Contemporary Logistics Path Based on IDP and IPI Models
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Contemporary Logistics Path Based on IDP and IPI Models
Contemporary Logistics 06 (2012) 1838-739X Contents lists available at SEI Contemporary Logistics Journal homepage: An Empirical Analysis on Chinese Outward FDI Development Path Based on IDP and IPI Models Kun MA* School of Economy and Management, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, 110142, P.R. China KEYWORDS ABSTRACT Investment Development Path (IDP), Investment Position Index (IPI), Chinese Outward FDI With the updated data, this paper revaluates and relocates the Chinese Outward FDI development path based on IDP and IPI model, and makes the conclusion that IDP theory is generally suitable for China. According to the empirical analysis based on IDP and IPI models, this research finds Chinese Outward FDI has entered into the third stage since 2005. At the end of this paper, the volume of Chinese Outward FDI is forecasted scientifically. © ST. PLUM-BLOSSOM PRESS PTY LTD 1 Introduction Nowadays, some foreign researchers have tested and verified the IDP theory developed by Dunning in 1981 to some extents, including Tolentino (1993), Dunning and Kin Li (2001). Chinese researchers also have tested it according to Chinese situation, they are Liu Hongzhong (2001), Gao Minxue and Yu Lina (2005), Xue Qiuzhi and Zhu Jiqing (2007). Although some studies have empirically analyzed Chinese situation, there are still some problems such as conclusion discrepancy, out of dated data, and one-sided explanation and conclusion. So this paper will retest the Chinese Outward FDI development path with the updated data, and point out the real stage we are in, and hope to forecast the volume of Chinese Outward FDI scientifically. 2 An Empirical Analysis Based on IDP Model 2.1 IDP theory IDP theory was developed by Dunning, and supplemented by his student. Dunning divided national economic development and FDI into 5 stages by per GNP as the main indicator. Generally, starting with the stage of early development, through to the fifth or last stage, which is represented by today’s developed countries. Can Chinese outward investment be explained by Dunning’s IDP theory or rather by some specific scenarios of transitional countries and developing countries? This research will use updated data and try to test IDP theory’s availability in China. * Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] English edition copyright © ST. PLUM-BLOSSOM PRESS PTY LTD DOI: 10.5503/J.CL.2012.06.014 81 2.2 Empirical analysis 2.2.1 Origin of data This paper chooses Chinese outward FDI data in the years from 1985 to 2008 (see Table 1). And according to Yang Dakai’s conclusion (2006), †per GNP can be substituted by GDP per capita, so this paper use per GDP to use. Table 1 Chinese GDP pre capita and outward FDI (100 million $) Year outward FDI Increase rate Inward FDI 1985 6.29 1986 4.50 -28.46% 22.44 1987 6.45 43.33% 1988 8.50 1989 Increase rate Net outward FDI GDP pre capita($) -13.27 290.05 14.72% -17.94 276.81 23.14 3.12% -16.69 296.41 31.78% 31.94 38.03% -23.44 364.01 7.80 -8.24% 33.93 6.23% -26.13 400.44 1990 8.30 6.41% 34.87 2.77% -26.57 341.35 1991 9.13 10.00% 43.66 25.21% -34.53 353.27 1992 40.00 338.12% 110.08 152.13% -70.08 416.68 1993 44.00 10.00% 275.15 149.95% -231.15 517.41 1994 20.00 -54.55% 337.67 22.72% -317.67 466.6 1995 20.00 0.00% 375.21 11.12% -355.21 601.01 1996 21.14 5.70% 417.26 11.21% -396.12 699.41 1997 25.62 21.19% 452.57 8.46% -426.95 770.59 1998 26.34 2.81% 454.63 0.46% -428.29 817.15 1999 17.74 -32.65% 403.19 -11.31% -385.45 861.21 2000 9.16 -48.37% 407.15 0.98% -397.99 945.6 2001 68.85 651.64% 468.78 15.14% -399.93 1038 2002 25.18 -63.43% 527.43 12.51% -502.25 1131.8 2003 28.55 13.38% 535.05 1.44% -506.5 1269.8 2004 55.30 93.70% 606.30 13.32% -551 1486 2005 122.61 121.72% 603.25 -0.50% -480.64 1709.9 2006 211.6 72.58% 694.68 15.16% -483.08 2022 2007 265.10 25.28% 745.2 7.27% -480.1 2483 2008 521.50 96.72% 924.0 23.99% -402.5 3180.4 19.56 Data come from,, 2.2.2 Model layout According to the broken line graph for the relations between Net outward FDI (NOI) and per capita GDP (PGDP). (See Figure 1) † Yang Dakai. Research on Chinese enterprises outward FDI. Shanghai: Lixin Accounting Publishing House, 1 (2006), 82 p122-123 (in Chinese) NOI 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 -300 -350 -400 -450 -500 -550 -600 3600 3300 3000 2700 2400 2100 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300 0 PGDP Figure 1 NOI and PGDP Considering of there would be nonlinear relation, so we set the regression equation as follows: NOI= a + βPGDP + ΓPGDP2 + ε Here, a is the distance part, β and Γ are coefficients, and εis random disturbance term. After the regression analysis (OLS), we get the results as follows: NOI= 145.852 – 0.751PGDP + 0.00019058PGDP2 (1) (3.226) (-9.308) (7.394) R2=0.848, F=58.555 2.2.3 Primary conclusion The regression result can pass the tests, with higher significance level, which can identify the IDP theory can be used in researching Chinese outward FDI development path. Such being the case, this paper continues to test IDP theoretical feasibility for each stage in China. From the trend shown in the figure 1, we know that Chinese net outward FDI slid down since 1985 obviously, although there was reboundance during 1998-2001, and reached a low point historically in 2004; from then on, Chinese NOI improved in the following 4 years, only with the little downturn in 2006. According to IDP model, with such continuing increase in NOI for 4 years, China can be judged as having entered into the third stage form 2005. ‡At the same time, Chinese PGDP has reached USD 2022, it is one of the typical symbol too. 2.2.4 Query According to IDP theory, in the third stage, with the further development in per GDP, inward FDI in one country is to be decreased, while outward FDI will increase quickly. But from the data shown before and some special years, Chinese inward and outward FDI have similar increasing trends. After 2004, we did not find increasing rate in inward FDI has any drop as predicted in IDP theory, but tend to increase stronger. This make us have to find further proof to test and posit Chinese outward FDI develop path and stage. 3 An Empirical Analysis Based on IPI Model 3.1 Introduction of IPI index In order to test Chinese Outward FDI development path more scientifically, and diminish upper query, we introduce a new index here---Investment Position Index, IPI§. It was defined as: IPI=(outward FDI-inward FDI)/ inward FDI That means: if IDP theory is correct, IPI index will show different situations. For instance, in the first stage, inward FDI is zero, so IPI is not exsist; if inward FDI happens in a country, IPI will between -1 and 0, it means this country must be in II or III stage, begin to accept international invest, and invest a little outwards, but inward FDI accounts for main part. Here, the criterion for II and III stage is the slope of IPI curve; if IPI is above 0, means the country has become the net supplier in international investment that is the IV stage in IDP theory. If IPI is above 1, no any significance except high volume of net FDI. In the fifth stage, IPI will drop from the peak, and at last, the number will fluctuate around 0. (See Figure 2) ‡ Chen Bingyang, Zhou Xueming. On Applicability of Theory of International Direct Investment Cycle. Journal of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, 6 (2007): p138-141 (in Chinese) § Zhao Haibo. Empirical Analysis on the Trend of International Investment in East Asia, World Economy Study, 4 (2006): P59-63 (in Chinese) 83 NOI IPI II1 II2 III IV V Figure 2 IPI and 5 stages 3.2 An empirical analysis based on IPI model 3.2.1 IPI index analysis According the data in table 1, we can get the changing tendency of IPI index easily. (See Figure 3) IPI -0.2 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 0 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 year Figure 3 IPI index change (1985-2008) The line shows to us that, in the first 10 years, IPI fluctuated quickly, this may because of the irregular investment behaviors in China at the beginning, but since 1994, IPI maintain near to -1 generally. From 2004, 10 years after 1994, IPI curve slope seems to be above 1, and from then on, get such trend continued. 3.2.2 Conclusion Until now, with IPI index and the primary conclusion, we can get the final conclusions that: since 2005, China has entered into the third stage, in which year Chinese OFDI was USD 5.5 trillion, and IFDI reached USD 60.63 trillion, NFDI was USD -55.1 trillion, per GDP was USD 1486 in that year, less than USD 2000, required in IDP theory for the third stage. Such volume is met until 2006. This might because of Chinese huge population, diminish the GDP level. 4 Forecast for Chinese Outward FDI Scale Model equation (1) shows us the relation of NFDI and economic develop in on country. We will continue to find the extreme value and average critical value for China. According to equation (1), we get NOI= 0.00019058(PGDP - 1970.3)2- 593.996 (2) Equation (2) means, when PGDP=1970.3, Chinese NOI will reach the lowest point, it will be USD-59.4 trillion. If Chinese PGDP surpasses that point, Chinese OFDI must go into the third stage (in 2004, this has come true). And another important result from the equation is the significance of average critical value. If NOI=0, we get the intersection with horizontal axis is PGDP=3735.7414, from that point, NOI of China will change into positive, that means, from then on China will enter into the forth stage in FDI. According to the upper analysis, the PGDP level is a theoretical number, China will become huge investor in the world earlier. 84 5 Conclusion According to the analysis, this research gets the conclusions as the following: (1) IDP theory is generally suitable for China. (2) With continuing increase in NOI for 4 years, China can be judged as having entered into the third stage form 2005. But Chinese reality is not same as Dunning’s prediction. (3) We find further proof to test and position Chinese outward FDI developing path and stage by the empirical analysis based on IPI theory. (4)When Chinese GDP per capita equals to $3735.7414, from that point, NOI of China will change into positive that means, from then on China will enter into the fourth stage in FDI. References [1]. Dunning, J. H. Trade, Location of Economic Activity and the Multinational Enterprise: A Search of an Eclectic Approach. Macmillan, London, 1997 [2]. Paul R.Krugman, Rethinking international trade. 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