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Roger I. Khazan, Scott M. Lewandowski, Clifford J. Weinstein, Stephen A. Goulet,
Steven J. Rak, Prasad Ramanan†, Thomas M. Parks‡, Michael C. Hamler§
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Information Systems Technology Group
244 Wood Street, Lexington, MA 02420-9108
Phone: (781)981-7620; Email: {rkh, scl, cjw, goulet, rak} @ll.mit.edu
RCM (Robust Collaborative Multicast) is a communication
service designed to support collaborative applications operating in dynamic, mission-critical environments. RCM
implements a set of well-specified message ordering and
reliability properties that balance two conflicting goals: a)
providing low-latency, highly-available, reliable communication service, and b) guaranteeing global consistency in
how different participants perceive their communication.
Both of these goals are important for collaborative applications.
In this paper, we describe RCM, its modular and flexible
design, and a collection of simple, light-weight protocols
that implement it. We also report on several experiments
with an RCM prototype in a test-bed environment.
Collaborative applications, such as textual chat and shared
white-boards, have been becoming important tools for
supporting military operations [1]. However, mainstream,
commercial implementations of these applications were
not designed to provide the properties required for their
use in military operations. What is even more important,
technologies underlying these implementations (that is,
algorithms, protocols, and architectures) were not designed
to operate in dynamic, unstable network environments. For
example, during the Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment
(JEFX) 2002, a centralized, single-server chat application
failed to tolerate link outages and resulted in poor availability, much lower than that of underlying communication
links [3][4].
In order for collaborative applications to be useful, users
must have consistent perceptions of their collaboration.
This typically requires that different users receive all mes∗
This research was sponsored by the United States Air Force under Air Force
Contract F19628-00-C-0002. Opinions, interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations are not necessarily endorsed by the US Government.
Dr. Khazan is the point-of-contact author. All authors are U.S. citizens.
Mr. Ramanan was a research assistant. He completed an MIT M.Eng. thesis
under the supervision of Dr. Khazan and Dr. Weinstein in Summer, 2003.
Dr. Parks participated in this project as a visiting scientist at MIT LL in Summer, 2003. Computer Science Dept., Colgate Univ., Hamilton, NY 13346.
Mr. Hamler was a research assistant. He completed an MIT M.Eng.. thesis
under the supervision of Dr. Khazan and Dr. Weinstein in Summer, 2004.
sages according to the same global order. One way to ensure globally ordered delivery of messages is to order them
at a single location, using a single server. This is the approach typically used in existing collaborative applications, but it is obviously not appropriate for deployment in
dynamic, mission critical environments. An alternative is
to use protocols designed to implement globally ordered
broadcast in a distributed setting using multiple servers.
Many such protocols exist [2], but they rely on the servers’
abilities to continuously communicate and synchronize
with one another. In an environment with frequent connectivity and link quality fluctuations, these protocols may
result in prohibitive levels of overhead and sometimes,
during network partitions, in blocking the service until partitions repair. Such behavior is unacceptable for real-time
collaborative applications supporting military operations.
In this paper, we present RCM (Robust Collaborative Multicast), a communication service designed to support collaborative applications operating in dynamic, missioncritical environments. RCM implements a set of wellspecified message ordering and reliability properties that
balance two conflicting goals: a) providing low-latency,
highly-available, reliable communication service, and b)
guaranteeing global consistency in how different participants perceive their communication. Both of these goals
are important for collaborative applications. The balance
between these goals is accomplished by the IGO (Intermittent Global Order) multicast protocol.
This protocol guarantees globally ordered delivery of messages during the times when the underlying network connectivity is stable and satisfies certain minimal levels of
quality of service. However, during periods of instability,
when participants disconnect or are poorly connected, the
protocol may deviate from the global order: In particular,
messages sent by participants that remain well connected
are still delivered in the same order, but the messages sent
by disconnected or poorly connected participants may be
missing or may be delivered late. When this happens,
RCM informs its clients about the reduction in the quality
of service. The upshot of relaxing the ordering for messages sent by disconnected or poorly connected participants is that the protocol does not wait for these messages
and is able to provide reliable, low-latency delivery of
messages sent by other participants.
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Note that IGO is more powerful than “best-effort” global
order because the conditions under which the global order
is guaranteed are well-defined, and because the clients are
informed when these conditions do and do not hold.
fect connectivity, as it was configured to weather outages
of up to 60 sec. in duration.
RCM design was guided by and successfully realizes several goals:
The environment is comprised of several sites, which can
either be airborne, like a Command and Control aircraft, or
on the ground, like a Combined Air Operations Center.
Each site hosts a number of communication end-points,
such as chat application clients; see Figure 1. A reasonable
upper-bound on the number of sites is ten, and that for
communication end-points at each site is a hundred.
Connection-awareness: RCM informs its clients
about changes in their connectivity to each other. The
connectivity information is presented in terms of logical connection statuses, which correspond to RCM’s
ability (or inability) to communicate with certain quality of service levels.
Weathering transient connectivity problems: RCM
can be configured to tolerate connectivity problems
(e.g., outages and congestions) up to a certain duration. It guarantees reliable communication among participants regardless of such transient problems.
Intermittent global order: RCM strikes a balance
between conflicting needs of collaborative applications
by guaranteeing global ordering during stable times,
and relaxing the ordering for the sake of low latency
and high availability during problematic times. RCM
realizes an important idea that one or several problematic participants should not “spoil” everyone else’s
communication (which they would do with standard
global order multicast protocols).
Robustness: RCM is able to remain available regardless of connectivity changes, and in particular, regardless of periods of high dynamism.
RCM is designed as a modular, flexible system; it is made
up of well-defined protocol modules. The protocols implementing RCM reliability and ordering properties are
decoupled from the protocols handling low-level connections and communication; the former comprise Protocol
Stack and the latter – Connection Manager. Protocol Stack
is insulated from low-level communication problems and,
instead, makes use of high-level (logical) connectivity information provided by Connection Manager.
We implemented an RCM prototype in Java. Our experiments in a test environment demonstrate RCM’s ability to
maintain robust, highly-available service under adverse,
dynamic network conditions. As an example, in one 12hour experiment involving four RCM servers, we configured each link to be available 73% of the time, and the
service to tolerate all link outages up to 60 sec. in duration.
The results were the following: RCM remained operational
throughout the experiment and provided logical connectivity for ~91% of the time. An analysis of link outages
showed that ~9% of the time links were down due to outages lasting more than 60 sec. Thus, RCM achieved per-
Figure 1. Airborne command and control environment.
Within each site, the communication end-points are connected by a fast and reliable communication network,
which is similar to a typical local-area network (LAN).
The sites themselves are also connected by a communication network. However, this network is significantly worse
than within sites. The inter-site network utilizes different
types of links (line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-site) some
of which are unreliable and may exhibit variable performance. Because of link outages and restorations, the intersite network may partition and merge dynamically. Both
intra-site and inter-site networks implement standard IPbased communication protocols, such as TCP and UDP.
Our project was motivated by the need to create a robust
chat application appropriate for deployment in an airborne
command and control environment. In its simplest form,
this application should support upto a hundred users at
each site collaborating in multiple chat rooms by posting
text messages there. Thus, messages originated by a given
user typically need to be broadcast to many users located
at different sites.
The environment model suggests a natural architecture for
a robust chat application; see Figure 2. Each site has a single chat server and a collection of chat clients located at
communication end-points. When a user sends a message
to a group of users, the user’s chat client transmits the
message to its local chat server via the reliable and stable
intra-site network. The chat server then transmits the mes-
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sage to other chat servers using a communication service
designed for the inter-site environment. Once the chat
servers receive the message, they transmit it to the chat
clients of the appropriate local users.
Chat Server
RCM Server
Wireless Network
Chat Server
RCM Server
to have a single RCM server at each site, and to have each
server serve a single RCM client – a Chat server in our
case (the chat server itself has many clients); see Figure 2.
This design decision makes sense in the context of our target application and the target deployment environment. If
necessary in the future, multiple RCM clients can be supported with a multiplexer/demultiplexer layer on top of
RCM. As a result of this design decision, client addresses
and server addresses are specified as sites. For simplicity,
we often say “site” instead of “client” or “server”. We now
describe the interface and semantics of the RCM service.
Chat Server
RCM Server
The service has a simple interface consisting of the following methods:
send(message): A method that is used by clients to
send messages to sets of clients. The source and destinations are specified in the message as source and
destinations fields. We will say that “a message is
sent to a site”, when the site is included as one of the
message’s destinations.
receive(message): A blocking method that is used
by clients to receive messages sent to them; (this
method is typically invoked by a dedicated receive
thread at the client). Naturally, when a message is received by a client, the destinations field includes the
client as one of its destination sites, and the source
field contains the sender of the message.
setConnectionStatus(site, status): A callback
method that is provided by clients in order for them to
be notified about changes in connectivity with other
clients. The site parameter specifies the location of a
remote client. The status parameter takes one of three
logical values: connected, suspected, or disconnected.
These correspond to RCM’s ability (or inability) to
communicate with the remote site at pre-defined quality of service levels, such as latency and bandwidth.
The definitions of different QoS levels are applicationand environment-specific.
Figure 2. Decentralized, scalable architecture for Robust Chat.
Each site has a chat server providing chat services to its local
chat clients. Chat servers use the RCM (Robust Collaborative
Multicast) service to communicate with each other.
This architecture has a number of strong points. It is:
Decentralized: Individual sites and groups of sites can
operate independently from other sites if they are disconnected from them. This is necessary for achieving
robustness and high-availability.
Scalable in the number of users: Because chat servers collect messages from and distribute messages to
their users, only a single copy of each message is sent
to each site, regardless of how many users that site
Modular: This architecture separates the chat application from the underlying inter-site communication service. This has two implications: First, the architecture
can be utilized for other collaborative applications.
Second, it allows for different implementations of inter-site communication services to be plugged in to the
Tailored to the environment: The architecture respects the heterogeneity inherent to the environment
and brings attention to the one thing that is the true
challenge here: inter-site communication.
The focus of this paper is RCM, an inter-site communication service designed to support robust collaboration in this
RCM is a generic multicast service that allows its clients to
communicate messages to sets of clients. Messages are
addressed by clients’ locations. We made a design decision
Clients are allowed to send messages to a site only
when the site is connected or suspected, but not when
it is disconnected.
In the current design, the set of all sites in the system is
known a priori, at the time RCM servers are initialized. In
the future, the service can be extended with a protocol
supporting join requests from new servers and leave requests from existing servers.
RCM provides a collection of properties that is tailored to
the needs of collaborative applications operating in dy-
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service starts routing messages between A and C
through B. According to the definition, set {A, B} is
connected, but it is not stable (because B can communicate with a site outside the set). Set {A, B, C} is neither connected nor stable.
namic, distributed environments. In this paper, for the sake
of brevity, we give intuitive, but informal, definitions of
these properties; precise definitions will appear in [6].
Connection-awareness: Clients of RCM are notified
about changes in connectivity to other clients via the
setConnectionStatus(site,status) method. RCM
guarantees that if two sites become connected and are
able to communicate with adequate quality of service
for a sufficiently long period of time, RCM will notify
the clients at these sites that they are connected. Likewise, if connection quality between two sites falls below a pre-defined level and remains such for a sufficiently long period of time, RCM will inform the
clients at these sites that they are disconnected. As was
mentioned before, RCM can be configured to weather
connectivity problems of up to certain duration (e.g., 1
minute); this duration can be specified by the client
application. The suspected status is used during such
problematic periods to give an early notification to clients about connectivity problems that RCM is attempting to weather.
Reliability of message delivery: RCM guarantees that
sites sending messages to each other will receive them
as long as they do not see each other as being disconnected. What is important is that reliability is guaranteed not only during the times when sites are connected, but also when their connections are suspected
(as long as they are not disconnected later). RCM clients rely on this property to know that their messages
will be delivered to their destinations regardless of
transient problems.
FIFO ordering of message delivery: RCM guarantees that messages are delivered in the order in which
they are sent by their senders. This is a local persender ordering property, not a global one.
Intermittent Global Order of message delivery:
RCM balances two conflicting needs of collaborative
applications: low-latency and global order. In order to
keep message latency small it guarantees global order
only during the times when the environment satisfies
certain conditions – when it is “stable”.
More precisely, define a set of sites to be connected if
every pair of sites is connected, that is, if the sites can
communicate with a certain quality level. A set of sites
is stable if it is connected, and if every site in this set
is disconnected from every site outside the set. To exemplify the difference, consider three sites, A, B, and
C, with A connected to B, and B connected to C, but A
and C disconnected from each other. Such intransitivity may happen in dynamic networks, typically only
for a short time, until the underlying communication
The Intermittent Global Order property guarantees that
all sites in a stable network component receive the
same messages in the same order; that is, each site receives the same sequence of messages. When a network component is not stable, different sites may differ in the sequences of messages they receive: The
sites that remain connected, will still receive their
messages in the same order, but the sequences of messages that these sites receive may differ in the messages sent by other sites. Some of these messages may
be received late, in which case, RCM informs the clients about the lateness of these messages and about
their proper places in the sequences of messages received.
Robustness: RCM guarantees to remain operational
even during periods of high dynamism of the inter-site
network. Sites that remain connected will be able to
communicate. Moreover, once the network stabilizes
and remains in that state for a sufficiently long period
of time, the connectivity provided by RCM will match
the connectivity available in the network.
The RCM service is provided by servers located at the
sites. Each site has a single RCM server and, as was mentioned above, a single RCM client. When a client submits
a message to its RCM server, the server sends the message
to the servers located at the destination sites; the servers
then deliver the message to their clients. Note that, in order
to satisfy message ordering properties, RCM servers may
need to delay delivering messages to their clients; this will
be discussed below.
An RCM server is made up of two components: Connection Manager and Protocol Stack; see Figure 3. Connection Manager encapsulates all connection-related activities
and translates low-level connectivity information into the
high-level, logical connection statuses: connected, suspected, and disconnected. Protocol Stack encapsulates all
messaging-related protocols, which together implement the
reliability and ordering properties of RCM. The protocols
are shielded from all low-level connection issues (such as
for example socket exceptions); instead, they deal only
with the logical connection statuses. This decoupling of
the protocols handling low-level connectivity and communication from the protocols implementing reliability and
ordering properties is an important design feature of RCM.
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Chat Server
RCM Server
Monitoring TCP connections for liveness and quality: Connection Manager listens for socket channel
events, keeping track of liveness and quality of TCP
connections. It sends a heartbeat message to a remote
site if no messages are sent there for some time (determined by heartbeat timeout).
Dynamic wireless network
(TCP-like service)
Figure 3. Architecture of a Robust Collaborative Multicast
server. The server consists of two components, Connection
Manager and Protocol Stack, and relies on a TCP-like underlying service to communicate with other RCM servers.
Figure 4. Low-level connection states and transitions implemented by Connection Manager.
RCM operates atop TCP, thereby taking advantage of the
facts that TCP implements reliable FIFO communication
within individual connection instances, and that TCP has
flow-control. We are assuming that TCP (or a TCP-like
service) is available as part of the inter-site communication
infrastructure and that it is optimized for operation in the
airborne environment. This assumption is valid in our specific target environment, and it is also reasonable in general, as numerous R&D projects are aimed at developing
standard communication services for dynamic, wireless
networks. One example is the 4xComm project of MIT
Lincoln Laboratory. The 4xComm system leverages multiple types of links available in airborne command and
control environments to do intelligent routing and bandwidth allocation [11].
Figure 4 shows a state machine that governs how Con-
nection Manager handles each TCP connection. There
are three states: TCP_Connected, TCP_Silent, and
TCP_Disconnected. The TCP_Connected state is entered when a TCP connection is established and the
state machine remains in this state while the connection satisfies certain predefined quality levels. If the
connection does not satisfy these quality levels, for example, if no messages are received for some time (liveness timeout), the state machine transitions to
TCP_Silent. If a socket exception occurs either in
TCP_Connected or TCP_Silent states, Connection
Manager closes the socket and transitions to
TCP_Disconnected; There, it periodically attempts to
establish a new connection with the remote site. Also,
while in the TCP_Silent state, Connection Manager
has an option of closing the socket after some time (silence timeout).
Connection Manager
Connection Manager implements the following connection-related activities:
Establishing and re-establishing connections to
other sites: Whenever an RCM server is not connected to another RCM server, it attempts to establish
a connection with that server once every reconnect period. When Connection Manager succeeds in establishing a TCP connection, the socket associated with
the TCP connection is passed to a socket channel.
These are the channels at the bottom of Protocol Stack
that implement socket-level communication to individual sites, i.e., reading messages from and writing
them to the socket. All socket exceptions are passed to
Connection Manager and typically result in the socket
being closed. Connection Manager then attempts to reestablish a connection, and if it succeeds, it passes the
new socket to the appropriate socket channel.
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Informing its RCM server about connectivity
changes: Connection Manager translates low-level
connection events into the three logical connection
statuses: connected, suspected, and disconnected,
which it passes up to its server. Figure 5 shows the
state machine that governs this process. Transitions are
labeled with the states of the state machine handling
TCP connections. Thus, when a TCP connection with
a remote site enters the TCP_Connected state, Connection Manager notifies the server that the site has connected. If the TCP connection then goes to TCP_Silent
or TCP_Disconnected, the server is notified that the
connection is suspected. Starting from this point, if a
live connection with the remote site is not established
within certain time (suspect timeout), Connection
Manager notifies its server that the site has disconnected. The value of suspect timeout is the maximal
duration of transient problems that RCM will weather.
TCP connection fails, it loses all messages that were written into the socket but did not make it to the remote site.
This is why Robust P2P is needed.
When the server learns about a new connection status,
it propagates this information to its client and to the
protocol stack. The client and the protocol stack are
unaware of sockets and their exceptions; they see only
the logical connection statuses produced by Connection Manager.
2. Robust Point-to-Point (P2P) channel: These channels lie on top of socket channels. They provide reliable
FIFO communication to remote sites as long as their connectivity statuses remain connected or suspected. The basic idea is to buffer messages while they remain unacknowledged and retransmit them in situations when the
underlying socket channel (TCP) may have lost them.
Here is the protocol in a nutshell:
Figure 5. Logical connection states are passed to the RCM
server, and then later to its client. Transitions occur as a result of
low-level connection changes.
Protocol Stack
Protocol Stack implements the reliability and ordering
properties of RCM. It is comprised of four types of channels. A channel is a stackable abstraction for point-to-point
and multicast protocols, where upper channels use underlying channels to send and receive messages. The protocol
stack and the channel abstraction is a generic and flexible
framework for experimenting with different protocol implementations and different protocol combinations. We
now describe the four types of channels as they are currently implemented in RCM.
1. Socket channel: A socket channel implements socketbased communication with a remote site; it uses a socket
that it gets from Connection Manager. The interface of
socket channel includes the send(message) method,
which writes message to the socket, or returns false if it
has no socket . The channel also has a receive thread that
reads messages from the socket and delivers them to the
upper channel. Recall that Connection Manager uses
socket channels to send heartbeats, and also listens for all
send and receive events generated by the channels. Socket
exceptions are propagated to Connection Manager and
typically result in the socket being closed. When Connection Manager succeeds in reestablishing a connection with
the remote site, it initializes the appropriate socket channel
with the new socket.
Note that, while TCP implements reliable FIFO communication within individual connections, it is not able to tolerate long-lasting link outages (seconds or minutes). If a
On the sending side, the channel buffers all messages that
it sends until they are acknowledged by the remote site.
When connectivity with the remote site is suspected, the
channel suspends sending messages, and just buffers them.
When the remote site becomes connected again, the channel restarts sending buffered messages, starting from the
first unacknowledged message.
On the receiving side, the channel monitors sequence
numbers of the messages received from the underlying
socket channel. It delivers messages to the channel above
if their sequence numbers monotonically increase. Otherwise, it simply ignores them because they are duplicates of
already delivered messages. The reason duplicate messages may be received is because all unacknowledged
messages are retransmitted by the sending side after a reconnection; however, some of these messages may have
been successfully received before. The receiving side also
periodically acknowledges the sequence number of the last
message it delivers to the channel above; this allows the
remote site to remove from its buffer all messages with
smaller sequence numbers.
If the channel learns that the remote site has disconnected,
it no longer has to provide reliability for the buffered messages, and can delete them from its buffers. Even though
these messages are allowed to be deleted, our implementation does not delete them for some time if there is enough
memory to hold them.
Correctness of this protocol relies on the reliability and
FIFO ordering properties of TCP and the fact that after a
reconnection the protocol sends buffered messages starting
with the first unacknowledged message. Thus, the receiving side receives overlapping FIFO sequences and it uses
message sequence numbers to ignore the overlap.
This is a simple, straightforward protocol that works well
for low sending rates and short messages; otherwise the
overlapping regions may become large, leading to inefficient use of bandwidth. A more efficient protocol can
eliminate the overlaps by having servers synchronize and
retransmit only the messages that were lost.
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3. Multicast channel: The third layer from the bottom is
a multicast channel, implemented as a simple pass-through
multiplexer/demultiplexer. When the channel receives a
send(message) request from the channel above (IGO in
this case), it copies this request to the Robust P2P channels
that correspond to the destination sites. When it receives a
message from an underlying Robust P2P channel, it delivers the message up to the channel above.
In general, implementing multicast as a combination of
point-to-point transmissions, one for each destination, can
be inefficient. This is because point-to-point transmissions
to different destinations may occur on the same physical
links, resulting in redundant communication.
However, we decided to go with the simple solution because there are several factors that contribute to communication redundancy being small in our case: First, the number of destination sites in the targeted environment is
small. Second, many sites are connected by dedicated
physical links, like TCDL. Third, the messages generated
by the target application and by RCM are typically small.
A standard way of implementing multicast more efficiently is with a multicast tree. Such an implementation
can be easily plugged into the protocol stack instead of the
simple multicast channel, if this becomes necessary in the
4. Intermittent Global Order channel: The top layer of
the protocol stack implements the intermittent global ordering property, which guarantees that messages are delivered in the same order to different destination sites, as long
as the sites form a stable set (see RCM Specification).
However, during instabilities, message streams delivered
to different sites may be different; in particular, they may
differ in the messages sent by problematic sites. IGO realizes the idea that a single site or a group of sites with slow
or broken links should not “spoil” (delay or block) everyone’s communication (which they would do with standard
global order multicast protocols).
or broken link results in a delay or blocking of everyone’s
Our IGO protocol is a simple modification of the standard
logical time protocol: In deciding whether a message can
be delivered, the protocol considers the logical times of
only those sites to which it is connected, and does not consider the logical times of suspected or disconnected sites.
As a result, messages from suspected or disconnected sites
may arrive and be delivered late. Late messages are
marked as such and the client is informed about their
proper global order positions. The upshot of allowing late
messages from suspected and disconnected sites is that the
protocol does not wait for these messages and keeps ordering and delivering messages from other sites.
We implemented an RCM prototype in Java, paying particular attention to making the low-level design and implementation correspond to the high-level design. We have
also put together a four site test-bed network and have
been conducting experiments, testing each of the five
properties of RCM: connection-awareness, reliability,
FIFO, IGO, and robustness.
In this paper we report results on the following experiment
setup: A group of four sites is connected via 56kbps links.
The client at each site broadcasts 2 messages per second to
the four sites. Each experiment lasts one hour and alternates between an interval with all links being up and an
interval with some links being down, creating two two-site
partitions; the durations of the two intervals are fixed for
each experiment. RCM is configured with a 1 sec. heartbeat timeout, 5 sec. liveness timeout, 60 sec. suspect timeout, and 3 sec. reconnection period (see the Connection
Manager section).
Connection awareness and availability
We have designed four different IGO protocols as simple
modifications of standard global order protocols, in particular, the protocols based on Lamport’s logical time, sequencer server, real time, and logical/real time hybrid [2].
The first two are described and experimentally compared
in [10]; the last two are the subject of a future publication.
In this paper we describe the logical time protocol; it has
been formally modeled and verified by Matlon [9].
In the standard logical time protocol [8], in order for a site
to deliver messages to its client it must be able to continuously learn about the logical times of all other sites. Otherwise, it cannot deliver messages; this is because, if it
does, it may later receive a message that should have been
delivered first. Hence, in this protocol, even a single slow
Time (sec)
Figure 6. Link availability vs RCM logical connectivity.
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• Connection-awareness and availability: Figure 6
shows an RCM client’s view of its connectivity to another
site in an experiment with 30 sec. up and 10 sec. down
intervals. RCM implements connection-awareness: Within
~6 sec. after a link outage occurs, RCM notifies the client
that the link is suspected, and then reverses this suspicion
within ~3 seconds after the link comes back up. Throughout the experiment, RCM maintains 100% logical link
availability, i.e., it never tells the client that the remote site
has disconnected and allows the client to communicate
with the remote site.
• Reliability: Figure 7 demonstrates RCM’s ability to
tolerate transient link outages. The figure reports on a set
of one-hour long experiments with different durations of
the “down” interval, from 0 to 60 seconds. In all experiments, Robust P2P was able to successfully tolerate link
outages and provided 100% reliability.
Reliability characteristics of three P2P
protocols during transient link outages
ing period at each site, and agrees with the theoretical performance property of the logical time protocol. The latency of several seconds is appropriate for our text chat
application. (Other IGO protocols, such as those based on
a sequencer and those based on real-time yield smaller latencies; the latency properties of these protocols do not
depend on the sending periods but on network latencies.)
When a down interval begins, RCM temporarily stops delivering messages because IGO does not receive timestamps from the two disconnected sites and, hence, cannot
establish the global ordering of messages. Then, when IGO
is notified that the connections to the two sites are suspected, it goes on ordering and delivering messages without waiting for these sites. About 6 sec. after each down
interval starts, messages are delivered in a burst, with latencies at most 6 seconds. Then, for the remainder of the
down interval, only the messages of the two connected
sites are delivered, with the average delivery rate of ~4
Messages received vs sent
TCP + Suspected
Robust P2P
9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60
Duration of link outages (sec)
Figure 7. Robust P2P, unlike TCP, tolerates link outages.
Figure 7 also highlights the importance of the Robust P2P
protocol by showing the reliability measurements for two
simpler options: TCP and TCP+Suspected. TCP failed
during outages lasting more than several seconds, resulting
in more than 30% of messages being lost. TCP+Suspected
is a simple point-to-point channel that stops sending messages when it learns that the link is suspected, and instead
buffers them until connection is reestablished. This protocol loses far fewer messages than TCP. Nevertheless, it
still loses messages that are sent while the link is down but
not yet suspected.
• Intermittent Global Order: Figure 8 shows latency
and data rate measurements at a single RCM server in an
experiment with 30 sec. up and 10 sec. down intervals.
During the up intervals, the average delivery rate is 8
msgs/sec, which matches the sending rate of 2 msgs/sec. at
each of the four sites. The average latency during the up
intervals is 0.5 sec. – this corresponds to the average send-
Figure 8. Delivery rate and latency at an RCM server, in an experiment with 10 sec. down and 30 sec. up intervals.
When an up interval begins, and RCM reestablishes connection with the disconnected sites, Robust P2P transfers
messages that were sent during the down interval, and IGO
orders and delivers them; some of these messages are
“late” according to the global order. This second burst of
messages is greater than the first one, with latencies going
as high as 14 sec. After these messages are delivered, the
rate and latency drop back to normal levels.
• Robustness: We have also tested robustness of RCM
with experiments that alternate between a stable interval
and an interval of high dynamism (links going up and
down and servers restarting). We confirmed that, within
several seconds after stable periods begin, RCM successfully (re)establishes connections with the connected sites.
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This paper presented RCM, a multicast service for supporting collaborative applications in dynamic, mission
critical environments. RCM is connection-aware, highlyavailable, and robust. It guarantees low-latency, reliability,
and global order during stable periods, when sites are wellconnected, and relaxes the global order property in favor
of low-latency and reliability when connectivity problems
occur. RCM has a number of parameters that can be tailored to the application needs and its environment. For
example, RCM can be configured to weather transient
problems of certain durations.
[1] A. Butler, War Planners Talk In 'Chat Rooms' to exchange
targeting data, tips, in Inside the Air Force. April 25, 2003.
As part of this project, Hamler implemented a prototype
chat application, called Robust Chat, consisting of chat
servers and chat clients [5]. Chat servers operate on top of
RCM servers; the connection between chat clients and chat
servers uses non-blocking IO, which was chosen to allow
the application to scale well as the number of clients
grows. Robust Chat is tailored to the airborne command
and control environment: It features multiple chat rooms,
connection-awareness, and site-awareness. Future versions
will include missing message and late message notifications, access control mechanisms, and message
Recently, Robust Chat was used by the MIT Lincoln Laboratory team participating at the Joint Expeditionary Force
Experiment (JEFX) 2004. According to the team, the application operated robustly in highly dynamic network
conditions and helped the team maintain situation awareness and coordinate activities between the ground and airborne sites.
RCM is not just a service with the protocols described in
this paper. Rather, it is a platform for experimentation with
different protocols and different algorithms. We have
demonstrated that relatively simple, light-weight protocols
can be used to achieve a useful combination of properties.
We are currently refining and optimizing these protocols,
as well as exploring new ones. We are also planning on
considering applicability of RCM and its founding ideas to
other collaborative applications, and to other dynamic,
mission-critical environments.
[2] X. Défago, A. Schiper, and P. Urbán. Totally ordered
broadcast and multicast algorithms: A comprehensive survey. Technical Report DSC/2000/036, ÉPFL, Switzerland,
September 2000.
[3] S.T. Dougherty, JEFX 2002 ends with positive results, in
Air Force Link. August 9, 2002.
[4] D. A. Fulghum, Tests of MC2A Reveal Problems and Promise, in Aviation Week & Space Technology. 2002.
[5] M. Hamler. A Robust Multi-Server Chat Application for
Dynamic Distributed Networks. MIT Masters of Engineering thesis, August 2004.
[6] R. Khazan, S. Lewandowski, C. Weinstein, et al. Robust
Collaboration in Airborne Command and Control Environment. MIT Lincoln Laboratory Technical Report, in preparation.
[7] R. Khazan and N. Lynch. An Algorithm for an Intermittently
Atomic Data Service Based on Group Communication.
Proc. of the International Workshop on Large-Scale Group
Communication, pp. 25-30, October 2003.
[8] L. Lamport, Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of events in a
distributed system. Communications of the ACM, 21(7): p.
558-565, 1978.
[9] C. Matlon. A specification and verification of Intermittent
Global Order Broadcast. MIT Masters of Engineering thesis, May 2004.
[10] P. Ramanan. Robust chat for airborne command and control. MIT Masters of Engineering thesis. August 2003.
[11] D. Van Hook, S. McGarry, J. Calvin. The 4xComm Architecture Concept for Wireless Airborne Networks, MILCOM
Acknowledgements: We thank Lincoln Laboratory staff,
especially Stephen McGarry, David Kettner, Joseph Cooley, Alen Peacock, Lenny Veytser, Orton Huang, and Paul
Christensen, for their assistance with testing and experiments. We also thank Nancy Lynch, Catherine Matlon,
and Simon Zaslavsky for suggestions and interesting discussions related to different parts of this project.
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Fly UP