
Beijing New Rural Sci-tech Service System -A Case Study of

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Beijing New Rural Sci-tech Service System -A Case Study of
Beijing New Rural Sci-tech Service System -A Case Study of
Chaoyang District
YE Dan 1, HUANG Jing 2
1. Beijing Research Center of Urban Systems Engineering, Beijing, 100089
2. Dongxinfang Sub-district Office of Mentougou District, Beijing, 102300
[email protected]
Abstract: The service system for rural science and technology is important to promote the urban-rural
integration. The article analyzes connotation of the new service system in rural science and technology
by literature research and illustrates the overall development of o Rural Science and Technology of
Chaoyang District in Beijing. On that basis, the article makes analysis on problems of rural science and
technology service system of Chaoyang District.
Keywords: new rural sci-tech service system, Beijing
1 Introduction
Rural technology service system is an important pillar of agricultural sci-tech progress, and is the basic
security of agricultural industrialization, industrialization and modernization. Therefore, it is an
important content of the construction of new socialist countryside.
To better play the role of development in the rural, exclude the drawbacks of the traditional agricultural
technology popularization system, the government innovations rural technology service system in
building rural technology service system, training new farmers, optimizing the rural sci-tech personnel.
such as national sci-tech popularization system improvement, the ministry of sci-tech correspondent
system, and a variety of services form basing on modern technology, concluding building information
platform, network information and so on, to adapt to modern agricultural development in complex and
diverse needs of sci-tech. These systems and network constitute large of agricultural extension system,
play an important role of extending the technology to farms, promoting rural economic development.
The Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission issued a "The comments of Circular on
Further Promoting the Construction of Rural Science and Technology Coordinator" (hereinafter referred
to as "views") in 2007. From strategic, creative thinking and long-term mechanism, it proposed new
ways to build a rural modern sci-tech service system, and advised the core of the rural sci- tech
coordinator to develop rural modern sci- tech service system. The Beijing Municipal Science and
Technology Commission deeply implemented "the theme Plan of Science and Technology for
Development District ", established a new technology service system to lead the local economic and
social development through technology means. The function and position of Chaoyang District
according to the overall planning of Beijing, rural technology service system supporting communication
technology bear important responsibilities to better convergence of three industries.
The paper investigates services and support function of technology about rural transformation. Not only
technology has an important role for the local industrial structure adjustment and economic development,
and community building and demonstration, technology awareness raising is also a wide range of social
benefits on the residents of the health, quality of life, enhancing the quality of individual skills as well as
changes in the functions of relevant departments. The paper can also provide experience for the further
development of reference in the process of urbanization.
The development of agricultural technology is a powerful force for rural development. The sci-tech
service system in rural areas is an important pillar of agricultural scientific and technological progress as
well as the basic security achieving the industrialization and modernization of agriculture. Thus it is also
an important element of the construction of new socialist countryside.
2 The Connotation of Rural Science and Sci-tech Service System
In general, the traditional rural technology service is the agricultural technology extension service. The
traditional agricultural technology extension system is purely the governmental extension system based
on the agricultural sector. It is a top-down one and promoted by the national agricultural technology
extension under the planned economic system.
The rural sci-tech service system in this report includes not only the new established welfare system of
government for reforming traditional agricultural technology extension system, but also other emerging
organizations systems or service models be capable of providing technology services in rural areas. It is
different from the traditional system of agricultural technology extension system and an integrated
system focused on technological services which are suitable for the development of modern agriculture
and rural economy. That system, made up of a variety of technology services organization as its
constituent elements or subsystem, is constituted by service organizations which provide technology
services for farmers and other market players in rural areas and infrastructure and policy environment. It
is consisted of three major components as rural technology service organizations, the infrastructure
support the organizational development and the policy environment. The organization is the core.
Constructing the rural sci-tech service system is an important measure to implement the strategy of
invigorating the country through science and education, prosper the rural market economy and
promoting the rural well-off Building. The development of rural sci-tech service organization is an
objective requirement of completing rural market economy and realizing rural industrialization.
Developing rural sci-tech service system can enhance the international competitiveness of agriculture as
well as improve the service functions of government.
3 The Current Status of Rural Sci-tech Service System of Chaoyang District
The rural sci-tech service system adapts to the new socialist market economy and rural development
rules, to serve rural community as the overall coverage, to farmers as ultimate object, to take life and
spiritual and cultural needs of farmers as the service content, and to improve their living standards and
quality as the final objectives. It is participated widely by governments, research institutions, farmer
cooperative organizations, enterprises and social organizations, etc. It effectively disseminates, teaches
and transfers to farmers new ideas, new knowledge, new technologies, new skills and new information
through modern techniques, communication methods and forms of organization, and keeps abreast and
feedbacks sci-tech requirement of farms, agriculture and rural, so as to promote the transformation of
ways of production, lifestyles, thinking and organization. The rural sci-tech service system of Chaoyang
District includes a team of rural sci-tech coordinator, workstations of sci-tech coordinator and Inn of
Caring Farmers.
3.1 Rural Sci-tech Coordinators
Rural sci-tech coordinators fully play a key role in rural technology enterprises, farmer cooperatives,
rural centers and the modern scientific and technological achievements in Beijing. There are 137 in
Chaoyang District in accordance with the requirements of localization, marketization, informatization.
3.1.1 Distribution of Staff
From the sex ratio, the amount of male is more than female respectively as 65% and 35%. From the age
composition, the proportion of under 30 years and 30 to 50 years age group are almost the same,
respectively for 41% and 44%, those over 50 years are accounted as 15% in all. Thus, the main
coordinators are mostly youth and middle-aged people.
3.1.2 Division of Types
According to the distribution of rural sci-tech coordinators, that is the organization of them Chaoyang
District divides them into the following types as, , village, township, district-level, enterprises (Parks)
and cooperatives (associations) Coordinator. Seeing from the organization of coordinators, they are
mainly in districts, towns and villages, accounted respectively for 13%, 27% and 35%, totallyas 75%.
Followed by the enterprises and cooperatives, accounting for 10% and 9%, the least is associations, only
6%, of which the largest number is village-level coordinators. Thus the coordinators are mostly from the
grassroots with strong localibility.
3.1.3 Policy and Management System
To strengthen sci-tech service system, Science and Technology Commission of Chaoyang District has
issued supporting policy, for example the Implementing Project of Building Rural Sci-tech Coordinators
of Chaoyang Districtand the Managements Approaches of Rural Sci-tech Coordinators Workstations of
Chaoyang Districts and other related documents. Chaoyang Science and Technology Commission not
only issued favorable policies to coordinators such as undertaking project, free training, talents training
fund and so on, but also made clear daily operating rules of workstations.
Established coordinator teams of rural sci-tech of Chaoyang District, headed by the responsible Mayor
by establishing as effective three-tier management system to determine the different levels and
sub-sector management style, then district-level coordinators are responsible for township building,
township coordination members are responsible for leading enterprises and rural professional
organizations, college students village officials are giving assistance for building grass-roots
3.2 The Rural Technology Coordinator Team
Rural sci-tech coordinator station is an effective way of building a modern agriculture, increasing
farmers’ income, improving the organization of farmers and agricultural organizations, also is an
important channel of rural agriculture and rural sci-tech work. According to the actual needs of rural
sci-tech coordinators of Chaoyang District, it established eight stations of rural sci-tech coordinators.
Relying on rural sci-tech coordinator workstations, coordinators are encouraged and supported to
undertake all types of technology projects. They take the project to serve farmers and complete the
project in the process of service, which can fully play their leading roles in building a new socialist
3.3 Loving Agricultural Inn
The information project of Loving Agricultural Inn ws started in late 2005 by Beijing Municipal
Commission of Science and Technology. That project is promoting the process of agricultural
information suburbs, filling the digital divisions between urban and rural areas, so that fundamentally
changing the current situation, methods and concepts of the rural social life of Beijing. Loving
Agricultural Inn is the main carrier for Information Engineering of Composite Service Network For
Farmers, which is also launched by Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology.
Chaoyang District Science and Technology Commission built five Loving agricultural Inns, and
installed the two-way video network service system to consultation and diagnosis. Loving Agricultural
Inn not only satisfied rural technology needs, but also provided a strong sci-tech information support for
building new countryside. In the first half of 2010, Loving Agricultural Inn of Chaoyang District service
information was visted by more than 1900 people online, completed 10,635 payments collecting with
the amount of 268 million yuan.
4 Analysis on Building the Rural Sci-tech Service System of Chaoyang District,
4.1 The Forms of New Rural Technology Services of Chaoyang District
In the process of the project, the rural sci-tech research approach needs to be timely adjusted and not
limited to rural sci-tech services, other forms should be adopted, such as going out to learn, introducing
advanced experience, doing more survey, and so on.
Going out to learn is to discuss topics with experts in the scientific research institutes to expand ideas.
Chaoyang Science and Technology Commission have arranged local farmers to learn agricultural
techniques and investigate some well developed areas by field study. The technology combination work
is to promote sci-tech and scientific knowledge into villages and community.
Introducing advanced experience is to invite experts to conduct field research and determine pilots in
Chaoyang. Relying on capital research resources, Chaoyang Science and Technology Commission takes
many means as field schools, taking technology into farms and so on to improve the quality and
efficiency of training by focusing on the classified training and guiding services of coordinators,
technicians, vegetables masters, management staff and vegetables growers.
Doing more survey is to make meticulous research in grass-roots to enhance the quality of farmers.
Chaoyang Science and Technology Commission understands the needs of countryside and farmers and
provides them support in many aspects involved with agriculture landscape design of tourism, ideology
and morality, laws and regulations, health care, green Life of forms, and so on.
4.2 Difficulties of Promoting New Service and Technology System of Chaoyang District
Seeing from the main roles of promoting rural sci-tech, they are mainly departments relying on
government and cannot efficiently promote rural sci-tech achievements as some disadvantages. Rural
sci-tech dissemination mainly relies on local hotshots at present which has been resulted in narrow
channels and the knowledge limits of them. Most of rural sci-tech coordinator are village cadres in
promoting sci-tech of Chaoyang, subjecting to geographical conditions, the scope of business was
limited and mostly confined to the village agricultural production and business activities. Also, they are
lack of bigger and stronger momentum, consciousness long-term development and stamina of facing
fierce market competition. Now, the information of rural sci-tech demand mainly depends on the
government. The main body of rural sci-tech research is still research departments of government at all
levels, not the application and the operators of agricultural sci-tech. Which leads to the lacking of
interest driven and the unlink of agricultural products with R & D.
Seeing form the main audience of rural sci-tech promotion, most of them are the aged and women. Their
educational level is relatively lower than young people. They were deeply influenced by the traditional
farming experience and hardly to accept the advanced sci-tech knowledge, so agricultural sci-tech is
difficult to spread down. Spontaneous production and marketing strategy for farmers is weak and they
are also lack of necessary marketing tools in the agricultural marketing chain. Moreover, they didn’t
make fully use of mechanisms for social cooperation, division of labor and distributed plant operations
so that they can not maximize the effect. The sale of agricultural products is original ones withlow
qualityand rough package, so the selling price is quite low.
Seeing from dissemination channel of rural technology, agricultural technology promotion agencies and
institutions under the current system are subordinate to the government performing the functions of the
government's agricultural extension. Agricultural technology promotion agencies and institutions
consider whether the completion of the local government's agricultural production in the first place,
especially food production tasks and corresponding tasks of promoting agricultural technology, they are
lack of enthusiasm for initiative to understand the technology needs of farmers and market's.
Administrative order is still the main form of agricultural extension, which is usually entrusted with the
task of promotion activities and indicators. The organization's services are not fully playing their roles,
so that rural technology promotion can’t directly meet to technology needs of farmers.
5 Conclusion
There is in the social change time in the suburbs of Beijing, as the accelerated process of urban-rural
disparity, the rural sci-tech service system should have a corresponding change. The establishing of a
Rural Technology Service System means the changing for new rural communities, which is a
preparation process of integrating into the larger social space. To traditional rural communities, there
will be no development if there is no changes; and no integration there will be no more development, It
is worthy of discussing how to effectively integrated technology into the urban-rural integration.
Technology plays its role in support and service in promoting regional economic development and to
improve the quality of people's lives. The promotion of rural sci-tech service system implements the
"people's livelihood technology" concept, which is rooted in people's lives to make sci-tech to benefit
people's livelihood.
[1]. Liu Dong. Exploration and innovation of new rural technology service system. Chemistry Press. 2009
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