THE HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES WAIVER PROGRAM CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER Autism Waiver Purpose • Allows eligible children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to receive services to support them in their homes and communities. Autism Waiver Approved by the Federal Government Operated by the state Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Administrated by MSDE with local waiver coordinators in each county who oversee approval Autism Waiver Services Service Coordination • Each child is assigned an Autism Waiver Service Coordinator or case manager to coordinate and monitor services on a monthly basis. • Each child is observed at least four time per year by the Service Coordinator and monthly progress notes are maintained. Autism Waiver Medical and Technical Criteria Children who have an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP) and are enrolled in the public school system Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Receive more than 12 hours per week of special education and related services Need Intermediate Care Facility for the Intellectually Disabled (ICF-ID) level of care (institutional) - reevaluated annually Autism Waiver Financial Criteria Only applies to the child Income and assets are reviewed to determine financial eligibility for Medical Assistance Monthly income may not exceed 300% of SSI benefits and assets may not exceed $2,000 (savings, trust, stocks, etc) Autism Waiver Benefits Families are eligible for services not currently provided through local school systems, early intervention programs, or regular state plan Medicaid Health coverage is provided through Medical Assistance at no cost Autism Waiver Services Intensive Individual Support Services Family Training • One-to-one interventions in the home or community to facilitate successful home and community living • Consultation with the parents to create and provide instruction regarding behavioral interventions, the use of equipment, and/or strategies to safely maintain the child at home Autism Waiver Services Therapeutic Integration Residential Habilitation Services • Structured after school, weekends, and nonschool days that focus on expressive therapies (art, music, dance and/or activity therapy) therapeutic recreational activities, development of social skills, and behavior management • Intensive residential placement when a child cannot be maintained safely at home. Must be designed to provide home-like, therapeutic, and safe environment that build skills allowing for an eventual return to the child’s home Autism Waiver Services Respite Care • Provides parents with relief in providing the care • Physical adaptations to the home that are necessary to ensure the health, Environmental welfare, and safety of the child or enable Accessibility greater independence Adaptations Autism Waiver Services Adult Life Planning Medicaid Services Include • Provides families of children over 18 with assistance in exploring adult services • • • • • • • Physician and hospital care Pharmacy Home health Laboratory Services Disposable medical supplies and equipment Mental health services Payment of Medicare premiums, co-payments and deductibles Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the State of Maryland 9,000 8,186 8,000 7,510 7,000 6,342 5,764 6,000 5,288 4,659 5,000 4,084 4,000 3,488 2,832 3,000 2,000 1,000 422 697 999 1,282 1,594 1,886 2,304 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 0 Autism Waiver Facts Maryland is approved for 1,000 slots to serve all 24 counties Each year MSDE requests to increase the number, but it has been denied each year primarily due to the expense Montgomery County has 235 children approved to receive autism waiver services and we are currently reviewing 30 additional students. We which are the largest program in the state There are over 750 children on the registry (wait list) from Montgomery County and over 3,700 on the statewide registry Autism Waiver Facts 3500 3,324 3000 2500 2000 1500 2004 2011 1000 643 500 159 203 532 106 22 75 0 Enrolled On Registry MC On Registry State Approved Providers in MC 3 14 # in Residential Habilitation Autism Waiver Facts 160 140 120 70 100 Other 80 Autism Classes 60 42 40 20 59 32 0 Non-Public Public Programs Centers Autism Waiver Facts Typical Services Received in Hours per Week 25 40 Intensive Individual Support Services Family Training 168 hours every 6 months 20 Therapeutic Integration Respite Autism Waiver Participants by LEA Worcester Wicomico Washington Talbot Somerset St. Mary's Queen Anne's Prince George's Montgomery Kent Howard Harford Garrett Frederick Dorchester Charles Cecil Carroll Caroline Calvert Baltimore County Baltimore City Anne Arundel Allegany 0 50 100 150 200 250 Questions?