
Effectiveness Evaluation of Policy Forestry Insurance Viewing from Fujian Peasants

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Effectiveness Evaluation of Policy Forestry Insurance Viewing from Fujian Peasants
Effectiveness Evaluation of Policy Forestry Insurance Viewing from
Fujian Peasants
LEI Haoyue, LIANG Yue
School of Economics & Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083
[email protected]
Abstract: This paper selects Qingliu county of Fujian province as the investigating area. Focusing on
the policy forest insurance, this investigation was made by questionnaires, which includes the aspects of
forest farmers’ insurance status, family income level, the settings of the kinds of insurance and its
premiums rate, the government intervention during the promotion, timeliness of claims and so on.
According to the statistical analysis of survey data, this paper makes a reasonable evaluation of the
implementation performance of policy forest insurance and provides practical policy suggestions from
the aspects of the promotion of forest insurance, insurance settings, the level of government subsidies
and the establishment of forestry insurance collaborative mechanism and so on.
Keywords: Policy forest insurance, Forest farmers, Evaluation
1 Introduction
Forestry, as an important component of national economy, plays a crucial role in economy and
environment benefit. As a production department which is inclined to be conditioned by environment,
forestry displays low ability in withstanding natural disease and high risk in production and management.
Forest farmers have long been trapped in a situation that “Years to become rich, a nationwide disaster”.
Therefore, to establish and perfect the risk prevention system and to boost the policy forest insurance is
about the government's attention, and ever more about the years of desires of forest farmers. Since
Jiangxi Provincial party Committee and Provincial government released “Opinion” in June 2007, which
clearly expressed to establish the policy forest insurance system, China’s policy forest insurance’s
experimental units started to expand year by year. In October 2009, China Insurance Regulatory
Commission, State Forestry Bureau jointly issued “the preparation for policy forestry insurance system
construction to promote sustainable development of forestry notice”, which expressed explicitly the
purpose to establish the policy forestry insurance system and that must forestry support and protection
system exert oneself aggrandizement. This suggested that after the “The preparation for collective forest
right system reform and forestry development financial services guidance” jointly issued in May of the
same year by People's Bank of China, treasury department, China Banking Regulatory Commission,
China Insurance Regulatory Commission, State Forestry Bureau, which brought forestry insurance into
the National policy insurance premium subsidies range, China’s policy forest insurance is officially on
her way with coverage areas of Guangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Liaoning and so forth.
Practice indicated that the implementation of China policy forest insurance can expand the coverage of
forestry financial input, improve the level of assurance and the anti-risk ability, stabilize and consolidate
the basic position of forestry. However, flaw in specific operation gradually appears while the general
situation of implement effect of the policy forestry insurance is becoming optimistic. In order to make a
true and objective reflection of the effect, this paper, based on the questionnaires which delivered to
Fujian forest farmers in December 2010, makes analysis and evaluation on the effect of the pilots by
choosing the government’s target, which is the farmers, to make the assessment.
2 Sample Selection and Survey Contents
The data came from the field survey of hundreds of Fujian forest farmers in December 2010. Fujian
province has a land region area of 12 million hectares, among them forest area over 7.5 million hectares.
That is, the forest coverage rate is up about 63%, which ranks first nationwide. In January 2010, Fujian
provincial Party committee and provincial government began to implement on the base of forest fire
insurance to make a further step to perfect the forest insurance system. The scope of the is the disaster
such as fire, insects, rainstorm, wind storm, flood, mud-rock flow, hailstone, frost, typhoon, blizzard,
glaze and so on, which happens during the forest production process and the insurance amount is
500RMB per mu. The premium rate of and is respectively 2% and 3%. Except the part that subsidized
by the central and provincial financial departments in a certain percentage, the ecological forest owners
will take the premium as 0.3Rmb per mu. The premium that commodity forest rights owners undertake
is 0.45Rmb per mu when the insured area is smaller than 10000 mus, 0.675Rmb per mu when bigger
than 10000 mus. Come one year, since short is the implementing time, limited is the policy scope, the
forest comprehensive insurance in Fujian province is still in the course of initial development.
In order to increase the representative level of the samples, we adopted stratified sampling method
(divided by household income) and cluster random sampling (divided by economic team) in this
investigation. Specific as follows: according to the income level and the pilot situation, we choose
Qingliu County as sample region. In views of the farmers’ income, the scale of the forest area and other
factors, we chose 20 households in each county and that is a total number of 200 households. After
logical checking and repeatedly screening, finally the number of valid samples is 140. The sample
households’ structure sees a table 1.
Table 1 Types and Structure of the Sample Farmers
Types of the forest farmers
Scale of forest area
Degree of
sideline activity
Lowest group
Medium group
Highest group
Below 10000 Yuan
10001-50000 Yuan
50001-100000 Yuan
Below 50 mu
50-100 mu
Over 100 mu
( Proportion of forest income occupies the total)
Below 10%
The investigation mainly deals with the following aspects: Basic conditions of forester Households,
forestry production and business operation, local natural disaster situations, forest farmers to participate
in the insurance case of forest policy, forest farmers on the evaluation of the existing insurance policy
(Including the insurance amount, insurance liability and the level of protection), the evaluation of pay
premiums and the extent of the burden, The demand for insurance products, The understanding of the
government's subsidy policy and the evaluation also the satisfaction with the policy forest insurance and
so on.
3 The Evaluation of Key Aspects of the Insurance for Forest Farmers on Forest
In sample forest farmers, 41 have purchased policy forest insurance, accounting for 29.4% of the total
sample; the 99 left haven’t, accounting for 70.6% of the total sample. Because of uninsured Forest
farmers are not involve in the specific aspects of the insurance operation, they only make the evaluation
from the current situation of the policy.
3.1 The cognition for the insurance status of forestry farmers on forest conditions and evaluation
of satisfaction
For “ how much do you know about political forest insurance, among the forest farmers sample, 17.40%
of them hear about this, 52.3% of them hear about it but know a little, 30.30% of them say that they
never know this(Table 2). Thus, majority of forest famers heard about policy forest insurance, however,
the number of forest farmers who have awareness of it shares a low proportion.
For "how you are satisfied with forest policy of insurance", 8.6% of the forestry farmers say he is
satisfied, 12.1% are more satisfied, 74.3% expressed satisfaction with the level of general, 5.0% are
dissatisfied (Table 2). We can see that the majority of forestry farmers on forest insurance policy favors
and the benefit for the forestry farmers are satisfied with the implementation of the new deal. Forestry
farmers who carry out that forestry insurance is really for the interests of farmers, to a certain extent, the
majority of farmers to meet the urgent need to spread the risk of forest production needs.
Table 2 Forest Farmers’ Understanding and Satisfaction of the Current Condition of Policy forest Insurance
Have you heard of policy forest
insurance? If you’ve heard, do
you know the specific items?
Yes, and know well about it
Yes, but know nothing about it
Are you satisfied with policy
forest insurance
Fully satisfied
Quite satisfied
3.2 Forestry farmers’ comments on the setting of forest insurance coverage
For the question “the forest kind that you would like to insure”, 73.1% of forest farmers favor
timberland, 25.1% would like to insure economic forest, while 1.80% of them prefer to insure firewood
forest. According to the practice situation of forestry production, economic forest and timberland are the
widest grown trees locally; their growth can significantly influence the level of forest farmers’ income.
Thus, forest farmers pay much attention to economic forest and timberland.
For the problem “ the insurance cover that you prefer to”, 18.10% of forest famers choose fire insurance,
20.5% of them like to insure against pest, 9.00% of them prefer to wind insurance, 15.60% choose to
insurance against snow and frost, and 13.80% chose something else (Table 3). Therefore, forest farmers
ask for many kinds of insurance, covering all kinds of natural disasters such as fire, pest, wind, snow
and frost, etc.
Table3 The Forest Species Forest Farmers Tend to Insure and the Kinds of Insurances They Prefer
Timber forest
Which forest species do you intend
Economic forest
to insure
Firewood forest
Which kind of insurance do you
intend to choose?
Fire insurance
Pest insurance
Windstorm insurance
Ice frost insurance
Other insurances
Early in January, 2010, the government of Fujian started to put forest comprehensive insurance into
effect based on the forest fire insurance, and listed all the natural disasters, such as fire, pest, rainstorm,
violent wind, flood, mud-rock flow, hailstone, frost, typhoon, glaze and so on that can be happened in
the process of forest production and management, into the coverage of responsibilities, to broad the
coverage of forest insurance. Thus, almost 90% of forest farmers said that because the extension of
forest comprehensive insurance is limited, in fact, the optional forest insurance is restricted to fire
insurance, the type of insurance is single and its coverage is narrow, so that cannot meet demands of
forest production and management.
3.3 Forest farmers’ comments on the premium rate and level of insurance
3.3.1 Premium rate
For the question “how much premium can be accepted for each mu”, 82.5% of forest farmers said that a
premium of lower than1.5 Yuan for each mu can be accepted, 17.50% of them express that a premium of
more than 1.5yuan is also affordable. For the question “how do you think about the current level of
premium”, 73.2% of them hold that it is totally affordable, 17.1% of forest farmers think it is just so-so,
while 9.7 % of them think it gives a little burden to family (Table 4). From this, most of forest farmers
think they can pay for the current premium. But according to their family condition and level of income,
most of these families who choose to insure are in a good family condition with a high level of income,
so they regard that it is affordable. See from the whole family condition and income levels, 14.2% of
these families have an annual income of less than10000 , and 62.8% of them have an annual income of
1,0000 to 5,0000, while 23% of them have an annual income of 50,000 to 100,000, the whole level of
forest farmers family is lie in low mediate level, and not rich . Compared the premium that forest
farmers would like to pay and the current premium, although country have bear part of premium for
forest farmers, most of them hope that the premium rate can go down.
Table 4 Sample farmers’ Acceptable Level and Affordability of the premium per mu
≤0.5 Yuan
0.5-1 Yuan
At what level of premium per mu
1-1.5 Yuan
you can accept?
1.5-2 Yuan
≥2 Yuan
To what extent your family can
burden the existing premiums?
3.3.2 Level of protection
Level of insurance in this paper refers to the output level that insurance company can make
compensation after taking of excess (level of insurance=1-excess). For the question “whether the current
level of political forest insurance can meet the practical needs or not,”13.6% of forest farmers think that
they are not have a knowledge of current political forest insurance, for the other forest farmers that have
a little knowledge of this, 65.7% of them think that the level of insurance is too low nowadays, and
cannot meet their need; 16.4% of them hold the opinion that it accords with their need; only 4.3% of
them think it is too high and can meet their needs totally (Table 5). Thus, most of forest farmers consider
the current level of protection which is stated in political forest insurance is low, and there is still a gap
between expectations and its current level.
In the sample of forestry farmer, regarding "the premiums under the terms of the existing level of
security for your expectation", there are 8.6% of the expected security level which is below 50%, and
the 13.8% is between 50% ~70%, and 43.1% between 70% ~ 90%, and the 34.5% is over 90% (Table 5).
We can see from these data that most forest farmers expect the level of security above 70%, that is to say
farmers hope that even if the loss rate is 30% for trees or less can also get compensation from insurance
company. However, the existing insurance policy in the forest policy explicitly provides for
compensation for the loss of forest conditions are "to achieve 30% or more only then can the loss rate be
paid", the risk of some tree species even reach the loss rate as 70% or more, then the insurance
companies will make the compensation, and this level of protection is far beyond the expectations of
farmers which bears a certain gap.
Table 5 Sample Farmers’ Cognition, Evaluation and Expectation towards the Existing Level of Protection
Do not know
Do you know about the current
Low, can not meet the demand
level of protection and how do
Do know
you think of it
High, totally meet the demand
Below 50%
What is your expected level of
protection under the terms of the
existing premium?
above 90%
3.4 Evaluation of forestry farmers on the insurance liability
When referring to the words whether "insurance liability is able to meet their own needs", 47.6% of the
forestry farmers think that it meet the needs, but there are still 41.3% ones consider failure meeting the
needs of farmers, while 11.1% of the forestry farmers said that they did not understand the insurance
liability of current policy of the forest (Table 6). The terms of insurance pilot project in Fujian province
and liability insurance basically includes the fires, storms, floods, water logging, wind, hail, cold
disaster, drought, earthquakes and plant pests as well as other diseases are major natural disaster types
that may easily lead to the loss of forestry farmers, therefore, the interviewed forestry farmers tend to
feel that the risks covered in local places are the basic types to meet their needs.
The reasons that the reflection of forestry farmers can not meet its needs can be attributed to the
following three aspects: 1) difficult to clear the insurance liability. As it is difficult to identify the type
and extent of the damage hit the forestry farmers by natural disasters that are why the forestry farmers
often found to generate differences regarding to the expense of the insured people. 2) The terms of
compensation for natural disasters are too harsh for forestry farmers. For example, the free rate for loss
of pests franchise is up to 50%. 3) The information asymmetry exists between both the insurer and the
forestry farmers. For example, there’s no specific list for the types of plant diseases and insect pests in
the pest risk insurance clause, a small number of plant diseases and insect pests is without the scope of
the insurance which is beyond the knowledge of forestry farmers, and thus lead to the result that the
forestry farmers can not be successfully arrange the payment for pest access.
Table 6 Whether the Insured Liabilities can Meet the Needs of Forest Farmers
Can't meet the practical needs
Do you think whether the existing
insured liabilities can meet your
Can meet the practical needs
Not Clear
3.5 Assessment of the situation made by forestry farmers according to insurance policy of forest
and claims procedures
3.5.1 Insurance Procedure
As for " how’s your evaluation of the insurance procedure insurance during the course of insurance",
among the 41 insured forestry farmers, only 36.6% of them think that the insured process is smooth, an
it is a simple procedure, so they are very satisfied; 43.9% of the forestry farmers think that the insured
procedure is relatively simple, they are basically satisfied with the process of the insurance coverage;
and only 19.5% of the forestry farmers considering the insured procedure is too trivial. So we can see
that most of the forestry farmers believe that the process of insurance services expressed general
satisfaction and the simple insured procedure win the recognition of most forestry farmers.
3.5.2 Compensate Condition
Among the 41 forestry farmers who have made the insurance, about 23 households have been subjected
to loss due to the disaster, five families of which have been compensated. For "whether your claim
process is smooth", among the 23 forestry farmers who has suffered from loss, and 82.6% think that the
claims process is not smooth, while 8.7% think it is more successful and 8.7% of the farmers think it
works very well (Table 7). Therefore, we can see that most forestry farmers are not satisfied with the
claim process. This phenomenon is mainly due to the fact that after forest disasters, the insurance
companies should take a longer time to examine the actual loss, which results in the long time waiting
for the compensable forestry farmers. As for "whether you think compensated is in time", there are
40.0% of the forestry farmers who are not awarded in time, still another 40.0% of the forestry farmers
consider it to be more timely, and only 20.0% of the forestry farmers think it is very timely (Table 7).
Table 7 Sample Forest Farmers Evaluation of the Insurance Formalities and the Claims Process
Easy formalities, fully satisfied
What do you think about the
Relatively simple formalities,
insurance formalities of the policy
forest insurance?
Cumbersome and complex
formalities, Dissatisfied
Not smooth
What do you think about the claims
Relatively smooth
Very smooth
Not timely
Are you compensated in a timely
Relatively timely
Very timely
3.6 The understanding and evaluation on the level of the government premium subsidies to
forestry farmers
Regarding to the words “Do you know whether the government offer premium subsidies and the specific
proportions of given subsidies", 21.3% of forestry farmers show their awareness towards the policy of
forest insurance which is subsidized by government, and also know well about the specific proportion of
subsidies. Although 45.9% of the forestry farmers who say that they know the certain amount of
subsidies given by government, they have no idea about the specific proportion of subsidies. Another
32.8% of the forestry farmers say they do not know there’s any subsidy from the government (Table 8).
For the percentage of forestry farmers that know well about the government subsidies, there are 40.7%
of those are satisfied with the proportion of subsidy; 35.3% of the forestry farmers are satisfied with that
the proportion of subsidy basically, while another 24.0% of the forestry farmers expressed
dissatisfaction with current subsidies ratio (Table 8).
For "Hope that the government will offer the ratio of subsidies to the forest", 4.5% of forestry farmers
show hopes of value ratio for subsidies is below 30% from government, 16.0% of the forestry farmers
show the hope value that is between 31% ~ 50%, 43.9% of the forestry farmers hope value between
51% ~ 80%, and 35.6% of the farmers hope the government can provide a full premium subsidy (Table
8). Finally, the average ratio of expected value for subsidies calculated by the forestry farmers is 71.89%.
The real implementation for the trial of the pilot areas at all levels of financial subsidies is 50%, that is,
the proportion of subsidies still has certain distance from the expectation of forestry farmers.
Table 8 Forest Farmers’ Understandings and Expectations of the Government Premium Subsidies
Yes, and know about the specific
proportion of subsidy
Do you know that the government
Yes but know nothing about the
gives subsidy for premiums and its
specific proportion?
specific proportion of subsidy
Would you like to buy the
insurance if provided subsidies by
Not sure
What is your expected Proportion
of subsidies?
4 Conclusion and Suggestions
Through long-term investigation and analysis on policy forest insurance, the following points can be
Firstly, the implementation of policy forest insurance in the experimental regions will play a part in
enhancing risk defenses for forest farmers, increasing production of forestry and stabilizing the incomes
of forest farmers, which has acquired the approval of forest farmers. But due to the short time for
developing the policy forest insurance in China, still in the experiment and exploration stages, it has
only functioned well in the part of forest farmers in the various effectivenesses in forestry production.
Secondly, the design of the types of the policy forest insurance is lack of scientificity and flexibility. Due
to the incomplete comprehensive insurance system of forest, the optional forest insurance service for
forest agriculture is limited to the forest fire insurance to a large extent. But in the forestry production,
the forest damages caused by frosts, plant diseases and insect pests, debris flow or other disaster are still
lack of the corresponding thorough insurances so that the options of insurances selected for forest
farmers are restricted.
Thirdly, there is little publicity of policy forest insurance so that most forest farmers know little about
the guarantees, insured liabilities and the detailed contents of clauses of the forest insurance. Meanwhile,
due to insufficient publicity, though the forest farmers know there is risk in forestry production, they do
not have abundant knowledge of functions of insurance. Some forest farmers have the fluke mind that it
a waste of insurance premium if no damage occurs. Some forest farmers are worried that the insurance
companies may escape the settlement of claims if damage occurs. Such doubts have directly slowed
down the development speed of forest insurance in varying degrees.
Fourthly, due to limited support of the government, the premium rates do not match the forest farmers’
income level. The forest farmers’ income level is commonly low and the period of forestry production is
long, so the successive premium expense is not a small expenditure for the forest farmers. Though the
combined subsidy standard of policy forest insurance by the central, provincial and county finances
almost reaches 70%, the forest farmers still know little about it due to restriction of publicity and
promotion. In addition, the high premium also causes that the participants are still few in the actual
effect insurances.
On the basis of the above-mentioned conclusions, the following policy suggestions are proposed in
order to further consummate the policy forest insurance:
Firstly, we shall boost publicity of policy orientation and develop the forest farmers’ consciousnesses of
risk and responsibility. The government shall coordinate with the insurance companies and the village
committees to jointly in charge of publicizing the forest insurance. Through persisting the basic
principles of “government support, policy support, market operation, cooperation and promotion” and
various channels of newspaper, broadcast, TV, Internet and leaflets, the straightaway approaches are
adopted to broadly develop publicity of policy of forest insurance and enhance the forest farmers’ sense
of risk and concept of insurance.
Secondly, the simplex insurance types shall be changed according to the local conditions in order to
optimize the mechanism of policy forest insurance. Aiming at the characteristics of forestry, such as
long production period and frequent natural disasters, the sweeping approach cannot be adopted for the
developments of forest insurance and the comprehensive insurances aiming at policy forest with the
excellent characteristics, such as broad range of insured liabilities, high coverage and low premium shall
be thoroughly extended to confront the natural disasters of frosts, plant diseases and insect pests, debris
flow and so on, and to deeply satisfy the forest farmers’ urgent needs of scattering the risks of various
forestry production operations. Meanwhile, the insurance companies shall make efforts to improve their
own management level. One is to develop good products, seriously analyzing the forestry risk
characteristics in various regions, targeted develop the forest insurance fitting in with the forest zones,
and setting insured amounts and guarantees in different levels. Two is to improve risk management level
and accurately evaluate the forestry risks in order to reduce the management risk and promote optimum
operation of forest insurance mechanism through reinsurance or coinsurance according to the
characteristics of forestry production.
Thirdly, the government support is constantly boosted to feasibly reduce the burdens of insurance
applicants and insurance companies. The government departments shall arrange special funds for
premium subsidy in order to enhance support of funds for policy forest insurance; and further provide
policy privileges, such as exemption of business tax and income tax of the commercial insurance
institutions, alleviation of operation risks of the insurance companies and reduction of operation costs.
Meanwhile, the financial subsidy mechanism of policy forest insurance with distinctiveness can be
implemented. For example, the blanket insurance for public welfare forest can be achieved through
undertaking distribution proportions for the public welfare forest. The proportion of premium subsidy by
the central finance for commercial forest can be increased from 30% to 50% above in order to remit
fund pressure for the forest farmers and the substratum finance. For the regional economic forestry,
premium subsidy can be increased to support the developments of forestry economy with the local
Fourthly, departmental cooperation shall be strengthened to establish the mechanism of departmental
coordination on forest insurance. The government shall associate the coordination and arranges, such as
policy forest insurance with the local technological service, meteorological service, precautions against
natural disasters and losses, relief measures with insurance service, consulting service and credit service,
the close cooperation, entire operation and coordinated growth happen under the leadership of between
Ministry of Finance, State Forestry Bureau, China Insurance Regulatory Commission and other related
ministries and commissions. In the process of establishing the coordination mechanism of policy forest
insurance, we should pay attention to developing the publicity and training of policy forest insurance by
the forestry departments and responsible organs, and professional cooperation of development and
promotion of forestry risk categories and insurance products in order to make a stable base for insurance
institutions to promote the more scientific insurance types and expand experimental regions. Meanwhile,
various sides shall be pushed to jointly establish a sound forest system against natural disasters and
losses, to further analyze the historical disaster data, to boost disaster monitoring degree and to achieve
the unification of enhancing operation level of the insurance companies and guaranteeing the forest
farmers’ vital interests in order to further consummate the mechanism of policy forest insurance in
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