Empirical Research on Wheat Future Price by Samuelson Hypothesis
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Empirical Research on Wheat Future Price by Samuelson Hypothesis
Empirical Research on Wheat Future Price by Samuelson Hypothesis ZHANG Qi-wen, XING yuan-yuan School of Economics & Management, Northeast Agricultural University, Heilongjiang, China [email protected] or [email protected] Abstract: The paper empirically analyzes the wheat future price in the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange by the generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity model and establishes the integrity ARMA-GARCH model. The conclusions show that the wheat future volatility have the high durative. By adding the dummy variable, the paper proves that the most wheat future contracts certainly exist the Samuelson hypothesis. Key word: Wheat Future Price, volatility, ARCH mode, Samuelson hypothesis 1. Introduction The future price should ascend with the coming of the maturity day. That hypothesis is the Samuelson hypothesis or the (maturity effect) about the future marker. Since the Samuelson have found the hypothesis that the maturity time have the mutuality with the future market’s price volatility in 1965, many scholars in the foreign country studied that question. Rutledge 1976 Dusak-Miller(1979) Castelino and Francis(1982) Milonas(1986) Galloway and Kolb(1996) Allen and Cruickshank(2000) have found the Samuelson hypothesis. Though the most research though that many commodity future exists the maturity effect, some scholars have the opposition view. For example Grauer(1977) havn’t found the evidence of the Samuelson hypothesis in the ten commodity future productions. Johnson(1998)also don’t have found it in his paper. In our country, scholars have studied it for many years. Hu wei have researched the maturity effect of the future market’s volatility by the Garman & Klass’s most highest price and lowest price, and concluded that some productions in the form products surely exist the maturity effect. But when he choosed the data, he didn’t used the integrity contracts, he intercepted ten productions data from July,1999 to November,1999.Song bo(2006) have studied the Samuelson hypothesis of the soybean future, he thinks that the soybean future surely have the Samuelson hypothesis. At present the study for the wheat future isn’t abundance. The paper is based on the integrity future contracts, and further analyses the daily price volatility data, conclude that the wheat future market surely exists the Samuelson hypothesis by adding the dummy variable. 、 ( )、 、 、 2. General Theories of the Samuelson Hypothesis and ARCH Samuelson (1965) based his hypothesis on the assumptions that spot prices are generated by a first order autoregressive process and that futures price sare unbiased predictors of the expiration price. That is, given that St = αSt-1 + ut and the conditions E ut =0 E ut2 =σ2 , if α<1 the variance of the change in futures prices will rise as a contract approaches expiry. There are an important character about the ARCH model, it can describe the Volatility Clustering. Volatility Clustering is that the volatility of the finance market usually have an trand. after the large income, there will expect the large income and after the small income, there will expect the small income.as the volatility in the currently usually have the positive relativity with the before time. The ARCH family of models(including generalised ARCH), being consistent with a leptokurtic distribution, are therefore more appropriate than standard models. ( ) ,( ) 3.Data explain 704 If the wheat future market have the maturity effect? In order to validate it, the article used the wheat future data of the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, because the wheat future volume and open interest are little after May,2006 and the price volatility don’t reflect the character of the wheat future market, so the paper choose the data from October 2002 to May 2006.Wheat future contracts are bargain in the odd month, the paper chooses all the integrity contract in the time span. Every contract is about 230 data. the measure of daily futures return volatility used in this study is the absolute value of the continuously FT, t ×100 where FT,t is the FT , t compounded rate of return multiplied by 100. That is, VF = log settlement price on day t of a contract expiring at time T. Descriptive statistics for daily volatility are shown in table 1. Table1. Descriptive statistics for daily volatility contract sample Mean Std Dev Skewness Kurtosis Jarque-Bera Prob wt401 wt403 wt405 wt407 wt409 wt411 wt501 wt503 wt505 wt507 wt509 wt511 wt601 wt603 wt605 -0.367699 -0.306422 0.080741 -0.023973 0.104281 -0.236307 -0.273875 -0.341521 -0.195731 0.438151 0.131506 0.241068 0.993783 0.348217 -0.871960 5.714570 6.06.759 5.018288 4.432229 4.652848 6.186206 7.867162 6.862026 6.887691 9.516724 5.689759 8.950372 14.31836 7.845413 7.253100 91.62071 123.4218 50.39048 24.21511 26.82890 101.1589 239.8929 143.5631 1443987 372.9070 66.95313 328.1634 1166.491 176.7275 184.8886 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000006 0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 278 304 295 283 232 234 240 224 227 207 220 221 212 177 210 0.29277 0.042050 -0.006890 -0.004414 0.080620 -0.050883 -0.089465 -0.131465 -0.090819 -0.129628 -0.082336 -0.083853 -0.063020 -0.059684 -0.067911 1.134648 1.146600 1.114543 1.126530 1.133856 0.828111 0.756109 0.710366 0.702180 0.823152 0.700434 0.661103 0.747326 1.202168 0.655924 4. Empirical results The paper found that the daily wheat price volatility series have the autocorrelation and partial correlation with the autocorrelation analysis and stationary inspection for the zheng zhou wheat future price. The ADF inspection shown that the future contracts are stationary at 1 probability level. So the paper can build the ARMA model, The paper inspect the residuals of the model with the ARCH-LM, the conclusion shown that the second-order and eight-order inspection results of 14 contracts are significant at 1 probability level.wt505 are significant at 5 probability level as well. But the inspection results of wt507 are non-significant. As a whole, the residuals of the daily volatility series of wheat future contracts surely exists the ARCH effects, and especially the high-level ARCH effects exists. In order to depict the daily price volatility of the wheat future contracts, the paper builds the integrity ARMA 1 1 -GARCH 1 1 and ARMA 2 2 -GARCH 1 1 model. The results was shown in table 5 and table 6.we can conclude that the model can depict the process of price volatility of the wheat future very well. All of the parameter of the GARCH model about the 15 contracts are significant at 5 probability level, especially 12 contracts are significant at 1 probability level. the contracts are 13 which content to the parameter restriction conditions, that is α+β 1. % % % (,) (,) (,) (,) % ( ,1)-GARCH(1,1)and ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(1,1) Table2 testing for the ARMA 1 contract 401 403 () AR 1 -0.98896 (0.0000) -1.079032 % 〈 () AR 2 -0.926945 () MA 1 0.95931 (0.0000) 1.094404 705 () MA 2 0.986985 α 0.37578 (0.0001) 0.347242 β 0.576919 (0.0000) 0.590640 405 407 409 411 501 503 505 507 509 511 601 603 605 (0.0000) -0.028534 (0.9667) 0.09961 (0.8781) 0.414078 (0.0385) -0.480504 0.1872 0.973457 (0.0000) 0.083495 (0.0086) 0.545064 (0.0465) 0.454924 (0.0343) 0.261729 (0.4623) 0.420028 0.0087 -0.191935 0.5298 -0.016131 (0.9414) 0.426089 0.0190 ( ) (0.0000) 0.08034 (0.8490) -0.748430 (0.0000) 0.774851 (0.0001) (0.0000) -0.013491 (0.9843) -0.18734 (0.7683) -0.52977 0.0088 0.441301 0.2470 -0.994517 (0.0000) -0.199657 (0.8377) -0.648276 (0.0043) 0.409193 (0.0409) -0.377167 (0.2753) -0.486834 0.2786 -0.078909 0.7938 -0.517375 (0.0027) -0.637477 0.0001 ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) (,) (0.0000) 0.01581 (0.9972) 0.752128 (0.0000) -0.396826 (0.0364) (0.00001) 0.184790 (0.0042) 0.226692 (0.0147) 0.245272 (0.0001) 0.217819 (0.0001) 0.180259 (0.0000) 0.239137 (0.0001) 0.346755 0.0003 0.368861 (0.0032) 0.096044 (0.0146) 0.133233 (0.0004) 0.207339 (0.0000) 0.336677 (0.0083) 0.346216 (0.0000) ( (0.0000) 0.750489 (0.0000) 0.593295 (0.0000) 0.789336 (0.0000) 0.764403 (0.0000) 0.774851 (0.0001) 0.760283 (0.0000) 0.506476 (0.0000) 0.419917 (0.0109) 0.868167 (0.0000) 0.852725 (0.0000) 0.845158 (0.0000) 0.626305 (0.0000) 0.600532 (0.0000) ) ( ,1)and ARMA(2,2)-GARCH(1,1) Table 3testing for the ARMA 1 1 -GARCH 1 contract 401 403 405 407 409 411 501 503 505 507 509 511 601 603 605 α+β 0.952691 0.937882 0.939779 0.819987 1.034608 0.982222 0.955110 0.99942 0.853231 0.788878 0.964211 0.985957 1.052497 0.962982 0.946748 T -0.52784(0.0154) 0.756417(0.0080) -0.55121(0.0027) -0.288383 0.0344 0.183655 0.0060 -0.258102 0.0245 -0.177238 0.0722 -0.206330(0.6263) -0.139023(0.1010) 0.246063(0.0319) -0.228445(0.0357) 0.462498 0.1928 0.212983 0.0240 0.357532(0.0904) -0.310019 0.0001 ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ) ) ) n 16 11 10 52 9 33 29 24 35 18 18 12 16 12 15 706 AIC 2.730322 2.751512 2.804034 2.972627 2.648529 2.222386 1.981051 1.771142 1.927631 2.249634 1.980081 1.886808 1.749640 2.821077 1.792799 SC 2.821904 2.862087 2.916241 3.063029 2.752845 2.326065 2.112356 1.878094 2.033577 2.394534 2.088407 1.994787 1.860470 2.947176 1.904744 The paper adopted the method which have been used by D.E.Allen and S.N.Cruichshank, the paper add the dummy t, t was the distance to the maturity. If the distance to the expiry was less than n, the value was 1, If the distance to the expiry was more than n, the value was 0. the n was enactment in advance. If the maturity exist, the parameter of the t was more than o. the conclude was shown in table 6. the n of the 10 contracts less than 20, so the maturity was exist about 20 days. 5. Conclusion By analysis the volatility of the wheat future, the paper concluded that wheat future exist the high-level ARCH effects. ARMA 1 1 -GARCH 1 1 ARMA 2 2 -GARCH 1 1 can depict the daily yield series of the wheat future very well. The volatility of the wheat future are highly durative. If the yield will fluctuate abnormly when it is concussed, it is difficult to eliminate it. The n of the most contracts less than 30, the maturity effect exist, but the paper can not find the exist of the maturity effect when n more than 30. (,) ( , )和 (,) (,) References [1]Allen D.E. & Cruickshank S.N.Empirical Testing of the Samuelson hypothesis: An Application to Futures Markets in Australia, Singapore and the UK. School of Finance and Business Economics, paper 2000 9-12 19-25 [2]Bollerslev T.Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity Journal of Econometrics 1986 31 307-327. [3][ ]Walter Enders. Applied econometric time series high education press Beijing 2006 [4] Huu N. Duong and Petko S. Kalev An Intraday Analysis of the Samuelson Hypothesis for Commodity Futures Contracts, Department of Accounting and Finance Monash University paper 2006 8-12 [5]Song bo Empirical research on the wheat future price’s Samuelson hypothesis paper 2006 5-8 [6]Yi danhui data analysis and Eviews apply china Statistic pess Beijing 2002 英 ZHANG Qi-wen ,male, was borned in August,1967, Xiuyan city of Liaoning Province, research direction was rural finance and insurance. Associate professor, management doctor, the postdoctoral of Heilongjiang Province agriculture academy of science, the director and chief assistant in .Northeast Agricultural college economy management institute 707