Court File No. CV-10-8637-00CL ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE (COMMERCIAL LIST) IN THE MATTER OF THE RECEIVERSHIP OF INTERWIND CORP. BETWEEN: HSH NORDBANK AG, NEW YORK BRANCH as administrative and collateral agent Applicant - and - INTERWIND CORP. Respondent MOTION RECORD (Returnable October 15, 2010) BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP Barristers and Solicitors Scotia Plaza 40 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Y4 Michael MacNaughton (LSUC #25889U) Tel: (416) 367-6646 Fax: (416) 682-2837 Roger Jaipargas (LSUC #43275C) Tel: (416) 367-6266 Fax: (416) 361-7067 James Szumski (LSUC #56958S) Tel: (416) 367-6310 Fax: (416) 682-2811 Lawyers for PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., in its capacity as Court-appointed Receiver of Interwind Corp. Index Court File No. CV-10-8637-00CL ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE (COMMERCIAL LIST) IN THE MATTER OF THE RECEIVERSHIP OF INTERWIND CORP. BETWEEN: HSH NORDBANK AG, NEW YORK BRANCH as administrative and collateral agent Applicant - and - INTERWIND CORP. Respondent INDEX TAB DOCUMENT 1. Notice of Motion 2. Receiver’s Seventh Report to Court, dated October 5, 2010 A 3. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements Draft Order 1 Court File No. CV-10-8637-00CL ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE (COMMERCIAL LIST) IN THE MATTER OF THE RECEIVERSHIP OF INTERWIND CORP. BETWEEN: HSH NORDBANK AG, NEW YORK BRANCH as administrative and collateral agent Applicant - and - INTERWIND CORP. Respondent NOTICE OF MOTION (Returnable October 15, 2010) PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC. (“PwC”), in its capacity as court-appointed Receiver of Interwind Corp. (formerly known as SkyPower Corp.) (the “Receiver”) will make a motion to a judge presiding over the Commercial List on Friday, October 15, 2010, at 2:15 p.m. or as soon after that time as the motion can be heard at the Courthouse located at 330 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. PROPOSED METHOD OF HEARING: This Motion is to be heard orally. THE MOTION IS FOR: 1. An Order, inter alia: a. if necessary, abridging the time for service of the Notice of Motion and the Motion Record and directing that any further service of the Notice of Motion and the Motion Record be dispensed with such that this motion is properly returnable on October 15, 2010; b. amending the Receivership Order (as defined below) to provide for a general stay of proceedings in favour of Interwind Corp.; and c. such further and other relief as the Receiver may request and this Honourable Court may deem just. THE GROUNDS FOR THE MOTION are as follows: 2. Pursuant to the Order of this Court dated August 12, 2009 (as amended and restated, the “Initial Order”), Interwind Corp. (“Interwind” or the “Company”) was granted protection pursuant to the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, as amended, (“CCAA”) and an initial stay of proceedings to and including September 11, 2009 in respect of the Company and certain other parties. The stay of proceedings under the CCAA has been extended from time to time to October 15, 2010; 3. The Company’s operations have ceased and all of its operating assets have been sold. Pursuant to an Order of this Court dated March 30, 2010 (the “Receivership Order”) PwC was appointed as Receiver to administer the sale of any remaining assets, the distribution of any proceeds and any other residual matters that remained to be addressed; 4. Pursuant to a further Order of this Court dated March 30, 2010 (the “Substitution Order”) KPMG Inc. was discharged as court-appointed monitor of the Company in these proceedings, and PwC was appointed as the new Monitor. Notwithstanding the Receivership Order, the CCAA proceedings were continued in order to permit the Monitor and Receiver to deal with a number of outstanding matters. 5. Substantial progress has been made towards resolving the outstanding matters for which the CCAA proceedings were continued. 6. The Monitor will apply for its discharge and the termination of the CCAA proceedings on October 15, 2010. 7. The Receiver continues to administer the remaining assets of the Company and to deal with any residual matters that remain to be addressed, including but not limited to: a. Providing information in connection with the resolution of two claims submitted in the CCAA claims process, which are now being carried forward through a Courtordered resolution process; b. Seeking the return of certain deposits and/or performance related consideration in connection with transactions that have closed in the CCAA proceedings and these receivership proceedings; c. Seeking the recovery of certain claims against Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.; and d. Making distributions, as appropriate, to the creditors of the Company; 8. A stay of proceedings and a stay against the enforcement of rights and remedies as against the Receiver, the Company and the Property is necessary in order to ensure a fair and orderly resolution of these outstanding matters; 9. Due to the CCAA stay of proceedings, no such relief was requested in the Receivership Order at the time the application was made, however, if the CCAA proceedings are terminated and the CCAA stay of proceedings lapses, it is necessary and appropriate to amend the Receivership Order to provide for a stay of proceedings; 10. Rules 1.04, 2,.01, 2.03, 3.02, 16 and 37 of the Rules of Civil Procedure (Ontario); 11. Such further and other grounds as counsel may advise and this Honourable Court may permit. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE will be used at the hearing of the motion: 12. the Monitor’s Seventeenth Report to the Court, dated October 5, 2010, separately filed; 13. the Receiver’s Seventh Report to the Court, dated October 5, 2010, filed; and 14. such further and other evidence as counsel may submit and this Honourable Court may permit. Date: October 5, 2010 BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP Barristers and Solicitors Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Y4 Michael J. MacNaughton Tel.: (416) 367-6646 Fax: (416) 682-2837 LSUC # 25889U Roger Jaipargas Tel: (416) 367-6266 Fax: (416) 361-7067 LSUC # 43275C James Szumski Tel: (416) 367-6310 Fax: (416) 682-2811 LSUC #56958S Lawyers for PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., in its capacity as Court-appointed Receiver of Interwind Corp. TO: THE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST SERVICE LIST – INTERWIND CORP. TO: GOODMANS LLP Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto, ON M5H 2S7 Robert J. Chadwick Tel: (416) 597-4285 Fax: (416) 979-1234 E-mail: [email protected] Fred Myers Tel: (416) 597-5923 Fax: (416) 979-1234 E-mail: [email protected] Joseph Cosentino Tel: (416) 597-4245 Fax: (416) 979-1234 Email: [email protected] Derek Bulas Tel: (416) 597-5914 Fax: (416) 979-1234 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for Interwind Corp. (and the Receiver in respect of a particular transaction) Service List Page 2 AND TO: PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC. Royal Trust Tower, TD Centre Suite 3000 Toronto, ON M5K 1G8 Mica Arlette Tel: (416) 814-5834 Fax: (416) 814-3210 Email: [email protected] Tracey Weaver Tel: (416) 814-5735 Fax: (416) 814-3210 Email: [email protected] Donna Smith Tel : (416) 941-8383, x. 14288 Fax: (416) 814-3210 Email: [email protected] Jamie Cartwright Tel : (416) 941-8383, x. 13501 Fax: (416) 814-3210 Email: [email protected] Receiver and Monitor of Interwind Corp. AND TO: BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP Scotia Plaza 40 King Street West Toronto ON M5H 3Y4 Michael MacNaughton Tel: (416) 367-6646 Fax: (416) 682-2837 E-mail: [email protected] Roger Jaipargas Tel: (416) 367-6266 Fax: (416) 361-7067 Email: [email protected] James Szumski Tel: (416) 367-6310 Fax: (416) 682-2811 Email: [email protected] Lawyers for the Monitor Service List Page 3 BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP Scotia Plaza 40 King Street West Toronto ON M5H 3Y4 Alec Zimmerman Tel: (416) 367-6003 Fax: (416) 361-2520 Email: [email protected] Lawyers for CPV AND TO: MCCARTHY TETRAULT LLP 66 Wellington Street West Suite 5300, Box 48 TD Bank Tower Toronto ON M5K 1E6 Kevin McElcheran Tel: (416) 601-7730 Fax: (416) 868-0673 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for CIM Group AND TO: STIKEMAN ELLIOT LLP Commerce Court West 199 Bay Street, Suite 5300 Toronto, ON M5L 1B9 Elizabeth Pillon Tel: (416) 869-5623 Fax: (416) 947-0866 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Service List Page 4 AND TO: OSLER, HOSKIN & HARCOURT LLP 100 King Street West 1 First Canadian Place Suite 6100, P.O. Box 50 Toronto, ON M5X I B8 John MacDonald Tel: (416) 862-5672 Fax: (416) 862-6666 mail: [email protected] Rupert Chartrand Tel: (416) 862-6575 Fax: (416) 862-6666 E-mail: [email protected] Tracy Sandler Tel: (416) 862-5890 Fax: (416) 862-6666 E-mail: [email protected] Marc S. Wasserman Tel: (416) 862-4908 Fax: (416) 862-6666 E-mail: [email protected] Artem Miakichev Tel: (416) 862-5673 Fax: (416) 862-6666 E-mail: [email protected] Counsel for the HSH Bank Syndicate Service List Page 5 AND TO: DAVIES WARD PHILLIPS & V1NEBERG LLP 1 First Canadian Place 44th Floor Toronto, ON M5X 1B1 Natasha MacParland Tel: (416) 863-5567 Fax: (416) 863-0871 E-mail: [email protected] James D. Bunting Tel: (416) 367-7433 Fax: (416) 863-0871 E-mail: [email protected] Derek Vesey Tel: (416) 367-6921 Fax: (416) 863-0871 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for Nordeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale, New York Branch AND TO: BLAKE, CASSELS & GRAYDON LLP Box 25, Commerce Court West Toronto, ON M5L 1A9 Pamela Huff Tel: (416) 863-2958 Fax: (416) 863-2653 E-mail: [email protected] Katherine McEachern Tel: (416) 863-2566 Fax: (416) 863-2653 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for WestLB, AG, Toronto Branch AND TO: AIRD & BERLIS LLP Brookfield Place, 181 Bay Street Suite 1800, Box 754 Toronto, ON M5J 2T9 Harry Fogul Tel: (416) 865-7773 Fax: (416) 863-1515 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for Ontario Power Authority Service List Page 6 AND TO : LAX O’SULLIVAN SCOTT LLP Suite 1920, 145 King Street West Toronto, ON M5H 1J8 Clifford Lax Tel: (416) 598-0988 Fax: (416) 598-3730 E-mail: [email protected] Shaun F. Laubman Tel: (416) 598-1744 Fax: (416) 598-3730 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for SunEdison LLC AND TO : FASKEN MARTINEAU DUMOULIN LLP Toronto Dominion Bank Tower P.O. Box 20, Suite 4200 66 Wellington Street West Toronto, ON M5K 1N6 Edmond F.B. Lamek Tel.: (416) 865-4506 Fax: (416) 364-7813 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for General Electric Company and General Electric Canada AND TO : OGILVY RENAULT LLP Suite 3800 Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower 200 Bay Street Toronto, On M5J 2Z4 Virginie Gauthier Tel: (416) 216-4853 Fax: (416) 216-3930 E-mail: [email protected] Evan Cobb Tel: (416) 216-1929 Fax: (416) 216-3930 E-mail: [email protected] Azim Hussain Tel: (514) 847-4827 Fax: (514) 286-5474 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for ABB Inc. Service List Page 7 AND TO : GARDINER ROBERTS LLP Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West Toronto, ON M5H 3Y2 Jeffrey B. Rosekat Tel: (416) 865-6662 Fax: (416) 865-6636 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for Stantec Consulting Ltd. AND TO : CASSELS BROCK & BLACKWELL LLP 2100Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West Toronto, ON M5H 3C2 Mike Weinczok Tel: (416) 642-7475 Fax: (416) 640-3046 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for Golder Associates Ltd.. AND TO : FRASER MILNER CASGRAIN LLP 1 First Canadian Place 100 King Street West Toronto, ON M5X 1B2 R. Shayne Kukulowicz Tel: (416) 863-4740 Fax: (416) 863-4592 E-mail: [email protected] Jarvis H. Hetu Tel: (416) 862-3460 Fax: (416) 863-4592 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for Citizens Energy Corporation AND TO: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE The Exchange Tower 130 King Street West Suite 3400 Post Office Box 36 Toronto, ON M5X 1K6 Diane Winters / Peter Zevenhuizen Tel: (416) 973-3172 Fax: (416) 973-0810 E-mail: [email protected] / peter/[email protected] Service List Page 8 AND TO: WORKPLACE SAFETY & INSURANCE BOARD (WSIB) Legal Services Branch 200 Front Street West P.O. Box 4115, Station "A" Toronto, ON M5W 2V3 Eric Kupka Tel: (416) 344-3148 Fax: (416) 344-3160 E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: ONTARIO MINISTRY OF LABOUR Employment Standards Program Central Region Insolvencies and Collections 1201 Wilson Ave, 2nd Floor – Bldg. E Toronto, ON M3M 1J8 Nancy Walters E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: MINISTRY OF FINANCE (ONTARIO) Office of Legal Services 33 King Street West, 6th Floor Oshawa, ON L1H 8H5 Kevin J. O'Hara Tel: (905) 433-6934 Fax: (905) 436-4510 E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: MINISTRY OF FINANCE Legal Services Branch Ministry of Attorney General 2nd Floor, 1001 Douglas Street P.O. Box 9280 Stn. Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9J7 Fax: (250) 356-0065 E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: ALBERTA FINANCE AND ENTERPRISE Tax and Revenue 9811 – 108 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2L5 Tel: (780) 427-2200 Fax: (780) 427-0348 E-mail: [email protected] Service List Page 9 AND TO: SAKATCHEWAN FINANCE 2350 Albert Street Regina, SK S4P 4A5 Tel: (306) 787-6768 Fax: (306) 787-0241 Heather A. Sinclair Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice and Attorney General Tel: (306) 787-8919 Fax: (306) 787-0581 E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE – TAXATION 401 York Avenue, Room 415 Winnipeg, Man R3C 0P8 Barry Draward Tel: (204) 945-3758 Fax: (204) 945-0896 E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: MINISTERE DU REVENU 3800, rue de Marly, secteur 6-2-5 Quebec, (Quebec) G1X 4A5 Legal Department Tel: (418) 652-6835 Fax: (418) 643-7379 E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Centennial Building Room: 371, Floor: 3 P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 Greg Byrne Te: (506) 453-2451 Fax: (506) 45704989 E-mail: [email protected] Service List Page 10 AND TO: NOVA SCOTIA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE P.O. Box 187 1723 Hollis Street Halifax, NS B3J 2N3 Tel: (902) 424-5554 Fax: (902) 424-0635 E-mail: [email protected] Doug Moodie Legal Counsel at Justice Tel: (902) 424-4295 Fax: (902) 424-4556 E-mail: [email protected] If service is made by e-mail cc: Paul B. Davies – [email protected] Edward Gores – [email protected] Francis Moore – [email protected] AND TO: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE P.O. box 8700 2nd Floor, East Block Confederation Building St. John's, Nfld A1B 4J6 Manager of Collections Tel: (709) 729-2944 Fax: (709) 729-2070 E-mail: [email protected] Robert Constantine E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: MINISTRE DU REVENU DU QUEBEC 1600 Boulevard Rene-Levesque Ouest, 3e Etage, Secteur R23CPF Montrael, QC H3H 2V2 Tel: (514) 415-5261 Fax: (514) 285-3833 Jacques Jammes E-mail: [email protected] Amelie Eloundou E-mail: [email protected] Normand Berube E-mail: [email protected] Service List Page 11 AND TO: MARATHON CAPITAL LLC 2801 Lakeside Drive, Suite 210 Banockburn, Illinois 60015 Chief Compliance Officer Tel: (847) 574-2570 Fax: (847) 615-9017 Ted Brandt Tel: (847) 574-2677 Fax: (847) 615-9017 E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: Kevin P. Downie Barrister & Solicitor Suite 402, 5121 Sackvile Street P.O. Box 580 Station M, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2R7 Tel: (902) 425-7233 Fax: (902) 425-2252 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyer for Terrain Group Inc. AND TO: SUSSEX STRATEGY GROUP INC. 55 University Avenue, Suite 600 Toronto, ON M5J 2H7 Paul Pellegeini Tel: (416) 961-6611 Fax: (416) 961-9935 E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: NORRIS BUSHELL 1097 Highway 6 River John, NS B0K 1N0 E-mail: [email protected] AND TO: BENNETT JONES Suite 3400, 1 First Canadian Place P.O. Box 130 Toronto, ON M5X 1A4 Gary Solway Tel: (416) 777-6555 Fax: (416) 863-1716 E-mail: [email protected] Lawyers for SWEF Terrawinds Resources Corp. Service List Page 12 AND TO : MORENCY, SOCIETE D’AVOCATS SENCRL 500, Place d’Armes, Suite 2420 Montreal, QC H2Y 2W2 Ali T. Argun Tel: (514) 845-3533 Fax: (514) 845-9522 Email: [email protected] AND TO : LENCZNER SLAGHT ROYCE SMITH GRIFFIN LLP 130 Adelaide Street West Suite 2600 Toronto, ON M5H 3P5 Gary Solway Tel: (416) 777-6555 Fax: (416) 863-1716 Email: [email protected] Lawyers for SWEF Terrawinds Resources Corp. AND TO : POMERLEAU 521, 6E Avenue Saint-Georges, QC G5Y 0H1 Guillaume Jacques Email : [email protected] Danny Voyer Email : [email protected] Tel : (418) 228-6688 Fax : (418) 228-3524 AND TO : TREMBLAY & TREMBLAY AVOCATS INC. 274, Rue St-Pierre Matane, QC G4W 2B5 Denis Tremblay Tel: (418) 562-1130 Fax: (418) 562-7567 Email: [email protected] AND TO : NOVA SCOTIA POWER INC. P.O. Box 910 Halifax, NS B3J 2W5 Peter Doig Tel.: (902) 428-6934 E-mail: [email protected] Court File No. CV-10-8637-00CL IN THE MATTER OF THE RECEIVERSHIP OF INTERWIND CORP. BETWEEN: HSH NORDBANK AG, NEW YORK BRANCH Applicant - and - INTERWIND CORP. Respondent ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE (COMMERCIAL LIST) PROCEEDINGS COMMENCED AT TORONTO NOTICE OF MOTION (Returnable October 15, 2010) BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP Barristers and Solicitors Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Y4 Michael J. MacNaughton Tel.: (416) 367-6646 Fax: (416) 682-2837 (LSUC #25889U) Roger Jaipargas Tel: (416) 367-6266 Fax: (416) 361-7067 (LSUC #43275C) James Szumski Tel: (416) 367-6310 Fax: (416) 682-2811 (LSUC #56958S) Lawyers for PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., in its capacity as Court-appointed Receiver of Interwind Corp. 2 A Court File No. CV-10-8637-00CL IN THE MATTER OF THE RECEIVERSHIP OF INTERWIND CORP. BETWEEN: HSH NORDBANK AG, NEW YORK BRANCH Applicant - and - INTERWIND CORP. Respondent ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE (COMMERCIAL LIST) PROCEEDINGS COMMENCED AT TORONTO RECEIVER’S SEVENTH REPORT TO COURT (October 15, 2010) BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP Barristers and Solicitors Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Y4 Michael J. MacNaughton Tel.: (416) 367-6646 Fax: (416) 682-2837 (LSUC #25889U) Roger Jaipargas Tel: (416) 367-6266 Fax: (416) 361-7067 (LSUC #43275C) James Szumski Tel: (416) 367-6310 Fax: (416) 682-2811 (LSUC #56958S) Lawyers for PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., in its capacity as Court-appointed Receiver of Interwind Corp. 3 Court File No. CV-10-8637-00CL ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE (COMMERCIAL LIST) THE HONOURABLE MR. ) ) ) JUSTICE MORAWETZ FRIDAY, THE 15th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2010 IN THE MATTER OF THE RECEIVERSHIP OF INTERWIND CORP. BETWEEN: HSH NORDBANK AG, NEW YORK BRANCH as administrative and collateral agent Applicant - and INTERWIND CORP. Respondent ORDER THIS MOTION, made by PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., in its capacity as the courtappointed receiver of Interwind Corp. (in such capacity, the “Receiver”), was heard this day at 330 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. ON READING the Notice of Motion of the Receiver returnable October 15, 2010; the Seventeenth Report of PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., in its capacity as court-appointed monitor of Interwind Corp. (the “Monitor”), dated October 5, 2010; the Seventh Report of the Receiver dated October 5, 2010; and on hearing the submissions of counsel for the Monitor and Receiver, HSH Nordbank AG, New York Branch as administrative agent and collateral agent on behalf of itself, Bayerische Landesbank, New York Branch and Union Bank of California, Canada Branch (n/k/a Union Bank, Canada Branch) (“HSH”) and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., no one appearing for any other person on the Service List, SERVICE 1. THIS COURT ORDERS that the time for service and filing of the Notice of Motion and the Motion Record herein shall be and hereby is abridged so that the motion is properly returnable today, and that any further service thereof is hereby dispensed with. STAY OF PROCEEDINGS 2. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Order of The Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz, dated March 30, 2010, appointing PwC as Receiver, be and is hereby amended by replacing paragraphs 9 and 10 in their entirety with the following: NO PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THE DEBTOR, THE RECEIVER OR THE PROPERTY 9. THIS COURT ORDERS that no proceeding or enforcement process in any court or tribunal (each, a “Proceeding”) against or in respect of the Debtor, the Receiver or the Property shall be commenced or continued except with the written consent of the Receiver or with leave of this Court and any and all Proceedings currently under way against or in respect of the Debtor, the Receiver or the Property are hereby stayed and suspended pending further Order of this Court. NO EXERCISE OF RIGHTS OR REMEDIES 9.1 THIS COURT ORDERS that all rights and remedies against the Debtor, the Receiver, or affecting the Property, are hereby stayed and suspended except with the written consent of the Receiver or leave of this Court, provided however that this stay and suspension does not apply in respect of any "eligible financial contract" as defined in the BIA, and further provided that nothing in this paragraph shall (i) empower the Receiver or the Debtor to carry on any business which the Debtor is not lawfully entitled to carry on, or (ii) exempt the Receiver or the Debtor from compliance with statutory or regulatory provisions relating to health, safety or the environment.” NO INTERFERENCE WITH THE RECEIVER 10. THIS COURT ORDERS that no Person shall discontinue, fail to honour, alter, interfere with, repudiate, terminate or cease to perform any right, renewal right, contract, agreement, licence or permit in favour of or held by the Debtor, without written consent of the Receiver or leave of this Court. CONTINUATION OF SERVICES 10.1 THIS COURT ORDERS that all Persons having oral or written agreements with the Debtor or statutory or regulatory mandates for the supply of goods and/or services, including without limitation, all computer software, communication and other data services, centralized banking services, payroll services, insurance, transportation services, utility or other services to the Debtor are hereby restrained until further Order of this Court from discontinuing, altering, interfering with or terminating the supply of such goods or services as may be required by the Receiver, and that the Receiver shall be entitled to the continued use of the Debtor's current telephone numbers, facsimile numbers, internet addresses and domain names, provided in each case that the normal prices or charges for all such goods or services received after the date of this Order are paid by the Receiver in accordance with normal payment practices of the Debtor or such other practices as may be agreed upon by the supplier or service provider and the Receiver, or as may be ordered by this Court. GENERAL 3. THIS COURT HEREBY REQUESTS the aid and recognition of any court, tribunal, regulatory or administrative body having jurisdiction in Canada or in the United States, including, without limitation, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, to give effect to this Order and assist the Receiver and its agents in carrying out the terms of this Order. All courts, tribunals, regulatory and administrative bodies are hereby respectfully requested to make such orders and to provide such assistance to the Receiver, as an officer of this Court, as may be necessary or desirable to give effect to this Order or to assist the Receiver and its agents in carrying out the terms of this Order. 4. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Receiver be at liberty and is hereby authorized and empowered to apply to any court, tribunal, regulatory or administrative body, wherever located, including, without limitation, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, for the recognition of this Order and for assistance in carrying out the terms of this Order. __________________________________ Court File No. CV-10-8637-00CL IN THE MATTER OF THE RECEIVERSHIP OF INTERWIND CORP. BETWEEN: HSH NORDBANK AG, NEW YORK BRANCH Applicant - and - INTERWIND CORP. Respondent ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE (COMMERCIAL LIST) PROCEEDINGS COMMENCED AT TORONTO ORDER BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP Barristers and Solicitors Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Y4 Michael J. MacNaughton Tel.: (416) 367-6646 Fax: (416) 682-2837 (LSUC #25889U) Roger Jaipargas Tel: (416) 367-6266 Fax: (416) 361-7067 (LSUC #43275C) James Szumski Tel: (416) 367-6310 Fax: (416) 682-2811 (LSUC# 56958S) Lawyers for PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., in its capacity as Court-appointed Receiver of Interwind Corp. Court File No. CV-10-8637-00CL IN THE MATTER OF THE RECEIVERSHIP OF INTERWIND CORP. BETWEEN: HSH NORDBANK AG, NEW YORK BRANCH Applicant - and - INTERWIND CORP. Respondent ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE (COMMERCIAL LIST) PROCEEDINGS COMMENCED AT TORONTO MOTION RECORD (Returnable October 15, 2010) BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP Barristers and Solicitors Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Y4 Michael J. MacNaughton Tel.: (416) 367-6646 Fax: (416) 682-2837 (LSUC #25889U) Roger Jaipargas Tel: (416) 367-6266 Fax: (416) 361-7067 (LSUC #43275C) James Szumski Tel: (416) 367-6310 Fax: (416) 682-2811 (LSUC #56958S) Lawyers for PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., in its capacity as Court-appointed Receiver of Interwind Corp.