Numerical Simulation Study on Mechanical Properties of
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Numerical Simulation Study on Mechanical Properties of
Physical and Numerical Simulation of Geotechnical Engineering 1st Issue, Sep. 2010 Numerical Simulation Study on Mechanical Properties of High-Pressure Water Injection Coal Seam ZHENG Chao, YANG Tianhong, CHEN Shikuo, LIU Honglei College of Resources and Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, P.R.China, 110819 [email protected] ABSTRACT: With the increasing of mining depth and the improving of mining mechanization degree, the gas outburst became bottleneck of improving productivity and mining safety in high thickness gas mines. High-pressure water injection is an emerging measure to eliminating the coal and gas outburst. This emerging measure not only has many advantages, but also improves the working environment and speed excavation, and commonly used in coal mine. But people can't enough know about stress evolution, softening zone distribution and water seepage law during high-pressure water injection, which lead to determine some construction link depend on experience. In order to make clear those problems, fluid-solid coupling model of coal rock damage was established by means of the theory of seepage mechanics and damage mechanics, finite elements software COMSOLMultiphysics was used to simulate coal high-pressure water injection to analyze coal rock mechanical properties and water seepage law. According to the numerical experiment, high-pressure water injection caused fracture damage of coal rock mass, ultimately lead to form a damage area around the water injection hole. Coal rock porosity became larger in the damage area induce permeability of the coal body around the infusing borehole to improve. Pressure relief area of coal became bigger; stress concentration value was decreased; the trend of stress concentration slowed down; stress concentration area was moved to deep. The results of experiments show that the effect of the high-pressure water injection on eliminating the coal and gas outburst is comparatively considerable, and is helpful for site construction of high-pressure water injection. KEYWORDS: High-pressure water injection, Coal rock, Gas, Eliminating outburst measure 1 INTRODUCTION Gas outburst is the most important threat during coal mining. Especially now coal and gas outburst posed greater threat than before because coal mining has been extended to the deep, ground stress and gas pressure increased[1-3]. In order to prevent gas outburst disease, people did a lot of works, but many existing elimination outburst measures can not meet the requirements. High-pressure water injection is an emerging measure to eliminating the coal and gas outburst. High-pressure water injection not only bring less engineering quantity and low over standard rate of test, but also improve the working environment and raise the driving speed[4-7]. Although domestic and foreign scholars carried out many related researches on elimination outburst mechanism of high-pressure water injection for a long time, people can't enough know about stress evolution, softening zone distribution and water seepage law during high-pressure water injection which lead to determine some construction link depend on experience because of invisibility of high-pressure water injection process[8-12]. This paper used finite elements software COMSOL-Multiphysics to simulate high-pressure water injection process for further studying elimination outburst mechanism based on fluid-solid coupling mathematic model. 2 FLUID-SOLID COUPLING MATHEMATIC MODEL OF COAL Stress equilibrium differential displacement and stress[13-16]: G u j ,ij Gui , ij p 0 1 2 equation (1) Initial condition of stress field: when t was equal to 0, displacement or particle speed is initial value. Water seepage flow need to meet energy conservation principle and mass conservation principle. Flow procedure in accordance with Darcy's law. Seepage equation of high-pressure water injection as follows: k 2 p Q p v t t (2) Initial condition of seepage equation as follows: P t 0 p0 (3) Relational expression that fluid impact on elasticity modulus of solid matrix as follows: E E0 exp(b0 p) Where is fracture (4) pressure coefficient; p is pore water pressure; v is volumetric strain; coefficient; modulus; E ;E is elastic 2(1 ) is poisson ratio; E0 is initial elastic modulus; G is shear modulus, k is permeability G b0 is material parameters relative to coal rock mass. © ST. PLUM-BLOSSOM PRESS PTY LTD with Physical and Numerical Simulation of Geotechnical Engineering 1st Issue, Sep. 2010 3 NUMERICAL SIMULATION HIGH-PRESSURE WATER INJECTION OF is 13m. Boundary conditions of five holes were fixed-pressure boundaries; all outside surfaces of model was impervious boundaries. There are exterior load whose direction was downward is equal to 10MPa over the upper side for simulating deadweight of overlying strata; constraints of five water injection holes were free; other surfaces were restricted by normal displacement. Water injection pressure is 12MPa; water injection time is 2h. 3.1 Numerical model Geometric model was shown below. Floor strata thickness and overlying strata thickness are both 1.5m; sealing length is 2m; each hole of five water injection holes Tab.1 material parameter E(Pa) coal density (kg/m3) Water density (kg/m3) coefficient of viscosity (Pa· s) permeability (m2) 7.41e9 0.33 2290 1000 1e-3 1e-15 3.2 Results Analysis constantly expanded. The pressure of holes around was the highest. The farther away from the hole, the pressure is lower. When t is equal to 7200 s, pressure field level-off, influence radius is 2m. The pressure distribution of coal rock mass at different time was shown in the Fig.1 and Fig.2. In Figure, with the passage of time, the pressure field around the hole Fig.1 pressure distribution (t=3600s) 111 Numerical Simulation Study on Mechanical Properties of High-Pressure Water Injection Coal Seam DOI: 10. 5503/J. PNSGE. 2010. 01.016 Fig.2 pressure distribution (t=7200s) The elasticity modulus distribution of coal rock mass at different time was shown in the Fig.3 and Fig.4. We suppose the elasticity modulus of coal is less than a quarter of the original value, we believe that coal rock damage. In Figure, after high-pressure water injection operations, the oval-shaped damage zone was produced around the water injection holes. The pressure water produced internal water pressure in the all levels weak planes. All levels weak planes consist of bedding face, cutting fracture and primary fracture and so on. Internal water pressure caused weak planes continue to expand and extend, and formed transfixion network. This is the formation cause of the oval-shaped damage zone. The radius of damage area is 1.5m. Fig.3 elasticity modulus distribution (t=3600s) 112 Physical and Numerical Simulation of Geotechnical Engineering 1st Issue, Sep. 2010 Fig.4 elasticity modulus distribution (t=7200s) Fig.5 has shown that comparison of elasticity modulus before and after high-pressure water injection. After high-pressure water injection, the value of elasticity modulus dropped from 7410MPa to 6.2e-2MPa. The decreasing range of elasticity modulus was greatly. This demonstrates that coal rock produced obvious damage. Fig.6 has shown that comparison of stress before and after high-pressure water injection. Pressure relief area of coal became bigger; stress concentration value was decreased; the trend of stress concentration slowed down; stress concentration area was moved to deep. before high-pressure water injection elasticity modulus\Pa 9.00E+09 after high-pressure water injection 8.00E+09 7.00E+09 6.00E+09 5.00E+09 4.00E+09 3.00E+09 2.00E+09 1.00E+09 0.00E+00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 X\m 14 16 18 20 22 Fig.5 Comparison of elasticity modulus before and after high-pressure water injection 113 Numerical Simulation Study on Mechanical Properties of High-Pressure Water Injection Coal Seam DOI: 10. 5503/J. PNSGE. 2010. 01.016 7.00E+07 after high-pressure water injection 6.00E+07 before high-pressure water injection stress\Pa 5.00E+07 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 X\m Fig.6 Comparison of stress before and after high-pressure water injection 4 CONCLUSION REFERENCES (1) With the passage of time of water injection, the pressure field around the hole constantly expanded. After two hours of high-pressure water injection, influence radius of the pore water pressure reaches the maximum, which value was about 2m.change law of influence radius of the pore water pressure was the prophase of high-pressure water injection changed greatly; the longer water injection time, the smaller influence radius changed. When influence radius reached a certain value, tended to steady state. (2) High pressure caused fracture damage of coal rock mass, ultimately resulting to form a damage area around the water injection hole. 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