On the Canonical Correlation between Stock Right Structure and
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On the Canonical Correlation between Stock Right Structure and
On the Canonical Correlation between Stock Right Structure and Corporate performance,Agency Costs ZHANG Xin 1, SONG Li 2 1 School of Management, Shenyang University of Technology, P.R.China, 110023 2 Schools of Management, Shenyang University of Technology, P.R.China, 110023 、 Abstract: This paper researches the correlation of stock-right structure and corporate performance agency costs by means of canonical correlation analysis, based on the principle of major constituent analysis. We choose listed corporations in China as the sample of positive analysis. The result shows that Degree of Stock-right Concentration and Degree of Stock-right Restriction are the main factors to affect corporate performance and agency costs from the side of stock-right structure. Key words: agency costs, canonical correlation, corporate performance, stock-right structure 1 Introduction Currently, the weak corporate performance and high agency costs are influencing the development of Chinese corporations greatly. Hence, researching the influencing factor of corporate performance and agency costs is an important issues cared by learners and experts. In this paper, the stock-right structure influencing corporate performance and agency costs is analyzed simply, by means of canonical correlation analysis. 2 Document reviewed As to the correlation research of stock-right structure and corporate performance, the unitary conclusion can’t be gained presently. The researchers at home SUN Yong-xiang and HUANG Zu-hui (1999) considered that the corporate stock-right structure owning appropriate and the shareholders who control stock-right relatively and other large shareholders benefit business incentive purchase and merger competition of agency power and strategy of control, after examing the relation between the proportion of the first shareholder in the total stock and Tobin’s Q, and they found that the performance of corporation owning this stock-right structure is best[1]. DU Ya-jun and ZHOU Ya-ping(2004) drew the conclusion that there is a weak negative correlation between the proportion of stock owned by state Degree of Stock-right Concentration and corporate performance[2]. Miguel C(1985) found that Degree of Stock-right Concentration and corporate performanc have no correlation[3]. S.Prowse(1995) found that the banker ,as the large shareholder of listed corporation in Japan and German, didn’t functionate significantly in corporate governance[4]. Researchers of the correlation of stock-right structure and agency costs, both at home and abroad, have gained a large number of achievements: Sung (1994) pointed it out that the inside stock-right proportion in corporations affected agency costs[5]. Ang (2000) and others considered that the amount of stocks owned by managers was in connection with the motive of reducing agency costs, so the proportion of stocks owned by managers had influence on agency costs[6]. GONG Jing (2004) researched by means of multiple regression analysis and found that raising the proportion of stocks owned by the first several shareholders drove these shareholders to restrict each other so that the agency costs between the holding shareholder and others are reduced. She also found that raising the proportion of stocks owned by managers especially that by presidents or introducing the excellent foreign shareholders could reduce agency costs between managers and shareholders [7]. Known from the above documents, there are two conclusions, correlation and independence, on stock-right structure affecting corporate performance. And more, each conclusion is supported by many learners. And on stock-right structure affecting agency costs, the researchers at home mainly attach emphasis to inefficient supervision and asymmetry of information as a result of the absolutely high 、 、 、 1133 proportion of stocks owned by state and juridical person, while the researchers abroad put emphasis on the influence of the inside stock-right in corporation or the proportion of stocks owned by managers on agency costs. At the same time, the above documents show that the general correlative analyzes or regression analysis is adopted mainly in positive research. These two methods emphasise a single index variable affecting the other and a group of index variables affecting a single index varible. However, there are so many index variables reflecting the essential of stock-right structure and corporate performance agency costs, that single index variables are not enough to draw an all-sided conclusion. So canonical correlation ---an analytic method involving two groups of index variables---is adopted to research correlation of stock-right structure and corporate performance agency costs in this paper. And we expect to obtain a more reasonable and exhaustive explanation. 、 、 3 Fundamental principle of canonical correlation analysis Canonical Correlation Analysis is a method that researches correlation between two groups of index variables. In detail, it turns the correlations between two groups of variables to two new variables, at the same time the primitive information is not discarded. This method is brought forward by Hotelling originally, and its basic principle is to reduce dimensions. That is to say, in terms of correlation of variables, we search after one or a few synthetical variable couples to take place of the primitive variables, so that correlation between two group of variables is concentrated on correlation of a few couple of synthetical variables. The condition of extracting those variable couples is that the correlation of the first synthetical variable couple is the most conspicuous, the second is weaker than the first, and other couples in turn. These synthetical variables are called canonical variables, and the correlation coefficients of the first couple of canonical variables are called the first canonical correlation coefficient. Generally, 1~2 couples of canonical variables are adequate to summarize the information of samples. The correlation between many index variables and others exists in a lot of ecomonic phenomenon, and canonical correlation analysis is just fit to explain this kind of case, so it has a spacious prospect to be adopted extensively in the positive analysis. Then, we choose this method to research the correlation between stock-right structure and corporate performance agency costs by the statistical analysis software——SPSS11.5 in this paper. 、 、 4 canonical correlation analysis on stock-right structure and corporate performance agency costs At present, the main feature of Chinese listed corporate stock-right structure is: the Proportion of stocks owned by state and juridical people is high, and control stock-right absolutely. The first shareholder is state in most situations and the Degree of Stock-right Concentration is high, while the other shareholders own less stock, that makes they difficult to control and constraint the first shareholder. So stock-right distribution the Degree of Stock-right Concentration and Degree of Stock-right Restriction can be the analysis base of stock-right structure. Corporate performance means the value and business performance and efficiency of corporation, and it reflects the business effictiveness and is reflected by means of a single or a group of financial index variables generally. In recent years, the research at home or abroad adopt the rate of net capital earning, the rate of Tobin’s Q and the rate of Main operation proceeds earning as the evaluation criteria of corporate performance. The rate of net capital earning most reflects corporate value in current circumstance, and is fit to crosswise comparison in corporations. And it can be showed as formula: the rate of net capital earning = (net eaning÷shareholder’s interest at the end of the year) ×100%. In this paper, Tobin’s Q equals to specific value between the sum of corporate market value and debt and the total capital, in which the corporate market value is the sum of the value of corporate stock and bond. In the side of corporate agency costs, Ang and others considered to use Management Fee Ratio Operation Expenses Ratio, Financial Expense Ratio and Total Capital Velocity to measure agency costs, but LV Chang-jiang, a professor of accounting in Jilin University, argued that Financial Expense Ratio includes net expenditure of interest, exchange 、 , 1134 loss , correlative handling fee and so on, which are not related to agency costs essentially, so it should be deleted. Hence , Management Fee Ratio Operation Expenses Ratio and Total Capital Velocity are chose as the index variables in this article. From above, three groups of indexes are showed as Tab.1. , Tab.1 Index varibles CODE X1 NAME TR: Proportion of stocks owned by state and juridical people CR5: Degree of X2 Stock-right Concentration FORMULA INTERPRET SS + CS TR = TS 5 ∑S i=1,2,3,4,5 CR 5 = X3 Y1 Rate of net capital earning Y2 The rate of Tobin’s Q Y3 Rate of main operation proceeds earning Si i ∑S DR 5 = S1 i i=2 Si S1 i=2,3,4,5 : :Proportion of stocks owned by the ith shareholder i =1 5 DR5: Degree of Stock-right Restriction : : SS Proportion of stocks owned by state CS Proportion of stocks owned by juridical TS Total proportion of stock :Proportion of stocks owned by the first shareholder : Proportion of stocks owned by the ith shareholder Net profit/net capital Net capital: the sum of the stock owned by shareholders in corporation The market value of The market value of corporation: the sum of corporation + the total debt / the market value of the corporate stock and the total capital band Pprofit of main operatio proceeds/ the total capital The management fee / the main operation proceeds The operation expenses / the Z2 Operation Expenses Ratio main operation proceeds Z1 Z3 Management Fee Ratio Total Capital Velocity I ×2 TCV = TC P + TC F ( The agency costs The agency costs : TCV Total Capital Velocity I Main operation proceeds TCP Total capital at the beginning of year TCF Total capital at the end of year : : : ) In this paper, 50 listed state-owned corporations except for those by ST and PT are chose as backup samples. In order to guarantee the validity of data, and to eliminate the poor influence on the conclusion induced by abnormal samples, we delete some backup samples in light of the criterion as followed: 1. The corporations that Degree of Stock-right Concentration and Degree of Stock-right Restriction are ± 3 times of standard deviation more than mean of corresponding sample data respectively. 2. The corporations that Total Capital Velocity, Operation Expenses Ratio and Management Fee Ratio are ± 3 times of standard deviation more than mean of corresponding sample data respectively. Ultimately, 35 corporations are left as the essential samples in this paper. The corresponding data is obtained by looking up Data Base of GuoTaiAn and Annual Report of Listed Corporations in 2003. In this paper, x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3 z1 z2 z3 are made as three groups of corresponding index variables. After inputing the data to SPSS, we tidy it up and run the corresponding program .The ( 、 、 );( 、 、 );( 、 、 ) 1135 、 、 、 、 、 main results are : the analysis of the stock-right structure and corporate performance is exhibited in Tab.2 Tab.3 Tab.4 Tab.5; and the analysis of the stock-right structure and the agency costs is exhibited inTab.2’ Tab.3’ Tab.4’ Tab.5’. 、 Tab.2 Canonical Correlations 0.760 0.172 0.013 Tab.2’ Canonical Correlations 1 0.613 2 0.442 3 0.125 Tab.3 Test that remaining correlations are zero Wilk's Chi-SQ DF 0.409 18.309 9.000 0.970 0.619 4.000 1.000 0.004 1.000 Tab.3’ Test that remaining correlations are zero Wilk's Chi-SQ DF 0.495 21.478 9.000 0.792 7.110 4.000 0.984 0.480 1.000 Tab. 4 Standardized Canonical Coefficients for Set-1 1 2 3 0.229 0.243 -1.892 -1.204 -0.812 1.084 -1.101 0.520 -0.546 Tab. 4’ Standardized Canonical Coefficients for Set-1 1 2 3 0.475 -1.067 0.793 -1.574 0.571 -0.392 -1.032 1.186 0.384 Tab.5 Standardized Canonical Coefficients for Set-2 1 2 3 -0.240 -0.739 0.778 -0.338 -1.051 -0.540 -1.058 -0.026 -0.491 Tab. 5’ Standardized Canonical Coefficients for Set-2 1 2 3 0.482 -0.246 -0.886 0.257 1.006 0.093 -0.778 -0.005 -0.708 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y1 Y2 Y3 、 、 Sig. 0.032 0.961 0.952 Sig. 0.011 0.130 0.488 、 The result of the test of significance is exhibited in Tab.2 Tab.3 Tab.2’ Tab.3’. From Tab.3 and Tab.3’, we find the canonical correlation of the first variable couple is more notable (Sig.=0.032<0.05 and Sig.=0.011<0.05 ) than other two couples, which tell that the first canonical variable couple is significant in statistics. Hence, the first variables couple is chose as the analytical reference in this paper. From this point, we can know that the canonical correlation analysis is an adequate analytic method to research the correlation between stock-right structure corporate performance and agency costs. At the same time, the corresponding canonical correlation coefficients between two groups are exhibited in 、 1136 Tab.2 and Tab.2’, and the first canonical correlation coefficients is 0.760 and 0.613 respectively. The standardized canonical coefficients are adopted in the results, and the canonical correlation models of corporate performance and agency costs are exhibited in Tab.4 Tab.5 Tab.4’ Tab.5’. From these tables, we can know the first canonical variable of stock-right structure, respectively, is: P1= 0.475X1-1.574X2-1.032X3 Q1= 0.229X1-1.204X2-1.101X3 From the two formulas, we can know that the main influencing factors are X2 (Degree of Stock-right Concentration) and (Degree of Stock-right Restriction) , while X1(Proportion of stocks owned by state and juridical people) is less influential than those two. The first canonical variable of corporate performance is: U1= -0.24Y1 -0.338Y2 -1.058Y3 The formula indicates that the most main influencing factor of corporate performance is Y3 (Rate of main operation proceeds earning), and the second one is Y2(Tobin’s Q), and the last one is Y1(Rate of net capital earning ). The first canonical variable of agency costs is: V1= 0.482Z1 +0.257Z2 -0.778Z3 The formula indicates that the most main influencing factor of agency costs is Z3 (Total Capital Velocity), and the second one is Z1 (Management Fee Ratio), and the last one is Z2 (Operation Expenses Ratio). 、 、 、 5 Conclusion and analysis This paper chooses 35 listed corporations as samples, and adopts canonical correlation analysis to researches the correlation of stock-right structure and corporate performance agency costs. The result shows that Degree of Stock-right Concentration and Degree of Stock-right Restriction are the main influencing factors to affect corporate performance and agency costs from the side of stock-right structure. As known to everyone, the very high proportion of stocks owned by state is one of the most important questions in stock-right structure in our country currently. Therefore, to adjust Degree of Stock-right Concentration and Degree of Stock-right Restriction efficiently and optimize the stock-right structure is the available approach to heighten corporate performance and to reduce agency costs in our country. 、 Main reference [1] SUN Yong-xiang, HUANG Zu-hui. The Stock-right Struture and Corporate Performance in Listed Corporations. Economy Research, 1999(12). (in Chinese) [2] DU Ya-jun, ZHOU Ya-ping. The Correlation of The Stock-right Struture and Corporate Performance——The Positive Research of a Part of Chinese Listed Corporations. Management Science, 2004(2). (in Chinese) [3] Miguel C. Manjón Antolín, 1985: Un estudio empírico de la separación de la propiedad y el control en las sociedades bursátiles españolas (1989-1995)*, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. [4] Stephen D. Prowse, 1995: Corporate Control in Central Europe and Russia: Should Banks Own Shares?, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 1481. [5] Bae,Sung C.,Klein,Daniel P..Event Rish Bond Convenants,Agency Cost of Debt and Equity,and Stockholder Wealth.Financial Management,1994,23 4 28-40. [6] J.S.Ang,R.A.Cole,J.W.Lin.Agency Cost and Ownership Structure. Journal of Finance, 2000, 55 1 81-106. [7] GONG Jing, LIU Hong-yan. Research of Agency Costs of Our National Listed Corporations by Demonstration. Statistic and Decision-making, 2004 5 . (in Chinese) ( ): ( ): () 1137