
Student Government General Assembly Minutes April 11 , 2013, 8:15 p.m. Hoblit Suite

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Student Government General Assembly Minutes April 11 , 2013, 8:15 p.m. Hoblit Suite
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
April 11th, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Ryan Demore, Megan Green, Aislyn Hamblett, Erin Love, Pearson
Mongomery, Jenn Velten, Jay Gulshen
Late: Vikas Jagwani,
III. EC Reports
A. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. Tutoring center did not get funded by budget committee
b. Met with Dean Julian today, discussed Nel/Net: financial service
program for tuition payments. Tuition payment has been a concern.
Nel/Net will not be an option; we will be switching to this program.
c. Drury Athletics Parade on April 19th downtown. SGA will present
awards to the teams.
d. Two new senators: Ashley, sophomore senator; Heather: senior
e. Saturday EC met with incoming President, Dr. Manuel.
i. Max will be working with him over the summer.
B. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. Met with Broney club president, going to present at next SAC
b. Meeting with Club ñ
c. Voting on new opporational documents between Student Affairs
office and committee
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen
a. AAC did not meet because of Engaged Learning Day
b. In the process of finalizing petition
D. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. Climate Survey is up on mydrury to see the results
b. This summer the PCI is going to install an elevator in Burnham hall
and making a new men’s restroom.
c. Looking at Clara Thompson and Breech to install elevators
E. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Express Yourself
i. Looking at cancelling event due to lack of participation
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. Minutes are up to date
b. Fill out senator profiles
c. Based off of student forum, MyDrury and Blackboard want to be
i. Working with director of tech services to see if we can make
that happen
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. PCS had a meeting today
i. Finalizing details for Earth Day
ii. Adopt-a-tree idea meting with Mr. Fern from grounds.
iii. Met with Summitt CA- prize for sustainability annitiative
iv. Butterfly gardens
v. Earth Day- sustainabile businesses to come out. Eco-score:
vi. Art of Space looking at how to recycle the wood used at Earth
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Mr. Austin Seaborn
a. absent, no report
V. Unfinished Business
A. None
VI. New Business
A. HigherOne Sub-Committee Draft Resolution
a. Sara makes a friendly amendment to strike line 22; friendly
amendment passes.
b. Tyler moves to vote on the HigherOne Sub-Committee Draft
Resolution; motion passes.
c. Resolution passes; now reads
B. Student Activities Office New Student Group Procedure
a. Documents accepted
C. Champions Recognition Draft Resolution
a. Parker moves to amendment line 17 to: That the Student Government
Association presents a letter of congratulations to each program on
i. Amendment passes
b. Champions Recognition Draft Resolution passes.
VII. Open Discussion
* Chase moves to adjourn, Sara seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 8:53***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
March 27th, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Kevin Daroga, Ryan Demore, Brooke Hickman, Vikas Jagwani,
Parker LiaBraaten, Jordan Mason, Juanes Mateus, Pearson Montgomery,
Austin Seaborn, Jenn Velten,
Late: Megan Green, Jacob Carlew
III. EC Reports
A. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. What is an acceptable absence
b. SUB will end with $7,606.83
c. KDRU is working on license
d. The Mirror don’t anticipate on having any remaining funds.
B. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. SAC meeting next Tuesday
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen
a. Discussing credit hour limit for past 2 weeks
b. Looking at hours for each major
D. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. IC meeting will be tomorrow
b. Climate Survey results next week
E. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Allocation for subsidiaries are coming up this semester
F. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Student Forum next Thursday, April 4th
G. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. Senator Profiles please fill out!
H. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. Working on becoming official
b. Working on Earth Day
I. Advisor Ms. Katrina Valera
a. No update
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Mr. Austin Seaborn
a. Everything is going on schedule
V. Unfinished Business
A. Attendance Policy Bylaw Amendment
a. Amendment approved
B. Vice President of Diversity Amendment
a. Amendment approved
C. Alpha Psi Omega Allocation
a. Chase moves to approve the allocation of $6,950 to be taken out of our
account next fall, Jacob seconds.
i. Motion passes
VI. New Business
A. None
VII. Open Discussion
A. None
* Chase moves to adjourn, Jacob seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 8:42 ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
March 14, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Kevin Abernathy, Jacob Carlew, Kevin Daroga, Eric Foster, Aislyn
Hamblett, Brooke Hickman, Isaac LeBlanc, Lindsay Lehmen, Parker
LiaBraaten, Erin Love, Chase McIntosh, Pearson Montgomery, Megan Reidy,
Jandui Reyes, Hannah Shirley, Christina Todea
III. EC Reports
A. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. Met with Dean today, going to create a report of what SGA has done
in the 2012-2013 school year for board of trustees.
B. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. Absent
C. Senator on Academic Affairs Committee Mr. Tyler Cowley
a. AAC is looking at placing maximum number of hours within each
b. Presenting next month
D. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. Presiden’ts council of inclusion is increasing student members
i. President of ICA
ii. President of Multicultural club
b. Climate Survey
i. Upload but having technical difficulties
ii. After Spring Break
E. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Allocation
b. Working on restructuring ideas and working toward audits and
F. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Working with Dr. Groves on Express Yourself
b. Getting Student Forum together
G. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. Minutes are up to date
b. Minutes from SAC are up-to-date
c. Form for senator profiles to put on website and Facebook
H. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. Earth Day- adopt a tree
b. Campus improvement priority list
c. Finance structure of PCS; no more gifts from president due to budget
d. Ideas for improving recruitment- green campus
e. Worked on questions for survey
I. Advisor Ms. Katrina Valera
a. Attended a webinar last Friday
b. Alcohol EDU is very expensive; we are not going to use it
c. Looking into other programs
d. Met with GA who will be meeting with SGA
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Mr. Austin Seaborn
a. Tuition Free Day- April 11; 11pm-1pm at the Kellogg Green Space
b. Senior Class party April 12; Martin Alumni Center
c. Annual senior celebration dinner May 16; 6:30-8:30 place TBA
d. Graduation on 18th
a. Met with Brian Shipman
b. Most up-to-date studio equipment
c. Working on expanding program
d. Video about Allocations coming soon
C. Student Union Board
a. Financial status is good
b. $20,000 left; project to end around $8,000
V. Special Reports
A. Drury 19th Annual Beaux Arts Ball Mr. Jacob Cordonnier
B. Voices Unbound Dr. Groves
a. Thank you for everything throughout the theme year
b. Volunteer DU third week in April
c. Semester end theme year show
1. Express yourself
2. All proceeds go to Volunteer DU
3. April 15th tryouts
VI. New Business
A. Allocation for Alpha Psi Omega
a. Did not meet quorum; cannot vote
B. VP of Diversity Bylaw Amendment
a. Discussion
b. Voting next election
C. Natasha motions to discuss the Attendance Bylaw Amendment
a. Discussion
VII. Open Discussion
A. Keeping live tweeting professional
B. Academic Affairs wrote petition to get students to sign to put grades up on
* Tyler moves to adjourn, Jordan seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 9:00***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
February 28, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Desirae Fowler, Brooke Hickman, Jandui Reyes, Christina Todea
III. Minutes approved
EC Reports
A. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. MSU grad student will be joining us, he is studying our allocation
b. Talked to Matt Battaglia about having three different types of funding
i. Subsidiaries
ii. Special projects
iii. Student groups
Going to create formal process for funding
c. Identity theft has been taken care of. Don’t be afraid to use your card
B. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. Met with group that was tabled. Being presented next SAC meeting.
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen
a. AAC discussed looking at credit hours for each major
i. Hours are extremely varied
ii. Working on creating structure to make the hours more
D. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. Climate Survey
i. Over 700 students participate in survey
ii. Inclusion council is interpreting the proportion
iii. Going to send out a summary next week
1. Exclusion of Female staff
2. Exclusion of female faculty
3. Hiring promotion
4. Staff/faculty relation
5. Racial climate
6. Student climate
E. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Allocations tonight
F. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Working on getting nametags
b. Pictures will be going up soon
G. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. Drury is looking at DCal on phones and push notifications, but it has
been scrapped.
H. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. Biweekly meeting was cancelled
I. Advisor Ms. Katrina Valera
a. Alcohol EDU is being looking into
b. Going to conference tomorrow
c. Grad student as MSU wants to do practicum at Drury SGA
IV. President’s Councils / Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Mr. Austin Seaborn
a. The leadership crash course went well. Positive feedback.
b. Were able to give senior class all materials
V. Special Allocations
VI. New Business
A. Allocations
a. ISA
1. Chase moves to allocate $3,497 to ISA, Juanes seconds. Motion
passes. Juanes and Neil abstain.
b. Mortar Board
1. Chase moves to allocate Mortar Board $1,595, Austin seconds.
Ryan moves to vote, Austin seconds. Motion Passes. $1,595 is
allocated to Mortar Board.
c. American Chemical Society
1. Ryan moves to allocate $3,877.63 to ACS, Austin seconds.
Ryan amends the motion of allocating $3,877.63 to $2,863.43,
Amendment passes. Tyler moves to table the motion, chase
seconds. Motion Passes.
d. Tutoring Center
1. Tyler moves to allocate $800 to the Tutoring Center, Vikas
seconds. Motion passes.
e. The Vine
1. Chase moves to allocate $604 to The Vine, Ryan seconds. Tyler
amends the motion from $604 to $445 , Vikas seconds. Ryan
abstains, motion passes.
Erin motions to reconsider the amendment, Motion passes.
Jacob moves to table until contact Treasurer Mr. Clive, Ryan
seconds. Motion Passes.
f. Pre-Health Professions
1. Vikas moves to allocate $500 to PHP, Jordan seconds. Motion
g. Alternative Spring Break
1. Parker moves to allocate $0, Vikas seconds. Lauren amends the
motion of $0 to $100. Amendment passes. Motion Passes.
**RECESS from 9:45 to 9:55**
h. Ryan moves to un-table the amendment to allocate $2,863.43 to the
American Chemical Society, Vikas seconds. Motion passes. Chase amends
the motion to state $3, 622.63, Ryan seconds. Amendment passes.
Motion passes, Chase and Tyler abstain.
i. Chase moves to un-table The Vine allocation, Ryan seconds. Motion
passes. Tyler moves to amend the amount from $604 to $445.
Amendment passes. Motion passes.
j. Drury VOX
i. Tyler moves to allocate $192 to Drury VOX, Chase seconds.
Neil amends the amount from $192 to $186.03, Amendment
Passes. Motion passes.
k. Student Advocates for the Arts
i. Vikas to allocate $7,500 to SAFA, Jordan seconds. Parker moves
to table this motion till the end of the allocations. Motion passes.
l. Art of Space
i. Chase moves to allocate $1,139.48 to AOS, Lauren seconds.
Motion passes.
m. Delta Mu Delta
i. Vikas moves to allocate $600 to Delta Mu Delta, Chase seconds.
ii. Jacob amends the motion from $600 to $450, Tyler seconds.
iii. Lauren amends the amendment from $450 to $300, Chase
seconds. Amendment passes.
iv. The motion to change $600 to $300 passes.
v. $300 allocated to Delta Mu Delta.
n. Sigma Tau Delta
i. Vikas moves to allocate $298.28 to Sigma Tau Delta, Ryan
seconds. Motion passes.
o. Panthers in Prevention
i. Vikas moves to allocate $150 to Panthers in Prevention.
Motion Passes
p. Drury Music Alliance
i. Vikas moves to allocate $1,607.23 to Drury Music Alliance,
Juanes seconds. Motion Passes.
q. Tyler motions to untable Student Advocates for the Arts allocation,
Jordan seconds. Motion passes.
i. Juanes amends to change to $4,575, Neil seconds. Lauren
motions to postpone the allocation for Student Advocates for the
arts. Motion failed.
ii. Amendment passes
iii. $4, 575 is allocated to Student Advocates for the
VII. Open Discussion
* juanes moves to adjourn, Chase seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 11:23 ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
February 14, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Lindsay Lehmen, Natasha Sanford, Jordan Mason, Brooke Hickman,
Lauren Bicknell, Aislyn Hamblett, Vikas Jagwani, Chase McIntosh, Kevin
Abernathy, Kevin Daroga, Desirae Fowler, Megan Reidy, Hannah Shirley,
Sara Hammond, Isaac LeBlanc, Erin Love, Austin Seaborn
EC Reports
A. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. We will not be doing allocations tonight
b. 3 open senator positions: 2 seniors and 1 junior
B. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. First SAC meeting today
i. 6 groups pending approval
1. SRT – more info needed
2. The Underground – more info needed
3. Panthers for Autism – approved, name change
4. Drury Improv Group – Approved
5. Food for though – approved
b. SAC meeting time still pending. 6 students in attendance
C. Senator of Academic Affairs Committee Mr. Tyler Cowley
a. Meeting pushed back to 8:40
i. Flatten classes to be equal and accommodate athletics
ii. MWF is best
iii. How many credit hours per degree including pre-requisites
iv. Flow chart per major to help streamline the graduation process
D. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. Core 103 add Diversity elements to this course, more elements to be
i. 1 hour per week; possibly add more
b. Climate survey
i. 420 pages
ii. Faculty experience of campus climate and conduct
iii. Post survey under my.drury.edu next week
iv. How do you feel about the campus climate?
v. Can survey students as well?
E. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Last day to submit allocation requests
i. $27,000 requested
ii. We have $11,000 before student fees, which are approximately
iii. Not everything can be requested, but we should be close
F. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. First PCS meeting – what should earth day look like?
i. 2nd or 3rd week of April
ii. What do students want to see in Earth day?
iii. Create a list of priorities of what the campus should be doing
b. Water usage competition, more engagement? Summit won last semester
i. Good prizes for participating in sustainability contest
1. Ideas for spring, zip cars?
c. DU Grounds wants to discuss landscaping on campus to improve
New Business
a. Garret Hurd is in DC this semester, he is a member of the Finance
b. HigherOne service for student refunds has been in legal issues with the
government for taking student fees from the refund.
i. Why did Drury switch to HigherOne?
c. Two bad checks from ThinkGreen and Tennis Club is pending
i. ThinkGreen was cleared today, Tennis Club is still pending
d. Allocations pushed back to next GA, February 28, 2013 due to lack of
i. Pending allocations can show up at 8:45pm.
e. Pictures will be taken at next GA
IV. Special Business
A. Senators of the Month
a. Parker LiaBraaten
b. Tyler Cowley
* Ryan Demore moves to adjourn, Tyler Cowley seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
January 31, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Sharri Bell, Isaac Le Blanc, Neil Chang, Jay Gulshen, Christina Todea
A. Approved
Remaining Budget: $11,000 before transfer fees
V. EC Reports
A. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. Retreat is Feb. 2, 10am – 2pm
B. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. SAC had their first meeting
i. Getting everyone’s schedules together, and set meeting.
ii. No student groups were present
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen
a. Academic Affairs Committee meeting Monday 12-1
D. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. Inclusion council will meet every second Tuesday of the month
E. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Absent
F. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Information Sheets
G. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. Updated Constitution, Bylaws on website
H. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. Heard from Wendy Anderson, Sustainability Council’s First meeting
will be on February 12, 2013 at noon.
I. Senior Class President, Brooke Hickman
J. Advisor Ms. Katrina Valera
a. Working with EC on Retreat
b. Roberts Rules
VI. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Austin Seaborne:
a. Feb 23rd, Reid Auditorium
b. Help with graduating seniors
c. Etiquette luncheon first 35 seniors who RSVP = free
d. Brainstorming new ideas for gala
VII. Special Report
A. Discussion over Robert’s Rules of Order by Mr. Parker Liabraaten
B. Committee Selections
a. Student Affairs
d. Academic Affairs
e. Sustainability
*Sara Hammond motions to take a 5 minute recess, Tyler Cowley seconds*
**Motion Passes**
***Recess taken at 8:38, called back to order at 8:44***
VIII. Unfinished Business
A. None
IX. New Business
A. Bylaw Amendments
a. Attendance Policy
b. Diversity/Communications Liaisons
c. Mission Statement/Vision
X. Open Discussion
A. Retreat February 2nd, 2013
B. Meetings Conflicting with Holidays
a. Feb. 14th
i. Come with suggestions to next meeting
b. March 28th
i. Check calendars Wednesday March 27th at 8:15
* Austin Seaborne moves to adjourn, Sara Hammond seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 8:53 ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
January 24, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Brooke Hickman, Jenn Velten, Sharri Bell, Isaac Le Blanc
Late: Kevin Abernathy
EC Reports
A. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
B. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. Set up regular standing committee meeting times
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen
a. Figuring out meeting times
D. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. No report
E. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. We have about $15,000 transfer student fees
b. Spring allocations begin Feb. 12
F. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. If late, send email to [email protected]
G. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. No report
H. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. Figuring out standing committee meeting times
I. Advisor Ms. Katrina Valera
a. EC Retreat this Sunday 12-4 pm
b. Thurs. 31 next GA in Hoblit at 8:15
c. SGA retreat Sat. Feb. 2nd, 10am
Meeting minutes will be sent out prior to GA to be approved, and posted online.
GA Agenda will be posted online prior to each GA
III. President’s Councils
A. Student Affairs
B. Academic Affairs
C. Diversity
D. Finance
E. Communications
F. Technology
G. Sustainability
H. Finance
I. Senior Class President
IV. Special Orders
A. Bring Schedule
V. Old Business
Sustainability Council Amendment
VI. New Business
A. Student Fee
a. Currently $285, suggested raise to $295 1600 X 295 = 472,000
b. Discussion
Motion passes
VII. Open Discussion
* Max moves to adjourn, Austin seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 9:09pm ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
December 5th, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Jay Gulshen
Roll Call
Absent: Evan Johnson, Swapnaneel Nath, Kaylee Mathiason, Christian
Holzer, Tyler Lovewell, Kevin Daroga, Kayla Nichols, Hannah Shirley
A. Email contact info to Matt or Natasha
B. Info will be going out over break
C. Code of Ethics
D. Oath
* Chase moves to adjourn, VIkas seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm***
Academic Affairs: Drop policy; passed by faculty. No long drop-fail. Just drop = W
Cannot change faculty handbook until May. Possibly Impliment
early. Possibly changing core requirements. Grades on blackboard being pushed
back to Jan or Feb.
Katrina: Think about which committee you would like to be in. Decide during retreat
which will be next semester.
Max: SGA retreat planning.
Austin: Introduction
Austin motions to discuss and retable sustainability
Natasha seconds
Garret move to vote
Austin second
Motion passes
Garret moves to close
Austin seconds
Motion passes
Meeting closes at 8:56
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
November 21st, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Lauren Bicknell, Chase McIntosh, Aislyn Hamblett, Ashley Sivils, Eric
Foster, Parker LiaBraaten, Megan Reidy, Hannah Shirley, Jandui Reyes,
Late: Brooke Hickman, Natasha Sanford, Desirae Fowler, Katie Pearson,
III. EC Reports
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. Next SAC meeting on Monday, voting on Student Veteran
b. Will discuss later the results of the student survey
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen presented by Tyler
Cowley and/or Sara Hammond
a. Continuing discussion of credit hour requirements, what
organizations should be exempt
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. Library budget cut, Drury has raised money to fund library until the
end of calendar year
b. Students will keep their jobs until the end of the year
c. Vikas reports on Inclusion Council meeting
D. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Current budget summary: Net income stands at $11,781.11
b. $14,273.26 was found in accounts that have been inactive within the
last year, Jay will look at reclaiming at least some of that money if it
is found that the group no longer exists or will not use the money.
E. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. No Report
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. Will update files on SGA website so that all our current
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. No report
H. Advisor Mr. Matt Battaglia
a. No report
I. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. Discussions over proposal from administration for SGA to allocate
$30,000 to help fund the cost of database licenses used by the library
b. Discussion over new information regarding Drury Cheerleader’s
budget from Athletic Department - $!3,922
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Ms. Brooke Hickman
a. Brooke will be working with Chris to help Megan transition to her
new role
V. SGA Leadership Trip Presentations
a. Jay Gulshen – Attended presentations on how to effectively run a meeting and
Robert’s Rules of Order
b. Jacob Carlew – 364 students took survey, discussed items that students would
like to be available from Student Activities Office, what courses students would
like tutoring for, how students view advisor meetings, opinion on 8:00 AM class,
use of SGA website, use of FSC Downunder, suggestions for SGA in the future,
easier to read Budget Requirements,
c. Natasha
d. Tyler- advising sessions, Elections/voting- turn-out is twice what other
schools are. Suggested to do paper ballet as well as online. Set-up multiple
locations. General communication
e. Katie- communicating with the student body more effectively
f. Vikas- transition plans, creative retreats- more than 1,
VI. Open Discussion
A. Cristina Todea- Student Activities Office survey after Fall Break, added
questions about SGA allocation process.
How Simple do you find the allocation process?
a. (9) very simple
b. (32) Somewhat simple
c. (29) Neutral
d. (12) Not very simple
e. (5) Not simple at all
C. Is there anything you think should be added to the SGA allocation process?
a. See SAO Fall 2013 Student Leader & Campus Advisor Survey- SGA
D. Juanes wants to ask groups to include a brief explanation of the group
Max- Looking at things to approve is great for the next GA
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Draft Bylaw Amendment No. 2013.003 (Sustainability Committee
a. Amendment Passes
B. Draft Constitutional Amendment No. 2013.001 (VP of Diversity)
a. Amendment Passes
C. Draft Constitutional Amendment No. 2013.002 (Finance Reform)
a. Amendment Passes
VIII. New Business
A. Appoint CCPS Senator(s)
a. Curtis Vaugn
b. Ryan moves to vote, Jordan seconds. Motion fails.
c. Motion Fails. Tyler, Megan, & Ryan abstain. Not Appointed.
B. Megan moved to reconsider the cheerleaders budget, Garrett seconds.
* Ryan moves to adjourn, Jordan seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 9:53pm ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
October 24th, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Tyler Cowely, Eric Foster, Garrett Hurd, Pearson Montgomery,
Megan Reidy, Hannah Shirley,
Late: Jay Gulshen
III. EC Reports
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. EC is going to Dallas this weekend at the National SGA conference
b. Student survey results, started analyzing to get data
c. SAC- recently discovered our committee is known as the step-sister
of committees around campus. Going to rebrand, focusing on
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen presented by Tyler
Cowley and/or Sara Hammond
a. Talking about new Global Studies minor
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. Pretty big budget cut, library was cut over 110,000 not able to hire
any non-work study workers. Only have 5 workers, instead of 21.
Nothing is done now, but thinking about adjusting library hours.
Library does not have any money for electronic databases anymore,
looking into subscriptions. More detailed report next week
b. PCI decided to help the budget cut and give more money to the
general fund.
D. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Latest budget report- total of $19,000 remaining
E. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Volunteers to work in the commons
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. Jay Gulshen is president elect
b. EC election update- Katie, Natasha, Megan are winning. Academic
Affairs is 50/50. Sustainability Aislyn-33% Ted-66% Inclusion- Juan
66% Swapnaneel 33%
c. EC elections end tomorrow
d. Elections ask for student ID number, numbers are compared to active
student list. If number exists, and cannot assumed was entered as a
guess, it is valid.
e. 420 votes, 10% was discarded
f. Senator elections begin Monday, applications close at 5pm tomorrow
g. Lots of spots left! Fill one out!
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. Bylaw amendment tonight
H. Advisor Mr. Matt Battaglia
a. The Barber Fitness Center will transition to the Student Affairs
Division under Campus Recreation. I foresee more attention to the
needs/wants of the students in regards to the management of the BFC
in the future. If anyone on SGA has ideas or concerns, please contact
Andrea Battaglia.
b. There are other significant budget cuts across campus. Each
department is charged with determining how to best cut their budget,
but some things may affect students – such as student worker hours.
Many of you have probably heard about the Library cutting hours. I
have not heard anything “official,” but I have also heard about those
c. We are planning (and waiting approval) for no price increase in
Housing prices for the upcoming 2014-2015 year. This is the first
time in at least 8 years that there will be zero increase. I do not have
any information about meal prices as of yet.
d. Housing exemptions going forward, will be tightened for Drury
freshmen and sophomores. Drury recognizes the value of a
residential campus to the college experience and is an important part
of what the “Drury Experience” is all about. It will be expected that all
freshmen and sophomores to live on campus, with few exemptions.
e. There will be a Veteran’s Day Observance event on Veteran’s Day,
Nov 11 at 11am on the Armed Forces Plaza outside OFEC.
f. Officers – please turn in your binders to me by next Thursday, NOV
14th. This will allow a smooth transition.
g. I would like to work with the new President and EC to schedule EC
retreat ASAP
I. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. A lot of stuff to do tonight!
b. Congrats to Jay Gulshen!
c. Hope more people apply for senator positions!
d. Wait until Monday to announce the EC results
e. Concerning that 10% of votes had to be thrown out because they
weren’t valid IDs. If you are caught with voter fraud, your candidacy
will be thrown out immediately.
f. Open floor to Kaitlyni. News Editor of Mirror; senior comm. Student, senior seminar
project Decided to focus project on the redearship program.
Takes 6% of student funds, minimum of 25,000 per year. Ask
students what they thought, if they read, is still relevant. Sent
to all students, everyone had equal chance to take. Raw data
in report, at the end received 46 suggestions, comments.
Included popular.
ii. See report
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Ms. Brooke Hickman
a. Finished planning Senior class retreat with Courtney, invitations were
sent. The event is Wednesday, Nov. 20th at 5-10pm in the TSC.
b. Working with Alumni office to plan events for Spring
V. Open Discussion
A. Lauren- happy for behavioral science $ for conference
VI. Unfinished Business
A. None
VII. New Business
A. Resolutions
a. Sustainability Committee Bylaw Amendment
b. Draft Bylaw Amendment 2013.003
i. Sara yields time to President Max Byers
c. Draft Constitutional Amendment No. 2013.001
i. Sara friendly amends line 14: That the Constitution
of the Student Government Association is amended
to read:, accepted by Niel
d. Draft Constitutional Amendment No. 2013.002
i. Sara yields floor to President Max Byers
1. We will vote on these amendments next
B. Allocations
a. Drury ONE
i. Jordan moves to allocate $655.00 to Drury ONE, Chase
seconds. Motion passes.
b. Math and Computer Science Club
i. Chase moves to allocate 500.00 to Math and Computer
Science Club, Ryan seconds. Motion passes.
c. Drury Cheerleaders
i. Chase moves to allocate $15,897.20 to Drury Cheerleaders,
Curtis seconds.
1. Natasha moves to amend the allocation to $10,985.20,
Curtis seconds. Motion passes.
a. Jordan moves to amend the allocation to
$14,422.20, Chase seconds.
i. Division
1. Motion stands at $10,985.20.
2. Chase moves to open the floor to Tay
3. Chase moves to amend the allocation to $11,985.20
Jordan seconds, Motion passes.
a. Previous Question, motion passes.
4. Motion passes.
* Chase moves to adjourn, Katie seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 9:42 ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
October 10th, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Kevin Daroga, Jandui Reyes
III. Minutes
A. Chase moves to add $350.50 to set amount in Pi Alpha Thetas allocation,
Ryan seconds.
a. Motion passes
B. Match allocated totals
a. Motion passes
C. Jordan moves to amend the minutes to say the President opens the floor for
discussion, Chase seconds.
a. Motion passes
IV. EC Reports
Moves to
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. Waiting on next batch of student groups, waiting for paperwork
b. Living life and making sure Drury University is the best campus for
our students
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen presented by Tyler
Cowley and/or Sara Hammond
a. Meeting on Monday- biochem major has been accepted just needs to
be accepted by the faculty to be in the catalog
b. Ethics certificate was accepted as well- needs to be voted on by
c. Sara sent out emails to secretaries in various departments, received
some responses
i. Had hard time finding all secretaries information for every
ii. Let Sara know the secretary in your department
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. Working on campus operation for renovation
i. Trying to make it a long term goal
b. Trying to make Drury’s campus diverse.
D. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Just adjusted the allocation results. Update on current account
b. Next allocation meeting next GA. Working on that during next
committee meeting.
E. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Hope everyone had fun at Big Whiskey’s last week
b. Survey is going well- saving sweatshirts for elections
c. Public forum
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. Adding questions for the election process for EC
b. Can still run for a senate position afterwards
c. President, then EC, the Senate elections.
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. Dr. Manuel is getting feedback for new PCS structure
b. Trying to meet with him before the month is over
H. Advisor Mr. Matt Battaglia
a. Going to be involved in Finance committee meetings
I. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. A lot of stuff going on in my world
b. City council meeting
i. Discussed issues of human and civil rights in Springfield
1. Mayor has human rights committee, working toward
reducing issues
ii. Talking about have a student government liaison with city
1. Want to gain more input from students, since we are
most effected
iii. Inviting city manager to speak at next GA.
c. Met with Dean Julian on need for housing
i. Going to put a lot of effort into the public forum
d. Thanks for everyone’s hard work on the survey
e. Talked about changing the budget to have three columns instead of
two for adding things- gas, # of miles, cost, vehicles. It would make
the calculations easier.
f. Finance committee will be working on theoretical class structure if
we follow what our consultant presented.
g. Tutoring center- if you have been contacted you need to contact HRthey are beginning to hire tutors. Molecular bio, chem, organic
chem., econ, price theory.
h. Will be presenting to the Trustee meeting on our behalf, if you have
anything please let me know.
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Ms. Brooke Hickman
V. Open Discussion
A. None
VI. Unfinished Business
A. Drury Volunteer Core Allocation
a. Vikas moves to allocate 2,019.70 to DVC, Niel seconds.
i. Lauren moves to amend the allocation to $1,780.00, Chase
1. Motion passes
ii. Motion passes, $1,780.00 to DVC.
B. Outdoor Club Allocation
a. Jordan moves to allocate 6,130.00 to Outdoor Club, Chase seconds.
i. Chase moves to postpone until next GA, Garrett seconds.
1. Motion passes
C. The Vine
a. Chase moves to allocate $5,260.27 to The Vine, Jordan seconds.
i. Garrett moves to amend the allocation to $5,047.27, Vikas
1. Jordan moves to amend the motion to $4,535.25,
Curtis seconds.
i. Motion passes
ii. Chase moves to postpone the vine allocation, Garrett seconds.
1. Garrett moves to previous question, Ryan seconds.
a. Motion passes
iii. Motion passes.
D. Panthers for Autism Awareness
a. Chase moves to allocate $260.00 to Panthers for Autism Awareness,
Ryan seconds.
i. Motion passes
VII. New Business
A. Recycling Campaign Resolution
a. Will see next GA
* Chase moves to adjourn, Desirae seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
September 26th, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Parker LiaBraaten, Tyler Cowley, Desirae Fowler, Ryan Demore
Late: Vikas Jagwani
III. EC Reports
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. Connecting with Interns – welcome!
b. 8 new student groups to approve on Monday with standing
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen presented by Tyler
Cowley and/or Sara Hammond
a. Flow charts- some departments have them but are not in a prominent
i. Tyler sent email to chairs and didn’t get much feedback, going
to send another to secretaries.
ii. Working on PowerPoint for Intern retreat
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. Working with campus operation
i. Want to accomplish projects, but there are budget constraints
ii. Want to set priority list
1. Roof needs help
2. Internet is important, everyone uses it
3. AC can cool the system for Internet
4. Elevator and ADA restrooms cost up to $4000 so the
rest of the projects would be delayed
D. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. Allocations tonight- take our time
E. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Ordered cups and sunglasses for giveaways
b. Survey is going out October 7th-11th, going to sit in commonssignup.
c. Buzzocracy PR will start next week
d. Check the calendar for election dates
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. No report
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. Gathering SGA’s input on the restructuring of the President’s Council
of Sustainability
b. Meet with Dr. Manuel in the next couple weeks
H. Advisor Mr. Matt Battaglia
a. Allocations are the most visible form of student interaction SGA has
i. Pay close attention
b. Not in a financial crisis, just budget shortfall
I. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. Got my gavel!
b. The student survey is going out now, the research board has to
approve things given out to students, finally got back to us 2 weeks
ago. That will be going out on October 7th
c. Elections are coming up. If you plan on running for any position,
give us a heads up to help us prepare the elections
i. May split the President/EC elections
d. EC is having a meeting with Dr. Manuel tomorrow 4pm
e. Thank you for coming out to the installation events
f. Thank you to the finance committee
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Ms. Brooke Hickman
a. Meeting scheduled with Courtney swan tomorrow to finalize senior
class retreat
b. Tomorrow is last meeting for everyone to meet the Vice President of
Development and Alumni Relations
V. Open Discussion
A. None
VI. Unfinished Business
A. None
VII. New Business
A. Calendar has been reloaded onto Dropbox
B. Allocations
a. Campus Rec
i. Vikas moves to allocate 6,001.63 to Campus Rec , Chase
1. Jordan moves to amend the motion to 6,071.62 to
Campus Rec, Neil seconds. Amendment Passes.
a. Ryan moves to previous questions, motion fails.
2. Garrett moves to amend to $5,551.62 making a
change on $5 instead of $9. Motion passes.
3. Garrett moves to vote, Ryan seconds. Motion passes.
ii. Motion passes. $5,551.62 to Campus Rec.
b. Theme Year
i. Jordan moves to allocate $7,000 to Theme Year, Chase
seconds. Motion passes.
c. French Club
i. Vikas moves to allocate $1,190.00 to French Club, Ryan
1. Chase moves to vote, Ryan seconds. Motion passes
ii. Motion passes
iii. Amount amended to $695.28 due to previous balance
d. Think Green
i. Ryan moves to allocate $4,350.00 to Think Green, Garrett
1. Garrett moves to previous question. Motion passes.
ii. Motion passes
iii. Amount amended to $4169.69 due to previous balance
e. Drury Ultimate Men’s
i. Garret moves to open discussion on Drury Ultimate Men’s
allocation, Natasha seconds.
1. Max yields floor to Pearson.
2. Garrett moves to lay this on the table until further
information is gathered, Chase seconds. Motion passes.
f. Tau Sigma Delta
i. Ryan moves to allocate $2,800.00 to Tau Sigma Delta, Jordan
seconds. Motion passes.
g. American Chemical Society
i. Vikas moves to allocate $6,629.54 to American Chemical
Society, Jordan seconds. Motion passes.
ii. Amount amended to $6,430.49 due to previous balance
h. Drury Music Alliance
i. Chase moves to allocate $1,873.70 to Drury Music Alliance,
Vikas seconds.
1. Jay opens to floor to the representative of DMA.
2. Vikas moves to table this motion until further research
on number of lockers eligible and needed, Jordan
a. Division. Hand vote
i. Roll Call vote. Motion passes.
i. Drury Allies
i. Pearson moves to allocate $2,822.14 to Drury Allies, Garrett
1. Chase moves to amend to 30 shirts instead of 35,
which would make the total $2,797.14, Ryan seconds.
Motion passes.
2. Motion passes
3. Amount amended to $2,374.36 due to previous
Club N
Chase moves to allocate $2,000 to Club N, Vikas seconds.
Motion passes.
k. International Student Association
i. Chase moves to allocate $5,224.79 to ISA, Ryan seconds.
1. Garret moves to amend to $4,556.32 based on
guidelines. Motion passes
2. Division
a. Motion passes
b. Amount amended to $5,224.79 due to previous
l. Pre-Health Professional Club
i. Jay moves to table allocation, Garrett seconds. Motion passes.
m. Sara moves to take a 5 min. recess, Jordan seconds. Motion fails.
n. Humanities Club
i. Vikas moves to allocate $1,630.00 to Humanities Club, Ryan
1. Garrett moves to amend line 20 to $150, Cristina
seconds. Motion passes.
2. Cristina moves to postpone until they are in good
standing with the student activities office, Garrett
seconds. Motion fails.
ii. Motion passes, $1,530.00 to the Humanities Club.
o. Natasha moves to take a 4 min recess, Jordan seconds. Motion fails.
p. Drury Music Alliance
i. Jacob moves to take off the Drury Music Alliance allocation
from the table. Motion passes.
ii. Motion passes
iii. Amount amended to $1,700.56 due to previous balance
q. Drury Ulitimate- Women’s
i. Ryan moves to allocate $5,634.55 to Women’s Ultimate, Vikas
ii. Chase moves to table until further clarification, Neil seconds.
Motion passes.
r. RLA
i. Vikas moves to allocate $9,856.33 to RLA, Ryan seconds.
Motion passes.
ii. Amount amended to $7,466.89 due to previous balance
s. Sigma Tau Delta
i. Jordan moves to allocate $200 to Sigma Tau Delta, Chase
1. Garrett moves to amend from $200 to $150 for
violation of guidelines, Natasha seconds. Amendment
ii. Motion passes
iii. Amount amended to $0 due to previous balance
t. Behavioral Science Club
i. Aislyn moves to allocate $4,000.00 to Behavioral Science
Club, Vikas seconds.
1. Jordan moves to amend to $8,198.65, Garrett seconds.
Amendment passes.
ii. Motion passes
iii. Amount amended to $8,093.59 due to previous balance
i. Christina moves to allocate $6,659.50 to AIAS, Jordan
seconds. Motion passes.
ii. Amount amended to $6,186.91 due to previous balance
v. The Vine
i. Aislyn moves to allocate $6,041.72 to The Vine, Vikas
1. Christina moved to postpone, motion passes.
w. Panthers for Autism Awareness
i. Aislyn moves to allocate $260 to Panthers for Autism
Awareness, Jordan seconds.
1. Vikas moves to postpone, Megan seconds. Motion
x. Ad/PR Club
i. Chase moves to allocate $200 to Ad/PR Club, Jordan seconds.
Motion passes.
y. Ceramics Club
i. Lauren moves to allocate $3,105.00 to Ceramics Club, Vikas
1. Ryan moves to amend the motion to $1,252.
a. Division called, Amendment passes.
ii. Division, Motion passes.
z. Natasha moves to take a 10 min recess to eat donuts, Ryan seconds.
Motion passes.
aa. Mortar Board
i. Jordan moves to allocate $1,465.00 to Mortar Board, Garrett
seconds. Motion passes.
ii. Amount amended to $0 due to previous balance
bb. Phi Alpha Theta
i. Garrett moves to allocate $1,340.98 to Phi Alpha Theta,
Jordan seconds.
1. Jordan moves to friendly amend the motion to
$937.06. Motion passes.
ii. Motion passes.
iii. Amount amended to $1,102.83 due to previous balance
cc. Pre-Law
i. Chase moves to allocate $3,241.00 to Pre-Law, Garrett
seconds. Motion passes.
dd. Outdoor Club
i. Pearson moves to allocate $7,464.00 to Outdoor Club, Jordan
1. Lauren moves to amend to $5,464.00, Katie seconds.
a. Garrett moves to table, Jordan seconds. Motion
ee. Students Against Slavery
i. Jordan moves to allocate $1,485.00 to Students Against
Slavery, Chase seconds.
1. Garrett moves to friendly amend to $1,331.48, Jordan
ii. Motion passes
iii. Amount amended to $502.36 due to previous balance
ff. Beta Beta Beta
i. Garrett moves to allocate $825 to Beta Beta Beta, Chase
1. Jordan moves to friendly amend to $750, Garrett
ii. Motion passes
iii. Amount amended to $0 due to previous balance
gg. Multicultural Club
i. Lauren moves to allocate $6,830.52 to the Multicultural Club,
Garrett seconds.
1. Jordan moves to friendly amend the total $6,230.52,
Lauren accepts. Motion passes.
ii. Motion passes
iii. Amended to 5853.54 due to beginning balance./msb
hh. Smart Mob
i. Garret moves to allocate $3,086.32 to Smart Mob, Lauren
seconds. Motion passes.
ii. Amount amended to $1086.32 due to previous balance/msb
ii. Jordan moves to un-table the allocation for Drury Men’s Ultimate,
Garrett seconds. Motion passes.
1. Jacob moves to allocate $5,057.17 to Men’s Ultimate,
Chase seconds. Motion passes.
jj. Jordan moves to take off the table the Drury Women’s Ultimate
allocation. Motion passes.
i. Garret moves to amend the total to $4,634.55, Jordan
seconds. Motion passes.
kk. Jordan moves to take off the table the Pre-Health Professions club
allocation, Garrett seconds. Motion passes.
i. Garrett moves to allocate $1,474.74, Jordan seconds. Motion
ii. Amount amended to $1,589.48 due to previous balance
ll. Garrett moves to count anyone absent who left early without
informing Natasha, Max, or Jacob tonight, Chase seconds. Motion
VII. Open Discussion
A. None
* Jordan moves to adjourn, mutual seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 12:14AM ***
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
March 27th, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
I. Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max
II. Roll Call
Absent: Jacob Carlew, Neil Chang, Natasha Sanford, Aislyn
Hamblett, Cristina Todea, Kevin Daroga, Desirae Fowler, Ryan
Demore, Heather Brownley
Late: Jay Gulshen, Garrett Hurd
III. EC Reports
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. no report
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen
presented by Tyler Cowley and/or Sara Hammond
a. Ethics certificate through dept
b. Discussed finalizing Bio Chem major
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. no report
D. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. budget projection- (saving money for sunderland lights)
$186,000 for allocations
b. still using projected student fees (should be in shortly)
c. Alternative Spring Break Allocation to take place tonight
E. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Cristina Drury Spotlight awards and Survey
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. internship applications close tomorrow
b. organization allocations ended today at 5pm
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. Dr. Manuel meeting, waiting until after installation to
restructure the council of sustainability, right now on
H. Advisor Mr. Matt Battaglia
a. Thank you to EC for retreat
b. New student armed forces groups
c. enrollment numbers are being finalized, will be
underbudget for day school and continuing studies
d. budget cuts will take place this year, 6 year in a row for
budget cuts
e. Most likely to be a highering freeze, Student employment
on campus may be affected
f. SGA on housing and housing renovation
I. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. Working with Gary Swadley on Technology Fee increase
b. Go to the presidents installation
c. Altering open discussion to go before unfinished business
from now on
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
Senior Class President Ms. Brooke Hickman
Today was the first visit of a VP candidate
Two candidates coming later this month
Meeting one: Tuesday sept 24 9:30am
Meeting two: Friday sept 27 12pm
Meeting one: Jay, Lauren will attend
Meeting two: Sara, Katie will attend
V. Unfinished Business
Resolution No. 2013.00- formalized resolution of the
Sunderland lights
As of now, SGA is saving $26,000 for sunderland
light project through this year and next
Motion has already been passed already
Tyler makes an amendment to resolution number
to -04
VI. New Business
A. We are having a social for SGA during a committee meeting, we
will be going to BrewCo, dinner will paid for, committees will
meet afterwards on the 19th (next Thursday) around 7pm
B. EC applications for next year open Oct 28-31
a. Elections will be Nov 4-8th close at 5pm
b. Leadership Conference Nov. 8,9,10
c. EC elect transition period Nov.11
d. Nov 11 general elections
Vote on constitution changes
ii. Senate elections
e. Applications for general elections probably the 4th
Courtney Swan- Alternative Break (Fall and Spring), can table
Spring if needed
a. Fall Break is to Memphis, TN
b. Heifer in Fall and Spring
c. Jordan moves to allocate $8,141 (Alternative Breaks),
second Vikas
d. Move to vote, Motion passes
e.Tyler moves to allocate $7,580 to Heifer International Trip,
second Chase
f. Move to Vote, motion passes
g.Total allocation for both Alternative Breaks and Heifer
International $15,721
D. Jordan moves to open discussion to Max Byers
a. Plan to offer tutoring for midterms
b. Total amount is $3840
c. Garret moves to approve resolution
d. Move to vote, motion passed
E. Garret moves to appeal resolution No. 2013-004
a. Since the school is in a financial crisis we should spend the
money on student groups
b. Jay $166,455.5 remaining for student groups, we never spend all
the money on student groups, not a conflict in shorting student
c. Lauren moves to repeal the resolution, previous question passes
d. The motion fails
VII. Open Discussion
A. No open discussion
* Garrett moves to adjourn, seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 9:15****
Student Government General Assembly Minutes
August 29th, 2013, 8:15 p.m.
Hoblit Suite
Meeting called to order by President of Student Government, Max Byers
Roll Call
Absent: Eric Foster, Megan Green, Erin Love, Heather Brownlee
Late: Jay Gulshen, Cristina Todea, Juanes
III. EC Reports
A. Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Jacob Carlew
a. Bowling went well.
b. Freshman Internship program deadline Sept. 13th
B. Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Lindsay Lehmen presented by Tyler
Cowley and/or Sara Hammond
a. First AAC meeting on Monday, set agenda for semester.
i. Limiting SSPC hours day school students can take.
C. Vice President of Diversity Mr. Neil Chang
a. Elevator in Burnham is not happening at the moment.
b. New director for Diversity committee
D. Vice President of Finance Mr. Jay Gulshen
a. $466,000 coming in new student fees; subtracting already spent =
b. Projected surplus of $20,000.
c. 20 audits completed, over 40 being processed
d. Sept 10th first budget due
e. First allocation is Sept. 26th
f. Not having financial handbook workshops this year
E. Vice President of Communications Ms. Natasha Sanford
a. Thank you for helping with bowling
F. Vice President of Technology Mr. Jordan Mason
a. Hope everyone had a great summer!
b. Updating financial things
c. Freshman Internship application is ready to go
G. Vice President of Sustainability Mr. Juanes Matheus
a. Working on quotes for priority list
H. Advisor Mr. Matt Battaglia
a. Stop by office FSC 110 and introduce yourself!
b. Plan on primarily working behind the scenes with officers, but don’t
hesitate to ask for help.
I. President Mr. Maximillian Byers
a. Met with Dr. Manuel, talked about sustainability and tutoring,
campus wide goals
b. Met with Jay and MSU student, going to present to EC and Finance
committee about the financial structure of our SGA.
c. Tutoring center is kicking off around mid-terms: free tutoring for
Organic chem., biology, and stats.
i. Suggestions on classes please let me know
d. Met with Dean Julian today, going to address some things we
discussed. Matt Miller- interested in re-doing Barber Fitness center so
it is only athletes. Non-athletes would go to Cox North.
e. Technology fee raised to $500
f. Tyler Cowley- estimate is now $130,000 for lights, alumna are
raising $80,000 instead of $50,000
IV. President’s Councils/Subsidiaries
A. Senior Class President Ms. Brooke Hickman
a. Meeting with Chris from Alumni development, planning events for fall
and spring
b. Meeting with Courtney to discuss an event for the fall
V. Unfinished Business
A. None
VI. New Business
A. Calendar- please come to the President’s Installation Events. These are not
mandatory but your presence is very important.
B. Assign SGA members to miscellaneous Faculty-Staff Committees
a. Honorary Degree Committee- Vikas, Desirae
b. Promotion and Tenure- Jacob Carlew
VII. Open Discussion
A. Jacob will be sending out the application for the internship program, would
like feedback on goals and duties for the new interns.
B. There is no elevator in Burnham because facilities had to deal with multiple
unplanned maintenance issues.
C. Brooke is serving on the committee for finding a Vice President of Alumni
and Development. The candidates are coming for a campus visit, hiring in late
September, then will have a meeting with the students.
D. Monthly spotlight awards from Student Activity office wants to have SGA
nominate people from the Student Body.
a. Sub committee work with Student Activities
b. Each month someone nominates a person. At the end of the year in
May, the president picks one person to get an award at a ceremony.
c. Trying to make process better and gain more awareness.
* Garrett moves to adjourn, Vikas seconds *
**Motion Passes**
***Meeting adjourned at 9:01 ***
Fly UP