
THAR’15 Rajasthan Technical University

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THAR’15 Rajasthan Technical University
Rajasthan Technical University
Rawatbhata Road, Akelgarh, KOTA – 324010 (Raj.)
Cultural Events (Coordinators)
Dr. Annapurna Bhargava Dr. Rajesh Singhal
Technical Events (Coordinators)
Dr. Vivek Shrivastava
Dr. Vikas Bansal
The Director/Principal,
Subject: University Level Technical cum Cultural Fest, THAR’15.
Dear Sir/Madam,
At the outset, we are thankful for the active participation of your institute in Zonal level
THAR’ 15. Rajasthan Technical University extends it’s heartiest congratulation for
qualifying your students (as per attached list) in the various events.
Kindly send your students along with two faculty members (max.) for finale events to
be organized at RTU campus as per given schedule.
Kindly send your confirmation at [email protected] by April 04, 2015 in attached
format. In case if you need stay arrangement of students and/or faculty members kindly
inform us along with the list of participants & accompanied faculty members.
Please visit our website www.rtuthar.org for further details of this event. Looking
forward to a enthusiastic participation from the students.
Thanks and Regards
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Vivek Shrivastava
Coordinator (Technical Events)
Rajasthan Technical University Kota
Email: [email protected]
Mob: 09462580628
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