to bewilder the opponent, control the rhythm properly, make the course of action rich
and full of changes, the drop point precise and elusive, strengthen the capability in control and counter-control, retain stable mentality
under the circumstances of intense combat and multi-bout, make the technique and tactic goal more explicit, and basically form a
strategic pattern of one’s own.
Thirdly, when choosing different styles of playing and the way to react, we should also consider factors like the stamina, mental
regulation, rhythm control, comprehension of rules, accumulation of experiences, reaction measures to sudden changes. In the
teaching, training, and competition, we should combine different teaching principles and training principles, thereby, we can increase
the effectiveness of different styles of playing and the way to react.
3 Conclusion
1. In the teaching training and practical competition of Badminton Singles, we should combine players’ technique and tactic
characters and on-court situation, choose styles of playing like adopting styles of playing including fast high drop shot combining
with raid, rhythm change and raid, making the opponent unable to do anything but lob constantly by smashing, and counter-attack
while in defense accordingly. By doing so, their specialties can be cultivated and formed, and their comprehensive capability can be
2. In aspects of stamina, technique, tactic, mentality, course of action, rhythm, and experience, we have summarized the reaction
measures to all kinds of styles of playing, which is beneficial to comprehensively increase players’ capability in in-game reaction and
practical games.
3. Make use of one’s specialties to react actively, fully perform the restrain and complement of each of the styles of playing to each
other, apply multiple styles of playing and the way to react with the innovative concept, cultivate undergraduates’ innovative thinking,
increase the innovation capability and practical capability. Apply different principles according to different study stages, form a
comprehensive style of playing and reaction strategy, taking the technique characters of all links and requirements into consideration,
realize an all-sided improvement of players’ competitive levels.
Foundation Project
1. Research Projects Funded by Object Building from Guangxi University of Nationalities: The Cultivation of Capability in Rhythm
Control and Counter Rhythm Control in Badminton Games (Project No.: 2011XJTY03)
2. Project Topic of 2011 Higher Education Teaching Reform Program of Guangxi University of Nationalities (Project
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