
Human Rights Quarterly Volumes 1–35 Index VOLUMES 1–35 INDEX AUTHOR INDEX

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Human Rights Quarterly Volumes 1–35 Index VOLUMES 1–35 INDEX AUTHOR INDEX
Human Rights Quarterly
Volumes 1–35 Index
Aaronson, Susan Ariel & Jamie M. Zimmerman, Fair Trade?: How Oxfam
Presented a Systemic Approach to Poverty, Development, Human Rights, and
Trade, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 998 (2006).
______ & Ian Highman, “Re-Righting Business”: John Ruggie and the Struggle To
Develop International Human Rights Standards for Transnational Firms, 35(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 333 (2013).
Abusharaf, Adila, Women in Islamic Communities: The Quest for Gender Justice
Research, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 714 (2006).
Adar, Korwa G., Human Rights and Academic Freedom in Kenya’s Public
Universities: The Case of the Universities Academic Staff Union, 21(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 179 (1999).
Addis, Adeno, Economic Sanctions and the Problem of Evil, 25(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
573 (2003).
______, Imagining the International Community: The Constitutive Dimension of
Universal Jurisdiction, 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 129 (2009).
Addo, Michael K., Practice of United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies in the
Reconciliation of Cultural Diversity with Universal Respect for Human Rights,
32(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 601 (2010).
Adejumobi, Said, Citizenship, Rights and the Problem of Conflicts and Civil Wars
in Africa, 23(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 148 (2001).
Afary, Janet, The Human Rights of Middle Eastern & Muslim Women: A Project
for the 21st Century, 26(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 106 (2004).
Afshari, Reza, An Essay on Islamic Cultural Relativism in the Discourse of Human
Rights, 16(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 235 (1994).
______, An Essay on Scholarship, Human Rights, and State Legitimacy: The Case
of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 18(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 544 (1996).
______, On Historiography of Human Rights: Reflections on Paul Gordon Lauren’s
The Evolution of International Human Rights: Visions Seen, 29(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 1 (2007).
______, A Historic Moment in Iran, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 839 (2009).
______, Iran: An Anthropologist Engaging the Human Rights Discourse and
Practice, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 507 (2012).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Agbakwa, Shedrack C. & Obiora Chinedu Okafor, On Legalism, Popular Agency
and “Voices of Suffering”: The Nigerian National Human Rights Commission
in Context, 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 662 (2002).
Agosin, Marjorie, The Generals’ Bonfires: The Death of Rodrigo Rojas in Chile,
Janice Molloy trans., 9(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 423 (1987).
______, A Visit to the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Cola Franzen trans., 9(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 426 (1987).
______, Torture, 10(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 126 (1988).
______, Remembering the Madwomen of the Plaza de Mayo, 10(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
128 (1988).
______, Disappeared Woman I, 10(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 130 (1988).
______, Anne Frank and Us, 10(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 131 (1988).
______, Beyond The Dawn, 10(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 133 (1988).
______, So We Will Not Forget: Literature and Human Rights in Latin America,
Janice Molloy trans., 10(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 177 (1988).
______, Notes on the Poetics of the Acevedo Movement Against Torture, Miriam
Ben-Ur trans., 10(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 339 (1988).
______, An Ode to Joy for Chile, Cola Franzen trans., 11(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 325
______, Return to Chile, July 1988, Janice Molloy trans., 11(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 328
______, Inhabitants of Decayed Palaces: The Dictator in the Latin American
Novel, Barbara E. Pierce trans., 12(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 328 (1990).
______, Cities of Life, Cities of Change, Janice Molloy trans., 12(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
554 (1990).
______, Neruda in the Soul, Neruda in Isla Negra, Janice Molloy trans., 13(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 257 (1991).
______, Questions, C. Kostopulos-Cooperman trans., 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 424
______, Letters of Love, C. Kostopulos-Cooperman trans., 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 425
______, Untitled, C. Kostopulos-Cooperman trans., 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 426 (1991).
______, The Dead of Tegucigalpa, C. Kostopulos-Cooperman trans., 13(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 427 (1991).
______, The Generation of Disenchantment, 14(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 135 (1992).
______, Democracy for a Ghost Nation, Paula M. Vega trans., 15(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
406 (1993).
______, How to Speak with the Dead? A Poet’s Notebook, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 214
Aidoo, Akwasi, Africa: Democracy Without Human Rights?, 15(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
703 (1993).
Akbarzadeh, Shahram & Rebecca Barlow, Prospects for Feminism in the Islamic
Republic of Iran, 30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 21 (2008).
Akhavan, Payam, Punishing War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia: A Critical
Juncture for the New World Order, 15(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 262 (1993).
______, The Yugoslav Tribunal at a Crossroads: The Dayton Peace Agreement and
Beyond, 18(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 259 (1996).
Vol. 35
______, Justice in The Hague, Peace in the Former Yugoslavia? A Commentary on
the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal, 20(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 737 (1998).
______, Report on the Work of the Office of the Special Adviser of the United
Nations Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
1043 (2006).
______, Are International Criminal Tribunals a Disincentive to Peace? Reconciling
Judicial Romanticism with Political Realism, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 624 (2009).
Akpan, Moses E., The 1979 Nigerian Constitution and Human Rights, 2(2)
Universal Hum. Rts. 23 (1980).
Aldana-Pindell, Raquel, An Emerging Universality of Justiciable Victims’ Rights in
the Criminal Process to Curtail Impunity for State-Sponsored Crimes, 26(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 605 (2004).
Alizadeh, Homayoun, A Proposal for How To Realize Human Rights at the
National and Regional Level: A Three-Pillar Strategy, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 826
Allain, Jean & Andreas O’Shea, African Disunity: Comparing Human Rights Law
and Practice of North and South African States, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 86 (2002).
Allen, Rodney G., Martin Cherniack & George J. Andreopoulos, Refining War:
Civil Wars and Humanitarian Controls, 18(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 747 (1996).
Alnajjar, Ghanim, Human Rights in a Crisis Situation: The Case of Kuwait After
Occupation, 23(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 188 (2001).
Alston, Philip, International Trade as an Instrument of Positive Human Rights
Policy, 4(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 155 (1982).
______ & Gerard Quinn, The Nature and Scope of States Parties’ Obligations
Under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
9(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 156 (1987).
______, Out of the Abyss: The Challenges Confronting the New U.N. Committee
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 9(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 332 (1987).
______, The Unborn Child and Abortion Under the Draft Convention on the
Rights of the Child, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 156 (1990).
______, Labor Rights Provisions in US Trade Law: “Aggressive Unilateralism”?,
15(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (1993).
______, The UN’s Human Rights Record: From San Francisco to Vienna and
Beyond, 16(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 375 (1994).
______, Ships Passing in the Night: The Current State of the Human Rights and
Development Debate Seen Through the Lens of the Millennium Development
Goals, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 755 (2005).
Amien, Waheeda, Overcoming the Conflict Between the Right to Freedom of
Religion and Women’s Rights to Equality: A South African Case Study of
Muslim Marriages, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 729 (2006).
Amirthalingam, Kumaralingam, Women’s Rights, International Norms, and
Domestic Violence: Asian Perspectives, 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 683 (2005).
Amos, Merris, Transplanting Human Rights Norms: The Case of the United
Kingdom’s Human Rights Act, 35(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 386 (2013).
Anaya, S. James, The Capacity of International Law To Advance Ethnic or
Nationality Rights Claims, 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 403 (1991).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______ & S. Todd Crider, Indigenous Peoples, The Environment, and Commercial
Forestry in Developing Countries: The Case of Awas Tingni, Nicaragua, 18(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 345 (1996).
Andion, Ximena, Shayma Kuruvilla, Flavia Bustreo, Paul Hunt, Amarjit Singh,
Eric Friedman, Thiago Luchesi, Stefan Germann, Kim Terje Loraas, Alicia Ely
Yamin & Julio Frenk, The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights:
Realizing Shared Commitments, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 141 (2012).
Andreopoulos, George J., Rodney G. Allen & Martin Cherniack, Refining War:
Civil Wars and Humanitarian Controls, 18(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 747 (1996).
Angle, Stephen C., Human Rights and Harmony, 30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 76 (2008).
An-Na’im, Abdullahi A., Religious Minorities Under Islamic Law and the Limits of
Cultural Relativism, 9(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (1987).
______, Human Rights and Islamic Identity in France and Uzbekistan: Mediation
of the Local and Global, 22(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 906 (2000).
______, Human Rights in the Arab World: A Regional Perspective, 23(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 701 (2001).
Anonymous, Human Rights in Peace Negotiations, 18(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 249 (1996).
Apodaca, Clair, Measuring Women’s Economic and Social Rights Achievement,
20(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 139 (1998).
Aral, Berdal, The Idea of Human Rights as Perceived in the Ottoman Empire,
26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 454 (2004).
Arat, Zehra F. Kabasakal, Analyzing Child Labor as a Human Rights Issue: Its
Causes, Aggravating Policies, and Alternative Proposals, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
177 (2002).
______, Forging a Global Culture of Human Rights: Origins and Prospects of the
International Bill of Rights, 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 416 (2006).
______, Human Rights Ideology and Dimensions of Power: A Radical Approach
to the State, Property, and Discrimination, 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 906 (2008).
Arnold, Denis G. & Laura P. Hartman, Worker Rights and Low Wage
Industrialization: How to Avoid Sweatshops, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 676 (2006).
Arnold, Hugh M., Henry Kissinger and Human Rights, 2(4) Universal Hum. Rts. 57
Arthur, Paige, How “Transitions” Reshaped Human Rights: A Conceptual History
of Transitional Justice, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 321 (2009).
Arulanantham, Ahilan T., Restructured Safe Havens: A Proposal for Reform of the
Refugee Protection System, 22(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (2000).
Arzey, Sylvia & Luke McNamara, Invoking International Human Rights Law in a
“Rights-Free Zone”: Indigenous Justice Campaigns in Australia, 33(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 733 (2011).
Arzt, Donna, The Application of International Human Rights Law in Islamic
States, 12(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 202 (1990).
______, Letter to the Editor: Reply to Amyn Sajoo, 13(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 153 (1991).
Aukerman, Miriam J., Definitions and Justifications: Minority and Indigenous
Rights in a Central/East European Context, 22(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1011 (2000).
Axinn, George H., Human Rights and the International Dimension of Higher
Education, 6(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 68 (1984).
Vol. 35
Azzam, Fatih Samih, Update: The Palestinian Independent Commission for
Citizens’ Rights, 20(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 338 (1998).
Baehr, Peter R., Concern for Development Aid and Fundamental Human Rights:
The Dilemma as Faced by The Netherlands, 4(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 39 (1982).
______, Monique Castermans-Holleman & Fred Grünfeld, Human Rights in the
Foreign Policy of the Netherlands, 24(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 992 (2002).
Bailliet, Cecilia, The Tampa Case and its Impact on Burden Sharing at Sea, 25(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 741 (2003).
Bajaj, Monisha, Human Rights Education: Ideology, Location, and Approaches,
33(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 482 (2011).
Balasuriya, Tissa, Organization for Human Rights and Development, 3(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 25 (1981).
Bales, Kevin & Monti Narayan Datta, Slavery in Europe: Part 1, Estimating the
Dark Figure, 35(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 817 (2013).
Ball, Patrick, Mark Girouard & Audrey Chapman, Information Technology,
Information Management, and Human Rights: A Response to Metzl, 19(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 836 (1997).
______ & Audrey R. Chapman, The Truth of Truth Commissions: Comparative
Lessons from Haiti, South Africa, and Guatemala, 23(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1
Balton, David A., The Convention on the Rights of the Child: Prospects for
International Enforcement, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 120 (1990).
Banks, David L., The Analysis of Human Rights Data over Time, 8(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
654 (1986).
Baral, Lok Raj, The Relevance and Application of Human Rights to Development,
3(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 31 (1981).
Barbieri, William, Group Rights and the Muslim Diaspora, 21(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 907
Barelli, Mauro, The Interplay Between Global and Regional Human Rights
Systems in the Construction of the Indigenous Rights Regime, 32(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 951 (2010).
Barlow, Rebecca & Shahram Akbarzadeh, Prospects for Feminism in the Islamic
Republic of Iran, 30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 21 (2008).
Barry, Kathleen, Female Sexual Slavery: Understanding the International
Dimensions of Women’s Oppression, 3(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 44 (1981).
Barsh, Russel Lawrence, The Right to Development as a Human Right: Results of
the Global Consultation, 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 322 (1991).
______, Democratization and Development, 14(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 120 (1992).
______, Measuring Human Rights: Problems of Methodology and Purpose, 15(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 87 (1993).
______, Indigenous Peoples and the UN Commission on Human Rights: A Case
of the Immovable Object and the Irresistible Force, 18(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 782
Basok, Tanya & Emily Carasco, Advancing the Rights of Non-Citizens in Canada:
A Human Rights Approach to Migrant Rights, 32(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 342 (2010).
Bassiouni, M. Cherif, The Arab Human Rights Program of the International
Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences, Siracusa, Italy, 12(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 365 (1990).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Bay, Christian, A Human Rights Approach to Transnational Politics, 1(1) Universal
Hum. Rts. 19 (1979).
______, Self-Respect as a Human Right: Thoughts on the Dialectics of Wants and
Needs in the Struggle for Human Community, 4(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 53 (1982).
Bayir, Derya, Representation of the Kurds by the Turkish Judiciary, 35(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 116 (2013).
Beasley, Michele E. & Dorothy Q. Thomas, Domestic Violence as a Human Rights
Issue, 15(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 36 (1993).
Bedau, Hugo Adam, “Anarchical Fallacies”: Bentham’s Attack on Human Rights,
22(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 261 (2000).
Beer, Lawrence W. & C.G. Weeramantry, Human Rights in Japan: Some Protection
and Problems, 1(3) Universal Hum. Rts. 1 (1979).
Bell, Christine & Johanna Keenan, Human Rights Nongovernmental Organizations
and the Problems of Transition, 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 330 (2004).
Bell, Daniel A., The East Asian Challenge to Human Rights: Reflections on an East
West Dialogue, 18(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 641 (1996).
______ & Joseph H. Carens, The Ethical Dilemmas of International Human Rights
and Humanitarian NGOs: Reflections on a Dialogue Between Practitioners
and Theorists, 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 300 (2004).
Bellamy, Alex J., Massacres and Morality: Mass Killing in an Age of Civilian
Immunity, 34(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 927 (2012).
Bennett, Lisa, Women, Law and Property in the Developing World: An Overview,
3(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 88 (1981).
Berger, Maurits S., Apostasy and Public Policy in Contemporary Egypt: An
Evaluation of Recent Cases from Egypt’s Highest Courts, 25(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
720 (2003).
Bergmann, Barbara R., The Share of Women and Men in the Economic Support of
Children, 3(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 103 (1981).
Bernaz, Nadia, Life Imprisonment and the Prohibition of Inhuman Punishments
in International Human Rights Law: Moving the Agenda Forward, 35(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 470 (2013).
Best, Samuel J., Lyle Scruggs, Shareen Hertel & Christopher Jeffords, Information,
Choice and Political Consumption: Human Rights in the Checkout Lane,
33(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1092 (2011).
Bhabha, Jacqueline, “Get Back to Where You Once Belonged”: Identity,
Citizenship, and Exclusion in Europe, 20(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 592 (1998).
______, Arendt’s Children: Do Today’s Migrant Children Have a Right to Have
Rights?, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 410 (2009).
Bickford, Louis, The Archival Imperative: Human Rights and Historical Memory in
Latin America’s Southern Cone, 21(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1097 (1999).
______, Unofficial Truth Projects, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 994 (2007).
Bielefeldt, Heiner, Muslim Voices in the Human Rights Debate, 17(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 587 (1995).
______, Misperceptions of Freedom of Religion or Belief, 35(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 33
Binion, Gayle, Human Rights: A Feminist Perspective, 17(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 509
Vol. 35
Blanco, Elena & Jona Razzaque, Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being in a
Globalized World: Assessing the Role of Law, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 692 (2009).
Blaser, Arthur W., How to Advance Human Rights Without Really Trying: An
Analysis of Nongovernmental Tribunals, 14(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 339 (1992).
Bob, Clifford, “Dalit Rights Are Human Rights”: Caste Discrimination,
International Activism, and the Construction of a New Human Rights Issue,
29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 167 (2007).
Bochenek, Michael & Michael Schechter, Working to Eliminate Human Rights
Abuses of Children: A Cross-National Comparative Study, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
579 (2008).
Boerfijn, Ineke, Towards a Strong System of Supervision: The Human Rights
Committee’s Role in Reforming the Reporting Procedure Under Article 40 of
the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 17(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 766 (1995).
Bok, Derek, Technical Assistance Abroad, 6(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 40 (1984).
Boler, Jean, The Mothers Committee of El Salvador: National Human Rights
Activists, 7(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 541 (1985).
Bollen, Kenneth A., Political Rights and Political Liberties in Nations: An
Evaluation of Human Rights Measures, 1950 to 1984, 8(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 567
Bolyard, Melissa, Jackie Smith & Anna Ippolito, Human Rights and the Global
Economy: A Response to Meyer, 21(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 207 (1999).
Bonbright, David, Thomas M. Franck, Anthony Padgett, Jacqueline Mitchell,
Lynn Kanaan & Ronald Moelis, An Investment Boycott by the Developing
Countries Against South Africa: A Rationale and Preliminary Assessment of
Feasibility, 4(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 309 (1982).
Booth, Petie & Kenneth A. Rodman, Manipulated Commitments: The International
Criminal Court in Uganda, 35(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 271 (2013).
Borer, Tristan Anne, A Taxonomy of Victims and Perpetrators: Human Rights and
Reconciliation in South Africa, 25(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1088 (2003).
Boulesbaa, Ahcene, The Nature of the Obligations Incurred by States Under
Article 2 of the UN Convention Against Torture, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 53
Boyle, Francis A., Negating Human Rights in Peace Negotiations, 18(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 515 (1996).
Bradbrook, Adrian J. & Judith G. Gardam, Placing Access to Energy Services
Within a Human Rights Framework, 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 389 (2006).
Bradlow, Daniel D. & Claudio Grossman, Limited Mandates and Intertwined
Problems: A New Challenge for the World Bank and the IMF, 17(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 411 (1995).
Breen, Claire, The Role of NGOs in the Formulation of and Compliance with
the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on
Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict, 25(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 453 (2003).
Brems, Eva, Enemies or Allies? Feminism and Cultural Relativism as Dissident
Voices in Human Rights Discourse, 19(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 136 (1997).
______, Conflicting Human Rights: An Exploration in the Context of the Right to a
Fair Trial in the European Convention on Human Rights, 27(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
294 (2005).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______ & Laurens Lavrysen, Procedural Justice in Human Rights Adjudication: The
European Court of Human Rights, 35(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 176 (2013).
Brennan, Katherine, Reed Brody & David Weissbrodt, The 40th Session of the
UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of
Minorities, 11(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 295 (1989).
Brett, Rachel, Human Rights and the OSCE, 18(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 668 (1996).
Brockett, Charles D., The Right to Food and United States Policy in Guatemala,
6(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 366 (1984).
Brody, Reed, Katherine Brennan & David Weissbrodt, The 40th Session of the
UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of
Minorities, 11(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 295 (1989).
______ & David Weissbrodt, Major Developments at the 1989 Session of the UN
Commission on Human Rights, 11(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 586 (1989).
______, Penny Parker & David Weissbrodt, Major Developments in 1990 at the
UN Commission on Human Rights, 12(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 559 (1990).
______, Maureen Convery & David Weissbrodt, The 42nd Session of the SubCommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities,
13(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 260 (1991).
______ & Felipe González, Nunca Más: An Analysis of International Instruments
on “Disappearances,” 19(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 365 (1997).
Bruch, Nicola, Başak Çalı & Anne Koch, The Legitimacy of Human Rights Courts:
A Grounded Interpretivist Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights,
35(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 955 (2013).
Brugger, Winfried, The Image of the Person in the Human Rights Concept, 18(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 594 (1996).
Brysk, Alison, The Politics of Measurement: The Contested Count of the
Disappeared in Argentina, 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 676 (1994).
Buergenthal, Thomas, Remembering the Auschwitz Death March, 18(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 874 (1996).
______, The Normative and Institutional Evolution of International Human Rights,
19(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 703 (1997).
Bunch, Charlotte, Women’s Rights as Human Rights: Toward a Re-vision of
Human Rights, 12(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 486 (1990).
Burgerman, Susan D., Mobilizing Principles: The Role of Transnational Activists in
Promoting Human Rights Principles, 20(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 905 (1998).
Burgers, Jan Herman, The Road to San Francisco: The Revival of the Human
Rights Idea in the Twentieth Century, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 447 (1992).
Burgorgue-Larsen, Laurence & Amaya Úbeda de Torres, “War” in the
Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 33(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 148 (2011).
Burke, Roland, “The Compelling Dialogue of Freedom”: Human Rights at the
Bandung Conference, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 947 (2006).
Bustreo, Flavia, Shayma Kuruvilla, Paul Hunt, Amarjit Singh, Eric Friedman,
Luchesi Thiago Stefan Germann, Kim Terje Loraas, Alicia Ely Yamin, Ximena
Andion & Julio Frenk, The Millennium Development Goals and Human
Rights: Realizing Shared Commitments, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 141 (2012).
Vol. 35
Butcher, Goler Teal, Legal Consequences for States of the Illegality of Apartheid,
8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 404 (1986).
Cain, Kenneth L., The Rape of Dinah: Human Rights, Civil War in Liberia, and
Evil Triumphant, 21(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 265 (1999).
Çalı, Başak, Balancing Human Rights? Methodological Problems with Weights,
Scales and Proportions, 29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 251 (2007).
______, Anne Koch & Nicola Bruch, The Legitimacy of Human Rights Courts: A
Grounded Interpretivist Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights,
35(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 955 (2013).
Campbell, Colm & Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, The Paradox of Transition in Conflicted
Democracies, 27(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 172 (2005).
Carasco, Emily & Tanya Basok, Advancing the Rights of Non-Citizens in Canada:
A Human Rights Approach to Migrant Rights, 32(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 342 (2010).
Carbonetti, Benjamin & Audrey R. Chapman, Human Rights Protections for
Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Groups: The Contributions of the UN
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 682
Cardenas, Sonia, Transgovernmental Activism: Canada’s Role in Promoting
National Human Rights Commissions, 25(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 775 (2003).
Carens, Joseph H. & Daniel A. Bell, The Ethical Dilemmas of International
Human Rights and Humanitarian NGOs: Reflections on a Dialogue Between
Practitioners and Theorists, 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 300 (2004).
Carey, Sabine C., Steven C. Poe & Tanya C. Vazquez, How Are These Pictures
Different? A Quantitative Comparison of the US State Department and
Amnesty International Human Rights Reports, 1976–1995, 23(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
650 (2001).
Carleton, David & Michael Stohl, The Foreign Policy of Human Rights: Rhetoric
and Reality from Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan, 7(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 205
______, Michael Stohl, George Lopez & Stephen Samuels, State Violation of
Human Rights: Issues and Problems of Measurement, 8(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 592
Carmalt, Jean Connelly, Rights and Place: Using Geography in Human Rights
Work, 29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 68 (2007).
Carozza, Paolo G., From Conquest to Constitutions: Retrieving a Latin American
Tradition of the Idea of Human Rights, 25(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 281 (2003).
Carpenter, R. Charli, Surfacing Children: Limitations of Genocidal Rape Discourse,
22(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 428 (2000).
______, Shannon Kindornay & James Ron, Rights-Based Approaches to
Development: Implications for NGOs, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 472 (2012).
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Farley, Rose & David Weissbrodt, The UNESCO Human Rights Procedure: An
Evaluation, 16(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 391 (1994).
Farouk, Abdullah, Human Life and Development: Some Issues in a Low Income
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Fegley, Randall, The U.N. Human Rights Commission: The Equatorial Guinea
Case, 3(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 34 (1981).
Fein, Helen, More Murder in the Middle: Life-Integrity Violations and Democracy
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Felice, William F., The UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination: Race, and Economic and Social Human Rights, 24(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 205 (2002).
Vol. 35
Fellmeth, Aaron Xavier, Feminism and International Law: Theory, Methodology,
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Fenwick, Colin, Private Use of Prisoners’ Labor: Paradoxes of International Human
Rights Law, 27(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 249 (2005).
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Filice, Carlo, On the Obligation to Keep Informed About Distant Atrocities, 12(3)
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Fireside, Harvey, The Conceptualization of Dissent: Soviet Behavior in
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Fisher, Stewart W., Human Rights in El Salvador and U.S. Foreign Policy, 4(1)
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Fiss, Owen M., The Awkwardness of the Criminal Law, 11(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1
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Fitch, John Samuel, Human Rights and the U.S. Military Training Program:
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Fitchett, Taylor, Nicholas Finke, Harold Koh & Ronald Slye, DIANA: A Human
Rights Database, 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 753 (1994).
Flacks, Simon, Drug Control, Human Rights, and the Right to the Highest
Attainable Standard of Health: A Reply to Saul Takahashi, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
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Fletcher, Laurel E. & Harvey M. Weinstein, Violence and Social Repair: Rethinking
the Contribution of Justice to Reconciliation, 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 573 (2002).
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Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical Perspective, 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
163 (2009).
Flinterman, Cees & E.V.O. (Victor) Dankwa, Commentary by the Rapporteurs on
the Nature and Scope of States Parties’ Obligations, 9(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 136
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Foreign Ministers of the European Community, Declaration on Human Rights, 9(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 102 (1987).
Forsythe, David P. & Laurie S. Wiseberg, Human Rights Protection: A Research
Agenda, 1(4) Universal Hum. Rts. 1 (1979).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______, American Foreign Policy and Human Rights: Rhetoric and Reality, 2(3)
Universal Hum. Rts. 35 (1980).
______, Socioeconomic Human Rights: The United Nations, the United States,
and Beyond, 4(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 433 (1982).
______ & Susan Welch, Foreign Policy Attitudes of American Human Rights
Supporters, 5(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 491 (1983).
______, Congress and Human Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy: The Fate of General
Legislation, 9(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 382 (1987).
______, Human Rights and the International Committee of the Red Cross, 12(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 265 (1990).
______, Human Rights, the United States and the Organization of American
States, 13(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 66 (1991).
______ & Kelly Kate Pease, Human Rights, Humanitarian Intervention, and World
Politics, 15(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 290 (1993).
______, The United Nations, Human Rights, and Development, 19(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
334 (1997).
______ & Barbara Ann J. Rieffer, US Foreign Policy and Enlarging the Democratic
Community, 22(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 988 (2000).
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______, United States Policy Toward Enemy Detainees in the “War on Terrorism,”
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______, US Foreign Policy and Human Rights: Situating Obama, 33(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 767 (2011).
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Fortman, Bas de Gaay, Minority Rights: A Major Misconception?, 33(2) Hum. Rts.
Q. 265 (2011).
Fourie, Enid, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Crisis for
Children in South Africa: Apartheid and Detention, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 106
Fox, Ashley M. & Benjamin Mason Meier, Development as Health: Employing the
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to Health, 30(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 259 (2008).
Fox-Decent, Evan & Evan J. Criddle, Human Rights, Emergencies, and the Rule of
Law, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 39 (2012).
Franck, Thomas M., Anthony Padgett, Jacqueline Mitchell, Lynn Kanaan, David
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Human Rights, 1(1) Universal Hum. Rts. 11 (1979).
Freeman, Mark & Joanna R. Quinn, Lessons Learned: Practical Lessons Gleaned
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Vol. 35
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Freeman, Marsha A., Women, Law, and Land at the Local Level: Claiming
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Rts. Q. 491 (1994).
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Frenk, Julio, Shayma Kuruvilla, Flavia Bustreo, Paul Hunt, Amarjit Singh, Eric
Friedman, Thiago Luchesi, Stefan Germann, Kim Terje Loraas, Alicia Ely Yamin
& Ximena Andion, The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights:
Realizing Shared Commitments, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 141 (2012).
Friedman, Eric, Shayma Kuruvilla, Flavia Bustreo, Paul Hunt, Amarjit Singh,
Luchesi Thiago, Stefan Germann, Kim Terje Loraas, Alicia Ely Yamin, Ximena
Andion & Julio Frenk, The Millennium Development Goals and Human
Rights: Realizing Shared Commitments, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 141 (2012).
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Frohock, Fred M., Human Rights and Research on Inchoate Life: An Emerging Set
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Frost, Lynda E., The Evolution of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights:
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Fullerton, Maryellen, Human Rights Monitoring in Germany: A Rejoinder, 18(4)
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______ & Elaine Pearson, The High Cost of Freedom: A Legal and Policy Analysis
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Rights Framework, 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 389 (2006).
Index to Volumes 1–35
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Vol. 35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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the U.N. Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of
Minorities, 3(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (1981).
______, Ton Gardeniers & Janice Kruger, The U.N. Sub-Commission on Prevention
of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities: Recent Developments, 4(3)
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11(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 82 (1989).
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Political Rights (ICCPR) in the Domestic Law of State Parties: An Initial
Global Survey Through UN Human Rights Committee Documents, 22(1)
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Harris-Short, Sonia, International Human Rights Law: Imperialist, Inept and
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Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: The Challenge of Information
Management, 18(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 439 (1996).
Hartman, Geoffrey, The Response to Terror: Introductory Notes, 5(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
113 (1983).
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7(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 89 (1985).
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Hasan, Rafia, The Role of Women as Agents of Change and Development in
Pakistan, 3(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 68 (1981).
Hashemi, Kamran, Religious Legal Traditions, Muslim States, and the Convention
on the Rights of the Child: An Essay on the Relevant UN Documentation,
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Hassan, Farooq, The Doctrine of Incorporation: New Vistas for the Enforcement of
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Vol. 35
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Hayner, Priscilla B., Fifteen Truth Commissions—1974 to 1994: A Comparative
Study, 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 597 (1994).
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Haysom, Nicholas, The Langa Shootings and the Kennemeyer Commission of
Enquiry, 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 494 (1986).
Heffernan, Liz, A Comparative View of Individual Petition Procedures Under the
European Convention on Human Rights and the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, 19(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 78 (1997).
Helton, Arthur C., Protecting the World’s Exiles: The Human Rights of NonCitizens, 22(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 280 (2000).
Henderson, Conway W., Military Regimes and Rights in Developing Countries: A
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______, Human Rights and Regimes: A Bibliographical Essay, 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
525 (1988).
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Human Rights in 1991, 13(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 573 (1991).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______ & Karen Reierson, The Forty-Third Session of the UN Sub-Commission
on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities: The SubCommission Under Scrutiny, 14(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 232 (1992).
______ & Joe W. (Chip) Pitts, III, Major Developments at the UN Commission on
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______ & Rose Farley, The UNESCO Human Rights Procedure: An Evaluation,
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Vol. 35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Yanik, Lerna K., Guns and Human Rights: Major Powers, Global Arms Transfers,
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Zafarullah, Habib & Mohammad Habibur Rahman, Human Rights, Civil Society
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Rts. Q. 1011 (2002).
Vol. 35
Zhou, Qi, Human Rights Conflicts: China and the United States, 27(1) Hum. Rts.
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Ghoshal, Animesh & Thomas M. Crowley, Refugees and Immigrants: A Human
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Gibney, Mark, A “Well-Founded Fear” of Persecution, 10(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 109
Goldman, Robert Kogod & Scott M. Martin, International Legal Standards Relating
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Harrell-Bond, Barbara, Can Humanitarian Work with Refugees be Humane?, 24(1)
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Stavropoulou, Maria, Displacement and Human Rights: Reflections on UN
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391 (1985).
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Hum. Rts. Q. 245 (2006).
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Litigation, 4(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 243 (1982).
Vol. 35
Docherty, Bonnie, Breaking New Ground: The Convention on Cluster Munitions
and the Evolution of International Humanitarian Law, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 934
Yanik, Lerna K., Guns and Human Rights: Major Powers, Global Arms Transfers,
and Human Rights Violations, 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 357 (2006).
Pasqualucci, Jo M., Sonia Picado, First Woman Judge on the Inter-American Court
of Human Rights, 17(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 794 (1995).
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Alston, Philip, The Unborn Child and Abortion Under the Draft Convention on
the Rights of the Child, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 156 (1990).
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Bhabha, Jacqueline, Arendt’s Children: Do Today’s Migrant Children Have a Right
to Have Rights?, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 410 (2009).
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the Child: A Catalyst for Innovative Child Care Policies, 25(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
689 (2003).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Fourie, Enid, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Crisis for
Children in South Africa: Apartheid and Detention, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 106
Gilkerson, Christopher P., Introduction to Children’s Rights Symposium, 12(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 94 (1990).
Grugel, Jean & Enrique Peruzzotti, The Domestic Politics of International Human
Rights Law: Implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child in
Ecuador, Chile, and Argentina, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 178 (2012).
Hammarberg, Thomas, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child—And How
to Make It Work, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 97 (1990).
Harris-Short, Sonia, International Human Rights Law: Imperialist, Inept and
Ineffective? Cultural Relativism and the UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child, 25(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 130 (2003).
Hashemi, Kamran, Religious Legal Traditions, Muslim States, and the Convention
on the Rights of the Child: An Essay on the Relevant UN Documentation,
29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 194 (2007).
Howe, R. Brian & Katherine Covell, Child Poverty in Canada and the Rights of the
Child, 25(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1067 (2003).
Hunt, Paul, Children’s Rights in West Africa: The Case of the Gambia’s Almudos,
15(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 499 (1993).
Jupp, Michael, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: An Opportunity for
Advocates, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 130 (1990).
Kilkelly, Ursula, The Best of Both Worlds for Children’s Rights? Interpreting the
European Convention on Human Rights in the Light of the UN Convention
on the Rights of the Child, 23(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 308 (2001).
Landgren, Karin, The Protective Environment: Development Support for Child
Protection, 27(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 214 (2005).
Linton, Suzannah, ASEAN States, Their Reservations to Human Rights Treaties and
the Proposed ASEAN Commission on Women and Children, 30(2) Hum. Rts.
Q. 436 (2008).
Miljeteig-Olssen, Per, Advocacy of Children’s Rights—The Convention as More
Than a Legal Document, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 148 (1990).
Pham, Phuong N., Patrick Vinck & Eric Stover, The Lord’s Resistance Army and
Forced Conscription in Northern Uganda, 30(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 404 (2008).
Schabas, William A., Reservations to the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
18(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 472 (1996).
Schechter, Michael & Michael Bochenek, Working to Eliminate Human Rights
Abuses of Children: A Cross-National Comparative Study, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
579 (2008).
Shigekane, Rachel, Rehabilitation and Community Integration of Trafficking
Survivors in the United States, 29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 112 (2007).
Smolin, David M., Strategic Choices in the International Campaign Against Child
Labor, 22(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 942 (2000).
Tucker, Lee, Child Slaves in Modern India: The Bonded Labor Problem, 19(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 572 (1997).
Van Bueren, Geraldine, Combating Child Poverty—Human Rights Approaches,
21(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 680 (1999).
Vol. 35
Adar, Korwa G., Human Rights and Academic Freedom in Kenya’s Public
Universities: The Case of the Universities Academic Staff Union, 21(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 179 (1999).
Arat, Zehra F. Kabasakal, Human Rights Ideology and Dimensions of Power: A
Radical Approach to the State, Property, and Discrimination, 30(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 906 (2008).
Bernaz, Nadia, Life Imprisonment and the Prohibition of Inhuman Punishments
in International Human Rights Law: Moving the Agenda Forward, 35(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 470 (2013).
Boerfijn, Ineke, Towards a Strong System of Supervision: The Human Rights
Committee’s Role in Reforming the Reporting Procedure Under Article 40 of
the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 17(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 766 (1995).
Brems, Eva, Conflicting Human Rights: An Exploration in the Context of the Right
to a Fair Trial in the European Convention on Human Rights, 27(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 294 (2005).
Cohn, Cindy A., The Early Harvest: Domestic Legal Changes Related to the
Human Rights Committee and the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 295 (1991).
Davis, Michael C., East Asia After the Crisis: Human Rights, Constitutionalism,
and State Reform, 26(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 126 (2004).
Encarnación, Omar G., Democracy and Dirty Wars in Spain, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
950 (2007).
Godoy, Angelina Snodgrass, La Muchacha Respondona: Reflections on the Razor’s
Edge Between Crime and Human Rights, 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 597 (2005).
Gómez del Prado, José L., United Nations Conventions on Human Rights:
The Practice of the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Dealing with Reporting Obligations of
States Parties, 7(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 492 (1985).
Good, Martha H., Freedom of Expression in Comparative Perspective: Japan’s
Quiet Revolution, 7(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 429 (1985).
Harland, Christopher, The Status of the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (ICCPR) in the Domestic Law of State Parties: An Initial
Global Survey Through UN Human Rights Committee Documents, 22(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 187 (2000).
Hartman, Joan, Working Paper for the Committee of Experts on the Article 4
Derogation Provision (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights),
7(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 89 (1985).
Heffernan, Liz, A Comparative View of Individual Petition Procedures Under the
European Convention on Human Rights and the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, 19(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 78 (1997).
Henderson, Conway W., The Political Repression of Women, 26(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
1028 (2004).
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United States (Part I), 19(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 165 (1997).
Jhabvala, Farrokh, The Practice of the Covenant’s Human Rights Committee
1976–82: Review of State Party Reports, 6(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 81 (1984).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Keith, Linda Camp & Ayo Ogundele, Legal Systems and Constitutionalism in SubSaharan Africa: An Empirical Examination of Colonial Influences on Human
Rights, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1065 (2007).
Kiss, Alexandre, Commentary by the Rapporteur on Limitation Provisions, 7(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 15 (1985).
Klabbers, Jan, The Right to Be Taken Seriously: Self-Determination in International
Law, 28(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 186 (2006).
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Vol. 35
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Roehrig, Terence, Executive Leadership and the Continuing Quest for Justice in
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Weinstein, Harvey M. & Laurel E. Fletcher with Jamie Rowen, Context, Timing
and the Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical Perspective, 31(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 163 (2009).
Arzey, Sylvia & Luke McNamara, Invoking International Human Rights Law in a
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Kent, Ann, States Monitoring States: The United States, Australia, and China’s
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2009, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 649 (2011).
Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Vol. 35
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Rts. Q. 163 (2009).
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Grugel, Jean & Enrique Peruzzotti, The Domestic Politics of International Human
Rights Law: Implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child in
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Congo, Democratic Republic of the
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89 (1979).
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Victims of Ethnic Cleansing, 33(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 408 (2011).
Czech Republic
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from the Reparation of Human Rights Abuses in the Czech Republic, 27(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 392 (2005).
Grugel, Jean & Enrique Peruzzotti, The Domestic Politics of International Human
Rights Law: Implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child in
Ecuador, Chile, and Argentina, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 178 (2012).
van Dongen, Toine, The Restrepo Case: Murky Waters, 14(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 289
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El Salvador
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White, Richard Alan, Rule Without Law: El Salvador (photo essay), 4(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 149 (1982).
Equatorial Guinea
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Case, 3(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 34 (1981).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Williams, Robert E., Jr., From Malabo to Malibu: Addressing Corruption and
Human Rights Abuse in an African Petrostate, 33(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 620 (2011).
An-Na’im, Abdullahi A., Human Rights and Islamic Identity in France and
Uzbekistan: Mediation of the Local and Global, 22(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 906
Colonomos, Ariel & Javier Santiso, Viva la France! French Multinationals and
Human Rights, 27(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1307 (2005).
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Hunt, Paul, Children’s Rights in West Africa: The Case of the Gambia’s Almudos,
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Fullerton, Maryellen, Human Rights Monitoring in Germany: A Rejoinder, 18(4)
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Oquaye, Mike, Human Rights and the Transition to Democracy Under the PNDC
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Vol. 35
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507 (1984).
Quinn, Joanna R. & Mark Freeman, Lessons Learned: Practical Lessons Gleaned
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Tomuschat, Christian, Clarification Commission in Guatemala, 23(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
233 (2001).
Weinstein, Harvey M. & Laurel E. Fletcher with Jamie Rowen, Context, Timing
and the Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical Perspective, 31(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 163 (2009).
Hong Kong
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Mullally, Siobhán, Gendered Citizenship: Debating Reproductive Rights in Ireland,
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Habib, Jasmin, Both Sides Now: Reflections on the Israel/Palestine Conflict, 29(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1098 (2007).
Strum, Philippa, Women and the Politics of Religion in Israel, 11(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
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Alnajjar, Ghanim, Human Rights in a Crisis Situation: The Case of Kuwait After
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Vol. 35
Muñoz, Alejandro Anaya, Transnational and Domestic Processes in the Definition
of Human Rights Policies in Mexico, 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 35 (2009).
Speed, Shannon & Jane F. Collier, Limiting Indigenous Autonomy in Chiapas,
Mexico: The State Government’s Use of Human Rights, 22(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
877 (2000).
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New Zealand
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Zealand’s “Thin” Democracy, 26(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 152 (2004).
Farer, Tom J., Looking at Looking at Nicaragua: The Problematique of Impartiality
in Human Rights Inquiries, 10(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 141 (1988).
Macklem, Patrick & Ed Morgan, Indigenous Rights in the Inter-American System:
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of Nicaragua, 22(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 569 (2000).
Mudge, Arthur W., A Case Study in Human Rights and Development Assistance:
Nicaragua, 1(4) Universal Hum. Rts. 93 (1979).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Akpan, Moses E., The 1979 Nigerian Constitution and Human Rights, 2(2)
Universal Hum. Rts. 23 (1980).
Carter, Marshall & Otwin Marenin, Human Rights in the Nigerian Context: A
Case Study and Discussion of the Nigerian Police, 1(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 43
Nmehielle, Vincent O., Sharia Law in the Northern States of Nigeria: To
Implement or Not to Implement, The Constitutionality is the Question, 26(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 730 (2004).
Okafor, Obiora Chinedu & Shedrack C. Agbakwa, On Legalism, Popular Agency
and “Voices of Suffering”: The Nigerian National Human Rights Commission
in Context, 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 662 (2002).
North Korea
Goedde, Patricia, Legal Mobilizations for Human Rights Protection in North
Korea: Furthering Discourse or Discord?, 32(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 530 (2010).
Northern Ireland
Kavanagh, Aileen, The Role of a Bill of Rights in Reconstructing Northern Ireland,
26(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 956 (2004).
O’Rawe, Mary, Human Rights and Police Training in Transitional Societies:
Exporting the Lessons of Northern Ireland, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 943 (2005).
Rolston, Bill, Dealing with the Past: Pro-State Paramilitaries, Truth and Transition
in Northern Ireland, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 652 (2006).
Weinstein, Harvey M. & Laurel E. Fletcher with Jamie Rowen, Context, Timing
and the Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical Perspective, 31(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 163 (2009).
Hasan, Rafia, The Role of Women as Agents of Change and Development in
Pakistan, 3(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 68 (1981).
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Citizens’ Rights, 20(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 338 (1998).
Habib, Jasmin, Both Sides Now: Reflections on the Israel/Palestine Conflict, 29(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1098 (2007).
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Hum. Rts. Q. 275 (1983).
Slack, Keith M., Operation Condor and Human Rights: A Report from Paraguay’s
Archive of Terror, 18(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 492 (1996).
Vol. 35
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Rights: The Case of Peru, 12(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 529 (1990).
de Waardt, Mijke, Are Peruvian Victims Being Mocked?: Politicization of
Victimhood and Victims’ Motivations for Reparations, 35(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 830
Laplante, Lisa & Kimberly Theidon, Truth with Consequences: Justice and
Reparations in Post-Truth Commission Peru, 29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 228 (2007).
Root, Rebecca K., Through the Window of Opportunity: The Transitional Justice
Network in Peru, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 452 (2009).
Claude, Richard Pierre, Human Rights Education: The Case of the Philippines,
13(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 453 (1991).
Kowalewski, David, Vigilante Counterinsurgency and Human Rights in the
Philippines: A Statistical Analysis, 12(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 246 (1990).
Puerto Rico
Roure, Jodie G., Gender Justice in Puerto Rico: Domestic Violence, Legal Reform,
and the Use of International Human Rights Principles, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 790
Gilligan, Emma, The Human Rights Ombudsman in Russia: The Evolution of
Horizontal Accountability, 32(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 575 (2010).
Xanthaki, Alexandra, Indigenous Rights in the Russian Federation: The Case of
Numerically Small Peoples of the Russian North, Siberia, and Far East, 26(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 74 (2004).
Eftekhari, Shiva, International Criminal Justice: Rwanda and French Human Rights
Activism, 23(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1032 (2001).
Khor, Lena, Human Rights and Network Power, 33(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 105 (2011).
Killander, Magnus, The African Peer Review Mechanism and Human Rights: The
First Reviews and the Way Forward, 30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 41 (2008).
Sarkin, Jeremy, The Necessity and Challenges of Establishing a Truth and
Reconciliation Commission in Rwanda, 21(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 767 (1999).
Weitsman, Patricia A., The Politics of Identity and Sexual Violence: A Review of
Bosnia and Rwanda, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 561 (2008).
Scales-Trent, Judy, Women Lawyers, Women’s Rights in Senegal: The Association
of Senegalese Women Lawyers, 32(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 115 (2010).
Index to Volumes 1–35
McMahon, Patrice C. & David P. Forsythe, The ICTY’s Impact on Serbia: Judicial
Romanticism Meets Network Politics, 30(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 412 (2008).
Sierra Leone
Kelsall, Tim, Truth, Lies, Ritual: Preliminary Reflections on the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission in Sierra Leone, 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 361 (2005).
O’Flaherty, Michael, Sierra Leone’s Peace Process: The Role of the Human Rights
Community, 26(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 29 (2004).
Schabas, William A., The Relationship Between Truth Commissions and
International Courts: The Case of Sierra Leone, 25(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1035
Weinstein, Harvey M. & Laurel E. Fletcher with Jamie Rowen, Context, Timing
and the Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical Perspective, 31(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 163 (2009).
Englehart, Neil A., Rights and Culture in the Asian Values Argument: The Rise and
Fall of Confucian Ethics in Singapore, 22(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 548 (2000).
Tey, Tsun Hang, Confining the Freedom of the Press in Singapore: A “Pragmatic”
Press for “Nation-Building”?, 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 876 (2008).
South Africa
Amien, Waheeda, Overcoming the Conflict Between the Right to Freedom of
Religion and Women’s Rights to Equality: A South African Case Study of
Muslim Marriages, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 729 (2006).
Borer, Tristan Anne, A Taxonomy of Victims and Perpetrators: Human Rights and
Reconciliation in South Africa, 25(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1088 (2003).
Combrinck, Heléne, Positive State Duties to Protect Women from Violence:
Recent South African Developments, 20(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 666 (1998).
Coundouriotis, Eleni, The Dignity of the “Unfittest”: Victims’ Stories in South
Africa, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 842 (2006).
Fourie, Enid, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Crisis for
Children in South Africa: Apartheid and Detention, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 106
Gosiger, Mary C., Strategies for Divestment from United States Companies and
Financial Institutions Doing Business with or in South Africa, 8(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 517 (1986).
Haysom, Nicholas, The Langa Shootings and the Kennemeyer Commission of
Enquiry, 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 494 (1986).
Jones, Honorable Nathaniel R., Foreword (to South Africa: Lawyers’ Perspectives
Symposium), 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 401 (1986).
Klaaren, Jonathan, A Second Look at the South African Human Rights
Commission, Access to Information, and the Promotion of Socioeconomic
Rights, 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 539 (2005).
Vol. 35
Lockwood, Bert B., Jr., A Study in Black and White: The South Africa of James
McClure, 5(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 440 (1983).
______, Editor’s Introduction to Panel: The Langa Shootings, 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 487
Majodina, Thole, A Short Background to the Shooting Incident in Langa
Township, Uitenhage, 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 488 (1986).
McClure, James, Mjobo (Fiction), 6(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 387 (1984).
Nicholson, Chris, Nothing Really Gets Better: Reflections on the Twenty-Five
Years Between Sharpeville and Uitenhage, 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 511 (1986).
Olson, Peter, The US Human Rights Program in South Africa, 1986–1989, 13(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 24 (1991).
Pieterse, Marius, Possibilities and Pitfalls in the Domestic Enforcement of Social
Rights: Contemplating the South African Experience, 26(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 882
______, Eating Socioeconomic Rights: The Usefulness of Rights Talk in Alleviating
Social Hardship Revisited, 29(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 796 (2007).
Quinn, Joanna R. & Mark Freeman, Lessons Learned: Practical Lessons Gleaned
from Inside the Truth Commissions of Guatemala and South Africa, 25(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1117 (2003).
Rayner, Mary, Law, Politics, and Treason in South Africa, 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 471
Riveles, Susanne, Diplomatic Asylum as a Human Right: The Case of the Durban
Six, 11(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 139 (1989).
Sarkin, Jeremy, The Development of a Human Rights Culture in South Africa,
20(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 628 (1998).
Steenkamp, Anton J., The South African Constitution of 1993 and the Bill of
Rights: An Evaluation in Light of International Human Rights Norms, 17(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 101 (1995).
Weinstein, Harvey M. & Laurel E. Fletcher with Jamie Rowen, Context, Timing
and the Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical Perspective, 31(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 163 (2009).
South Korea
Han, In Sup, Kwangju and Beyond: Coping with Past State Atrocities in South
Korea, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 998 (2005).
Kim, Hun Joon, Local, National, and International Determinants of Truth
Commission: The South Korean Experience, 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 726 (2012).
Koo, Jeong-Woo, Suk-Ki Kong & Chinsung Chung, Measuring National Human
Rights: A Reflection on Korean Experiences, 34(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 986 (2012).
Soviet Union
Dean, Richard N., Contacts with the West: The Dissidents’ View of Western
Support for the Human Rights Movement in the Soviet Union, 2(1) Universal
Hum. Rts. 47 (1980).
Fireside, Harvey, The Conceptualization of Dissent: Soviet Behavior in
Comparative Perspective, 2(1) Universal Hum. Rts. 31 (1980).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Gubin, Sandra L., Between Regimes and Realism—Transnational Agenda Setting:
Soviet Compliance with CSCE Human Rights Norms, 17(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 278
Hawkesworth, Mary, Ideological Immunity: The Soviet Response to Human Rights
Criticism, 2(1) Universal Hum. Rts. 67 (1980).
Horvath, Robert Gabor, “The Solzhenitsyn Effect”: East European Dissidents and
the Demise of the Revolutionary Privilege, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 879 (2007).
Kowalewski, David, Human Rights Protest in the USSR: Statistical Trends for
1965–1978, 2(1) Universal Hum. Rts. 5 (1980).
Rhéaume, Charles, Western Scientists’ Reaction to Andrei Sakharov’s Human
Rights Struggle in the Soviet Union, 1968–1989, 30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (2008).
Schecter, Kate, Soviet Socialized Medicine and the Right to Health Care in a
Changing Soviet Union, 14(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 206 (1992).
Davis, Madeleine, Is Spain Recovering Its Memory? Breaking the Pacto del
Olvido, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 858 (2005).
Encarnación, Omar G., Democracy and Dirty Wars in Spain, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
950 (2007).
Rothenberg, Daniel, “Let Justice Judge”: An Interview with Judge Baltasar Garzón
and Analysis of His Ideas, 24(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 924 (2002).
Wilson, Richard J., Prosecuting Pinochet: International Crimes in Spanish
Domestic Law, 21(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 927 (1999).
Sri Lanka
Gomez, Mario, Sri Lanka’s New Human Rights Commission, 20(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
281 (1998).
Mills, Kurt, “Bashir is Dividing Us”: Africa and the International Criminal Court,
34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 404 (2012).
Peskin, Victor, Caution and Confrontation in the International Criminal Court’s
Pursuit of Accountability in Uganda and Sudan, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 655
Rodman, Ken, Darfur and the Limits of Legal Deterrence, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 529
Udombana, Nsongurua J., When Neutrality Is a Sin: The Darfur Crisis and the
Crisis of Humanitarian Intervention in Sudan, 27(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1149 (2005).
Padilla, David J., Reparations in Aloeboetoe v. Suriname, 17(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 541
Peter, Chris Maina, Incarcerating the Innocent: Preventive Detention in Tanzania,
19(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 113 (1997).
Vol. 35
Garrett, Stephen A., Human Rights in Thailand: The Case of Thammasat 18, 2(4)
Universal Hum. Rts. 43 (1980).
Kent, Lia, Interrogating the “Gap” Between Law and Justice: East Timor’s Serious
Crimes Process, 34(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1021 (2012).
Trinidad & Tobago
McGrory, Glenn, Reservations of Virtue? Lessons from Trinidad and Tobago’s
Reservation to the First Optional Protocol, 23(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 769 (2001).
Mashhour, Amira, Islamic Law and Gender Equality: Could There Be a Common
Ground?: A Study of Divorce and Polygamy in Sharia Law and Contemporary
Legislation in Tunisia and Egypt, 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 562 (2005).
Bayir, Derya, Representation of the Kurds by the Turkish Judiciary, 35(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 116 (2013).
Çelik, Ayşe Betûl, Transnationalization of Human Rights Norms and Its Impact on
Internally Displaced Kurds, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 969 (2005).
Özbudun, Ergun & Füsun Türkmen, The Impact of the ECtHR Rulings on Turkey’s
Democratization: An Evaluation, 35(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 985 (2013).
Payaslyoglu, Arif & Ahmet Içduygu, Awareness of and Support for Human Rights
Among Turkish University Students, 21(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 513 (1999).
Sandal, Nukhet A., Public Theologies of Human Rights and Citizenship: The Case
of Turkey’s Christians, 35(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 631 (2013).
Sevinç, Murat, Hunger Strikes in Turkey, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 655 (2008).
Smith, Thomas W., Civic Nationalism and Ethnocultural Justice in Turkey, 27(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 436 (2005).
Türkmen, Füsun, The European Union and Democratization in Turkey: The Role
of the Elites, 30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 146 (2008).
Wigley, Simon, Parliamentary Immunity in Democratizing Countries: The Case of
Turkey, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 567 (2009).
Dicklitch, Susan & Doreen Lwanga, The Politics of Being Non-Political: Human
Rights Organizations and the Creation of a Positive Human Rights Culture in
Uganda, 25(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 482 (2003).
______, Berwood Yost & Bryan M. Dougan, Building a Barometer of Gay Rights
(BGR): A Case Study of Uganda and the Persecution of Homosexuals, 34(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 448 (2012).
Peskin, Victor, Caution and Confrontation in the International Criminal Court’s
Pursuit of Accountability in Uganda and Sudan, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 655
Index to Volumes 1–35
Pham, Phuong N., Patrick Vinck & Eric Stover, The Lord’s Resistance Army and
Forced Conscription in Northern Uganda, 30(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 404 (2008).
Quinn, Joanna R., Constraints: The Un-Doing of the Ugandan Truth Commission,
26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 401 (2004).
Rodman, Kenneth A. & Petie Booth, Manipulated Commitments: The International
Criminal Court in Uganda, 35(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 271 (2013).
United Kingdom
Amos, Merris, Transplanting Human Rights Norms: The Case of the United
Kingdom’s Human Rights Act, 35(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 386 (2013).
Lippman, Matthew, The Debate Over a Bill of Rights in Great Britain: The View
from Parliament, 2(4) Universal Hum. Rts. 25 (1980).
Rehman, Javaid, Islam, “War on Terror” and the Future of Muslim Minorities in
the United Kingdom: Dilemmas of Multiculturalism in the Aftermath of the
London Bombings, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 831 (2007).
United States
Chan, Steve, Human Rights in China and the United States: Competing Visions
and Discrepant Performances, 24(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1035 (2002).
Douglas, William A., John-Paul Ferguson & Erin Klett, An Effective Confluence of
Forces in Support of Workers’ Rights: ILO Standards, US Trade Laws, Unions,
and NGOs, 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 273 (2004).
Elshtain, Jean Bethke, Response to Tom Farer’s “Un-just War Against Terrorism
and the Struggle to Appropriate Human Rights,” 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 758
Farer, Tom J., Un-Just War Against Terrorism and the Struggle to Appropriate
Human Rights, 30(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 356 (2008).
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Elshtain’s Response to “Un-just War Against Terrorism and the Struggle to
Appropriate Human Rights,” 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 767 (2008).
Forsythe, David P., United States Policy Toward Enemy Detainees in the “War on
Terrorism,” 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 465 (2006).
______, US Foreign Policy and Human Rights: Situating Obama, 33(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 767 (2011).
Hill, Ronald Paul & Sandi Macan, Welfare Reform in the United States: Resulting
Consumption Behaviors, Health and Nutrition Outcomes, and Public Policy
Solutions, 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 142 (1996).
International Commission of Jurists, Administration of the Death Penalty in the
United States (Part I), 19(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 165 (1997).
Kaufman, Natalie Hevener & David Whiteman, Opposition to Human Rights
Treaties in the United States Senate: The Legacy of the Bricker Amendment,
10(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 309 (1988).
Kent, Ann, States Monitoring States: The United States, Australia, and China’s
Human Rights, 1990–2001, 23(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 583 (2001).
Melanson, Richard A., Human Rights and the American Withdrawal from the ILO,
1(1) Universal Hum. Rts. 43 (1979).
Vol. 35
Nowak, Manfred, What Practices Constitute Torture?: US and UN Standards, 28(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 809 (2006).
Poe, Steven C., Sabine C. Carey & Tanya C. Vazquez, How Are These Pictures
Different? A Quantitative Comparison of the US State Department and
Amnesty International Human Rights Reports, 1976–1995, 23(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
650 (2001).
Quayle, Matthew, What the U.S. Constitution Means to Me and to Our Country,
10(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 122 (1988).
Renteln, Alison Dundes, The Unanswered Challenge of Relativism and the
Consequences for Human Rights, 7(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 514 (1985).
Scales-Trent, Judy, Racial Purity Laws in the United States and Nazi Germany: The
Targeting Process, 23(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 259 (2001).
Venters, Homer, Dana Dasch-Goldberg, Andrew Rasmussen & Allen S. Keller, Into
the Abyss: Mortality and Morbidity Among Detained Immigrants, 31(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 474 (2009).
Zhou, Qi, Human Rights Conflicts: China and the United States, 27(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 105 (2005).
Roniger, Luis & Mario Sznajder, The Legacy of Human Rights Violations and the
Collective Identity of Redemocratized Uruguay, 19(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 55 (1997).
An-Na’im, Abdullahi A., Human Rights and Islamic Identity in France and
Uzbekistan: Mediation of the Local and Global, 22(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 906
Kolb, Charles E.M., The Criminal Trial of Yugoslav Poet Vlado Gotovac: An
Eyewitness Account, 4(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 184 (1982).
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Zoglin, Katie, The Future of War Crimes Prosecutions in the Former Yugoslavia:
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Gubbay, Anthony R., The Protection and Enforcement of Fundamental Human
Rights: The Zimbabwean Experience, 19(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 227 (1997).
Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda E., Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, 2000–2009: Massive Human
Rights Violations and the Failure To Protect, 32(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 898 (2010).
Aaronson, Susan Ariel & Jamie M. Zimmerman, Fair Trade?: How Oxfam
Presented a Systemic Approach to Poverty, Development, Human Rights, and
Trade, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 998 (2006).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Darrow, Mac & Amparo Tomas, Power, Capture, and Conflict: A Call for Human
Rights Accountability in Development Cooperation, 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 471
Davis, Michael C., East Asia After the Crisis: Human Rights, Constitutionalism,
and State Reform, 26(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 126 (2004).
Donnelly, Jack, Human Rights, Democracy, and Development, 21(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
608 (1999).
Goulet, Denis, Global Governance, Dam Conflicts, and Participation, 27(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 881 (2005).
Hamm, Brigitte I., A Human Rights Approach to Development, 23(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
1005 (2001).
Henderson, Conway W., Military Regimes and Rights in Developing Countries: A
Comparitive Perpective, 4(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 110 (1982).
Howard, Rhoda E., The Full Belly Thesis: Should Economic Rights Take Priority
over Civil and Political Rights? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, 5(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 467 (1983).
Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda E., The Second Great Transformation: Human Rights
Leapfrogging in the Era of Globalization, 27(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (2005).
______, Reply to Adamantia Pollis, 28(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 277 (2006).
Ibhawoh, Bonny, The Right to Development: The Politics and Polemics of Power
and Resistance, 33(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 76 (2011).
Kindornay, Shannon, James Ron & Charli Carpenter, Rights-Based Approaches to
Development: Implications for NGOs, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 472 (2012).
Kuruvilla, Shayma, Flavia Bustreo, Paul Hunt, Amarjit Singh, Eric Friedman, Thiago
Luchesi, Stefan Germann, Kim Terje Loraas, Alicia Ely Yamin, Ximena Andion
& Julio Frenk, The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights:
Realizing Shared Commitments, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 141 (2012).
Manby, Bronwen, The African Union, NEPAD and Human Rights: The Missing
Agenda, 26(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 983 (2004).
Meier, Benjamin Mason & Ashley M. Fox, Development as Health: Employing the
Collective Right to Development to Achieve the Goals of the Individual Right
to Health, 30(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 259 (2008).
Mudge, Arthur W., A Case Study in Human Rights and Development Assistance:
Nicaragua, 1(4) Universal Hum. Rts. 93 (1979).
Pollis, Adamantia, Commentary on The Second Great Transformation, 27(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 1120 (2005).
Quane, Helen, The Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Development Process,
27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 652 (2005).
Rajagopal, Balakrishnan, Right to Development and Global Governance: Old and
New Challenges Twenty-Five Years on, 35(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 893 (2013).
Sano, Hans-Otto, Development and Human Rights: The Necessary, but Partial
Integration of Human Rights and Development, 22(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 734
Sarelin, Alessandra Lundström, Human Rights-Based Approaches to Development
Cooperation, HIV/AIDS, and Food Security, 29(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 460 (2007).
Sengupta, Arjun, On the Theory and Practice of the Right to Development, 24(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 837 (2002).
Vol. 35
Udombana, Nsongurua J., The Third World and the Right to Development:
Agenda for the Next Millennium, 22(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 753 (2000).
Brody, Reed & Felipe González, Nunca Más: An Analysis of International
Instruments on “Disappearances,” 19(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 365 (1997).
Brysk, Alison, The Politics of Measurement: The Contested Count of the
Disappeared in Argentina, 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 676 (1994).
Fein, Helen, More Murder in the Middle: Life-Integrity Violations and Democracy
in the World, 1987, 17(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 170 (1995).
Godoy, Angelina Snodgrass, Lynchings and the Democratization of Terror in
Postwar Guatemala: Implications for Human Rights, 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 640
Kaufman, Edy & Patricia Weiss Fagan, Extrajudicial Executions: An Insight into
the Global Dimensions of a Human Rights Violation, 3(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 81
Rodley, Sir Nigel S., United Nations Action Procedures Against “Disappearances,”
Summary or Arbitrary Executions, and Torture, 8(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 700 (1986).
Strejilevich, Nora, Testimony: Beyond the Language of Truth, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
701 (2006).
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Rights and Development, 3(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 101 (1981).
Filartiga II—The Damages Opinion, 7(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 245 (1985).
Foreign Ministers of the European Community, Declaration on Human Rights, 9(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 102 (1987).
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Message on the State of the Union, 11 January 1944,
11(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 173 (1989).
High Court of Botswana: Dow vs. Attorney General, 13(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 614
Individual Limitation Provisions Cross-Referenced to the Covenant (International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), 7(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 155 (1985).
International Association for the Development of Cross-Cultural Communications
(AIMAV): Declaration of Recife: Linguistic Rights, 10(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 306
International Commission of Jurists, Administration of the Death Penalty in the
United States (Part I), 19(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 165 (1997).
International Commission of Jurists, The Berlin Declaration: The ICJ Declaration
on Upholding Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Combating Terrorism,
27(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 350 (2005).
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Optional Protocol,
7(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 132 (1985).
Index to Volumes 1–35
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 9(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
274 (1987).
The Johannesburg Principles on National Security, Freedom of Expression and
Access to Information, 20(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (1998).
The Limburg Principles on the Implementation of the International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 9(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 122 (1987).
The Maastricht Guidelines on Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
20(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 691 (1998).
Montréal Principles on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 26(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 760 (2004).
On Equal Footing: Foreign Affairs and Human Rights, 7(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 451
Participants at the Limburg Conference, 9(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 285 (1987).
Participants at the Siracusa Conference, 7(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 156 (1985).
Press Release of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 7(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 573
Protocol No. 6 to the European Convention, on the Abolition of the Death
Penalty, 5(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 382 (1983).
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to the United Nations Commission of Human Rights, 7(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 574
UNESCO International Congress on Teaching of Human Rights, Final Document,
1(3) Universal Hum. Rts. 89 (1979).
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 33(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 909 (2011).
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Presented a Systemic Approach to Poverty, Development, Human Rights, and
Trade, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 998 (2006).
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Cultural Rights, 9(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 156 (1987).
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Bradbrook, Adrian J. & Judith G. Gardam, Placing Access to Energy Services
Within a Human Rights Framework, 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 389 (2006).
Chapman, Audrey R., A “Violations Approach” for Monitoring the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 23
Vol. 35
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and Disadvantaged Groups: The Contributions of the UN Committee on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 682 (2011).
Conklin, Margaret & Daphne Davidson, The I.M.F. and Economic and Social
Human Rights: A Case Study of Argentina, 1958–1985, 8(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 227
Cullet, Philippe, Human Rights and Intellectual Property Protection in the TRIPS
Era, 29(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 403 (2007).
Dankwa, E.V.O. (Victor) & Cees Flinterman, Commentary by the Rapporteurs on
the Nature and Scope of States Parties’ Obligations, 9(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 136
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Vol. 35
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Measuring Compliance with International Treaty Obligations, 21(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 563 (1999).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Afshari, Reza, On Historiography of Human Rights: Reflections on Paul Gordon
Lauren’s The Evolution of International Human Rights: Visions Seen, 29(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (2007).
Aral, Berdal, The Idea of Human Rights as Perceived in the Ottoman Empire,
26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 454 (2004).
Arat, Zehra F. Kabasakal, Forging a Global Culture of Human Rights: Origins and
Prospects of the International Bill of Rights, 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 416 (2006).
Arthur, Paige, How “Transitions” Reshaped Human Rights: A Conceptual History
of Transitional Justice, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 321 (2009).
Bellamy, Alex J., Massacres and Morality: Mass Killing in an Age of Civilian
Immunity, 34(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 927 (2012).
Buergenthal, Thomas, The Normative and Institutional Evolution of International
Human Rights, 19(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 703 (1997).
Burgers, Jan Herman, The Road to San Francisco: The Revival of the Human
Rights Idea in the Twentieth Century, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 447 (1992).
Burke, Roland, “The Compelling Dialogue of Freedom”: Human Rights at the
Bandung Conference, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 947 (2006).
Carozza, Paolo G., From Conquest to Constitutions: Retrieving a Latin American
Tradition of the Idea of Human Rights, 25(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 281 (2003).
Clément, Dominique, Human Rights in Canadian Domestic and Foreign Politics:
From “Niggardly Acceptance” to Enthusiastic Embrace, 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
751 (2012).
Forsythe, David P., United States Policy Toward Enemy Detainees in the “War on
Terrorism,” 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 465 (2006).
Fraser, Arvonne S., Becoming Human: The Origins and Development of Women’s
Human Rights, 21(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 853 (1999).
Goldman, Robert K., History and Action: The Inter-American Human Rights
System and the Role of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights,
31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 856 (2009).
Humphrey, John P., The Memoirs of John P. Humphrey, The First Director of the
United Nations Division of Human Rights, 5(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 387 (1983).
Johnson, M. Glen, Historical Perspectives on Human Rights and U.S. Foreign
Policy, 2(3) Universal Hum. Rts. 1 (1980).
______, The Contributions of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt to the Development
of International Protection for Human Rights, 9(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 19 (1987).
Kang, Susan L., The Unsettled Relationship of Economic and Social Rights and the
West: A Response to Whelan and Donnelly, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1006 (2009).
Kirkup, Alex & Tony Evans, The Myth of Western Opposition to Economic, Social,
and Cultural Rights? A Reply to Whelan and Donnelly, 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
221 (2009).
Lauren, Paul Gordon, First Principles of Racial Equality: History and the Politics
and Diplomacy of Human Rights Provisions in the United Nations Charter,
5(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (1983).
Lindgren Alves, José A., The Declaration of Human Rights in Postmodernity, 22(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 478 (2000).
Vol. 35
Marks, Stephen P., From the “Single Confused Page” to the “Decalogue for Six
Billion Persons”: The Roots of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in
the French Revolutions, 20(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 459 (1998).
Mitoma, Glen, Civil Society and Human Rights: The Commission to Study the
Organization of Peace and the Origins of the UN Human Rights Regime,
30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 607 (2008).
Morsink, Johannes, Women’s Rights in the Universal Declaration, 13(2) Hum. Rts.
Q. 229 (1991).
______, World War Two and the Universal Declaration, 15(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 357
Nurser, Canon John, The “Ecumenical Movement” Churches, “Global Order,” and
Human Rights: 1938–1948, 25(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 841 (2003).
Quirk, Joel Forbes, The Anti-Slavery Project: Linking the Historical and
Contemporary, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 565 (2006).
Rai, Lal-dhoj Deosa, Human Rights Development in Ancient Nepal, 3(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 37 (1981).
Reiding, Hilde, The Netherlands Gradually Changing Views on International
Economic and Social Rights Protection, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 113 (2012).
Renteln, Alison Dundes, A Psychohistorical Analysis of the Japanese American
Internment, 17(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 618 (1995).
Rieffer-Flanagan, Barbara Ann, Is Neutral Humanitarianism Dead? Red Cross
Neutrality: Walking the Tightrope of Neutral Humanitarianism, 31(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 888 (2009).
Rybak, Boris, La Formalisation du Droit avec application aux Droits de l’Homme,
4(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 261 (1982).
Snyder, Sarah B., Exporting Amnesty International to the United States:
Transatlantic Human Rights Activism in the 1960s, 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 779
Waltz, Susan, Universal Human Rights: The Contribution of Muslim States, 26(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 799 (2004).
Weinstein, Harvey M. & Laurel E. Fletcher with Jamie Rowen, Context, Timing
and the Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical Perspective, 31(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 163 (2009).
Welch, Claude E., Jr. & Ashley F. Watkins, Extending Enforcement: The Coalition
for the International Criminal Court, 33(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 927 (2011).
Whelan, Daniel J. & Jack Donnelly, The West, Economic and Social Rights, and
the Global Human Rights Regime: Setting the Record Straight, 29(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 908 (2007).
______ & Jack Donnelly, Yes a Myth: A Reply to Alex Kirkup & Tony Evans, 31(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 239 (2009).
______ & Jack Donnelly, The Reality of Western Support for Economic and Social
Rights: A Reply to Susan L. Kang, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1030 (2009).
Wilson, Richard Ashby, Judging History: The Historical Record of the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 908 (2005).
Anaya, S. James, The Capacity of International Law to Advance Ethnic or
Nationality Rights Claims, 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 403 (1991).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______ & S. Todd Crider, Indigenous Peoples, The Environment, and Commercial
Forestry in Developing Countries: The Case of Awas Tingni, Nicaragua, 18(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 345 (1996).
Arzey, Sylvia & Luke McNamara, Invoking International Human Rights Law in a
“Rights-Free Zone”: Indigenous Justice Campaigns in Australia, 33(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 733 (2011).
Barelli, Mauro, The Interplay Between Global and Regional Human Rights
Systems in the Construction of the Indigenous Rights Regime, 32(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 951 (2010).
Barsh, Russel Lawrence, Indigenous Peoples and the UN Commission on Human
Rights: A Case of the Immovable Object and the Irresistible Force, 18(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 782 (1996).
Bob, Clifford, “Dalit Rights are Human Rights”: Caste Discrimination, International
Activism, and the Construction of a New Human Rights Issue, 29(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 167 (2007).
Corntassel, Jeff J. & Tomas Hopkins Primeau, Indigenous “Sovereignty” and
International Law: Revised Strategies for Pursuing “Self-Determination,” 17(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 343 (1995).
______, Partnership in Action? Indigenous Political Mobilization and Co-optation
During the First UN Indigenous Decade (1995–2004), 29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 137
Guadalupe, Maria & Moog Rodrigues, Indigenous Rights in Democratic Brazil,
24(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 487 (2002).
Hammond, John L., Indigenous Community Justice in the Bolivian Constitution of
2009, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 649 (2011).
Hill, Ronald Paul, Blackfellas and Whitefellas: Aboriginal Land Rights, The Mabo
Decision, and the Meaning of Land, 17(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 303 (1995).
Holder, Cindy L. & Jeff J. Corntassel, Indigenous Peoples and Multicultural
Citizenship: Bridging Collective and Individual Rights, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 126
Jaichand, Vinodh & Alexandre Andrade Sampaio, Dam and Be Damned: The
Adverse Impacts of Belo Monte on Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, 35(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 408 (2013).
Korsmo, Fae L., Nordic Security and the Saami Minority: Territorial Rights in
Northern Fennoscandia, 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 509 (1988).
Kuokkanen, Rauna, Self-Determination and Indigenous Women’s Rights at the
Intersection of International Human Rights, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 225 (2012).
Leane, G.W.G., Enacting Bills of Rights: Canada and the Curious Case of New
Zealand’s “Thin” Democracy, 26(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 152 (2004).
Macklem, Patrick & Ed Morgan, Indigenous Rights in the Inter-American System:
The Amicus Brief of the Assembly of First Nations in Awas Tingni v. Republic
of Nicaragua, 22(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 569 (2000).
Moore, Sara Gavney & Maria Carmen Lemos, Indigenous Policy in Brazil: The
Development of Decree 1775 and the Proposed Raposa/Serra do Sol Reserve,
Roraima, Brazil, 21(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 444 (1999).
Pallemaerts, Marc, Development, Conservation, and Indigenous Rights in Brazil,
8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 374 (1986).
Vol. 35
Quane, Helen, The Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Development Process,
27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 652 (2005).
Sanders, Douglas, The UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations, 11(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 406 (1989).
Scott, Craig, Indigenous Self-Determination and Decolonization of the
International Imagination: A Plea, 18(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 814 (1996).
Smith, Thomas W., Civic Nationalism and Ethnocultural Justice in Turkey, 27(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 436 (2005).
Speed, Shannon & Jane F. Collier, Limiting Indigenous Autonomy in Chiapas,
Mexico: The State Government’s Use of Human Rights, 22(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
877 (2000).
Stamatopoulou, Elissavet, Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations: Human
Rights as a Developing Dynamic, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 58 (1994).
Tennant, Chris, Indigenous Peoples, International Institutions, and the International
Legal Literature from 1945–1993, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (1994).
Xanthaki, Alexandra, Indigenous Rights in the Russian Federation: The Case of
Numerically Small Peoples of the Russian North, Siberia, and Far East, 26(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 74 (2004).
Bradlow, Daniel D. & Claudio Grossman, Limited Mandates and Intertwined
Problems: A New Challenge for the World Bank and the IMF, 17(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 411 (1995).
Brems, Eva, Conflicting Human Rights: An Exploration in the Context of the Right
to a Fair Trial in the European Convention on Human Rights, 27(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 294 (2005).
Brett, Rachel, Human Rights and the OSCE, 18(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 668 (1996).
Çalı, Başak, Balancing Human Rights? Methodological Problems with Weights,
Scales and Proportions, 29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 251 (2007).
Chigara, Ben, Latecomers to the ILO and the Authorship and Ownership of the
International Labour Code, 29(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 706 (2007).
Ciorciari, John D., Institutionalizing Human Rights in Southeast Asia, 34(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 695 (2012).
Conklin, Margaret & Daphne Davidson, The I.M.F. and Economic and Social
Human Rights: A Case Study of Argentina, 1958–1985, 8(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 227
de Wet, Erika, Labor Standards in the Globalized Economy: The Inclusion of a
Social Clause in the General Agreement On Tariff and Trade/World Trade
Organization, 17(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 443 (1995).
Dommen, Caroline, Raising Human Rights Concerns in the World Trade
Organization: Actors, Processes and Possible Strategies, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1
Douglas, William A., John-Paul Ferguson & Erin Klett, An Effective Confluence of
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and NGOs, 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 273 (2004).
Farer, Tom J., The Rise of the Inter-American Human Rights Regime: No Longer a
Unicorn, Not Yet an Ox, 19(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 510 (1997).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Foreign Ministers of the European Community, Declaration on Human Rights, 9(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 102 (1987).
Forsythe, David P., Human Rights, The United States and the Organization of
American States, 13(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 66 (1991).
Frost, Lynda E., The Evolution of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights:
Reflections of Present and Former Judges, 14(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 171 (1992).
Gilbert, Geoff, The Council of Europe and Minority Rights, 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 160
Greer, Steven, What’s Wrong with the European Convention on Human Rights?,
30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 680 (2008).
Gubin, Sandra L., Between Regimes and Realism—Transnational Agenda Setting:
Soviet Compliance with CSCE Human Rights Norms, 17(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 278
Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda E., Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, 2000–2009: Massive Human
Rights Violations and the Failure To Protect, 32(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 898 (2010).
Humphrey, John P., Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men, 14(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 429
Killander, Magnus, The African Peer Review Mechanism and Human Rights: The
First Reviews and the Way Forward, 30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 41 (2008).
Langlaude, Sylvie, The Rights of Religious Associations to External Relations: A
Comparative Study of the OSCE and the Council of Europe, 32(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 502 (2010).
Linton, Suzannah, ASEAN States, Their Reservations to Human Rights Treaties and
the Proposed ASEAN Commission on Women and Children, 30(2) Hum. Rts.
Q. 436 (2008).
Manby, Bronwen, The African Union, NEPAD and Human Rights: The Missing
Agenda, 26(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 983 (2004).
Mills, Kurt, “Bashir is Dividing Us”: Africa and the International Criminal Court,
34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 404 (2012).
Mower, A. Glenn, Jr., The Implementation of Human Rights Through European
Community Institutions, 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 43 (1980).
Murray, Rachel & Frans Viljoen, Towards Non-Discrimination on the Basis of
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Ngwena, Charles G., Inscribing Abortion as a Human Right: Significance of the
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Odinkalu, Chidi Anselm, From Architecture to Geometry: The Relationship
Between the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and Organs
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Ojo, Olusola & Amadu Sesay, The O.A.U. and Human Rights: Prospects for the
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Sobotka, Eva & Peter Vermeersch, Governing Human Rights and Roma Inclusion:
Can the EU be a Catalyst for Local Social Change?, 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 800
Vol. 35
Tinta, Mónica Feria, Justicability of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in the
Inter-American System of Protection of Human Rights: Beyond Traditional
Paradigms and Notions, 29(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 431 (2007).
Wright, Jane, The OSCE and the Protection of Minority Rights, 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
190 (1996).
Akhavan, Payam, Punishing War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia: A Critical
Juncture for the New World Order, 15(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 262 (1993).
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Allen, Rodney G., Martin Cherniack & George J. Andreopoulos, Refining War:
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Bellamy, Alex J., Massacres and Morality: Mass Killing in an Age of Civilian
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Boulesbaa, Ahcene, The Nature of the Obligations Incurred By States Under
Article 2 of the UN Convention Against Torture, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 53
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Dukalskis, Alexander & Robert C. Johansen, Measuring Acceptance of
International Enforcement of Human Rights: The United States, Asia, and the
International Criminal Court, 35(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 569 (2013).
Ebersole, Jon M., The Mohonk Criteria for Humanitarian Assistance in Complex
Emergencies: Task Force on Ethical and Legal Issues in Humanitarian
Assistance, 17(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 192 (1995).
Eftekhari, Shiva, International Criminal Justice: Rwanda and French Human Rights
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Evans, Rebecca, Pinochet in London—Pinochet in Chile: International and
Domestic Politics in Human Rights Policy, 28(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 207 (2006).
Farer, Tom J., Intervention in Unnatural Humanitarian Emergencies: Lessons of the
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Fenwick, Colin, Private Use of Prisoners’ Labor: Paradoxes of International Human
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Fiss, Owen, Within Reach of the State: Prosecuting Atrocities in Africa, 31(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 59 (2009).
Forsythe, David P., Human Rights and the International Committee of the Red
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Gaer, Felice D., UN-Anonymous: Reflections on Human Rights in Peace
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Gardam, Judith & Hilary Charlesworth, Protection of Women in Armed Conflict,
22(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 148 (2000).
Glasius, Marlies, What is Global Justice and Who Decides? Civil Society and
Victim Responses to the International Criminal Court’s First Investigations,
31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 496 (2009).
Godoy, Angelina Snodgrass, La Muchacha Respondona: Reflections on the Razor’s
Edge Between Crime and Human Rights, 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 597 (2005).
Graubart, Jonathan, R2P and Pragmatic Liberal Interventionism: Values in the
Service of Interests, 35(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 69 (2013).
Gutierrez, Donald, Incarceration and Torture: The Self in Extremity, 6(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 284 (1984).
Habib, Jasmin, Both Sides Now: Reflections on the Israel/Palestine Conflict, 29(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1098 (2007).
Hannum, Hurst, International Law and Cambodian Genocide: The Sounds of
Silence, 11(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 82 (1989).
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Commissioner for Human Rights in UN Peacemaking and Peacebuilding,
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Hill, Ronald Paul & Elizabeth C. Hirschman, Human Rights Abuses by the Third
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Hum. Rts. Q. 848 (1996).
Vol. 35
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Rights Violations and the Failure To Protect, 32(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 898 (2010).
Howland, Todd A., Mirage, Magic, or Mixed Bag? The United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights’ Field Operation in Rwanda, 21(1) Hum. Rts.
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O’Flaherty, Michael, Sierra Leone’s Peace Process: The Role of the Human Rights
Community, 26(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 29 (2004).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Pajic, Zoran, A Critical Appraisal of Human Rights Provisions of the Dayton
Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 125 (1998).
Parker, Tom, Redressing the Balance: How Human Rights Defenders Can Use
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Peskin, Victor, Caution and Confrontation in the International Criminal Court’s
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Forced Conscription in Northern Uganda, 30(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 404 (2008).
Phillips, David L., Comprehensive Peace in the Balkans: The Kosovo Question,
18(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 821 (1996).
Preece, Jennifer Jackson, Ethnic Cleansing as an Instrument of Nation-State
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Prévost, Ann Marie, Race and War Crimes: The 1945 War Crimes Trial of General
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Rodman, Kenneth A., Darfur and the Limits of Legal Deterrence, 30(3) Hum. Rts.
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Cultural, and Ethical Responses to Rape Victims in the Former Yugoslavia,
20(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 348 (1998).
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Between Liberal and Illiberal Belief Systems, 23(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 73 (2001).
Kallen, Evelyn, Gay and Lesbian Rights Issues: A Comparative Analysis of Sydney,
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Mertus, Julie, The Rejection of Human Rights Framings: The Case of LGBT
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Murray, Rachel & Frans Viljoen, Towards Non-Discrimination on the Basis of
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Union, 29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 86 (2007).
Oomen, Barbara, Between Rights Talk and Bible Speak: The Implementation
of Equal Treatment Legislation in Orthodox Reformed Communities in The
Netherlands, 33(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 175 (2011).
Sabatello, Maya, Advancing Transgender Family Rights Through Science: A
Proposal for an Alternative Framework, 33(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 43 (2011).
Sanders, Douglas, Getting Lesbian and Gay Issues on the International Human
Rights Agenda, 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 67 (1996).
Self, Janet, Bowers v. Hardwick: A Study of Aggression, 10(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 395
Sivakumaran, Sandesh, Male/Male Rape and the “Taint” of Homosexuality, 27(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1274 (2005).
Agosin, Marjorie, The Generals’ Bonfires: The Death of Rodrigo Rojas in Chile,
Janice Molloy trans., 9(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 423 (1987).
______, A Visit to the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Cola Franzen trans., 9(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 426 (1987).
______, Torture, 10(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 126 (1988).
______, Remembering the Madwomen of the Plaza de Mayo, 10(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
128 (1988).
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______, Anne Frank and Us, 10(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 131 (1988).
______, Beyond The Dawn, 10(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 133 (1988).
______, So We Will Not Forget: Literature and Human Rights in Latin America,
Janice Molloy trans., 10(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 177 (1988).
______, Notes on the Poetics of the Acevedo Movement Against Torture, Miriam
Ben-Ur trans., 10(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 339 (1988).
______, An Ode to Joy for Chile, Cola Franzen trans., 11(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 325
______, Return to Chile, July 1988, Janice Molloy trans., 11(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 328
______, Inhabitants of Decayed Palaces: The Dictator in the Latin American
Novel, Barbara E. Pierce trans., 12(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 328 (1990).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______, Cities of Life, Cities of Change, Janice Molloy trans., 12(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
554 (1990).
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______, Letters of Love, C. Kostopulos-Cooperman trans., 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 425
______, Untitled, C. Kostopulos-Cooperman trans., 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 426 (1991).
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Coundouriotis, Eleni, “You Only Have Your Word:” Rape and Testimony, 35(2)
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Dawes, James, Human Rights in Literary Studies, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 394 (2009).
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Q. 191 (1983).
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Pluto, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 916 (2009).
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Vol. 35
Sabino, Osvaldo R., The Guests, 12(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 426 (1990).
Selimović, Inela, With Ariel Dorfman on Feeding on Dreams: Confessions of an
Unrepentant Exile, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 570 (2012).
Shaddox, Karl, Generic Considerations in Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go, 35(2) Hum.
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Skloot, Robert, Theatrical Images of Genocide, 12(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 185 (1990).
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Szulkin, Robert, The Terror of Transformation in Varlam Shalamov’s Stories, 5(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 207 (1983).
Tascon, Sonia, Considering Human Rights Films, Representation, and Ethics:
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Tomarkin, Edward, The Art of Politics in James McClure’s “The Artful Egg,” 7(2)
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147 (1983).
Tumarkin, Nina, Political Ritual and the Cult of Lenin, 5(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 203
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Bernaz, Nadia, Life Imprisonment and the Prohibition of Inhuman Punishments
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Gibney, Mark, Suing for Death, Suffering, and Peace, 12(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 415
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Han, In Sup, Kwangju and Beyond: Coping with Past State Atrocities in South
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Hassan, Farooq, The Doctrine of Incorporation: New Vistas for the Enforcement of
International Human Rights?, 5(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 68 (1983).
Jacobson, David & Galya Benarieh Ruffer, Courts Across Borders: The Implications
of Judicial Agency for Human Rights and Democracy, 25(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 74
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Crisis, 2(4) Universal Hum. Rts. 1 (1980).
LeGraw, Joan M. & Michael A. Grodin, Health Professionals and Lethal Injection
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Lillich, Richard B., Damages for Gross Violations of International Human Rights
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Mayerfeld, Jamie, Who Shall Be Judge?: The United States, the International
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Rts. Q. 93 (2003).
Meijers, Tim & Marlies Glasius, Expression of Justice or Political Trial? Discursive
Battles in the Karadžić Case, 35(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 720 (2013).
Oomen, Barbara, Between Rights Talk and Bible Speak: The Implementation
of Equal Treatment Legislation in Orthodox Reformed Communities in The
Netherlands, 33(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 175 (2011).
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Quigley, John, Human Rights Defenses in US Courts, 20(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 555
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and Analysis of His Ideas, 24(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 924 (2002).
Self, Janet, Bowers v. Hardwick: A Study of Aggression, 10(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 395
Strejilevich, Nora, Testimony: Beyond the Language of Truth, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
701 (2006).
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Barbieri, William, Group Rights and the Muslim Diaspora, 21(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 907
Vol. 35
Bayir, Derya, Representation of the Kurds by the Turkish Judiciary, 35(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 116 (2013).
Castellino, Joshua, No Room at the International Table: The Importance of
Designing Effective Litmus Tests for Minority Protection at Home, 35(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 201 (2013).
Çelik, Ayşe Betûl, Transnationalization of Human Rights Norms and Its Impact on
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227 (2008).
Fortman, Bas de Gaay, Minority Rights: A Major Misconception?, 33(2) Hum. Rts.
Q. 265 (2011).
Ghanea, Nazila, Human Rights of Religious Minorities and of Women in the
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Gilbert, Geoff, The Council of Europe and Minority Rights, 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 160
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Mégret, Frédéric, The Disabilities Convention: Human Rights of Persons with
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Pejic, Jelena, Minority Rights in International Law, 19(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 666 (1997).
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the United Kingdom: Dilemmas of Multiculturalism in the Aftermath of the
London Bombings, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 831 (2007).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Rodley, Sir Nigel S., Conceptual Problems in the Protection of Minorities:
International Legal Developments, 17(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 48 (1995).
Smith, Thomas W., Civic Nationalism and Ethnocultural Justice in Turkey, 27(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 436 (2005).
Sobotka, Eva & Peter Vermeersch, Governing Human Rights and Roma Inclusion:
Can the EU be a Catalyst for Local Social Change?, 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 800
Várady, Tibor, Minorities, Majorities, Law, and Ethnicity: Reflections of the
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Wright, Jane, The OSCE and the Protection of Minority Rights, 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
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Gilligan, Emma, The Human Rights Ombudsman in Russia: The Evolution of
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Elshtain, Jean Bethke, Response to Tom Farer’s “Un-just War Against Terrorism
and the Struggle to Appropriate Human Rights,” 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 758
Encarnación, Omar G., Democracy and Dirty Wars in Spain, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
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Vol. 35
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Foot, Rosemary, The United Nations, Counter Terrorism, and Human Rights:
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Terrorism,” 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 465 (2006).
Godoy, Angelina Snodgrass, Lynchings and the Democratization of Terror in
Postwar Guatemala: Implications for Human Rights, 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 640
Hoffman, Paul, Human Rights and Terrorism, 26(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 932 (2004).
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Ideology in Sheridan’s In the Name of the Father and Jordan’s Breakfast on
Pluto, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 916 (2009).
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Q. 1122 (2011).
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the United Kingdom: Dilemmas of Multiculturalism in the Aftermath of the
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Thoms, Oskar N.T. & James Ron, Do Human Rights Violations Cause Internal
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Burgerman, Susan D., Mobilizing Principles: The Role of Transnational Activists in
Promoting Human Rights Principles, 20(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 905 (1998).
Cassese, Antonio, How Could Nongovernmental Organizations Use U.N. Bodies
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Process, 3(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 101 (1981).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Cohen, Cynthia Price, The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations in the
Drafting of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 137
Cohen, Stanley, Government Responses to Human Rights Reports: Claims,
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and NGOs, 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 273 (2004).
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Cross, 12(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 265 (1990).
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Donor, and NGO Engagement and the Local Context in Latin America, 30(1)
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Juviler, Peter, Human Rights Associations for a Human Rights Community: A
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Rights Movement, 11(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 14 (1989).
Malin, Andrea, Mothers Who Won’t Disappear, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 187 (1994).
Martens, Kerstin, An Appraisal of Amnesty International’s Work at the United
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Mosse, Gail M.L., US Constitutional Freedom of Association: Its Potential for
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Otto, Dianne, Nongovernmental Organizations in the United Nations System: The
Emerging Role of International Civil Society, 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 107 (1996).
Rieffer-Flanagan, Barbara Ann, Is Neutral Humanitarianism Dead? Red Cross
Neutrality: Walking the Tightrope of Neutral Humanitarianism, 31(4) Hum.
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Vol. 35
Robinson, Mary, Advancing Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: The Way
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Rts. Q. 379 (1998).
Snyder, Sarah B., Exporting Amnesty International to the United States:
Transatlantic Human Rights Activism in the 1960s, 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 779
Tolley, Howard, Jr., Popular Sovereignty and International Law: ICJ Strategies for
Human Rights Standard-Setting, 11(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 561 (1989).
Tomaševski, Katarina, Unasked Questions About Economic, Social, and Cultural
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Valencia-Weber, Gloria & Robert J. Weber, El Salvador: Methods Used to
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Cerna, Christina M., Cynthia Price-Cohen: In Memorium, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 842
Gibney, Mark, Katarina Tomaševski 1953–2006, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1107 (2006).
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Gómez del Prado, José L., United Nations Conventions on Human Rights:
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Vol. 35
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Symposium), 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 401 (1986).
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Adejumobi, Said, Citizenship, Rights and the Problem of Conflicts and Civil Wars
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703 (1993).
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Allain, Jean & Andreas O’Shea, African Disunity: Comparing Human Rights Law
and Practice of North and South African States, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 86 (2002).
Amirthalingam, Kumaralingam, Women’s Rights, International Norms, and
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Gilbert, Geoff, The Burgeoning Minority Rights Jurisprudence of the European
Court of Human Rights, 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 736 (2002).
Goldman, Robert K., History and Action: The Inter-American Human Rights
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Hicks, Neil, Does Islamic Human Rights Activism Offer a Remedy to the Crisis of
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Horvath, Robert Gabor, “The Solzhenitsyn Effect”: East European Dissidents and
the Demise of the Revolutionary Privilege, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 879 (2007).
Howard, Rhoda E., The Full Belly Thesis: Should Economic Rights Take Priority
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Mashhour, Amira, Islamic Law and Gender Equality: Could There Be a Common
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Rehman, Javaid, Islam, “War on Terror” and the Future of Muslim Minorities in
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Said, Abdul Aziz, Precept and Practice of Human Rights in Islam, 1(1) Universal
Hum. Rts. 63 (1979).
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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Vol. 35
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Dukalskis, Alexander & Robert C. Johansen, Measuring Acceptance of
International Enforcement of Human Rights: The United States, Asia, and the
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Vol. 35
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Choice and Political Consumption: Human Rights in the Checkout Lane,
33(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1092 (2011).
Selya, Roger Mark, A Geography of Human Rights Abuses, 34(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
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Visweswaran, Kamala, Gendered States: Rethinking Culture as a Site of South
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Wood, Reed M. & Mark Gibney, The Political Terror Scale (PTS): A Reintroduction and a Comparison to CIRI, 32(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 367 (2010).
Yamin, Alicia Ely, The Future in the Mirror: Incorporating Strategies for the
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Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1(1) Universal Hum. Rts. 3 (1979).
Human Rights: Economic and Political Development in the Third World, 1(2)
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Alston, Philip, International Trade as an Instrument of Positive Human Rights
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Blanco, Elena & Jona Razzaque, Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being in
a Globalized World: Assessing the Role of Law,, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 692
Colonomos, Ariel & Javier Santiso, Viva la France! French Multinationals and
Human Rights, 27(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1307 (2005).
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Era, 29(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 403 (2007).
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Organization, 17(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 443 (1995).
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Q. 517 (1986).
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Jerbi, Scott, Business and Human Rights at the UN: What Might Happen Next?,
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Khor, Lena, Human Rights and Network Power, 33(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 105 (2011).
Kowalewski, David, Transnational Corporations and the Third World’s Right to
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McCorquodale, Robert & Richard Fairbrother, Globalization and Human Rights,
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Milner, Wesley T., Steven C. Poe & David Leblang, Security Rights, Subsistence
Rights, and Liberties: A Theoretical Survey of the Empirical Landscape, 21(2)
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Monshipouri, Mahmood, Claude E. Welch, Jr., & Evan T. Kennedy, Multinational
Corporations and the Ethics of Global Responsibility: Problems and
Possibilities, 25(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 965 (2003).
Vol. 35
Oloka-Onyango, Joe, Who’s Watching “Big Brother”? Globalization and the
Protection of Cultural Rights in Present Day Africa, 27(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1245
Pollis, Adamantia, Commentary on The Second Great Transformation, 27(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 1120 (2005).
Powell, Benjamin, In Reply to Sweatshop Sophistries, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1031
Santoro, Michael A., Beyond Codes of Conduct and Monitoring: An
Organizational Integrity Approach to Global Labor Practices, 25(2) Hum. Rts.
Q. 407 (2003).
Smith, Jackie, Melissa Bolyard & Anna Ippolito, Human Rights and the Global
Economy: A Response to Meyer, 21(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 207 (1999).
Aldana-Pindell, Raquel, An Emerging Universality of Justiciable Victims’ Rights in
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Arthur, Paige, How “Transitions” Reshaped Human Rights: A Conceptual History
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Bell, Christine & Johanna Keenan, Human Rights Nongovernmental Organizations
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Halpern, Jodi & Harvey M. Weinstein, Rehumanizing the Other: Empathy and
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Index to Volumes 1–35
Han, In Sup, Kwangju and Beyond: Coping with Past State Atrocities in South
Korea, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 998 (2005).
Hayner, Priscilla B., Fifteen Truth Commissions—1974 to 1994: A Comparative
Study, 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 597 (1994).
Jochnick, Chris, Confronting the Impunity of Non-State Actors: New Fields for the
Promotion of Human Rights, 21(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 56 (1999).
Kelsall, Tim, Truth, Lies, Ritual: Preliminary Reflections on the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission in Sierra Leone, 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 361 (2005).
Kim, Hun Joon, Local, National, and International Determinants of Truth
Commission: The South Korean Experience, 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 726 (2012).
Laplante, Lisa & Kimberly Theidon, Truth with Consequences: Justice and
Reparations in Post-Truth Commission Peru, 29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 228 (2007).
Leebaw, Bronwyn, The Irreconcilable Goals of Transitional Justice, 30(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 95 (2008).
Maier-Katkin, Daniel J. & Birgit Maier-Katkin, Hannah Arendt and Martin
Heidegger: Calumny and the Politics of Reconciliation, 28(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 86
Malamud-Goti, Jaime, Transitional Governments in the Breach: Why Punish State
Criminals?, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 1 (1990).
Mazzei, Julie M., Finding Shame in Truth: The Importance of Public Engagement
in Truth Commissions, 33(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 431 (2011).
McMahon, Patrice C. & David P. Forsythe, The ICTY’s Impact on Serbia: Judicial
Romanticism Meets Network Politics, 30(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 412 (2008).
Mendeloff, David, Trauma and Vengeance: Assessing the Psychological and
Emotional Effects of Post-Conflict Justice, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 592 (2009).
Méndez, Juan E., Accountability for Past Abuses, 19(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 255 (1997).
Murdie, Amanda & David R. Davis, Problematic Potential: The Human Rights
Consequences of Peacekeeping Interventions in Civil Wars, 32(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 49 (2010).
Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala & Colm Campbell, The Paradox of Transition in Conflicted
Democracies, 27(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 172 (2005).
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Olsen, Tricia D., Leigh A. Payne & Andrew G. Reiter, The Justice Balance: When
Transitional Justice Improves Human Rights and Democracy, 32(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 980 (2010).
O’Rawe, Mary, Human Rights and Police Training in Transitional Societies:
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Osiel, Mark J., Why Prosecute? Critics of Punishment for Mass Atrocity, 22(1)
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Pion-Berlin, David, To Prosecute or to Pardon? Human Rights Decisions in the
Latin American Southern Cone, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 105 (1994).
Poe, Steven C., Sabine C. Carey & Tanya C. Vazquez, How are These Pictures
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Vol. 35
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from Inside the Truth Commissions of Guatemala and South Africa, 25(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1117 (2003).
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Rts. Q. 401 (2004).
Rodman, Ken, Darfur and the Limits of Legal Deterrence, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 529
Roehrig, Terence, Executive Leadership and the Continuing Quest for Justice in
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Rolston, Bill, Dealing with the Past: Pro-State Paramilitaries, Truth and Transition
in Northern Ireland, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 652 (2006).
Root, Rebecca K., Through the Window of Opportunity: The Transitional Justice
Network in Peru, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 452 (2009).
Sarkin, Jeremy, The Necessity and Challenges of Establishing a Truth and
Reconciliation Commission in Rwanda, 21(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 767 (1999).
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Index to Volumes 1–35
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______, Who’s Watching “Big Brother”? Globalization and the Protection of
Cultural Rights in Present Day Africa, 27(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1245 (2005).
Oomen, Barbara, Between Rights Talk and Bible Speak: The Implementation
of Equal Treatment Legislation in Orthodox Reformed Communities in The
Netherlands, 33(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 175 (2011).
Paglione, Giulia, Domestic Violence and Housing Rights: A Reinterpretation of the
Right to Housing, 28(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 120 (2006).
Parpart, Jane L., Women’s Rights and the Lagos Plan of Action, 8(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
180 (1986).
Poe, Steven C., Dierdre Wendal-Blunt & Karl Ho, Global Patterns in the
Achievement of Women’s Human Rights to Equality, 19(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 813
Reanda, Laura, Human Rights and Women’s Rights: The United Nations
Approach, 3(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 11 (1981).
______, Prostitution as a Human Rights Question: Problems and Prospects of
United Nations Action, 13(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 202 (1991).
Roure, Jodie G., Gender Justice in Puerto Rico: Domestic Violence, Legal Reform,
and the Use of International Human Rights Principles, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 790
Rubio-Marín, Ruth & Clare Sandoval, Engendering the Reparations Jurisprudence
of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: The Promise of the Cotton
Field Judgment, 33(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1062 (2011).
Sadasivam, Bharati, The Impact of Structural Adjustment on Women: A
Governance and Human Rights Agenda, 19(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 630 (1997).
Salzman, Todd A., Rape Camps as a Means of Ethnic Cleansing: Religious,
Cultural, and Ethical Responses to Rape Victims in the Former Yugoslavia,
20(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 348 (1998).
Samuels, Harriet, Hong Kong on Women, Asian Values, and the Law, 21(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 707 (1999).
Scales-Trent, Judy, Women Lawyers, Women’s Rights in Senegal: The Association
of Senegalese Women Lawyers, 32(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 115 (2010).
Shah, Niaz A., Women’s Human Rights in the Koran: An Interpretive Approach,
28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 868 (2006).
Vol. 35
Shalev, Carmel, China to CEDAW: An Update on Population Policy, 23(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 119 (2001).
Shigekane, Rachel, Rehabilitation and Community Integration of Trafficking
Survivors in the United States, 29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 112 (2007).
Slack, Alison T., Female Circumcision: A Critical Appraisal, 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
437 (1988).
Strum, Philippa, Women and the Politics of Religion in Israel, 11(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
483 (1989).
Sweeney, Jane P., Promoting Human Rights Through Regional Organizations:
Women’s Rights in Western Europe, 6(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 491 (1984).
Thomas, Dorothy Q. & Michele E. Beasley, Domestic Violence as a Human Rights
Issue, 15(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 36 (1993).
Tinker, Catherine, Human Rights for Women: The U.N. Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 3(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
32 (1981).
Vandervort, Lucinda, Reproductive Choice: Screening Policy and Access to the
Means of Reproduction, 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 438 (2006).
Visweswaran, Kamala, Gendered States: Rethinking Culture as a Site of South
Asian Human Rights Work, 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 483 (2004).
Weitsman, Patricia A., The Politics of Identity and Sexual Violence: A Review of
Bosnia and Rwanda, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 561 (2008).
Welch, Claude E., Jr., Human Rights and African Women: A Comparison of
Protection Under Two Major Treaties, 15(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 549 (1993).
Wiseberg, Laurie S. & Harry M. Scoble, Women’s Rights and International Human
Rights: A Bibliographical Note, 3(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 127 (1981).
Yamin, Alicia Ely & Deborah P. Maine, Maternal Mortality as a Human Rights
Issue: Measuring Compliance with International Treaty Obligations, 21(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 563 (1999).
Zoglin, Katie, Morocco’s Family Code: Improving Equality for Women, 31(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 964 (2009).
Book Reviews
Afshari, Reza, Islam and Human Rights: Tradition and Politics, by Ann Elizabeth
Mayer, 22(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 314 (2000).
______, Religious Minorities in Iran, by Eliz Sanasarian, 23(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1121
______, Tortured Confessions: Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern Iran, by
Ervand Abrahamian, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 290 (2002).
Agosin, Marjorie, Chileans in Exile: Private Struggles, Public Lives, by Diana Kay,
10(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 433 (1988).
Aldana-Pindell, Raquel, Peace Without Justice: Obstacles to Building the Rule of
Law in El Salvador, by Margaret Popkin, 25(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 257 (2003).
Alston, Philip, Human Rights and the United Nations: A Great Adventure, by John
P. Humphrey, 6(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 224 (1984).
______, Human Rights: Australia in an International Context, by Peter Bailey,
12(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 433 (1990).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Alvarez-Pereyre, Myriam, Human Rights and Non-Discrimination in the “War on
Terror,” by Daniel Moeckli, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 827 (2009).
Andreopoulos, George, War Crimes in the Balkans: Medicine Under Siege in the
Former Yugoslavia 1991–1995, by Physicians for Human Rights, 19(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 692 (1997).
______, War Crimes Law Comes of Age: Essays, by Theodor Meron, Crimes of
War: What the Public Should Know (Roy Gutman & David Rieff eds.), 23(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 210 (2001).
An-Na’im, Abdullahi, Human Rights and Governance in Africa (Ronald Cohen,
Goran Hyden & Winston P. Nagan eds.), 17(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 574 (1995).
Baker, Pauline H., Identity, Diversity, and Constitutionalism in Africa, by Francis
M. Deng, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1139 (2009).
Barnum, David G., The Nazi-Skokie Conflict: A Civil Liberties Battle, by David
Hamlin, 3(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 150 (1981).
Bedau, Hugo Adam, Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice, by Jack
Donnelly, 14(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 142 (1992).
______, The Realm of Rights, by Judith Jarvis Thomson, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 540
______, The Abolition of the Death Penalty in International Law, by William A.
Schabas, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 578 (1994).
______, On Human Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1993 (Stephen Shute &
Susan Hurely eds.), 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 787 (1994).
Beer, Lawrence W., International Law, Human Rights, and Japanese Law: The
Impact of International Law on Japanese Law, by Yuji Iwasawa, 23(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 464 (2001).
Bergland, Betty, Voices from Exile: Violence and Survival in Modern Maya
History, by Victor Montejo, 23(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 827 (2001).
Berry, Mary F., Trial and Error: The Detroit School Segregation Case, by Eleanor P.
Wolfe, 4(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 531 (1982).
Betsalel, Ken, The Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating Historical
Injustices, by Elazar Barkan, 25(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 820 (2003).
______, Violence in War and Peace: An Anthology (Nancy Scheper-Hughes &
Philippe Bourgois eds.), 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 795 (2006).
Bickford, Louis N., States of Denial: Knowing about Atrocities and Suffering of
Others, by Stanley Cohen, 24(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1054 (2002).
Black, Jan Knippers, Human Rights and American Foreign Policy (Donald P.
Kommers & Gilburt D. Loescher eds.), 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 82 (1980).
Blackwell, J. Kenneth, The U.N. Commission on Human Rights, by Howard Tolley,
Jr., 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 485 (1992).
Bornstein, Erica, Internal Affairs: How the Structure of NGOs Transforms Human
Rights, by Wendy H. Wong, 35(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 796 (2013).
Bouché, Vanessa, Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Day Slavery, by
Siddharth Kara, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 899 (2011).
Boyle, Kevin, The Treatment of Prisoners Under International Law, by Nigel
Rodley, 11(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 335 (1989).
Branch, Adam, Human Rights NGOs in East Africa: Political and Normative
Tensions (Makua Mutua ed.), 32(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 216 (2010).
Vol. 35
Brinker, Joe, Kosovo Report: Conflict, International Response, Lessons Learned,
by the Independent International Commission on Kosovo, 26(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
791 (2004).
Brundige, Elizabeth & Sital Kalantry, Socio-Economic Rights: Adjudication Under
a Transformative Constitution, by Sandra Liebenberg, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 579
Brysk, Alison, We Cannot Remain Silent: Opposition to the Brazilian Military
Dictatorship in the United States, by James N. Green, 33(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
1182 (2011).
Bullard, Alice, The Europeanization of the World: On the Origins of Human
Rights and Democracy, by John M. Headley, 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 286 (2009).
Burke, Nora, Health and Human Rights (Jonathan M. Mann ed.), 23(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 846 (2001).
Burke, Roland, “If You Leave Us Here, We Will Die”: How Genocide Was
Stopped in East Timor, by Geoffrey Robinson, 32(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1049
Burton, June K., De l’Idée d’Universalité comme Fondatrice du Concept des
Droits de l’Homme d’après la Vie et l’Oeuvre de Réne Cassin, by Marc Agi,
5(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 539 (1983).
Bystrom, Kerry, Spectacular Rhetorics: Human Rights Visions, Recognitions,
Feminisms, by Wendy Hesford, 34(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1214 (2012).
______, Richard P. Hiskes, Audrey R. Chapman & Emma Gilligan, Reprising
Diderot for Human Rights, The Encyclopedia of Human Rights (David P.
Forsythe ed.), 32(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 1018 (2010).
Cahn, Naomi, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin & Dina Francesca Haynes, Sexual Violence
in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights
(Elizabeth D. Heineman ed.), 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 682 (2012).
Cardenas, Sonia, Reckoning with Pinochet: The Memory Question in Democratic
Chile, 1989–2006, by Steve J. Stern, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 285 (2012).
Carey, Henry F., The Grotian Eclectic and Human Rights: Four Recent Books by
Richard A. Falk, Law in an Emerging Global Village: A Post-Westphalian
Perspective; Predatory Globalization: A Critique; Human Rights Horizons:
The Pursuit of Justice in a Globalizing World; Religion and Humane Global
Governance, by Richard A. Falk, 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 799 (2002).
Cargas, Sarita, Christianity and Genocide in Rwanda, by Timothy Longman, 32(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1063 (2010).
Carlson, Marvin, The Performance of Human Rights in Morocco, by Susan
Slyomovics, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 1122 (2005).
Carpenter, R. Charli, The Female Circumcision Controversy: An Anthropological
Perspective, by Ellen Gruenbaum, 23(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 832 (2001).
Carro, Jorge L., The Unmasking of Fidel Castro: Valladares’ Memoirs, A
Bibliographical Essay, Against All Hope: The Prison Memoirs of Armando
Valladares, by Armando Valladares (Andrew Hurley trans.), 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
591 (1992).
______, The Politics of Psychiatry in Revolutionary Cuba, by Charles J. Brown &
Armando M. Lago, 15(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 779 (1993).
Carter, Marshall, The New Politics of Human Rights, by James Avery Joyce, 1(2)
Universal Hum. Rts. 103 (1979).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______, Human Rights in a One-Party State, by the International Commission of
Jurists, 1(3) Universal Hum. Rts. 99 (1979).
______, Enhancing Global Human Rights, by Jorge I. Dominguez, Nigel S. Rodley,
Bryce Wood & Richard Falk, 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 81 (1980).
______, The Rights of Man Today, by Louis Henkin, 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 92
Cavalieri, Grace, The Middle Hour, by Kim Chi Ha (David R. McCann trans.), 3(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 140 (1981).
Chase, Anthony, Islam and the Challenge of Human Rights, by Abdulaziz
Sachedina; Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Shari`a,
by Abdullahi An-Na’im; Reason, Freedom, and Democracy in Islam: The
Essential Writings of Abdolkarim Soroush (Mahmoud Sadri & Ahmad Sadri
eds. & trans.); Grounding Human Rights in a Pluralist World, by Grace
Kao; The Last Utopia, by Samuel Moyn; Advocating Dignity: Human Rights
Mobilizations in Global Politics, by Jean Quataert; Life As Politics: How
Ordinary People Change the Middle East, by Asef Bayat, 35(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
498 (2013).
Chaskes, Eric, The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (Israel Gutman ed.), 13(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 143 (1991).
Chong, Dan, Stones of Hope: How African Activists Reclaim Human Rights to
Challenge Global Poverty (Lucie E. White & Jeremy Perelman eds.), 34(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 316 (2012).
Chowdhury, Elora Halim, Women, War, and the Making of Bangladesh:
Remembering 1971, by Yasmin Saikia, 34(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1214 (2012).
Christenson, Gordon A., The Grand Strategy of the United States in Latin America,
by Tom J. Farer, 11(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 160 (1989).
______, The Jurisprudence of Sanctions in International Law, The Power and
Purpose of International Law: Insights from the Theory and Practice of
Enforcement, by Mary Ellen O’Connell, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1086 (2009).
Cingranelli, David, Labour Left Out: Canada’s Failure to Protect and Promote
Collective Bargaining as a Human Right, by Roy J. Adams, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
1071 (2006).
______, Mobilizing for Human Rights: International Law in Domestic Politics, by
Beth Simmons, 32(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 761 (2010).
Clark, Roger S., Cry, the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 653
______, Judging War Criminals: The Politics of International Justice, by Yves
Beigbeder, 22(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 302 (2000).
______, Networked Governance of Freedom and Tyranny: Peace in Timor-Leste,
by John Braithwaite, Hilary Charlesworth & Adérito Soares, 35(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 241 (2013).
Claude, Richard Pierre, The International Dimensions of Human Rights (Karel
Vasak & Philip Alston eds.); Human Rights and World Politics, by David P.
Forsythe, 5(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 534 (1983).
______, The International Commission of Jurists, Global Advocates for Human
Rights, by Howard B. Tolley, Jr., 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 576 (1994).
______, Evolution of International Human Rights: Visions Seen, by Paul Gordon
Lauren, 21(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 251 (1999).
Vol. 35
______, The Graves: Srebrenica and Vukovar, by Eric Stover & Gilles Peress, 21(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 538 (1999).
______, The Medical Profession and Human Rights, Handbook for a Changing
Agenda, by the British Medical Association, 24(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 558 (2002).
______, Human Rights, An Interdisciplinary Approach, by Michael Freeman, 25(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 563 (2003).
______, Breaking Silence, The Case That Changed The Face of Human Rights, by
Richard Alan White, 26(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 787 (2004).
Cohen, Roberta, Evil Days: Thirty Years of War and Famine in Ethiopia, by Alex
de Waal, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 660 (1992).
______, Human Rights in Africa: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (Abdullahi Ahmed
An-Na’im & Francis M. Deng eds.), 15(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 459 (1993).
Coonan, Terence S., Christianity and Economics in the Post-Cold War Era: The
Oxford Declaration and Beyond (Herbert Schlossberg, Vinay Samuel &
Ronald J. Sider eds.); Writings for a Liberation Psychology, by Ignacio MartínBaró, 17(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 403 (1995).
______, Moral Opposition to Authoritarian Rule in Chile, 1973–90, by Pamela
Lowden, 18(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 902 (1996).
Corder, Hugh, Realizing the Promise for Ourselves, Human Rights Under African
Constitutions (Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im ed.), 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 512
Coundouriotis, Eleni, Can Literature Promote Justice? Trauma Narrative and Social
Action in Latin American Testimonio, by Kimberly Nance, 29(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
533 (2007).
______, Human Rights, Inc., by Joseph R. Slaughter; That the World May Know:
Bearing Witness to Atrocity, by James Dawes, 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1002
Crane, David M., The Tokyo War Crimes Trial: The Pursuit of Justice in the Wake
of World War II, by Yuma Totani, 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 256 (2009).
Crew, Spencer, Learning from Greensboro: Truth and Reconcilication, by Lisa
Magarrell & Joya Wesley, 32(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 451 (2010).
Cusack, Simone & Rebecca J. Cook, “Honour”: Crimes, Paradigms, and Violence
Against Women (Lynn Welchman & Sara Hossain eds.), 29(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
524 (2007).
______ & Lisa Pusey, Women’s Human Rights and Culture: From Deadlock to
Dialogue, by Rikki Holtmaat & Jonneke Naber, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 657
______, The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women: A Commentary (Marsha A. Freeman, Christine Chinkin &
Beate Rudolf eds.), 35(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 251 (2013).
Dallaire, Honorable Roméo A. with Andrew Coleman, Genocide: Beyond
Definition, Reducing Genocide to Law: Definition, Meaning, and the
Ultimate Crime, by Payam Akhavan, 35(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 778 (2013).
Davidson, Caroline, Crimes Against Humanity: Historical Evolution and
Contemporary Application, by M. Cherif Bassiouni, 34(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1193
Davis, Madeline, Universal Jurisdiction: National Courts and the Prosecution of
Serious Crimes Under International Law (Stephen Macedo ed.), 27(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 729 (2005).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Davis, Michael C., The Jurisprudence of Human Rights Law: A Comparative
Interpretive Approach (Theodore S. Orlin, Allan Rosas & Martin Scheinin
eds.), 23(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1116 (2001).
______, Human Rights and India’s Struggle Against Corruption, Corruption and
Human Rights in India: Comparative Perspectives on Transparency and Good
Governance, by C. Raj Kumar, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 624 (2012).
Davis, Shelton H., Llamas, Weavings, and Organic Chocolate: Multicultural
Grassroots Development in the Andes and Amazon of Bolivia, by Kevin
Healy, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 297 (2002).
Deale, Frank, Human Rights at Work: Perspectives on Law and Regulation (Colin
Fenwick & Tonia Novitz eds.), 33(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1177 (2011).
deGuzman, Margaret M., “War Time” in International Criminal Law, War Time:
An Idea, Its History, Its Consequences, by Mary L. Dudziak, 35(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 232 (2013).
de la Rasilla del Moral, Ignacio, International Human Rights Lexicon, by Susan
Marks & Andrew Clapham, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1082 (2006).
de la Vega, Connie, Migrant Workers in International Human Rights Law: Their
Protection in Countries of Employment, by Ryszard Cholewinski, 21(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 229 (1999).
______, Revolt or Revolution: The Constitutional Boundaries of the European
Community, by Diarmuid Rossa Phelan, 22(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 603 (2000).
Dharmapuri, Sahana, Gender, Sexualities and Law (Jackie Jones, Anna Grear,
Rachel Anne Fenton & Kim Stevenson eds.), 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 312 (2012).
Dietrich, John W., Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention:
Selective Indignation, Collective Action, and International Citizenship
(Albrecht Schnabel & Ramesh Thakur eds.), 25(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1167 (2003).
Donnelly, Jack, Injustice, Inequality and Ethics: A Philosophical Introduction to
Moral Problems, by Robin Barrow, 5(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 220 (1983).
______, Human Rights: Essays on Justification and Applications, by Alan Gewirth,
5(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 376 (1983).
______, Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, by Terry Nardin, 6(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 381 (1984).
______, A Matter of Principle, by Ronald Dworkin, 8(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 340 (1986).
Dorfman, Ben, Acts of Activism: Human Rights as Radical Performance, by D.
Soyini Madison, 35(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 264 (2013).
Dorsey, Ellen, Science in the Service of Human Rights, by Richard Pierre Claude,
25(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1150 (2003).
Doubt, Keith, Repression and Mobilization (Christian Davenport, Hank Johnston &
Carol Mueller eds.), 29(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 537 (2007).
Drinan, Robert F., S.J., Information Freedom and Censorship, World Report 1991,
by Article 19, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 573 (1992).
______, Human Rights and Public Health in the AIDS Pandemic, by Lawrence O.
Gostin & Zita Lazzarini, 20(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 194 (1998).
______, Celebrating Elie Wiesel: Stories, Essays, Reflections (Alan Rosen ed.),
21(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 830 (1999).
Drumbl, Mark A., The Principle of Legality in International and Comparative
Criminal Law, by Kenneth S. Gallant, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 801 (2009).
Vol. 35
Dudai, Ron, Advocacy with Footnotes: The Human Rights Report as a Literary
Genre, Through No Fault of Their Own: Punitive House Demolitions During
the al-Aqsa Intifada, by Ronen Shnayderman, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 783 (2006).
Eisikovits, Nir, A Moral Theory of Political Reconciliation, by Colleen Murphy,
34(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1211 (2012).
Elahi, Maryam, Dual Loyalty and Human Rights in Health Professional Practice:
Proposed Guidelines and Institutional Mechanisms, by the International Dual
Loyalty Working Group (Physicians for Human Rights & University of Cape
Town Health Sciences Faculty), 26(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 781 (2004).
Elvey, Kathryn, Developing a Compromise: The Case for Universal Human Rights
from a Cultural Perspective, How God Became African: African Spirituality
and Western Secular Thought, by Gerrie ter Harr, 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 919
Encarnación, Omar G., Ethnicity and Violence: The Case of Radical Basque
Nationalism, by Diego Muro, 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1011 (2008).
Etinson, Adam, The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History, by Samuel Moyn, 34(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 294 (2012).
Fabri, Mary, At the Side of Torture Survivors: Treating a Terrible Assault on
Human Dignity (Sepp Graessner, Norbert Gurris & Christian Pross eds.,
Jeremiah Michael Riemer trans.), 24(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1072 (2002).
Falgiano, C. Lisa & Kerstin LeMaire, A Review of Human Rights Watch
Publications 1991, by Human Rights Watch, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 623 (1992).
Fast, Larissa, Many Reasons to Intervene: French and British Approaches to
Humanitarian Action (Karl Blanchet & Boris Martin eds.), 35(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
1009 (2013).
Fenton, Zanita E., Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal Perspectives, by
Rebecca J. Cook & Simone Cusack, 33(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 243 (2011).
Fields, A. Belden, Human Rights and Social Movements, by Neil Stammers, 32(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 454 (2010).
Fitzgerald, Ross, Victims of Politics: The State of Human Rights, by Kurt Glaser &
Stefan T. Possony, 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 83 (1980).
Fitzpatrick, Joan M., International Human Rights, by Frank Newman & David
Weissbrodt, 13(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 144 (1991).
Fletcher, Laurel, Blood and Vengeance: One Family’s Story of the War in Bosnia,
by Chuck Sudetic, 21(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 545 (1999).
Fonseca, Raymond Steenkamp, Reparations for Indigenous Peoples: International
and Comparative Perspectives (Federico Lenzerini ed.), 32(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
768 (2010).
Forsythe, David P., International Cooperation for Social Justice: Global and
Regional Protection of Economic/Social Rights, by A. Glenn Mower, Jr., 8(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 540 (1986).
______, Human Rights in the World Community: Issues and Action (Richard
Pierre Claude & Burns H. Weston eds.), 12(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 338 (1990).
______, Human Rights, the United States, and World Community, by Vernon Van
Dyke, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 502 (1992).
______, Human Rights and the Red Cross in Historical Perspective, Champions
of Charity: War and the Rise of the Red Cross, by John F. Hutchinson; The
Imperiled Red Cross and the Palestine-Eretz-Yisrael Conflict 1945–1952, by
Dominique D. Junod, 19(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 686 (1997).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______, Human Rights and China: A Review Essay, Human Rights in Chinese
Foreign Relations: Defining and Defending National Interests, by Ming Wan;
Rights Beyond Borders: The Global Community and the Struggle over Human
Rights in China, by Rosemary Foot, 23(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1098 (2001).
______, Emergency Relief Operations (Kevin M. Cahill ed.), 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
553 (2004).
______, The Future of Human Rights: U.S. Policy for a New Era (William F.
Schultz ed.), 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 810 (2008).
______, Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, Ethics (Michael Barnett &
Thomas G. Weiss eds.), 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 269 (2009).
______, The Image Before the Weapon: A Critical History of the Distinction
Between Combatant and Civilian, by Helen M. Kinsella, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
646 (2012).
______, Making Human Rights A Reality, by Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, 35(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 1042 (2013).
Frank, Lawrence P., Human Rights and the South African Legal Order, by John
Dugard, 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 95 (1980).
Fraser, Arvonne S., International Human Rights, by Frank Newman & David
Weissbrodt, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 510 (1992).
______, Globalizing Concern for Women’s Human Rights: The Failure of the
American Model, by Diana G. Zoelle, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 302 (2002).
Freeman, Michael, Genocide: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions (George J.
Andreopoulos ed.), 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 240 (1996).
Frey, Barbara A., Women’s Human Rights: The International and Comparative Law
Casebook, by Susan Deller Ross, 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 267 (2009).
Friedman, Julian R., Human Rights and World Public Order, by Myres S.
McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell & Lung-Chu Chen, 4(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 137
______, The International Law of Human Rights, by Paul Sieghart, 6(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 133 (1984).
Fryer, Eugene D., International Committee of the Red Cross, by Georges Willemin
& Roger Heacock; Voluntary Hostages of the SS, by Drago Arsenijevic, 7(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 566 (1985).
______, Studies and Essays on International Humanitarian Law and Red Cross
Principles in Honour of Jean Pictet, by Christophe Swinarski, 8(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 126 (1986).
______, Rethinking Development: Modernization, Dependency and Postmodern
Politics, by David E. Apter, 11(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 167 (1989).
Gallagher, Anne, Trafficking in Persons Report, by US Dept. of State, 23(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 1135 (2001).
Gambino, Tony, The Trouble with the Congo: Local Violence and the Failure of
International Peacebuilding, by Séverine Autesserre, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 606
Garbarino, James, Child Soldiers: Sierre Leone’s Revolutionary United Front, by
Myriam Denov; Child Soldiers in the Age of Fractured States (Scott Gates &
Simon Reich eds.), 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 882 (2011).
García-Amador, F.V., International Law of State Responsibility for Injuries to Aliens
(Richard B. Lillich ed.), 6(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 235 (1984).
Vol. 35
Geiringer, Claudia, Human Rights and Intellectual Property: Mapping the Global
Interface, by Laurence R. Helfer & Graeme W. Austin, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 652
Georgescu, Vlad, On Soviet Dissent, by Roy Medvedev, 3(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 149
Gibney, Mark, The New Asylum Seekers: Refugee Law in the 1980s (David A.
Martin ed.), 11(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 476 (1989).
______, The Law of Refugee Status, by James C. Hathaway, 14(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
145 (1992).
______, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, by Alex Haley & Malcolm X, 14(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 657 (1992).
______, Human Rights in the Emerging Global Order: A New Sovereignty?, by
Kurt Mills, 21(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1134 (1999).
______, Responding to Human Rights Violations 1946–1999, by Katarina
Tomaševski, 23(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1114 (2001).
______, When Sorry Isn’t Enough: The Controversy Over Apologies and
Reparations for Human Injustice (Roy L. Brooks ed.), 23(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1133
______, The Sins of the Nation and the Ritual of Apologies, by Danielle
Celermajer, 33(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 566 (2011).
Gilbert, Geoff, Beyond Charity: International Cooperation and the Global Refugee
Crisis, by Gil Loescher, 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 785 (1994).
______, The Impact of the Human Rights Bill on English Law (Basil S. Markesinis
ed.), 22(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 861 (2000).
Glad, John, Religion in the Soviet Union, by Albert Boiter, 3(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 156
Goedde, Petra, Decolonization and the Evolution of International Human Rights,
by Roland Burke, 33(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 563 (2011).
Gomez, James, To Catch a Tartar: A Dissident in Lee Kuan Yew’s Prison, by
Francis T. Seow, 18(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 507 (1996).
Graham-Jones, Jean, The Theatre of Genocide: Four Plays about Mass Murder in
Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Armenia (Robert Skloot ed.), 30(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 807 (2008).
Graubart, Jonathan, NAFTA and the Politics of Labor Transnationalism, by Tamara
Kay, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 667 (2012).
Green, James Frederick, Human Rights: Thirty Years After the Universal Human
Declaration (B.G. Ramcharan ed.), 3(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 147 (1981).
Gresens, Marilu E., A Crime So Monstrous: Face-to-Face with Modern Day
Slavery, by E. Benjamin Skinner, 32(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 457 (2010).
Griesgraber, Jo Marie, American Dream, Global Nightmare, by Sandy
Vogelgesang, 3(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 129 (1981).
Gross, Bertram, Employment and Human Rights: The International Dimension, by
Richard Lewis Siegel; Jobs for All: A Plan for the Revitalization of America,
by Shelia D. Collins, Helen Lachs Ginsburg & Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg,
in conjunction with Ward Morehouse, Leonard Rodberg, Sumner Rosen, and
June Zaccone, 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 757 (1994).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Gunderson, Gil, Human Dignity: The Internationalization of Human Rights (Alice
H. Henkin ed.); Human Rights and World Order (Abdul Aziz Said ed.), 2(2)
Universal Hum. Rts. 97 (1980).
Hannan, Tony, The Human Rights Reader (Walter Laqueur & Barry Rubin eds.),
4(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 522 (1982).
Hansen, Stephen A., Indigenous Landscapes: A Study in Ethnocartography, by
Mac Chapin & Bill Threlkeld, 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 825 (2002).
Harbon, Chris, Justice at Guantánamo: Absent Presentee, Justice at Guantánamo:
One Woman’s Odyssey and Her Crusade for Human Rights, by Kristine A.
Huskey, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 627 (2012).
Hartman, Joan F., States of Emergency: Their Impact on Human Rights, by the
International Commission of Jurists, 6(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 125 (1984).
Haynes, Dina Francesca, How Can a Bosnia Happen?, Understanding Evil:
Lessons from Bosnia, by Keith Doubt, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1119 (2007).
Hazelton, William A., Northern Ireland: The Choice, by Kevin Boyle & Tom
Hadden, 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 242 (1996).
Heller, Kevin Jon, Forging a Convention for Crimes Against Humanity (Leila
Nadya Sadat ed.), 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 904 (2012).
Helton, Arthur C., Refugee Rights and Realities: Evolving International Concepts
and Regimes (Frances Nicholson & Patrick Twomey eds.), 24(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
561 (2002).
Henry, Charles, Rising Wind: Black Americans and U.S. Foreign Affairs, 1935–
1960, by Brenda Gayle Plummer, 20(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 195 (1998).
Hicks, Peggy L., Human Rights in the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania, by
the Minnesota Lawyers International Human Rights Committee, 12(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 434 (1990).
Hill, Ronald Paul, Ethnic Cleansing, by Andrew Bell-Fialkoff, 19(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
694 (1997).
Hiskes, Richard P., Taking Action, Saving Lives: Our Duties to Protect
Environmental and Public Health, by Kristin Shrader-Frechette, 30(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 1022 (2008).
Hoeflinger, Monique, All Too Familiar: Sexual Abuse of Women in U.S. State
Prisons, by Human Rights Watch Women’s Rights Project; Nowhere to Hide:
Retaliation Against Women in Michigan State Prisons, by Human Rights
Watch Women’s Rights Project, 21(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 254 (1999).
Horne, Gerald, Power and Prejudice: The Politics and Diplomacy of Racial
Discrimination, by Paul Gordon Lauren, 11(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 331 (1989).
Howard, Rhoda E., Political Repression in 19th Century Europe, by Robert Justin
Goldstein, 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 549 (1986).
Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda, Culture, Citizenship and Community: A Contextual
Exploration of Justice as Evenhandedness, by Joseph H. Carens, 23(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 467 (2001).
Iacopino, Vincent, Human Rights Education for the Twenty-First Century (George
J. Andreopoulos & Richard Pierre Claude eds.), 20(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 731
Jabine, Thomas B., Thesaurus of Economic, Social & Cultural Rights: Terminology
and Potential Violations, by Stephen A. Hansen, 22(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1108
Vol. 35
Jackson, Eric R., Explorations in African Political Thought: Identity, Community,
Ethics (Teodros Kiros ed.), 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 828 (2002).
Jackson, William D., Democratic Governance and International Law (Gregory H.
Fox & Brad R. Roth eds.), 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 304 (2002).
Janis, Mark W., The Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of the Rights of
Man and Citizen and the Bill of Rights, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 478 (1992).
______, A Systematic Guide to the Case-Law of the European Court of Human
Rights 1997–1998: Vol. IV, by Peter Kempees, 23(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1116
Johnson, Karen, Global Sex Workers: Rights, Resistance, and Redefinition (Kamala
Kempadoo & Jo Doezema eds.), 21(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 839 (1999).
Johnson, Ken, The Struggle for Human Rights in Latin America, by Edward L.
Cleary, 22(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 862 (2000).
Johnson, Kevin R. & Kristina L. Burrows, Struck by Lightening? Interracial
Intimacy and Racial Justice, Interracial Intimacy: The Regulation of Race and
Romance, by Rachel F. Moran, 25(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 528 (2003).
Jolly, Margaretta & Sir Richard Jolly, Human Rights and Narrated Lives: The Ethics
of Recognition, by Kay Schaffer & Sidonie Smith, 28(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 780
Jubinsky, Grace, Human Rights and the Global Mission of the Church, by Arthur
S. Dyke, 9(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 443 (1987).
Juviler, Peter, Perestroika: An Inquiry into Its Historical, Ideological and
Intellectual Roots, by Abu Faij Dowlah, 14(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 282 (1992).
______, Which Rights Should Be Universal?, by William J. Talbott, 28(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 281 (2006).
Kagwanja, Peter Mwangi, Human Rights Fifty Years On: A Reappraisal, by Tony
Evans, 22(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 322 (2000).
Kaminski, Bartlomiej, Prologue to Gdansk, by Polish Helsinki Watch Committee,
4(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 527 (1982).
Kamrani, Marjon, The International Struggle for New Human Rights (Clifford Bob
ed.), 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1162 (2009).
Kemmerer, Lisa, Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights, by Tom
Regan; Animal Rights, Human Wrongs: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy,
by Tom Regan, 29(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 271 (2007).
Kent, Edward, The Demands of Justice, by James P. Sterba, 3(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 149
Kent, Martha, Splintered Innocence: An Intuitive Approach to Treating War
Trauma, by Peter Heinl, 24(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1076 (2002).
Kohl, Marvin, Rights (David Lyons ed.), 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 99 (1980).
Kohonen, Maarit, The Right to Reproductive Choice: A Study in International Law,
by Corinne A.A. Packer, 19(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 455 (1997).
Kotlowski, Dean J., Bringing Human Rights Home: A History of Human Rights in
the United States (Cynthia Soohoo, Catherine Albrisa & Martha F. Davis eds.),
34(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1218 (2012).
Kramer, Daniel C., World Minorities (Georgina Ashworth ed.), 2(2) Universal Hum.
Rts. 87 (1980).
Krieger, Carlo, Endangered Peoples of Latin America: Struggles to Survive and
Thrive (Susan C. Stonich ed.), 24(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 563 (2002).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Krishnan, Jayanth K., Journal of the National Human Rights Commission, India
(Inaugural Edition), 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 542 (2004).
Kunder, James, Masses in Flight: The Global Crisis of Internal Displacement, by
Roberta Cohen & Francis Mading Deng, 21(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 253 (1999).
Landsman, Stephan, Criminal Case 40/61, The Trial of Adolf Eichmann: An
Eyewitness Account, by Harry Mulisch (foreword by Debórah Dwork, Robert
Naborn trans.), 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1074 (2006).
Lasok, Dominic, European Protection of Human Rights, by Laurids Mikaelsen, 4(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 531 (1982).
Lauerman, Nora J., Discrimination and the Law in Canada, by Walter Surma
Tarnopolsky, 5(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 223 (1983).
Lauren, Paul Gordon, King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and
Heroism in Colonial Africa, by Adam Hochschild, 21(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 535
______, Cold War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy, by
Mary L. Dudziak, 24(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 566 (2002).
Lauritzen, Paul, For All Peoples and All Nations, by John Nurser, 30(2) Hum. Rts.
Q. 517 (2008).
Lebo, Franklin B., Honest Patriots: Loving A Country Enough to Remember its
Misdeeds, by Donald W. Shriver, 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 551 (2006).
Leebaw, Bronwyn, Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Did the TRC Deliver?
(Audrey Chapman & Hugo van der Merwe eds.), 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 530
Lempert, David, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, by Vincent
Bugliosi; JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why it Matters, by
James W. Douglass, 32(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 773 (2010).
Lewis, Hope, Human Rights of Women: National and International Perspectives
(Rebecca J. Cook ed.); Reconceiving Reality: Women and International Law
(Dorinda G. Dallmeyer ed.), 17(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 576 (1995).
Lippman, Matthew, Genocide in International Law: The Crime of Crimes, by
William A. Schabas, 23(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1105 (2001).
______, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Reports of Orders, Documents
and Judgements 1995–1997, by Eric David, Pierre Klein & Anne-Marie Law
Rosa, 24(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1058 (2002).
______, The Anti-Slavery Project: From the Slave Trade to Human Trafficking, by
Joel Quirk, 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 911 (2012).
Lockwood, Bert B., Jr., International Human Rights Instruments, by Richard B.
Lillich, 5(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 545 (1983).
______, Witnesses From the Grave: The Stories Bones Tell, by Christopher Joyce
& Eric Stover, 13(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 291 (1991).
Lowery, Daniel, Human Rights Treaties and the Senate: A History of Opposition,
by Natalie Hevener Kaufman; The United States and the Genocide
Convention, by Lawrence J. LeBlanc, 15(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 197 (1993).
Lubell, Noam, The Law of Occupation: Continuity and Change of International
Humanitarian Law, and its Interaction with International Human Rights Law,
by Yutaka Arai-Takahashi, 33(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 249 (2011).
MacLean, Douglas, Human Rights (Eugene Kamenka & Alice Erh-Soon Tay eds.),
2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 89 (1980).
Vol. 35
Malloy, S. Elizabeth Wilborn, International Bioethics: West Learns from East,
A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics (Harold Coward & Pinit
Ratanakul eds.), 25(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 822 (2003).
______, The Model of a Great Doctor, Infections and Inequalities: The Modern
Plagues, by Paul Farmer, 25(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 826 (2003).
______, De-Institutionalizing the Mentally Disabled: The Canadian Solution, A
Textured Life: Empowerment and Adults with Developmental Disabilities, by
Alison Pedlar, Larry Haworth, Peggy Hutchison, Andrew Taylor & Peter Dunn,
25(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 832 (2003).
Maluwa, Tiyanjana, Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Development in Africa
(Paul T. Zeleza & Phillip J. McConnaughay eds.), 26(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1098
Mank, Bradford C. & James W. (Jay) Jackson, Jr., Climate Change and
Displacement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Jane McAdam ed.), 34(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 267 (2012).
______ & Suzanne Smith, The Environmental Rights Revolution: A Global Study of
Constitutions, Human Rights, and the Environment, by David R. Boyd, 35(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1021 (2013).
Marenin, Otwin, Human Rights: Cultural and Ideological Perspectives (Adamantia
Pollis & Peter Schwab eds.), 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 92 (1980).
______, The Concept of Law in English Speaking Africa, by Chijioke Ogwurike,
3(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 133 (1981).
Margueritte, Thomas, Le droit international et la peine de mort, by Nadia Bernaz,
31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 812 (2009).
Marler, Karen Foeller, The Abuse of Power: Civil Liberties in the United Kingdom,
by Patricia Hewitt, 5(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 379 (1983).
Marques, Dan Furukawa, The Human Right to Water: Significance, Legal Status
and Implications for Water Allocation, by Inga T. Winkler, 35(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
785 (2013).
Marrus, Michael Robert, Crimes of the Holocaust: The Law Confronts Hard Cases,
by Stephan Landsman, 28(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 279 (2006).
Martin, J. Paul, Creeds, Society and Human Rights: A Study in Three Cultures, by
Max L. Stackhouse, 7(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 240 (1985).
______, Human Rights and the World’s Religions (Leroy S. Rouner ed.), 11(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 333 (1989).
______, New Rights Advocacy: Changing Strategies of Development and Human
Rights NGOs, by Paul J. Nelson & Ellen Dorsey, 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1018
______, Human Rights and Religion: New Thinking, Religion and International
Relations Theory (Jack Snyder ed.); The Power of Religion in the Public
Sphere, by Judith Butler, Jurgen Habermas, Charles Taylor & Cornel West;
Religion and the Global Politics of Human Rights (Thomas Banchoff & Robert
Wuthnow eds.); Religion and Human Rights: An Introduction (John Witte, Jr.
& M. Christian Green eds.), 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 896 (2012).
Masemola, Thabo N., Sophiatown: Coming of Age in South Africa, by Don
Mattera, 11(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 478 (1989).
______, The Healing Imagination of Olive Schreiner: Beyond South African
Colonialism, by Joyce Avrech Berkman, 12(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 336 (1990).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Mathews, Susan, Torture as Tort: Comparative Perspectives on the Development
of Transnational Human Rights Litigation (Craig Scott ed.), 25(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
267 (2003).
Matz, Clair W., Jr., The Murder of Chile: Eyewitness Accounts of the Coup, the
Terror, and the Resistance Today, by Samuel Chavkin; The Church and
Politics in Chile: Challenges to Modern Catholicism, by Brian H. Smith, 5(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 214 (1983).
Mayer, Ann Elizabeth, Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspectives: A Quest for
Consensus (Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im ed.), 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 527 (1992).
______, Human Rights and Reform: Changing the Face of North African Politics,
by Susan Waltz, 18(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 900 (1996).
______, Islam & Justice: Debating the Future of Human Rights in the Middle East
and North Africa, by the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, 19(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 875 (1997).
______, The Rule of Law in the Middle East and the Islamic World: Human Rights
and the Judicial Process (Eugene Cotran & Mai Yamani eds.), 26(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 208 (2004).
______, Religion, Human Rights and International Law: A Critical Examination of
Islamic State Practices (Javaid Rehman & Susan C. Breau eds.), 31(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 521 (2009).
______, Women, the Koran and International Human Rights Law: The Experience
of Pakistan, by Niaz A. Shah, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1155 (2009).
McInerney-Lankford, Siobhán, Casting the Net Wider: Human Rights,
Development and New Duty-Bearers (Margot E. Salomon, Arne Tostensen &
Wouter Vandenhole eds.), 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 526 (2009).
Melson, Robert, The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary, by
Randolph L. Braham, 4(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 144 (1982).
Méndez, Juan & Javier Mariezcurrena, Unspeakable Truths: Facing the Challenge
of Truth Commissions, by Priscilla B. Hayner, 25(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 237 (2003).
Merry, Sally Engle, Intimate Enemies: Violence and Reconcilication in Peru, by
Kimberly Theidon, 35(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 229 (2013).
Mgbako, Chi, Out in Africa: LGBT Organizing in Namibia and South Africa, by
Ashley Currier, 35(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 517 (2013).
Mills, Kurt, The Refugees Convention 50 Years On: Globalisation and
International Law (Susan Kneebone ed.), 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 725 (2005).
Monshipouri, Mahmood, Ethics, American Foreign Policy, and the Third World,
by David Louis Cingranelli, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 224 (1994).
______, Minorities at Risk: A Global View of Ethnopolitical Conflicts, by Ted
Robert Gurr, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 580 (1994).
______, Democracy in the Third World, by Robert Pinkney, 18(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
694 (1996).
______, Protecting Human Rights in Africa: Roles and Strategies of NonGovernmental Organizations, by Claude E. Welch, Jr., 19(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 214
______, The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights, by Joanne R. Bauer & Daniel
A. Bell, 22(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 305 (2000).
______, Human Rights in International Relations, by David P. Forsythe; Realism
and International Relations, by Jack Donnelly, 23(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 213 (2001).
Vol. 35
______, The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad, by
Fareed Zakaria, 26(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 211 (2004).
______, Unexpected Power: Conflict and Change among Transnational Activists,
by Shareen Hertel, 29(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 823 (2007).
______, National Insecurity and Human Rights: Democracies Debate
Counterterrorism (Alison Brysk & Gershon Shafir eds.); Security and Human
Rights (Benjamin J. Goold & Liora Lazarus eds.), 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 817
______, Human Rights Matters: Local Politics and National Human Rights
Institutions, by Julie A. Mertus, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 830 (2009).
______, Global Good Samaritans: Human Rights as Foreign Policy, by Alison
Brysk, 32(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1042 (2010).
______, Can Globalization Promote Human Rights?, by Rhoda E. HowardHassmann, 33(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 568 (2011).
______, Law, Justice, and Expediency in Global Politics: Achievements and
Limitations, The Limits of Ethics in International Relations: Natural Law,
Natural Rights, and Human Rights in Transition, by David Boucher; PostTransitional Justice: Human Rights Trials in Chile and El Salvador, by Cath
Collins; Necessary Evils: Amnesties and the Search for Justice, by Mark
Freeman, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 674 (2012).
______, Young British Muslims: Identity, Culture, Politics, and the Media, by
Nahid Afrose Kabir, 35(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 791 (2013).
Moran, M. Noël, Scraps of Life: Chilean Arpilleras, by Marjorie Agosin (Cola
Franzen trans.), 10(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 434 (1988).
Moreno, Jose A., The Dominican Crisis: The 1965 Constitutionalist Revolt and
American Intervention, by Piero Gleijeses, 5(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 217 (1983).
Morsink, Johannes, The Concept of Human Rights, by Jack Donnelly, 9(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 438 (1987).
______, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Commentary (Asbjørn
Eide, Gudmundur Alfredsson, Goran Melander, Lars Adam Rehof & Allan
Rosas eds., with collaboration of Theresa Swinehart), 17(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 398
______, A Liberal Theory of International Justice, by Andrew Altman &
Christopher Heath Wellman, 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 611 (2012).
Morus, Christina M., War, Conflict and Human Rights: Theory and Practice, by
Chandra Lekha Sriram, Olga Martin-Ortega & Johanna Herman, 32(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 1051 (2010).
Murunga, Godwin, History and Memory in the Age of Enslavement: Becoming
Merina in Highland Madagascar, 1770–1822, by Pier M. Larson, 23(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 840 (2001).
______, Histories of the Hanged: The Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire,
by David Anderson, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 1129 (2005).
Mutua, Makau, An Apology for a Pathological Brute, Stanley: The Impossible Life
of Africa’s Greatest Explorer, by Tim Jeal, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 806 (2009).
______, Exporting American Dreams: Thurgood Marshall’s African Journey, by
Mary L. Dudziak, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1146 (2009).
Nettelfield, Lara J., Terror in Chechnya: Russia and the Tragedy of Civilians in
War, by Emma Gilligan, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 886 (2011).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Neuwirth, Jessica, Female Genital Mutilation: A Guide to Laws and Policies
Worldwide, by Anika Rahman & Nahid Toubia, 23(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 836
Newcomb, Rachel, Gender and Culture at the Limit of Rights (Dorothy L.
Hodgson ed.), 34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 604 (2012).
Nickel, James, Inherent Human Rights: Philosophical Roots of the Universal
Declaration, by Johannes Morsink, 35(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 528 (2013).
Nowak, Manfred, Inter-State Accountability for Violations of Human Rights, by
Menno T. Kamminga, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 584 (1994).
Oberleitner, Gerd, New Institutions for Human Rights Protection (Kevin Boyle
ed.), 32(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 764 (2010).
Ochoa, Christiana, Companies, International Trade and Human Rights, by Jane
Dine, 28(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 289 (2006).
O’Connell, Mary Ellen, Conflict and the Environment (Nils Petter Gleditsch ed.),
22(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1099 (2000).
Oliver, Sophie, Vulnerability and Human Rights, by Bryan S. Turner, 30(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 218 (2008).
Omelicheva, Mariya Y., Non-Governmental Organizations in World Politics: The
Construction of Global Governance, by Peter Willetts, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 300
Orlin, Theodore S., Freedom’s Ordeal: The Struggle for Human Rights and
Democracy in Post-Soviet States, by Peter Juviler, 21(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 831
______, Five Uneasy Pieces: American Ethics in a Globalized World (Mark
Gibney ed.), 28(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 284 (2006).
Palermo, Tia, Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the
Era of Human Rights (Elizabeth D. Heineman ed.), 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 303
Papademetriou, Demetrios G., World Labour Rights and Their Protection, by
James Avery Joyce, 3(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 152 (1981).
Parmentier, Stephan, The International Fight Against Torture, La Lutte
Internationale Contre La Torture (Antonio Cassese ed.), 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
568 (1992).
Patel, Akhil, Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy, by Kevin
Bales, 22(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 867 (2000).
Peltier, Linda J., The Right to Food (P. Alston & Katarina Tomaševski eds.), 9(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 104 (1987).
Penovic, Tania, Human Rights and the Unborn Child, by Rita Joseph, 33(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 229 (2011).
Perkins, Steven C., Human Rights: A Topical Bibliography, by the Center for the
Study of Human Rights, 6(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 132 (1984).
Peskin, Victor, Seeing Like a Court: Documenting Histories of Armed Conflict
Through the Lens of Judging International Crimes, Writing History in
International Criminal Trials, by Richard Ashby Wilson, 35(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
769 (2013).
Pettit, Rhonda, The Archetype Strikes Back, by Celeste Newbrough, 33(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 906 (2011).
Vol. 35
Phelps, Teresa Godwin, Accounting for Violence: Marketing Memory in Latin
America (Ksenija Bilbija & Leigh A. Payne eds.); Radical Justice: Spain and
the Southern Cone Beyond Market and State, by Luis Martín-Cabrera, 34(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 901 (2012).
Phillips, Warren R., UNESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies, by
UNESCO, 4(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 534 (1982).
Poe, Steven C., Human Rights and Statistics: Getting the Record Straight (Thomas
B. Jabine & Richard P. Claude eds.), 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 535 (1992).
Pollis, Adamantia, The Philosophy of Human Rights: International Perspectives
(Alan S. Rosenbaum ed.), 3(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 150 (1981).
______, Human Rights and State Sovereignty, by Richard Falk, 4(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
540 (1982).
Pongonis, Kathryn, Between Freedom and Subsistence: China and Human Rights,
by Ann Kent, 19(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 218 (1997).
Porter, Stephen R., Empire of Humanity: A History of Humanitarianism, by
Michael Barnett, 34(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 914 (2012).
______, Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational
History of the Helsinki Network, by Sarah B. Snyder, 35(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 246
Pritchard, Sarah M., Women Under Communism, by Barbara Wolfe Jancar, 4(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 302 (1982).
Provost, René, Les Droits de l’Homme en Afrique, by Kéba Mbaye; La Charte
Africaine des Droits de l’homme et des Peuples—une Approche Juridique des
Droits de l’homme Entre Tradition et Modernité, by Fatsah Ouguergouz, 17(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 807 (1995).
Quigley, John, Ethnic Conflicts and the Nation-State, by Rodolfo Stavenhagen,
19(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 864 (1997).
______, Autonomy: Flexible Solutions to Ethnic Conflicts, by Ruth Lapidoth, 19(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 867 (1997).
______, International Law and Ethnic Conflict (David Wippman ed.), 22(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 1103 (2000).
Quirk, Joel, Legacies of Slavery: Comparative Perspectives (Maria Suzette
Fernandes Dias ed.), 30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 216 (2008).
______, New Approaches to Combating Modern Slavery, Ending Slavery: How
We Free Today’s Slaves, by Kevin Bales; Buying Freedom: The Ethics and
Economics of Slave Redemption (Kwame Anthony Appiah & Martin Bunzl
eds.), 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 257 (2009).
Quraishi, Asifa, Islamism, Secularism, and Human Rights in the Middle East, by
Mahmood Monshipouri, 22(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 625 (2000).
Ralston, Meredith, On the Move for Love: Migrant Entertainers and the US
Military in South Korea, by Sealing Cheng, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 879 (2011).
Ramcharan, Bertrand G., Chasing the Flame: Sergio Vieira de Mello and the Fight
to Save the World, by Samantha Power, 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1024 (2008).
Randall, Kenneth C., World Justice? (Mark Gibney ed.), 14(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 278
Index to Volumes 1–35
Rapaczynski, Andrzej, Zealotless Passion and Passionate Moderation: Osiatyński’s
Defense of Human Rights and Their Limits, Human Rights and Their Limits,
by Wiktor Osiatyński, 32(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1057 (2010).
Redfield, Peter, Shadows of War: Violence, Power and International Profiteering
in the Twenty-First Century, by Carolyn Nordstrom, 29(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 540
______, Empire of Humanity: A History of Humanitarism, by Michael Barnett,
34(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 602 (2012).
Relis, Tamara, Human Rights and Southern Realities, Human Rights, Southern
Voices: Francis Deng, Abdullahi An-Na’im, Yash Ghai, Upendra Baxi
(William Twining ed.); Human Rights for the 21st Century: Sovereignty, Civil
Society, Culture, by Helen M. Stacy, 33(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 509 (2011).
Renteln, Alison Dundes, The International Dimensions of Human Rights (Karel
Vasak & Philip Alston eds.), 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 513 (1992).
Reyes, Angelita D., Human Rights and Gender Violence: Translating International
Law into Local Justice, by Sally Engle Merry, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1088 (2006).
Rodley, Sir Nigel, The United Nations Convention Against Torture: A
Commentary, by Manfred Nowak & Elizabeth McArthur, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
1143 (2009).
Roett, Riordan, Human Rights and United States Policy Toward Latin America, by
Lars Schoultz, 4(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 536 (1982).
Rogers, John M., Enforcing International Law Through U.S. Legislation, by
Elisabeth Zoller, 9(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 436 (1987).
Rogoff, Martin A., For the Abolition of the Death Penalty in America: The
Advocacy of Robert Badinter, Contre la peine de mort: Écrits 1970–2006,
by Robert Badinter; L’Abolition, by Robert Badinter, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 772
Ross, Amy, Globalizing Justice for Mass Atrocities: A Revolution in Accountability,
by Chandra Lekha Sriram, 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 542 (2006).
Rosswurm, Richard H., The Constitution, the Courts, and Human Rights: An
Inquiry into the Legitimacy of Constitutional Policymaking by the Judiciary,
by Michael J. Perry, 6(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 239 (1984).
Russell, Steve, Transnational Corporations and Human Rights (Jedrzej George
Frynas & Scott Pegg eds.), 26(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 783 (2004).
Ryan, Molly, The Guatemalan Military Project: A Violence Called Democracy, by
Jennifer Schirmer, 21(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 837 (1999).
Sabatello, Maya, The Human Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities:
Different but Equal (Stanley S. Herr et al. eds.), 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 737
______, The Phenomenon of Torture Readings and Commentary (William F.
Schulz ed.); Torture and Democracy, by Darius Rejali, 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
282 (2009).
______, Human Dignity in Bioethics and Law, by Charles Foster, 34(3) Hum. Rts.
Q. 916 (2012).
Samson, Klaus, La diplomatie de détente: la CSCE, d’Helinski à Vienne (1973–
1989), by Victor-Yves Ghebali, 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 428 (1991).
Vol. 35
______, Report of the Commission of Inquiry Appointed Under Article 26 of
the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation To Examine the
Observance of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention,
1958 (No. 111), By the Federal Republic of Germany, by the International
Labour Office, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 544 (1992).
Sarkin, Jeremy, Reconciliation Through Truth: A Reckoning of Apartheid’s
Criminal Governance, by Kader Asmal, Louise Asmal & Ronald Suresh
Roberts, 21(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1129 (1999).
______, Atrocity, Punishment, and International Law, by Mark A. Drumbl, 30(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1028 (2008).
Schabas, William, Cambodia, Was it Really Genocide?, Genocide in Cambodia,
Documents from the Trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary (Howard J. De Nike, John
Quigley & Kenneth J. Robinson eds.), 23(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 470 (2001).
______, A Voice for Human Rights, by Mary Robinson (Kevin Boyle ed.), 30(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 209 (2008).
______, The Death Penalty: A Worldwide Perspective, by Roger Hood & Carolyn
Hoyle, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 537 (2009).
Schirmer, Jennifer, International Human Rights: Universalism Versus Relativism, by
Alison Dundes Renteln, 13(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 147 (1991).
Schneider, Howard, Cry of the People: United States Involvement in the Rise of
Fascism, Torture, and Murder, and the Persecution of the Catholic Church in
Latin America, by Penny Lernoux, 3(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 131 (1981).
______, Alexander Meiklejohn: Teacher of Freedom (Cynthia Stokes Brown ed.),
4(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 305 (1982).
Schneider, Mark L., The Breaking of Bodies and Minds (Eric Stover & Elena O.
Nightingale, M.D. eds.), 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 544 (1986).
Schneider, Ronna Greff, Education in Tibet: Familiar Problems in an Unfamiliar
Context, Education in Tibet, Policy and Practice Since 1950, by Catriona
Bass, 24(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1066 (2002).
______, God, Schools, and Country, The Battle over School Prayer: How Engel
v. Vitale Changed America, by Bruce J. Dierenfield, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 797
______, Freedom of Religion and Schools: The Case of Ireland, A Failure to
Protect International Human Rights Standards, by Alison Mawhinney, 33(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 1163 (2011).
Schoenberger, Allen E., Fundamental Rights in the European Union: Towards
Higher Law of the Land? A Study of the Status of Fundamental Rights in a
Broader Constitutional Setting, by Mats Lindfelt, 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1131
Schoultz, Lars, Freedom in the World: Political and Civil Liberties, by Raymond
D. Gastil, 2(1) Universal Hum. Rts. 94 (1980).
Schuftan, Claudio, Dignity Counts: A Guide to Using Budget Analysis to Advance
Human Rights, by Centro de Análisis e Investigación (FUNDAR), International
Budget Project (IBP) & International Human Rights Internship Program
(IHRIP), 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 1134 (2005).
Schulz, William F., Oath Betrayed: America’s Torture Doctors, by Steven H. Miles,
31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1158 (2009).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______, Blaming Islam, by John R. Bowen, 35(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 239 (2013).
Schwartz, Adina, Birth Control and Controlling Birth: Women-Centered
Perspectives (Helen B. Holmes, Betty B. Hoskins & Michael Gross eds.), 4(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 140 (1982).
Segal, Aaron, Human Rights, by David Owen, 2(1) Universal Hum. Rts. 93 (1980).
Selimović, Inela, That Someone Guilty Be Punished: The Impact of the ICTY in
Bosnia, by Diane F. Orentlicher, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 890 (2011).
Selya, Roger Mark, Privatizing Water: Governance Failure and the World’s Urban
Water Crisis, by Karen Bakker, 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 289 (2012).
Shah, Mahendra, Development Aid and Human Rights, by Katarina Tomaševski,
14(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 284 (1992).
Shalom, Stephen R., The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism, The
Political Economy of Human Rights, Vol. I, by Noam Chomsky & Edward S.
Herman, 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 84 (1980).
Shank, S. Adele, Esq., United States of America: The Death Penalty, by Amnesty
International, 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 559 (1988).
Shelton, Dinah, International Human Rights: Problems of Law and Policy, by
Richard B. Lillich & Frank C. Newman, 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 86 (1980).
______, The Gender of Reparations: Unsettling Sexual Hierarchies While
Redressing Human Rights Violations (Ruth Rubio-Marin ed.), 32(2) Hum. Rts.
Q. 447 (2010).
Siegel, Richard Lewis, Transitional Justice: A Decade of Debate and Experience,
The File, A Personal History, by Timothy Garton Ash; The Politics of Human
Rights in Argentina: Protest, Change, and Democratization, by Alison Brysk;
Transitional Justice: How Emerging Democracies Reckon with Former
Regimes (Neil J. Kritz ed.); Game Without End: State Terror and the Politics
of Justice, by Jaime Malamud-Goti, The Haunted Land: Facing Europe’s
Ghosts After Communism, by Tina Rosenberg; Transition to Democracy in
Latin America: The Role of the Judiciary (Irwin P. Stotzky ed.); A Miracle, A
Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers, by Lawrence Weschler, 20(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 431 (1998).
______, You, The People: The United Nations, Transitional Administration, and
State-Building, by Simon Chesterman, 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 735 (2005).
______, Capital Punishment: Strategies for Abolition (Peter Hodgkinson & William
A. Schabas eds.); America’s Experiment with Capital Punishment: Reflections
on the Past, Present and Future of the Ultimate Penal Sanctions (James R.
Acker, Robert M. Bohm & Charles S. Lanier eds.), 27(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1367
______, To Save Her Life: Disappearance, Deliverance, and the United States in
Guatemala, by Dan Saxon, 30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 221 (2008).
Sigler, Jay A., Political Crime in Europe, by Barton L. Ingraham, 3(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
153 (1981).
Siwakoti, Gopal, Human Rights and Third World Development (George W.
Shepherd, Jr. & Ved P. Nanda eds.), 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 664 (1992).
Sklar, Morton, Fulfilling Our Promises: The United States and the Helsinki
Final Act, by Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe; Eighth
Semiannual Report, by the President on the Helsinki Final Act, 3(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 124 (1981).
Vol. 35
Smith, Thomas W., The Humanitarians: The International Committee of the Red
Cross, by David P. Forsythe, 30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 211 (2008).
Snyder, Jonathan, The Death Penalty: An Historical and Theological Survey,
by James J. Megivern; Against the Death Penalty: Christian and Secular
Arguments Against Capital Punishment, by Gardner C. Hanks, 21(2) Hum. Rts.
Q. 553 (1999).
Sorenson, Kristen, Human Rights Journalism: Advances in Reporting Distant
Humanitarian Interventions, by Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, 35(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1011
Southerden, Tom, This Side of Silence: Human Rights, Torture and the
Recognition of Cruelty, by Tobias Kelly, 35(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 259 (2013).
Sripati, Vijayashri, National Human Rights Institutions: The Ombudsman and
its Hybrid Versions—The Emerging Actors on the Constitutionalism Scene,
The Ombudsman, Good Governance, and the International Human Rights
System, by Linda C. Reif, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 1137 (2005).
______, Constitutional Politics in the Middle East—With Special Reference to
Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan (Said Arjomand ed.), 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
1014 (2008).
______, International Territorial Administration Through the TWAIL Looking Glass:
A Review, International Territorial Administration: How Trusteeship and the
Civilizing Mission Never Went Away, by Ralph Wilde, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
540 (2009).
Stark, Barbara, Reclaiming Social Rights: International and Comparative
Perspectives, by Paul Hunt, 21(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 547 (1999).
______, Human Rights and the Global Marketplace: Economic, Social and
Cultural Dimensions, by Jeanne M. Woods & Hope Lewis, 29(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
515 (2007).
Stavenhagen, Rodolfo, Politics, Identity, and México’s Indigenous Rights
Movements, by Todd A. Eisenstadt, 33(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1169 (2011).
Stavropoulou, Maria, Twice a Stranger: How Mass Expulsion Forged Modern
Greece and Turkey, by Bruce Clark, 30(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 826 (2008).
Stinson, Karen, No Place to be a Child: Growing up in a War Zone, by James
Garbarino, Kathleen Kostelny & Nancy Dubrow, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 586
Stoelting, David, International Criminal Law and Human Rights, by Claire de Than
& Edwin Shorts, 27(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1365 (2005).
______, Defending the Society of States: Why America Opposes the International
Criminal Court and its Vision of World Society, by Jason Ralph, 31(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 809 (2009).
Stover, Eric, Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number, by Jacobo
Timerman (Tolby Talbot trans.), 4(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 299 (1982).
Subedi, Surya P., Behind the Killing Fields: A Khmer Rouge Leader and One of
His Victims, by Gina Chon & Sambath Thet, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 878 (2011).
Suhrke, Astri, Masses in Flight: The Global Crisis of Internal Displacement, by
Roberta Cohen & Francis Mading Deng; The Forsaken People: Case Studies
of the Internally Displaced (Roberta Cohen & Francis Mading Deng eds.),
21(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 541 (1999).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Sundstrum, Lisa McIntosh, Gender Violence in Russia: The Politics of Feminist
Intervention, by Janet Elise Johnson, 32(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 223 (2010).
Swimelar, Safia, International Human Rights: A Comprehensive Introduction, by
Michael Haas, 31(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 821 (2009).
Swistak, Piotr, Death in the Forest: The Story of the Katyn Forest Massacre, by
Janusz K. Zawodny, 11(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 476 (1989).
Syler, Keith, Responding to Emergencies & Fostering Development: The Dilemmas
of Humanitarian Aid (Clarise Pirotte et al. eds., The Geneva Found. for Health
in War trans.), 23(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 852 (2001).
Tamm, Ingrid, In Our Own Best Interest: How Defending Human Rights Benefits
Us All, by William F. Schulz, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 312 (2002).
Temperman, Jeroen, Religious Freedom, Religious Discrimination and the
Workplace, by Lucy Vickers, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 546 (2009).
Tercheck, Ronald J., Ten Years on in Northern Ireland: The Legal Control of
Political Violence, by Kevin Boyle, Tom Hadden & Paddy Hillyard, 4(4) Hum.
Rts. Q. 525 (1982).
Thompson, Kenneth W., Human Rights and Foreign Policy, by Charles Frankel,
1(4) Universal Hum. Rts. 103 (1979).
______, Freedom in the World: Political Rights and Civil Liberties, 1981
(Raymond D. Gastil ed. & principal author), 4(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 538 (1982).
Tobias, Carl, The Color Line in the Cold War, The Cold War and the Color Line
American Race Relations in the Global Arena, by Thomas Borstelmann, 26(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 785 (2004).
Tolley, Howard, Jr., Human Rights, Ethnicity, and Discrimination, by Vernon Van
Dyke, 7(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 446 (1985).
______, Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy: Congress Reconsidered, by David
P. Forsythe, 11(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 170 (1989).
______, The Killing State: Capital Punishment in Law, Politics, and Culture (Austin
Sarat ed.), 22(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 623 (2000).
______, Tainted Legacy: 9/11 and the Ruin of Human Rights, by William Schulz,
26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 539 (2004).
______, Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective, by Louise Shelley, 33(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 895 (2011).
Tomain, Joseph P., Hope and Suffering, by Desmond Tutu, 8(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 547
______, Lies and Law, False Allegations, by Andrew Vachss, 19(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
696 (1997).
Tonkiss, Katherine, Immigration, Islam and the Politics of Belonging in France, by
Elaine R.Thomas, 35(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 249 (2013).
Treuthart, Mary Pat, Reproductive Health and Human Rights: The Way Forward
(Laura Reichenbach & Mindy Jane Roseman eds.), 33(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 253
Tsao, Clement, The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice 1919–2009, by Gerry
Rodgers, Eddy Lee, Lee Swepston & Jasmien Van Daele, 33(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
575 (2011).
Vol. 35
Turack, Daniel C., Aboriginal Rights in International Law, by Gordon Bennett, 2(2)
Universal Hum. Rts. 94 (1980).
______, Human Rights in Third World Perspective, by Thomas M. Franck, 5(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 374 (1983).
van Aggelen, Johannes, The Right to Leave and Return in International Law and
Practice, by Hurst Hannum; Closed Borders: The Contemporary Assault on
Freedom of Movement, by Alan Dowty, 10(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 304 (1988).
______, The United Nations Human Rights Committee Case Law 1977–2008: A
Handbook, by Jakob Th. Möller & Alfred de Zayas, 32(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 237
van Boven, Theo, Inter-State Accountability for Violations of Human Rights, by
Menno T. Kamminga, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 561 (1992).
Vandenhole, Wouter, People, Law and Justice: A Casebook on Public-Interest
Litigation, II Volumes, by Sangeeta Ahuja; Supreme Court on Public Interest
Litigation: Cases and Materials, The Debate over Original Intent, I, II, III, & IV
(Jagga Kapur ed.), 22(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1110 (2000).
Van Dyke, Vernon, The U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination, by Natan Lerner, 3(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 154 (1981).
Van Nostrand, Carol Jane Hall, Crossing with the Virgin: Stories from the Migrant
Trail, by Kathryn Ferguson, Norma A. Price & Ted Parks, 33(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
552 (2011).
Van Schaak, Beth, The Story Behind The Case that Launched a Legal Revolution,
The Anatomy of Torture: A Documentary History of Filàrtiga v. Peña-Irala, by
William J. Aceves, 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1042 (2008).
Vig, Amanda, Deadly Marionettes: State-Sponsored Violence in Africa, by Article
19: International Centre Against Censorship, 21(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 844 (1999).
Voth, Ben, Forgotten Genocides: Oblivion, Denial, and Memory (Rene
Lemarchand ed.), 34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 310 (2012).
Wagner, Christopher, An End to Torture: Strategies for its Eradication (Bertil Dunér
ed.), 22(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 630 (2000).
Wagner, Debora, Carol Weiss King: Human Rights Lawyer, 1895–1952, by Ann
Fagan Ginger, 18(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 699 (1996).
Wagner, Laura, Global Health: Why Cultural Perceptions, Social Representations,
and Biopolitics Matter, by Mark Nichter, 32(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 234 (2010).
Walker, James W. St.G., Canada’s Rights Revolution: Social Movements and Social
Change, 1937–82, by Dominique Clément, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1135 (2009).
______, Shakedown: How Our Government Is Undermining Democracy in the
Name of Human Rights, by Ezra Levant, 32(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 198 (2010).
Wallace, Rebecca M.M., Human Rights in the World Community: Issues and
Action (Richard Pierre Claude & Burns H. Weston eds.), 29(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
1129 (2007).
Walling, Carrie Booth, Human Rights in Latin America: A Politics of Terror and
Hope, by Sonia Cardenas, 32(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1032 (2010).
Walsh, Brian, Human Rights in the West Bank and Gaza: Legacy and Politics, by
Ilan Peleg, 18(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 907 (1996).
Webster, Elaine, Torture: A Human Rights Perspective (Kenneth Roth & Minky
Worden eds.), 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 546 (2006).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Weisband, Edward, How Do I Save My Honor? War, Moral Integrity, and
Principled Resignation, by William F. Felice, 31(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1160 (2009).
Weiss, Peter, A Miracle, A Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers, by
Lawrence Weschler, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 577 (1992).
Weissbrodt, David, Human Rights Missions: A Study of the Fact-Finding Practice
of Non-Governmental Organizations, by Hans Thoolen & Berth Verstappen,
10(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 134 (1988).
______ & Paul W. Fraser, Report of the Chilean National Commission on Truth
and Reconciliation, by the National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation
(Rettig Commission), 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 601 (1992).
______, Corporate Social Responsibility: A Legal Analysis, by Michael Kerr,
Richard Janda & Chip Pitts (Chip Pitts ed.), 32(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 207 (2010).
Welch, Claude E., Jr., La Charte africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples:
Une approche juridique des droits de l’homme entre tradition et modernité,
by Fatsah Ouguergouz, 17(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 209 (1995).
______, NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “A Curious
Grapevine,” by William Korey; Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks
in International Politics, by Margaret E. Keck & Kathryn Sikkink, 22(1) Hum.
Rts. Q. 298 (2000).
______, A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, by Mary Ann Glendon; The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights: Origins, Drafting and Intent, by Johannes Morsink, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
287 (2002).
______, The Helsinki Effect: International Norms, Human Rights, and the Demise
of Communism, by Daniel C. Thomas, 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 822 (2002).
______, Life in Crisis: The Ethical Journey of Doctors Without Borders, by Peter
Redfield, 35(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1013 (2013).
Wellman, Carl, Basic Rights, by Henry Shue, 3(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 144 (1981).
Wenner, Manfred, Self-Determination: National, Regional, and Global Dimensions
(Yonah Alexander & Robert A. Friedlander eds.), 4(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 139
Weston, Burns H., Guide to International Human Rights Practice (Hurst Hannum
ed.), 7(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 447 (1985).
Whibley, James, Values in Translation: Human Rights and the Culture of the
World Bank, by Galit A. Sarfaty, 35(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 531 (2013).
Whitty, Noel, The Mind, The Body, and Reproductive Health Information, The
Right to Know: Human Rights and Access to Reproductive Health Information
(Sandra Coliver ed.), 18(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 224 (1996).
Wiatrowski, Michael D. & Nathan W. Pino, Policing Post-Communist Societies:
Police-Public Violence, Democratic Policing, and Human Rights, by Niels A.
Uildirks & Piet van Reenan, 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 547 (2004).
Wildenthal, Lora, Advocating Dignity: Human Rights Mobilizations in Global
Politics, by Jean H. Quataert, 32(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1037 (2010).
______, Reparations for Nazi Victims in Postwar Europe, by Regula Ludi, 35(3)
Hum. Rts. Q. 799 (2013).
Will, James E., Claims in Conflict, by David Hollenbach, S.J., 3(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
127 (1981).
Vol. 35
Willard, Andrew, Cultural Relativity, A Unified Theory of Knowledge, by K.N.
Nayak, 7(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 567 (1985).
Wilson, Richard J., The Pinochet Effect: Transitional Justice in the Age of Human
Rights, by Naomi Roht-Arriaza, 28(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 528 (2006).
______, Regional Protection of Human Rights, by Dinah Shelton, 32(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 227 (2010).
______, Reimagining Child Soldiers in International Law and Policy, by Mark A.
Drumbl, 35(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 520 (2013).
Winston, Morton E., Human Rights and International Political Economy in Third
World Nations: Multinational Corporations, Foreign Aid, and Repression, by
William H. Meyer, 21(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 824 (1999).
______, Diplomacy of Conscience: Amnesty International and Changing Human
Rights Norms, by Ann Marie Clark, 23(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1111 (2001).
______, Ethics and Foreign Intervention (Deen K. Chatterjee & Don E. Scheid
eds.), 27(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 721 (2005).
______, Monitoring Sweatshops: Workers, Consumers, and the Global Apparel
Industry, by Jill Esbenshade, 27(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 1124 (2005).
______, Keepers of the Flame: Understanding Amnesty International, by Stephen
Hopgood, 28(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1079 (2006).
______, Hannah Arendt and the Challenge of Modernity: A Phenomenology of
Human Rights, by Serena Parekh, 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 278 (2009).
______, Human Rights and the Ethics of Globalization, by Daniel E. Lee &
Elizabeth J. Lee, 33(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 893 (2011).
______, Philosophy of Human Rights: Theory and Practice, by David Boersema,
34(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 292 (2012).
______, On Global Justice, by Mathias Risse, 35(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1017 (2013).
Wiseberg, Laurie S., Behind the Disappearances: Argentina’s Dirty War Against
Human Rights and the United Nations, by Iain Guest, 14(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 585
Wisnewski, J. Jeremy, Torture: When the Unthinkable is Morally Permissible, by
Mirko Bagaric & Julie Clarke, 30(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 519 (2008).
Wong, Wendy H., The International Human Rights Movement: A History, by
Aryeh Neier, 35(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 804 (2013).
Woodbridge, Frederick, Jr., International Law and Fact-Finding in the Field of
Human Rights (B.G. Ramcharan ed.), 5(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 541 (1983).
Yamin, Alicia Ely, The Right to Health as a Human Right in International Law, by
Brigit C.A. Toebes, 21(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1123 (1999).
______, Protecting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Inter- American
System: A Manual for Presenting Claims, by Tara Melish, 25(4) Hum. Rts. Q.
1154 (2003).
______, Journeys Toward the Splendid City, Pathologies of Power: Health, Human
Rights and the New War on the Poor, by Paul Farmer, 26(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 519
______, The Right to Health: Where Do We Stand and How Far Have We Come?,
The Right to Health in International Law, by John Tobin, 35(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
509 (2013).
Index to Volumes 1–35
Human Rights Quarterly Staff
Human Rights Quarterly Staff, The Human Rights Handbook, compiled by the
Writers and Scholars Educational Trust, 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 100 (1980).
______, Human Rights Organizations and Periodicals Directory, by the
Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, 2(2) Universal Hum. Rts. 100 (1980).
______, AIUSA Legal Support Network Newsletter, by Amnesty International
U.S.A., 7(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 572 (1985).
______, Laws, Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights (Jacob
Sundberg ed.), 9(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 113 (1987).
______, Zimbabwe: Wages of War, by the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights,
9(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 115 (1987).
______, Liberia: Recent Developments and United States Foreign Policy, 1986:
Hearings on H. Res. 367 Before the Sub-comms. on Human Rights and
International Organizations and on Africa of the House Comm. on Foreign
Affairs, by the 99th Congress, 9(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 116 (1987).
______, The Diplomacy of Human Rights (David D. Newsom ed.), 9(1) Hum. Rts.
Q. 118 (1987).
______, The War Against Children: South Africa’s Youngest Victims, by the
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, 9(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 119 (1987).
______, Human Rights: From Rhetoric to Reality (Tom Campbell et al. eds.), 9(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 120 (1987).
______, Crossing Borders: The Right to Leave a Country and the Right to Return,
by the Dutch Human Rights and Foreign Policy Advisory Committee, 10(1)
Hum. Rts. Q. 138 (1988).
______, Draft Charter on Human and People’s Rights in the Arab World, by the
International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences, 10(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 560 (1988).
______, Human Rights Reports (Berth Verstappen ed.), 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 561
______, The Open Secret: Torture and the Medical Profession in Chile, by
American Academy for the Advancement of Science Committee on Scientific
Freedom & Responsibility, 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 562 (1988).
______, European Convention on Human Rights: Collected Texts, 10(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 562 (1988).
______, Seminar on: Independence of Judges and Lawyers, by the Nepal Law
Society, 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 563 (1988).
______, Tunisia: Human Rights Crisis of 1987, by the Minnesota Lawyers
International Human Rights Committee, 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 564 (1988).
______, Micronesia: The Problems of Palau, by the Minority Rights Group, 10(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 565 (1988).
______, Antislavery Reporter, Vol. 13, by The Antislavery Society for the
Protection of Human Rights, 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 566 (1988).
______, Human Rights and Foreign Policy: The Role of Government in 1985
and 1986, by the American Association for the International Commission of
Jurists, 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 567 (1988).
Vol. 35
______, Report on the Chilean Electoral Process, by Robert Dinerstein, Karen
Penn, Carlos Vasquez & Edward Weidenfeld, 10(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 567 (1988).
______, Ministry of the Dispossessed, by Pat Hoffman, 11(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 170
______, Human Rights in Ecuador, by Americas Watch & the Andean Commission
of Jurists, 11(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 336 (1989).
______, Labor Rights in El Salvador, by Americas Watch, 11(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 338
______, The Year of the Lie: Censorship and Disinformation in the People’s
Republic of China 1989, by Article 19, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 179 (1990).
______, Maximizing Deniability: The Justice System and Human Rights in
Guatemala, by International Human Rights Law Group, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
180 (1990).
______, Red Carnations: A Report on the March 1989 Soviet Elections, by the
International Human Rights Law Group, 12(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 182 (1990).
______, Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Haiti, by the Organization of
American States, 13(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 150 (1991).
______, Iraq-Occupied Kuwait: The Health Care Situation, by the Physicians for
Human Rights (Denmark & USA), 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 431 (1991).
______, Women in the Front Line: Human Rights Violations Against Women, by
Amnesty International, 13(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 432 (1991).
______, Strangers at the Gate: Refugees, Illegal Entrants and Procedural Justice, by
H. Patrick Glenn, 15(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 783 (1993).
______, Human Rights Watch World Report 1993, by Human Rights Watch, 15(4)
Hum. Rts. Q. 783 (1993).
______, Human Rights and Legal Defense in Northern Ireland: The Abuse and
Intimidation of Defense Lawyers and the Murder of Patrick Finucane, by
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, 15(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 784 (1993).
______, Human Rights and Legal Reform in the Russian Federation, by Lawyers
Committee for Human Rights, 15(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 784 (1993).
______, Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals, by Alan S. Rosenbaum, 15(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 785 (1993).
______, In Defense of Rights: Attacks on Lawyers and Judges in 1992, by Lawyers
Committee for Human Rights, 15(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 785 (1993).
______, The Human Rights of the Mentally Ill in Europe under the European
Convention on Human Rights, by Margaret G. Wachenfeld, 15(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 785 (1993).
______, Information Sheet No. 30: Human Rights (January 1992 – May 1992), by
Council of Europe, 15(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 786 (1993).
______, Beyond Borders: Refugees, Migrants and Human Rights in the Post-Cold
War Era, by Elizabeth G. Ferris, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 228 (1994).
______, Directory of Persecuted Scientists, Engineers, and Health Professionals,
by the Science and Human Rights Program, American Association for the
Advancement of Science, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 228 (1994).
______, Women and War, by Jeanne Vickers, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 228 (1994).
______, Development Aid and Human Rights Revisited, by Katarina Tomaševski,
16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 229 (1994).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______, Fourth Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Guatemala, by the
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Organization of American
States, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 229 (1994).
______, An Assessment of the October 11, 1992 Election in Cameroon, by the
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 230
______, Uruguay Nuncá Mas: Human Rights Violations, 1972–1985, by Servicio
Paz y Justicia-Uruguay (Elizabeth Weschler trans.), 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 230
______, Beyond the Killing Fields: Voices of Nine Cambodian Survivors in
America, by Usha Welaratna, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 231 (1994).
______, The World of Women: In Pursuit of Human Rights, by Janice Wood
Wetzel, 16(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 231 (1994).
______, ACLU International Civil Liberties Report, by the American Civil Liberties
Union, 16(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 432 (1994).
______, Human Rights and Europe, by Ralph Beddord, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 591
______, Human Rights in Crisis: The International System for Protecting Rights
During States of Emergency, by Joan Fitzpatrick, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 591
______, International Law, Rights and Politics: Developments in Eastern Europe
and the CIS, by Rein Müllerson, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 591 (1994).
______, Northern Ireland: The Choice, by Kevin Boyle & Tom Hadden, 16(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 591 (1994).
______, Dreaming in Cuban: A Novel, by Cristina Garcia, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 592
______, The Loves of Austyna, by Nana Fitzpatrick, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 592
______, Protecting the Dispossessed: A Challenge for the International
Community, by Francis M. Deng, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 592 (1994).
______, Ralph Bunche: An American Life, by Brian Urquhart, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
592 (1994).
______, El Sistema Interamericano: Un Manuel Para El Defensor de los Derechos
Humanos en Mexico, by Alicia Ely-Yamin, 16(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 593 (1994).
______, The Chamber, by John Grisham, 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 790 (1994).
______, U.S. Ratification of the International Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination, by International Human Rights Law Group,
16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 790 (1994).
______, The Chosen Primate: Human Nature and Cultural Diversity, by Adam
Kuper, 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 790 (1994).
______, Problems and Process: International Law and How We Use It, by Rosalyn
Higgins, 16(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 790 (1994).
______, Diccionario Juridico Segun la Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo de
Puerto Rico (Legal Dictionary According to the Jurisprudence of the Supreme
Court of Puerto Rico), by Mariano Morales, 17(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 406 (1995).
______, Health and Human Rights, by François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health
and Human Rights at the Harvard School of Public Health (Jonathan Mann
ed.), 17(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 406 (1995).
Vol. 35
______, Index on Censorship (Ursula Owen ed.), 17(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 406 (1995).
______, International Human Rights Reports (David Harris ed.), 17(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
406 (1995).
______, The Role of Human Rights in Foreign Policy, by Peter Baehr, 17(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 406 (1995).
______, Human Rights in Suriname, 1992–1994, by the Netherlands Institute of
Human Rights, 17(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 407 (1995).
______, Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women, by Geraldine
Brooks, 17(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 583 (1995).
______, God Has Ninety-Nine Names: Reporting From A Militant Middle East, by
Judith Miller, 18(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 703 (1996).
______, European Human Rights Law Review, 18(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 910 (1996).
______, Women and Human Rights: The Basic Documents, by The Center for the
Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, 19(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 458 (1997).
______, The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama, by
Melvyn C. Goldstein, 20(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 198 (1998).
______, Cold Storage: Super-Maximum Security Confinement in Indiana, by
Human Rights Watch, 20(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 455 (1998).
______, International Action Against Racial Discrimination, by Michael Banton,
20(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 455 (1998).
______, Reading Human Rights: An Annotated Guide to a Human Rights Library,
by Stephen C. Neff, The Nadesan Centre for Human Rights Through Law &
Interights, 20(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 455 (1998).
______, Shades of Freedom: Racial Politics and the Presumptions of the American
Legal Process, by A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., 20(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 456 (1998).
______, The Eleanor Roosevelt Mysteries, by Eliott Roosevelt, 20(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
734 (1998).
______, Tomorrow is Another Country: The Inside Story of South Africa’s Road to
Change, by Allister Sparks, 20(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 962 (1998).
______, Cuba: Confronting the U.S. Embargo, by Peter Schwab, 21(2) Hum. Rts. Q.
558 (1999).
______, Dear Anne Frank: Poems, by Marjorie Agosin, 21(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 850
______, Racism Explained to My Daughter, by Tahar Ben Jelloun, 21(4) Hum. Rts.
Q. 1136 (1999).
______, Sources 3: Forced Evictions and Human Rights: A Manual for Action, by
COHRE (The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions), 22(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
329 (2000).
______, Guide to International Human Rights Practice (Hurst Hannum ed.), 22(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 635 (2000).
______, Between Vengeance and Forgiveness: Facing History after Genocide and
Mass Violence, by Martha Minow, 23(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 228 (2001).
______, Protect and Defend, by Richard North Patterson, 23(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 478
______, Safe Motherhood: A Woman’s Human Rights, by Rebecca J. Cook, 23(2)
Hum. Rts. Q. 478 (2001).
______, Well-Founded Fear, by Tom LeClair, 23(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 478 (2001).
Index to Volumes 1–35
______, The Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter, by Albie Sachs, 23(2) Hum. Rts.
Q. 479 (2001).
______, Diplomacy of Conscience: Amnesty International and Changing Human
Rights Norms, by Ann Marie Clark, 23(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 858 (2001).
______, Democracy’s Constitution: Claiming the Privileges of American
Citizenship, by John Denvir, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 316 (2002).
______, The Trial of Henry Kissinger, by Christopher Hitchens, 24(1) Hum. Rts. Q.
316 (2002).
______, Like Water on Stone: The Story of Amnesty International, by Jonathan
Power, 24(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 830 (2002).
______, International Human Rights, by Linda A. Malone, 25(3) Hum. Rts. Q. 837
Movie Reviews
Betsalel, Ken & Mark Gibney, Human Rights Watch 2007 Traveling Film Festival,
30(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 205 (2008).
______ & Mark Gibney, Can A Film End A War?, 30(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 522 (2008).
______ & Mark Gibney, Re-Storying Justice Through Human Rights Film: A
Selection of Films from the 2008 New York Human Rights Watch Film
Festival, 31(2) Hum. Rts. Q. 552 (2009).
Gibney, Mark & Ken Betsalel, Human Rights Begins With Seeing: A Review of
Human Rights Films, 33(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1186 (2011).
______, Human Rights Watch Traveling Film Festival 2012–13, 35(3) Hum. Rts. Q.
807 (2013).
Gondek, Michal, Katyn, 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1061 (2008).
Ibhawoh, Bonny, Moolaadé, 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1058 (2008).
Isa, Felipe Gómez, 14 Kilometres, 30(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1060 (2008).
Miller, Nickole, Projecting Hope and Making Reel Change in Africa, 30(3) Hum.
Rts. Q. 827 (2008).
Orlin, Theodore S., The Films of the Third International Human Rights Film Festival
Albania, (IHRFFA), 2008, 31(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 290 (2009).
Schmeidl, Susanne, The Lives of Others: Living Under East Germany’s “Big
Brother” or the Quest for Good Men (Das Leben der Anderen), 31(2) Hum.
Rts. Q. 557 (2010).
Swimelar, Safia, Standard Operating Procedure, 32(1) Hum. Rts. Q. 240 (2010).
______, Human Rights Through Film: An Essay and Review of Selected Films from
the Human Rights Watch 2009 Film Festival, 32(4) Hum. Rts. Q. 1069 (2010).
Fly UP