Time Series Analysis of China and Africa’s GDP: A Case of...
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Time Series Analysis of China and Africa’s GDP: A Case of...
M & D FORUM Time Series Analysis of China and Africa’s GDP: A Case of Sudan LIU Zhuang Department of Economics, Lanzhou University, P.R.China, 730107 Abstract: Using 1985-2009 GDP data of both China and Sudan, the study investigate economic linkage between the two countries. We find that: 1) there’s cointegration between China’s GDP and Sudan’s. 2) Further analysis based on the construction of Vector Error Correction model has been employed, Granger causality test based on VEC Model shows that the Granger causal relationship between the two countries is insignificant. 3) Analysis using impulse response functions and variance decomposition method has been conducted and reveals that part of variance in Sudan’s GDP can be explained by China’s GDP, and 1 standard deviation of positive shock in GDP of China will give Sudan’s GDP a rise of approximately 3 percent. Keywords: China, Sudan, cointegration, VEC model, Granger causality test, generalized impulse response functions, variance decomposition 1 Introduction The emergence of Chinese economy has been observed in recent decades. As China speed up its integration into the trade liberalization by joining the World Trade Organization, the connection of China between the rest of the world has been strengthened by international trade. Also, rapid development of trade between China and African countries has taken place during recent years, the Sino-African trade has expanded from close to $10 billion in 2001 to nearly $130 billion in 2010, What’s more, Chinese FDI has leaped from $100 million in 2000 to near $1 billion in 20061, the increasing Sino-Africa trade has provided both side opportunities in globalization. Some researchers has noticed the heated Sino-Africa relationship. According to Ali Zafar (2007), China effects Sub-Saharan African economy mainly by its huge demand of resources particularly oil and metal, and its exports of low-cost textile, the effect has been manifold, China’s strong demand of oil and metal has contributed to the price and thereby benefiting those resources-export countries, but it also deteriorated the condition of oil-import countries. The exports of textile has benefit African consumer while hurts local industry by its low price. Joseph Onjala (2010) investigated the bilateral trade between China and Kenya, concluded that the Sino-Kenyan trade relationship is manifold: China’s exports significantly impacted Kenya by competition with local industry, on the other hand, the import from China is beneficial to Kenyan economy and generally Kenyans are positive about the trade relationship with China. While the emergence of China has stimulated extensive research, relatively little empirical analysis has been done regarding the correlation between China and Africa economy in contemporary literature, In this paper we’re engaged to apply time series method to examine the economic relationship using Sudan as an example. The economy of Sudan ranks the 8th among all African countries, its economy is dominated by agriculture and mining. Oil is now the main driver of growth which contributed to 22% of the GDP, while agriculture still accounts for more than one third of GDP and nearly two-thirds of employment2. We think Sudan represent some similar properties exist among African economy, the investigation on the GDP correspondence between Sudan and China should shed some light on analysis of Sino-African economic relationship. The paper is structured as follows: In Section 2, begins by general discussion of methodologies and data employed in the paper. In Section 3, detailed empirical analysis is conducted to construct a Vector Error 1 2 Data is obtained from Chinese Ministry of Commerce. Data obtained from African Outlook Review website. 12 M & D FORUM Correction model to estimate the Sino-Sudan economic relationship. Method of impulse response function and variance decomposition is performed and the results are presented. Conclusion is finally presented in Section 4. 2 Data and Methodologies 2.1 Data In this study, we use the 1985-2009 GDP data of China and Sudan, for analytical simplicity and the reason that Sino-Sudan connection becomes observable after the 1980s. The data is retrieved from Penn World Table, collected by Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices, University of Pennsylvania. Purchasing Power Parity converted GDP per capita is used and transformed using Chain Fisher index at 2005 constant price. Then log transformation is applied on the data. 2.2 Methodologies The main objective of this paper is to investigate the relationship between China and Sudan using GDP data and time series methods. Unit root test and cointegration test is first employed to examine time series properties of the data. According to results of the unit root test and cointegration test, using framework developed by Davidson et al., (1978), a VEC Model is constructed, and Granger causality test, variance decomposition and impulse response functions analysis is employed in turn to capture their dynamic causal relationship. Statistical software Eviews 5.0 is used for analysis in this paper. 3 Empirical Analysis and Results 3.1 Unit root test To carry out cointegration analysis and further analysis on VEC Model, time series must be stationary, Philips (1987) points out that ‘spurious regression’ may happen using non-stationary time series for direct analysis, Unit root test is thus needed, here we use Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test, the result is shown in Table 1: (C, T, P) indicates the inclusion of constant term, linear trend and lag length, respectively. Lag length is determined by Schwarz Information Criteria. Here the null hypothesis is that the series have unit root, which indicates non-stationarity and vice versa. The t-statistics and p-value for each variable at both level and first-difference is given in the table, from the table we can conclude that both lnCHN and lnSUD are integrated of order 1. Table 1 Result of Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Critical Variable (C, T, P) t-statistics p-value* values(5%) lnCHN (C, 0, 4) 1.2621 -3.0207 0.9973 lnSUD (C, 0, 0) -0.7940 -2.9919 0.8028 D(lnCHN) (C, 0, 3) -4.5752 -3.0207 0.0019 D(lnSUD) (C, 0, 1) -4.7117 -3.0049 0.0012 *MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values. conclusion Accept Accept Reject Reject 3.2 Cointegration test The existence of cointegration which indicates long-run relationship between the two variables is the prerequisite for the further analysis. Based on the result of unit root test, the two series lnCHN and lnSUD are all I(1), this enable us to use the approach pioneered by Johansen (1988) to examine their cointegration, Johansen test is thus conducted using Eviews 5.0, Both Johansen (trace) test and Johansen ( max eigenvalue) test have reap the same results shown in Table 2. From the result, both trace test and maximum eigenvalue test indicate 1 cointegration equations at the 0.05 level. 13 M & D FORUM Table 2 Result of Johansen cointegration test Maximum Hypothesized Trace Critical Conclusion eigenvalue number of CE(s) statistics value(5%) statistics None* 17.0127 15.4947 16.5356 1 CE At most 1 0.4771 3.8415 0.4771 * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level Critical value(5%) Conclusion 14.2646 3.8415 1 CE 3.3 Vector Error Correction Model Vector Error Correction Model is developed by Davidson et al., (1987). The main idea of VEC Model is to include an error correction term which adjusts short-run fluctuation, thus enabling the model to capture both long-run and short-run properties. Engle and Granger (1987) pointed out that if non-stationary variables are cointegrated, VAR model would be misspecified, and cointegrated non-stationary variables can always be expressed by VEC Model. Given that cointegration relationship exists between the two variables, we can then construct the VEC model. The VEC Model can be expressed as follows: k ∆ = ln CHN [α1i ∆ lnCHNt−i + β1i∆ ln SUDt−i ] + λ1ECMt−1 +ε1t ∑ i=1 (1) k ∆ ln SUD = [α ∆ ln SUD + β ∆ln CHN ] + λ ECM +ε ∑ 2i t −i 2i t −i 2 t −1 2t i =1 In the model, the ECM is the error correction term, εis white noise error, k denotes the lag length and t denotes time. After we get the estimation of the model using Eviews5.03, an AR Roots test is used to test the stability of the model, the AR Roots Graph is shown in Figure 1, from the graph, we can see except the 1 unit root imposed by the model, all the roots lies within the unit circle, indicating that the model is stable, so further analysis can be carried on. Inverse Roots of AR Characteristic Polynomial 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Figure 1 AR Roots Graph 3.3.1 Granger Causality Test based on VEC Model Since the normal Granger causality test only apply to the stationary series, according to Gao (2006) test on cointegrated non-stationary series have to be carried out based on the VEC Model, we employ an alternative using Granger Causality/Block Exogeneity Wald test to examine the long-run causal relationship. The result of Granger Causality test is shown in Table 3. The test result shows neither the 3 Estimation parameters are not reported in the paper but will be given upon request. 14 M & D FORUM null hypothesis that D(lnCHN) does not Granger cause D(lnSUD) nor that D(lnSUD) does not Granger cause D(lnCHN) is accepted at 0.05 significant level. Table 3 VEC Granger Causality/Block Exogeneity Wald Tests Result Dependent variable: D(lnCHN) Excluded D(lnSUD) All Dependent variable: D(lnSUD) Chi-sq 0.4873 0.4873 Df 2 2 Prob 0.7838 0.7838 Excluded D(lnCHN) All Chi-sq 1.9253 1.9253 df 2 2 Prob 0.3819 0.3819 3.3.2 Variance Decomposition Variance decomposition indicates how much of the predict error variance can be explained by exogenous shock of other variable. Result is shown in Figure 2 for a 10 year period using Cholesky Decomposition. From the graph, for all the periods, almost all of the variance of lnCHN is exclusively explained by itself, for lnSUD, at the 4th period, most of the variance is explained by itself, only 10% can be explained by lnCHN, in the following period, explaining power of lnCHN increase and account for approximately 40% of the variability and the remaining 60% is explained by lnSUD itself in the 10th period. Variance Decomposition of LNCHN Variance Decomposition of LNSUD 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 LNCHN 6 7 8 9 10 1 LNS UD 2 3 4 5 LNCHN 6 7 8 9 10 LNSUD Figure 2 Variance Decomposition Results 3.3.3 Impulse Response Functions Variance decomposition explained the proportion of variance in one variable that is explained by the other variables, but the more specific effect is remained unknown. Impulse response function is thus employed to further analyze the effect. Here we use the generalized impulse response function whose framework is developed by Pesaran and Shin (1998), it will examine the dynamic behavior of one variable after exogenous change in one of the other variable. The results is shown is Figure 3, as illustrated in the graph, in response to a positive standard deviation shock in itself, lnCHN will increase by approximately 6 percent and then become stable after the 3rd period, as to a positive standard deviation shock in lnSUD, it will decrease a little bit and recover at about the 6th period. The impact is less than 1 percent, so lnCHN is relatively insensitive to lnSUD. For the variable lnSUD, the shock in itself will cause strong vibration at beginning and die down to original level at the end of the 10th period, regarding to shock from lnCHN, it will at first decrease and then display upward trend in the following period and eventually become stable after the 8th period, increasing by approximately 3 percent. The GDP of Sudan is relatively sensitive to China’s GDP. 15 M & D FORUM Response of LNCHN to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations Response of LNSUD to Cholesky One S.D. Innovations .07 .08 .06 .06 .05 .04 .04 .03 .02 .02 .00 .01 -.02 .00 -.01 -.04 1 2 3 4 5 LNCHN 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 LNSUD 3 4 5 LNCHN 6 7 8 9 10 LNSUD Figure 3 Impulse Response Functions Results 4 Conclusion The findings in this paper indicate the existence long-run equilibrium relationship between GDP of China and Sudan, supported by Johansen cointegration test. However, Granger causality test based on VEC Model indicating no significant causal relationship between China and Sudan. Using variance decomposition and impulse response function analysis, we find evidence that China’s GDP growth can exert an upward impact on Sudan’s GDP and part of Sudan’s variance in its GDP can be explained by China’s GDP performance. Apart from the result, the limitation in this paper should be noted as well. First, the analysis only investigate the relationship statistically, doesn’t provide insight into the underlying reason for their relationship. The study can be enriched when time series data such as trade volume is acquired in the future. Second, our research only limit to the GDP data of the two countries, using Sudan as an example to capture the economic linkage between China and Africa, further analysis can be conducted to extend the results to other African countries. References [1]. Granger C W J. Some recent development in a concept of causality, Journal of Econometrics, 1988(39): 199-211. [2]. Phillips, Peter C.B. Time Series Regression with a Unit Root, Econometrica, (1987), 55(2), 277-301. [3]. M. H. Pesaran, Y· Shin. Generalized impulse response analysis in linear multivariate models [J] Economic Letters, (1998), 58(1): 17-29. [4]. Johansen, S. ‘Statistical analysis of cointegrating vectors,’ Journal of Econometric Dynamics and Control (1988)12, 231–54 [5]. Gao Tiemei. The Econometrics Analyses Method and the Model Building: Eviews Application and the Example [M]. 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