Cybersecurity in Mexico
Cybersecurity in Mexico We shop online. We work online. We play online. We live online. As our lives increasingly depend on digital services, the need to protect our information from being maliciously disrupted or misused is really important. Privacy is becoming a subject of concern not only among individuals, but in the business world. 23.549 cyber-attacks in 2013 Source: Comisión Nacional de Seguridad Many of them are not reported by most of the companies, either because of their fear of reputation damage, either because they are unaware of the attacks. 10 millions of Mexican affected by cybercrime Source: Symaantec Entities affected, 2013 39% Private Sector 26% Academia 2nd country Government 31% with the largest number of cyber-attacks in Latin America Source: Norton Report 2013 Cost of Cybercrime in Mexico, 2013: 300 Million Usd Origine of cyber-attacks in Mexico, 2013 Source: Journalmex, McAfee 2.17% Germany 57.48% USA 4.48% France 0.09% Mexico 25.55% Argelia 1.74% Indonesia Source: Journalmex Main cyber-threats identified, 2013 80% 52% Mexico is the country with more investment in cybersecurity in Latin America Spam Phishing Defacement 14% 13% 13% Malware Mexican firms are investing more in human resources to monitor cyber and physical security. 63% 91% Mexican CEOs have prioritized cybersecurity in their organization. Mexican companies are willing to invest more money and resources to meet the challenge of cybercrime. Source: Fortinet Security Survey 2014 Source: Comision Nacional de Seguridad Cybersecurity Strategies Employee Training Collaboration Cyber insurance NIST Cybersecurity Framework