Management & Engineering Empirical Studies on the Relationship Between Logistics
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Management & Engineering Empirical Studies on the Relationship Between Logistics
Management & Engineering 20 (2015) 1838-5745 Contents lists available at SEI Management & Engineering journal homepage: Empirical Studies on the Relationship Between Logistics Development and the Economic Growth of Tertiary Industry of Hunan Caihong XIE, Dingti LUO Finance and Economics Department, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou, Hunan, China KEYWORDS ABSTRACT Logistics, The tertiary industry, Cointegration test, Granger test On the basis of theoretical analysis, using the data between 1984 to 2008 of Hunan province, regarding the quantity of shipments (million tons) and the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry (million Yuan) as a research index, this paper verifies the cointegration and the causality of the logistics industry and the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry through ADF test and Granger test by using the economic analysis software—Eviews. The result shows that there exists long-term stability of the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry and logistics development. Hunan province's economic growth of the tertiary industry promotes the logistics development, but the role of logistics development to the economic growth is not so obvious. Several suggestions for logistics development are them provided. © ST. PLUM-BLOSSOM PRESS PTY LTD 1 Introduction 1.1 Research background The "logistics" as "the third profit source" of the enterprise in the 21st century plays an indelible role in the national economic development, so it is not only the basis and "artery" of the national economy, but also the "lubricant" and "propellant" of the regional economic development, and even when impacted severely by 2008 financial crisis, China's logistics industry still maintained the steady and rapid development. With the national development of logistics in recent years, the logistics industry in Hunan makes full use of its special geographical position to make the rapid development, and the modern logistics has become the key industry and new economic growth point in Hunan production services, and in 2008, the logistics freight volume in Hunan Province reached 1.07823 billion tons, increasing by 8.36% over last year. About the relationship between modern logistics and economic growth, there are two opposite views in the academic community: the logistics promotion view and economic drive view. In the logistics promotion view, the modern logistics develops as the promotion of its supply ability, and the promotion of supply ability gives an impetus to the economic growth. However, in the economic drive view, the economic growth generates the demands on the modern Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] English edition copyright © ST. PLUM-BLOSSOM PRESS PTY LTD DOI:10.5503/J.ME.2015.20.015 75 logistics, and then, the modern logistics is driven to develop, and the improved economic ensure the smooth development of modern logistics. 1.2 Literature review Overseas logistics research starts earlier, but most are concentrated in the microscopic enterprise level, that is, to provide the overall optimization strategy for enterprises. Through the literature review, it is found in the overseas researches that the there are not many macroscopic researches on the relation between the logistics and economic growth. Such as the perspective of Closs etc. (2005) from the view of logistics capabilities, the enterprise should reasonably arrange the logistics system, and improve the logistics response and distribution capacities and the assets productivity to meet changing needs, resources and international market competition and the personalized customer demand, and the higher customer expectations. Such as Leonard (2003) and Akonmbe (2005) from the view of regional logistics development, during the regional economic integration, the government should make the guide and promote, but also the function of production factors allocation depending on the market mechanisms should be strengthened to promote the integration of regional industry and market, and to nurture and develop the common market. Mirjam etc. (2001) get Trinidad Island, Tobago Island, and Singapore economic zone etc. as the study objects, and make the empirical research on the relation between the regional logistics industry and regional develop, and aim to provide theoretical guidance for the construction of the Dutch economy. In recent years, some academics do some quantitative research of the relationship of the logistics and economic growth by the measurement of economic analysis software. Some from the angle of the whole country's economic, Li Wenxun (2004) studied the relationship of logistics and GDP and concluded that there exiisted reliable cointegration and one-way causality between them. Considering the energy price index, Li Li (2006) found that the turnover of freight traffic and GDP existing one-way causality. Qian Xiaoying (2007) found that there existed one-way causality between fixed assets investment and the logistics. Bu Xiangzhi (2009) studied logistics development and economic growth by using cointegretion and Granger causality tests, and found that there exists highly positive correlation and long-term cointegretion between the gross domestic product and cargo transport, freight volume and the output of transportation, storage and communications sectors, respectively. Some authors learned the relationship from the background of certain region or area. Building a turnover of freight traffic and GDP growth model, Cheng Shiping (2006), Ruan Luning (2006), Peng Rengui (2007) and Li Zhengfeng (2009) analyzed the contribution rate of logistics for economic growth as the special region of Anhui province, Jiangxi province, the Yangtze river delta and Lianyun port, respectively. Ping Xianbing (2008) studied the influence of logistics to Hunan’s GDP growth but he used the Logistic model. Seen from the above literature, there are many scholars studying the cointegration and the causality of the logistics industry and economic growth, but not involved in the logistics and economic growth of Hunan province, particularly with the tertiary industry of economic growth. Using the data from 1984 to 2008 of Hunan province of Statistical Yearbook of Hunan, regarding the freight volume (million tons) and the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry (million Yuan) as research indexes, this paper verifies the Cointegration and the causality of the logistics industry and the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry through ADF test and Granger test by using the economic analysis software—Eviews, that is, testing whether there is long-term equilibrium of the economic growth of Hunan’s tertiary industry and logistics development and testing whether the Hunan’s logistics industry pushes the development of tertiary industry or otherwise or there is complementary relationship between them. Through the testing results, this paper is purpose to providing several suggestions for Hunan’s logistics development. 2 Empirical Analysis on the Interactive Relationship of Hunan’s Logistics Development and the Tertiary Industry’s Economic Development 2.1 Variable constructing and data processing Using the data from 1984 to 2008 of Hunan province of Statistical Yearbook of Hunan as a sample section, which is a reliable source, considering the issue of variable’s colinearity, this paper only selects the indicator of freight volume (million tons) reflecting the logistics development and the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry (million Yuan) as an object. To eliminate the heteroskedasticity, this paper uses the logarithm of original data. The processed data are as per Table 1 below: Table 1 The processed data of the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry and freight volume between 1984-2008 Year 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Log(TGDP)/ Millin Yuan 1.737749074 1.875928985 1.949828959 2.040997692 2.16363836 2.226187323 2.333185208 76 Log(hyl)/ million Ton 4.50242712 4.517222298 4.542850314 4.5532396 4.591287265 4.577974081 4.576433498 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2.398512899 2.51308436 2.592154542 2.72214836 2.830049475 2.917027365 2.978513759 3.03106089 3.094575934 3.168317718 3.199829198 3.244635791 3.300112666 3.360706989 3.421682882 3.489249537 3.563129711 3.624917084 4.615097451 4.628879151 4.663455918 4.685275853 4.697969977 4.702895603 4.690018781 4.691497013 4.709125738 4.709507401 4.724562573 4.717304277 4.777803676 4.843108142 4.885790778 4.929408707 4.997827445 5.032711411 TGDP and hyl represents the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry and freight volume, respectively. 2.2 Cointegration test Cointegration test can be understood that two variables have a long-term stable relationship. Since this paper uses the data of time sequence, it is required to test the variable’s stationary. We obtain the test result of ADF by the use of software — Eviews, shown as Table 2. Table 2 The result of variable’s ADF test statistic Variable ADF Test Value Testing Form Log(TGDP) -1.295 (C, T, 0) Log(hyl) 0.402 (C, T, 0) DLog(TGDP) -1.679 (C, 0, 1) DLog(hyl) -3.028 (C, 0, 1) DDLog(TGDP) -10.264 (0, 0, 2) DDLog(hyl) -7.208 (0, 0, 2) Critical Value -4.394(1%), -3.612(5%), -3.243(10%) -4.394(1%), -3.612(5%), -3.243(10%) -3.770(1%), -3.005(5%), -2.642(10%) -3.753(1%), -2.998(5%), -2.639(10%) -2.674(1%), -1.957(5%), -1.608(10%) -2.674(1%), -1.957(5%), -1.608(10%) Conclusion non-stationary non-stationary non-stationary non-stationary non-stationary non-stationary non-stationary non-stationary non-stationary non-stationary non-stationary non-stationary stationary stationary stationary stationary stationary stationary Notice: (1) Test form (C, T, k), C represents intercept, 0 represents no intercept; T represents trend, 0 represents no trend; k represents lag intervarls. (2) D and DD represents first-order difference and second-order difference to variable, respectively. Comparing ADF test statistic of each sequence with the critical value, the original sequence of log (tgdp) and log (hyl) and first-order differenc sequence dlogtgdp dlog (hyl) are non-stationary under the cases of the significant level of 1%, 5% and 10%. However, the second-order difference sequence is stationary. We can get the conclusion that log (tgdp) and log (hyl) are the second-order cointegration sequence which satisfied with the premise. Deal log (tgdp) and log (hyl) with OLS estimation, we can get a sequence of residual, named et. The result of Do ADF testing with the sequence of residual, is shown in the following Table 3. From the data in Table 3, all of the absolute value of ADF value is greater than the critical value of each significant level. There is no unit root and the sequence is stable, that is, there exists long-term stability of the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry and logistics development. It is still uncertain whether such a long-term equilibrium is causal. Next we use Granger causality tests to analyze the relationship. 77 Table 3 Residual’s ADF testing result Variable ADF Testing Testing Form 1% Critical Value 5% Critical Value 10% Critical Value Conclusion et -8.637 (0, 0, 2) -2.674 -1.957 -1.608 stationary 2.3 Granger causality test The purpose of causality test is testing whether the economic variables exists the relationship of one-way or two-way. In this paper, the inspection is whether the economic growth of Hunan’s tertiary industry pulls logistics development or logistics development urges the economic growth of Hunan’s tertiary industry. The testing approache is: using the current explained variable regress the explained variable and explaining variable with some lag intervals which tests whether explaining variable with some lag intervals as a whole improved the regression result. If yes, the explaining variable can granger cause the explained variable, or otherwise. Cointegration test show there exists long-term stability of the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry and logistics development. However, whether there is a causality relationship needs further verification. When conducting granger causality test, the testing results is sensitive to the lag intervals and is limited by the sample capacity. This paper selects three different lag intervals and use the Granger causality test function of Eviews to test the existence granger causality between two variables. The testing results show in Table 4. Table 4 Granger causality test Lag intervals 1 2 3 Null Hypothesis Obs LOGHYL cannot granger cause LOGTGDP LOGTGDP cannot granger cause LOGHYL LOGHYL cannot granger cause LOGTGDP LOGTGDP cannot granger cause LOGHYL LOGHYL cannot granger cause LOGTGDP LOGTGDP cannot granger cause LOGHYL 24 23 22 F-statistic Prob. 3.31959 0.30548 1.66258 0.00276 1.03708 3.45653 0.0827 0.5863 0.2175 0.9972 0.4045 0.0435 Table 4 shows that the inspection results under 1, 2 lagged period is not the granger cause for each other, but under the significant level of 5% (F- statistic critical value is 2.82) of 3 lag intervals, deny "logtgdp cannot granger cause loghyl", but accept "loghyl cannot granger cause logtgdp," that is, the economic growth of Hunan’s tertiary industry can granger cause logistics development, but logistics development cannot granger cause the economic growth of Hunan’s tertiary industry and the acceleration of third industrial to logistics exist two years lag intervals. 3 Conclusion By the above cointegration test and causality tests, we can find that there exists long-term stability of the added value of Hunan’s tertiary industry and logistics development in recent years, and Hunan province's economic growth of the tertiary industry promotes the logistics development, but the role of logistics development to the economic growth is not so obvious. For Hunan, the logistics industry has a big space for development and all departments should pay more attention to the logistics’ further development. Several suggestions provided are as follows: Firstly, the government should increase the investment to strengthen the construction of logistics infrastructure platform, logistics information platform and logistics management platform, and then to enhance the efficiency of logistics operations in Hunan. Relying on the logistics industrial parks, the railway, highway, waterway and other transport channels construction should be strengthened; public logistics information systems and information system dedicated for logistics enterprises should be built up to provide facilities for the earlier realization of information; the standard system for the logistics industry, logistics policy regulations and market access system should be perfected. Secondly, enterprises should look for a suitable logistics model for its development, for example, the large powerful enterprises should choose the self-distribution model, but, for most small businesses, the logistics outsourcing is the best choice for enhancing the core competitiveness, and also they can make full use of third-party logistics market to adopt a common distribution model. Thirdly, about colleges and universities, in recent years, many universities and vocational institutions in Hunan open the logistics major, but from the view of the current training methods, these majors focus mainly on the theoretical train, but the theoretical development falls far behind the actual demands, so our colleges and universities should not only guide our students, but also should train their practice capacities. 78 References [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. [11]. [12]. [13]. Akombe RK. 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