
The Myth of the Superuser: Fear, Risk, and Harm Online

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The Myth of the Superuser: Fear, Risk, and Harm Online
The Myth of the Superuser:
Fear, Risk, and Harm Online
Paul Ohm∗
Fear of the powerful computer user, the “Superuser,” dominates debates
about online conflict. He is a mythic figure: difficult to find, immune to
technological constraints, and aware of legal loopholes. Policymakers,
fearful of his power, too often overreact by passing overbroad, ambiguous
laws intended to ensnare the Superuser but which are instead used against
inculpable, ordinary users. This response is unwarranted because the
Superuser is often a marginal figure whose power has been greatly
The exaggerated focus on the Superuser reveals a pathological
characteristic of the study of power, crime, and security online, which
springs from a widely held fear of the Internet. Building on the social
science fear literature, this Article challenges the conventional wisdom and
Associate Professor of Law and Telecommunications, University of Colorado
Law School. Thanks to Tim Wu, Orin Kerr, Phil Weiser, Julie Cohen, Pierre Schlag,
Brett Frischmann, Victor Fleischer, Miranda Fleischer, Viva Moffat, and Jean Camp
for their helpful comments. Thanks also for suggestions and support from
participants in the University of Colorado Law School Faculty Workshop, including
Clare Huntington, Nestor Davidson, Scott Peppett, Mimi Wesson, Amy Schmitz, Sarah
Krakoff, and Brad Bernthal; the Intellectual Property Scholars Conference; and the
Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. Thanks also to Todd Blair and
Michael Beylkin for outstanding research assistance.
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standard assumptions about the role of experts. Unlike dispassionate
experts in other fields, computer experts are as susceptible as laypeople to
exaggerate the power of the Superuser.
The experts in computer security and Internet law have failed to deliver
us from fear, resulting in overbroad prohibitions, harms to civil liberties,
wasted law enforcement resources, and misallocated economic investment.
This Article urges policymakers and partisans to stop using tropes of fear,
calls for better empirical work on the probability of online harm, and
proposes an Anti-Precautionary Principle — a presumption against new
laws designed to stop the Superuser.
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1329
I. THE SUPERUSER AND THE MYTH ............................................. 1332
A. The Superuser and the Myth Defined ............................... 1333
1. The Superuser........................................................... 1333
2. The Myth of the Superuser....................................... 1335
B. The Superuser and Online Conflict .................................. 1337
1. Music and Movie Piracy and DRM........................... 1338
2. Computer Security and Unauthorized Access ......... 1339
3. Surveillance .............................................................. 1340
C. The Myth of the Superuser in the Noncomputer World..... 1340
D. Dispelling the Myth of the Superuser ............................... 1342
1. Myth-Dispelling Studies and Statistics..................... 1343
2. Myth-Dispelling Anecdotes ...................................... 1345
3. Obvious Overstatements of the Risk........................ 1347
4. The Scope of the Claim ............................................ 1348
II. HARMS OF THE MYTH ............................................................. 1348
A. Overbroad Laws .............................................................. 1348
B. Unduly Invasive Search and Seizure ................................ 1353
C. Guilt by Association ........................................................ 1357
D. Wasted Investigatory Resources ....................................... 1358
E. The Myth and Legal Scholarship...................................... 1359
III. MYTH ORIGINS AND PERPETUATION ....................................... 1362
A. Myth Origins: Fear ......................................................... 1363
1. Fear ........................................................................... 1363
a. The Effects of Fear ............................................... 1363
b. Fear of the Internet............................................... 1364
2. Superusers in the Media ........................................... 1367
B. Myth Origins: Technology .............................................. 1370
1. Malleability, or the Care and Feeding
of Superusers ............................................................ 1370
The Myth of the Superuser
2. Misunderstanding “Code Is Law” ............................ 1372
3. The Truth About Code: Constraints, Not Endless
Possibility ................................................................. 1375
C. Myth Perpetuation: The Failure of Expertise................... 1377
1. Pervasive Secrecy...................................................... 1378
2. Everybody Is an Expert ............................................ 1379
3. Self-Interest............................................................... 1381
4. The Need for Interdisciplinary Work ...................... 1383
IV. PRESCRIPTIONS FOR MYTH AVOIDANCE .................................. 1384
A. Superuser Harm Is Not Global Warming ......................... 1384
B. Toward a New Empirical Foundation for Online
Debates............................................................................ 1385
1. A Moratorium on Suspect Rhetoric.......................... 1385
a. Mere Possibilities ................................................. 1385
b. Secondhand Information....................................... 1386
c. Secrecy................................................................. 1386
d. Undetectable Power.............................................. 1388
2. Improving the Empirical Foundation: Toward
Better Fact-Finding................................................... 1389
a. Better Using Facts ................................................ 1390
b. Using Better Facts ................................................ 1391
c. Discovering New Facts ......................................... 1393
C. The Anti-Precautionary Principle .................................... 1393
D. Two Additional Difficulties .............................................. 1396
1. Regulating Actual Superusers................................... 1396
2. Regulating Prometheus: The Problem of Script
Kiddies...................................................................... 1399
CONCLUSION..................................................................................... 1401
In 1992, a hacker accessed a computerized telephone switch in
Worcester, Massachusetts.1 He shut off phone service to the local
airport and disabled the runway landing lights.2 Over the past decade,
a young Norwegian man named Jon Johansen has rankled the movie
and music industries by repeatedly picking their “unbreakable” copyprotection software locks.3 In 2001, a Russian hacker named Alexy
See infra text accompanying notes 40-43.
See infra text accompanying notes 40-43.
See infra text accompanying note 36.
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Ivanov broke into computer systems across America, stealing
thousands of credit card numbers.4
These three people have done things with computers that most
people could not even begin imagining how to do. They are people
locked in struggles against opposing factions who regard them and the
power they wield as grave threats. The Department of Homeland
Security worries about the airport hacker; content owners fear the lock
picker; and privacy advocates and business executives fret over the
credit card number thief. A mythology has arisen around these people
and countless others like them, whose stories have been repeatedly
retold in the news, the halls of Congress, and the pages of law reviews.
These stories could contribute usefully to debates about important
conflicts, such as computer crime, digital rights management
(“DRM”),5 and identity theft, if they were cited for what they were:
interesting anecdotes that provide a window into the empirical realities
of online conflict. Instead, these stories subsume the debates and
substitute for a more meaningful empirical inquiry. The storytellers’
pervasive attitude is, “We don’t need to probe too deeply into the
empirical nature of power in these conflicts because these stories tell us
all we need to know.” Hackers can kill airline passengers, DRM is
inherently flawed, and computer criminals steal identities by the
thousands. Through the spread of myth in a cluttered rhetorical
landscape, these fears become not merely possible, but inevitable.
Storytelling is epidemic in debates about online disputes. The
dominant rhetorical trope is the myth of power grounded in fears of
the Internet. The myth infects these debates, leading policymakers to
harmful, inefficient, and unwarranted responses because the myth is
usually exaggerated and often untrue.
Most Internet users are unsophisticated, exercising limited power
and finding themselves restricted by technological constraints, while a
minority have great power and can bypass such constraints. This
Article focuses on the powerful user — the Superuser. He (always he)
is a mythical figure: difficult to find, expensive to catch, able to
circumvent any technological constraint, and aware of every legal
See infra text accompanying notes 75-76.
Digital rights management refers to technologies used to control access to
content, often copyrighted content. See infra Part I.B.1.
The Myth of the Superuser
In this Article, I argue that there is too much focus on the Superuser.6
For most online conflicts, the Superuser likely plays a very small role.
To prove this general point, I focus on three of the most pressing and
contested ongoing online controversies: DRM, unauthorized access to
computers, and government search and surveillance of computers and
networks. I revisit these important battlegrounds throughout the
Article to demonstrate how Superuser rhetoric has distorted debate and
driven policy, despite the absence of empirical evidence that Superusers
play an important role on these battlegrounds and despite the presence
of some evidence to the contrary.
Further, I argue Superuser stories spring from a widely held fear of
the Internet. The link between fear and the Superuser exemplifies
some general conclusions from behavioral economics and cognitive
psychology about fear and how it causes people to exaggerate risk by
triggering biases and heuristic shortcuts.
This Article’s examination of the Myth of the Superuser extends the
pre-existing literature by questioning assumptions about the role of
experts. Unlike their counterparts in other fields, experts in network
security and computer crime usually make the same errors in
To date, no one has taken a comprehensive, theoretical, and systematic look at
the harm that results from over-attention to and exaggeration of the powerful computer
user. A few scholars have discussed this idea in passing. For example, Professor
Lawrence Lessig has distinguished between “hackers” and “the rest of us” and has
argued that the existence of the former should not stop us from trying to solve
problems that primarily affect the latter. Lawrence Lessig, Constitution and Code, 27
CUMB. L. REV. 1, 3 (1997) (“I don’t choose whether to obey the structures that [code]
establishes — hackers might, but hackers are special. . . . For the rest of us, life in
cyberspace is subject to the code of cyberspace, just as life in real space is subject to the
code of real space”); Lawrence Lessig, The Constitution of Code: Limitations on ChoiceBased Critiques of Cyberspace Regulation, 5 COMMLAW CONSPECTUS 181, 184 (1997);
Lawrence Lessig, Reading the Constitution in Cyberspace, 45 EMORY L.J. 869, 896 n.80
(1996) [hereinafter Lessig, Reading]; Lawrence Lessig, The Zones of Cyberspace, 48
STAN. L. REV. 1403, 1408 n.17 (1996) (explaining that “what hackers do doesn’t define
what the effect of law as code is on the balance of the non-hacker public”).
Professor Timothy Wu has advanced a similar theme. See Timothy Wu, ApplicationCentered Internet Analysis, 85 VA. L. REV. 1163, 1203-04 (1999) (“[E]xpert users suffer
least and benefit most from an unregulated Internet. . . . [T]o stick everyone with the
constitution of the expert user may, in the long run, prove the inexpert move, as it
may do more to close out the Internet than flexibility ever would.”); see also JACK
WORLD 123 (2006) (predicting world in which minority users “with all the time and
expertise” continue to download free music while rest use legitimate pay sites).
None of these scholars has explored the exaggerated Myth of the Superuser more
deeply, situated these observations within the sociological literature of fear, examined
the negative effects that result from relying on the Myth, or provided detailed
prescriptions for dealing with these effects.
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judgment as laypeople. These experts spout blusterous exaggeration
about online threats rather than acting as calm, measured assessors of
truth. In part, these experts have been led astray by incorrect
assumptions about the malleability of code and misinterpretations of
Lessig’s observations about code and law.7
I define the Superuser and the Myth of the Superuser (“Myth”) in
Part I and establish that the Myth is often an exaggeration. In Part II, I
show how undue attention to the Myth of the Superuser has been
harmful to civil liberties, efficient and effective law enforcement, and
sensible Internet regulation. In Part III, I tie the persistence of the
Myth to the widely held fear of the Internet. Faced with the general
public’s fear, experts have abandoned their responsibility to be
dispassionate truth seekers and instead have engaged in the rhetoric of
myth and exaggeration.
Finally, in Part IV, I offer prescriptions for lawmakers, judges, and
scholars to blunt the use and effect of the Myth. First, I challenge a set
of commonly used rhetorical tools that are the hallmark of Superuser
myth-telling. Second, I call for a new approach for counting
Superusers. Finally, I urge regulators to adopt an Anti-Precautionary
Principle — in the absence of any empirical proof about an online
threat or harm, legislators should refrain from regulating anew.
In the ongoing dialogue about how best to regulate virtual,
constructed spaces, we find ourselves awash in metaphor, analogy,
and myth. These myths carry great weight, repeated by those with the
trappings of authority and never challenged for accuracy or even
plausibility. By calling into question the dominant myth, the Myth of
the Superuser, I try to restore some of what we have lost: constructive
debate and carefully reasoned regulation.
The rhetorical devices I define in this Part are not uncommon; they
are pervasive. Every important debate about online conflict leads
eventually to one or both sides making claims about the Superuser.8
See generally LAWRENCE LESSIG, CODE: VERSION 2.0 (2d ed. 2006) (describing
how code regulates online behavior).
I restate it as a less-charged version of Godwin’s Law: As a debate about online
conflict grows longer, the probability of an argument involving powerful computer
users approaches one. MIKE GODWIN, CYBER RIGHTS 48 (1998) (“As an online
discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler
approaches one.”). I would call it “Ohm’s Law,” but that is already taken.
The Myth of the Superuser
A. The Superuser and the Myth Defined
The Superuser
A few terms must be defined. As used in this Article, “power” is the
ability to control or change computers or networks. If computer users
are rank-ordered by the amount of power they possess, the “ordinary
user” is, roughly speaking, the user in the middle.
A “Superuser” is a computer user who possesses power that the
ordinary user does not.9 He can control or change computers and
networks in extraordinary ways. Superusers tend to have more time,
practice, knowledge, or access to tools than ordinary users.10 Tools
play a particularly important and complex role. Superusers often use
sophisticated computer programs (sometimes created by them, often
created by others) to gain power.11
A note on terminology: the word “Superuser” has not been used before in legal
scholarship with precisely this meaning. In various versions of UNIX and UNIX-like
Operating Systems, “superuser” (lowercase “s”) is the name given to the user account
that a system administrator can use to make almost any change to the system. See EVI
known as the “root” account. Id. at 37. Some commentators have used this meaning
of superuser. See, e.g., Richard W. Downing, Shoring Up the Weakest Link: What
Lawmakers Around the World Need to Consider in Developing Comprehensive Laws to
Combat Cybercrime, 43 COLUM. J. TRANSNAT’L L. 705, 721 (2005) (discussing hacker
who “gains ‘root level’ access, also known as ‘superuser’ status”).
My meaning is different, and in this Article I capitalize “Superuser” to distinguish it
from the prior, UNIX definition. Several technically minded readers have criticized my
decision to give a new meaning to this word, accusing me of muddying an otherwise
clear term or, less charitably, suggesting that it betrays a lack of technical knowledge or
acumen. See the various comments to Slashdot, http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=
07/04/11/1952247 (last visited Apr. 3, 2008) and The Volokh Conspiracy,
http://www.volokh.com/posts/1176127892.shtml (last visited Apr. 3, 2008).
I decided to use the term Superuser despite these criticisms because it concisely
captures the idea of “power without necessary malice” that alternatives like “hacker”
or the neologism, “superhacker” do not convey. Also, although many computer
experts — particularly UNIX specialists — know the term’s other meaning, most
noncomputer specialists, including policymakers, do not. Finally, even for those who
know the earlier, UNIX meaning of the term, it should be easy to understand which of
the two meanings is meant from context.
Cf. Paul Graham, Great Hackers, July 2004, http://www.paulgraham.com/
gh.html (describing skills required to be hacker); Eric Steven Raymond, How to
Become a Hacker, http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html (last updated Jan. 8,
2008) (same). Often, they have more than one of these, but they need not have all of
CHRIS PROSISE & KEVIN MANDIA, INCIDENT RESPONSE & COMPUTER FORENSICS 385414 (2d ed. 2003) (entitling chapter “Investigating Hacker Tools”); Graham, supra
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But once a tool becomes widely used, its users are considered
ordinary users and not Superusers. For example, in the late 1990s,
Napster users could browse and copy the music collections of millions
of others, yet they were not Superusers.12 Because many people used
their software, these people were merely empowered ordinary users.
In other words, the term Superuser is a relative one. Having power —
the ability to effect change — is necessary but not sufficient to be a
The term can come and go with time. A person with power X is a
Superuser only as long as the percentage of people with X is small.
Usually, that percentage increases over time, and once X becomes
accessible to many people, the Superuser designation disappears.
Consider audio compact disc ripping. Not long ago, when CDs and
the computer drives that could read them were both new and scarce,
few people (all Superusers) could copy the music from a CD onto a
computer or “rip” the CD.13 It was not long, however, before
Superusers packaged this power into functional but unpolished
computer programs used by people not considered Superusers.14
Today, the ability to rip a CD is no longer a Superuser power. This is
the result of programmers making ripping programs both easier to
obtain15 and use.16
note 10 (“Like all craftsmen, hackers like good tools.”).
See A&M Records v. Napster, Inc., 239 F.3d 1004, 1010-13 (9th Cir. 2001)
(describing Napster).
See Mike Snider, Microsoft, Macrovision Join to Halt CD ‘Ripping,’ USA TODAY,
Apr. 24, 2003, at 5D.
When Superusers package their power into tools, the empowered but ignorant
users are often called script kiddies. See SIMSON GARFINKEL, WEB SECURITY, PRIVACY AND
COMMERCE 401 (2d ed. 2002). We will consider the script kiddie again in Part IV.D.2.
CD ripping software now comes bundled, for example, with Windows
XP/Windows Media Player and Mac OS X/iTunes. See Apple Inc., iTunes 7: How to
Improve Performance While Burning or Ripping CDs, http://docs.info.apple.com/
article.html?artnum=304410 (last visited Apr. 3, 2008); Windows Media, Ripping CDs
in Windows Media Player,
knowledgecenter/mediaadvice/0080.mspx (last visited Apr. 3, 2008).
There are countless other examples of the passage of time redefining Superuser
power. Consider photo sharing. A decade ago, to share photos on the web, you had
to scan physical prints into digital files, upload the files using the file transfer
protocol, write (without the assistance of any specialized tools) a web page containing
those photos, and then email the URL to your friends and relatives. A little less than a
decade ago, you could use an early-model digital camera and a web-hosting service
like Geocities to develop a photo gallery using better but still clunky tools. Today, an
account with Flickr or Kodak Gallery accomplishes the same goal in much less time
with significantly better results.
Further, to send an anonymous email in the early 1990s, you had to issue a series of
The Myth of the Superuser
Not all Superusers act with malice or try to cause harm. There are
good Superusers, bad Superusers, and morally neutral Superusers. As
the CD ripping example demonstrates, sometimes the morality of a
Superuser’s power is in the eye of the beholder. Most people consider
CD ripping a morally neutral act, but some copyright owners may see
it as a harmful, negative act.17
The Myth of the Superuser
The “Myth of the Superuser” is the belief that an online conflict
cannot be resolved without finding a way to neutralize Superusers. As
I explore more fully in Part I.D, the Myth is flawed. Superusers are
often inconsequential because they are uncommon or unable to cause
great change. Thus, I argue solutions targeted at ordinary users are
good enough.
The Myth also refers to any argument that invokes the Superuser to
support or oppose a proposed solution to an online conflict. Consider
Congress’s rhetoric supporting amendments to the Computer Fraud
and Abuse Act (“CFAA”), the federal law criminalizing computer
hacking and trespass, codified in § 1030 of title 18 of the U.S. Code.18
Specifically, consider the 1996 Senate Committee Report19 (“1996
precise commands (which complied with the SMTP email protocol) to an email
server. In the late 1990s, anonymous remailers in foreign countries would strip
identifying information from incoming messages and forward them onto their
destination. Today, setting up an account at Yahoo! Mail or Gmail quickly enables
one to send pseudonymous email messages.
See Posting of Fred von Lohmann to Deeplinks Blog, http://www.eff.org/
deeplinks/archives/004409.php (Feb. 15, 2006) (quoting RIAA in regulatory filing as
saying, “creating a back-up copy of a music CD is not a non-infringing use”).
Congress adopted § 1030 in 1984. See Counterfeit Access Device and
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984, tit. II, Pub. L. No. 98-473, § 2101, 98 Stat.
1837, 2190. It has made at least five major revisions to § 1030 since then. See, e.g.,
Homeland Security Act of 2002, tit. II, Pub. L. No. 107-296, sec. 225, § 1030, 116 Stat.
2135; Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to
Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001, tit. V, Pub. L. No.
107-56, sec. 506, § 1030, 115 Stat. 272, 278; Economic Espionage Act (EEA) of 1996,
Pub. L. No. 104-294, 110 Stat. 3488, 3491-95; Violent Crime Control and Law
Enforcement Act of 1994, tit. XXIX, Pub. L. No. 103-322, sec. 290001, § 1030, 108
Stat. 1796; Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, Pub. L. No. 99-474, sec. 2, §
1030, 100 Stat. 1213. These frequent amendments are surprising, given the
infrequency with which the law is used. Cf. Orin Kerr, Lifting the “Fog” of Internet
Surveillance: How a Suppression Remedy Would Change Computer Crime Law, 54
HASTINGS L.J. 805, 823-24 (2003) (noting relative infrequency with which computer
privacy provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 2701 are invoked).
See generally S. REP. NO. 104-357 (1996).
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Report”) accompanying broad amendments to the CFAA.20 This
report is a model of Superuser storytelling, full of questionable
rhetorical devices typical of the Myth.21
First, Superuser stories are simultaneously detailed and vague. They
richly describe events but omit the names, dates, and places needed to
corroborate the story.22 The 1996 Report is full of anecdotes about
nefarious Superusers. For example, the Committee asserted that
“[h]ackers . . . have broken into . . . supercomputers for the purpose
of running password cracking programs.”23 The hackers and victims
are anonymous, and the authors never say whether these mythical
criminals were caught or whether gaps in the law hindered attempts to
prosecute them.
Second, Superuser storytellers summarize trends using vague
adverbs like “often,” “usually,” and “frequently.”24
To justify
broadening the scope of a crime under the CFAA, the Committee
asserted that “intruders often alter existing log-on programs so that
National Information Infrastructure Protection Act (NIIPA) of 1996, tit. II, Pub.
L. 104-294, § 201, 110 Stat. 3488, 3491-94 (passing NIIPA as Title II of EEA).
The Economic Espionage Act (“EEA”), which criminalizes certain trade secrets
thefts (codified at 18 U.S.C. §§ 1831-1839 (2000 & Supp. V 2005)), is another
example of a computer crime law whose prosecution record does not seem to match
the hype and rhetoric used by those who urged the creation of the law. See Joseph F.
Savage, Jr., Matthew A. Martel, & Marc J. Zwillinger, Trade Secrets Conflicting Views of
the Economic Espionage Act, 15 CRIM. JUST. 10, 11-12 (2000) (contrasting foreign
government prohibitions of Act with domestic trade secret theft provision that has
been frequently used). Consider the views of two defense attorneys (writing with a
former federal prosecutor) about the EEA:
The congressional debates contained dire accounts of foreign governments
pilfering America’s trade secrets. Simply put, the EEA was couched in terms
of national security. . . . Because of this original focus, one might surmise
that the DOJ would immediately give priority to enforcement procedures
involving foreign spies. Instead, not one prosecution has occurred enforcing
the foreign espionage provisions of the EEA. Not a single one. The
conclusion seems inescapable: The foreign economic espionage law either
was not necessary or there is a real and ongoing problem that is not being
Id. at 11.
Cf. Michael Levi, “Between the Risk and the Reality Falls the Shadow”: Evidence
and Urban Legends in Computer Fraud (with Apologies to T.S. Eliot), in CRIME AND THE
INTERNET 44, 46 (David S. Wall ed., 2001) (discussing computer security experts’
claims that events happened, but discussing those claims without pertinent details in
service of client confidentiality).
S. REP. NO. 104-357, at 9.
See, e.g., id. at 11.
The Myth of the Superuser
user passwords are copied to a file that the hackers can retrieve
later.”25 Again, the Committee provided no other details.
Third, Superuser storytellers pass the buck, parroting back what
others have told them. To justify a new crime to address the allegedly
pressing problem of people making threats against computer
systems,26 the Committee said, “According to the Department of
Justice [(“DOJ”)], threats have been made against computer systems
in several instances.”27 The DOJ’s authorship of the vague claim is the
only proof of its relevance and veracity.
Fourth, Superuser stories are often hypothetical. To justify the same
computer threat provision, the Committee mused, “One can imagine
situations in which hackers penetrate a system, encrypt a database and
then demand money for the decoding key.”28
These are not the only strategies employed by Superuser storytellers.
They also rely on exaggeration, jargon, strained metaphors, appeals to
common sense and common knowledge, and other rhetorical sleightsof-hand.29
B. The Superuser and Online Conflict
In every online conflict, partisans wield the Myth of the Superuser
like a rhetorical bludgeon.30 The Superuser has become a form of
what sociologist Stanley Cohen termed the “folk devil”:31 members of
Id. (emphasis added).
See 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(7) (2000) (making it crime to, “with intent [] extort
from any person any money or other thing of value, transmit[] in interstate or foreign
commerce any communication containing any threat to cause damage to a protected
S. REP. NO. 104-357, at 12.
rhetoric of the digital sublime describes the particularly high levels of hyperbole that
seem to surround computer-based technologies.”) (emphasis omitted); MAJID YAR,
CYBERCRIME AND SOCIETY 24-25 (2006) (describing “hyperbole” of “official
pronouncements on hacking”).
The phrase “online conflict” is purposefully broad and used to describe any of
the disputes, lawsuits, or debates that have arisen as a result of the emergence of the
Internet. In the pages that follow, the necessarily vague term is used somewhat
inconsistently, on occasion to describe very specific clashes between well-defined
stakeholders, while on others to describe more amorphous disagreements between less
clearly delineated sides.
AND ROCKERS 9-11 (1972); cf. Carol Sanger, Infant Safe Haven Laws: Legislating in the
Culture of Life, 106 COLUM. L. REV. 753, 782 (2006) (discussing Cohen’s theories of
folk devils and moral panics in context of infanticide).
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society seen as dangerous or deviant, blamed for many of society’s
ills.32 The trope arises in every single branch of Internet law,
including intellectual property, computer crime, information privacy,
information security, Internet governance, telecommunications,
innovation policy, First Amendment law, and jurisdiction.
This Article focuses on three important conflicts: DRM, computer
crime, and computer search and seizure. These represent a broad
cross- section of policy concerns and styles of debate and argument.
These also raise three different sets of institutional concerns, because
these debates have been targeted, primarily and respectively, at
scholars, legislators, and judges.
Music and Movie Piracy and DRM
DRM systems allow content owners to control what other people
can do with data.33 A fierce debate over DRM rages, focusing largely
on whether DRM systems should stand or fall on their own technical
merits, or if instead they should be bolstered by laws that make it
illegal to circumvent DRM (i.e., pick the locks) or to teach others to
do the same.34 The Superuser looms large in the debate because he
can pick locks that ordinary users cannot.
Consider again Jon Johansen. Apple’s iTunes Music Store sells
songs protected by a DRM technology called FairPlay, which lets
purchasers listen to the music they have bought only in authorized
ways and only on authorized computers.35 Johansen, a Superuser par
excellence, has repeatedly created programs that can strip the
See John Timmer, Breaches of Personal Data: Blaming the Myth and Punishing the
Victim, ARS TECHNICA, Mar. 14, 2007, http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070314breaches-of-data-blaming-the-myth.html (explaining that “hackers have become the
folk devils of computer security”).
See generally Dan Burk, Legal and Technical Standards in Digital Rights
Management Technology, 74 FORDHAM L. REV. 537 (2005) (discussing role DRM plays
in shaping and replacing technical and legal standards); Julie E. Cohen, DRM and
Privacy, 18 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 575 (2003) (identifying connection between DRM and
privacy protection); Randall Picker, Mistrust-Based Digital Rights Management, 5 J. ON
TELECOMM. & HIGH TECH. L. 47 (2006) (proposing methods for disincentivizing DRM
circumvention by tying copies of works to purchaser).
See Julie E. Cohen, Some Reflections on Copyright Management Systems and Laws
Designed to Protect Them, 12 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 161, 162-63 (1997); Pamela
Samuelson, Intellectual Property and the Digital Economy: Why the Anti-Circumvention
Regulations Need To Be Revised, 14 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 519, 522-23 (1999).
Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, has publicly called the use of DRM for music into
question. Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple Inc., Thoughts on Music (Feb. 6, 2007),
The Myth of the Superuser
protection from a FairPlay-protected song, empowering users to access
iTunes-purchased music in ways that Apple has tried to forbid.36
Computer Security and Unauthorized Access
Computer security systems protect Internet-connected computers
from unauthorized intruders.37 These security systems are complex.38
Because of this complexity, software tends to be riddled with
vulnerabilities, many of which can be exploited by Superusers to gain
unauthorized access.39
For example, in the early 1990s, a young man bypassed a
computer’s security system to gain access to a computer in Worcester,
Massachusetts that controlled an important telephone switch.40
Inadvertently, he reset the switch, disabling local phone service to the
area, which included a small, unmanned airport.41 By disabling the
switch, he made it impossible for incoming aircraft to turn on the
landing lights.42 No planes crashed, and nobody was injured. But
advocates to this day retell the story to policymakers, spinning
terrifying variations: replace the juvenile with international terrorists,
the small regional airport with O’Hare International Airport, and the
See Robert Levine, Unlocking the iPod, FORTUNE, Oct. 30, 2006, at 73.
See generally Robert W. Hahn & Anne Layne-Farrar, The Law and Economics of
Software Security, 30 HARV. J.L. & PUB. POL’Y 283, 285 (2006) (giving “a
comprehensive assessment of the software security issue using a law and economics
Id. at 319 (discussing market pressures that lead security software to include
many features, increasing complexity of security systems).
Id. at 296 (“Given the complexity of programs such as these, most experts
believe that bugs and other vulnerabilities are inevitable.”).
Many public and private figures have retold this story, perhaps most
prominently Scott Charney in a report issued by the House of Representatives. See
Scott Charney, Transition Between Law Enforcement and National Defense, in SECURITY
2002), available at http://www.house.gov/jec/security.pdf. At the time he authored
this report, Charney was a principal at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Immediately before
he took that position, however, he had been a long-standing career employee at the
DOJ, where he founded and served as Chief to the Department’s Computer Crime and
Intellectual Property Section. After leaving PricewaterhouseCoopers, he became
Microsoft’s Vice President for Trustworthy Computing. See Microsoft Corp.,
http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/exec/charney/default.mspx (last visited Apr. 3,
2008) (providing Scott Charney’s biography).
See Charney, supra note 40, at 54.
See id. at 54-55.
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inadvertent effect with an intentional attack, and the lesson is
The War on Terror has given birth to many stories, including the
tale of the cat-and-mouse game between competing groups of
Superusers: terrorist data hiders and government data finders.44
Government agents use complex tools and techniques to sift through
large volumes of data stored on computers and coursing through
networks.45 They would usually find the evidence they sought, we are
told, if not for Superuser data hiders and their creative and evolving
Versions of the following myth are told often in law enforcement
circles.47 FBI agents serve a warrant to search John Smith’s house and
seize any computers found. Amid the usual chaos of an ongoing
search, an agent notices that a computer in the corner is whirring
loudly. Later, a forensic analysis reveals that a large portion of the
computer’s hard drive has been wiped clean, supporting fears that
Smith had triggered a software “logic bomb” after learning of the
search. It is a compelling story, but I could find no documented
examples suggesting that the myth had any basis in reality.
C. The Myth of the Superuser in the Noncomputer World
Are Superusers limited to the virtual world? Are there not people in
the physical, nonvirtual world with the knowledge, time, training, or
resources to flout technical and legal constraints? Consider locks.
Very few people know how to pick them. For most of us, locks keep
See id. at 55 (comparing Worcester incident to potential attack on O’Hare
International Airport).
See infra Part II.B.
Orin Kerr, Searches and Seizures in a Digital World, 119 HARV. L. REV. 531, 538
See id. at 546-47.
Books about computer forensics, for example, often describe the supposedly
widespread use of “logic bombs” or “kill switches.” See JOHN W. RITTINGHOUSE &
good computer criminals are trying to avoid detection and prosecution, they will often
employ the use of logic bombs embedded within system administrative processes
commonly required during investigations.”); JOHN R. VACCA, COMPUTER FORENSICS:
COMPUTER CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION 238 (2d ed. 2005) (“The computer
investigator . . . needs to be worried about destructive process and devices being
planted by the computer owner . . . .”).
The Myth of the Superuser
us out of places we are not meant to go and secure things that we
might otherwise want to take.
In the physical world, lawmakers often exaggerate the criminal threat
to justify broad criminal prohibitions and new law enforcement
surveillance capabilities. Witness the rhetoric surrounding child
abductions or school shootings. These crimes are often said to be
epidemic despite numerous studies that conclude otherwise.48 If
Superusers and the Myth thrive offline as well as online, what is gained
by focusing solely online? Is there anything special about this context?
Despite some similarities between the online and offline uses and
abuses of power, there are many differences between the two. These
differences make the online threat of the Myth of the Superuser much
more prevalent and vexing. The Myth of the Superuser is different in
kind and degree from real world analogs. The most important
difference is the type of power. The online Superuser is said to possess
science fiction-like abilities unlike the much more constrained power
attributed to his physical world counterparts.49 Fear of unbounded
power leads policymakers to regulate online harms in much more
broad, vague, sweeping, and as I argue later, harmful ways.50
In the real world, the Myth of the Superuser is invoked less often
because countervailing voices oppose exaggerated threats, soothing
fears and debunking myths.51 Academic researchers and some in the
media, for example, use statistics to show that concerns about
See Diana Griego & Louis Kilzer, The Truth About Missing Children:
Exaggerated Statistics Stir National Paranoia, DENVER POST, May 12, 1985, at 1-A
(debunking, in Pulitzer Prize winning series, exaggerated fears about child
abductions); Lynnell Hancock, The School Shootings: Why Context Counts, COLUM.
JOURNALISM REV., May-June 2001, at 76 (concluding statistics support view that
public’s increased fear of school shootings was “exaggerated, fed by saturation media
coverage that is painting a distorted picture”).
See infra Part III.B.2 (describing nature of Superuser’s power).
See infra Part II. The closest real world parallel is the “Superterrorist,” an
increasingly mythologized figure whose command over the physical world approaches
the Superuser’s control of the online world. The Superterrorist is a master at evasion,
able to plan and fund complex crimes without leaving behind any tracks. Because too
much can be made of this comparison, I spend very little additional space developing
it. I believe, however, that some of the observations and prescriptions that follow
apply to the terrorism context, as well. There is one especially salient connection
between terrorism and computer crime. Many have taken to talking about the
“cyberterrorist,” who allegedly advances terror goals by attacking computer systems.
See Joshua Green, The Myth of Cyberterrorism, WASH. MONTHLY, Nov. 2002,
claims of prevalence of cyberterrorism).
See, e.g., sources cited supra note 48.
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particular types of harmful behavior are overblown.52 For reasons that
I will discuss in depth, this rarely happens with online risks.53
Finally, although lawmakers sometimes fall prey to the Myth in
regulating physical space, they often do not. Consider locks again.
Criminal laws prohibiting theft and breaking and entering are still
considered effective despite the fact that some people can pick locks.54
D. Dispelling the Myth of the Superuser
British criminologist David S. Wall has remarked:
Fears, which, in the absence of reliable information to the
contrary, have been nurtured and sustained by media
sensationalism. Yet, our practical experience of the Internet is
that few of these fears have actually been reali[z]ed.
Furthermore, there is clearly emerging a body of evidence to
show that the criminal reality of the Internet is not the all
engulfing ‘cyber-tsunami’, but, like the terrestrial world, a
large range of frequently occurring small-impact crimes.55
Superusers may walk among us, but they usually do so in small
enough numbers to be safely ignored. Even though a few Superusers
can cause harm, they are so difficult to find and apprehend, so
resistant to ordinary disincentives, or constitute so small a part of the
problem that they are not worth the hunt. Of course, even a few
Superusers demand attention if they are powerful enough to account
for a significant portion of the harm. Measuring the impact of the
Superuser requires more than a head count; it must also account for
the amount of harm caused by any one Superuser. Three reasons
illustrate why the Myth is an exaggeration.
See infra Part I.D.1.
See infra Part III.
See Lessig, Reading, supra note 6, at 896 n.80 (explaining that “from the fact
that ‘hackers could break any security system,’ it no more follows that security systems
are irrelevant than it follows from the fact that ‘a locksmith can pick any lock’ that
locks are irrelevant”); Wu, supra note 6, at 1195 (asking people to “[c]onsider for a
moment the observation that a lock may be picked; interesting, no doubt, but not a
convincing demonstration that a lock cannot serve any regulating function”).
See CRIME AND THE INTERNET, supra note 22, at xi.
The Myth of the Superuser
Myth-Dispelling Studies and Statistics
Statistics suggest the Superuser is a myth.56 In 2006, two
researchers at the University of Washington surveyed twenty-six years
of national print and broadcast news for stories about electronic data
loss.57 In all, 550 separate incidents were studied, amounting to the
reported loss of 1.9 billion records, or nine private records for every
adult living in the United States.58 The researchers tested the
conventional wisdom that hackers were mostly to blame for the loss of
personal data.59 To the contrary, “for the period between 2000 and
2006, 31% of the incidents were about a breach caused by a hacker,
8% of the incidents involved an unspecified breach, and 61% of the
incidents involved different kinds of organizational culpability.”60
Organizational culpability included cases involving accidental records
release, employee misconduct, misplaced backup tapes, and stolen
As another example, British sociologist Michael Levi focused on
studies of victimization rates for computer crime. He concluded that
they showed much less victimization than contemporary media
accounts had suggested.62 Granted, many of these studies are by now
a decade old or older. But at least when Levi drew his conclusions, the
numbers did not seem to square with the public rhetoric.
Levi noted “international surveys in 1996 and 1998 [by Ernst &
Young] . . . turned up very few cases of reported or unreported
computer frauds.”63 He also cited these older studies to show that
although more than two-thirds of executives in large private sector
Part IV discusses better available and more reliable sources for statistics.
Kris Erickson & Philip N. Howard, A Case of Mistaken Identity? News Accounts
of Hacker and Organizational Responsibility for Compromised Digital Records, 19802006, 12 J. COMPUTER MEDIATED COMM. 1, 3 (2007). The studies included all stories
from 1980 to 2006, using both the LexisNexis and Proquest databases.
Id. at 12-13.
Id. at 3 (stating that “the campaign against hackers has successfully cast them as
the primary culprits to blame for insecurity in cyberspace”).
Id. at 17. Even if the entire 8% of the unattributed breaches were the result of
hackers, hackers would still account for only 39% of the reported incidents.
Id. at 17-18. Erickson and Howard note, however, that hackers accounted for a
vast majority of the number of stolen records, but only because one incident — data
theft from the Acxiom Corporation that led to a criminal conviction — involved the
loss of 1.6 billion records. Id. at 18. If that single incident is removed from the data
set, hackers caused 32% of lost data, organizational behavior caused 48%, and 20%
remains unattributed. Id.
Levi, supra note 22, at 51-55.
Id. at 53 (citing 1996 and 1998 studies by Ernst & Young).
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companies felt computer viruses and hacking were serious concerns,
only 11% had experienced either and only 5% had experienced both.64
A U.K. government-run audit similarly found that the number of
entities reporting information technology fraud fell from 10% in 1994
to 8% in 1997.65
Further, statistics suggesting that the Superuser is a potent force are
often rebuttable. The statistics most cited about computer security
incidents are those reported in the annual Computer Security Institute
(“CSI”) / FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey (“Survey”), a new
version of which has been released every year for over a decade.66 The
Survey may be the media’s pre-eminent source for statistics about
online harm.67 When they cite the Survey, the media often report the
results in breathless tones.68 Dozens of law review articles and student
notes have also cited the Survey.69
Id. at 51-52 (citing results from three reports by Audit Commission). Levi
noted that despite this drop, the average cost to each victim rose and the percentage of
respondents reporting other “IT abuse” rose during the same period. Id.
COMPUTER CRIME AND SECURITY SURVEY, available at http://i.cmpnet.com/gocsi/db_area/
Ira Winkler, Opinion, Investigating the FBI’s ‘Invalid’ Security Survey,
SEARCHSECURITY.COM, Jan. 19, 2006, http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/columnItem/
0,294698,sid14_gci1159992,00.html (stating that Survey is “often referred to as ‘the
most quoted stud[y] in the field’”).
The release of the 2006 Survey prompted this reporting: “Virus attacks,
unauthorized access to computer systems and other forms of cybercrime account for up
to 75% of the financial losses at U.S. companies.” Tim Scannell, Computer Crime and the
Bottom Line, INTERNETNEWS.COM, July 20, 2006, http://www.internetnews.com/
A search of the Westlaw JLR database on January 24, 2008, for the string “CSI”
/S “COMPUTER CRIME” /S “SURVEY” returned 57 hits. See, e.g., Lilian Edwards,
Dawn of the Death of Distributed Denial of Service: How to Kill Zombies, 24 CARDOZO
ARTS & ENT. L.J. 23, 31-32 (2006) (citing Survey’s reported incidence of Denial of
Service attacks); Michael L. Rustad, The Negligent Enablement of Trade Secret
Misappropriation, 22 SANTA CLARA COMPUTER & HIGH TECH. L.J. 455, 521 (2006)
(citing Survey’s finding that 70% of computer intrusions are traceable to Internet
connection); Bruce P. Smith, Hacking, Poaching, and Counterattacking: Digital
Counterstrikes and the Contours of Self-Help, 1 J.L. ECON. & POL’Y 171, 171 n.1 (2005)
(citing Survey’s statistics about spread of antivirus and firewall software); Debra Wong
Yang & Brian M. Hoffstadt, Countering the Cyber-Crime Threat, 43 AM. CRIM. L. REV.
201, 201 n.5 (2006) (citing Survey’s report of $130 million damages from
unauthorized use of computers).
The Myth of the Superuser
The Survey’s methodology, however, is entirely suspect.70 First, the
Survey is sent only to members of the CSI.71 Second, in 2006, the
Survey was returned by a mere 12% of those who had received it.72
Although past editions of the Survey bore a disclaimer that the results
were not statistically significant, recent versions do not contain the
same disclaimer.73 Although these methodological shortcomings do
not point toward a systematic inflation or deflation of results, they do
call into question the authority with which the Survey is usually
regarded and cited. Further, even if the Survey results are given any
credence, they show that both the level of computer security incidents
and money spent on response have been decreasing steadily for the
past four years.74
Myth-Dispelling Anecdotes
The second reason to doubt claims about Superuser power is that
anecdotally, some online crimes seem to be committed by ordinary
users much more often than by Superusers. Consider the growing
problems of data breach and identity theft. Data breachers are often
portrayed as genius hackers who break into computers to steal
thousands of credit cards.75 Although there are criminals who fit this
profile, the police increasingly focus on people who obtain personal
data in much more mundane, non-Superuser ways.76 For example,
See Winkler, supra note 67 (criticizing 2005 Survey), Bill Brenner, Security Blog
Log: Has CSI/FBI Survey Jumped the Shark?, SEARCHSECURITY.COM, July 21, 2006,
Posting of Chris Walsh to Emergent Chaos, http://www.emergentchaos.com/archives/
2006/07/csifbi_survey_considered.html (July 16, 2006, 01:28) (challenging
methodology behind Survey).
See GORDON ET AL., supra note 66, at 1, 26 (listing Survey’s methodology); see
also Winkler, supra note 67 (suggesting that sample is not representative). For
example, the demographics have shifted in the 11 years of the survey. Id. In the 2005
Survey, the percentage of respondents who belong to the information sharing group
INFRAGARD and the percentage who use Intrusion detection system (IDS) software
differ widely from the results of an earlier version. Id.
See GORDON ET AL., supra note 66, at 19.
See Winkler, supra note 67.
See Tom Zeller, Jr., Breach Points Up Flaws in Privacy Laws, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 24,
2005, at C1 (quoting Senator Dianne Feinstein: “Existing laws . . . are no longer
sufficient when thieves can steal data not just from a few victims at a time, but from
thousands of people with vast, digitized efficiency.”).
See, e.g., Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Russian Hacker Sentenced to Four
Years in Prison for Supervising Criminal Enterprise Dedicated to Computer Hacking,
Fraud and Extortion and Victimizing Glen Rock Financial Services Company (July 25,
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laptop theft is a common, low-tech way many criminals gather
personally identifiable information.77 Recently, ChoicePoint, a data
broker that has dealt with many data breach cases, concluded that “it
had focused so intently on preventing hackers from gaining access to
its computers through digital back doors that it had simply overlooked
real-world con artists strolling unnoticed through the front door.”78
Several studies have shown a recent decline in identity theft.79
District attorneys in the western United States have reported that a
majority of their identity theft arrestees are methamphetamine
addicts.80 Although some of these methamphetamine cases involve the
use of the Internet to facilitate identity theft,81 they also include nonSuperuser techniques like trash rifling, mail theft, or check washing.82
Another reason to doubt claims about the scope of online identity
theft is that many confuse mere data loss with identity theft.83 As one
journalist noted, “[W]hile high-profile data breaches are common,
2003), http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/ivanovSent_NJ.htm (describing
hacker who broke into system and stole text file containing 3500 credit card
See Erickson & Howard, supra note 57, at 2 (stating that “the growing number
of news stories about compromised personal records reveals a wide range of
organizational mismanagement and internal security breaches: lost hard drives and
backup tapes, employee theft, and other kinds of administrative errors”); Steve Lohr,
Surging Losses, But Few Victims, N.Y. TIMES, Sept. 27, 2006, at G1; David Stout, ‘Garden
Variety Burglary’ Suspected in Loss of Data, N.Y. TIMES, June 9, 2006, at A24
(describing theft of laptop containing information about 26.5 million military people).
Gary Rivlin, Keeping Your Enemies Close, N.Y. TIMES, Nov. 12, 2006, at 31
(finding that “in 2005 alone, more than forty phony businesses . . . had opened
accounts that gave them unfettered, round-the-clock access to the vital data
ChoicePoint maintains”); see also id. (summarizing conclusions of FTC report that
“criminal interlopers” who stole identities from ChoicePoint were “sloppy and
See, e.g., John Leland, Identity Fraud Has Dropped Since 2003, Survey Shows, N.Y.
TIMES, Feb. 6, 2007, at A17 (reporting drop from 4.7% to 3.7% of Americans reporting
being victims of ID fraud in survey sponsored by banking industry).
See John Leland, Meth Users, Attuned to Detail, Add Another Habit: ID Theft, N.Y.
TIMES, July 11, 2006, at A1 (reporting 60 to 70% of identity theft cases in Denver and
100% in Spokane County, Washington are tied to methamphetamine users or dealers).
There are non-Superuser ways to use the Internet to assist identity theft. See
Robert Lemos, Google Queries Provide Stolen Credit Cards, CNET NEWS.COM, Aug. 19,
2004, http://news.com.com/2102-1029_3-5295661.html (describing technique
demonstrated at annual “Black Hat” conference for obtaining credit card numbers
using public Google searches).
See Leland, supra note 80. There is another way to interpret these anecdotes.
District attorneys may prosecute meth-addicted identity thieves more often because
they are easier to catch than the Superuser identity thieves. See id.
See Lohr, supra note 77.
The Myth of the Superuser
there is no evidence of a surge in identity theft or financial fraud as a
result. In fact, there is scant evidence that identity theft and financial
fraud have increased at all.”84
Finally, consider briefly claims that terrorists are plotting to use
computer networks to threaten lives or economic well-being. There
has never been a death reported from an attack on a computer
network or system.85 In fact, despite claims to the contrary,86 many
doubt that an attack will ever successfully disable a significant part of
the Internet.87
Admittedly, too much reliance on anecdotes may smack of
hypocrisy. There is a risk of engaging in the “Myth of the Myth of the
Superuser.” There are limits to using opinions and qualitative
evidence to disprove the Myth because they share so much in common
with the anecdotes that fuel it. For this reason, I place greater stock in
the statistical observations made in the prior section and in Part IV.
Obvious Overstatements of the Risk
Finally, some statements of the risk from Superusers are so
exaggerated that they are self-disproving. For example, Richard
Clarke, former Special Advisor to the President on Cybersecurity
under the Clinton and second Bush Administrations, often stated that
“digital Pearl Harbors are happening every day.”88 Even though the
phrase “digital Pearl Harbor” can refer to many different things —
attacks with the psychologically damaging effect, horrific loss of life,
terrifying surprise, size of invading force, or financial toll of the
See Brian Krebs, Feds Falling Short on Cybersecurity; Former Cybersecurity
Adviser Urges More Resources to Battle Cyberterror, WASHINGTONPOST.COM, Apr. 8,
2003, http://seclists.org/isn/2003/Apr/0036.html (quoting Richard Clarke testifying in
House Government Reform subcommittee: “For many, the cyber threat is hard to
understand; no one has died in a cyberattack, after all, there has never been a smoking
ruin for cameras to see.”).
CYBERSPACE 6 (2002), available at http://www.whitehouse.gov/pcipb/ [hereinafter
Frontline: Cyber War! (PBS television broadcast) (Mar. 20, 2003) (interview of
Scott Charney), available at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/
cyberwar/interviews/charney.html. “[I]t’s not as easy to take down the Internet as
some might believe. There’s a lot of redundancy, a lot of resiliency in the system. . . . I
still think today the concern of a broad, sweeping global Internet attack that had long
enough staying power is not our number one threat today.” Id.
See Scott Berinato, The Future of Security, COMPUTERWORLD, Dec. 30, 2003,
available at http://www.computerworld.com/newsletter/0,4902,88646,00.html.
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December 7, 1941 event — the claim is a horribly exaggerated
overstatement regardless of Clarke’s intended meaning.89
The Scope of the Claim
These statistics and anecdotes suggest that many stories about
Superusers are exaggerated. Due to the incomplete nature of the
empirical evidence, this Article does not claim that the Superuser is
always a myth. Doubtless, some online harms are committed solely by
Superusers, and some Superusers probably cause significant harms.
Nevertheless, this survey of the empirical evidence should cast great
suspicion on the conventional account of unbridled power. And, as I
will demonstrate in the next Part, this empirical evidence should give
policymakers significant pause in light of the harms that flow from
attempting to regulate the Superuser.
Why should we care whether exaggerated arguments about
Superusers cause legislators to address risks that are unlikely to
materialize? Aside from dead-letter statutory prohibitions, are there
any other harms that flow from the Myth of the Superuser? The
answer is yes, there are significant harms. Moreover, the nearuniversal belief in the Myth means there has never been an accounting
of these harms, and thus we are doomed to repeat and extend them.
Below, I discuss five harms that flow directly from policies and laws
justified by the Myth.
A. Overbroad Laws
Congress typically responds to the Myth of the Superuser by passing
broad laws.
Generally, lawmakers broaden criminal and civil
prohibitions, giving law enforcement agencies sweeping new
authorities even though these can be used (and are used) against nonSuperusers.
In short, Congress overreacts. They fear an American version of
Onel de Guzman, the Philippines citizen who confessed to writing the
See Green, supra note 50. Clarke is not alone in his exaggeration. “Digital Pearl
Harbor” was not coined by him and it has been used by many over the past decade
and a half. Id. Other similar worry-phrases include “electronic Chernobyl,” “digital
Armageddon,” and “digital Waterloo.” See id.
The Myth of the Superuser
“ILOVEYOU” Virus but escaped punishment because Philippines law
did not criminalize the type of harm he had caused.90
Furthermore, legislators tend to respond to the Myth by focusing on
statutory conduct elements rather than result, harm, intent, or
attendant circumstance elements.91 This makes sense. Conduct is
what makes the Superuser unusual, and the power they wield is often
For example, §
what some find offensive or threatening.92
1030(a)(5)(A)(i) of the CFAA prohibits “caus[ing] the transmission of
a program, information, code, or command.” This sweeping phrase
seems to encompass sending any data over the Internet. It applies to
all sorts of perfectly nonthreatening acts that ordinary users perform
every day.
Consider the following. In 2000, Bret McDanel worked for a
company that supplied email and voicemail accounts.93 He revealed
an internal security vulnerability to his employers, but they ignored
him.94 After leaving his job, McDanel sent an email message through
his former employer’s computer system in which he revealed the
vulnerability to 5600 of the company’s customers.95 The U.S. Attorney
prosecuted McDanel for violating § 1030(a)(5)(A).96
See Bryan Glick, Cyber Criminals Mock the Archaic Legal Boundaries,
COMPUTING, Jan. 4 2001, at 32.
In the Model Penal Code’s vocabulary, the elements of a criminal statute come
in four separate flavors:
conduct, results or harm, intent, and attendant
circumstances. See MODEL PENAL CODE § 1.13(9) (2001) (classifying conduct
elements into conduct, attendant circumstances, and results). For example, under 18
U.S.C. § 2252A(a)(5)(B) (2000) it is a crime to possess images of child pornography.
Parsing this prohibition into the four MPC categories:
[a]ny person who . . . knowingly [(intent)] possesses [(conduct)] any book,
magazine, periodical, film, videotape, computer disk, or any other material
that contains an image of child pornography [(results/harm)] that has been
mailed, or shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce by any
means, including by computer, or that was produced using materials that
have been mailed, or shipped or transported in interstate or foreign
commerce by any means, including by computer [(attendant
18 U.S.C. § 2252A(a)(5)(B).
This bias applies even against those who use Superuser power benignly or for
morally or ethically good outcomes. See infra Part II.C.
See Chris Sprigman, The Federal Government’s Strange Cyber-Defamation Case
Against Bret McDanel: A Prosecution that Should Never Have Been Brought, FINDLAW,
Sep. 25, 2003, http://writ.news.findlaw.com/commentary/20030925_sprigman.html.
See id.
See id.
See id.
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The prosecution’s only plausible theory must have been that
McDanel’s email messages amounted to “a program, information,
code, or command,” despite that the phrase usually applies to things
like computer viruses and worms.97 The U.S. Attorney’s interpretation
arguably met the plain text, because email messages are literally
“information.”98 Perhaps if Congress had been less fearful of the
Superuser, it could have drafted a more circumscribed, specific statute
that would not have applied to McDanel’s acts.99 Instead, McDanel
served one year and four months in prison.100 After he appealed, the
DOJ confessed error and dropped McDanel’s conviction.101
Like the overbroad language targeting conduct, § 1030(a)(5)(A)(ii)
authorization.”102 “Access” is not defined, and neither is “without
authorization.” Many courts have interpreted these vague terms
See id.
There is a second, perhaps more egregious, problem with such a theory. Only
those who commit “damage” are guilty of violating this provision. See 18 U.S.C. §
1030(a)(5)(A)(i) (2000 & Supp. V 2005). Damage is defined broadly, again perhaps
as a reaction to the Superuser, to include “any impairment to the integrity or
availability of data, a program, a system, or information.” Id. § 1030(e)(8). The
prosecution allegedly argued that the damage caused was McDanel’s employer’s
reputation. See Sprigman, supra note 93.
To be sure, it is imaginable, especially to one persuaded by the Myth of the
Superuser, that some Superuser criminal could use email messages to attack a system,
for example, as part of a Denial of Service attack. See generally JELENA MIRKOVIC ET AL.,
Denial of Service attacks in depth). Even those who disagree with the prosecution of
McDanel might argue the conduct element should be broad to encompass this
hypothetical criminal. I contend that those making this argument have fallen prey to
the Myth of the Superuser. Even though this potential harm is covered by the broad
conduct element, that coverage comes at a cost of other harms from overbreadth, as
discussed below.
See Sprigman, supra note 93.
The government’s concession involved the damage element, not the conduct
element discussed here. See 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(5)(A)(i). In its motion to reverse the
conviction, the government conceded that “[o]n further review, in light of defendant’s
arguments on appeal, the government believes it was error to argue that defendant
intended an ‘impairment’ to the integrity of Tornado’s computer system.”
Government’s Motion for Reversal of Conviction at 3-4, United States v. McDanel, No.
03-50135 (9th Cir. Oct. 14, 2003), available at http://www.lessig.org/blog/
18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(5)(A)(ii).
Orin Kerr, Cybercrime’s Scope: Interpreting “Access” and “Authorization” in
Computer Misuse Statutes, 78 N.Y.U. L. REV. 1596, 1617 (2003) (noting “several recent
decisions point toward remarkably expansive interpretations of unauthorized access”).
The Myth of the Superuser
Consider this example stemming from a civil lawsuit.104 A travel
agency had an employee write a computer program to collect, or
“scrape” its competitor’s prices from a website.105 The competitor
sued, alleging a violation of the “access to defraud” provision of the
CFAA, which relies on the aforementioned broad terms, “access” and
“authorization.”106 Although the defendants had merely accessed a
public website to copy publicly available information, the First Circuit
Court of Appeals held that they exceeded authorized access because
they arguably violated a confidentiality agreement between the
plaintiff and one of its former employees.107 In other words, this
broadly worded computer hacking and fraud statute proscribed mere
contract breach.
As a result of Congress’s expansion of these prohibitions, conduct is
no longer a meaningful, limiting principle for many federal computer
crimes. Because the Superuser’s conduct is hard to define, Congress
has given up trying to do so. So long as you merely “transmit” or
“access,” you have satisfied the conduct elements of the crime. These
elements have become low hurdles that, when cleared, place ordinary
users’ benign acts within the general reach of the prohibitions.108 In
McDanel’s case, the broad prohibitions meant sixteen months of
wrongful imprisonment.
The harm worsens with time. Each new hypothetical threat or
vague anecdote adds to the toolbox that Superusers are said to possess.
Lawmakers apply a ratchet to laws like § 1030, broadening substantive
provisions and increasing criminal penalties with nearly every
Congress.109 They are spurred on by law enforcement officials asking
The CFAA permits civil lawsuits for people harmed by the same prohibited acts
that are criminal under § 1030. 18 U.S.C. § 1030(g). Professor Kerr has noted the
spillover effect these civil lawsuits have on interpretations of criminal prohibitions, as
courts may be more inclined to entertain novel, aggressive theories of civil liability
that they might reject in the criminal context. See Kerr, supra note 103, at 1641-42
EF Cultural Travel BV v. Explorica, Inc., 274 F.3d 577, 579-80 (1st Cir. 2001).
18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(4); EF Cultural Travel BV, 274 F.3d at 581.
EF Cultural Travel BV, 274 F.3d at 582 (analyzing evidence in light of
preliminary injunction standard).
Other commentators have written about this feature of computer crime law, but
they are split about whether it is desirable. Compare Kerr, supra note 103, at 1647-48
(arguing for expansive interpretation of “access” within § 1030, placing greater weight
on meaning of “authorization”), with Patricia L. Bellia, Defending Cyberproperty, 79
N.Y.U. L. REV. 2164, 2254 (2004) (advocating for narrower meaning for access as “the
more natural” reading).
The Senate Report on the 1996 amendments to the Act states:
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for help tackling new threats on the horizon.110 Meanwhile, onceinnocent behavior begins to fall into new classes of prohibited
Broad statutes are not only a problem when they lead to the
conviction of the inculpable. They also raise civil liberties concerns by
enabling what I call “investigatory overbreadth.” Broad conduct
elements lead to enormous suspect pools. Imagine there has been an
attack on a corporate web server. Because the court in the travel
agency website dispute111 construed “without authorization” to apply
to those who merely breach contractual duties, the acts of all
employees and contractors must be scrutinized.112 Because the
McDanel court held that email messages to third parties constituted
the “transmission of information,” the private email messages or
instant messages of customers and other outsiders should also be
Thus, investigatory overbreadth refers to how broad conduct
elements place no limit on the number or type of people who are
suspects.114 Compounding the problem, broad conduct elements
make it easier for police to establish probable cause to search the
belongings of suspects. This is further exacerbated by the fact that
most Internet surveillance laws do not require notice to the party
As computers continue to proliferate in businesses and homes, and new
forms of computer crime emerge, Congress must remain vigilant to ensure
that the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act statute is up-to-date and provides
law enforcement with the necessary legal framework to fight computer
S. REP. NO. 104-357, pt. 2, at 5 (1996); see also United States v. Middleton, 231 F.3d
1207, 1212 (9th Cir. 2000) (stating “Congress has consciously broadened [§ 1030]
since its original enactment”).
See supra note 18 (listing major revisions to § 1030).
See supra notes 102-103 and accompanying text.
See supra note 105.
See supra note 93.
A related trend is the creation of laws that punish the possession or use of a
particular technology, rather than the harm caused by the technology. See Joseph M.
Olivenbaum, Ctrl-Alt-Delete: Rethinking Federal Computer Crime Legislation, 27 SETON
HALL L. REV. 574, 575-76 (1997) (explaining that “[t]o the extent that [computer
crime laws] focus on technological means, rather than on the harm caused by a
defendant’s conduct, those statutes tend towards overbreadth by sweeping within their
ambit anyone who uses the means regardless of result”); Douglas Thomas, Criminality
on the Electronic Frontier: Corporality and the Judicial Construction of the Hacker, in
18 (Douglas Thomas & Brian D. Loader eds., 2000).
The Myth of the Superuser
surveilled.115 Thus, law enforcement officials could read the email
messages and obtain the browsing habits of dozens or more people
without jeopardizing the investigation. The combination of broad
prohibitions and low surveillance standards gives the police both the
incentive and the means to cast out larger and more invasive dragnets.
Suppose that in our web server hypothetical, Congress had clarified
that certain crimes could be conducted only by outsiders.116 In this
situation, the pool of suspects would have been significantly smaller.
Likewise, this would be the case if Congress had clarified that
“transmitting information” did not apply to mere email
communications, contra McDanel.117 Congress, however, is loath to
narrow conduct elements, not because it is convinced that insiders or
people like McDanel deserve punishment, but more likely because it
worries that a Superuser’s acts will slip outside a narrow prohibition.
But is the possibility of a highly unlikely criminal evading conviction
through a loophole worse than routinely investigating and prosecuting
people like McDanel for seemingly innocent acts?
B. Unduly Invasive Search and Seizure
Part of what is terrifying about the Superuser is how the Internet
allows him to act anonymously. He can hop from host to host and
country to country with impunity. To find the Superuser, the police
need better search and surveillance authorities, better tools, and the
latitude to pursue creative solutions for piercing anonymity.
But broad search authorities can be used unjustifiably to intrude
upon civil liberties. Search warrants for computers are a prime
example, because the judges who sign and review these warrants
See 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(a)(ii)(B) (2000) (forbidding providers from
“disclos[ing] the existence of any interception or surveillance” conducted pursuant to
court order under Wiretap Act and providing civil damages for failing to comply); id.
§ 2703(c)(3) (2000 & Supp. V 2005) (dispensing with notice requirement under
Stored Communications Act for government access, with appropriate process, to
“records or information” about subscriber); id. § 3123(d)(2) (2000 & Supp. V 2005)
(similar provision for pen registers and trap and trace devices). But see id. §
2703(b)(1)(B) (2000) (requiring “prior notice” for access to certain types of
subscriber content information); id. § 2705 (2000) (providing mechanism for delaying
notice required by § 2703).
Cf. id. § 1030(a)(3) (2000) (defining criminal attacks on government systems to
exclude certain insiders); id. § 1030(a)(5)(A)(i) (2000 & Supp. V 2005) (defining
nonaccess attacks on protected computers to apply only to one “without
authorization” but omitting, by implication, insiders who act “in excess of
See supra note 93.
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usually authorize sweeping and highly invasive searches justified by
storytelling about a particular species of Superuser we might call the
“Data Hider.”
Agents seeking computer search warrants consider it standard
practice to tell stories in supporting affidavits about the sophisticated
technology that can be used to hide data.118 According to this
boilerplate, criminals are known to use steganography,119 kill
switches,120 and encryption to hide evidence of their crimes.121 These
agents also assert that file names and extensions are almost
meaningless, because users can easily change this information to hide
These assertions are important, because courts have
repeatedly held that each file in a computer is a separate “container”
over which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy under the
Fourth Amendment and for which the police must usually establish
independent probable cause to open.123
Convinced of the prowess of the Data Hider, a typical judge will
usually sign a warrant that authorizes (1) the search of every single
file on subject computers, (2) the search of hard drive parts that do
not even store files,124 and (3) offsite searches, where data is
INVESTIGATIONS (2002), available at http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/
s&smanual2002.htm [hereinafter DOJ MANUAL] (offering model search warrant that
includes language to justify offsite search: “Searching computer systems requires the
use of precise, scientific procedures which are designed to maintain the integrity of
the evidence and recover ‘hidden,’ erased, compressed, encrypted or passwordprotected data.”).
Steganography is defined and discussed infra in Part IV.B.1.d.
Kill switches are commands or hardware devices that can be triggered to cause
the deletion of data. See Timothy Roberts, Protecting Against Digital Data Thefts with a
‘Kill Switch,’ SAN JOSE BUS. J., Dec. 30, 2005, available at http://sanjose.bizjournals.com/
See, e.g., United States v. Comprehensive Drug Testing, Inc., 473 F.3d 915, 961
(9th Cir. 2006) (assessing search warrant affidavit that spun tales about users
mislabeling files, using encryption, and using steganography).
File extensions are the parts of file names that, by convention, reveal the broad
type of data stored within. On Windows computers, these extensions are usually the last
three letters of the file name, following the final dot.
For example,
“SuperuserArticle.doc” has an extension of “.doc.” The “.doc” extension signifies that
the file is a Microsoft Word document. But any user can change the filename to mask
the extension, making the Word document, for example, appear to be an MP3 music file.
See United States v. Carey, 172 F.3d 1268, 1273 (10th Cir. 1999); Kerr, supra
note 45, at 554-57.
These areas of “latent data” are often unknown to most computer users. Some
examples include the swap file, deleted space, file slack, and RAM slack. See Kerr,
The Myth of the Superuser
forensically examined for months or maybe even years.125 In
upholding the scope of these searches, reviewing courts make bare and
broad proclamations about what criminals do to hide evidence.126
These broad pronouncements are built upon nothing more than the
agent’s assertions and the judge’s intuitions about computer
For example, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has held that
“[c]omputer records are extremely susceptible to tampering, hiding,
or destruction, whether deliberate or inadvertent.”127 To support this
claim, the Ninth Circuit quoted a district court opinion from
Vermont,128 which in turn cited a district court opinion from
Florida.129 The Florida court based its conclusion about data
tampering on what an agent said he had been told by a Customs
Service forensic computer expert.130 Such is the path from the Myth of
the Superuser to binding court of appeals case law.
In reality, if criminals tend not to hide data inside obscured file
names or unusual directories, judges might feel compelled to ask the
police to cordon off parts of a computer’s hard drive.131 The law
supra note 45, at 542 (stating that “[c]omputers are also remarkable for storing a
tremendous amount of information that most users do not know about and cannot
See United States v. Hill, 459 F.3d 966, 978 (9th Cir. 2006) (upholding search
warrant that allowed blanket search through all files on hard drive); United States v.
Adjani, 452 F.3d 1140, 1150 (9th Cir. 2006) (same).
See Hill, 459 F.3d at 978 (finding that “[c]riminals will do all they can to
conceal contraband, including the simple expedient of changing the names and
extensions of files to disguise their content from the casual observer”); Adjani, 452
F.3d at 1150 (stating that “[c]omputer files are easy to disguise or rename, and were
we to limit the warrant to such a specific search protocol, much evidence could escape
discovery simply because of Adjani’s (or Reinhold’s) labeling of the files documenting
Adjani’s criminal activity . . . [t]he government should not be required to trust the
suspect’s self-labeling when executing a warrant”).
Hill, 459 F.3d at 978.
United States v. Hunter, 13 F. Supp. 2d 574, 583 (D. Vt. 1998).
United States v. Abbell, 963 F. Supp. 1178, 1199 (S.D. Fla. 1997).
In a dissenting opinion, Judge Fisher of the Ninth Circuit, who wrote Adjani,
seemed to argue for requiring this kind of additional proof, albeit in an atypical
context, that is, in a case involving the criminal investigation arising from the Major
League Baseball “BALCO” steroid scandal. United States v. Comprehensive Drug
Testing, Inc., 473 F.3d 915, 919-20 (9th Cir. 2006). Judge Fisher opined that the
government had “made misleading statements in . . . search warrant applications,” in
part because “[t]he government did not have any evidence or reason to believe that
CDT had engaged in steganography, boobytrapping computers, or any type of data
destruction or alteration.” Id. at 961.
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enforcement community fears such a result.132 It prefers instead to use
computer forensics tools that treat the hard drive as a unitary pool of
data through which to search.133
So where does this particular myth end and reality begin? Common
sense suggests that some criminals are paranoid enough to hide
evidence. But it is also highly improbable that all criminals are likely
to use these tactics. Home computer users committing relatively
nontechnological crimes — death threats or extortion via email, for
example — may have less incentive to hide evidence and no access to
the tools required to do so. Painting all criminals in every warrant
application as uniformly capable of hiding information is a classic
example of the Myth.
In accepting the bare assertion that every computer user is a
potential Data Hider, judges may fail to uphold the Fourth
Amendment rights of those searched. In some cases, constraints on
the allowable scope of the search of a hard drive may be sensible and
even constitutionally mandated.134
See DOJ MANUAL, supra note 118, § II.C (stating, “[f]or example, it is generally
unwise to limit a search strategy solely to keyword searches”); Kerr, supra note 45, at
576 (explaining “[t]he computer forensics process calls for ex-post standards, not exante rules”).
See Kerr, supra note 45, at 538. This is not to say that computer forensics could
not be executed in a more limited, privacy-sensitive manner. If a court signed a
warrant that required the police to avoid particular parts of a hard drive, forensics
experts would be able to use most of their tools to do this kind of analysis. See Brief of
Amici Curiae Computer Forensics Researchers and Scientists in Support of Appellant
and Reversal of the Denial of the Motion to Suppress at 22, United States v. Andrus,
No. 06-3094 (10th Cir. June 1, 2007), 2007 WL 3264595, at *22 (brief co-authored by
this Article’s author) (“Furthermore, [the commonly used computer forensics tool]
EnCase makes it possible to create a filter to exclude specified parts of the hard drive
from review: a forensic technician merely needs to click on specific folders from
among all of the folders on the hard disk to include them and only them in an
For example, in a search of a hard drive for evidence of music illegally
distributed over peer-to-peer networks, it may make sense to limit the search to the
computer directories used by that particular type of peer-to-peer software. Just as a
warrant to search for a gun cannot be used to support a search through stacks of paper
on a desk, cf. United States v. Ross, 456 U.S. 798, 820 (1992) (“A lawful search of
fixed premises generally extends to the entire area in which the object of the search
may be found . . . .”), agents should not be allowed to look for music where it cannot
be found. Compare United States v. Walser, 275 F.3d 981, 986 (10th Cir. 2001)
(upholding scope of computer search because agent “searched for relevant records in
places where such records might logically be found. . . . [He] selectively proceeded to
the ‘Microsoft Works’ sub-folder on the premise that because Works is a spreadsheet
program, that folder would be most likely to contain records relating to the business
of drug trafficking”), with United States v. Carey, 172 F.3d 1268, 1274 (10th Cir.
The Myth of the Superuser
Allowing computer-wide searches in every case dramatically
impinges on privacy. As hard drive capacity grows, the incentive for
computer users to delete old files diminishes.135 Today’s computers
can contain tens of thousands of letters, email messages, business
records, and financial documents, stretching back years.136 In the
computer context, courts have interpreted the plain view rule to mean
that evidence of any crime found during a computer search can be
used to prosecute the computer’s owner, even if it is unrelated to the
crime recited in the warrant.137 Commentators have likened hard
drive-wide searches to the general warrants that incensed the
Founding Fathers.138 Even if this is not a perfect comparison, these
searches are the closest thing to general warrants that we have in
modern police practice. By succumbing to the Myth, judges have
given the police the power to search at odds with Fourth Amendment
C. Guilt by Association
Another harm results when policymakers confuse power and evil.
This mistake is borne of a flawed syllogism: Power can be used online
to cause harm, Superusers are powerful, and therefore, Superusers are
harmful. This ignores the fact that many Superusers cause no harm
and may even cause great benefit. As a result of this flawed view,
benign or beneficial Superusers are branded illicit, and in the extreme
case, they are sued or prosecuted for doing nothing except wielding
1999) (suppressing evidence found on computer because after finding one image of
child pornography, “[w]hen he opened the subsequent [similarly named] files, he
knew he was not going to find items related to drug activity as specified in the
warrant”). Obviously, if law enforcement agents have any particularized reason to
suspect that this music distributor is likely to obscure data, the affidavit should reflect
this fact, and the warrant should allow more scrutiny of the hard drive.
Cf. Paul Festa, Google to Offer Gigabyte of Free E-mail, CNET NEWS.COM, Apr. 1,
http://www.news.com/Google-to-offer-gigabyte-of-free-e-mail/2100-1032_35182805.html?tag=item (explaining that “Google will offer enough storage so that the
average email account holder will never have to delete messages”).
See Kerr, supra note 45, at 541-42 (“Computer hard drives sold in 2005
generally have storage capacities . . . roughly equivalent to . . . the amount of
information contained in the books on one floor of a typical academic library.”).
See id. at 576-77.
See id. at 566 (“Narrowing or even eliminating the plain view exception may
eventually be needed to ensure that warrants to search computers do not become the
functional equivalent of general warrants.”).
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their power.139 This is guilt by association of an especially pernicious
and illogical form.
Felten, a professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs at
Princeton University, has suffered from this kind of overreaction.
Felten’s research focuses on DRM and computer security, using
especially applied methods to actively try to circumvent software
security to expose flaws.140 Under threat of a lawsuit, Felten was once
forced to delay presenting his research.141 He now consults regularly
with lawyers before undertaking sensitive projects and consuming
time and energy better spent on research.142
D. Wasted Investigatory Resources
Because Superusers can evade detection and identification, they are
difficult to find. In my opinion, while the DOJ does a very good job of
capturing and punishing dim hackers, the smart ones tend to get
away. Given enough money, time, and tools, law enforcement
agencies could catch some Superusers, but with the same resources,
they could find many more non-Superusers instead.
Even though law enforcement tends primarily to capture nonSuperuser criminals, the DOJ raises the specter of the Superuser
criminal whenever it discusses computer crime with Congress.143
See supra note 114.
See, e.g., Posting of Ed Felten to Freedom to Tinker Blog, http://www.freedomto-tinker.com/?p=975 (Feb. 14, 2006, 09:19) (summarizing DRM research on Sony
See John Markoff, Scientists Drop Plan to Present Music-Copying Study That
Record Industry Opposed, N.Y. TIMES, Apr. 27, 2001, at C5.
Letter from Edward W. Felten & J. Alex Halderman, Princeton Univ., to Office
of the Gen. Counsel, U.S. Copyright Office 7 (Dec. 1, 2005), available at
http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/doc/2005/dmcacomment.pdf (“Researchers like
Professor Edward Felten and Alex Halderman waste valuable research time consulting
attorneys due to concerns about liability under the DMCA.”) (responding to
Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for
Access Control Technologies, 71 Fed. Reg. 68,472 (Nov. 27, 2006) (to be codified at
37 C.F.R. pt. 201)).
See, e.g., The Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2001: Hearing on H.R. 3482
Before the Subcomm. on Crime of the H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 107th Cong. (2002)
(statement of John G. Malcolm, Deputy Assistant Att’y Gen. of the United States),
available at http://www.cybercrime.gov/HR3482_01Testimony.htm (describing
Russian hackers and citing CSI/FBI statistics); Department of Justice’s Efforts to Fight
Cybercrime: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Crime of the H. Comm. on the Judiciary,
107th Cong. (2001) (citing statement of Michael Chertoff, Assistant Att’y Gen. of the
MChertoff.htm (describing hackers from Russia and Eastern Europe, cyberterrorists,
The Myth of the Superuser
Congress often responds by increasing the resources and tools at the
DOJ’s disposal, focusing on the hardest cases, which probably
represent a small fraction of the victims and harm.144
E. The Myth and Legal Scholarship
Scholars too often fall prey to the Myth.145 By doing this, at the very
least, they shift attention away from the proper heart of most online
debates — the problems posed by ordinary users. Worse, the
prescriptions arising from these Myth-based arguments are often
fundamentally flawed.
Consider again the DRM debate. Scholarly critics of DRM point to a
paper written by four Microsoft engineers, entitled The Darknet and the
Future of Content Distribution, as proof of the ineffectiveness of laws
like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”).146 The first
premise of the Darknet paper is the sentence most often misused:
“Any widely distributed object will be available to a fraction of users in
a form that permits copying.”147 In other words, in the battle between
lock builders and lock pickers, the Darknet authors assume that the
lock-picking Superusers have the upper hand.
Legal scholars who cite this proposition often miss the fact that it is
merely an assumption.148 The Darknet paper authors do not prove the
assumption with rigor, but instead take it as a starting point. Others,
attacks on critical infrastructures, and dubious statistics).
See supra Part I.A.2 (describing Congress’s approach to modifying CFAA).
See infra notes 146-59 (discussing legal scholars’ use of so-called “darknet”
hypothesis). Student note authors seem to fall prey to the Myth more often than their
counterparts in the professorial ranks. See, e.g., Stephen W. Tountas, Note, Carnivore:
Is the Regulation of Wireless Technology a Legally Viable Option to Curtail the Growth of
Cybercrime?, 11 WASH. U. J.L. & POL’Y 351, 376 (2003) (“Given the devastation of
September 11, along with sophisticated tactics such as steganography, it is in
Congress’[s] best interest to disregard Carnivore’s constitutional issues” (footnote
omitted)). It may be that student authors are more careless or prone to logical
missteps in their analyses. On the other hand, it may be that student authors are more
aware of advanced technology and more willing to consider the implications of the use
of advanced technology.
See Peter Biddle et al., The Darknet and the Future of Content Distribution (2002),
available at http://crypto.stanford.edu/DRM2002/darknet5.doc. The scholar most
associated with bringing the Darknet paper into mainstream legal scholarship is Fred
von Lohmann. Fred von Lohmann, Measuring the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Against the Darknet: Implications for the Regulation of Technological Protection
Measures, 24 LOY. L.A. ENT. L. REV. 635, 641 (2004).
Biddle et al., supra note 146, at 2.
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however, have cited the first premise of the Darknet paper as proven
fact,149 which it is not.150
Compounding the problem, those who cite the first premise tend to
misread exactly what it says. The first premise is a statement about
possibilities, not inevitabilities.151 The authors do not (nor could they)
contend that the world’s Superusers have the skill, time, and interest
to crack every single piece of DRM-protected content. Theirs is a
more modest point about incentives, studded with caveats: only
works that are “widely distributed” satisfy the claim; only a “fraction
of users” can copy these works; even vulnerable works that “permit”
copying will not necessarily be copied.152
The Darknet paper, in sum, supports several propositions at odds
with the conventional scholarly perception of the paper. First, DRMprotected copies of unpopular music may never be broken, because no
Superusers will unlock them. Likewise, because of what I call the
“limits of human bandwidth,”153 — the idea that Superusers break
DRM at a fixed rate — even protection schemes used for popular
music may have to wait in line for an interested Superuser to come
along.154 For some content owners, DRM systems that remain
unbroken for months or years are good enough.155 This is especially
true because users can always be convinced or forced to upgrade to
See Neil Weinstock Netanel, Impose a Noncommercial Use Levy to Allow Free
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing, 17 HARV. J.L. & TECH. 1, 9-10 (2003); von Lohmann, supra
note 146, at 640.
The reason the Darknet paper authors felt no need to prove the first premise is
because their aim was to comment on what happens after Superusers have acted.
Their central argument was that small, informal, closed-but-interconnected networks
can efficiently distribute libraries of copyrighted works that “approach the aggregate
libraries that are provided by the global darknets [such as the peer-to-peer networks]
of today.” Biddle et al., supra note 146, at 9. Yesterday’s tight-knit circles of cassetteswapping teenagers have been replaced by larger groups with fast Internet
connections, complex software, powerful computers, and giant hard drives. So long
as some Superusers feed these darknets (again, this is just an assumption), these
darknets will thrive and be very difficult to detect and shut down. People who cite the
Darknet paper often mistake the starting point for the conclusion. See Netanel, supra
note 149, at 9-10; von Lohmann, supra note 146, at 640.
See Biddle et al., supra note 146, at 2.
See infra note 241 and accompanying text (discussing limits of human
See Nate Anderson, Hacking Digital Rights Management, ARS TECHNICA, July 18,
2006, http://arstechnica.com/articles/culture/drmhacks.ars (noting that Microsoft’s
DRM system for audio “has not been widely breached” since late 2001).
See id. (noting that even imperfect DRM schemes “may be good enough for
most [record] labels”).
The Myth of the Superuser
newer, stronger versions of DRM.156 In fact, despite how it is
portrayed and regarded in the scholarly community, the Darknet paper
is surprisingly optimistic about certain aspects and types of DRM. For
example, the authors note that “[e]xisting DRM-systems typically
provide protection for months to years.”157 In other words, DRM is
often good for a few months’ head start.
To be sure, the Darknet paper casts serious doubts on the ability of
DRM to stop all copyright infringement. The authors try to temper
expectations that laws like the DMCA will be a “silver bullet” against
the spread of unauthorized copies of copyrighted works.158 Thus, in
the debate over DRM, the paper stands squarely on the side of those
who doubt DRM’s status as a panacea.
Nevertheless, the paper’s conclusions have been overstated by
scholars tempted by the Myth. The sound-bite version of the paper’s
conclusion is the claim that powerful users will circumvent any
protection scheme released.159 This sound bite is intuitive, appealing,
and wrong.160
See Randal C. Picker, Rewinding Sony: The Evolving Product, Phoning Home and
the Duty of Ongoing Design, 55 CASE W. RES. L. REV. 749, 766-68 (2005); Jonathan L.
Zittrain, The Generative Internet, 119 HARV. L. REV. 1974, 2019 (2006).
In the conclusion to the paper, the authors go so far as to say that if darknets
tend to be isolated from one another (a possibility the authors implicitly seem to
doubt), then some particularly weak classes of DRM “are highly effective.” Biddle et
al., supra note 146, at 15.
However, the Darknet paper authors are optimistic about the law’s ability to
disrupt aspects of digital copyright infringement. In fact, the paper appears to have
been written in response to the success of lawsuits against centrally run services such
as Napster, Gnutella, and Kazaa. See id. at 5-8. The paper seems decidedly pessimistic
about the ability of such centralized services to resist legal challenges for long. See id.
at 7-8. Even the DMCA is called a “far-reaching (although not fully tested) example
of a law that is potentially quite powerful.” Id.
See Netanel, supra note 149, at 9 (citing Darknet paper, along with another
source, for proposition that, “[i]n fact, computer security experts maintain that no
technological barrier can ultimately prevail over determined hackers who have
physical access to the encrypted items”).
The Darknet paper is a good model of a measured, careful way of dealing with
the Superuser. In its last section, the paper calls for further empirical work about the
nature of the darknets, consistent with my recommendation for a more searching
empirical inquiry to back up Superuser claims in Part IV. See Biddle et al., supra note
146, at 15 (stating that “[i]t appears that quantitative studies of the effective ‘diffusion
constant’ of different kinds of darknets would be highly useful in elucidating the
dynamics of DRM and the darknet”).
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Why is it so difficult to assess Superuser risks — to measure the
power and reach Superusers command? There are three parts to the
answer, which together describe a pervasive fear-processing machine.
The machine operates on fear, and in particular, a documented,
widely held fear of the Internet.161 We fear the Internet for both
rational and irrational reasons; our fears are created or magnified by
the media. Just-so stories about imaginable (but implausible) new
powers that evil Superusers may wield are fed into the machine, which
in turn spits out miscalculated risks, misguided advocacy, poor
policymaking, and the litany of harms outlined in Part II.
So far, this is a fairly conventional account, as the basic connection
between fear and risk assessment is well-known in the social science
literature. Specifically, the literature surveyed in Part III.A identifies
heuristics and biases which lead us to miscalculate risk when faced
with fear. These heuristics and biases are the valves, gears, and
bearings of the fear-processing machine. Although this conventional
account can explain, in part, the Myth of the Superuser, I extend and
challenge the literature by focusing on two much more idiosyncratic
features of the Internet’s fear-processing machine.
The first variation from the conventional account stems from the
malleability of software. Software is easy to change in fundamental
ways, but those who fall prey to the Myth of the Superuser
misinterpret or misuse this fact. As I discuss in Part III.B, although
software is malleable, many observers have confused the possible with
the inevitable, partly because they have been confused by Professor
Lessig’s thoughts about code.
Misunderstandings about the
malleability of software feed new stories of fear and risk to the
machine at a rate rarely seen with real world stories.
Second, I focus on experts, the machine’s operators. In other
situations, experts try to temper public fear to slow the machine’s
output to a manageable rate. With online risk, the machine is
unmanned. As Part III.C explains, even experts cannot assign
probabilities to online risks.
Taken together, these features — fear, code malleability, and expert
abandonment — turn the conventional account into a much more
troubling one. It becomes more difficult to remedy and a more
pressing a concern than analogous problems offline. To begin the
assessment, I start with fear.
See infra Part III.A.1.b.
The Myth of the Superuser
A. Myth Origins: Fear
During the past thirty-five years, sociologists and psychologists have
developed an extensive literature about fear, focusing in particular on
human responses to fear and the effect of those responses on decisionmaking.162 Scholars have recently imported this literature into
theories of law, particularly with respect to environmental risks, such
as global warming.163 To date, no one has applied this fear and risk
literature to Internet regulation. This approach holds great promise,
in light of both the widely held and well-documented fear of the
Internet as well as the pre-eminence of rhetoric and storytelling in
policy debates about online regulation.
The Effects of Fear
Fear causes laypeople and policymakers to exaggerate some risks
and to downplay others in spite of the actual probability that those
risks will occur. In Laws of Fear, Cass Sunstein surveys psychological
and sociological explanations.164
Sunstein focuses on two as
particularly important: the availability heuristic and probability
The availability heuristic is the psychological tendency to give
greater weight to scenarios one can imagine.166 The heuristic is
triggered primarily with risks that are both familiar and salient.167
Familiar risks are those we can readily imagine.168 Because the risks
from smoking are more familiar than the risks from sunbathing,
Sunstein notes, people are more likely to exaggerate the risk from
(Thomas Gilovic, Dale Griffin, & Daniel Kahneman eds., 2002) (collecting important
papers in heuristics and biases scholarship); JUDGMENT UNDER UNCERTAINTY:
HEURISTICS AND BIASES 3, 11-14 (Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic, & Amos Tversky eds.,
1982) (same); PAUL SLOVIC, THE PERCEPTION OF RISK (2000) (examining disconnect
between expert measurements of risk and public perception of risk).
See id. at 35-49.
See id.
See id. at 36-39.
See id. at 37.
See id.
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smoking.169 Salient risks trigger a similar reaction. Viewing a house
fire, for example, is likely to have more impact than reading about it in
the newspaper because of the saliency of witnessing the fire
Probability neglect is the tendency to pay little attention to the
probability of a risk occurring, often experienced with worst case or
emotionally charged risks.171 The risk of death from airplane crashes,
for example, tends to trigger stronger reactions than the other, more
likely causes of death because of probability neglect.172 Sunstein notes
that “when intense emotions are engaged, people tend to focus on the
adverse outcome, not on its likelihood.”173
Fear of the Internet
The widely held fear of the Internet connects these observations to
the Myth of the Superuser. Prior literature demonstrates a strong
connection between fear and new technology.174 In perhaps the most
comprehensive summary of studies about information technophobia,
Professor Mark Brosnan reports large segments of the population
suffer from some fear of computer technology.175
Repeated surveys spotlight people’s fear of the Internet. A survey
commissioned by the U.K. government found that “[f]ear of [I]nternet
crime is now more prevalent than concerns about more conventional
crimes such as burglary, mugging and car theft.”176 In a 2003 survey,
See id.
See id. (citing Amos Tversky & Daniel Kahneman, Judgment Under Uncertainty:
Heuristics and Biases, in JUDGMENT UNDER UNCERTAINTY, supra note 162, at 3, 11-14).
See id. at 39-41.
See id. at 39-40. Sunstein notes that the availability heuristic also plays a role in
this particular example. See id. at 40. The availability heuristic will cause a person to
think airplane crashes are more likely to occur than their actual incidence, while
probability neglect will cause people to ignore the probability of an airplane crash
completely. See id. at 39.
Id. at 64; see also id. at 40 (explaining that “vivid images of disaster . . . crowd[]
out probability judgments”).
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 10-36 (1998) (summarizing studies about extent of fear of
information technology).
Id. at 12. Brosnan cites studies, for example, finding 50% of college students
registering as technophobic. Id. (citing Larry D. Rosen & Phyllisann Maguire, Myths
and Realities of Computerphobia: A Meta-Analysis, 3 ANXIETY RESEARCH 175 (1990)).
See Helen Carter, Internet Crime Eclipses Burglary in Survey of Perceived Risks,
THE GUARDIAN, Oct. 9, 2006, http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2006/oct/09/
The Myth of the Superuser
the Pew Internet and American Life Project discovered that 49% of
Americans fear that terrorists might cripple American utilities, banks,
or corporations through cyberattacks.177 Two years earlier, the same
organization discovered that over 70% of Americans were “concerned”
or “very concerned” about child pornography, credit card theft,
hackers, and organized terrorism online.178
We fear the Internet on several levels. First, we fear that the world
is becoming less comprehensible to the average person. We fear that
increasing technological complexity masks a terrifying fragility: the
world seems one cascading failure away from becoming unplugged,
taking away all of the essential services we have migrated online in the
past decade.179
Second, we fear malicious Superusers on the Internet for several
reasons. We imagine the Internet teeming with all kinds of evildoers,
from simple predators to “Supercriminal” Superusers, such as
organized crime figures, terrorists, and war fighters.180 Worse, they
have tools unlike any seen before; even everyday Internet applications
like email and the web are used to perpetrate frauds and harm
children with terrifying efficiency.181
These tools are nothing
compared to the more powerful and more inscrutable ones we fear
they wield.182 While it would be hard to claim that the fear of
2003), available at http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Preparedness_Net_Memo.pdf.
PRIVACY 9 (2001), available at http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/pip_fear_of_crime.pdf
(showing over 70% of Americans “concerned” or “very concerned” about child
pornography, credit card theft, hackers, and organized terrorism online).
See TAYLOR, supra note 29, at xiii (“Conversely, fear of computer technology
complements our perennial cultural concern that we cannot ultimately control our
technological curiosity.”). Paul Taylor links the fear of computer technology to “the
historical range of cultural expressions that give [the fear] voice,” citing Prometheus
and Icarus, Frankenstein, to more modern examples including Neuromancer, Blade
Runner, and Terminator. Id.
Id. (“We are fascinated by the ‘black box’ nature of computers and the technical
virtuosity of hackers who manipulate them, but at the same time we are fearful of
their lack of transparency and the fact that our conventional concept of technological
experts may be fatally undermined by largely anonymous, unaccountable, and
potentially subversive technological whiz-kids.”).
PROBLEM OF ELECTRONIC IDENTITY THEFT (Markus Jakobsson & Steven Myers eds.,
2006) (tracing history of so-called Phishing attacks, in which attackers use email and
fraudulent websites to steal identities).
In particular, the fear of anonymity is pronounced. TAYLOR, supra note 29, at
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technology lacks any rational basis183 (after all, technology often fails
in spectacular, frightening ways), the amount of fear and anxiety we
feel about the Internet is difficult to justify.184
The fear of the Internet can trigger the availability heuristic and
probability neglect, explaining in part, but not in whole, the tendency
to exaggerate the power of the Superuser. It might seem odd that
something as intangible and technologically complex as the Internet
would trigger the availability heuristic, which focuses on the familiar
and salient; yet the availability heuristic still exerts great influence for
at least three reasons.
First, although the causes or mechanisms of online risk are
sometimes bogged down in technical detail, they result in tangible,
easy-to-imagine effects. Planes fall out of the sky, power grids go
dark, children are stalked, and credit card numbers are stolen.
Second, the media report on online risks incessantly.185 Third, nearly
everyone has suffered firsthand from some form of online harm.
Computer viruses, hard drive crashes, and spam have become a
constant part of our daily, online existence. Perhaps experiences with
these kinds of minor harms cause people to miscalculate the
likelihood of severe types of online harm. “I am sure hackers can
break into defense department networks,” the reasoning might go,
“because my computer seems to get a new virus every day.”
xiii (“One of the main factors making hacking particularly suitable for media
hyperbole is its aura of anonymity.”).
A rich literature describes the technophobia associated with any perceived risk
from new technology. See Levi, supra note 22, at 50.
Focusing on public concerns about privacy, Kim Taipale, executive director of
the Center for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology Policy, advances a similar
theory, and points the finger at many sources.
The availability of information privacy horror stories (in particular, the
prevalence of identity theft, spam and hacker stories in the media), and the
general mistrust in government agencies to handle personal information
appropriately, combined with a general apprehension about technology and
how it works, and the natural anxiety relating to disclosure of personal,
particularly intimate, information — all spurred on by the privacy lobby —
has created a public anxiety about electronic privacy out of proportion to the
actual privacy risks and has obscured discussion of the very real threats
posed by either failing to provide security or by misallocating security
K.A. Taipale, Technology, Security and Privacy: The Fear of Frankenstein, the Mythology
of Privacy, and the Lessons of King Ludd, 7 YALE J.L. & TECH. 123, 137-38 (2004-2005)
(footnotes omitted).
See infra Part III.A.2.
The Myth of the Superuser
Similarly, fear of the Internet triggers probability neglect. Many
harms online are the type of worst case, emotionally charged harms that
Child pornography and
trigger inattention to probabilities.186
cyberterrorism, in particular, supply the public with easy-to-visualize,
horrific, and even apocalyptic imagery.187 As a result of probability
neglect and the availability heuristic, observers imagine there are many
Superusers when in reality there are few, or they believe that Superusers
have a much stronger impact or reach than they actually do.188
Superusers in the Media
It is also useful to examine the relationship between the media and
fear. The media pays a lot of attention to Superusers. This may be a
simple effect of the Myth, or it may be a root cause.
Some sociologists believe the media causes fear.189 According to
these theories, the media exaggerates and overemphasizes stories
about risks to maximize ratings and readership, which exacerbates the
public’s fear.190 Although this so-called “media-effects theory” is
contested,191 regardless of its validity, many agree that the media pays
See Cass R. Sunstein, Probability Neglect: Emotions, Worst Cases, and Law, 112
YALE L.J. 61, 76 (2002) (“My central claim is that when strong emotions are involved,
large-scale variations in probabilities will matter surprisingly little — even when the
variations unquestionably matter when emotions are not triggered.”).
See Green, supra note 50 (recounting predictions of impending “digital
Armageddon” resulting from cyberterrorism).
Another way to characterize this phenomenon involves the types of logical
mistakes caused from the biases of fear. Logicians call this mistake the hasty
generalization or the converse accident. See NICHOLAS BUNNIN & JIYUAN YU, THE
“fallacy of secundum quid”). This informal logical fallacy undermines inductive
reasoning from a particular case to a general rule. Id. When the specific cases are not
numerous enough or typical enough to illuminate the general rule, drawing the latter
from the former is an error. See id.
See generally SUNSTEIN, supra note 163, at 87 (“[N]ews sources do a great deal
to trigger fear . . . .”); Ronald Weitzer & Charis Kubrin, Breaking News: How Local TV
News and Real-World Conditions Affect Fear of Crime, 21 JUST. Q. 497, 497 (2004)
(examining “the role of the media in shaping crime fears, in conjunction with both
demographic factors and local crime conditions”).
http://www.buildingblocksforyouth.org/media/media.html (describing how media
portrayals of crime can drive public policy responses and frame issues for public).
WRONG THINGS 26-29 (1999); Karen Frost et al., Relative Risk in the News Media: A
Quantification of Misrepresentation, 87 AM. J. PUB. HEALTH 842, 844 (1997); David
Gauntlett, Ten Things Wrong with the “Effects Model” (1998), available at
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disproportionate attention to sensational stories aimed at fearinducing topics.192 The Superuser is an example: he is a pervasive
image, especially compared to the exaggerated focus on online crimes
committed by unsophisticated non-Superusers.
News stories about online threats appear regularly in major
newspapers.193 Many of these stories exaggerate the sophistication of
the crimes and the criminals. Consider, for example, convicted hacker
Kevin Mitnick. By some accounts, Mitnick is the most notorious
computer hacker in the world.194
Mitnick’s forte was “social
engineering,” a glorified term for skillful lying.195 He once obtained
proprietary source code and manuals from a Pacific Bell field office by
convincing the person at the front desk of a data center that he was an
Most of his infamous attacks relied on social
engineering, not technical wizardry.197
E.g., DORFMAN & SCHIRALDI, supra note 190 (surveying various print and
broadcast news sources spanning nearly 100 years and concluding “[t]he news media
report crime, especially violent crime, out of proportion to its actual occurrence”).
Consider the following headlines that appeared in the New York Times in 2006:
Associated Press, Computer Hackers Attack State Department, N.Y. TIMES, July 12, 2006,
at A6; Associated Press, Hackers Gain Data on AT&T Shoppers, N.Y. TIMES, Aug. 30,
2006, at C2; William L. Hamilton, You’re Not Alone, N.Y. TIMES, Nov. 23, 2006, at F1
(describing threat to networked home computers as “the next frontier of risk”); Metro
Briefing/New Jersey, Newark: University Computers Hacked, N.Y. TIMES, Apr. 10, 2006,
at B4; Alex Mindlin, Your Computer Is Under Attack — LOL, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 20, 2006,
at C3; David Shenk, A Growing Web of Watchers Builds a Surveillance Society, N.Y.
TIMES, Jan. 25, 2006, at G6; Tom Zeller, Jr., Cyberthieves Silently Copy Your Passwords
as You Type, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 27, 2006, at A1.
See Michael Specter, An Ex-Con Logs On, NEW YORKER, Feb. 3, 2003, at 32
(stating “Mitnick . . . is usually described as the world’s most notorious hacker”);
Patricia Jacobus, Mitnick Released from Prison, CNET NEWS.COM, Mar. 24, 2001,
(noting “Kevin Mitnick, one of the world’s most notorious computer hackers”).
In his post-prison, reformed public persona, Mitnick has even written a few
books about social engineering. See, e.g., KEVIN D. MITNICK & WILLIAM L. SIMON, THE
how hackers use social engineering); KEVIN D. MITNICK & WILLIAM L. SIMON, THE ART
DECEIVERS (2005) (describing real-life stories of computer intrusions, many involving
social engineering).
See id.; Elizabeth Weise, Hacker Prowess Exaggerated? Computer Villain Seen as
Virtually Marginal in Reality, CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Jan. 27, 1996, at 2A (explaining
that “in news reports, Mitnick was pictured as a lone, master hacker, capable of doing
almost anything with a computer or even just a phone. In reality, Mitnick’s technical
skills were only fair”).
The Myth of the Superuser
Despite the low-tech methods Mitnick used, some in the media have
portrayed him as a technical genius.198 A New York Times article
written at his arrest breathlessly announced that “[t]he technical
sophistication of the pursued and his pursuer . . . was remarkable.”199
In addition to these newspaper accounts, authors have written many
books about the lore of the Superuser hacker.200 The pervasive
attention to the Superuser extends beyond print media. The lone,
genius hacker has become almost a stock figure in many movies, such
as WarGames, The Matrix, TRON, and Sneakers.201
The media’s exaggeration of technical sophistication is a shame,
because careful media attention can dispel the Myth and provide a
calming influence on public fears. For example, three praiseworthy
articles in the New York Times in 2006 sought to defuse, not heighten,
the Myth of the Superuser. One story described the realization by
officials at ChoicePoint, a prominent data broker, that despite all of its
efforts to harden its computer databases, unscrupulous “customers” were
buying information under the cover of legitimate businesses.202 Another
See Associated Press, Cyberspace Raider to Get Plea Bargain, ATLANTA J. &
CONST., July 2, 1995, at A5 (calling Mitnick “[a] computer hacker with a history of
breaking into some of the nation’s most protected computer systems”); Bernard Levin,
Misappliance of Science, TIMES (U.K.), Mar. 24, 1995, at 16 (listing crimes attributed to
Mitnick to conclude that “this man is a genius,” and “Mitnick, it is very clear, could
clean out a thousand bank systems and retire with countless billions of dollars”).
John Markoff, Hacker and Grifter Duel on the Net, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 19, 1995, at
A1. By “pursuer,” Markoff is referring to Tsutomo Shimomura, a computer researcher
who helped find Mitnick. Granted, the article goes on to mention that “[i]f anything,
Mr. Mitnick’s real ‘darkside’ brilliance comes not from his computer skills, but from
his insight into people.” Id. After Mitnick’s arrest, Markoff and Shimomura coauthored a book, JOHN MARKOFF & TSUTOMO SHIMOMURA, TAKE-DOWN: THE PURSUIT
THE MAN WHO DID IT (1996). Reportedly the marketing copy for the book referred to
Mitnick as “a hacker who ‘could have crippled the world.’” Greg Miller, Did Reporter
Sensationalize Case?, SEATTLE TIMES, Mar. 20, 1999, at A2.
See generally HAFNER & MARKOFF, supra note 196 (profiling several famous
MITNICK (1996) (describing pursuit and arrest of Mitnick); MARKOFF & SHIMOMURA,
supra note 199 (same); BRUCE STERLING, THE HACKER CRACKDOWN (1992) (describing
arrest of Mitnick); CLIFFORD STOLL, THE CUCKOO’S EGG (1989) (detailing pursuit of
computer intruders).
Others deemed merely footnote-worthy include The Matrix sequels (Warner
Bros. 2003), HACKERS (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 1995), THE NET (Columbia Pictures
1995), SWORDFISH (Warner Bros. 2001), JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Sony Pictures Home
Entertainment 1995), GOLDENEYE (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 1995), THE LAWNMOWER
MAN (New Line Cinema 1992), EXISTENZ (Alliance Atlantis 1999), and ANTITRUST
(Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 2001).
Gary Rivlin, Keeping Your Enemies Close, N.Y. TIMES, Nov. 12, 2006, § 3 at 1.
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article tried to spotlight the difference between “data breach” and
“identity theft,” concepts that are often conflated by the media.203 A
third article argued that when it comes to stolen data and identity theft,
“[h]ackers and sophisticated data thieves are one thing. But in the battle
to stop the great hemorrhaging of personal data, the enemy is us.”204
Thus, conventional social science explains many of our observations
about the Myth of the Superuser. Fear, abetted by the media spotlight,
causes people to rely on the availability heuristic and to suffer from
probability neglect. Both phenomena lead to exaggerated risk
B. Myth Origins: Technology
Heuristics and biases explain why we exaggerate the online fears we
have, but they cannot so easily explain why exotic, new, online fears
develop so rapidly, and why the number and variety of myths seem so
plentiful compared to other fields. Why are new fears added so
quickly to the Internet’s fear-processing machine? The way to account
for this is to look at the nature of the technology; networks, software,
and hardware are malleable, but only to an extent. Due to confusion
about Lessig’s ideas about code, this malleability is too often mistaken
for boundless possibility.
Malleability, or the Care and Feeding of Superusers
Superusers thrive by taking advantage of several well-known
features of programmers, code, computers, and networks. First,
Superusers benefit from the openness of software and hardware.205
Computer hardware is almost always shipped in an easy-to-open case
that invites tinkering, even though most computer users will never
tinker.206 Computer software is sold in a metaphorically similar
manner, with the typical operating system (“OS”) shipped to allow
“administrator access” by the average user.207
Steve Lohr, Surging Losses, But Few Victims, N.Y. TIMES, Sept. 27, 2006, at G1.
Tom Zeller, Jr., 93,754,333 Examples of Data Nonchalance, N.Y. TIMES, Sept. 25,
2006, at C5.
See Zittrain, supra note 156, at 1982-87.
2003) (providing detailed guide for repairing and understanding personal computer
See Zittrain, supra note 156, at 1983 (“Most significant, PCs were and are
accessible. They were designed to run software not written by the PC manufacturer or
OS publisher, including software written by those with whom these manufacturers
The Myth of the Superuser
These are not mandatory design choices. Hardware could be
shipped sealed and inaccessible, and the OS could allow only limited
control.208 Were those choices the status quo, it would be harder to be
a Superuser.209 This is why experts modify and adapt the open PC
much more easily than the closed, hard-to-modify TiVo.210
Second, networks are also open to scrutiny and manipulation.211
Although openness is why the Internet has so grown rapidly to
include many innovative services, it can be exploited by the Superuser.
For example, robust authentication controls — mechanisms to verify
that a person online is who they say they are — were not designed
into the Internet’s core protocols.212 Although authentication has been
added after the fact, the unauthenticated core is always there.213 Thus,
Superusers can take advantage of the network’s trust to act undetected.
Third, software will always be imperfect. All commercial software
programs have bugs214 because it would be too expensive to drive
them all away.215
Superusers find and exploit these bugs to
had no special arrangements.”).
Microsoft has trumpeted the fact that its latest version of Windows, Vista,
makes nonadministrator access the default. See Posting of Jim Allchin to Windows
Vista Team Blog, http://windowsvistablog.com/blogs/windowsvista/archive/2007/
01/23/security-features-vs-convenience.aspx (Jan. 23, 2007, 17:32).
See Zittrain, supra note 156, at 1982-87; cf. Jay Kesan & Rajiv C. Shah, Setting
Software Defaults: Perspectives from Law, Computer Science and Behavioral Economics,
82 NOTRE DAME L. REV. 583 (2006) (explaining how defaults operate in software and
how policymakers should set defaults).
See Zittrain, supra note 156, at 2014-15.
See Mark Lemley & Lawrence Lessig, The End of End-to-End: Preserving the
Architecture of the Internet in the Broadband Era, 48 UCLA L. REV. 925, 930 (2001) (“It
is the view of many in the Internet community, ourselves included, that the
extraordinary growth of the Internet rests fundamentally upon its design principles.
Some of these principles relate to the openness of the Internet’s standards and the
openness of the software that implemented those standards.”).
Cf. KIM CAMERON, THE LAWS OF IDENTITY (2005), available at
http://www.identityblog.com/stories/2005/05/13/TheLawsOfIdentity.pdf (discussing
why it is hard to add identity to Internet).
See David Talbot, The Internet is Broken, TECH. REV., Dec. 20, 2005, available at
http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/16051/page2/ (“Simply put, the Internet
has no inherent security architecture — nothing to stop viruses or spam or anything
else. Protections like firewalls and antispam software are add-ons, security patches in
a digital arms race.”).
Crispin Cowan, Calton Pu, & Heather Hinton, Death, Taxes, and Imperfect
Software: Surviving the Inevitable, in ACM PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1998 WORKSHOP ON
NEW SECURITY PARADIGMS 54, 55 (1998) (“Commercial software chronically has bugs,
many with security vulnerability implications.”).
See id. “Tempting as it may be to hypothesize that this is because the vendors
are lazy or stupid, this is not the case. Commercial software chronically has bugs for
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circumvent security, break DRM, or otherwise cause software to do
what it is not designed to do.216
Finally, programmers — often Superusers themselves —
purposefully enable expert level control frequently. Consider, for
example “command line” programs such as UNIX shells or the
Windows command prompt.217 With these programs (which are quite
homely by today’s graphical standards), users key in esoteric
commands to control the OS, for example, to copy files, create folders,
or run programs.218 Although they can do these things with a modern
graphical user interface, experienced command line users consider
themselves more efficient than their mouse-bound counterparts.219
Misunderstanding “Code Is Law”
Relying on Lessig’s important work on code for support, people
mistakenly interpret the Internet’s malleability to mean limitless
possibility for Superuser power.220 Lessig famously spotlighted the role
that software plays in regulating online behavior.221 Easily modifiable
software, Lessig noted, defines the “laws of nature” of online spaces.222
If a programmer decides he wants people to “walk through walls”
online, he can change the code to allow that behavior. In this way,
software regulates online conduct in much the same way laws (and
norms and markets) do.223 In slogan form, “Code is Law.”224
the dual-reason that correctness is hard, and correctness does not sell software.” Id.;
see also Eric Sink, Why We All Sell Code with Bugs, GUARDIAN UNLIMITED, May 25,
2006, at 6, available at http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2006/may/25/
Brad Stone, A Lively Market, Legal and Not, for Software Bugs, N.Y. TIMES, Jan.
30, 2007, at A1 (describing “the willingness of Internet criminals to spend large sums
for early knowledge of software flaws that could provide an opening for identity-theft
schemes and spam attacks”).
(describing command lines).
SYSTEM 11-14 (5th ed. 2002) (describing basic UNIX commands).
See STEPHENSON, supra note 217, at 74. Stephenson describes how Apple
programmers created a command line interface on the early Macintosh computer —
the symbol of the birth of the graphical user interface — “so that they would be able
to get some useful work done.”
See infra notes 225-27 and accompanying text.
LESSIG, supra note 7 passim.
Id. at 24.
See id. at 125.
Id. at 1.
The Myth of the Superuser
Unfortunately, few have accepted Lessig’s important and useful
insights as an invitation to study the malleability of code in a rigorous
way. Legal academics, in particular, have embraced the general idea
that code is important, but they too often treat it as mysterious and
complex — a hopeless moving target.225 The tendency is to hope that
code will evolve to resolve conflicts, an unrealistic technological
determinism.226 Worse, others fall into a “science fiction trap,”
imagining that every kind of new technology is possible.227 By
ignoring the constraints of reality, these people can make any problem
melt away. The truth, however, is not so rosy.
In particular, the misinterpretation of Lessig’s ideas has led to what I
call “metaphor failure.” Internet law is often a battle of metaphors.
When reading my email messages, is my ISP acting more like the
postman who glances at the backs of postcards or the one who rips
See R. Polk Wagner, On Software Regulation, 78 S. CAL. L. REV. 457, 492 (2005)
(“[S]oftware development is a rapidly moving, nearly unpredictable target, making it
difficult to directly address software through legal regulation.”). I do not mean to be
too critical of Professor Wagner’s article, because although I think he overemphasizes
the unpredictability and instability of code development, the article stands as a leading
example of a careful analysis of law’s effect on code. His overemphasis on the
instability of code causes him to offer prescriptions that are much too deferential, but
this is a critique of fine points while celebrating the article’s larger goals.
There is an ancient (in network terms) famous mantra that exemplifies this
point: “[T]he [Inter]net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.” See
GOLDSMITH & WU, supra note 6, at 3 (quoting John Gilmore). Except sometimes the
Internet does not route around censorship, and censorship flourishes. James Fallows,
‘The Connection Has Been Reset,’ ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Mar. 2008, available at
http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200803/chinese-firewall (describing China’s use of
firewalls and other Internet technology to monitor and block disfavored traffic).
Lessig himself has occasionally been guilty of falling for the science fiction trap,
most conspicuously by placing too much stock in the Platform for Privacy Preferences
(“P3P”). P3P is a form of so-called “intelligent agents,” little pieces of software which
might automate and mediate our privacy wishes with the websites we visit. In Code,
Lessig argued that “with a technology like P3P, we could lower transaction costs
enough to make a property rule [instead of a liability rule] work.” LESSIG, supra note 7,
at 229. As Lessig himself noted in the 2006 version of the book, his recommendation
to propertize privacy has been criticized. Id. at 383 n.47 (citing critics). Lessig’s vision
of the P3P protocol — easy to use, easy to deploy, rich enough to contain our
preferences but simple enough to be understandable — assumes away many difficult
http://epic.org/reports/prettypoorprivacy.html (“[P3P] is a complex and confusing
protocol that will make it more difficult for Internet users to protect their privacy.”).
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open closed envelopes?228 Is an encrypted document more like a
paper letter inside a closed box or a shredded document?229
Superusers’ actions seem more science fiction than reality. As one
scholar noted, “What is talked about, in terms of hackers at least, is
the manner in which hackers themselves exist in a shadowy space of
secrecy, possessing near mystical powers that allow control of
technology that itself is beyond discourse.”230 A hacker can pass
through “impenetrable” firewalls231 (walk through walls), install a
rootkit232 (leave behind no trace), scan entire networks in search of
interesting files in a matter of minutes233 (fly through entire
neighborhoods of information), and walk off with millions of
identities (thousands of pages of information) never to be heard from
again (vanish).
When metaphors for online concepts fail, scholars and policymakers
become deeply unmoored. Stripped of comparison points, they see
online conflicts as blank slates. These conflicts provide opportunities
to rewrite rules and start from scratch, propose creative and untested
solutions, and abandon ordinary tools that have been used for decades
in real world conflicts. This is a form of an Internet exceptionalist
strain of thinking that many scholars have debunked in recent years
but that stubbornly persists among policymakers and even some
See Orin S. Kerr, The Problem of Perspective in Internet Law, 91 GEO. L.J. 357,
365-68 (2003).
See A. Michael Froomkin, The Metaphor Is the Key: Cryptography, the Clipper
Chip, and the Constitution, 143 U. PA. L. REV. 709, 884 (1995).
Thomas, supra note 114, at 27.
See Byron Acohido & Jon Swartz, Unprotected PCs Can Be Hijacked in Minutes,
USA TODAY, Nov. 29, 2004, at 3B (finding that “firewalls, which restrict online access
to the guts of the PC operating system, represent a crucial first line of defense against
Rootkits are programs, typically installed by computer intruders that wipe out
traces of the intruder’s identity from the computer’s security detection systems. See
Paul Roberts, RSA: Microsoft on ‘Rootkits’: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, COMPUTERWORLD,
Feb. 17, 2005, available at http://www.computerworld.com/securitytopics/security/
story/0,10801,99843,00.html (describing new, more threatening rootkit technologies).
See J.D. Biersdorfer, Q&A: From a Crisp Web Image to a Blur, via the Printer,
N.Y. TIMES, Sept. 6, 2001, at G4.
A port scan means that another computer on the Internet is looking for an
open door to your machine. Port scans are legal and are used in some cases
for network management and administration, but hackers are also
increasingly using port scanning to find a way to break in so that they can
tamper with the computer or steal data from it.
The Myth of the Superuser
academics.234 To these people, imagining the possibility of a harm is
enough; confirming such speculation with people with firsthand (or
even secondhand) experience is optional.
We are better off once we realize that although code is malleable, it
is also constrained and predictable. Code can and will change, but at
least within a short time frame, it will only do so in certain ways.
Mindful of the many constraints on software, we can make better
predictions, and avoid and dispel misguided thoughts about the
endless power of the Superuser.
The Truth About Code: Constraints, Not Endless Possibility
There are many constraints on the evolution and development of
software. First, there are constraints of technology. Software can do
only what is permitted by hardware and other software. Programs
cannot interact with the physical world in futuristic, fantastic ways
unless a piece of hardware facilitates that type of interaction.235
Application programs cannot manipulate files unless the OS allows it
to do so.236
Of course, given the generativity of computers, constraints of
technology are surmountable with time and money.237 This suggests
the second, closely related constraint: the constraint of organization.
Despite the romantic vision of the lone programmer, toiling away on
the “Great American Program,” most of the software we use every day
was written by a large committee.238 Although wealthy, large
corporations can finance complex products, their resources are not
See, e.g., Timothy Wu, When Code Isn’t Law, 89 VA. L. REV. 679, 682 (2003);
James Grimmelman, Note, Regulating by Software, 114 YALE L.J. 1719, 1728-30 (2005).
I also made this point in a student note. Paul Ohm, Note, Usenet: On Regulating the
Internet, 46 UCLA L. REV. 1941, 1957 (1999).
It is not enough to simply have the right piece of hardware. Some hardware
will be constrained, again by software. For example, device drivers are small pieces of
critically important software that allow an operating system to interact with specific
bits of hardware. See Zittrain, supra note 156, at 2018.
See NEMETH ET AL., supra note 9, at 73-74 (describing UNIX operating system’s
file permissions methods).
See Zittrain, supra note 156 passim (using label “generativity” to describe
malleability of hardware and software).
ENGINEERING 31 (20th anniv. ed. 1995) (reporting that at peak, 1000 people worked
simultaneously to support creation of Operating System OS/360); cf. STEVEN WEBER,
THE SUCCESS OF OPEN SOURCE 59 (2004) (noting that most software written by one
person “is used only by the author or perhaps a few friends”).
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limitless; internal politics, inertia, and other similar “frictions” also
limit the type and pace of innovation they are likely to achieve.239
The market serves as another organizational constraint. Although
small tools are often developed to scratch a particular developer’s
idiosyncratic itch, larger products often need a market to emerge.240
Market forces channel developers away from the outlandishly new in
favor of gradual change instead.
Finally, software is written by people who toil under constraints of
human fallibility.
People tend to be busy, distracted, and
unorganized.241 They make mistakes and often lack imagination.242
Witness the web browser. Despite more than a decade of innovation,
the web browser continues to impart information essentially as it did
at its invention with pages full of text and graphics (and in the
principal subsequent innovation, the occasional video clip) scrolling
up and down the screen.243
The limits of human bandwidth serve as another form of human
fallibility, one that is perhaps even more important than the failure of
imagination. The average programmer can keep only a small amount
of code straight in her head and thus can produce only a modest
amount of new code daily.244 Consequently, a finite number of
programmers — for example, Superuser DRM circumventors — can
See WEBER, supra note 238, at 57-65 (describing “problem” of developing
complex software). Even Open Source software is subject to this constraint. Any
reasonably complex, widely used Open Source project — Linux, Firefox, Apache,
MySQL — required the work of dozens or more programmers to achieve the stability
and feature set of a mature product. See id. at 94-127 (describing development of
Linux, Apache, and Mozilla). Tales from the trenches describe internecine battles and
outright schisms (explaining code fork, to use a technical phrase) in the development
of some of these products. Id. at 64.
TRANSFORMS MARKETS AND FREEDOM 41-48 (2006) (describing increasing importance of
nonmarket drivers in information industries).
Cf. BROOKS, supra note 238, at 30 (reporting statistics about difference in
productivity between best and worst computer programmers).
William S. Curran, The Outer Limits of Programming, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE
38TH ACM SOUTHEAST REGIONAL CONFERENCE, 2000, at 38, 38 (commenting that
human computer programmers “have limits to our mental capacities”).
See Andrew Orlowski, Browser Innovation is Dead — Andreessen, THE REGISTER,
July 2, 2003, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/07/02/browser_innovation_is_dead_
andreessen/ (quoting Marc Andreessen, inventor of Mosaic and Netscape browsers,
“there hasn’t been any innovation on the browser in the last five years”).
Curran, supra note 242, at 38 (noting that 50 lines of code is both supposed
“practical limit [of] the number of lines [of programming code] that a typical
programmer can keep clearly in his/her head” as well as upper bound of what “average
programmer produces . . . daily”).
The Myth of the Superuser
produce only a finite output.245 Whether a particular new DRM
scheme is attacked and successfully circumvented, then, depends on
the aggregate priorities of a number of people.
The power of these constraints varies depending on the interval of
time about which predictions are being made. Over a long time
horizon — say ten or twenty years — these constraints will have
minimal effect on the evolution of software. Over the short term,
these constraints dominate, and software tends to evolve, not lurch.246
If we view claims of Superuser power through the lens of these
constraints — technology, organization, and human fallibility — we
can separate the probable from the merely possible. In a world of
endless possibility, Superusers can do anything online. But in reality,
many would-be Superusers will try to hack software and fail, lack the
imagination or expertise to succeed, or look for co-conspirators and
find none. Then having failed, they will move on to the next project,
other diversion, or day job.
C. Myth Perpetuation: The Failure of Expertise
What I have described so far is a fear-processing machine fed with
stories about all-powerful Superusers, supplied at an amplified rate
due to misunderstandings about the malleability of code, and acted
upon by well-known heuristics and biases we suffer in the face of fear.
The final piece is the machine’s operator. Most of Sunstein’s examples
involve risks with well-known probabilities calculated by experts.247
These experts regulate the knobs and dials of the machine, trying to
slow the output to a manageable rate. The problem with online risk is
that even experts have trouble assigning meaningful probabilities to
different risks because the machine is unattended. How often will a
hacker successfully breach a server? How often does unlawful access
Id. (“Now let’s consider a program estimated to require, say, ten million lines of
code. At ten lines per day, that would take a thousand programmers a thousand days.
That’s about four years of work for the thousand programmers.”).
In the terms of evolutionary biology, software evolves through phyletic
gradualism, not punctuated equilibrium. Cf. THOMAS KUHN, THE STRUCTURE OF
SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONS (1962) (introducing concepts of paradigm shifts); Niles
Eldredge & Stephen Jay Gould, Punctuated Equilibria: An Alternative to Phyletic
Gradualism, in MODELS IN PALEOBIOLOGY 82 (Thomas J.M. Schopf ed., 1972)
E.g., SUNSTEIN, supra note 163, at 96-97 (discussing risk of contracting SARS in
Canada); id. at 117 (discussing risks of harm from cell phone radiation and arsenic in
drinking water); id. at 132-36 (describing various calculations of value of statistical life).
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to a social security number result in identity theft? Experts rarely ask
these types of questions.
Contrast Sunstein’s paradigmatic experts: scientists who assess the
risks of cancer, the safety of nuclear power plants, or the dangers of
genetically modified foods.248 These researchers rigorously analyze
statistics to calculate risks.249 In fact, the disconnect between their
focus on numbers and probabilities and the average person’s seeming
disregard for statistics is a central mystery pursued in Laws of Fear.250
In stark contrast, experts in the field of computer crime and
computer security seem uninterested in probabilities. Why are experts
in this field willing to abdicate the important risk-calculating role
played by their counterparts in other fields? Consider the following
four explanations.
Pervasive Secrecy
Online risks are shrouded in secrecy. Software developers use trade
secret law and compiled code to keep details away from public
consumption.251 Computer hackers dwell in a mythical, shadowy
underground and trade vulnerabilities in private chat rooms.252
Security consultants are contractually bound not to reveal the
Id. at 139 (describing studies on eliminating cancer risks); id. at 47 (discussing
expert evaluations of risk from nuclear power plants); id. at 40 (discussing concerns
about genetically modified organisms).
Id. at 139.
This is not to say that Sunstein and the social scientists he cites find all expert
risk assessment flawless. At one point, Sunstein concedes that experts tend to “use
their own heuristics and have their own biases.” See id. at 86-87 (citing SHELDON
RAMPTON & JOHN STAUBER, TRUST US, WE’RE EXPERTS! (2001)). He does not, however,
spend much time on this observation, nor does he point out any situations in which
experts seem to have the very same biases as nonexperts. See also Kahneman &
Tversky, supra note 170, at 18 (explaining that “[t]he reliance on heuristics and the
prevalence of biases are not restricted to laymen . . . [e]xperienced researchers are also
prone to the same biases — when they think intuitively”).
Kahneman and Tversky (and probably Sunstein) seem to be talking about
exceptional instances where experts fall prone to biases despite their training and
rigor. The studies they cite, for example, focus on problems that are “more intricate”
and “less transparent” than the “elementary errors” made by laypeople. Id. at 18. In
contrast, I claim that experts of online risk tend to make precisely the same mistakes
of judgment as made by laypeople.
See WEBER, supra note 238, at 192. “[C]ontrol of the source code is the
foundation of [the traditional software] business model. . . . The simplest way to
retain control is to give only the binary executable codes to the customer.” Id. The
obvious exception to this tendency is the Open Source model. Id.
See Thomas, supra note 114, at 27.
The Myth of the Superuser
identities of those who hire them.253 Law enforcement agencies refuse
to divulge statistics about the number, type, and extent of their
investigations and resist congressional attempts to increase public
Since the September 11 attacks, the secrecy culture surrounding
code has broadened. The government has introduced new secrecy
measures with the goal of protecting our nation’s communications
networks, now part of the governmentally defined “Critical
Infrastructure.”255 For example, industry experts and government
officials meet periodically to share information about online risks in a
so-called Information Sharing and Analysis Center; those discussions
are not made available to the public.256
Everybody Is an Expert
The world abounds with computer experts, simply because theirs is
a title too easily obtained. All you need is skill with a computer;
formal training and background in rigorous methods are not required.
In fact, to many of these anointed experts, most academic types —
See Levi, supra note 22, at 46.
When Congress passed the update to the USA PATRIOT Act, known as the USA
PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005, it sought to increase
congressional oversight, by requiring additional auditing and reporting to Congress
about the government’s uses of certain FISA authorities. USA PATRIOT Improvement
and Reauthorization Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 109-177, §§ 106, 119, 120 Stat. 278,
199-200 (2006). President George W. Bush issued a signing statement to the new law,
reserving the right not to comply with the new requirements. President George W.
Bush, President’s Statement on H.R. 199, the “USA PATRIOT Improvement and
Reauthorization Act of 2005” (Mar. 9, 2005), available at http://www.whitehouse.gov/
index.html (search “President’s Statement on H.R. 199, the ‘USA PATRIOT
Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005’”; then click on first hyperlink). The
statement said, in pertinent part:
The executive branch shall construe the provisions of H.R. 3199 that call for
furnishing information to entities outside the [E]xecutive [B]ranch, such as
sections 106A and 119, in a manner consistent with the President’s
constitutional authority to supervise the unitary executive branch and to
withhold information the disclosure of which could impair foreign relations,
national security, the deliberative processes of the Executive, or the
performance of the Executive’s constitutional duties.
See NATIONAL STRATEGY, supra note 86, at 13-14.
See Kevin Poulsen, Feds Urge Secrecy over Network Outages, SECURITYFOCUS,
June 23, 2004, http://www.securityfocus.com/news/8966 (“Data exchanged within the
Telecom-[Information Sharing and Analysis Center] is protected from public
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those likeliest to conduct rigorous risk assessments — are, in fact,
inexpert because they focus too much on theory over practice.257
Part of this stems from the garage hacker history of computer
innovation.258 Unlike modern medicine, where most important
advances require money and years of formal education to achieve,
many computer breakthroughs come from self-taught tinkerers.259
Generally, this democratizing nature of online expertise would be
cause for celebration.
The problem is that self-educated computer experts tend to have
neither the training nor inclination to approach problems statistically
and empirically. People may be called before Congress to testify about
identity theft or network security, even if they have no idea nor even
care how often these risks occur.260 Their presence on a speakers’ list
crowds out the few academics who are thinking about these things
empirically and rigorously.261
For example, in reporting news that Microsoft had opened a new research
facility in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the New York Times quoted many sources that
suggested a divide between theoretical computer science and “useful” “product
development.” Katie Hafner, Microsoft Adds Research Lab in East as Others Cut Back,
N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 4, 2008, at C3; cf. Robert L. Glass, Revisiting the Industry/Academe
Communication Chasm, 40 COMM. ACM 11, 13 (1997) (fearing “communication chasm
between [computer science] academe and industry” which are “unnecessary because
both academics and practitioners are typically bright and rational people who share
similar goals”).
THE PERSONAL COMPUTER 78-79, 118-24 (2d ed. 1999) (describing role of hobbyists
and enthusiasts in establishing market for PCs); Zittrain, supra note 156, at 1984-85
(discussing role of hobbyists in development of commercial software); Posting of
Howard Rheingold to Huridocs-Tech, Human Rights Education Associates, (Dec. 23,
1999), available at http://www.hrea.org/lists/huridocs-tech/markup/msg00383.html.
See Walter Isaacson, Thinkers vs. Tinkerers, and Other Debates, TIME, Mar. 29,
1999, at 6 (comparing “relative influence of thinkers vs. tinkerers” over time, and
focusing in particular on role of tinkerers in computing advances).
For example, a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee recently held a
hearing to discuss identity theft. Privacy and Cybercrime Enforcement Act of 2007:
Hearing on H.R. 4175 Before the Subcomm. on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security
of the H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 110th Cong. (2007), available at
http://judiciary.house.gov/Hearings.aspx?ID=192. The witness list consisted of three
government officials, a victim of identity theft, the president of a software industry
association, and a privacy advocate. Id. While many of these witnesses reported
statistics about the number of identity theft cases each year, none tried to compare the
risks of identity theft with other online or offline risks. E.g., id. (statement of Craig
Magaw, Special Agent in Charge, Criminal Investigative Division, U.S. Secret Service)
(reporting that Secret Service agents had arrested over 4300 suspected identity thieves
in fiscal year 2007).
See infra Part IV.B.2.b for a description of some academic disciplines attempting
The Myth of the Superuser
This may be part of a broader trend. Professor Suzanna Sherry has
written about a tendency in law and policy to shift away from relying
on expert knowledge to consulting mass-created, democratic
knowledge.262 She points to prominent legal scholars in constitutional
law, administrative law, and civil procedure who have called for this
shift,263 often in reaction to what they see as the excesses of the power
of unelected judges.264 Sherry is a strong critic of this trend, referring
by analogy to two disastrous experiments with the politicization of
scientific inquiry: (1) the Soviet Communist party’s endorsement of
dubious genetic theories known as Lysenkoism and (2) the debate
over evolution and creationism in American public schools.265
If Sherry is right, then perhaps the devaluation of expertise we see
with computers will soon spread to other scientific and engineering
disciplines that raise public fears, such as environmental science,
genetic engineering, medicine, and biotechnology. Already vulnerable
to miscalculated risks, if these fields begin to lose their scientific
gatekeepers, the problems of biases and heuristics will worsen and
become more difficult to remedy.
Many people are selfishly motivated to portray online actors as
sophisticated hackers capable of awesome power.266 Prosecutors
characterize criminal defendants as evil masterminds to gain jury
appeal or to enhance a sentence.267 Law enforcement officials spin
to bring rigor to online risk assessments.
Suzanna Sherry, Democracy and the Death of Knowledge, 75 U. CIN. L. REV. 1053,
1053-54 (2007).
See id. at 1057 n.10.
See id. at 1067-69. Her principal focus is not on scientific expertise, but instead
on the “democratization” of legal knowledge, and in particular constitutional
Paul Taylor has remarked:
Despite their diametrically opposed arguments as to the potential social and
technical benefits of hacking, both computer security figures and denizens of
the computer underground occasionally manipulate and exaggerate the
malevolent aspects of hacking (the former to stigmati[z]e and isolate
hackers; the latter to revel in the subsequent notoriety such stigmati[z]ation
TAYLOR, supra note 29, at xiii.
See United States v. Prochner, 417 F.3d 54, 60-62 (1st Cir. 2005) (affirming
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yarns about legions of expert hackers to gain new criminal laws,
surveillance powers, and resources.268 The media probably enjoys
higher ratings and ad revenue when reporting on online risks.269
Homeland Security officials specializing in cyberterrorism describe a
world full of evil, renegade hackers, bent on terror and destruction.270
Security vendors do the same.271
The DRM debate is unusual, because the self-interest in using the
Superuser trope appears on both sides. DRM proponents argue that
because they can never win the arms race against powerful users, they
need laws like the DMCA.272 Opponents of DRM argue that the
technology is fundamentally futile because all DRM eventually will be
circumvented.273 Because these partisans and litigants have a vested
interest in building up the Myth of the Superuser, they obscure the
actual reach and influence of Superusers.274
application of enhancement because defendant “hacked” into website and rewrote
“cgi-scripts”); United States v. Lee, 296 F.3d 792, 799 (9th Cir. 2002) (reversing
application of enhancement as applied to designer of fraudulent website); U.S.
SENTENCING GUIDELINES MANUAL § 3B1.3 (2000) (requiring two-level adjustment for
use of special skill).
See Elinor Abreu, Net Crime Does Pay For Cops, THE INDUS. STANDARD, Feb. 21,
2000, available at http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=
002dvE (citing critics who claim that law enforcement inflates or takes advantage of
threat of computer crime to argue for more funding); supra Part II.B.
Cf. SUNSTEIN, supra note 163, at 102-03 (citing increased ratings for cable news
stations during reporting about Washington D.C. sniper story of 2002 (citing Johana
Neuman, In a Sniper’s Grip: Media’s Role in Drama Debated, L.A. TIMES, Oct. 24, 2002,
at 16)).
NATIONAL STRATEGY, supra note 86, at 6 (stating that “[b]ecause of the
increasing sophistication of computer attack tools, an increasing number of actors are
capable of launching nationally significant assaults against our infrastructures and
See Levi, supra note 22, at 50 (describing “self-serving PR” of “security
consultants whose income depends on shocking . . . senior executives and government
agencies who complacently fail to spend ‘enough’ money on security”).
See Business Software Alliance, Copyright Policy Initiatives to Protect Creative
Works: Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), http://www.bsa.org/country/
Creative%20Works.aspx (last visited Apr. 3, 2008) (“The DMCA has helped fuel that
expansion by giving software developers and creative artists the tools they need to go
after pirates who use technology to steal their products and redistribute them en
masse around the world with the click of a button.”).
See supra Part II.E.
Even those we would not think of as classical advocates or partisans may have a
self-interest in inflating the ability of computer criminals. Consider victims, for
example. Weak network security is often a contributing factor in the success of a
network breach. Victims are unlikely to admit that their security was weak. Low-
The Myth of the Superuser
The Need for Interdisciplinary Work
Finally, too many experts consider online risk assessment to be
somebody else’s concern. It is not even clear within which field of
study the research should occur. Computer security and computer
science seem the most likely candidates, because these risk
assessments require measuring the rate at which software flaws occur
and understanding whether these flaws are easy or difficult to
Unfortunately, computer security experts often unhelpfully
conclude that all computer software is flawed and that malicious
attackers can and will exploit those flaws if they are sufficiently
motivated.276 The question is not a technology question at all, they
contend, but rather one of means, motive, and opportunity —
questions for criminologists and not engineers.277 Criminologists, for
their part, spend little time studying computer crime, perhaps
assuming that vulnerability-exploit models can be analyzed only by
computer scientists.278
Both sides are right and wrong. Assessing an online risk requires
both computer science and criminology (as well as economics,
psychology, and sociology). Analyses that focus only on some of these
disciplines are short-sighted and often flawed.279
level administrators responsible for security embellish the sophistication of the
attacker to protect their jobs, and their managers do the same thing to minimize
liability or bad publicity. Kevin Poulsen, California Disclosure Law Has National
Reach, SECURITYFOCUS, Jan. 6, 2003, http://www.securityfocus.com/news/1984
(describing “a chronic problem in e-commerce — companies that are hacked are often
reluctant to go public for fear of bad publicity or civil liability”).
Wade H. Baker, Loren Paul Rees, & Peter S. Tippett, Necessary Measures:
Metric-Driven Information Security Risk Assessment and Decision Making, 50 COMM.
ACM 101, 102 (2007) (describing information security risk assessment as “the
product of three main factors: frequency of threats/attacks; the likelihood of their
success; and their impact on the organization”).
See supra note 214.
Email from Author, to Ed Felten, Professor of Computer Science and Policy,
Princeton Univ. (Dec. 19, 2006, 09:50:53 MST) (on file with UC Davis Law Review).
For some reason, British criminologists seem much more interested in
computer crime, and many have been cited thus far. See, e.g., TAYLOR, supra note 29;
WALL, supra note 22; Levi, supra note 22.
Cf. Levi, supra note 22, at 48 (arguing that problem of computer fraud is “social
and internal” rather than “technological and external”).
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Part III paints a gloomy picture. Fear is a huge problem online.
Because it is abetted by the media, compounded by misunderstandings
about code malleability, and abandoned by experts, dispelling the
Myth of the Superuser is a daunting, difficult task. This Part attempts
to rise to the challenge by proposing steps for dealing with the Myth.
It is important to recognize that this problem and its solutions are not
the same as risk assessment problems encountered elsewhere, such as
environmental regulation.
A. Superuser Harm Is Not Global Warming
In Laws of Fear, Sunstein ultimately prescribes a kind of “expert
cost-benefit analysis” that immunizes policymakers from exaggerated
public fears.280 But because experts have abdicated their role with
online harm, the inputs into his proposed cost-benefit analysis — the
probability of harm and the level of harm caused by the risk — are
very hard to come by.
Sunstein focuses much of his attention on the threat from offsetting
harms, and in particular, the harms caused by regulation.281 For
example, mandating expensive measures to reduce global warming
emissions may raise the cost of consumer goods, which may increase
the levels of poverty.282 Likewise, Part II demonstrated the grave
harms caused by regulations inspired by the Myth of the Superuser.
But despite some similarities, the problems surrounding online harm
and computer crime are different from and prior to the concerns voiced
by Sunstein. Because the malleability of code inspires new stories and
fears as quickly as policymakers can digest them, experts and laypeople
view every Superuser as very likely to cause severe harm. This tilts the
cost-benefit calculation to justify almost any remedial action, such as
increased surveillance powers, harsher penalties, and new restrictions
on conduct. The first task, then, is to move from categorical and
general pronouncements about Superuser harm to specific data about
the likelihood and the severity of online harm.
See Dan Kahan et al., Fear of Democracy: A Cultural Evaluation of Sunstein on
Risk, 119 HARV. L. REV. 1071, 1072 (2006).
SUNSTEIN, supra note 163, at 23-34.
Cf. id. at 31 (describing how Zambian government’s refusal of corn donated
from United States due to concerns about genetically modified food could have led to
35,000 deaths by starvation, according to World Health Organization estimates).
The Myth of the Superuser
B. Toward a New Empirical Foundation for Online Debates
I propose a new style of discourse for talking about online conflict.
Most importantly, we must demand more extensive and improved
quantitative and qualitative empirical evidence. Before we can do that,
we need to address the pervasive misuses of anecdote. Storytelling will
always be part of our debates, but we must become better producers
and more discriminate consumers of the stories that are told.
A Moratorium on Suspect Rhetoric
I call for a moratorium on urban myths and just-so stories — tall
tales in which the power of the attacks and evasiveness of the attackers
increase with each retelling. The earlier discussion of the 1996 Report
highlights some of the harmful and pervasive rhetorical tools that are
too often used and never challenged.283 We should ignore, or at least
give very little weight to, stories built upon any of the following
Mere Possibilities
Logicians describe the “appeal to probability” as the logical fallacy
that results when mere possibility is confused with likelihood.284 Just
because something may happen, people conclude that it will happen
and that it deserves a response. This is especially troublesome online
because the generativity of software seems to makes everything
Bare arguments about what may or could occur should be given
almost no weight by policymakers. Given the limits of human
bandwidth, most undesirable possibilities will never occur online.
Nobody has ever been killed as the result of an online attack.286 The
Internet has never “crashed”287 and never will.288 Further, I could find
See supra note 19.
See Levi, supra note 22, at 50 (discussing official sources that “conflate
experience of [risk] with theoretical risk from computer crime” (emphasis omitted)).
See Zittrain, supra note 156 passim; supra Part III.B.
See Krebs, supra note 85.
I am unconvinced that the Internet has ever crashed, although, of course, much
turns on how I define “crash.” In the 2000 Denial of Service attacks that struck
Yahoo!, eBay, and others, the vast majority of Internet sites and Internet users
continued to operate with little to no noticeable effect. Similarly, although the Morris
Worm had a significant effect on a much-smaller Internet in 1988, service was
restored in a matter of hours, estimates suggest that only 10% of hosts were infected,
and it is almost inconceivable that we would see an outage of similar scale today. See
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no documented cases of criminals using software booby-traps to
destroy evidence.
Secondhand Information
Policymakers should be skeptical of the storyteller who is many
steps removed from the technical expert or firsthand witness. As
children learn from the game of telephone, stories lose important
details with each step in the chain. Thus, the longer the chain, the
more the story should be doubted.
Furthermore, because the devil is in the technical details, stories of
Superuser power should be second-guessed when the speaker lacks
the technical knowledge to be trusted with getting the details right.
Similarly, stories should be doubted when they have crossed from
participant to advocate. All of these problems arise, for example,
when stories about powerful computer criminals are reported by
legislative affairs officers pressing changes in the laws.289
Moreover, too many Superuser storytellers enshroud the most
important details within veils of secrecy. Security consultants claim
the need to protect their clients’ identities.290 Prosecutors refuse to
reveal the details of ongoing investigations.291 The intelligence
community refuses to talk about anything.292
Paul Graham, The Submarine, http://www.paulgraham.com/submarine.html (last
visited Apr. 3, 2008).
See supra note 87.
See Declan McCullagh, Porn Spammers to Face Jail in U.S., ZDNET.CO.UK, July 9,
Assistant Attorney General William Moschella on Department of Justice’s positions on
then-pending antispam law); Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Justice Department
Announces William E. Moschella as New Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General
(Oct. 2, 2006), available at http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2006/October/06_odag_
666.html (reporting Moschella was in charge of DOJ’s Office of Legislative Affairs in
July 2003).
See supra note 253 and accompanying text.
See, e.g., Christopher Hayes, But Can He Hack Prison?, CHI. READER, Aug. 19,
2005, available at http://www.chicagoreader.com/pdf/050819/050819_cover.pdf.
(describing investigation into hack of website and reporting that “[a]n FBI
spokesperson says the Bureau won’t comment on an ongoing investigation”).
See Editorial, The Dangerous Comfort of Secrecy, N.Y. TIMES, July 12, 2005, at
A20 (“The Bush [A]dministration is classifying the documents to be kept from public
scrutiny at the rate of 125 a minute.”).
The Myth of the Superuser
In particular, the need to protect victims’ rights is a reason why
secrecy is given too much deference. For example, corporate victims
will often not reveal that their security has been breached.293 Although
such corporations usually claim to worry about customer privacy, they
more likely worry about plummeting customer confidence.294
While many of these obligations of secrecy are no doubt valid and
important, those who labor beneath these restrictions should not be
allowed to spin half-stories to influence policy without being required
to pierce the veil in return. Stories lacking details, even for legitimate
reasons, should not drive policy. I argue that most of the time, they
should be given no weight whatsoever.
Also, legislatures should consider laws to eliminate unnecessary
secrecy. For example, California now requires companies to publicly
disclose security breaches in computer systems that house personal
information.295 Although many companies have criticized this law and
opposed similar legislation in other states and in Congress, many
privacy and security experts praise the law.296 Not only does it keep
the public better informed about the uses of personal information, but
some argue that it provides better data for researchers who want to
weigh online risks.297
As security researcher Adam Shostack
See Richard P. Salgado, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Working with Victims of Computer
Network Hacks, USA BULL., Mar. 2001, available at http://www.usdoj.gov/
criminal/cybercrime/usamarch2001_6.htm (“Intrusion victims, however, are often
even more reluctant to call law enforcement than other business victims.”).
Id. (reporting that some industry participants in DOJ working group say they
did not report past hacks to law enforcement because “the fact of the intrusion will
become public knowledge, irreparably shaking investor confidence and driving
current and potential customers to competitors who elect not to report intrusions”).
See CAL. CIV. CODE §§ 1798.29, 1798.82 (West 2002). This is popularly
referred to as SB 1386.
See Jaikumar Vijayan, Breach Notification Laws: When Should Companies Tell
All?, COMPUTERWORLD, Mar. 2, 2006, available at http://www.computerworld.com/
securitytopics/security/story/0,10801,109161,00.html (citing “growing industry
consensus that security breach notification laws have forced companies to take more
responsibility for the data they own”).
Posting of Adam Shostack to Emergent Chaos, http://www.emergentchaos.com/
archives/2007/03/security_breaches_are_goo.html (Mar. 29, 2007, 00:43) (describing
presentation with slides that can be found at Adam Shostack, Security Breaches Are
Good for You (2007), http://www.homeport.org/~adam/Security%20Breaches%
20are%20good%20for%20you.pdf). The study of newspaper accounts of security
breaches by Erickson and Howard described supra note 57, noted a significant
increase in reporting since the passage of SB 1386.
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The reason that breaches are so important is that they provide
us with an objective and hard to manipulate data set which we
can use to look at the world. It’s a basis for evidence in
computer security. Breaches offer a unique and new
opportunity to study what really goes wrong. They allow us to
move beyond purely qualitative arguments about how bad
things are, or why they are bad, and add quantifatication
Undetectable Power
Because some Superusers’ tools are so hard to detect, we will not
even know when they have been used. Thus, there is no value
pointing to them in policy debates. Consider steganography. A close
relative of encryption, steganography involves hiding things in plain
view.299 People use steganographic software to encode messages or
files within other files.300 For example, text messages can be hidden
within image files that can then be placed on public websites,
remaining hidden in plain view.301 Although researchers have
developed tools to detect some forms of steganography, the research is
difficult to conduct and unlikely to be very good at detecting new
forms of steganography.302 Consequently, the spread of steganography
is nearly impossible to count or otherwise profile.
The empirical difficulty at the heart of the Myth of the Superuser is
at its worst with secret, undetectable tools such as this. Nevertheless,
steganography is often cited by scholars trying to (1) justify giving the
NSA or FBI more invasive surveillance authority by stating that
cunning terrorists are capable of using advanced Internet
technology,303 or (2) prove that new surveillance powers are futile
Shostack, supra note 297.
Cf. id. (reporting that scan of two million images on eBay had failed to identify
any steganographic messages).
See Orin Kerr, Internet Surveillance Law after the USA PATRIOT Act: The Big
Brother that Isn’t, 97 NW. U. L. REV. 607, 607 (2003) (arguing that amending Internet
surveillance laws would help War on Terror because terrorists were known to use
advanced Internet technologies); Michael J. Woods, Counterintelligence and Access to
Transactional Records: A Practical History of USA PATRIOT Act Section 215, 1 J. NAT’L
SECURITY L. & POL’Y 37, 37 (2005) (explaining that former chief of FBI National
The Myth of the Superuser
because criminals will simply turn to more secretive ways to
communicate.304 These arguments are supported by journalists who
have written articles about how al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden might
be using steganography.305 Thus, because claims about the possible
use of Superuser tools like steganography are speculative and
inherently irrefutable, they should never be considered effective
support in policy debates.
Improving the Empirical Foundation: Toward Better FactFinding
Ignoring suspect anecdotes will set up the conditions for better
policymaking, but this is merely ground-clearing. To truly assess the
power of the Superuser, we need better, more reliable, more
persuasive facts, and we need to better use the facts we have. Our goal
should be to discover whether Superusers or ordinary users account
for more harm.
In the course of writing this Article, I had an enlightening email
exchange with a technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.306
He took exception to my hostility to the idea that all DRM is
inherently flawed.307 Early in our exchange, he pointed to the Darknet
paper as part of his proof of this hypothesis.308 Although he had not
changed my mind (and I do not think I had changed his), by the end
of the exchange, instead of relying on a single reference to the Darknet
Security Law Unit argued that transactional record information is valuable when
hunting terrorists because content information can be obscured, for example, with
See Caspar Bowden, Closed Circuit Television for Inside Your Head: Blanket
Traffic Data Retention and the Emergency Anti-Terrorism Legislation, 2002 DUKE L. &
TECH. REV. 5, 5 (2002) (arguing against part of then-proposed UK Anti-Terrorism
Crime and Security Bill because undetectable communication via steganography
would remain undetected).
See Jack Kelley, Terror Groups Hide Behind Web Encryption, USA TODAY, Feb. 5,
2001, at 7A (citing unnamed “U.S. and foreign officials” for proposition that bin
Laden is using steganography); Kevin Maney, Osama’s Messages Could Be Hiding in
Plain Sight, USA TODAY, Dec. 19, 2001, at B6 (acknowledging that “no actual evidence
has been found of al[-]Qaeda using” steganography, but engaging in hype
nevertheless). The author of the first article, Jack Kelley, was revealed to have made
up many of his stories and sources, although the ensuing review of his work did not
specifically highlight this article. See Blake Morrison, Ex-USA Today Reporter Faked
Major Stories, USA TODAY, Mar. 19, 2004, at 1A.
See Email from Derek Slater, Activism Coordinator, Electronic Frontier Found.,
to Author (Aug. 15, 2006, 08:50:05 PST) (on file with UC Davis Law Review).
See id.
See id.
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paper, he provided paragraphs of history about the evolution of DRM
and DRM crackers and analyses about why DRM is doomed to
failure.309 It occurred to me that this exchange exemplified the result
that I seek. Sweeping away the rhetorical shortcut that the Myth of
the Superuser represents brings us closer to understanding the true
nature of the problems we are trying to solve.
Better Using Facts
Before we discover a single new fact, we can make better use of the
facts that we have. Even with the moratorium on suspect rhetoric, we
cannot abandon anecdotes completely. Because it will be a long time
before we gather enough reliable statistics to fully illuminate the risks
we face, part of what we must consider will come from stories.
Recall, however, that we are gullible, passive consumers of
Superuser anecdotes. To improve, every time we are faced with a
Superuser anecdote we should look for competing narratives to help
us decide whether the Superuser power or the ordinary user story is
the accurate one. For example, despite all of the focus on evil, “blackhat” Superusers, not enough focus is on their counterparts, the “whitehat” Superusers who develop countermeasures. Virus writers are
opposed by the antivirus community, spammers battle spam filterers,
and system crackers clash with system securers.310 Policymakers too
rarely assess how well white-hat technologists are solving problems on
their own. In some of these arms races, the countermeasure
community may hold the upper hand, and if we learn to recognize the
hallmarks of this arms race, we can learn to wait rather than
Consider virus writing. The uninformed observer would accept the
Myth that powerful, malevolent Superusers create and release
damaging viruses and worms and that they do so with impunity. This
observer might urge policymakers to expand crimes that punish virus
writers. A more informed observer would take into account the
following successes of the antivirus community.312 First, up-to-date
See id.
See, e.g., Andrew D. Smith, McAfee Improves Computer Security, but It's Not
Perfect, DALLAS MORNING NEWS, Oct. 31, 2007, at 1D (interviewing CEO of computer
security software firm McAfee).
See Ohm, supra note 234, at 1984-85 (describing countermeasures designed by
Usenet participants and arguing that regulators should consider them when deciding
whether to regulate).
Felten’s testimony to a House subcommittee inspired this analysis. See Piracy of
Intellectual Property on Peer-to-Peer Networks: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Courts,
The Myth of the Superuser
antivirus software does a pretty good job of preventing the spread of
viruses written in the past. Second, computer users who diligently
install OS patches and software updates are relatively immune to
newly created viruses. Third, only a small percentage of new viruses,
particularly those written to exploit new vulnerabilities, will infect the
computers of these diligent users. Fourth, only Superusers with
significant computer programming ability, plenty of spare time, and
access to a community of like-minded attackers, will succeed in
infecting these machines; the rest of the would-be virus writers —
those with less ability, time, and community — will write duds.
On the other hand, this conclusion perhaps ignores the most
relevant observation: many people do not update their virus software
and do not diligently install OS patches.313 Non-Superuser attackers
using old tools, some of which are packaged for script kiddies with
easy-to-use graphical interfaces, can successfully infect these victims’
computers.314 This goes back to the idea that with viruses, even
ordinary users can do great damage.
Using Better Facts
Scholars tend to be pessimistic about finding meaningful statistics to
measure the basic occurrence of online harm.315 Perhaps they have
not been looking in the right places or asking the right people. There
are several promising, rarely tapped groups of researchers attempting
to count computer vulnerabilities and exploits.
First, an entire industry for conducting risk assessments of online
harm has arisen. Risk assessment theory spans a wide variety of
the Internet, and Intellectual Property of the H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 107th Cong., at
231 (2002) (testimony of Edward W. Felten, Associate Professor of Computer Science,
Princeton University), available at http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/judiciary/
hju81896.000/hju81896_0.HTM. “[A]nalysis of the arms race between virus writers
and antivirus companies leads to the prediction that antivirus products will be able to
cope almost perfectly with known virus strains but will be largely helpless against
novel viruses. This is indeed what we observe.” Id.
See David Talbot, The Internet Is Broken, TECH. REV., Dec. 20, 2005,
people use different patches and not everyone updates them religiously; some people
don’t have any installed.”).
See Matt Hines, Unpatched Machines ‘Net’s Biggest Threat,’ ZDNET.CO.UK, Apr.
26, 2005, http://news.zdnet.co.uk/security/0,1000000189,39196317,00.htm.
See Susan Brenner, Cybercrime Metrics: Old Wine, New Bottles?, 9 VA. J.L. &
TECH. 13, *1, n.3 (2004) (noting that there are no “measures and benchmarks for the
incidence and damage caused by” computer crime).
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quantitative and qualitative methods.316 The insurance industry, for
example, now sells insurance policies relating to computer security.317
Their studies and the methodologies they employ are rarely cited by
policymakers in debates over online threats. This is partly because the
industry does not produce the type of detailed analysis that would be
most useful for policymakers. Perhaps others can translate the
industry’s reports to tease out details to make them more useful for
A related development is the burgeoning economics of information
security discipline.318 These researchers look at computer and
network security as more than just the study of software
vulnerabilities, exploits, and countermeasures. They try to account for
incentives, externalities, and markets that lead to insecurity.319
There are several other pools of untapped statistics about online
crime. For example, many organizations monitor online harms for
different reasons. Companies that sell virus and spyware scanning
software keep statistics about malicious code activity.320
Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture
Association of America monitor peer-to-peer networks with advanced
data-collection “spiders” to track the distribution of their copyrighted
works on those networks.321 More disinterested noncommercial
entities such as the SANS Internet Storm Center collect information
about threats on the Internet.322 For example, the Honeynet Project’s
INTERNET SECURITY 68-79 (2005) (describing four quantitative and two qualitative
approaches for conducting risk assessments and concluding that none model risk from
“technology enhanced information” well).
But see Ross Anderson & Tyler Moore, The Economics of Information Security,
SCI., Oct. 27 2006, at 613 (noting that “the cyber-insurance market is both
underdeveloped and underused”).
See generally id. (providing primer for new economics of information security
See McAfee Avert Labs, Technical White Papers, http://www.mcafee.com/
us/threat_center/white_paper.html (last visited Apr. 3, 2008); Sophos, White Papers,
http://www.sophos.com/security/whitepapers/ (last visited Apr. 3, 2008); Symantec
Security Response, White Papers, http://www.symantec.com/enterprise/security_
response/whitepapers.jsp (last visited Apr. 3, 2008).
See Benny Evangelista, Firm Sleuths Out Illegal File Sharers: BayTSP Tracks
Down IP Addresses, IDs of Music Downloads, S.F. CHRON., July 21, 2003, at E1
(describing firm that markets monitoring services of peer-to-peer networks to
recording industry copyright owners).
SANS Institute, SANS Internet Storm Center, http://isc.sans.org/ (last visited
Apr. 3, 2008).
The Myth of the Superuser
volunteers set up purposefully vulnerable computers on the Internet
to monitor and study computer intrusions.323 Policymakers and
scholars should more aggressively tap into these sources to better
profile online threats.
There are no doubt other sources of information and experts in
other fields who could contribute to an effort to measure online harm
accurately. We should embrace contributions from all of these
sources. But bearing in mind the problems of expertise described in
Part III.C, we should search for those without vested interests. For
example, we should look for those who specialize in fields across an
interdisciplinary spectrum with backgrounds in statistics and
computer technology.
Discovering New Facts
Finally, policymakers should commission new studies to measure
the actual incidence of Superuser threats. A good example on the
horizon is the ongoing “National Computer Security Survey”
cosponsored by the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics and the
Department of Homeland Security’s National Cyber Security Division
and administered by the RAND Corporation.324 Unlike the CSI/FBI
Survey, the latest effort is an ambitious attempt to use rigorous
methods to obtain statistically meaningful numbers.325 According to
the survey group, this “is the first and only survey to provide official
national statistics on the extent and consequences of computer
security incidents within businesses across all industry sectors.”326
Along with other promising methodological choices, the researchers
are canvassing businesses in thirty-seven industry sectors, and they
plan to repeat the survey every one to two years.327
C. The Anti-Precautionary Principle
In Laws of Fear, Sunstein critiques the Precautionary Principle,
which holds that when faced with evidence of a harm, but uncertainty
The Honeynet Project, Honeynet Project News, http://www.honeynet.org/ (last
visited Apr. 3, 2008).
See RAND Corp., DOJ/DHS National Computer Security Survey,
http://www.ncss.rand.org (last visited Apr. 3, 2008) [hereinafter RAND study
For a description of the CSI/FBI Survey and a summary of its criticisms, see
supra notes 66-74.
RAND study website, supra note 324.
RAND study website, supra note 324.
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about the harm’s probability, regulators should act to prevent the
harm.328 Given the historically impoverished empirical evidence that
has led to the Myth of the Superuser and the litany of harms that arise
when policymakers respond to the Myth, I propose a default — the
Anti-Precautionary Principle. In any online conflict, the presumption
should be to regulate only the ordinary user unless facts suggest that
the Superuser is a significant threat.
Of course, especially given the Myth, there will often be the
suggestion that some Superusers exert power. The Anti-Precautionary
Principle’s presumption will not be invoked. What then? First, if
reliable facts establish there are very few Superusers with little
aggregate impact, the policymaker should obey the Anti-Precautionary
Principle and act as if the Superusers do not exist. That is, when a
conflict involves ordinary users in the main and Superusers only at the
margins, the harms resulting from regulating the few cannot be
What if the facts point to Superuser domination and significant
potential harm? It depends on the strength of that evidence. If the
evidence is sound and convincing, the Anti-Precautionary Principle
should likely give way, and policymakers should consider regulating
the Superuser mindful of the possible harms discussed in Part II.329
When the evidence is contingent or weak, a pure balancing should
apply, comparing the harm caused by the Superusers with the harms
caused by regulating.
As an important exception, the Anti-Precautionary Principle should
probably yield in the face of horrific potential harms. Policymakers
should defer to law enforcement in the face of plausible stories — for
example, about terrorist attacks on computer networks that could
result in deaths — supported by at least anecdotal evidence that relies
on more than the rhetorical devices described in Part IV.B.1.330 As I
See SUNSTEIN, supra note 163, at 18-20. Sunstein notes that the Precautionary
Principle embodies a range of 20 or more definitions of varying levels of strength. Id.
at 18. Weak forms of the Principle (noting “lack of decisive evidence of harm should
not be a ground for refusing to regulate”) are unobjectionable to Sunstein, but it is the
strongest forms that he criticizes. Id. The form cited in the text is closer to Sunstein’s
strong forms, and will be the definition used in this Article. Much of what will be said
will apply to many different possible definitions.
See infra Part IV.D (discussing how to craft minimally harmful laws in this
Sunstein talks about a similar Anti-Catastrophe Principle. SUNSTEIN, supra note
163, at 109-15. In the face of an uncertain probability of catastrophe, Sunstein
concedes, a form of the Precautionary Principle should apply. Id.
The Myth of the Superuser
suggested earlier, however, experts seem to agree that such attacks are
not likely.331
To illustrate my proposal, consider the DOJ’s recently proposed
amendment to § 1030. Under current federal law, causing damage to
a computer is a crime only if it causes a sufficient amount or specific
type of loss, which for most cases means the victims must have
suffered more than $5000 in aggregate losses.332 There may be fear
that the $5000 loss limit will hinder the prosecution of people who
deploy and use what are known as “botnets.” Whereas traditional
computer intruders cause damage or rifle through private files on
computers one at a time, a botnet operator collects computers by the
hundreds or thousands, causing very little damage to any individual
computer.333 For example, he assembles his “zombie computer army”
for future use, ordering them all someday to attack a targeted web
In this situation, during the “quiet
server simultaneously.334
collection” phase of the botnet and before the ultimate attack, it would
be difficult to show that aggregate harms total $5000.
At a “brown bag lunch hearing” on Capitol Hill,335 speakers
proposed reducing the $5000 threshold.336 In considering whether to
turn this proposal into legislation, Congress should analyze the “Myth
of the Botnet General” under my rubric. First, because there have
been some confirmed botnet cases, the extent and veracity of this
evidence must be scrutinized.337 The overheated rhetoric will
probably suggest that botnets are enormous problems that can cause
significant harms, but the evidence made public so far seems
predictably unrigorous and largely anecdotal.338 Ideally, better, more
rigorous statistics — perhaps from virus and spyware company
studies — could establish the true nature of the risk.
See supra note 85.
18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(5)(B)(i) (2000).
See John Markoff, Attack of the Zombie Computers Is Growing Threat, N.Y. TIMES,
Jan. 7, 2007, at A1; Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Computer Virus Broker
Arrested for Selling Armies of Infected Computers to Hackers and Spammers (Nov. 3,
2005), http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/anchetaArrest.htm.
Markoff, supra note 333.
Association for Computing Machinery, USACM Technology Policy Weblog,
Learning about the Threats from Botnets (Apr. 20, 2007),
See Posting of Ed Felten to Freedom to Tinker Blog, http://www.freedom-totinker.com/?p=1150 (Apr. 26, 2007, 10:41) (reporting on proposals made by others
during hearing).
Markoff, supra note 333.
See id.
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These risks must be balanced against the risks created by getting rid
of the $5000 threshold. The threshold serves an important check: it
minimizes trivial prosecutions. Many annoying acts occur on
networks every day. Spam filters delete nonspam; practical jokes are
played in offices on coworkers; files are accidentally deleted from
shared servers. Under current law, these non-Superuser acts are not
usually prosecuted even though they may fall within the broad and
vague conduct elements of the statute’s damage prohibitions.339
Prosecutors and agents who receive a call from a “victim” of one of
these acts will almost certainly decline to prosecute or even investigate
because they know they will never meet the $5000 loss threshold.
If Congress were to remove the threshold, law enforcement agents
could subject harmless people like the office prankster to invasive
search and surveillance, and overzealous prosecutors could then bring
charges. Given the weak empirical proof about the threat posed by
botnets, the risks from removing the threshold outweigh the risks that
a botnet owner will someday be apprehended but not prosecutable.340
D. Two Additional Difficulties
Regulating Actual Superusers
Even if Congress adopts the Anti-Precautionary Principle and begins
to demand better empirical evidence, it may conclude that the
Superuser threat outweighs the harm from regulating. I am not
arguing that Superusers should never be regulated or pursued. But
given the checkered history of the search for Superusers — the
overbroad laws that have ensnared non-Superuser innocents; the
amount of money, time, and effort that could have been used to find
many more non-Superuser criminals; and the spotty record of law
enforcement successes — the hunt for the Superuser should be
narrowed and restricted. Policymakers seeking to regulate the
For example, § 1030(a)(5)(A)(iii) criminalizes access in excess of authorization
that causes damage (over $5000) and the subsection has no mens rea requirement. 18
U.S.C. § 1030(a)(5)(A)(iii) (2000). Even unintentional, nonreckless, nonnegligent
damage may violate this provision, a misdemeanor for first-time offenders. Id.
Given the breadth of substantive federal criminal law, there are almost certainly
other federal crimes that could be used to prosecute the Botnet General. Cf. Peter J.
Henning, Maybe It Should Just Be Called Federal Fraud: The Changing Nature of the
Mail Fraud Statute, 36 B.C. L. REV. 435, 437 (1995) (“The appeal of the mail fraud
statute is its malleability: federal prosecutors can pursue investigations with the
knowledge that, in bringing an indictment, they will not be hampered by technical
jurisdictional restrictions often found in other federal criminal statutes.”).
The Myth of the Superuser
Superuser can adopt a few strategies to narrowly target Superusers and
minimally impact ordinary users.
The chief evil of past efforts to regulate the Superuser has been the
inexorable broadening of laws to cover metaphor-busting, impossibleto- predict future acts. To avoid the overbreadth trap, legislators
should instead extend elements narrowly, focusing on that which
separates the Superuser from the rest of us: his power over technology.
They should, for example, write tightly constrained new elements that
single out the use of power, or even, the use of unusual power.
Consider, for example, the Superuser-induced phrase, “access
without authorization,” an element of several different computer
crimes.341 Professor Orin Kerr has noted that courts have construed
this vague phrase to apply to many ordinary acts that do not seem to
amount to computer hacking, and in many cases, seem unworthy of
criminal or even civil sanction.342 Recall Explorica, where a travel
agency was found to have engaged in unauthorized access when it
scraped information from its competitor’s public website, even though
it could have used a web browser to obtain the exact same
information.343 In another example, a court held that a man accessed
his employer’s computer without authorization, which he ordinarily
had full permission to access, because he, a faithless employee, sent
files to a competitor for whom he planned to work in the near future.344
Unhappy with the breadth of these results, Kerr proposed a
Superuser-centric amendment. He argued that an act is not done
“without authorization” under § 1030 unless the actor circumvented
“code-based restrictions on computer privileges.”345 This formulation
creates two requirements: first, the computer accessed must have had
some sort of “code-based” (i.e., software or hardware based) security
or other “restriction[] on computer privileges,” and second, the actor
had to “circumvent” that restriction.346 Under this framework, visits
See 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(1)-(6).
Kerr, supra note 103, at 1649-50 (arguing for narrower interpretation of
“without authorization” in statute and criticizing cases that have read phrase broadly
for “sacrificing a great deal of freedom for a small (and arguably minimal) gain in
privacy and security”).
EF Cultural Travel BV v. Explorica, Inc., 274 F.3d 577, 583 (1st Cir. 2001).
Granted, scraping the site with a mere web browser would have been very labor
intensive. Cf. id. (calling manual alternative “theoretically . . . possible”).
Int’l Airport Ctrs., L.L.C. v. Citrin, 440 F.3d 418, 419, 421 (7th Cir. 2006).
Kerr, supra note 103, at 1656.
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to public websites would probably not suffice, and breaking an
employment contract certainly would not.
As another example, consider again the DMCA, which prohibits the
DRM circumvention.347 One reason the law has been criticized since
before its passage is that it places no serious limits on how
sophisticated a lock must be before it gains the backing of the
Although the law extends only to DRM that
“effectively controls access” to a copyright-protected work, that phrase
is defined to mean that the DRM “in the ordinary course of its
operation, requires the application of information, or a process or a
treatment, with the authority of the copyright owner, to gain access to
the work.”349 Courts have interpreted this to place almost no
restrictions on the level of sophistication required — even DRM that is
trivial to unscramble will satisfy the low hurdle for protection.350
The DMCA can be rewritten to focus more specifically on the
Superuser while not casting its overbroad net on ordinary users. For
example, “effectively controls access” could be amended to apply only
to digital locks that pass a particular threshold of complexity. Perhaps
this could be defined in terms of encryption algorithms that have been
sufficiently peer-reviewed or by uses of a 128-bit symmetric key
length.351 Perhaps a regulatory process can define the level of
technology protected.
The point is to try to create a balance between addressing the
harm — indiscriminate cracking of DRM and rampant copyright
infringement — and ensuring that average, ordinary users are not
prosecuted for doing ordinary things or investigated for months before
17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(1)(A) (2000).
See Cohen, supra note 34, at 172-73.
17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(3)(B).
Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Reimerdes, 111 F. Supp. 2d 294, 318 (S.D.N.Y.
2000) (“Finally, the interpretation of the phrase ‘effectively controls access’ offered by
defendants at trial-viz., that the use of the word ‘effectively’ means that the statute
protects only successful or efficacious technological means of controlling access —
would gut the statute if it were adopted.”).
Holding everything else constant, the longer (the more bits) the key used, the
harder it is (the more computation time it requires) to crack encrypted ciphertext. See
BRUCE SCHNEIER, APPLIED CRYPTOGRAPHY 152 (2d ed. 1996) (“Two parameters
determine the speed of a brute-force attack: the number of keys to be tested and the
speed of each test.”). Although the details are well outside the scope of this Article,
cryptographic algorithms come in two broad flavors, public-key and symmetric-key
cryptography. For any given key length, it is easier to crack a public key than a
symmetric key. Id. at 166 tbl.7.9. A 128-bit key length is still somewhat respectable
for a symmetric key algorithm, but it is laughable for public key cryptography. Id.
The Myth of the Superuser
the pall of suspicion passes over them.352 In short, the idea is to craft
laws that are tailored to the type of power that Superusers wield.353
Regulating Prometheus: The Problem of Script Kiddies
Finally, sometimes Superusers empower ordinary users with easyto-use software.354 These “script kiddies,” as they are known in
computer security jargon, are like modern Prometheuses given great
power from above. How does this threat fit within a model that urges
inattention to Superusers?
First, the script kiddie should be part of the cost-benefit accounting.
When policymakers are balancing competing harms, they should
factor in the possibility that Superusers will empower legions of
ordinary users.
As always, bare assertions that this kind of
empowerment is likely or inevitable should be met with suspicion.
After all, there is probably a “Myth of the Script Kiddie.”
Second, and more controversially, there are steps to keep Superusers
and script kiddies apart. Professor Randy Picker has proposed what
he terms an “incentive wedge” to keep honest, ordinary users from
using DRM circumvention tools.355
Specifically, he proposes
embedding digital music and movies with personally identifiable
information that can direct future investigators back to the source.356
See Electronic Frontier Foundation, US v. ElcomSoft & Sklyarov FAQ (Feb. 19,
(describing indictment of Dmitri Sklyarov for circumventing some very weak
protection schemes of DRM on Adobe eBook reader).
The obvious downside to this proposal is that defining criminal acts with
respect to technical power can lead to the guilt by association problem described
above. If lawmakers create prohibitions defined by a person’s technical sophistication
and power, other elements of those prohibitions must protect researchers, students,
security professionals, and others, who act powerfully but without evil intent or harm.
For example, the harm elements of the prohibition should be definite and clear, so
that a researcher who circumvents DRM but does not create downstream copies or
release automated tools will not be covered.
See Erickson & Howard, supra note 57, at 12 (“Since knowledge and tools
developed by more experienced hackers can easily be obtained on the Internet, the
capability to penetrate insecure networks has propagated outside of the legitimate
hacker community to other groups, ranging from inexperienced teenagers to
international crime syndicates.”).
Picker, supra note 33, at 49.
Id. at 69. Ed Felten disagrees. Posting of Ed Felten to Freedom to Tinker Blog,
http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/?p=980 (Feb. 22, 2006, 13:54) (calling Picker’s
idea “an instructive idea, but not a practical one”). Apple Computer began embedding
the names of customers into the songs they purchased through iTunes. May Wong,
Questions Raised over iTunes User Data, USA TODAY, June 5, 2007, available at
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Even more controversially, faced with a conflict in which Superusers
have not yet empowered script kiddies, perhaps Congress should ban
the creation or distribution of script kiddie empowering tools. This
idea gives me significant pause because of Congress’s checkered track
record at drafting this kind of regulation, but some lessons can be
learned by looking at past attempts. The DMCA, which prohibits the
creation and distribution of DRM circumvention tools,357 and § 2512
of the Wiretap Act, which prohibits the creation and distribution of
particular types of wiretapping devices,358 are two prominent examples
of laws that prohibit the distribution of software. Comparing these
two laws raises an interesting question. Why is the DMCA’s
distribution prohibition so controversial while § 2512 is not? The
answer may serve as a map for creating less controversial software
distribution bans.
There are some obvious possibilities. First, § 2512 is very rarely
prosecuted.359 Although the DMCA also rarely leads to criminal
charges, it is often rattled like a saber by civil litigants.360 Second, §
2512 predated the spread of the Internet and the rise of online civil
liberties groups.361 If § 2512 were proposed anew today, it would
almost certainly meet fierce opposition.
There is a less intuitive, more intriguing possibility: the DMCA
targets technology that has potentially beneficial, legal uses. Many
law-abiding citizens would like to circumvent DRM to backup their
17 U.S.C. § 1201(a)(2) (2000).
18 U.S.C. § 2512 (2000).
A search of Westlaw’s ALLFEDS database for the phrase “18 U.S.C. § 2512” on
February 6, 2008 returned 19 cases. Almost all of these cases were civil lawsuits
brought by DirectTV seeking to use the provision against people selling and buying
satellite TV descrambler chips. See, e.g., DirectTV, Inc. v. Barnes, 302 F. Supp. 2d 774
(W.D. Mich. 2004). The search returned four criminal prosecutions. United States v.
Biro, 143 F.3d 1421, 1422 (11th Cir. 1998); United States v. Daniels, 978 F.2d 415,
416 (8th Cir. 1992); United States v. Novel, 444 F.2d 114, 114 (9th Cir. 1971); United
States v. Spy Factory, Inc., 951 F. Supp. 450, 451-52 (S.D.N.Y. 1997).
See Chilling Effects Clearinghouse, http://www.chillingeffects.org (last visited
Apr. 3, 2008) (collecting and displaying copyright-related cease and desist letters).
A form of § 2512 was part of the original Wiretap Act enacted in 1968.
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Pub. L. No. 90-351, §802, 82
Stat. 214. In comparison, the EFF was founded in 1990, EFF, About EFF,
http://www.eff.org/about (last visited Apr. 3); the Center for Democracy and
Technology in 1994, CDT, Summary of CDT Activities 2000 — Work Plan 2001,
http://www.cdt.org/mission/activities2001.shtml (last visited Apr. 3, 2008); and the
Electronic Privacy Information Center also in 1994, EPIC, About Epic,
http://epic.org/epic/about.html (last visited Apr. 3, 2008).
The Myth of the Superuser
movies and software, time-and-space shift television,362 or practice
other fair uses.363
There are fewer reasons why the general public needs tools that are
“primarily useful
for the
surreptitious interception of
communications” — the tools prohibited under § 2512.364 People in
messy divorces and whistleblowers may need to surreptitiously record
audio conversations, and network systems administrators and
concerned parents may need to monitor computer communications,
but these people can use general purpose tools — tiny voice records
and network packet sniffers — that do not fall within the prohibition.
Unlike the DMCA, § 2512 seems narrowly targeted at devices like
transmitters hidden in calculators365 and specific forms of spyware.366
If regulators are bent on keeping Superusers and script kiddies
apart, perhaps they should try to model laws after § 2512 rather than
the DMCA. If one characteristic of a tool is especially pernicious and
unlikely to be useful for widespread, legitimate use, a narrow law can
be written criminalizing the creation or distribution of that tool.
Fear is with us for the long haul. With any technology as complex
and as relied upon for so many different commercially important uses
as the Internet, some will exploit disparities in knowledge to gain
power to harm others, sparking uncertainty and fear. Opportunists
will take advantage of this fear for personal and institutional gain. To
date, the fear mongers have had the upper hand, shaping policy
through sound bites and unfounded anecdotes.
Even if unchecked, the fear mongers will not spell the end of the
Internet. I am not predicting an information apocalypse. But if they
continue their stranglehold on policymaking debates, they will
eventually shape the future Internet. Policymakers will impose new
See generally Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios, 464 U.S. 417 (1984)
(discussing time shifting); Recording Indus. Ass’n of Am. v. Diamond Multimedia
Sys., Inc., 180 F.3d 1072 (9th Cir. 1999) (discussing space shifting).
17 U.S.C. § 107 (2000); see Cohen, supra note 34, at 177.
18 U.S.C. § 2512 (2000).
See United States v. Biro, 143 F.3d 1421, 1423 (11th Cir. 1998) (affirming
convictions under § 2512 for sale of transmitters hidden in wall plugs, pens, and
See Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Creator and Four Users of LoverSpy
Spyware Program Indicted (Aug. 26, 2005), http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/
cybercrime/perezIndict.htm (announcing indictment relating to spyware designed to
masquerade as e-greeting card).
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regulations to constrain conduct and chill expression. Witness the
steady expansion of the CFAA. Technologists will create next
generation technologies ostensibly designed to protect, but also
designed to monitor and control. Consider how improvements in
virus-blocking firewall technology can be used by repressive
governments to search for dissident speech. Given another decade to
drive policy, the fear mongers will not destroy the Internet, but they
will change it for the worse.
Of course, fear mongers exist outside this narrow viewscreen; thus,
in some ways, theirs is not the interesting story here. The truly
troubling problem lies with the experts who have abdicated their
responsibility to discover facts and assess probabilities of risk. Experts
can reclaim some rhetorical space from the fear mongers, but to do so
they will need a rigorous, focused, interdisciplinary approach.
I worry that the abdication of expertise is a canary in a coal mine,
alerting us to a broader, evolving failure of expertise in our society. As
the definition of expertise broadens and democratizes, the effects of
fear are compounded and the biases and heuristics they introduce
become more difficult to identify and intractable to root out. In a
world without experts, or where everyone is an expert, we will look
back on today’s teeth-gnashing over how laypeople ignore expert
predictions about, for example, global warming with wistful nostalgia.
This bleak prediction is but one path we can take. By exposing the
ubiquity and persistence of online fear, and by prescribing the
medicine needed to regulate intelligently in the face of fear, this
Article points the way toward a restoration of expertise, and a move to
principled, cautious, justified policymaking and debate.
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