
Coalition Joint Spectrum Management and Planning Tool (CJSMPT)

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Coalition Joint Spectrum Management and Planning Tool (CJSMPT)
Coalition Joint Spectrum Management and Planning Tool (CJSMPT)
Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories
Harris Zebrowitz
CJSMPT Program Background
Coalition Joint Spectrum Management and Planning Tool (CJSMPT) is a 30-month Joint Concept
Technology Development (JCTD) managed by the U.S. Army CERDEC that began in May 2005.
Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories (LM ATL) is the prime contractor, working in
cooperation with Alion Science, SYColeman, Battle Command Battle Lab (BCBL) of Fort Gordon, Joint
Spectrum Center (JSC), and Penn State University. During the first 11 months of the program, CJSMPT
developed spectrum management and planning capability to mitigate the effects of electronic warfare
(EW) operations on Blue military systems during maneuver operations. Enhancing this capability to
perform efficient spectrum management of all known emitters through an automated spectrum planning
capability is the long-term objective. CJSMPT has been designated as Spiral I of the Defense Information
Systems Agency’s (DISA) Global Electromagnetic Spectrum Information System (GEMSIS), which is
intended to provide capabilities for integrated spectrum operations across the entire Department of
Defense in addition to interoperability with federal, state, and local government spectrum agencies and
coalition forces. Version 1.0 of CJSMPT will be delivered to CERDEC in June 2007 with limited
deployment to Iraq in August 2007.
CJSMPT Technical Background
The CJSMPT architecture is comprised of five key components that coordinate to perform the spectrum
management planning and radio frequency de-confliction processes:
• Spectrum Manager (SM) coordinates overall operation of the system and executes de-confliction
• Communication Effects Simulator (CES) simulates anticipated missions to predict conflicts. The CES
is based on LM ATL’s CSIM Simulator and has been further developed under the CERDEC S&TCD
ATO program called COMPOSER.
• Visualizer (VIZ) visualizes spectrum use including EW effects.
• Spectrum Knowledge Repository
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(SKR) contains key scenario data to
support simulation of mission
(force structure, emitter characteristics, spectrum usage, etc.).
• Framework provides open, serviceVisualizer
oriented architecture with
mechanisms for component data
Tutorial Plan
Lockheed Martin Advanced
Technology Laboratories, in
conjunction with CERDEC S&TCD,
plans to present a 90-minute tutorial
covering the CJSMPT program and
technology. We plan on 60 minutes to
cover the technology and a
demonstration of the tool in the final
30 minutes.
Status Bar
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Annotated screen shot is shown in CJSMPT.
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