The Supreme Court of Grenada And the West Indies Associated States
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The Supreme Court of Grenada And the West Indies Associated States
The Supreme Court of Grenada And the West Indies Associated States High Court of Justice (Companies Winding-up) SUIT NO. GDAHCV 2002/0324 BETWEEN IN THE MATTER OF IMPERIUM BANK LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) AND IN THE MATTER OF THE OFFSHORE BANKING ACT, 1996, NO.39 AND IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT NO. 35 OF 1994 AND IN THE MATTER OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES ACT 1990, CAP. 152 Third and Final Report of Marcus A. Wide Liquidator November 2 2012 Introduction: 1. Pursuant to an appointment by the Minister of Finance on April 25, 2002 as Controller of Imperium Bank Limited (In Liquidation) ("the Bank") under Section 20(7) of the Offshore Banking Act, 1996 No. 39 ("the Act"), I was instructed to take control of the Bank in accordance with the provisions of the Act. 2. I assumed control of the Bank on April 25, 2002 and determined that for the most part, business decisions relating to the Bank were performed in the United Kingdom and limited information was kept in Grenada. As a result of my reports to the Minister of Finance, the Minister determined that the licence of the Bank should be terminated and that the Bank be wound up. 3. As a result of a Petition made by the Minister, I was appointed Provisional Liquidator on July 25, 2002, and the Liquidation of the Bank was affirmed by the Court on June 25, 2003 when I was appointed Liquidator. -2- 4. My first report to the Court on the Liquidation was completed on February 4, 2004, and the Second Report in this matter was filed on or about February 23, 2010, with a short Errata Report filed a few days thereafter. 5. The purpose of this Third and Final Report is threefold; firstly, I wish to provide an update as to the claims process which has been conducted in this Liquidation; secondly, it is necessary to correct certain information reported in the February 2010 Second Report; and thirdly, I wish to advise this Honourable Court that given the successful completion of the claims process in this matter and the distribution to creditors of all of the Bank's divisible property, no further action shall be undertaken by the Liquidator, and the liquidation of the Bank is at an end. Estate counsel has been requested to take necessary steps to see to my discharge and release as the Bank's Liquidator. Claims Process: 6. In late December 2011, the Liquidator's staff mailed and/or emailed claims packages to known depositors of the Bank, which packages included a statement of the balances in depositors' respective accounts with the Bank as of the June 25, 2003 commencement of the Liquidation. Parties receiving claims packages were asked to file a proof of debt and were given detailed instructions in this regard. A Claims Bar Date of February 16, 2012 was fixed by the Liquidator, and published notices envisaged a possible distribution to creditors as early as February 17, 2012. 7. All pertinent information respecting the claims process was posted on the Liquidator's website (, as were electronic versions of claims forms, the applicable notice of intended distribution and Claims Bar Date, and further information in respect of the claims process. 8. In respect of the claims process carried out in relation to the Bank, some 34 creditors with claims in the aggregate amount of $1,456,264.79 lodged proofs of debt with the Liquidator. The Liquidator has admitted the claims of 30 creditors, representing total claims of $1,353,387.39. 9. The claims of four creditors were rejected by the Liquidator, and there were no resulting appeals filed. 10. The estate dividend distribution process commenced on July 10, 2012, and to date, dividends totalling $475,810.37 have been distributed to proven creditors of the Bank. The dividend represents a recovery to proven creditors of 35.15% of their claims. An administrative reserve in the amount of $70,634.09 presently remains undistributed. 11. As set forth below, upon review by the Liquidator, the claims of related Imperial Consolidated Group entities IC Mutual Limited, Commercial and Asset Backed Placements Limited, and I.C.S. Placement Limited, which collectively totalled $16,826,583 have been found to be lacking in supporting evidence and shall not be honoured. These claims had been referenced at paragraph 13 of the Liquidator's third & final report of imperium bank limited - nov2 2012 final -3- Second Report filed in February of 2010, though no evaluative comments were made with respect to these claims therein. 12. Given that the Bank's assets have been fully and finally distributed amongst those creditors participating in the claims process which has been completed, the Liquidation of the Bank is at an end, and I have instructed Estate counsel to seek my discharge and release as Liquidator in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Companies (Winding-up) Rules of 1909. Imperial Consolidated Group 13. As I have reported in the past, the Bank served an integral role in the overarching fraud that functioned under the banner of the Imperial Consolidated Group of Companies ("Group"), which included, among other things, several offshore investment vehicles. Investors who placed funds with the Group were, generally, instructed to open an account with the Bank through which their investments would flow to the ultimate investment company and, from which, purported investment gains and earnings could be accessed. In doing so, accounting entries were often used as a means to keep track of inter-company balances and amounts due to or from depositors. 14. However, when the Group ultimately ceased operation and the Bank was ordered to be wound up, the cash had essentially been stripped from the Bank as well as the various related investment companies, leaving the offshore investment entities with little more than a cluster of poorly documented cross-claims against one another, all of which were of no value, as in the case of the Bank's claim against Commercial Lending Corporation Limited ("CLCL") described below (the "Cross Claims"). 15. Significant time and resources were necessary to be spent to determine the role of each of the related Group companies, and indeed the Bank, in the larger fraud. It became clear that the Bank was central to the Group's ability to perpetuate the massive fraud that it did on a global population of victims; the Bank and related Group companies drew depositors and investors from over 65 countries. 16. In order to determine the existence and validity of the Cross Claims, I agreed, along with the Estate of IC Mutual Ltd., to jointly fund the Estates of Alpha Leeward and Windward Ltd., ICS Placements Ltd., Commercial and Asset Backed Placements, and IC Mutual Ltd. in the investigation of the Cross Claims. To that end, the Imperium Estate has funded the above noted estates to the extent of $109,824.00 in aggregate. Updates and Corrections to the Liquidator's Second Report: 17. At paragraph 6 of the Second Report, it was reported that the Bank appeared to have available to it a claim against Commercial Lending Corporation Limited ("CLCL"), a related BVI company, in the amount of $7,180,611. While no definitive statement was made therein as to the merits of this claim, the Joint Liquidators of CLCL have since rejected the Bank's claim in that estate, citing a lack of adequate supporting evidence. third & final report of imperium bank limited - nov2 2012 final -4- The anticipated yield from such a claim, if accepted, stated in the Second Report to be "likely" and in the range of 5°4 to 7°/6, will thus not be received into the body of the Bank's divisible estate property. The evidentiary deficits in the Bank's claim into the CLCL Estate were similar to those which condemned the claims against the Bank of the entities referenced in paragraph 11 hereof, and were primarily rooted in unreliable accounting data maintained by the directors of the Bank and other Imperial Consolidated Group entities in their respective books and records. 18. In Appendix "A" of the Second Report, being the Statement of Receipts and Disbursements to January 31, 2010 (the "2010 Statement"), it was erroneously reported that the Bank's "funds on hand" were $1,194,881.70. A combination of computational errors, mis-categorization of certain receipts and disbursements, and the inadvertent omission of funds held in trust by Grenada counsel contributed to the material misstatement of the funds on hand at the time. 19. Since filing the February 2010 report, and in preparation of this Third report, my staff undertook an in-depth examination of the detailed transactions which underlie both the 2010 Statement and the Statement of Receipts and Disbursements current to November 2, 2012 (the "2012 Statement'). As a result of the examination process, my staff have corrected the errors and omissions from the 2010 Statement and have prepared a revised version of that schedule, which is attached hereto as Appendix "A" (the "Revised 2010 Statement'). The Revised 2010 Statement is intended to supersede the 2010 Statement. 20. The 2012 Statement, attached hereto as Appendix "B", reflects the distribution to creditors referenced in paragraph 10 above. The Liquidator currently holds the sum of US$ 70,634.09. This reserve has been kept back in order to meet accrued Liquidator fees and disbursements as well as anticipated costs associated with closing the estate, which costs are expected to include: responding to queries and issues from depositors who have as yet been unable to clear their dividend cheques (there are presently 4 depositors in this position); preparing and filing the Final Report; and, attending in Grenada to seek to discharge the Liquidator of his duties. Respectfully submitted this 2nd day of November 2012. On behalf of Marcus A. Wide Liquidator of Imperium Bank Ltd. by his Duly Appointed Agent, James A. Pomeroy third & final report of imperium bank limited - nov2 2012 final -5APPENDIX "A" REVISED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS As at January 31, 2010 REVISED Receipts Financial Asset Recovery Return of Statutory Deposit Interest Income Sale of Physical Assets Other Miscellaneous Total Receipts Disbursements Creditor Distribution - Trust Controller/ Liquidator Fees & Disbursements Legal Fees & Disbursements Contrribution to Investigation of Group Companies Estate Administration - Storage Rental Estate Administration - Grenada Security External Bookkeeping Government of Grenada Remittance Insurance Service Charges Computer Services Utilities Other Miscellaneous Estate Administration - Transportation Estate Administration - Advertising Estate Administration -Vehicle Repairs Total Disbursements Excess of Receipts Over Disbursements US$ 1, 910, 004.64 122, 835.60 82, 983.38 22,453.42 100.00 2,138,377.04 506,231.86 358,895.37 264,127.03 109,824.00 33,864.21 18,300.57 11, 337.98 10,491.24 8,905.88 5,591.31 4,397.80 4,346.64 4,035.91 3,308.51 3,260.84 2,443.76 2,367.53 1,351 ,730.44 786,646.60 Represented by: Cash in Bank Funds Held in Trust - Grenada Legal Counsel Total Funds on Hand Less Administrative Reserve 665,493.80 121,152.80 786,646.60 (190,493.80) Expected Balance of Funds Available to Distribute 475,000.00 THIS STATEMENT SUPERSEDES THAT WHICH WAS FILED WITH THE LIQUIDATOR'S SECOND REPORT, DATED FEBRUARY 10, 2010 third & final report of imperium bank limited - nov2 2012 final -6APPENDIX "B" STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS As at November 2, 2012 Receipts Financial Asset Recovery Return of Statutory Deposit Interest Income Sale of Physical Assets Other Miscellaneous US$ 1,910,004.64 122,835.60 90,848.20 22,453.42 100.00 Total Receipts 2,146, 241.86 Disbursements Creditor Distribution - Trust Controller / Liquidator Fees & Disbursements Creditor Distribution Legal Fees & Disbursements Contribution to Investigation of Group Companies Estate Administration - Storage Rental Estate Administration - Grenada Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Security 506,231.86 484,508.41 475,810.67 386,213.92 109,824.00 33,864.21 18,300.57 11, 337.98 External Bookkeeping Government of Grenada Remittance Insurance Service Charges Computer Services Utilities Other Miscellaneous Estate Administration - Transportation Estate Administration - Advertising Estate Administration -Vehicle Repairs Total Disbursements Excess of Receipts Over Disbursements 10,491.24 8,905.88 5,591.31 4,764.53 4,346.64 4,035.91 3,308.51 3,260.84 2,443.76 2,367.53 2,075,607.77 70,634.09 Represented by: Cash in Bank 70,634.09 Less Administrative Reserve (70,634.09) Expected Balance of Funds Available to Distribute See Notes Following Page third & final report of imperium bank limited - nov2 2012 final -7- APPENDIX "B" - NOTES Note 1 The amount shown represents funds claimed by, and returned to depositors whose funds were credited to their account during the period of the Controllership and which, therefore, were deemed to be held in trust. The gross amount of trust funds was $1,502,061.34, against which the Court ordered a 15% levy be charged by the estate. As approved by the Court, the remainder of $995,829.48, comprised of the unclaimed funds of $770,520.28 plus the 15% levy of $225,309.20, was applied to the costs of the Liquidation and the dividend paid to ordinary creditors/depositors. Note 2 Amounts shown reflect the combined professional fees and disbursements of the Controller/Liquidator since being appointed as Controller April 25, 2002, through the Liquidation period, until present. Note 3 Creditor Distribution refers to the general dividend paid on a pro rata basis to ordinary creditors/depositors. Note 4 Amounts shown reflect the combined professional fees and disbursement of legal counsel to the Controller/Liquidator since being appointed as Controller April 25, 2002, through the Liquidation period, until present. The amount shown includes legal counsel in Grenada, general legal counsel, and local counsel in the UK. third & final report of imperium bank limited - nov2 2012 final