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Annual Report
T e c h n o l o g y i n S u p p o r t o f Na t i o n a l S e c u r i t y
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Table of Contents
Technology in Support
of National Security
MIT Lincoln Laboratory employs some of the nation’s best technical
talent to support system and technology development for national
security needs. Principal core competencies are sensors, information
extraction (signal processing and embedded computing), communications, and integrated sensing and decision support. Nearly all of the
Lincoln Laboratory efforts are housed at its campus on Hanscom Air
Force Base in Massachusetts.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory is designated a Department of Defense (DoD)
Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC)
and a DoD Research and Development Laboratory. The Laboratory
conducts research and development pertinent to national defense on
behalf of the military Services, the Office of the Secretary of Defense,
the intelligence community, and other government agencies. Projects
undertaken by Lincoln Laboratory focus on the development and
prototyping of new technologies and capabilities to meet government needs that cannot be met as effectively by the government’s
existing in-house or contractor resources. Program activities extend
from fundamental investigations through design and field testing of
prototype systems using new technologies. A strong emphasis is
placed on the transition of systems and technology to the private
sector. Lincoln Laboratory has been in existence for 59 years. On its
25th and 50th anniversaries, the Laboratory received the Secretary
of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service in recognition of
its distinguished technical innovation and scientific discoveries.
2 Letter from the Director
3Strategic Directions
4 MIT and Lincoln Laboratory Leaders
6 Technology Innovation
6 2010 Technology Developments
7 Digital Focal-Plane Array
9 Disaster Response
9 Lincoln Distributed Disaster
Response System
10 Haiti Relief Efforts
12 Haystack Antenna Upgrade
14 Mission Areas and Technical Programs
16 Space Control
18 Air and Missile Defense Technology
20 Communication Systems
22 Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance Systems and
24 Advanced Technology
26 Tactical Systems
28 Homeland Protection
30 Air Traffic Control
32 Engineering
34 Cyber Security
36 Laboratory Involvement
38 Technology Transfer and
Economic Impact
40 MIT Campus and Lincoln Laboratory
42 University Interactions and
Student Programs
44 Educational and Community Outreach
47 Diversity and Inclusion
48 Workshops and Technical Education
50 Awards and Recognition
54 R&D 100 Awards
56Organization and Governance
58 Staff and Laboratory Programs
Letter from the Director
For nearly sixty years, MIT Lincoln
networking of space and missile defense
Laboratory has fulfilled its mission of pro-
sensors in real time.
viding advanced technology for our national
security by anticipating the nation’s chal-
The Laboratory demonstrated a laser
lenges and evolving its mission areas and
communications system that mitigates
programs to meet those emerging chal-
signal fading caused by atmospheric
lenges. This year, the Laboratory restruc-
turbulence. Error-free data transfer from
tured three divisions to focus research and
an aircraft at 12 kft to a ground station
development in areas that are increasingly
was achieved.
important to the nation: homeland protection; cyber security; and intelligence,
The development of net-centric archi-
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR)
tectures that facilitate use of networked
systems. The Laboratory’s new Homeland
resources is progressing. The goal is
Protection and Air Traffic Control Division
to transition these to military net-centric
will concentrate on developing and expand-
ing the Laboratory’s work on chemical and
biological defense, border security, and the safety of the National
The Laboratory demonstrated laser beam combining that
Airspace System. The new ISR and Tactical Systems Division’s
achieved more than 45-watt coherent output from an array of six
emphasis will be on developing systems for surface and undersea
20-diode modules. This is a significant step toward producing an
ISR, counterterrorism, and tactical operations. The restructured
efficient, high-power laser source.
Communication Systems and Cyber Security Division will continue
to enhance the capabilities of the nation’s defense communica-
A prototype weather system providing 8-hour storm forecasts
tion systems and will strengthen programs to protect the nation’s
over the continental United States blends technology from the
networks and critical infrastructure. This annual report will highlight
Corridor Integrated Weather System with numerical weather
some of the Laboratory’s new work in these areas.
prediction models and is being evaluated at operational air traffic
control facilities.
The Laboratory is continuing work on its large-scale hardware and
software programs, such as the Haystack Ultrawideband Satellite
The Laboratory has made significant advances in secure, cryp-
Imaging Radar, the Lunar Laser Communications Demonstration,
tographic key transmission by using superconducting, single-
and the Missile Alternative Range Target Instrument. To support
photon-counting niobium nitride nanowire detector arrays.
the development and integration of such systems, the Engineering
Division began investing in new equipment to improve hardware
The digital focal-plane array, a novel infrared detector array,
fabrication and integration, and to add new capabilities in printed
demonstrated panoramic multiwaveband and infrared imaging
circuit board assembly, precision machining, and prototyping. In
for persistent surveillance. This technology has the potential to
addition, the Laboratory is in the midst of a three-year recapitaliza-
dramatically improve infrared surveillance and missile seekers.
tion of the Microelectronics Laboratory to enable improved wafer
processing and advanced packaging.
This year, five Lincoln Laboratory technologies were recipients of
R&D Magazine’s annual R&D 100 Awards, which recognize the
The Laboratory’s many accomplishments this year included mile-
100 most significant technological advances introduced during the
stones in the following areas:
previous year. The digital focal-plane array, miniaturized radiofrequency four-channel receiver, Runway Status Lights system,
The Extended Space Sensors Architecture Advanced Concept
Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode array, and superconducting
Technology Demonstration successfully demonstrated the
nanowire single-photon detector array were honored.
Collaborations with MIT campus continue to grow, leveraging the
strengths of researchers at both the Laboratory and campus.
The first annual MIT Lincoln Laboratory Best Invention Award went
to a Laboratory/campus team for the Multi-element Optical Detectors
with Sub-wavelength Gaps. The Technology Office is encouraging innovation and experimentation through a number of avenues,
including the first annual Technology Office Challenge, a competition to find unique solutions to a situational awareness scenario.
In the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, the Laboratory assisted
with U.S. military relief efforts. The Airborne Ladar Imaging
Research Testbed (ALIRT) system was deployed to provide much
needed three-dimensional imaging of the damaged regions of
Lincoln Laboratory
Strategic Directions
Strategic directions for Lincoln Laboratory are based on
a Director’s Office and senior management update of
the Laboratory’s strategic plan and a review of national-
level studies, such as the National Defense Strategy, the
Quadrennial Defense Review, and recent Defense Science
Board recommendations.
Nine Directions
Haiti, and members of the Communication Systems and Cyber
national security needs
Security Division developed tools to assess the effectiveness of
relief operations.
Identify new mission areas, based on current and emerging
Strengthen and evolve the current Laboratory
mission areas
The Lincoln Laboratory Community Outreach program is thriving. Science on Saturday programs for local K–12 education have
continued, and the Laboratory’s robotics league now mentors eight
student teams for local, state, and national competitions. In partnership with the MIT Office of Engineering Outreach Programs, the
Strengthen the core technology programs
Increase MIT campus/Lincoln Laboratory collaboration
Strengthen technology transfer to acquisition and
Laboratory is participating in four new programs that encourage
user communities
middle- and high-school students to consider careers in science,
technology, engineering, and math. Laboratory employees continue to support community service, adding the Alzheimer’s Walk,
Coats for Kids, and other programs to our list of charitable projects.
Increase outside connectivity and communications
Improve Laboratory diversity and inclusion
Expand community outreach and education
Continue improving Laboratory engineering services,
We encourage you to review the 2010 Annual Report for information about our current research and development efforts, technology innovations, recent awards, and outreach activities. We are
administration, and infrastructure
looking forward to the future as we continue to focus on technical
excellence, innovation, and integrity.
Eric D. Evans
MIT and Lincoln Laboratory Leaders
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. Susan Hockfield
Dr. L. Rafael Reif
Dr. Claude R. Canizares
Vice President for Research
and Associate Provost
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Dr. Eric D. Evans
Dr. Marc D. Bernstein
Mr. Anthony P. Sharon
Associate Director
Assistant Director—Operations
Leadership Changes at MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Division Realignment
New Leadership
In March 2010, Lincoln Laboratory realigned two divisions to
Patricia O’Riordan
consolidate programs in complementary mission areas and to
Department Head, Financial Services
the intelligence community. Homeland Protection and Tactical
Head of the Financial Services Department
refocus on emerging priorities of the Department of Defense and
Ms. Patricia O’Riordan was appointed
Systems was reorganized as the Homeland Protection and
in September 2010. As the manager of
Air Traffic Control Division, and Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems and Technology became the
ISR and Tactical Systems Division.
Robert T-I. Shin
financial operations supporting Lincoln
Ms. Patricia O’Riordan
Laboratory’s research and development,
she is responsible for corporate financial
planning and reporting, accounting operations, property management, and travel services.
Division Head, ISR and Tactical Systems
Dr. Robert T-I. Shin transferred from the
Dr. Robert T-I. Shin
J. Michael Menadue
Homeland Protection and Tactical Systems
Manager, Capital Projects Office
Systems Division, which has become the
Laboratory in July 2010 to lead the newly
Division to lead the ISR and Tactical
Mr. J. Michael Menadue joined Lincoln
center for programs in surface surveil-
formed Capital Projects Office, which will
lance and undersea ISR, tactical systems,
air vehicle survivability, and counterterrorism and counterin-
surgency. Dr. Shin oversees the development of prototypes in
address the capital planning, programMr. J. Michael Menadue
ming, and execution of the Laboratory’s
facility modernization program. He will
radio-frequency, electro-optical, infrared, and acoustic systems,
draw on more than 24 years of experience in planning, design-
puting, and integrated sensing and decision support.
telecommunications industries to implement the phases of the
sensor algorithms, adaptive array processing, embedded com-
ing, and constructing facilities for healthcare, biotechnology, and
modernization effort.
Israel Soibelman
Division Head, Homeland Protection
and Air Traffic Control
Dr. Israel Soibelman leads the Homeland
Protection and Air Traffic Control Division,
which has responsibility for programs
Dr. Israel Soibelman
in homeland air defense, chemical and
biological defense, homeland security,
and air traffic control. Dr. Soibelman oversees the development
of systems for detection and warning of chemical or biological
attacks, for defense of the U.S. air space and borders, and for
protection of the U.S. critical infrastructure. In addition, the divi-
sion is supporting the Federal Aviation Administration’s ongoing
efforts to improve air safety and air traffic management.
t e c h n o l o gy i n n o va t i o n
2010 Technology Developments
The Technology Office is responsible for developing Lincoln
Laboratory’s long-term technology strategy and for establishing
and growing strategic technical relationships with the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency, Office of Naval Research,
Army Research Office, Air Force Research Laboratory, and other
DoD and federal organizations. The office promotes collaborative
research efforts with MIT and other academic research institutions
in order to link novel research concepts with current and future
The Technology Office promotes collaborative
research efforts with MIT and other academic
research institutions in order to link novel
research concepts with current and future
Laboratory missions.
Laboratory missions. Working closely with senior management and
The Technology Office launched a range of seedling efforts
and technical direction.
tions, often using university-based research as a starting point.
In the past year, the Technology Office extended the Laboratory’s
lithium ion rechargeable batteries for payloads on unmanned aerial
the divisions, the office drives the Laboratory’s overall strategic
technology position in advanced electronics, biological-chemical
sensing, photonics and single-photon communications, counterterrorism technologies, net-centric operations, decision support,
and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) sensing.
throughout the year to encourage technology-driven innova-
Examples of these seedlings are projects on developing virus-built,
vehicles, developing multiferroic materials for microwave compo-
nents, and building collaborative mobile robots that can navigate
interior spaces.
New technology thrusts include biosciences, quantum information
The Laboratory’s technology investments have enabled a set of
nologies, and energy technologies. Prior technology investments
net-centric operations, and counterterrorism and counter­insurgency
sciences, autonomous platforms, defensive cyberwarfare tech-
have matured into system concepts and have been transitioned to
a broad sponsor and user base.
new mission concept demonstrations in the homeland protection,
areas. These projects integrate and validate advanced technology
concepts through field tests and end-to-end demonstrations.
2010 Notable Achievements
An ultrahigh-resolution, imaging laser radar having a bandwidth
of 100 GHz was demonstrated successfully and is expected to
find application to robotic vision.
The digital focal-plane array silicon (Si) readout integrated circuit
was used with several photodetector array materials. These
materials included HgCdTe, InGaAs, and quantum well infrared
photodetectors. The resulting focal planes had a broad spec-
tral range, including the short-wave, mid-wave, and long-wave
infrared bands. This Si readout integrated circuit demonstrated
improved performance through greater sensitivity and a larger
dynamic range. The very high frame rate of an infrared imager
employing a digital focal-plane array was demonstrated through
6 inches
Nine 3k × 3k orthogonal-transfer charge-coupled detector (OTCCD) array focal planes
fabricated on a six-inch silicon wafer. The OTCCD design can be used to minimize image
blurring caused by camera motion or atmospheric turbulence. The OTCCD focal planes
were fabricated using a stitched, 248 nm stepper-based process that allows highresolution patterning to realize image pixels with submicron dimensions. A reduction in
pixel dimensions leads to larger focal-plane arrays.
stroboscopic infrared imaging of a bullet fired from a handgun.
(For more on the digital focal-plane array, see p. 7.)
The initial demonstration of an airborne multiple-input/multipleoutput (MIMO) moving target indicator (MTI) radar took place
in August 2009. Utilizing unique waveforms and antennas, the
Digital Focal-Plane Array
The digital focal-plane array features a unique Lincoln
Laboratory–developed silicon readout integrated circuit
bonded to a commercially available long-wave infrared
focal-plane array. It has been successfully demonstrated
in an airborne, scanning camera system that produces
unprecedented, high-resolution, infrared panoramic images.
This readout technology, which significantly improves the
capabilities of detectors used in wide-area imaging and
surveillance applications, is being transferred to several
government agencies.
Aerial, winter night, infrared image
of downtown Boston collected by
a camera using the digital focalplane array. The inset image of the
Massachusetts State House partially
illustrates the detail present in the
image. Infrared image resolution is
less than 1 meter, and the image
quality is better than a high-definition
television image.
Aerial, winter morning, infrared image of Mount Washington, New Hampshire. The
size of the large image is approximately 200 Mpixels. This infrared image has about
10 times the information of a high-definition television image. The image insets
culminate with the silhouette of the Mount Washington Observatory at the summit
of Mount Washington.
t e c h n o l o gy i n n o va t i o n
2010 Technology Developments, cont.
2 pixels, 50 µm
airborne MIMO MTI radar promises to significantly improve the
performance of airborne ISR. Accurate geolocation of targets
with minimum velocities of less than 1 m/sec was demonstrated.
A new world record in quantum key distribution was achieved
when a quantum key was transmitted at a rate of 1.85 Mbits/
2 pixels, 50 µm
sec over 100 km of optical fiber, a rate 100 times greater than
previously possible across that fiber length. This achievement
was enabled by the development of the superconducting, sin-
gle-photon-counting, niobium nitride (NbN) detector array, the
world’s fastest, most efficient single-photon detector operating
at optical communications wavelengths. MIT received a patent
on the nanowire NbN detector array in December 2009.
A high-performance, low-power, miniature radio-frequency (RF)
receiver that uses RF integrated circuits developed at Lincoln
Laboratory demonstrated a 1 Hz tuning resolution over a band
from 50 MHz to 3600 MHz with a spur-free dynamic range
(SFDR) greater than 96 dB. By combining a commercially avail-
Microphotograph of a 4-pixel region that is part of a larger 256 × 256 silicon readout
integrated circuit of a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode detector array. The micro­
photograph illustrates the level of integrated circuit complexity behind each 25 µm ×
25 µm avalanche photodiode site. Each of the more than 65,000 photodiodes has
an arming and active quenching circuit, pulse discriminator and latching circuits, and
a 7-bit digital counter and digital readout circuit. Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode
arrays are used in photon-counting laser radar and optical communications receivers.
able, 0.18 mm silicon-germanium process with novel and robust
circuit design techniques, the miniature RF receiver overcomes
the limitations of other silicon processes, such as a low-
breakdown-voltage constraint. The end result is performance
superior to commercial products: an SFDR between 10 and 100
times better, a power dissipation that is 3 to 10 times less, and a
size that is 10 to 20 times smaller.
Key elements of a special-purpose, machine architecture
designed to speed solutions of graph problems have been
defined. This hardware design has been strongly influenced
by graph processing algorithms. Graph processors are
expected to find application in problems associated with
defining social networks.
Research into using photodissociation followed by laser-
induced fluorescence to remotely detect trace amounts of
explosives on objects yielded important results in fluores-
cence measurements on several explosive materials. Work
continues on optimizing future system performance.
Design, construction, and test were accomplished for several microfluidic components,
including multistage oil and water pumps, rotary oil pumps, droplet generators, and
valves. The above microphotograph shows a high-pressure, 14-stage, electrically
operated, microfluidic oil pump. The oil pump can precisely deliver picoliters of a
solution at a head pressure of 50 kPa. The microfluidic pump occupies an area of
approximately 1.7 mm 2. Microfluidics holds the promise of chip-scale chemistry and
biology laboratories (“labs on a chip”) that can be directly coupled to electronics to
allow in-field chemistry and biology measurements.
disaster response
Lincoln Distributed Disaster Response System
A Lincoln Laboratory team, building on expertise in sensors and
architectures, developed and demonstrated the Lincoln Distributed
Disaster Response System (LDDRS). The initial design of the
system resulted from a reconstruction and analysis of a major
fire in California. Through interviews with emergency-response
operators and analysis of archived radio communications, reports,
incident maps, and ground and aerial imagery, the Laboratory team
developed a picture of the challenges inherent in fighting a large-
scale wildland fire, and more generally, in conducting a large-scale
disaster response.
The system enabled information from airborne platforms, distributed weather stations, GPS-enabled devices, and other sources
to be shared by responders at the emergency command centers
and those equipped with ruggedized laptops at the front lines.
Responders and the command centers were connected over the
network and gained access to the system via a Web-based graph­
ical interface, enabling responders from all agencies to collaborate,
regardless of computer hardware or software.
The demonstration of the LDDRS this past summer tested the
technical performance of the system and assessed the impact
of new technologies. The demonstration consisted of scenarios
Historical data
Dynamic incident
action plan
Vehicle locator
A screenshot from the Lincoln Distributed Disaster Response System illustrates
situational awareness tools that include geograph­ical displays overlaid with measured
vehicle locations and historical data of past fires.
representative of diverse fire response activities and involved 40
role players, all professional responders. The system successfully
enabled personnel to develop and maintain real-time shared situa­
tional awareness during response operations.
The team involved in the demonstration of the Lincoln Distributed Disaster Response System tested the system in a set of scenarios, including initial response, evacuation planning
and coordination, real-time flight tasking, and a search-and-rescue mission.
disaster response
Haiti Relief Efforts
Researchers from Lincoln Laboratory helped
with the U.S. military’s support to earthquake
disaster-relief operations in Haiti by applying their
decision support expertise and the Laboratory’s
advanced imaging technology to provide essential information to relief agencies.
Staff from the Communication Systems and
Cyber Security and the Homeland Protection
and Air Traffic Control divisions assisted with the
design and implementation of an assessment of
the effectiveness of the Joint Task Force–Haiti
relief operations. A secondary goal for this data
analysis work was to leave a legacy of informa-
tion that could be useful to organizations that will
be doing long-term humanitarian and rebuilding
work in Haiti.
Lincoln Laboratory’s Airborne Ladar Imaging
Research Testbed (ALIRT) system was
deployed to investigate the ability of three-dimensional (3D) ladar imagery to support military
Marc Zissman, third from left, of Lincoln Laboratory has been helping USSOUTHCOM with the performance
assessment of the military’s disaster-relief operations. The group here is part of the team of military and relief
agency personnel Dr. Zissman has been working with in Haiti.
efforts in Haiti. The ALIRT system, developed
by the Laboratory to assess the ability of avalanche photodiode
arrays to produce high-quality 3D imagery, covers a wider area
than available commercial systems cover. ALIRT data collections
were enabled by staff members from the Intelligence, Surveillance,
and Reconnaissance and Tactical Systems Division.
The ALIRT imagery was used to determine the migration of dis-
placed persons, location of acceptable helicopter landing zones,
trafficability of roads and bridges, and a 3D terrain base for future
operations. ALIRT provided nightly volumetric change detection of
the United Nations’ Distribution Sites and IDP (internally displaced
persons) camps in the Port-au-Prince area. The imagery data, processed by Lincoln Laboratory and team members from a number
of other organizations, were delivered to the military for exploitation
and dissemination to commanders to assist in making aid-distribution decisions and performing damage assessment.
By comparing nighttime imaging of a suburb of Port-au-Prince, the military can
determine activity in the area, such as an increase in the number of tents and other
structures or an increase in tree cutting. Such comparisons help predict population
locations, activity, and population movement. The blue areas denote objects imaged
on the night of January 26, and red areas mark objects that departed the area since a
January 22 data collection.
This 3D image provided by the Lincoln Laboratory ALIRT system showed the trafficability of the bridge. The colors indicate the relative heights of the terrain and structures being
imaged; the spectrum shades from red at the highest height through orange, yellow, green, aqua, and finally blue at the low end. The unobstructed green span of the bridge
indicates its trafficability; the vehicle (black object) beginning its route will face no obstacles as it crosses the river.
National Palace
This quick-look image provided by the Lincoln Laboratory ALIRT system shows the National Palace and surrounding area after the earthquake. The color code indicates the relative
heights of the terrain and structures being imaged. In the center of the ALIRT image, the palace is imaged with its highest points being the (red) wings of the building; before the
earthquake, a dome graced the central section of the palace and would have been the highest, thus red, imaged point of the structure.
Haystac k antenna upgrade
Installation of the New Haystack Antenna
The Haystack radar facility, a component of the Lincoln Space
Haystack before
After HUSIR upgrade
Primary reflector
36.6 m
36.6 m
The X-band Haystack Long Range Imaging Radar (LRIR) was
Surface tolerance
(at rigging angle)
~600 µm
100 µm
ing of satellites out to geosynchronous altitudes.
Max antenna rates 2 deg/sec (azimuth)
5 deg/sec (azimuth)
1.5 deg/sec (elevation) 2 deg/sec (elevation
Now, Lincoln Laboratory is developing the Haystack Ultrawideband
3 cm (X-band)
3 cm
3 mm
to 100 GHz frequency band. To achieve efficient operation at
1 GHz
1 GHz
8 GHz
replaced with a new dish with 100 µm surface tolerance. With its
Satellite imagery
and range profiles
Near Earth and
deep space
Near Earth
and deep
Near Earth
Surveillance Complex in Westford, Massachusetts, was first
developed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory in the 1960s as a step in the
technological evolution of high-performance microwave systems.
developed in 1978 to enable inverse synthetic aperture radar imag-
Satellite Imaging Radar (HUSIR). HUSIR will operate in the 92 GHz
the 3 mm wavelength, the 37 m Haystack antenna needed to be
8 GHz bandwidth, HUSIR will be capable of much better image
resolution on near-Earth satellites than LRIR. Haystack’s X-band
Photograph by Colin Lonsdale
capability to image deep-space satellites will be preserved.
The Haystack radome cap separation took place in May 2010. A band of radome panels was removed from the space frame to minimize deflections in strong winds. The radome
was analyzed and prepared to withstand hurricane-force winds at all phases of construction.
Haystack upgrade to W-band (92–100 GHz) will enable inverse synthetic aperture
radar (ISAR) imaging of satellites in low Earth orbits with much higher resolution than
possible with the current X-band radar. * ISAR images of a satellite model using
compact range data
Replacement of Haystack radome cap in September 2010. The cap was guided into position to mate with the lower portion of the radome by specially designed fittings. It is
believed to be the largest space-frame radome to be separated and successfully reassembled.
Photograph by Colin Lonsdale
In 2010, the major subassemblies of the new HUSIR antenna,
including the aluminum back-structure, the quadrapod, and
the steel transition structure were integrated and staged at the
Haystack site. Installation of the antenna was executed during
summer 2010 in a sequence of critical operations:
Removal of the radome cap (115,000 lbs, 141 ft diameter)
Removal of the old antenna back-structure (86,000 lbs) and
Modifications of the existing yoke to receive the new antenna
Removal of the temporary building housing the new antenna
Installation of the new antenna transition structure (155,000 lbs)
Installation of the new antenna back-structure (70,000 lbs)
Re-installation of the radome cap
Each lift was backed up with rigorous engineering analysis and
Installation of the new primary reflector back-structure in September 2010. The minimum
clearance between the transition structure and the back-structure while it was lowered
was only 3 inches, so precise load control was critical. Thanks to precise engineering
and metrology, all 64 bolt holes in the back-structure were perfectly aligned with their
counterparts in the transition structure.
detailed procedures and drawings. The tight tolerances and large
surface areas of the assemblies required planning the lifts for
weather windows with near-calm wind speeds. The radome skin
was also replaced during the summer.
With the radome enclosed, the 104 surface panel assemblies
will be installed on the reflector and aligned to the 100 µm
accuracy. The complete HUSIR system will be integrated and
tested following the checkout of the new antenna control system.
Haystack X-Band: 9.5–10 GHz
W-Band: 92–100 GHz
Haystack upgrade to W-band (92–100 GHz) will enable inverse synthetic aperture radar
(ISAR) imaging of satellites in low Earth orbits with much higher resolution than possible
with the current X-band radar. ISAR images of a satellite model using compact range data.
mission are as and
technical progr ams
mission areas and tec hnical programs
Photograph courtesy of NASA
The Space Control mission develops technology that enables
the nation’s space surveillance system to meet the challenges
of space situational awareness. Lincoln Laboratory works
with systems to detect, track, and identify man-made satel-
lites; performs satellite mission and payload assessment; and
investigates technology to improve monitoring of the space
environment, including space weather and atmospheric and
ionospheric effects. The technology emphasis is the application of new components and algorithms to enable sensors
with greatly enhanced capabilities and to support the development of net-centric processing systems for the nation’s Space
Surveillance Network.
NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory launched from Cape
Canaveral Air Force Station on 11 February 2010. The
Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment sensor carried
on board is equipped with an advanced charge-coupled
device focal plane developed by Lincoln Laboratory to
measure solar emissions in the ultraviolet range.
Principal 2010 Accomplishments
Studies and experiments with sensor hardware, processing software, and operational
techniques were conducted to evaluate
the benefits of new technology to U.S.
Government sponsors. This work forms
the basis of designing a comprehensive
space situational awareness architecture
for the nation.
on these launches. All three radars at the
Lincoln Space Surveillance Complex (LSSC)
were used by Laboratory analysts to provide
timely damage assessment on rare satellite
breakup events.
Lincoln Laboratory supported the development of the Space Fence by conducting
performance and design trade studies,
modeling designs, performing prototype risk
reduction, and evaluating performance of
candidate designs.
The Millstone Hill Radar supported dozens of
domestic and international space launches.
The Haystack Long-Range Imaging Radar
and the Haystack Auxiliary Radar provided
additional characterization information
The Extended Space Sensors Architecture
(ESSA) Advanced Concept Technology
Demonstration concluded with a successful demonstration netting space and missile
defense sensors in real time. On the basis
of a formal military utility assessment, ESSA
was transitioned into a follow-on program to
extend the net-centric architecture.
The Laboratory developed novel neural
network temperature and moisture retrieval
algorithms as well as microwave modeling
and calibration in support of the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
forthcoming National Polar-orbiting
Operational Environmental Satellite System
and NASA’s Aqua satellite, a component of
NASA’s Earth Observing System that has
been collecting vast amounts of data on the
Earth’s weather and climate systems for
almost ten years.
Under Air Force sponsorship, Lincoln
Laboratory is developing the Haystack
Ultrawideband Satellite Imaging Radar
(HUSIR). Completed components of the new
37 m antenna are being integrated at the
LSSC. Over the next year, the new antenna
will be integrated with the W-band and X-band
transmitters and signal processing systems
to allow inverse synthetic aperture radar
imaging of satellites in low Earth orbits with
much higher resolution than currently possible. Following integration and test, HUSIR
will operate as a contributing sensor to the
Space Surveillance Network. HUSIR will
Dr. Grant H. Stokes
The Firepond telescope on Millstone Hill has been recom­
mis­sioned this past year as a space surveillance sensor.
Mr. Lawrence M. Candell
Mr. Craig E. Perini
Under the HUSIR program, the Haystack radar antenna surface is being upgraded to allow operation at W-band
frequencies (92–100 GHz). Shown here is the antenna radome being prepared for the cap to be removed so that the
new antenna surface can be installed. The radome surface—now over 20 years old—will be replaced as well.
Future Outlook
also function as a test bed for research and
development in support of space control
and other national security applications.
Development of the Space Surveillance
Telescope continued with several notable
milestones: fabrication of the primary mirror
and corrector optics was completed, and
fabrication of the secondary mirror is nearing
completion; factory testing of the telescope
mount gimbal was accomplished as was
in-cell optical testing on the tertiary mirror.
The telescope enclosure at the Atom Site on
White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico,
was completed, and the telescope mount
gimbal was installed at site in 2010.
Activity will move from large-scale sensor development toward information extraction, integration,
and decision support. The challenge will be to incorporate the widest possible set of data and
automate the process of generating customized actionable products for a wide range of users.
The Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) Mission System (JMS), the program of record, will
equip JSpOC with tools for information integration and command and control. The net-centric
nature of the JMS should allow integration of data from a broad variety of sensors. This netcentricity will be critical for evolving to a machine-to-machine–driven space situational awareness capability that can respond on timelines required to support survivability efforts.
Sensor systems under development will bring new capability to the Space Control mission area.
These systems include the Space-Based Space Surveillance–block 10, the Space Surveillance
Telescope, HUSIR, and the Space Fence. Considerable time and effort will be required to fully
assess the information available from the new sensors and make it most useful to operators.
Emerging technical areas include advanced radar development, radar surveillance, spaceobject identification, electro-optical deep-space surveillance, collaborative sensing and identification, fusion, and processing.
mission areas and tec hnical programs
air and missile
defense technology
In the Air and Missile Defense Technology mission, Lincoln
Laboratory works with government, industry, and other
laboratories to develop integrated systems for defense
against ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and air vehicles
in tactical, strategic, and homeland defense applications.
Activities include the investigation of system architectures,
development of advanced sensor and decision support
technologies, development of flight-test hardware, extensive
field measurements and data analysis, and the verification
and assessment of deployed system capabilities. The
program includes a focused evaluation of the survivability
of U.S. air vehicles against air defense systems. A strong
emphasis is placed on the rapid prototyping of sensor
and system concepts and algorithms, and the transfer
of the resulting technologies to government contractors
responsible for the development of operational systems.
Support to the Aegis BMD program includes
performance analysis, discrimination algorithm
development, and flight-test participation.
Principal 2010 Accomplishments
Technology transfer of the next generation
of the Radar Open System Architecture
(ROSA II) approach continued with the
acceptance testing of the C-band range
system at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida,
and with the initial integration phase of the
C-band range system at Vandenberg Air
Force Base, California.
Development continued on the XTR-1 mobile
instrumentation radar to provide key data
during ballistic missile defense (BMD) tests
that are beyond the reach of ground-based
instrumentation. Testing was accomplished
at the Laboratory’s Firepond ground test
site in Westford, Massachusetts, to validate
key requirements. With the Laboratory’s
assistance, the radar is being integrated onto
a ship for operations in 2011.
Over-the-horizon radar (OTHR) has a
potentially significant role in providing
surveillance in support of homeland security
and missile defense. Lincoln Laboratory
has successfully prototyped and demonstrated new multiple-input/multiple-output
signal processing techniques to reduce
radar clutter and improve surveillance
detection performance. Techniques were
successfully demonstrated during the past
year at the Relocatable OTHR facility in
Virginia as well as on other OTH radars.
At the direction of the Navy Program
Executive Office for Integrated Warfare
Systems, the Laboratory is designing,
implementing, and testing a new electronic, ship decoy system for future Fleet
defense against advanced antiship missiles.
Prototype subsystems were designed and
tested, culminating in a very successful
Preliminary Design Review.
During the past several years, Lincoln
Laboratory has been developing a high-fidelity radar cross-section signature-modeling
methodology and toolset known as the
Augmented Point Scattering Model. This toolset is now being integrated into communitystandard Threat Data Packages that will be
used in planning BMD tests and for stimulating hardware-in-the-loop and digital simulations for system performance assessment.
Dr. Hsiao-hua K. Burke
Dr. Andrew D. Gerber
Mr. Gerald C. Augeri
Mr. Dennis J. Keane
Test Bed Architecture for Missile Defense Applications
Services layer
Network and transport layer
Control plane
Data sources and infrastructure layer
Lincoln Laboratory is implementing a net-centric architecture so that operations at the Reagan Test Site (RTS) can be conducted from remote locations. This architecture is also
being adapted for use as a test bed for the development of MDA’s Phased Adaptive Approach. (Above left) Modernized mission command-and-control center is now certified for
use as the RTS mission control system; (above right) the test bed architecture, designed for assessing command and control, links sensors and shooters, services, communication
networks, and battle managers.
Future Outlook
In support of the Missile Defense
Agency’s (MDA) Phased Adaptive
Approach, Lincoln Laboratory has initiated
tasks in the areas of airborne infrared
sensor technology development, technology trades for the Precision Tracking
Space Sensor, test bed development for
enhanced command, control, battle management, and communications (C2BMC),
modeling and simulation, test planning,
and operational architecture studies.
In response to the existing and growing regional missile threat, Lincoln Laboratory continues to
be a key member of the integrated test process that validates both the Ballistic Missile Defense
System and its components. Efforts in improving the fidelity of sensor models in the digital testing,
the robustness in ground testing, and decision support architectures in flight testing are all critical
contributions to ensuring and enhancing the effectiveness of the Ballistic Missile Defense System.
The Laboratory will continue to execute existing programs and develop new programs in the
area of electronic warfare, with particular focus on Navy applications. These programs include
the development of advanced electronic countermeasures for defense against antiship missiles,
advanced electronic protection capabilities for airborne radar systems, and new concepts for the
coordination of hard-kill and electronic warfare responses to missile threats.
Sensor and weapon resource management and net-centric service-oriented architectures are
not only becoming important technologies within the air and missile defense domains, but are
also becoming key to allowing components within these domains to contribute across other
domains. By leveraging existing efforts such as ROSA, which addresses radar infrastructure in
a distributed and open architecture model, and the Range Distributed Operations, which address
radar coordination and control, the Laboratory has developed a model of a plug-and-play test
bed that has been demonstrated in live-fire mission tests involving missile defense, space
situational awareness, and cyber components, and that will be used as the Enhanced C2BMC
prototype for MDA’s Phased Adaptive Approach.
mission areas and tec hnical programs
The Communication Systems mission works to enhance and
protect the capabilities of the nation’s global defense networks.
Emphasis is placed on synthesizing system architectures, devel-
oping component technologies, building and demonstrating endto-end system prototypes, and then transferring this technology
to industry for deployment in operational systems. Current
efforts span all network layers (from physical to application), with
primary focuses on radio-frequency (RF) military satellite communications (MILSATCOM), net-centric operations, free-space
laser communications, line-of-sight networking, speech and
language processing, and computer network operations.
The Laboratory developed and distributed high-fidelity behavioral models of the mobile ad
hoc networking waveforms that will be used in next-generation tactical radios. The models
can be used to evaluate and visualize large-scale mobile ad hoc networks in real time.
Principal 2010 Accomplishments
Lincoln Laboratory demonstrated crossdomain information sharing among ballistic
missile defense, space situational awareness,
and cyber security sensor and processing
resources during a live-fire exercise.
The Laboratory completed lab and field testing of a high-data-rate waveform for airborne
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) readout over the Wideband
Global SATCOM system. This waveform will
be transferred to the Global Hawk and other
airborne ISR platforms.
A resource-brokering architecture was
devel­­oped, and an initial implementation
that dyna­­m­ically composes and tasks work
flows of sens­ing, communication, processing, archival, and analyst resources was
successfully demonstrated.
The Laboratory’s best-in-class language
identification technology was integrated into
DoD systems.
laser communications (lasercom) link, oper­
ating at 2.67 Gb/sec over 60 km ranges, from
an aircraft at 12 kft to a ground terminal. The
airborne lasercom system, which operates at
eye-safe power levels from a small (~2.5 cm)
aperture, employs spatial and temporal
diversity techniques to mitigate signal fading caused by atmospheric turbulence.
Lincoln Laboratory achieved best speech
translation performance for Arabic and Turkish
translation in an international evaluation and
developed a real-time distributed system for
speech translation.
The Laboratory’s social network analysis and
intent recognition algorithms were evaluated
on a large international terrorist database.
The algorithms demonstrated promising initial
results in identifying social networks and the
roles of various actors in the network, as well
as in predicting the outcome of significant
events such as hostage situations.
Lincoln Laboratory successfully demon­strated
error-free data transfer over an air-to-ground
The Laboratory conducted research in
ad­vanced network coding techniques to
improve the aggregated capability provided
by interconnecting multiple heterogeneous
link types and networks.
Installation and checkout of the Advanced
Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) interim
command-and-control terminals were
completed. The Laboratory supported the
preparations for the launch and calibration
of the first AEHF satellite.
Dr. J. Scott Stadler
Dr. Roy S. Bondurant
The Laboratory created a prototype of an advanced MILSATCOM-on-the-move vehicle. This
vehicle can connect to multiple satellite systems, including those that are resistant to jamming or
other disruptions, such as the Advanced Extremely High Frequency system.
Mr. Stephan B. Rejto
Dr. Marc A. Zissman
Laboratory researchers, including Eric Dauler (left) and Jamie Kerman (right),
demonstrated the potential for secure quantum key distribution at rates of
1.85 Mbit/sec over more than 100 km of fiber, exceeding previous results by
two orders of magnitude. The demonstration used the Laboratory’s highefficiency, high-speed, low dark count rate superconducting nanowire singlephoton detectors, and leveraged its expertise in developing high-sensitivity
classical differential-phase-shift-keying optical communication systems.
Future Outlook
Lincoln Laboratory developed a detailed
technical specification and a government
reference implementation of the Multifunction
Advanced Data Link communication system,
the next-generation low-observable link for
fighter and bomber aircraft.
A brassboard implementation of an optical
space flight modem operating near theoretical sensitivity limits over data rates ranging
from 10 Mbps to 2.5 Gbps was demonstrated.
Hardware test-set implementation and field
testing were performed to quantify the impact
of pollution and other scattering constituents
in diverse urban and rural environments.
Lincoln Laboratory will continue to perform large-scale demonstrations of enabling technologies
for Net-Centric Operations. These demonstrations will combine Laboratory-developed services
with DoD Net-Centric Enterprise Services to integrate ballistic missile defense, space situational
awareness, and cyber systems.
The Laboratory will extend its work on information extraction from speech and text, including
extraction of entities, links, and events, and will apply that work to enhanced social network
analysis and intent recognition.
Development of architectures and technologies to provide new capabilities for the space, ground,
and airborne layers of DoD’s communications infrastructure will continue.
The resource-broker architecture will be evolving to include more advanced planning algorithms.
Laser communication technology efforts will focus on investigating clouds as a transmissive
or reflective channel and as the space/air-to-submarine channel.
The Laboratory held a successful Critical
Design Review for the NASA Lunar Laser
Communications Demonstration system, currently being designed and built for a planned
launch in March 2013.
mission areas and tec hnical programs
Intelligence, Surveillance, &
Reconnaissance Systems and Technology
The Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)
Systems and Technology mission conducts research and
development into advanced sensing concepts, signal and image
processing, high-performance computing, networked sensor
architectures, and decision sciences. This work is focused
on providing improved surface and undersea surveillance
capabilities for problems of national interest. The Laboratory’s
ISR program encompasses airborne imaging and moving target
detection radar, radio-frequency (RF) geolocation systems,
electro-optic imaging, laser radar, and acoustic sensing. For
such systems, the Laboratory typically performs phenomenology
analysis, system design, component technology development,
and significant experimentation. Successful concepts often
develop into experimental prototype ISR systems, sometimes
on surrogate platforms, that demonstrate new capabilities in
operationally relevant environments.
The Multi-Aperture Sparse Imager Video System (MASIVS) is a custom-designed, fourfocal-plane system that achieves 880 Mpixels at 2 frames/sec in color. Mounted on
the Cessna aircraft, MASIVS was demonstrated in a collection of wide-area persistent
imaging over the White Mountains in New Hampshire.
Principal 2010 Accomplishments
High-performance RF receivers based on
RF integrated circuits were shown to provide
unprecedented performance while consuming very little size, weight, and power—all
crucial considerations for RF sensor
systems applications on smaller unmanned
aerial vehicles.
The Laboratory has been developing novel
airborne radar techniques to detect and track
ground moving targets. New radar modes
using feature-based digital signal processing
algorithms that exploit unique target phenomenology have been tested and shown to
provide reliable target classification.
In support of national needs for wide-area
persistent surveillance, the Laboratory
has continued to develop and demonstrate
end-to-end systems for collection and
exploitation of these revolutionary data
sets. In 2010, the Laboratory flew gigapixelclass visible and infrared airborne systems
coupled with onboard data processing and a
ground processing toolset. The processing
and exploitation systems were deployed to a
forward operating location.
Development began on the prototyping of
next-generation techniques for exploitation
of ground moving target indicator sensor
data. This work includes developing
advanced moving target tracking algorithms,
modeling behavior patterns, and developing
automated algorithms to detect anomalous
activity. This research is supported with data
collected by Laboratory airborne ISR test
bed assets.
Using an open system architecture and
ruggedized commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
hardware, Lincoln Laboratory developed a
real-time parallel synthetic aperture radar
image processing system for rapid integration on an airborne platform.
For the Real-time Enhanced Situation
Awareness program, the Laboratory developed and initiated deployment of a real-time
fused situational awareness application. The
open architecture specifications, standards,
and technologies are serving as the Air Force
prototype for future net-centric systems.
The Laboratory successfully demonstrated
1.3 Gbits/sec wireless communication
over a 75-meter link from a vehicle traveling up to 35 miles per hour. Advances in
Dr. Robert T-I. Shin
Dr. Robert G. Atkins
Dr. Curtis W. Davis III
Dr. James Ward
Dr. William D. Ross
(Above) The Laboratory developed and flight-tested a new
airborne radar on a Twin Otter aircraft prior to the system’s
being integrated on a government-furnished aircraft for
operational testing. The photograph is of the team and the
Twin Otter.
(Left) The Laboratory operates a mobile signal analysis capability for
developing and testing new RF sensing and communication capabilities.
The van (inset) is equipped with a roof-mounted broadband antenna
array and significant data recording and computing hardware for collection
and field data analysis.
Future Outlook
multiple-input/multiple-output communications, robust waveform design, and signal
processing techniques enable extremely
high-data-rate links in challenging urban
A new research activity in the theory and
application of graph detection algorithms was
initiated, in part to develop more effective
methods for discovering insurgent networks
through analysis of persistent surveillance sensor data. The high computational
demands of these algorithms are motivating
research into new parallel computing architectures designed for the sparse matrix computations inherent to this class of algorithms.
The ISR Systems and Technology mission is expected to receive increasing national investment to develop and field improved systems for irregular and conventional warfare, and to
provide much better integration of ISR capabilities between the armed services and intelligence agencies.
Improved sensing modes that effectively detect, classify, and geolocate individual vehicles and
personnel over wide areas are needed. Research into methods for detecting the manufacture or
transport of explosives and weapons of mass destruction is expected to continue. Development
of exploitation techniques that fuse multiple-sensor data to detect indicators of threat behavior
will be an active research area.
Technologies for accessing, sharing, and visualizing large data volumes are needed, as are
methods for exploiting such data with the timeliness to provide agile responses. Increasing
activity in decision support technologies, distributed high-performance computing, and webbased service-oriented architectures for ISR systems is envisioned to address these needs.
mission areas and tec hnical programs
Research and development in Advanced Technology focus on
the invention of new devices, the practical realization of those
devices, and their integration into subsystems. Although many
of these devices continue to be based on solid-state electronic
or electro-optical technologies, recent work is highly multidisciplinary, and current devices increasingly exploit biotechnology and innovative chemistry. The broad scope of Advanced
Technology work includes the development of unique high-per-
formance detectors and focal planes, 3D integrated circuits, biological- and chemical-agent sensors, diode lasers and photonic
devices using compound semiconductors and silicon-based technologies, microelectromechanical devices, RF components, and
unique lasers including high-power fiber and cryogenic lasers.
A process engineer inspects a large-format charge-coupled-device (CCD) wafer being
fabricated in the class-10 clean room of Lincoln Laboratory’s Microelectronics Laboratory,
which fabricates some of the world’s best CCD imagers for use in ground-based and
space-based applications.
Principal 2010 Accomplishments
Significant additional improvements in cryogenic Yb:YAG lasers were achieved: higher
continuous wave power, demonstration of
ultra-short-pulse operation, and lasers with
the needed beam quality, form factor, and
reliability to be usable in near-term DoD
application test beds.
Two improved versions of photon-counting
detectors were demonstrated. One array, for
laser radar, had greatly decreased optical
cross talk and showed unprecedented single-photon detection efficiency. The second
array had an asynchronous readout mode
for laser communications. Earlier detector
technology was transferred and is now available from commercial suppliers.
A new high-frame-rate charge-coupleddevice (CCD) imager was demonstrated for
adaptive optics. This CCD uses an output
circuit that has only one-half the noise of
previous adaptive-optics CCDs.
The Laboratory demonstrated over 45 W
coherent output from an array of six 20-diode
modules that exploit the near-ideal beam
quality of the slab-coupled optical waveguide
structure invented at Lincoln Laboratory.
The development of superwideband compressive receivers continued, with a successful flight demonstration of geolocation
capability over multi-GHz bandwidth.
The Laboratory remains the only organization providing access for the DoD research
community to high-density 3D integrated
circuit technology. The third multiproject run
was recently completed.
In a follow-up to a successful field demonstration of standoff detection of trace
chemical explosives via photodissociated
laser-induced fluorescence, a seed laser
was developed with spectral and temporal
profiles optimized for excitation of such
trace chemicals.
A decades-long goal in the laser community
has been to combine the output beams of
many diode lasers in order to produce an
electrically efficient high-power laser source.
he Laboratory’s pioneering work on
graphene-on-insulator (GOI) electronics was
presented in a paper recently recognized by
the IEEE Electron Device Society George E.
Smith Award as the best paper published
in IEEE Electron Device Letters in the past
year. In this work, the Laboratory reported on
some of the first transistors measured on GOI
material. The GOI material development was
carried out jointly with researchers on MIT
campus; transistor fabrication was done in the
Laboratory’s Microelectronics Laboratory.
Progress was made on the effort to extend
the lifetimes of superconducting flux quantum
bits (qubits). One factor limiting qubit lifetimes
is classical dissipation losses in the materials
Dr. David C. Shaver
Oxide bonding interface
Piston receding
3D via
Water droplet
Right pump
Drop generator
InP wafer
Dr. Charles A. Primmerman
Valve closed
6 µm
Si wafer
Dr. Craig L. Keast
Ring for connecting
3D via to Si circuits
Left pump
Nitride passivation
for InP/InGaAs mesa
This top-down photograph of a microfluidic circuit using electrowetting technology shows how
the water droplets move left to right when the right pump works in the “pull” mode. Candidate
applications for microfluidic circuits include an array of DoD biotechnology needs.
The short-wave infrared detector with 6-micron pixel pitch is enabled by
3D integration of InGaAs photodiodes on InP substrate with siliconon-insulator complementary metal-oxide semiconductor pixel readout
circuitry. A paper describing this work received the Best Paper Award at
the 2009 IEEE International 3D Systems Conference.
Future Outlook
used to construct the qubit. The quality factor of half-wave resonators fabricated from
candidate superconductors and substrates
was measured at power levels appropriate for
qubit operation (single photons). World-record
results (quality factors of 400,000) were
observed in Al and Re films on sapphire and
silicon substrates at temperatures of 10 mK.
Preliminary results demonstrate that novel
antiviral therapeutics are effective against
Tacaribe arenavirus and Dengue flavivirus
in cultured cells. These results indicate that
the Laboratory’s therapeutics are effective
against representative members from the
arenavirus and flavivirus hemorrhagic fever
virus families, whose more serious members
include Lassa, Junin, West Nile, and Yellow
Fever viruses. More extensive cell tests with
these and other viruses are under way.
Innovative thrusts for emerging DoD needs result from multidisciplinary interactions enabled
by the Laboratory’s competencies in imaging focal planes, silicon circuit technology using 3D
integration, compressive receivers, optical lithography, diode and solid-state lasers, photonic
devices, and superconductive electronics.
The scope of applications for Geiger-mode (GM) single-photon detection technology is expanding, with development of GM detectors that operate at short- and mid-wave infrared wavelengths
and of “smarter” readout integrated circuits for higher-speed, lower-power photon counting.
Significant activities will continue to support both nearer-term and longer-term DoD needs for
high-energy lasers. Technologies will range from cryo-cooled or slab-coupled gain media to
both spectral and coherent beam combining.
Chemical and biological sensing technologies will be further advanced for biological and
chemical detection of explosives, toxins, and bioagents. Mid-infrared quantum-cascade lasers
promise new capabilities in infrared countermeasures and chemical sensing.
The size and speed scaling of silicon devices has ended, and potential pathways “beyond
silicon” will continue to be explored, including 3D mixed-material circuit integration, graphene
electronics, and superconductive electronics.
The Laboratory will complete a significant three-year recapitalization of its class-10 Micro­
electronics Laboratory. The upgraded facility will sustain full 200 mm diameter wafer processing
with sub-90 nm device feature sizes.
mission areas and tec hnical programs
In the Tactical Systems mission, Lincoln Laboratory focuses on
assisting the Department of Defense to improve the acquisi-
tion and employment of various tactical air and counterterrorist
systems. The Laboratory does this by helping the U.S. military
understand the operational utility and limitations of advanced
technologies. Activities focus on a combination of systems analysis to assess technology impact in operationally relevant sce-
narios, rapid development and instrumentation of prototype U.S.
and threat systems, and detailed, realistic instrumented testing.
The Tactical Systems area is characterized by a very tight cou-
pling between the Laboratory’s efforts and the DoD sponsors and
warfighters involved in these efforts. This tight coupling ensures
that the analysis that is done and the systems that are developed
are relevant and beneficial to the warfighter.
The Laboratory has developed several quick-reaction counterterrorism capabilities that
have been transitioned to operational demonstration and use.
Principal 2010 Accomplishments
Lincoln Laboratory is conducting a comprehensive assessment of options for U.S. Air
Force airborne electronic attack. A major
focus has been the development of test
infrastructure, including a new Airborne
Countermeasures Test System and modern
threat radar emulators.
Lincoln Laboratory continued a detailed
assessment of the impact of digital radiofrequency memory–based electronic attack
on air-to-air weapon system performance.
Results from flight testing, systems analysis,
and hardware-in-the-loop laboratories have
been used to improve U.S. electronic protection systems.
Lincoln Laboratory is conducting an assessment of the capabilities of infrared sensors
and seekers. A major focus has been the
development of instrumentation to captive
carry a long-wave infrared search-and-track
(IRST) and imaging infrared (IIR) seeker.
A number of assessments were performed
to examine the impact of exporting advanced
military systems. These assessments were
used as part of the decision-making process
for a number of major export programs.
The Laboratory demonstrated an advanced
airborne signals intelligence (SIGINT)
capa­bil­ity in an operational demonstration
outside the continental United States. The
Laboratory is transitioning the technology
to industry for use in a next generation of
advanced SIGINT capabilities.
A robot-mounted sensor technology was
trans­itioned into production and successful operational use by Route Clearance
Engineer teams.
Comprehensive support to the Joint Counter
Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive
Device (IED) Electronic Warfare program
continues. Laboratory-developed architectures and specific technologies are being
transitioned for use in the next generation of
counter-IED electronic attack systems.
The Laboratory is continuing a significant
effort to develop and transition two novel
airborne sensor systems for use in a quickreaction, multiple-intelligences (multi-INT),
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capability. Both systems will be
fielded this year.
Dr. Robert T-I. Shin
Dr. Robert G. Atkins
Dr. Justin J. Brooke
Dr. Kevin P. Cohen
The Laboratory completed the development and integration of instrumenta­
tion and control systems to captive carry infrared systems on the Airborne
Seeker Test Bed. Several initial data-collection flights were conducted to
characterize sensor performance and the infrared background environment.
The Laboratory is rapidly developing advanced sensors. Two such payloads were developed by
the Laboratory for this quick-reaction ISR capability.
Future Outlook
The Laboratory developed a strategy and
architecture for IED defeat, which allow a
cost-effective scaling of defense capabilities.
An effort was initiated to support the U.S. Air
Force with assessments and risk reduction
in the area of information dominance.
The Laboratory is prototyping a new type of
ground-penetrating radar technology and will
develop a field-worthy prototype for operational demonstration.
Lincoln Laboratory will continue to provide assessments and testing in support of U.S. Air Force
acquisition decisions in air vehicle survivability, electronic attack, and other areas. Test assets,
such as the Airborne Countermeasures Test System, and development of modern threat radar
emulators will evolve to support these efforts.
The Laboratory will play a larger role supporting the U.S. Air Force in the area of information
dominance. Initial activities will include assessment of future ground moving target indicator
radar options and development of a roadmap for counterterrorism efforts.
Rapid development capabilities will continue to expand to address continuing needs in
many applications.
The Laboratory’s efforts in the counterterrorism area will increase, with greater emphasis on
development and demonstration of ISR architectures. Specific trends include multi-INT integration and the development of more advanced sensors for small unmanned aerial vehicle
platforms. The Laboratory continues to rapidly develop advanced sensors.
mission areas and tec hnical programs
Homel and
The Homeland Protection mission is supporting the nation’s
security by innovating technology and architectures to help
prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce the
vulnerability of the nation to terrorism, minimize the damage
from terrorist attacks, and facilitate recovery from either
man-made or natural disasters. The broad sponsorship for
this mission area spans the Department of Defense, the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and other federal,
state, and local entities. Recent efforts include architecture
studies for the defense of civilians and facilities against bio­
logical attacks, development of the Enhanced Regional
Situation Awareness system for the National Capital Region,
the assessment of technologies for border and maritime
security, and the development of architectures and systems
for physical infrastructure protection.
An emergency responder is able to access real-time critical information on a ruggedized
laptop computer, a “toughbook,” mounted in his vehicle. The toughbook is connected
via the Lincoln Distributed Disaster Response System to the command-and-control
center managing the wildfire exercise.
Principal 2010 Accomplishments
The Laboratory partnered with the California
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
to prototype a collaborative command-andcontrol system for disaster response. This
prototype is a continuation of the vision, first
demonstrated during 2009 in California’s
Riverside and San Diego counties, to apply
this architecture to controlling wildfires (see
page 9 for more on this technology).
Technology assessments for securing
the northern and southern borders of the
United States included quantifying the
detection, classification, and false-alarm
characteristics of a network of unattended ground sensors that utilize seismic and acoustic sensing modalities.
The field-deployable Accelerated Nuclear
DNA Equipment program is an 18-month
effort sponsored by the Depart­ments of
Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security
to develop automated, rapid, human DNA
profiling capabilities for field biometrics and
forensics capabilities. The program includes
industry participation (Network Biosystems)
and has developed a six-channel prototype
that can automatically produce DNA profiles
within one hour. The Laboratory identified
efficient sample collection tools and techniques and began experiments on the collection of touch DNA from forensic samples.
The program has also developed a secure
framework for processing, storing, and communicating DNA profiles.
The Imaging System for Immersive Surveill­
ance (ISIS) consists of a custom 240 Mpixel
sensor, a multi-terabyte data archive, a
multiple-user video interface, and automated video exploitation algorithms for
ground-based surveillance in support of
critical infrastructure protection. The ISIS
system, sponsored by the DHS Science
and Technology Directorate, is being
operationally tested in collaboration with the
Massachusetts Port Authority.
Lincoln Laboratory has a key role in the
design of the command-and-control architecture for NORAD/NORTHCOM’s “Gap Filler”
initiative to provide wide-area surveillance for
North America. Specific technologies being
developed are sensor and data fusion, threat
assessment and alerting, and a network
architecture that supports joint, interagency,
intergovernmental, and multinational partners
in air security.
The Laboratory has continued to support the
DHS in evaluating technologies for homeland
air security. Key contributions included architectural development, detailed sensor and
Dr. Israel Soibelman
Mr. James M. Flavin
Dr. Timothy J. Dasey
ANDE project
Sample collection &
The Imaging System for Immersive Surveillance provides wide-area video
surveillance in support of critical infrastructure protection. A 240-million-pixel
sensor provides 360˚ coverage, and software provides multiple users with
virtual pan-tilt-zoom interfaces and automated activity detection capabilities.
DNA analysis hardware
Secure data
communications &
(Above) The Accelerated Nuclear DNA Equipment (ANDE) project enables the automated
processing of 15 human DNA samples in less than an hour. ANDE can be deployed to
expeditionary laboratory facilities to enhance the timely processing of reference DNA samples.
ANDE consists of DNA collection tools and methods, DNA processing hardware, and secure
data communications to remote DNA databases.
Future Outlook
siting analysis, and risk reduction through
high-fidelity modeling of emergent surveillance technologies.
A rapid biological sensing pilot system
using commercial sensing technology and
Lincoln Laboratory sensor fusion algorithms
is being developed and will be evaluated in
a subway system. If successful, this system
will allow for evacuations and facility closures
rapidly enough that bioagent exposures will
be reduced.
The Laboratory led the execution of a
military utility assessment that evaluated the
operational capabilities of sensing systems
to counter emerging chemical threats. The
data from this assessment were used to support the fielding of improved equipment sets
to the warfighter.
Securing and defending U.S. borders motivates the need for an integrated air, land, and
maritime architecture. This need will spur advancements in wide-area sensors, such as
over-the-horizon radar, as well as in advanced data fusion and decision support tools. Lincoln
Laboratory will continue to apply its core strengths in advanced sensors, signal processing,
service-oriented architecture, and rapid prototyping to enable an integrated architecture.
Analysis, development, and testing of advanced chemical and biological defense solutions will
continue, with strong contributions expected in countering emerging threats.
The development of next-generation forensics technologies will likely expand to field-portable
DNA analysis that includes rapid latent DNA analysis and to enhancements in other forensic
measurement modalities.
The Laboratory will develop and assess technologies and architectures to address critical infrastructure protection. Through partnerships with local, state, and federal operational communities
at airports, mass transit sites, ports, and event venues, the Laboratory will leverage strengths in
architecture development, sensors, and situational awareness systems to enhance capabilities.
Lincoln Laboratory will demonstrate a distributed disaster response capability to serve as a
model for the State of California and will establish a National Response Test Bed to support
multiagency responses to extreme-scale disasters.
mission areas and tec hnical programs
Air Tr affic
Photographs by Richard Ferris
Since 1971, Lincoln Laboratory has supported the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) in the development of new technology for air traffic control. This work initially focused on aircraft
surveillance and weather sensing, collision avoidance, and air-
ground data link communication. Today, the program has evolved
to include a rich set of safety applications, decision support
services, and air traffic management automation tools. A focus
of the current program is support for the FAA’s Next Generation
Air Transportation System (NextGen). Key activities include the
operation of a national-scale integrated weather-sensing and
decision support prototype, testing and technology transfer of a
runway incursion prevention system, development of a future air
traffic control tower automation platform, and the development of
a net-centric, system-wide information management system.
Ramp Control Tower at Newark Liberty International Airport. Lincoln Laboratory’s Corridor
Integrated Weather System and Route Availability Planning Tool display is at upper left.
Principal 2010 Accomplishments
The Laboratory-developed Corridor
Integrated Weather System (CIWS) was
reengineered to provide continental United
States (CONUS) coverage and a robust configuration suitable for handoff to the FAA for
long-term operation.
A prototype NextGen weather system providing 8 hr CONUS-wide storm forecasts was
developed by blending CIWS technology with
a high-resolution, rapid-update numerical
weather prediction model and is being evaluated in operational air traffic control (ATC)
facilities in 2010.
Lincoln Laboratory continues to support the
FAA’s acquisition of a national Automatic
Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B)
system. ADS-B is a system in which each
aircraft broadcasts its aircraft-determined
position, intent, and status information
on the order of once each second. This
broadcast position information can be
received by other aircraft and by ground stations, providing robust air-to-ground and airto-air surveillance. The Laboratory analyzed
radar and ADS-B fusion algorithms and
surveillance requirements needed for ATC
at key ADS-B sites. This work included the
analysis of wide-area multilateration (locating aircraft by computing time difference of
arrival of multiple radio signals) as a backup
for ADS-B.
The Laboratory is working with the FAA to
refine concepts for a next-generation Multi­
function Phased Array Radar (MPAR) that
would provide surveillance services currently
acquired from separate ATC and weather
radar networks. Current activity is focused
on development and testing of active array
panels that meet performance and cost
require­ments established for MPAR in previous Laboratory studies.
A Tower Flight Data Manager for future air traffic control towers is under development. The
system includes integrated surveillance and
electronic flight-data displays as well as decision support tools to aid controllers in managing airport configuration, runway assignment,
aircraft sequencing, taxi routing, and departure
route assurance. A prototype was developed
and tested in simulation; field evaluations are
planned at the Dallas/Fort Worth International
Airport for late 2010 to 2011.
The Runway Status Lights system continues
successful operational evaluation at Dallas/
Fort Worth International Airport and the Los
Angeles International Airport. These airports
exposed the effectiveness of Takeoff Hold
Lights and Runway Entrance Lights. An
operational evaluation is now under way at
Boston Logan International Airport to assess
the effectiveness of status lights at intersecting runways.
Dr. Mark E. Weber
Mr. James M. Flavin
Dr. James K. Kuchar
Dr. Marilyn M. Wolfson
Departure at New York LaGuardia Airport. To help the FAA alleviate weather-related delays, Lincoln Laboratory is developing systems that will be incorporated into the Traffic Flow
Management System.
Future Outlook
Lincoln Laboratory completed detailed
National Airspace traffic-density models
as well as detailed trajectory models of
noncooperative aircraft, including ultralights,
gliders, and balloons. The Laboratory also
initiated the development of a test bed for
evaluating sense-and-avoid systems as a
means of safely integrating unmanned aircraft systems into civilian airspace.
Laboratory researchers have been assessing the performance of the Traffic Alert
and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) in
airspace with reduced vertical separation, as
well as supporting the FAA in the definition
of a next-generation TCAS that will leverage
information from ADS-B.
The Laboratory will continue developing NextGen ATC tower surveillance, automation, and decision
support capabilities to improve safety and efficiency at conventional, on-airport towers and to potentially permit migration of ATC services to remote locations at appropriate airports.
Lincoln Laboratory will assume an increasingly influential role in the definition and development
of the FAA’s future System Wide Information Management architecture that encompasses surveillance, weather, and flight-data exchange.
Laboratory-developed thunderstorm forecasting capabilities and associated decision support
tools will play an increasingly important role in alleviating weather-related delays. The Route
Availability Planning Tool (RAPT), a system that expedites departures during convective weather,
will be deployed to airports and be incorporated into the FAA’s Traffic Flow Management System.
Applications are planned to leverage ADS-B to improve safety, efficiency, and capacity in con­
gested airspace. Lincoln Laboratory will be instrumental in developing safety cases for these
applications and in demonstrating robustness during “off-nominal” conditions.
Emphasis is on development and testing of next-generation aircraft-separation assurance on the
airport surface and during flight. This effort includes evolution of collision-avoidance systems such
as TCAS and Runway Status Lights, as well as simulation, analysis, and testing of future concepts.
mission areas and tec hnical programs
Fundamental to the success of Lincoln Laboratory is the ability
to build hardware systems incorporating advanced technology.
These systems are used as platforms for testing new concepts,
as prototypes for demonstrating new capabilities, and as opera-
tional systems for addressing warfighter needs. To construct the
variety of systems used in programs across all mission areas,
the Laboratory relies on its extensive capabilities in mechan­
ical design and analysis, optical system design and analysis,
aerodynamic analysis, mechanical fabrication, electronics design
and assembly, control system development, system integration,
and environ­mental testing. These capabilities are centered in the
Laboratory’s Engineering Division, which is an important
contributor to many of the Laboratory’s most successful efforts.
The 140,000 lb transition structure is rotated
in preparation for integration of the Haystack
Ultrawideband Satellite Imaging Radar.
Principal 2010 Accomplishments
Lincoln Laboratory fabricated and shipped
four Missile Alternative Range Target
Instrument (MARTI) payloads to San
Nicolas Island, California, for launch. MARTI
provides in situ radiometric diagnostics
for Airborne Laser testing. In preparation
for delivery to the field, the payloads were
taken to Wallops Island Flight Facility in
Virginia for integration and test with the
booster. Two payloads were launched, and
the MARTI data was successfully collected
on missions that were important milestones for the Airborne Laser program.
Fabrication of all major antenna components
for the Haystack Ultrawideband Satellite
Imaging Radar (HUSIR) were completed.
When integrated, the components—a 120
ft diameter aluminum back-structure, a
140,000 lb steel transition structure, 104 precision subframe/surface panel assemblies,
and a 10 ft diameter subreflector—form the
Cassegrain antenna, which requires an
extremely precise surface figure of 100 µm
over its 120 ft diameter.
The Laboratory continued work on developing spacecraft payloads for laser communications, including the Lunar Laser
Communications Demonstration (LLCD)
payload that will be launched into lunar
orbit on a NASA satellite. The LLCD optical
module is an innovative design that allows
the system to maintain optical alignment and
precision pointing for optical communication
from space.
In the robotics area, work was begun to
bridge the gap between academic robotics
and practical applications for DoD programs.
An example application is autonomous mapping of GPS-denied interior spaces, which
is necessary to localize data (e.g., video)
acquired by exploration robots doing damage
assessment or subterranean exploration.
The Laboratory has demonstrated real-time,
autonomous mapping with a single robot. A
map is optimized and extended in real time
as the robot autonomously explores a space.
Rapid prototyping continues to expand
at the Laboratory. The Rapid Prototyping
Group focused on systems development,
completing prototype systems for detecting
improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and
for gathering and processing high-datarate imagery. Facility improvements were
also made, including a new office space
designed to facilitate enhanced collaboration
for rapid execution.
Dr. Eliahu H. Niewood
Dr. William R. Davis
Dr. Michael T. Languirand
(Above) An electronic discharge machine is used for
precision component fabrication.
(Left) The launch team is shown with a Lincoln
Laboratory Missile Alternative Range Target Instrument
integrated on a rocket used for Airborne Laser test bed
Future Outlook
The Laboratory created a new group
focused on integrated and insightful engineering analysis and testing. This enhanced
analysis capability will help drive early
program planning and concept development,
explore mission and design trade spaces,
and drive critical design trades throughout
the design cycle.
The Laboratory researched state-of-theart fabrication equipment that will improve
quality, reduce cycle time and cost, and
enable cutting-edge design solutions.
Implementation of a three-year strategy has
begun to bring these new capabilities into
the Laboratory. These investments enable
significant new capabilities in printed circuit
board assembly, precision machining, rapid
prototyping, and inspection.
Work will continue on diverse hardware projects: integrating the HUSIR antenna, finalizing the
LLCD design and initiating its fabrication, and developing rapid prototype systems. New efforts
include spacecraft and aircraft payloads for laser communications and passive optical sensing,
and systems for detecting IEDs.
The Laboratory will focus on enhancing its mechanical design and printed circuit board layout
capabilities to ensure that the most appropriate and advanced software tools are being used
and that the Laboratory’s design experts are best aligned to support Laboratory needs.
Emphasis continues on improving engineering facilities, including advanced tools for mechanical fabrication and electronic assembly. The mechanical inspection facility will be completely
refurbished. Because the large number of programs requiring clean-room assembly areas has
been straining the infrastructure, new cleans rooms are under construction, and plans will be
developed for specifying the capabilities needed in future new construction.
The new analysis group will focus on performing insightful analysis to couple mission and
design trade spaces, and provide design direction for all phases of a program in a timely way.
The goal is to provide this capability to diverse classes of mechanical designs.
Lincoln Laboratory will continue expanding its robotics programs, making use of the techniques
and experience gained from the autonomous mapping project.
mission areas and tec hnical programs
Securit y
The Cyber Security mission conducts research, development,
evaluation, and deployment of prototype components and systems designed to improve the security of computer networks,
hosts, and applications. Lincoln Laboratory’s cyber security
efforts have grown from their roots in developing the first quantitative, repeatable, objective evaluations of computer network
intrusion-detection systems to include assessment via analysis;
modeling, simulation, emulation, and field testing; creation of
survivable architectures; development of prototype components
and systems consistent with these architectures; quantita-
tive evaluation of these components and systems; and, where
appropriate, deployment of these prototypes in experiments,
exercises, and operations.
Kevin Carter and Tamara Yu use Lincoln Laboratory–developed visualization tools to
explore and analyze the statistics of global cyber attacks launched against DoD missioncritical networks.
Principal 2010 Accomplishments
The Laboratory developed and demonstrated
components of a cyber survivable architecture in a combined ballistic missile defense/
space situational awareness/cyber event.
Cyber survivable systems are designed to
ensure the ability of a system to continue
providing mission utility while undergoing a
cyber attack.
Cyber situational awareness tools were
developed to display worldwide malware
activity; the tools have the ability to
interactively drill down to discover cities
and countries that permit or actively prevent
the spread of malicious code. These tools
have been installed into key nationallevel cyber-threat operations centers.
Laboratory-developed approaches to secure
communications among dynamic groups
of participants in a tactical environment
(unmanned aerial systems and ground
stations in theater) were demonstrated and
are being standardized for government and
commercial use.
A detailed assessment of the Air Force’s
widely deployed Host-Based Security System
was conducted to permit the Air Force cyber
acquisition community to better understand
the performance and security implications of
its procurement and policy decisions.
The Lincoln Adaptable Real-time Information
Assurance Testbed (LARIAT) cyber range
software was restructured to include open
interfaces among the system components.
LARIAT is currently deployed at more than
80 DoD and contractor cyber ranges nationwide. This update will enable third-party
capabilities to be easily integrated into the
core system.
The Laboratory developed and deployed prototype secure operating system modules for
the next-generation Army communicationson-the-move, satellite-connected prototype
network node. This system will provide the
Army with the capability of secure communication from moving ground vehicles.
Dr. Marc A. Zissman
Dr. Robert K. Cunningham
Mr. Joshua W. Haines
Mr. Lee M. Rossey
Lincoln Laboratory researchers developed hardware
and software for an open network acceleration platform
(NetFPGA) and a commercial field-programmable gate
array development board to enable very low-observable
instrumentation of cyber systems.
Adam Petcher, Mark Yeager, and Roger Khazan demonstrate a key management solution for unmanned aerial
systems. The approach utilizes Laboratory-developed cryptographic protocols for dynamic group keying to secure the
command and control channels while limiting receipt of the sensor broadcasts to groups of authorized users.
Future Outlook
Lincoln Laboratory will continue work on the analysis of mission-critical systems to provide war­
fighters with insight into operating successfully in a contested cyber domain. This work supports
traditional Laboratory mission areas, such as ballistic missile defense, space control, air vehicle
survivability, and satellite communications.
The Laboratory will develop an open architecture for tamper-resistant embedded systems. This
effort will lead to a shift away from proprietary, classified anti-tamper approaches toward open
systems that are still highly secure, but will reduce cost, enable reuse of components, and allow
for rapid fielding.
The overlap between the cyber domain and the physical domains (land, sea, air, space) will be
more closely examined. The Laboratory seeks to help the DoD better understand how operating
in one domain can have (often unintended) consequences in other domains.
The Laboratory will continue to develop new technologies for large-scale cyber ranges, including
novel methods to support low- or zero-artifact instrumentation and actuation.
L abor atory
Laboratory involvement
Technology Transfer and Economic Impact
Technology Transfer
for ensuring the availability of critical electronics components
to the military. The FDSOI CMOS technology will extend the
A significant component of MIT Lincoln Laboratory’s role as a
range of semiconductor devices available through DMEA to
federally funded research and development center is the transfer
include low-power devices, high-quality radio-frequency devices,
of Laboratory-developed technology to the government, industry
and 3D integrated circuits.
(primarily government contractors), and academia. This transition of
technology and information is accomplished through briefings and
technical publications; deliveries of hardware, software, algorithms,
or advanced architecture concepts; Small Business Technology
con and indium phosphide Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode
Transfer (STTR) joint research partnerships with local businesses;
technologies to U.S. industry, Boeing is now marketing a com-
Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs),
pact, 3D laser radar camera.
which are privately funded by businesses; and the licensing of MIT
patents to companies.
the second Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response
System (Pan-STARRS) optical system. Pan-STARRS is being
transfers to government contractors under the auspices of govern-
developed to rapidly perform whole sky surveys to detect and
ment sponsors:
catalog asteroids and comets that may present a threat to Earth.
At the request of the Director of Defense Research and
Engineering, the Laboratory began the transfer of fully
depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) complementary metaloxide semiconductor (CMOS) process technology to the
Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA), which is responsible
Computers —
The National Center for Atmospheric Research funded a project
that fuses Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
visible and infrared imager data with the Tropical Rainfall
Measurement Mission’s low Earth-orbiting weather satellite radar
Small Business
Improved orthogonal-transfer charge-coupled devices have been
delivered to the University of Hawaii for use in the focal plane of
In 2010, Lincoln Laboratory undertook a broad variety of technology
As a result of a DoD-sponsored transfer of the Laboratory’s sili-
Peripherals, &
9.5% Woman-Owned Laboratory
Small Business
2.5% Small Disadvantaged Business
1.4% Veteran-Owned 14%
Small Business
0.3% Service-Disabled 21%
Other (Furniture,
Office Supplies, Chemicals,
Aircraft Parts, etc.)
Veteran-Owned Small Business
Large Business
Total $116,792,041
Total $344.5M
Subcategories of commercial hardware
and materials contracted to businesses
Percentage of awards to various
categories of businesses
0.2% Other
Recent U.S. Patents
20 October 2009 to 29 June 2010
and lightning image data to determine the degree of aviation
Large-Aperture Focal Plane Shutter
These remote measurements confirm if the oceanic cumulonim-
Date issued: 20 October 2009
hazard presented by oceanic cumulonimbus cloud formations.
Brian J. Julian and Anthony M. Smith
bus cloud formations are active thunderstorms.
U.S. Patent No.: 7,604,422
Contrast Enhancing Layers
Lincoln Laboratory is collaborating with the National Institutes
of Health (NIH) New England Regional Center of Excellence at
Harvard on broad-spectrum antiviral therapeutics. The NIH funds
influenza mouse trials, conducted at the Division of Comparative
Medicine on the MIT campus, and tests of the double-stranded,
RNA-activated, caspace antiviral treatment against members of
hemorrhagic fever virus families in cultured cells, conducted at
the Laboratory.
Over the past year, Lincoln Laboratory was involved in five
STTR projects, including projects on cryogenically cooled
Yb:YAG lasers; a sparse aperture, electronically steered phasedarray antenna; and the use of superconducting filters for electro-
magnetic interference suppression; and seven CRADAs, including
geosynchronous communication satellite encounter analysis for
Telesat Canada and Satmex; biosensor research and develop-
ment for Innovative Biosensors; and semiconductor lithography
research for Intel and Sematech.
Economic Impact
Lincoln Laboratory’s research and development activities are
a powerful economic engine for Massachusetts and enrich the
economy of the region and the nation. Lincoln Laboratory contracts
with both large and small businesses in the defense and commercial sectors, as well as with universities, for goods and services.
Theodore H. Fedynyshyn
Date issued: 24 November 2009
U.S. Patent No.: 7,622,246
Wavelength Division and Polarization Division Multiple Access
Free Space Optical Terminal Using a Single Aperture
Frederick G. Walther, Jeffrey M. Roth, William E. Keicher,
and Alan E. DeCew
Date issued: 1 December 2009
U.S. Patent No.: 7,627,251
Multi-element Optical Detectors with Sub-wavelength Gaps
Eric A. Dauler, Andrew J. Kerman, Karl K. Berggren,
Vikas Anant, and Joel K.W. Yang
Date issued: 29 December 2009
U.S. Patent No.: 7,638,751
Method and System of Lithography Using Masks Having
Gray-Tone Features
Brian M. Tyrrell and Michael Fritze
Date issued: 26 January 2010
U.S. Patent No.: 7,651,821
Method of Detecting Analyte Vaporized from Sample
with Low-Power UV Radiation
Roderick R. Kunz
Date issued: 30 March 2010
U.S. Patent No.: 7,687,276
Acoustic Detection of Hidden Objects and
During the 12-month period ending in March 2010, the Laboratory
Material Discontinuities
the past year, the Laboratory purchased more than $150 million in
Date issued: 13 April 2010
mately $130 million placed locally in Massachusetts. Small busi-
Immersion Fluid for Lithography
issued subcontracts with a value that exceeded $340 million. In
Robert Haupt and Ken Rolt
goods and services from New England companies, with approxi-
U.S. Patent No.: 7,694,567
nesses—which supply construction, maintenance, fabrication, and
professional technical services in addition to commercial equipment
and material—have been primary beneficiaries of the Laboratory’s
outside procurement program. The Laboratory’s Small Business
Office is committed to an aggressive program designed to afford
small business concerns the maximum opportunity to compete for
purchase orders.
Theodore H. Fedynyshyn and Indira Pottebaum
Date issued: 29 June 2010
U.S. Patent No.: 7,745,102
As of June 2010, MIT had 691 U.S. patents, of which 336 had been licensed
to industry for commercial applications, and 256 foreign patents derived from
work at Lincoln Laboratory.
Staff member Jonathan Klamkin
assists MIT graduate student
William Loh with measuring the
optical characteristics of high-power
semiconductor optical amplifiers that
were developed at the Laboratory.
Laboratory involvement
MIT Campus and Lincoln Laboratory
Integrated Photonics Initiative
The Integrated Photonics Initiative (IPI) is a multiyear, Lincoln
Laboratory–funded collaboration between the Laboratory and the
MIT campus to support the research of graduate students working on integrated photonic materials, devices, and subsystems.
The IPI’s objectives are to identify DoD mission areas that could
Monthly meetings foster interaction between students, Laboratory
staff, and faculty. The Laboratory’s facilities and expertise in
applied research benefit the students’ thesis development. In
the past year, three students focused on fabrication and test of
Resonant repulsive
Non-resonant attractive
Separation (q)
technologies into advanced communication and sensor systems.
Separation (q)
technologies through graduate research, and to work to insert the
Separation (q)
benefit from integrated photonic technologies, to develop these
integrated ultrafast all-optical switches, characterization of the
A recent Advanced Concepts Committee project evaluated a microcavity that self-aligns
resonance with incident laser frequency (shown above). The study proposed using
optonanomechanical forces for novel optical devices.
cal amplifiers, development of low-noise semiconductor external-
Systems Group (SSG). The DMRI provides a forum for sharing
optical isolators. The students’ accomplishments were high-
sensor fusion, inference, and decision-making algorithms and
noise and dynamic properties of high-power semiconductor opticavity lasers, and investigation of materials for use in integrated
lighted at the Annual Meeting of the MIT Center for Integrated
Photonic Systems.
Advanced Concepts Committee
research and ideas in order to develop enhanced and scalable
methodologies. Joint discussions have promoted the transfer of
SSG-developed algorithms to Laboratory researchers and dialogue
on challenges of interest to Laboratory programs.
The Lincoln Laboratory Advanced Concepts Committee (ACC)
MIT Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
important technical problems of national interest. The ACC pro-
Lincoln Laboratory invites undergraduates to participate in onsite
supports the development of innovative concepts that address
Under the MIT Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program,
vides programmatic support for new technology ideas that are
research projects. Students develop research plans, write propos-
typically high risk, but offer the potential to significantly impact
national needs by enabling new systems or improving existing
capabilities. Recent ACC-sponsored initiatives include researching
sensors to image into obscured areas; developing fast secure net-
als, perform experiments, analyze data, and present research
results. The Laboratory typically hosts five students in the summer
and three in the winter.
work connection techniques; and assessing the use of the LLGrid
Technology Office Special Seminar Series
brain injury. The ACC also sponsors a Defense Studies Seminar
campus. The Technology Office hosts technical seminars by MIT
to develop protection equipment models to mitigate traumatic
Technology Office seminars are key to continued interactions with
Series, which included the following in 2010: Sandy Weiner, MIT,
faculty, facilitating the opportunity for Laboratory technical staff
“Pandemic Flu: Lessons Learned and Not Learned” and Austin
Long, MIT, “U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Options
and Possibilities.”
Decision Modeling Research Initiative
The Decision Modeling Research Initiative (DMRI) is a collaboration
between Laboratory technical staff members and MIT’s Stochastic
to engage with leading-edge researchers from the MIT campus.
Reciprocal fall seminars on campus provide a forum to extend
Lincoln Laboratory’s intellectual impact on campus. These talks
give students and faculty an opportunity to hear about ongoing and
emerging work at the Laboratory and at MIT. Topics of recent talks
included human-robot interactions, optical biological control tools,
black-hole event horizons, and a unifying theory of learning.
Laboratory involvement
University Interactions and Student Programs
Lincoln Laboratory and Northeastern Seminar Schedule
Student Programs
Four Lincoln Laboratory technical presentations were hosted in
Lincoln Laboratory participates in a variety of programs through
Northeastern University in the areas of embedded digital systems,
engineering, technology, science, or math. Under some programs,
2009 by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at
information systems, and advanced sensor techniques. Four
Northeastern University professors presented seminars on mobility
of wireless sensor networks, nanoelectronics, and supercomputer
application productivity and portability. This recently initiated seminar series has been successful in promoting strong collaborations
which students gain research experience or investigate careers in
students fulfill an academic requirement, while other programs support thesis work at specific universities or offer paid internships at
the Laboratory.
Summer Research Program
and inspiring new ideas.
Lincoln Laboratory offers approximately 100 students hands-on
Lincoln Laboratory and Tufts University Seminars
analysis, digital signal processing, laser and electro-optical sys-
Presentations by visiting professors from Tufts University are
intended to further the collaboration between the university and
the Laboratory. The three presentation topics covered remote
homology detection, variational methods for image analysis, and
experience in communications systems, sensor and radar data
tems, solid-state electronics, software engineering, and scientific
programming. Program participants contribute to projects and gain
experience that complements their courses of study.
geographic probabilistic routing. Speakers included the Associate
University Cooperative Education Students
and Computer Engineering Department and the Computer
Northeastern University, and other colleges as co-ops working full
Dean of Research and prominent professors from the Electrical
Technical groups at Lincoln Laboratory employ students from MIT,
Science Department.
time with mentors during the summer or work/study semesters and
Cadets from the New Jersey Institute of Technology toured Lincoln Laboratory’s Flight and Antenna Test Facility.
part time during academic terms. Co-ops build prototypes, help
solve problems, assist in research activities, and test applications
in the field.
Graduate Fellowship Program
Lincoln Laboratory offers limited graduate fellowships to science
and engineering students pursuing MS or PhD degrees at 11 part-
ner universities. The fellowship program awards funds to support a
fellow’s stipend, supplement a graduate assistantship, or subsidize
other direct research expenses during the final phases of students’
thesis research.
MIT VI-A Master of Engineering Thesis Program
Lincoln Laboratory is an industry partner of MIT’s Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science VI-A Master of
Engineering (MEng) Thesis Program, matching motivated graduate
students with mentors. Students in a VI-A internship acquire experience in testing, design, development, research, programming, and
project planning. The students are then supported as research
assistants while they complete their Lincoln Laboratory–specific
MEng theses.
WPI Major Qualifying Project Program
Lincoln Laboratory collaborates with Worcester Polytechnic
Institute (WPI) in its Major Qualifying Project (MQP) program, which
requires students to complete an undergraduate project equivalent
to a senior thesis. The MQP demonstrates the application of skills,
methods, and knowledge to the solution of a problem representative of the type encountered in industry.
Undergraduate Diversity Awards
Lincoln Laboratory established the Undergraduate Diversity
Awards to expand opportunities for women and minorities pursuing
bachelor’s degrees in engineering and science at 11 participat-
ing colleges. The award, as determined by the recipient’s college,
is typically in the form of tuition assistance, support for technical
paper presentations, or funds for independent research projects.
(Top) Summer student Jillian James
designed and built a rotating satellite test
fixture including control boards and a
reaction wheel during her summer research
in the Space Systems Analysis Group.
(Middle) Summer student Arie Vilders
conducted environmental, thermal, and
acceptance tests on two Missile Alternative
Range Target Instrument systems while in
the Aerospace Engineering Group.
(Right) MIT VI-A student Karen Chu
incorporated pitch features in automatic
recognition of Mandarin Chinese in her
work with the Communication Systems and
Cyber Security Division.
Laboratory involvement
Educational and Community Outreach
Educational Outreach
Robotics Outreach at Lincoln Laboratory
Science on Saturday
Robotics Outreach at Lincoln Laboratory (ROLL) seeks to foster a
This program features onsite science demonstrations by Lincoln
Laboratory technical staff. More than 3500 local K–12 students,
their parents, and teachers have enjoyed demonstrations on
rockets, robotics, asteroids, archaeology, optics and lasers, and
polymers over the course of the school year.
sense of excitement that might drive students toward math, science,
and engineering by engaging them in robotics workshops.
ROLL hosted two Weekend Robotics Workshops—two-day, full-
immersion programs in which students learned and tested robotic
programming sequences. Smaller robotic workshops were offered
Classroom Presentations
Dr. Todd Rider coordinates a program that sends technical staff
to younger robotics teams to practice robotic programming.
members to local schools, giving presentations to students in
ROLL manned a booth at the Cambridge Science Festival, helping
on topics such as cryogenics, electronic circuits, paleontology,
ming of Lego robots. Younger children learned about system engi-
grades K–12. More than 7000 students now enjoy presentations
biotechnology, and astrophysics each year.
AFCEA International Program
Lincoln Laboratory participates in the Armed Forces Communi­
cations and Electronics Association (AFCEA) International
Program, which facilitates research internships for high-school
seniors. Lincoln Laboratory employed three AFCEA students as
research assistants this year and provided a tour of Laboratory
facilities to all area AFCEA students.
children learn engineering through hands-on building and programneering by acting as robots and receiving/performing commands.
In 2009, ROLL recruited technical staff as judges for the
Massachusetts State Science and Engineering Fair and Lexington
High School’s Science and Engineering Fair. Eric Austin, Anthony
Filip, Robert Legge, Brian Shucker, Joseph Stewart, and Grant
Stokes served as judges. In 2010, the Laboratory became a bronze
donor to the State Science Fair and supplied nine judges: Shourov
Chatterji, Jessica Deniger, Phillip Evans, Caroline Lamb, Todd Rider,
Neal Spellmeyer, Zack Weber, Alexandra Wright, and Jung Yoon.
(Above left) Science on Saturday program; (above right) SEED Academy students listened to the Laboratory’s David Freeman as he explained why he chose a career in engineering.
Outreach by the Numbers
community giving
K–12 STEM programs
Lincoln Laboratory
scientists and engineers
working with students
volunteer hours a year
in STEM programs
students participated
in Lincoln Laboratory
STEM programs
Leadership Initiatives for Teaching and Technology
The Leadership Initiatives for Teaching and Technology (LIFT2)
program provides high-school teachers with internships in a tech­
nical field to help them relate classroom curricula to relevant work-
place applications. In 2009, the Laboratory hosted one internship in
the Chemical and Biological Defense Systems Group to develop an
algorithm to derive room dimensions from simple range-finder data,
and a second internship in the Active Optical Systems Group to
optimize flight mission profiles for an airborne laser radar system.
MIT Department of Engineering Outreach Program
In 2010, Lincoln Laboratory and MIT’s Department of Engineer­
In its third year, Robotics
educational outreach for K–12 students in four MIT educational
(ROLL) continued to provide
ing’s Office of Engineering Outreach Program are partnering in
outreach programs.
Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES) Program
Lincoln Laboratory sponsored two students in a six-week residen-
tial summer program for the top high-school students in the nation.
This program stresses the value of pursuing technical degrees
and develops the skills necessary for success in technical fields.
The MITES Program students attended presentations given by
technical staff members Pablo Hopman, Lisa Basile, and Bryan
Reid about careers in science and engineering. The students also
received tours of Laboratory facilities.
Outreach at Lincoln Laboratory
successful experiences for
young people. ROLL doubled the
number of teams sponsored for the FIRST (For Inspiration
and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotic
competitions—eight groups ranging from 9- to 18-year-olds,
mentored by volunteers at weekly sessions to program robots
to complete an obstacle course. This year, ROLL forged
a collaboration with Arlington High School by mentoring a
rookie team for the robotics competition. With the help of
Laboratory volunteers, the Arlington team received guidance
on designing, building, and programming their robot
for competition.
Saturday Engineering Enrichment and Discovery (SEED) Academy
The SEED Academy features seven semesters of technical career
Two of the Lincoln Laboratory teams won awards in state­
Boston and Cambridge. Lincoln Laboratory sponsored an aeronau-
da Vinci Award for out-of-box thinking and unique creative
exploration for promising but underserved high-school students in
tics course and presentations at MIT by Laboratory technical staff
members Aimee D’Onofrio and David Freeman about science and
engineering topics and career choices.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Program
The STEM Program is an academic enrichment program for middleschool students who want to get ahead in math and science. The
participants develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving
abilities in an attempt to increase the number of local students in
wide competitions. The RoboBeavers received the Leonardo
robot design, and the LLAMAs won the Champion’s Award for
technical performance, teamwork, respect, and gracious professionalism. MITiBots, Lincoln Laboratory’s returning team
of 15- to 18-year-olds, won a lottery placement to compete at
the 2010 World Championships in Atlanta in April, where they
placed 13th out of 50 teams at the Finals. Lincoln Laboratory
teams were among the 45,200 high-school students from 12
countries who participated in FIRST competitions this year.
technical careers. Seventy STEM students enjoyed a hands-on
robotics demonstration, received a tour of Laboratory facilities, and
heard presentations by technical staff members Rodolfo Cuevas
and Shelley Scruggs about careers in math and science.
(Above) A team of 11-year-olds called the RoboBeavers mastered advanced
features and practiced coding multiple robots. This ROLL-sponsored team
designed their robot to be reliable and perform with repeatable results.
Laboratory involvement
Educational and Community Outreach, cont.
MIT Science of Baseball Program (MSBP)
This summer program for eighth-grade boys from Boston and
Cambridge features an academic and athletic curriculum that
channels students’ enthusiasm for baseball into an excitement
for the math and science behind the game. Lincoln Laboratory
sponsored a local student, provided tours of the Flight and Antenna
Test Facility, and hosted a “students versus scientists” softball game
at Hanscom Air Force Base.
Community Service and Giving
Multiple Sclerosis Hike and Bike Event
Laboratory staff participate annually in the National Multiple Sclerosis
Society’s “Hike and Bike the Berkshires” event. This year, Lincoln
Laboratory staff challenged participants in the MIT Science of Baseball Program to a
softball game after the students toured the Laboratory.
Lab­oratory hiking and cycling teams raised more than $15,000,
making Lincoln Laboratory the second leading fund-raiser in the event.
Used-Book Drive and Sale
In coordination with the MIT Community Giving Fund, Lincoln
Laboratory raised over $1140 at an April used-book drive and sale
to support community services.
Support Our Troops Drive
Lincoln Laboratory runs an ongoing campaign of support for
deployed U.S. troops. Donations of food, toiletries, books, and
games are collected daily, boxed by volunteers, and mailed weekly.
Last year, Support Our Troops sent 215 care packages to 37 Army,
Navy, Air Force, and Marine troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Laboratory employees and Hanscom personnel participated in the 5K Fun Run hosted by
the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Fitness Center. The event supported a local veteran’s hospital.
Memory Walk
The past year marked the beginning of LLCO support of the
Alzheim­­er’s Association Memory Walk. In its rookie year, the Lincoln
Laboratory team raised more than $12,300 for the Alzheimer’s
Association, providing programs and services for the 140,000 Mass­­
a­chusetts and New Hampshire residents with Alzheimer’s disease.
Coat Drive
In coordination with Anton’s Coats for Kids program, Lincoln
Laboratory donated over 500 warm winter coats that were cleaned
and distributed to needy men, women, and children.
Sock Drive
New in 2009 was LLCO participation in the “Hannah’s Socks”
program, a charity named after a young Ohio girl who offered her
own socks to a homeless man, and 1,930 pairs of socks were
Lincoln Laboratory employees walked a 3.5 mile loop to raise money for the Alzheimer’s
donated for the homeless, victims of domestic violence, and
underprivileged children.
Laboratory involvement
Diversity and
Lincoln Laboratory recognizes that diversity in experience and cul-
ture promotes innovative thought and excellence. Recent initiatives
are fostering an inclusive workplace that leverages and supports
the talents and perspectives of its staff.
Lincoln Laboratory New Employees Network
The Lincoln Laboratory New Employees Network (LLNEN) helps
new employees transition to the Laboratory and the region.
Members serve as resources for one another, providing information
and insights on the Laboratory, local services, and professional
LLNEN members toured the RF Systems Test Facility and the Flight Facility that houses
the Laboratory’s airborne test bed. Here Alan Fenn of the Advanced RF Sensing and
Exploitation Group is showing the group the instrumentation on an unmanned aerial vehicle.
development activities. LLNEN’s monthly social events, such as a
bowling luncheon or a ski trip, typically attract 40 people. Outreach
activities for 2010 include participating in the Laboratory’s Science
on Saturday program, developing a physics activity in conjunction
with the MIT Science of Baseball Program for eighth graders, and
working with Habitat for Humanity in Bedford, Massachusetts.
Lincoln Laboratory Technical Women’s Network
The mission of the Technical Women’s Network (LLTWN) is to
promote the recruitment, retention, and achievement of women
technical staff at Lincoln Laboratory. The group provides profes-
sional development opportunities, sponsors a mentoring program,
encourages participation in the Laboratory’s recruiting efforts, and
promotes educational outreach activities to interest young women
in science, math, and engineering.
Geeth Chettiar of Lockheed Martin discussed the business imperatives that drive
increased focus on diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
LLTWN FY2010 highlights
30 March 2010
Diversity Congress, October 2009
“Recognizing the Best and the Brightest: Gender and Race in
The Diversity Congress discussed ways to create a stronger culture
of the MIT Women’s and Gender Studies Program.
from across the Laboratory learned about Lincoln Laboratory’s
Research,” a presentation by Prof. Sally Laslanger, MIT, Director
29 January 2010
Technical briefings on current Laboratory initiatives in communications technology.
14 December 2009
Discussion on conflict resolution with Dr. Joanne Kamens, Director
of Research Collaborations, RXi Pharmaceuticals, and member
of the board of directors of Women Entrepreneurs in Science and
of diversity and inclusion within Lincoln Laboratory. Management
efforts in building such a culture. Recruiting at a broader range of
colleges and universities, new programs in mentoring, a more com-
prehensive new employee orientation, and flexible work options are
contributing to the hiring and retaining of a more diverse workforce.
Speakers included Eric Evans, Director, Lincoln Laboratory; Bill
Kindred, Manager of Diversity and Inclusion, Lincoln Laboratory;
Alison Alden, Vice President of Human Resources, MIT; and
Geeth Chettiar, Vice President for Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Programs, Lockheed Martin Corporation.
Laboratory involvement
Workshops and Technical Education
Workshops and Seminars
The 2010 slate of conferences, workshops, and seminars shows
Air Vehicle Survivability Workshop: 11–13 May 2010
the breadth of research that Lincoln Laboratory shares with the
Ballistic Missile Defense Joint Advisory Committee Seminar:
18–20 May 2010
nology developments in the Laboratory’s long-standing mission
Cyber and Netcentric Workshop: 13–14 July 2010
areas of research, such as homeland protection. Many of the
Technical Education
industry, and academia to add their unique perspectives on the
for user communities with which the Laboratory interacts. Courses
technical and defense communities. The workshops address techareas, such as air and ballistic missile defense, and in its newer
workshops bring in guest speakers from the defense community,
Lincoln Laboratory offers educational opportunities for its staff and
application of advanced technology to their fields. These events
for employees are geared to broadening technical knowledge and
provide valuable exchanges of ideas and insights into directions for
future research.
High Performance Embedded Computing Workshop:
22–23 September 2009
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Systems and
Technology Workshop: 17–19 November 2009
Homeland Protection/Chem-Bio Defense Systems Workshop:
16–18 March 2010
Defense Technology Seminar (DTS): 21–26 March 2010
Space Control Conference: 4–6 May 2010
skills, and to acquainting new staff members with the Laboratory’s
advanced technology and technical themes. Courses for invited
military officers and Department of Defense civilians are designed
to further their understanding of current research and the systems
developed at the Laboratory, and are part of the Laboratory’s mission to extend scientific knowledge.
Educational Opportunities for Laboratory Staff
Graduate Education Programs
Lincoln Scholars Program: In the past year, one staff member
earned a doctorate and eleven earned master’s degrees through
This year marked the fourteenth annual Defense Technology Seminar at Lincoln Laboratory. Attendees included military officers and Department of Defense civilians. The seminar
focused on the application of advanced electronics technology to critical surface, air, and space military challenges. A number of distinguished guest speakers offered insights on
current national security issues.
weeks, encourage technical versatility by extending participants’
knowledge in new disciplines. Courses offered in FY10 were Linear
Algebra, Understanding and Using Digital Signal Processing,
Network Coding, and Introduction to Radar Systems (Part 1).
Build Anything: The Engineering Division offered a six-month series
of 11 sessions on the Laboratory’s advanced fabrication capabilities
and facilities. The sessions, which included laboratory demonstrations, covered mechanical fabrication and design; electronic com-
ponents and electronic assembly; assembly, integration, and testing
of systems; and rapid prototyping. The goal of this new course was
to help system designers by acquainting them with the Laboratory’s
capabilities in building components and complex hardware.
Lincoln Scholars Kimberlee Chang and Seth Hunter use the Laboratory’s simulation
capabilities to perform real-time testing of “sidecar” processors.
the Lincoln Scholars Program, a competitive program for which
technical staff are eligible to apply and under which participants
are funded by the Laboratory for full-time pursuit of an advanced
degree at MIT or another local university. Lincoln Scholars continue to contribute to the Laboratory under terms arranged with
the Graduate Education Committee and to work at the Laboratory
during summer breaks.
Distance Learning: Staff members may apply to pursue either
of two specialized master’s degrees through distance learning
Education for Military Officers and DoD Civilians
Networking and Communications Course (NCC): 10–13 May 2010
Through lectures, demonstrations, and tours, the NCC provides both
fundamental and advanced concepts of networks and com­mun­
ications. The current focus is on cyber and net-centric operations.
Introduction to Radar Systems Course: 15–17 June 2010
This course, a version of which is offered in-house to staff and
online via the Laboratory’s web site, has been developed to
provide an under­standing of radar system concepts and technolo-
gies to individuals involved in radar system development, acquisition, and related fields.
programs—the Master of Science in Information Technology–
Anti-tamper Policy, Technology, and Application Course:
the Master of Professional Studies in Information Sciences offered
tamper (AT) technology in DoD systems. It describes the DoD
Software Engineering offered by Carnegie Mellon University and
This monthly course provides a broad overview of the role of anti-
by Pennsylvania State University College of Information Sciences
policy on AT, the engineering processes used to develop AT, and
and Technology. The Graduate Education Committee coordinates
these programs with the respective universities. The programs
the hardware and software techniques used to implement AT.
allow technical staff to gain advanced degrees while continuing
Courses at the Naval War College: In collaboration with faculty
pants completed Carnegie Mellon master’s degrees. Currently, four
technical staff present courses at the Naval War College in
to work full time at the Laboratory. In 2009, the first seven participeople are enrolled in the Carnegie Mellon program and three in
the Penn State program.
In-House Technical Education Courses
Semester-Length Courses: Lincoln Laboratory offers semesterlength onsite courses taught by senior technical staff members
or guest lecturers. The courses, which typically run 12 to 16
from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, Lincoln Laboratory
Newport, Rhode Island. Each semester, Laboratory staff offer one
elective to officers from all branches of the military and the Coast
Guard. In fall 2009, Laboratory staff delivered a course in ballistic
missile defense; in the 2009/2010 winter term, Laboratory engi-
neers lectured on net-centric and cyber operations; and in spring
2010, the Laboratory offered a seminar course on space tech­
nology and policy.
Laboratory involvement
Awards and Recognition
Appointments to Defense Science Board
William P. Delaney (left) and
Dr. Eric D. Evans (right) appointed
as Senior Fellow and Member,
respectively, of the Defense
Science Board.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Career Achievement Award
Roger W. Sudbury (see profile, page 51), in recognition of his com-
Award, and Dr. Robert T-I. Shin received the Exemplary Civilian
Service Award, in recognition of their service on the Air Force
Scientific Advisory Board.
2010 AFCEA Meritorious Award for Engineering
Dr. Thomas G. Macdonald, for contributions to the
command, control, communications, computers,
and intelligence (C4I) community and for a strong
commitment to the goals of the Armed Forces
mitment and technical contributions to the Massachusetts Institute
Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA).
service to the nation.
Missile Defense Agency Technology Achievement Awards
of Technology and MIT Lincoln Labora­tory, and for his exceptional
Dr. Keh-Ping Dunn, Dr. Donald S. Coe, David L. Immerman,
2010 Distinguished Service Award of the
IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
Roger W. Sudbury, for outstanding service for the benefit and
advance­ment of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.
Department of Defense Outstanding Public Service Award
Walter E. Morrow, Director Emeritus, for excep-
Christopher B. Johnson, Dr. Daniel O’Connor, and Dr. Paul Temple,
for their work on the Theater Critical Measurements Program, which
has “provided the ballistic missile defense community with a wealth
of data and capability demonstrations.” Dr. R. Louis Bellaire, for his
work on the Operation Burnt Frost team, which successfully intercepted and destroyed a U.S. satellite that had veered out of orbit.
tional contributions to the Department of Defense
2010 Most Promising Engineer Award
Science Board, serving from January 1987 to
Engineer or Scientist for 2010 at the U.S. Black
as a Member and Senior Fel­low of the Defense
Dr. Shakti K. Davis, named Most Promising
September 2009.
Engineer of the Year Award Conference, for
significant potential for technical contributions.
2010 IEEE Fellows
Dr. Douglas A. Reynolds (left),
IEEE Best Paper Award
mixture-model techniques for
Confe­rence for “Wafer-Scale 3D Integration of InGaAs Image
for contributions to Gaussian-
Best Paper Award at the 2009 IEEE International 3D Systems
automatic speaker recognition.
Sensors with Si Readout Circuits,” coauthored by Dr. Robert
Dr. Grant H. Stokes (right), for
leader­­ship in the development and implementation of advanced
space search systems.
Berger, Vladimir Bolkhovsky, Dr. David C. Chapman, Dr. ChangLee Chen, Dr. Joseph P. Donnelly, WeiLin Hu, Dr. Craig L.
Keast, Jeffrey M. Knecht, Leonard J. Mahoney, Douglas
Oakley, Dr. David C. Shaver, Antonio M. Soares, Dr. Vyshnavi
Appointment to Air Force Scientific
Suntharalingam, Bruce D. Wheeler, and Donna-Ruth Yost.
Advisory Board
Dr. J. Scott Stadler, appointed as Member of the
Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, which helps
Dr. Mohamed D. Abouzahra, Gerald C. Augeri, Dr. Eric J. Austin,
of the U.S. Air Force.
Alexandra Wright, recognized for their distinguished accomplish-
determine the research and development policy
U.S. Air Force Civilian Service Awards
Dr. Hsiao-hua K. Burke received the Meritorious Civilian Service
National Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citation
Dr. Jeffrey S. Herd, Dr. Benny J. Sheeks, Dr. Dieter Willner, and
ments on the Ballistic Missile Technical Collection Integrated
Product Team, which received the citation for exceptional performance from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Roger W. Sudbury
41 Years of Dedicated Service
Roger W. Sudbury
was the former
Executive Officer at MIT Lincoln
Laboratory and served on the Director’s
staff. During his tenure at Lincoln
Laboratory, he served as Assistant and
the Radiation Laboratory. He served on the Micro­wave Theory and
Techniques (MTT) Society AdCom and as MTT Society President
in 2000. He also served on the Steering Committee of the IEEE
International Symposium on Phased-Array Systems and Technology.
then Associate Group Leader in the
A Life Fellow of the IEEE, Roger served the IEEE in many
the Experimental Systems Group. He
and its Strategic Planning and Review Committee. He served as
Systems Engineering Group and later
led the development of high-frequency
solid-state components for active-element phased-array radars,
involving the design, development, and fabrication of devices and
circuits for microwave transmit/receive modules. While leading
the development of GaAs monolithic circuits at the Laboratory, he
served as advisor to the government on GaAs multichip transceiver
module development. He also served as Associate Manager of
Lincoln Laboratory’s Kiernan Reentry Measurements Site in the
Marshall Islands, Kwajalein Atoll, where he was involved in the
operation and management of radar and optical data collection
experiments. He was also involved in the fielding and operation of
Cobra Eye, an airborne infrared data-collection platform.
For many years, Roger served on the International Microwave
Symposium (IMS) Technical Program Committee and three IMS
Steering Committees, and was instrumental in the establishment of
the Microwave- and Millimeter-Wave Monolithic Circuits Symposium.
For the 1991 IMS in Boston, he edited a reissue of Five Years at
capacities. He was a member of the IEEE Technical Activities Board
chair of the Conference Publications Committee, as Technical
Activities Board liaison to the Regional Activities Board, and as vice
chair of the IEEE Membership Development Committee. He served
as chair of the Continuing Professional Education Committee and
on the IEEE Educational Activities Board. A Past President of the
IEEE MTT Society, he served as the MTT Awards Committee
Chair and on the IEEE Awards Board Presentation and Publicity
Committee. He was also on the Steering Committee of the IEEE
International Microwave Symposium and its Technical Program
Committee. He served on the IEEE Board and chaired its Employee
Benefits and Compensation Committee.
Roger was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta
Kappa Nu, and Phi Eta Sigma honor societies. He held a BEE with
highest honors from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the
SM and Engineer (EE) degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. While an instructor in the MIT Electrical Engineering
Department, he received a TV Management Shares Teaching Award.
(From left) Roger, promoted to Captain in the U.S. Army, receives his Captain’s bars from Lieutenant Colonel Heard while his wife, Margaret, congratulates him; while serving on
Kwajalein, Roger visited remote sites; during the filming of the Nova special “Echoes of War,” Roger joined MIT Radiation Laboratory developers of the Army’s SCR‑584 on the
restored radar.
Laboratory involvement
Awards and Recognition, cont.
2010 IEEE Educational Activities Board Employer
Professional Development Award
MIT Lincoln Laboratory received this award “for exemplary
Risk,” published in the AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and
Dynamics, March–April 2010.
leadership in providing programs for its employees, IEEE
2010 MIT Excellence Awards
professional development.”
Shawn S. Daley (left)
members, and other professionals for continuing education and
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing
and Applications Best Paper Award
Dr. Roger I. Khazan, Benjamin W. Fuller, Joseph A. Cooley,
Galen E. Pickard, and Daniil M. Utin of the Cyber Systems
and Technology Group, for the paper “ASE: Authenticated
Statement Exchange.”
Unsung Hero Award:
Serving the Client Award:
Michael R. Burke (right)
Fostering Diversity and Inclusion Award: Lincoln Laboratory
Technical Women’s Network Planning Committee (Leslie Alger,
Emily Anesta, Nadya Bliss, Hsiao-hua Burke, Eva Cardarelli,
Elizabeth Gustowt Champagne, Melissa Choi, Aimee D’Onofrio,
Ellen Johnson, Karen Springford, Vyshnavi Suntharalingam,
Anne Grover Vogel, Christine Wang, Michele Weatherwax,
Appointment to Information Science and Technology Panel
Nadya T. Bliss, appointed to the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Science and Technology
Panel, which provides independent assessments of advanced information sciences and technologies.
2009 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Best Paper Award
Dr. Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Matthew W.M. Edwards, Leo P.
Espindle, Dr. James K. Kuchar, and J. Daniel Griffith for their
paper “Airspace Encounter Models for Estimating Collision
Marilyn Wolfson, and Tamara Yu)
2009 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Technical Excellence Awards
Dr. Tso Yee Fan (left), for innovation
in the solid-state laser field by
dem­on­strating the first diode-
pumped Yb laser and by pioneering
both the use of cryogenics for
scaling solid-state lasers to high power with excellent efficiency and
techniques for laser beam combining. Dr. David R. McElroy (right), for
The Lincoln Laboratory Technical Women’s Network Planning Committee is seen here at the MIT Excellence Awards Ceremony with, in the back row from left to right, Eric D. Evans,
Director, Lincoln Laboratory; Theresa M. Stone, Executive Vice President and Treasurer, MIT; L. Rafael Reif, Provost, MIT; and Kirk D. Kolenbrander, Vice President for Institute
Affairs & Secretary of the Corporation, MIT. The LLTWN committee includes (front row left to right) Elizabeth Champagne, Christine Wang, Anne Vogel, Nadya Bliss, Tamara Yu,
Emily Anesta; (middle row) Aimee D’Onofrio, Hsiao-hua Burke, Leslie Alger, Ellen Johnson, Vyshi Suntharalingam, Melissa Choi.
sustained contributions to the Department of Defense’s MILSATCOM
program, for critical contributions to the nation’s communications
priority as an innovator, architect, leader, and mentor of national stat­ure,
and for perfecting a method to transition Lincoln Laboratory technology
Young Innovator of the Year
Dr. Eric A. Dauler
to industry through the use of “gold standard” test instruments.
Dr. Eric A. Dauler of the
Laboratory’s Optical
2009 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Best Invention Award
Dr. Eric A. Dauler and Dr. Andrew J. Kerman of MIT Lincoln
Laboratory, and Prof. Karl Berggren, Dr. Joel Yang, and Dr. Vikas
Technology Group has
Anant of MIT for their invention “Multi-element Optical Detectors
been selected as the
2010 R&D Magazine
with Sub-wavelength Gaps,” granted U.S. patent 7,638,751 in 2009.
Young Innovator of the
Year. This award is
2009 National Defense Industrial Association
given annually by R&D
RADM Robert H. Gormley Award for Leadership
Magazine to an inno-
Alan D. Bernard, for exceptional and visionary
contributions to aircraft combat survivability, the
vator under the age of
Armed Forces, and the nation.
31 from an academic,
professional, or government organization.
IEEE Electron Devices Society 2009 George E. Smith Award
Winners are chosen
Dr. Jakub T. Kedzierski, Paul D. Healey, Dr. Peter W. Wyatt, Dr.
Craig L. Keast, Prof. Jing Kong (MIT), Pei-Lan Hsu (MIT VI-A
for having demonstrated leadership in developing one or
“Graphene-on-Insulator Transistors Made Using C on Ni Chemical-
was recognized for his contributions to the development
student), and Alfonso Reina (MIT graduate student), for the paper
Vapor Deposition,” which was named the best paper published in
2009 in the IEEE Electron Devices Letters.
2010 Tech Citizenship Award for Community Outreach
Presented to MIT Lincoln Laboratory by Mass High Tech in recog­­ni­
tion of the Laboratory’s strong commitment to educational outreach
and community service.
2010 Bay State Bike Week Mass Commuter Challenge Award
The Lincoln Laboratory team of 148 bicyclists earned a first place
award in the 3000-to-5000-employee division in the Mass Commuter
Challenge. The team also earned second place among all divisions.
2009 “Superior” Security Rating
To Lincoln Laboratory’s collateral security program from the
Command­­er of the 66th Security Forces Squadron at Hanscom
Air Force Base.
Patriot Award
Shawn S. Daley, from the Massachusetts chapter of the National
Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, for coordinating support for a deployed Air Force reservist who is a member
of the Laboratory’s Security Services Department.
more innovative products within the prior year. Dr. Dauler
of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors and
Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes.
The Lincoln Laboratory nanowire photodetector arrays
are the fastest, most sensitive single-photon detectors
available. They operate in the ultraviolet, visible, and
near-infrared spectral regions; provide the largest
photon-counting rates; are relatively easy to fabricate;
involve simple signal digital post-processing to obtain
photon-number information; and detect light coming
from a range of angles. These characteristics enable the
arrays to advance what is now possible in optical com-
munications. In the future, nanowire photodetector arrays
will be used in laser-communications receivers on Earth
and eventually in orbit as part of an optical deep-space
communications network.
Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode two-dimensional
arrays of ultrasensitive solid-state photodetectors enable
three-dimensional laser radar imaging that has been used
in mapping terrain, acquiring data for robotic vision, and
imaging partially obscured objects.
Laboratory involvement
R&D 100 Awards
Five Lincoln Laboratory technologies were
named 2010 winners of R&D 100 Awards. These
awards are given annually by R&D Magazine, an
internationally respected journal providing news
and technical articles to research scientists
and engineers. Instituted in 1963, these
awards recognize the 100 most tech­nologically
significant innovations introduced during the
previous year. Recipients of R&D 100 Awards
are chosen from hundreds of nominations by an
independent panel of evaluators and the editors
of R&D Magazine.
Previous R&D 100 award winners, which have
included large companies, start-ups, universities,
and government laboratories, span a broad range
of applied research: fax machines, liquid crystal
At a ceremony in Orlando, Florida, Lincoln Laboratory technical staff members accepted 2010 R&D 100
Awards on behalf of their respective development teams. From left to right are Eric Shank, Michael Kelly,
Kenneth Schultz, Simon Verghese, Merlin Green, Helen Kim, and Eric Dauler. Dr. Dauler was also named the
R&D 100 Magazine Young Innovator of the Year.
displays, antilock brakes, and the artificial retina.
Runway Status Lights
A system integrating data from airport surveillance sources to
control in-pavement lights that directly alert pilots to potential runway incursions
Developers: Dr. James R. Eggert, Dr. Eric M. Shank, Walter L. Brown,
Dr. Richard W. Bush, Dr. Jeffrey L. Gertz, Daniel C. Herring, Leo Javits, Daniel A.
Komisar, Maria Picardi Kuffner, Jessica E. Olszta, and Harald Wilhelmsen
(Left) Takeoff Hold Lights are shown implemented at the Los Angeles International Airport. These components
of the Runway Status Lights system are placed at departure positions and indicate to pilots that it is unsafe to
take off because a runway ahead is occupied by another aircraft.
Subwavelength-Separated Superconducting
Nanowire Single-Photon Detector Array
A component in an optical detection system that enables broad-
band single-photon detection with high efficiency and low noise at
rates exceeding one billion photons per second
Developers: Dr. Eric A. Dauler and Dr. Andrew J. Kerman
(Lincoln Laboratory), Prof. Karl K. Berggren (MIT), and Vikas
Anant and Joel K.W. Yang (former MIT graduate students)
(Right) A scanning electron micrograph of two eight-element nanowire photodetector
arrays fabricated at Lincoln Laboratory. (Far right) A magnified scanning electron
micrograph of a single eight-element nanowire array.
Digital-Pixel Focal-Plane Array
A complementary metal-oxide semiconductor readout integrated circuit for infrared
imaging. Fast on-chip processing provides an extreme dynamic range from a minimally
sized package (See p. 7 for images made possible by the digital focal-plane array.)
Top-level hybrid components
Developers: Dr. Michael W. Kelly, Dr. Kenneth I. Schultz, Lawrence M. Candell,
Dr. Daniel L. Mooney, Curtis B. Colonero, Dr. Robert Berger, Brian M. Tyrrell,
James R. Wey, Dr. Christopher L. David, Stephanie Hsu, Dr. Andrew M. Siegel,
Joseph S. Costa, Eric J. Ringdahl, Dr. Matthew G. Brown, Justin J. Baker, and
Thomas D. Gardner
(Right) The digital-pixel focal-plane array includes two top-level components: an infrared detector array and a
readout integrated circuit (ROIC). Any commercial infrared detector may be used with the ROIC, which was
designed at Lincoln Laboratory and manufactured at IBM.
Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photodiode Array
A two-dimensional array of ultrasensitive solid-state photo­detectors, each of which
can measure the arrival time of single photons
Developers: Dr. Simon Verghese, Dr. Richard M. Marino, Dr. Brian F. Aull,
Dr. Bernard B. Kosicki, Dr. Robert K. Reich, Bradley J. Felton, Dr. David C.
Shaver, Andrew H. Loomis, Douglas J. Young, K. Alexander McIntosh,
David C. Chapman, Joseph P. Donnelly, Douglas C. Oakley, Antonio Napoleone,
Dr. Erik K. Duerr, Jonathan P. Frechette, Joseph M. Mahan, Joseph E. Funk,
Brian M. Tyrrell, Dr. Pablo I. Hopman, Dr. Eric A. Dauler, Peter J. Grossmann, and
Leonard J. Mahoney
(Left) A sequence of three-dimensional images obtained by using a laser radar camera that includes the
Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode focal-plane array can be processed and registered to remove foliage
that obscures objects of interest below. In the four images, color represents relative height. By changing the
threshold and eliminating taller objects from view, the upper left image showing only treetops progresses to
the upper right image revealing a tank and tree trunks.
Miniaturized Radio-Frequency
Four-Channel Receiver
The smallest, least-power-demanding
receiver that can detect frequencies over a
six-octave range
Developers: Dr. Helen H. Kim, Matthew D.
Cross, Merlin R. Green, Daniel D. Santiago,
and Sabino Pietrangelo
(Right) The four-channel miniaturized RF receiver occupies a
single 6U VME card by replacing larger, low-yielding materials
with silicon-germanium semiconductors. For comparison, a
commercial two-channel RF receiver uses four 6U VME cards.
organization and governance
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Organizational Chart
Lincoln Laboratory
Eric D. Evans
Marc D. Bernstein
Associate Director
Anthony P. Sharon
Assistant Director – Operations
Office of the Director
Service Departments
Steven R. Bussolari
Strategic Initiatives
John E. Kuconis
Executive Officer
Contracting Services
Paul F. Conroy
Facility Services
Donald N. Holmes
Bernadette Johnson
Technology Officer
Bruce C. Bray
Interim Head
Safety and Mission Assurance
Financial Services
Patricia O’Riordan
Human Resources
Brian S. Donahue
Information Services
Joseph M. Flynn
Chief Information Officer
Security Services
Shawn S. Daley
Chief Security Officer
Air and Missile
Defense Technology
Communication Systems
and Cyber Security
Advanced Technology
Hsiao-hua K. Burke
J. Scott Stadler
David C. Shaver
Andrew D. Gerber
Associate Head
Roy S. Bondurant
Associate Head
Craig L. Keast
Associate Head
Gerald C. Augeri
Assistant Head
Stephan B. Rejto
Assistant Head
Charles A. Primmerman
Associate Head
Dennis J. Keane
Assistant Head
Marc A. Zissman
Assistant Head
Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance and
Tactical Systems
Robert T-I. Shin
Robert G. Atkins
Assistant Head
Curtis W. Davis III
Assistant Head
James Ward
Assistant Head
Homeland Protection
and Air Traffic Control
Israel Soibelman
Eliahu H. Niewood
Grant H. Stokes
James M. Flavin
Assistant Head
William R. Davis, Jr.
Assistant Head
Lawrence M. Candell
Assistant Head
Mark E. Weber
Assistant Head
Michael T. Languirand
Assistant Head
Craig E. Perini
Assistant Head
Office of the President
Dr. Susan Hockfield, President
Office of the Provost
Dr. L. Rafael Reif, Provost
Dr. Claude R. Canizares, Vice President
for Research and Associate Provost
DoD Joint Advisory Committee
Annually reviews the Laboratory’s proposal for programs to be undertaken in the
subsequent fiscal year and five-year plan.
Mr. Sean J. Stackley
Assistant Secretary of the Navy
for Research, Development and
Mr. Alan R. Shaffer, Chairman
Principal Deputy, Defense Research
and Engineering
Dr. Regina E. Dugan
Director, Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency
Gen Bruce Carlson, USAF (Ret)
Director, National Reconnaissance Office
LTG Patrick J. O’Reilly
Director, Missile Defense Agency
Dr. Malcolm O’Neill
Assistant Secretary
of the Army for Acquisition,
Logistics and Technology
Mr. David Van Buren
Acting Assistant Secretary
of the Air Force for Acquisition
Maj Gen Ellen Pawlikowski
Commander, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Joint Advisory Committee
Executive Group—Chair
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Advisory Board
Appointed by the MIT President and reports to the Provost. The Advisory Board meets twice a year to review the direction of Laboratory programs.
Mr. Kent Kresa, Chairman
Former Chairman and CEO of
Northrop Grumman
Prof. Angela M. Belcher
Germeshausen Professor of
Materials Science and Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Prof. Daniel E. Hastings
Dean of Undergraduate Education,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Former Chief Scientist of the Air Force
Prof. Hans Mark
The University of Texas at Austin;
Former Secretary of the Air Force;
Former Deputy Administrator of NASA
Dr. Miriam John
Vice President Emeritus of
Sandia National Laboratories
Prof. Jeffrey H. Shapiro
Julius A. Stratton Professor of Electrical
Engineering, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology; Director, MIT Research
Laboratory of Electronics
VADM David E. Frost, USN (Ret)
President, Frost & Associates, Inc.;
Former Deputy Commander,
U.S. Space Command
Dr. Paul G. Kaminski
Chairman and CEO of Technovation, Inc.;
Former Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition and Technology
Dr. Arthur Gelb
President, Four Sigma Corporation;
Former Chairman and CEO of
The Analytic Sciences Corporation
Dr. Donald M. Kerr
Board of Trustees, MITRE Corporation;
Former Principal Deputy Director of
National Intelligence; Former Director of
the National Reconnaissance Office
ADM Edmund P. Giambastiani Jr., USN (Ret)
Former Vice-Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Mr. John P. Stenbit
Former Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3I);
Former Executive Vice President, TRW
GEN Gordon R. Sullivan
President of the Association of the U.S. Army;
Former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army
Gen Lester L. Lyles, USAF (Ret)
Board of Directors, General Dynamics
Corporation; Former Vice Chief of Staff
of the Air Force; Former Commander,
Air Force Materiel Command
organization and governance
Staff and Laboratory Programs
Staff Technical Equivalents: 1,502
Support: 1047
Technical Support: 357
Composition of Professional Staff
Total Employees:
Professional Staff
Staff Profiles
by Degree
by Academic
Academic Discipline
by Academic Discipline
by Degree
Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Meteorology, Meteorology, Materials Science
Materials Science
No Degree
No Degree
Computer Computer Science
Breakdown of Laboratory Programs
by Sponsor
Sponsor Funding
of Program
by Sponsor
Navy 3%
Air Defense
Air Defense
Air Force Air Force
Advanced Advanced
ISR Systems
ISR Systems
and Technology
and Technology
20%DoDOther DoD
Other Government
Other Government
Agencies Agencies
Homeland Homeland
Protection Protection
of Program
Funding by Mission Area
of Program
by Mission
Area by Mission Area
Systems Systems
Cyber Security
and Cyberand
Space Contr
Space Control
Non-DoD Non-DoD
Tactical Systems
Tactical Systems
Missile Defense
Missile Defense
Lincoln Space Surveillance Complex, Westford, Massachusetts
Reagan Test Site, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands
Communications and Community Outreach Office: 781.981.4204
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
The work described in this document is performed under the
prime contract with the U.S. Air Force, FA8721-05-C-0002.
T e c h n o l o g y i n S u p p o rt o f N at i o n a l S e c u r i t y
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