
Student Government General Assembly

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Student Government General Assembly
Student Government General Assembly
Minutes April 24, 2014, 8:15 p.m. Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Jay Gulshen
Roll Call Absent:
Late: Avery Smith, Ashley Sivils, Lauren Bicknell, Kayla Nichols, Kaylee
Mathiason, Jin Chang, Swapnaneel Nath,
EC Reports
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Ms. Kaitlyn Pearson
a. Forum went well!
b. Had last SAC meeting
c. Finalized plans to present the survey results to faculty.
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lauren Bicknell
a. Grades updated this fall! Yay!
b. Also looking at putting attendance online as well
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Juan Franco
a. No Report
D. Vice President of Finance Ms. Cristina Todea
a. Nothing has changed with our
b. Allocations tonight 200,000 people requested
E. Vice President of Communication Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Composite is finished
b. Nametags in fall
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Trey Norris
a. Working with faculty and staff and Lauren’s committee to get
concrete data to give to SGA
b. Getting small updates on website taken care of
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Ted Boland
a. Met with Ron Cushman director of facilities the other day to get
recycling bins ordered- long process. Hoping to have that made and
put in before people move in next fall
H. Advisor Mr. Matt Battaglia
a. Thanks for those of you that organized the housing forum and
attended that!
b. A lot of confusion with housing, relying on SGA to spread the word
c. Charles Taylor is stepping down at end of this year as Dean of the
college to begin teaching again
I. President Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Thank you for coming
President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Ms. Brooke Hickman
Open Discussion
Unfinished Business
A. Wellness Budget
a. Cristina moves to allocate $57,305.00 to Wellness, Ted seconds.
i. Motion Passes
New Business
A. Category 2 Allocations and special requests
a. The Mirror
i. Evan moves to allocate $36,014.00 to The Mirror, Abbi seconds.
1. Chris moves to amend the allocation to $40, 014.00,
Chase seconds.
a. Motion Passes
ii. Motion Passes
b. SUB
i. Cristina moves to allocate $76,911.00 to SUB, Matt seconds.
1. Motion Passes
c. DVC
i. Chase moves to allocate 333.31 to Drury Volunteer Corps, Matt
1. Motion Passes, Evan abstains.
d. Panhellenic
i. Chase S. moves to allocate 5,226.00 to Panhellenic, Kaylee
1. Evan moves to friendly amend the allocation to
$5,300.00, amendment accepted.
a. Motion Passes
e. Sigma Pi
i. Vikas moves to allocate 3,740.00 to Sigma Pi, Chase M.
1. Chase moves to make a friendly amendment to
$3,750.00, amendment accepted.
a. Motion Passes
B. Calendar Update
Moving GA’s next fall to Monday’s at 4:30p.m.
ii. Ga’s every week
iii. Time cap on GA’s to end at a certain time
iv. Location will be in the FSC 204
C. SGA Awards
Staff of the Year: Dave “Crazy” Hampton
ii. Faculty of the Year: Dr. Jonathan Groves
iii. SGA Member of the Year: Cristina Todea
D. Allocations Continued
a. Alpha Psi Omega
i. Vikas moves to allocate $7,089.90 to Alphi Psi Omega, Evan
1. Motion Passes
b. Panthers 4 Prevention
i. Evan moves to allocate $6,950.00 to Panthers 4 Prevention, Matt
1. Motion Passes
c. SRT
i. Swapnaneel moves to allocate $2,270.0 to Student Recruitment
Team, Kaylee seconds.
1. Motion Passes
d. IFC
i. Chase S. moves to allocate $3,749.80 to IFC, Abbi seconds.
1. Evan moves to friendly amend to 3,750.50, amendment
a. Motion Passed
e. Drury Multicultural Club
i. Kaylee moves to allocate $7,637.32 to DMC, Chris seconds.
1. Cristina friendly amend the allocation to $7,930.20,
a. Motion Passes
i. Cristina moves to allocate $22,055.00 to DUTV, Abbi seconds.
1. Trey moves to amend the allocation to $12,455.00, Evan
a. Motion Passes, Jin Chang abstains.
2. Motion Passes, Jin Chang and Natasha Sanford abstain.
* Natasha moves to adjourn, Evan seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 11:22pm ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
March 27th, 2014, 8:15 p.m. Shewmaker 207
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Jay Gulshen
Roll Call
Absent: Christian Holtzer, Vikas Jagwani, Juan Franco, Matt Fry, Megan
Tyler Lovewell, Ashley Sivils, Kevin Daroga
EC Reports
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Ms. Kaitlyn Pearson
a. Last SAC meeting met with Res Life Matt and Jacob Popa,
discussed different ideas of helping bring down the numbers in the
survey taken last year- sexual assault, binge drinking.
b. About to implement an update to approving organizations on
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lauren Bicknell
a. Developing a plan for Blackboard grade implementation
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Juan Franco
a. No Report
D. Vice President of Finance Ms. Cristina Todea
a. Have 15,116.07 in our account
b. Transfer fees came in 17,200. That is included. Still need to
withdraw money from old organizations. Around 10,000
c. 1 allocation tonight- Vis Com. Paid off all of their debt.
d. Talking about finance restructuring.
E. Vice President of Communication Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Housing forum soon
b. Pictures
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Trey Norris
a. Welcome to the new classroom technology!
b. New freshman responsible.
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Ted Boland
a. Committee has been talking about the recycling bins- getting final
amount needed.
b. Ron Cushman has agreed to absorb the fees that will be accrued in
putting glass recycling bins in college park, maitenance will take to
c. Arbor Day next Friday April 4th, Celebration at 11am between Olin
and the tennis courts.
i. Asking for students to help plant trees- Wed. April 2nd
around 2pm. Jin Chang,
H. Advisor Mr. Matt Battaglia
a. No Report
I. President Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Welcome to the Technology classroom
President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Ms. Megan Reidy
Open Discussion
A. None
Unfinished Business
A. Vis Com Allocation
a. Cristina moves to allocate $625 to Vis Com, Abigael seconds.
i. Motion Passes
B. Faculty Award Nomination
a. Hannah Shirley
New Business
A. Finance Reform Report
a. Split organizations/expenses into three categories
Operating Budget
Student organizations with a long standing relationship with
the university and are of lasting importance
iii. All other student organizations and special projects
B. Introduce Category 1 allocations for votes
a. SUB, DUTV, College Readership Program, The Mirror, KDRU
C. Introduce Senator GPA Resolution
a. Next GA vote on adding a senator GPA requirement.
* Natasha moves to adjourn, Kaitlyn seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 9:03pm ***
Student Government General Assembly
Minutes March 6th, 2014, 8:15 p.m. Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Jay Gulshen
Roll Call
Absent: Matt Fry, Kayla Nichols
Late: Avery Smith, Chase McIntosh
EC Reports
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Ms. Kaitlyn Pearson
a. Meeting got moved to this coming Monday because of snow day
b. New organizations to deal with
c. Moving forward with last years survey results, alcohol prevention
plans, food labeling in commons
d. Discussing holding a forum in near future
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lauren Bicknell
a. AAC meeting was cancelled, no updates
b. Focusing on Blackboard grades
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Juan Franco
a. No report
D. Vice President of Finance Ms. Cristina Todea
a. $13,529.79 in account
b. Allocations tonight
c. Total requested $11,000
d. Transfer fees coming in soon about $15,000 = $30,000 total
E. Vice President of Communication Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. No report
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Trey Norris
a. Technology department met today to discuss classroom technology.
Prototype has been accepted- moving toward making a new room
in Burnham 103 based off of prototype.
b. Working with Jay to set up next general assembly in Shewmaker
217 to look at new classroom technology
c. Brief discussion on blackboard, continuing push to utilize
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Ted Boland
a. Monday Matt and I will have a meeting with Ron Cushman, to
discuss recycling bins
H. Advisor Mr. Matt Battaglia
a. A lot of you know the University is doing a huge planning processStrategic Enrollment Plan. Some students on SGA are involved.
Enrollment is down, 16 month timeline, 6 different committees:
marketing, admissions, financial aid, retention.
Getting the University on the right track.
b. Most of your work is going to be accomplished in-between the
I. President Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. This time kind of seems like downtime, but this is the time to do a
lot of work outside of meetings- accomplish committee goals
b. Housekeeping- today is picture day!
c. Drove to winter retreat, those checks for gas reimbursement are
ready in the business office
d. EC has been working on a protocol for resolutions, get a better
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Ms. Brooke Hickman
V. Open Discussion
A. None
VI. New Business
A. Natasha moves to take a Recess, Juan seconds. Motion Passes.
B. Mentor/Mentee Program
C. Allocations:
a. Evan moves to allocate $600.00 to the Breech Student Ambassadors,
Abbi seconds.
1. Motion Passes.
b. Chase moves to allocate $150.00 to the Drury Summonors, Evan
i. Motion Passes
c. Evan moves to allocate $7,174.15 to Drury Design Build, Vikas
i. Chris amends allocation to $6,350.00 reducing tools to $3,000,
Ted seconds.
1. Division, amendment passes. ii. Katie amends the
allocation to 6,150 taking out food on construction site,
Tyler seconds.
1. Amendment fails.
iii. Chase M. amends the allocation to $6,750.00 by adding $400 for
food for meetings, Vik seconds.
1. Division, amendment fails.
iv. Motion passes.
d. Cristina moves to allocate $2,000.00 to Lambda Pi Eta, Chase M.
i. Motion passes.
VII. Unfinished Business
* Chase moves to adjourn, Vikas seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 10:05pm ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
February 20th, 2014, 8:15 p.m. Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by Acting President of Student Government, Kaitlyn
Roll Call
Absent: Jay Gulshen, Megan Reidy, Kevin Daroga, Hannah Shirley
EC Reports
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Ms. Kaitlyn Pearson
a. Met with John Taylor on cords for graduation
b. SAC meeting this week
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lauren Bicknell
a. Met with Dr. Charles Taylor to duscyss Blackboard grades as well
as AAC and it went well and going to have another meeting next
b. Haven’t had time to meet with Jenay yet to discuss tutoring center.
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Juan Franco
a. Meeting with inclusion council recently. Working on a diversity
week, more details to come
D. Vice President of Finance Ms. Cristina Todea
a. Budget = 20,382.03
b. Transfer fees expected to be $15,000
c. Taking back $ from inactive organizations
d. 13 groups tonight- finance committee has worked out to make this
E. Vice President of Communication Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Email me if you cannot come to meetings
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Trey Norris
a. Working on having a GA in the interactive classroom
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Ted Boland
a. Last Monday 2/10 met with Matt Dr. Manuel and Ron Cushman to
look at projects that will take place in the near future
b. New recycling bins for fraternity housing and dorms
H. Advisor Mr. Matt Battaglia
a. Issue on campus with students not receiving emails. Report all
issues to tech services. Affected important things.
b. Housing- cost went down for first time in a while. Trying to be
sensitive to housing policy. Any questions see me or stop in
housing office.
I. President Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. This Saturday EC will be meeting with Dr. Manuel
President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Ms. Megan Reidy
a. No Report
Open Discussion
A. None
Unfinished Business
A. None
New Business
A. EC decided to bring back senator of the bi-week
a. Abbi and Megan
VIII. Allocations
A. Vikas moves to allocate $1,397.29 to the Ad/PR Club, Chase seconds.
a. Motion Passes
B. Chase M. moves to allocate $1,679.94 to Alphi Psi Omega, Chase seconds.
a. Motion Passes
C. Chase M. moves to allocate $625 to VisCom, Vik seconds.
a. Natasha moves to postpone the allocation until we get a timetable
stating their fundraising goals, Juan seconds.
i. Motion Passes
D. Chase S. moves to allocate 170.18 to Delta Mu Delta, Vikas seconds.
a. Motion passes
E. Swapnaneel moves to allocate 1,967.52 to Panther Debate, Vikas seconds.
a. Juan moves to amend the allocation to 1,855.02, Chase seconds.
i. Motion fails.
b. Motion Passes
F. Swapnaneel moves to allocate 1,297.84 to DU SoundworX, Chase seconds.
a. Motion Passes, Avery Abstains
G. Kaylee moves to allocate $350 to Habitat for Humanity, Tyler seconds.
a. Motion passes.
H. Evan moves to allocate $1, 045.42 to Mu Theta, Corey seconds.
a. Motion passes.
Evan moves to allocate $0 to Anime Club, Chase M. seconds.
a. Motion passes
VIkas moves to allocate $0 to College Republicans, Tyler seconds.
a. Motion Passes
K. Juan moves to allocate $0 to Synthesis, Natasha seconds.
a. Motion Passes
L. Vikas moves to allocate $241.89 to Think Green, Matt seconds.
a. Motion passes
M. VIkas moves to allocate $1,536.56 to Rock Climbing Club, Ted seconds.
a. Trey moves to appeal the allocation to $1,518.08, Chris seconds.
i. Motion fails
b. Motion passes
* Lauren moves to adjourn, Avery seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 10:08pm ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
February 6, 2014, 8:15 p.m. Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Jay Gulshen
Roll Call
Absent: Corey Marquardt, Kayla Nichols
Late: Jay Gulshen
EC Reports
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Ms. Kaitlyn Pearson
a. First SAC meeting last Monday
Approved Drury Fly Fishing Club
ii. Tabled two organizations
iii. Next meeting we are talking with Craig from the
Library to extend hours, Valery from Bookstore to
discuss ordering options, possibly meeting with
Chef Grant to talk about labeling food allergies in
the commons
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lauren Bicknell
a. AAC is discussing when seniors should be given their finals: week
of finals week or week before
b. Tutoring Center- Jenay is working on a place for the center
i. Only one tutor at the moment, need more tutors
1. $8/hour 5hours/week
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Juan Franco
a. Welcome!
b. Inclusion is working with Student Affairs
c. Assigning projects to committee
D. Vice President of Finance Ms. Cristina Todea
a. $107.34 in our account right now
b. Receiving transfer fees before allocations
c. 16 groups submitted budget requests
i. 5 groups need to get approval
E. Vice President of Communication Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Email me if you are going to miss any meetings!
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Trey Norris
a. Talked with Technology department and Vice President of tech
about what goals the departments are going toward. Trying to
create a standard for technology
b. Working on creating a way for departments to video tape
i. 1 prototype, going to build off of that
c. Discussed with Gary Swadley about implementing Blackboard on
campus. Going to work with Academics and Student Affairs.
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Ted Boland
a. Throwing around ideas for what projects to work on campus
b. Meeting with Matt, Ron Kushman and Dr. Manuel on possible
sustainability projects
H. President Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Sorry for being late. Making brownies next week. Two for each
b. Retreat went well!
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Ms. Brooke Hickman
a. Taking over Brooke’s responsibilities to do some events
B. Megan Reed Homecoming
a. Working on the flat after meeting!
b. Tuesday quarter zips will be given out
c. Gladiators- Matt Fry and Kaylee Mathaison
d. Photo Booth- 10:30am Juan Franco volunteers, Jay Gulshen,
11:30 – whenever: Jin Chang, Christian Holzer
Open Discussion
a. Greek Life Office is looking to charge groups who use the Hoblit Suite.
VI. New Business
A. Faculty Awards Committee
a. Megan Reidy
B. SEP subgroup to take over Jacob Carlew’s spot
a. Kevin Daroga
VII. Unifinished Business
A. None
* Juan moves to adjourn, Vikas seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm ***
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