
Ashburton Elementary School

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Ashburton Elementary School
Ashburton Elementary School
6314 Lone Oak Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817 * 301-571-6959
June, 2015
Dear Ashburton Parents/Guardians,
The end of the school year is always a busy time as we wrap-up the current year and also begin to prepare
for the new school year. Our students all have grown, worked hard, and achieved many goals over the
school year. I’m particularly proud of our fifth graders as they prepare to move on to middle school. This
is a diverse group of students with many talents and accomplishments, and we will really miss them! We
had a wonderful promotion ceremony on Wednesday. It was nice to see so many family members
celebrating with our students and staff.
It is particularly bittersweet for me as I prepare to leave Ashburton and Montgomery County. I would like
to thank you for sharing your children with me for the past eight years. I have been the luckiest principal
to work with amazing children, collaborative parents, and caring and dedicated staff. I would like to thank
you for your kind words and positive encouragement throughout the past few months as I prepare for this
next chapter in my life. I was just recently appointed as the principal of Alanton Elementary School in
Virginia Beach. While I will be busy at a new school, there will always be a place in my heart for
Ashburton. I truly love everything about the Ashburton school community and hope to keep in touch with
you to learn about the wonderful things your children accomplish throughout their schooling.
I want to share with you some anticipated changes as we plan for next year, but caution that due to
Ashburton’s ever-changing enrollment, these could be tentative. We are allocated to have eight sections
of PEP, five of Kindergarten, five of Grade 1, six of Grade 2, five of Grade 3, five of Grade 4, and six of
Grade 5. We are closely monitoring kindergarten enrollment as we are projected for more
kindergarteners. Please let us know if your children will not attend Ashburton next year and encourage
new neighbors to enroll students as soon as possible. We will continue to monitor enrollment throughout
the summer and work with our Associate Superintendent about staffing if necessary.
Our proposed staffing will necessitate some changes as teachers leave Ashburton due to personal
circumstances. Ms. Kathy Weigle, Reading Specialist, will
Calendar Updatesretire after a long career in teaching that spanned two
June 12- Last Day of School for
countries, two states and several schools in MCPS. Mrs.
Mary Jane Ryan will also retire after many years in our PEP
June 15- Last Day of School for
program. We wish both of them well. Mrs. Kathy Warren,
Students; Early Dismissal at 12:35
third grade Special Education teacher will move to Bethesda
Elementary School. Ms. Natalie Sears and Mrs. Kelly
June 23- Report Cards Mailed from
Golatte, first grade teachers, will move to other MCPS
Central Office
schools closer to their homes. Mrs. Kristen Sharp is moving
to Anne Arundel County. Ms. Pam Foley and Lynn Lewis
August 31- First Day of School
2015-16 School Year
will teach at other MCPS schools.
Other staff members will teach a different grade in order to accommodate changes in enrollment per grade
level: Mrs. Kristina Kushto, Kindergarten teacher will teach third grade. Mrs. Katie Burton, Fourth Grade
teacher, will move up to fifth grade as that team expands.
Some positions will be filled with new staff: Ms. Anita Elaraj, currently at Stonegate Elementary School
will become our new reading Specialist. Ms. Emma Sullivan will join our special education team and
teach the 5th grade LAD/Resource students. Ms. Kathryn Snedeker will join our second grade team from
Ritchie Park Elementary; she will get married this summer and be Mrs. Worden. Ms. Susan Mathis will
teach instrumental music with Mr. Ben Kepler. Ms. Maria Sparks will be an additional speech language
therapist at Ashburton next year. We will keep you informed if we hire any new staff during the summer.
Ashburton will be a busy place this summer as we host PEP ESY, the Rockville Daycare summer camp,
and a few other small camps. We will have several small construction projects, including converting our
computer lab to a classroom. The office will be open, but there may be some time the staff is out at
meetings. Please call ahead prior to visiting the office this summer.
I am most grateful for our parents, who are always supportive and volunteer to help whenever we need
them. Most recently, we had many parents volunteer for our field days and numerous field trips. We thank
Melissa Forburger, Jen Luna, Lisa Fishberg, and Julie Greenstein for a fabulous Spring Fling. I also want
to thank Shannon Ross and Barrie Krantz for coordinating the 5th grade celebration, Heather Serra and
Wendy Adkins for coordinating the school store this year, and Victoria Wheeler for overseeing the PTA
Listserve and keeping us all informed and connected. We also appreciate the many parents that are
helping with the end of the year celebrations. Thanks to Mary Miller for coordinating our grocery store
receipts programs. We all thank Mariella Cacho for her commitment to Ashburton with hours of work as
the SSL coordinator and our book room organizer.
I want to thank the PTA leaders for their commitment to our students and school. In particular, I thank
Laura Chace for her dedication to the school as PTA President this year. We appreciate her commitment
to Ashburton and the many hours she has spent as a parent leader. I also thank outgoing officers: Ellen
Rice (Administrative Co-Vice President), Gabe Adams (Secretary), and Stacey Kaminski (Treasurer) for
their commitment to Ashburton and our community. Thank you for all you do! I know that Mr.
Mullenholz looks forward to working with the new Board.
In August you will receive an information packet in the mail. This packet will contain the calendar, lunch
information, and bus schedules. There will also be information about a kindergarten/new parent meeting
and Open House. You will also get more information about the new bell times. Ashburton will start at
9:00 a.m. and end at 3:25 p.m. The bus schedule will reflect the new bell times. Some of this information
will be posted on our website or the MCPS website. The Student Supply list will go home soon, but is
also posted on our website http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/ashburtones/.
Please work with your child to do the summer math packet and reading log that your child will bring
home. Read with them, make frequent trips to the library for new books, and encourage them to keep their
brains busy. If you misplace the packet you may download them from our website.
I hope to see you during the next few days, including the end of year Awards Ceremony for grades 3-5,
and many classroom end-of-year celebrations. While all 3rd through 5th grade parents are welcome to
attend the awards ceremony, many of the awards are announcements and parents should not feel
compelled to take off work to attend. Please note that the last day of school for K-5 students is June 15th
and students will be dismissed at 12:35 p.m.
Have a wonderful summer break with your children!
Charlene Garran, Principal
2015–2016 School Calendar Montgomery County Public Schools
August 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 Professional days for teachers
August 31 First day of school for students
September 7 Labor Day—Offices and schools closed
September 14 No school for students and teachers
September 23 No school for students and teachers
October 2 Early release day for all students. Planning/grades/interims
October 16 No school for students and teachers
November 2 No school for students. Professional day for teachers.
November 11 Early release day K–8. Parent conferences
November 12 Early release day K–8. Parent conferences
November 25 Early release day for all students
November 26–27 Thanksgiving—Offices and schools closed
December 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31 Winter Break—No school for students and teachers, offices closed Dec.
24 & 25
January 1 New Year’s Day—Offices and schools closed
January 18 Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. Day—Offices and schools closed
January 25 No school for students. Professional day for teachers.
February 15 Presidents’ Day—Offices and schools closed
February 26 Early release day for all students. Planning/grades/interims
March 24 No school for students. Professional day for teachers.
March 25, 28, 29, 30, 31 and April 1 Spring Break—No school for students and teachers, offices closed
March 25 & 28
April 26 Primary Election Day—Offices and schools closed
May 30 Memorial Day—Offices and schools closed
June 17 Last day of school for students. Early release day for all students
June 20 Professional day for teachers
School Contingency Calendar, 2015–2016
If the school year should be disrupted by emergencies and schools are closed, the school year will be
extended. If schools are closed... The school year will be extended by...
5 days 1 day to June 20, 2016
6 days 2 days to June 20 and 21, 2016
7 days 3 days to June 20, 21, and 22, 2016
8 days 4 days to June 20, 21, 22, and 23, 2016
9 days 5 days to June 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, 2016
SGA News:
The Ashburton community opened hearts and piggybanks in May to raise a total of $1747.31 in support
of UNICEF’s efforts in Nepal. Thank you! 
PEP Newsletter
Dear Families,
Our next theme is “Moving On”,
and will run from May 26th to
June 12th. This theme will focus
on all of the ways the children have
grown and changed during the year.
We will explore subjects such as travel,
diversity, culture, persistence, selfconfidence, trying new things,
graduation, and Kindergarten. Please
see below for more detailed
information, and suggestions on how to
reinforce the new theme at home.
Knowledge Focus: Children reflect on
all the ways they have grown and
changed during the year.
Week 1: Going New Places
Week 2: Trying New Things/I Can
Do It!
 Week 3: We’re Big Now!
Additional free resources for this unit,
including “BookFLIX” video books,
downloadable theme books, and “Fun
With Clifford” online games, can also be
found through the Big Day for PreK
“Family Space” website:
Web address:
Username: PopintoPEP
Class Password: readyforschool
Sample Vocabulary:
Travel, trip, visit, peace, world, country,
state, ocean, mountain, desert, river,
forest, challenge, encourage, try, finish,
goal, quit, Kindergarten, practice,
proud, succeed, success, graduate
Story Time and Suggested Reading:
 We’re Going On a Lion Hunt, by
David Axtell
 The Little Engine That Could, by
Watty Piper
 Can You Say Peace?, by Karen
 In Our Country, by Susan
 Giraffes Can’t Dance, by Giles
Andreae & Guy Parker-Rees
 Little Bat, by Tania Cox
 Leo the Late Bloomer, by Robert
 Read and Rise, by Sandra L.
 Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for
Kindergarten, by Joseph Slate
 The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the
Wash, by Trinka Hakes Noble
 Chicka Boom, by Bill Martin,
Jr. and John Archambault
 If You Take a Mouse to
School, by Laura Numeroff
 Clifford Gets a Job, by Normal
TAKE A TRIP (to the tune of “This Old Man”)
SALLY GO ‘ROUND THE SUN (traditional)
OH, YES I CAN! (to the tune of “Little Liza Jane”)
SEE ME DO IT! (fingerplay)
ALPHARDY (by Dr. Jean)
GOING ON A BEAR HUNT (traditional & by Dr.
(by Hap Palmer)
Cooking & Snack Ideas:
 Try food from different countries
 Make an edible beach with blue
jello, crushed graham crackers,
Swedish fish, & vanilla pudding!
 Make s’mores or banana boats
(we can pretend like we are
Make a rice krispy earth
Possible Activities:
 Pretend to build structures and
buildings from around the world with
various building materials
 Draw postcards of places we would
like to visit
 Measure, compare, and contrast our
heights, and discuss how we have
grown during the year!
 Make cameras out of small boxes
 Dress up in clothing from around the
 Practice for our graduation
 Pretend to go on a trip with various
props (e.g. suitcases, chairs, wheels,
play cameras, etc.)
 Use a scale to measure objects that
are light and heavy
 Play a preposition game by placing
animals under, over, above, next to,
beside, in front, & behind a school
 Play with an interactive US map on
the Promethean board
 Read our favorite books from the
 Read books to a partner
 Make our own travel books!
 Pretend to hail a taxi on the
playground with a friend
 Pretend to go on a lion hunt in the
 Practice working together by
working in teams to solve a
challenge (e.g. a large floor puzzle,
putting together a number line,
sorting, etc.)
 Decorate a suitcase with countries or
states we would like to visit
Suggestions for Home:
 Go to new restaurants and
encourage your child to try new
 Make a picture album with your
child after a vacation
 Set up a pretend tent in the house
and pretend to go camping!
 Go on a hunt for letters, numbers, or
animals that are hidden in the
 Foster independence by allowing
your child to try new things like tying
shoe laces, buttoning, picking
out clothing, etc.
 Have your child help pack
clothing for a trip
 Visit your child’s new school
and talk about how it will be
 The last day of PEP is June 12th
The PEP Team
June Happenings in Kindergarten
In Reading, we will continue to read
informational text. We will focus on comparing
two different texts on the same subject, as well
as looking at the facts an author gives to support
their point.
Students will participate in shared writing
projects to determine their favorite things about
kindergarten. Students will draw and write
about their favorite experiences this year, such
as their favorite book, special, etc. We will
continue to focus on writing conventions such as
end punctuation and identifying nouns and
In Math, we will continue to add and subtract
numbers up to 5 fluently. We will also classify
objects into categories, count and record the
number of objects into categories and sort
categories by count.
are optional, but will help your child
practice 1st grade concepts from this
year. There are also many websites
that students can use over the summer
to help them get ready for second
grade. A few include:
Science and Social Studies
We will finish out our Kindergarten year
continuing to look at how animals interact with
their environment. In social studies, we will be
discussing culture, family traditions and family
Thank you to all of the parents who helped out
with field day! The kids had a great time!
Please return ALL library books to
the media center as soon as possible.
Have a great summer!
The Kindergarten Team
Don’t forget to READ, READ, READ
over the summer!
We thank you for your support
throughout the year to make it
successful for all students! Have a
safe, relaxing, fun summer 
First Grade News
We can’t believe the year is almost over!
It has been a fantastic year in first
grade. We will be celebrating all of the
accomplishments our students’ had in
the coming weeks.
The last day of school is Monday, June
15th. BUT we will be have our End of
the Year First Grade Popsicle Party on
the field/playground at 2:00 on Friday,
June 12th. Individual first grade
teachers will also have classroom
parties on that Friday, June 12th before
the first grade party.
The math and reading summer packet
will be coming home soon. These items
Town News from Second Grade
The second grade team would like to
thank all parents and guardians for
working with us this year as we taught
your children. We can’t believe the year
is over and will miss our classes as they
head off to third grade! Please make sure
to have your kids work on the summer
math packets. It’s also important for your
child to continue reading regularly
throughout the summer to maintain and
improve reading levels! Below are a few
ideas of ways to help your child as he or
she prepares to enter third grade.
Encourage all of your children to read
over the summer! Push them to try out
new genres of literature and to talk (or
write) about what they have read. Check
out Davis Library’s summer reading
program and be sure to complete some of
the activities from the summer reading
is also a great way to keep math concepts
fresh. The second grade team has many
great websites for math available under
the 2nd grade link on the Ashburton
Webpage. The students are familiar with
the sites.
Social Studies
Check out history books or biographies
from the library or take a
trip to one of Washington
D.C.’s wonderful sites. We
Try having your kids work on a
are fortunate to live in an
“Family Newsletter” to keep a record of
important landmarks as well
what you did over the summer. This is a
great activity to work on as a family
(each family member can write an
‘article’), and one many grandparents
might appreciate. There are some
awesome newspaper templates on
Microsoft Word. Alternatively, encourage
your child to keep a journal of summer
trips, camps or activities or to do some
area rich with historically
as informative and fun museums. Try a
day trip to Mount Vernon or Monticello
(Thomas Jefferson’s house) or simply
take the metro downtown and visit some
of the museums and memorials along the
Lastly, second grade is fortunate
to have an “In school field trip” on June
creative writing when boredom sets in.
8th and 9th (depending on the class). We
school where students will
There are some great books you can
check out at the library as well as
websites with science project ideas for
kids. Science projects are a great way to
fill time on rainy summer days!
Make sure your child continues to
practice basic addition and subtraction
facts over the summer. The math packet
will have a planetarium brought to our
learn about the night sky.
We do not need volunteers
for this trip and it will be
free for students. You just need to sign
the permission slip! We’d like to send out
a HUGE thank you to the PTA for
sponsoring this trip.
We have truly enjoyed teaching your
children. Thanks again for your support
throughout the year. Have a terrific
Ms. Ashin, Ms. Bouquet, Ms. Fox, Mrs.
Holder, Mrs. Murshed and Ms. Locke
Third Grade News
Thank you for a wonderful and exciting
3rd grade year! The students were able
to dive into math concepts such as
composing and decomposing numbers
within 1000, multiplication, fractions,
elapsed time, perimeter and area and
more. The progress they made on
reading concepts such as inferencing,
finding the main idea using details from
a text, asking and answering multi-level
questions, identifying cause and effect,
and classifying characteristics of various
genres was impressive. Over the
summer, students should continue to
practice their basic multiplication and
division facts on a daily basis. Finding
math in real-world situations such finding
the total of a grocery list or breaking up
a summer favorite, the hamburger, into
equal parts can be fun. Students should
be reading every day to enhance the
amazing reading skills learned this year
and perhaps they can write a reflection
on what was read to practice
additional writing talents! We thank
everyone for the support and hard work
given this year and look forward to
seeing families back at Ashburton next
News 4 You
Wow! Is it June already? Where did the time go?
During the remaining week of school, here is
what we will be covering:
Language Arts
As our school year comes to a close, we
are taking time to assess our reading
interpretation, grammar skills, and written
expression. Our books for the Authors’
Conference were inspirational; the fourth grade
students were very proud of their efforts.
Students shared their books with their peers as
well as students in the first grade. Remember to
encourage your children to read, read, read and
write, write, write this summer. Enjoy!
Social Studies
On May 20, we took our final field trip
to historic St. Mary’s City. On the trip, students
learned more about life in colonial Maryland,
including what life was like on a planation and
what it was like on board the Dove. In class,
students are continuing to learn about life in
colonial America. Students are learned about
the French and Indian War, triangular trade,
and how different groups of people affected
government policy.
We are wrapping up our Earth
Materials Science Unit learning about Erosion
and Weathering.
Students will be solving problems
involving patterns. To wrap up the year, students
will multi-step word problems focusing on
various operations and concepts. Students are
encouraged to keep up with the studying of their
basic math facts, and to complete the summer
math packets to be better prepared for fifth
It’s been a privilege having your child
with us this year. We wish our students all the
best! Have a wonderful summer! We know your
child will make us proud as he/she enters fifth
Thank you,
Mrs. Brenner, Mrs. Burton, Ms. Greco,
Ms. Imhof, Ms. Leiser, Mrs. Weaver,
and Mrs. Wloszczowski
Fifth Grade’s Fabulous News
We can’t believe that another year has
gone by and that the fifth graders will
“progressing” in all areas of learning
Over the summer, please go to the North
Bethesda Middle School website to
access the summer math and summer
reading materials. Once on the website,
click the “departments” tab at the top of
the page. Click the “math” link to find
the math packets. Click the “English” link
to find the next link to the “Summer
Reading Page.”
soon be moving on to middle school!
At the promotion ceremony, all students
The Math 5 students will end the year
will received a certificate of completion.
studying geometry. We will identify the
Students received recognition in a
differences between polygons
number of areas, including for
and non-polygons as well as
distinguished academic excellence. The
concave and convex polygons.
President’s Education Award for
Students will also reason
Outstanding Academic Excellence uses
about the different
criteria based on guidelines provided by
properties of quadrilaterals
the President’s Education Awards
and classify them based on their
Committee. The students, who are
properties. Shapes are all around us!
receiving the award for Outstanding
What unique polygons can be found during
Academic Excellence, have earned
your summer adventures?
overall averages of P’s and ES’s in all
subjects in 4th grade and in the first
three marking periods of 5th
grade. Additionally, they have scored in
the “advanced” category, on both the
MAP-R and MAP-M, reading and math
tests respectively, taken during their 4th
and 5th grade years. Having met this
criteria, the recipients also earned
scores of “demonstrating” or
The Compacted 5/6 Math students have
been using measures of variability and
measures of center to describe and
summarize sets of data. They have been
identifying those measures in data sets
and creating sets that could yield given
measures. In the course of plotting
numerical data, they have employed dot
plots, histograms, and box plots to
represent the main characteristics of
data sets concisely. In the waning days of
crafting informative poems about animals,
the term, they will be comparing the data
using the poetry techniques and crafting
displays they have used, identifying the
skills they learned earlier in the year. We
most effective ones for conveying
hope that whatever they do over the
information, and interpreting real life
summer, they will write about the
data sets and displays.
experiences they are having, whether in a
In our final days of reading class,
students will read through the poem “The
Spider and the Fly.” They will analyze
how the illustrations enhance the meaning
of the poem and also interpret many of
the idioms used throughout. Students
will have the opportunity to practice their
visualization and drawing skills after
reading other poems. Reading logs are
due on June 8th. Students will tally the
number of books they have read in fifth
grade and see if they reached the goal of
reading 25 books for the year. Please
make sure that your child continues to
read over the summer!
The students have done a wonderful job
writing persuasive, informative, and
narrative pieces throughout this year.
They recently got to appreciate and
share a number of their writing pieces
with the 4th graders, as we celebrated
authors throughout the school. We are
thrilled with how they have grown as
writers and with how proficient they have
become drafting, revising, and editing
directly using their Chrome Books. For
their final piece, they are having fun
journal, a letter or an email.
As we wrap up the genetics unit, the
students are looking at the exciting and
sometimes controversial aspects of gene
studies and manipulations, exploring the
developments in genome studies and in
genetic engineering. So don't be
surprised if they start pointing out and
explaining to you those "non-GMO" labels
in the food stores this summer.
Social Studies
In social studies, students are continuing
to learn about saving and investing. They
discussed what the advantages and
disadvantages are in relation to saving,
having a savings account, and investing
money. Students also are focusing on
defining what a budget is and how to keep
a budget. Lastly, students are learning
what the difference is between
borrowing something, and a loan. We will
briefly discuss credit. The students have
really enjoyed learning
about financial literacy
during this quarter!
Reading Corner
-Ms. Weigle
Summer is almost here, so it’s time to start
thinking about summer reading. Do you have a
stack of books you’ve been meaning to read?
Do you have your library card ready for your
visits to the library? Do your children have their
own library cards? Hot days of summer are a
good time to read – at the beach, at the pool, at
home . . .
If you are having trouble getting started, there
is a great website that can help you. It is
m/kidsite. This brings you to the Montgomery
County Library’s Kid’s website. This year,
Montgomery County Public Libraries will have a
summer reading program called “Every Hero
Has a Story.” Students can sign up online,
beginning on June 1. The summer program will
run from June 1 to August 31. There will also be
special programs at the libraries this summer.
Find details on their website. Our closest library
is Davis Library.
Barnes & Noble is also having a summer
reading program, “Imagination’s Destination.”
Go to
http://www.barnesandnoble.com/u/summerreading/379003570 for a Summer Reading
Journal and more information.
And, of course, Ashburton will also continue to
encourage reading during the summer. This
year, your child will be receiving a summer
reading packet. In addition to the reading log,
there are suggested family reading and writing
ideas. When you read a book, you can write the
title on the Ashburton reading log - and on any
other summer reading logs from other summer
reading programs. When school begins in the
fall, any student who turns in a reading log or
any of the suggested activities will receive a
prize and be recognized.
Of course, reading isn’t just about books. You
can read directions to play a new game or to
make a new recipe. You can read information
about animals when you go to the zoo. You can
read information about exhibits when you go to
museums. (While you are on the National Mall,
you can also go to the Smithsonian Folklife
Festival. It will be held from June 24 - 28 and
from July 1 - 5. This year, the focus is on Peru.
This is a free event. Find more information at:
http://www.festival.si.edu/. ) You can read the
newspaper. The Washington Post’s Kid’s Page
(Monday – Thursday) always looks interesting.
When are other times that you and your
children read?
I hope everyone has a great summer and has
fun reading. Remember, the more children
read, the better readers they will become.
PTA Insider – June 2015
June 15:
Early Release 12:35 pm, Last day of school
News from our President and PTA Board
Dear Ashburton Families,
I can hardly believe that the end of school is upon us and this is my final PTA newsletter of the
school year! The year has literally flown by.
I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have helped make this year such a success for
our school and our PTA. First, I want to thank our dedicated committee chairs who put on all of
our incredible PTA events this year- we could not have done it without you. As I have said
before, we are an organization of parent volunteers, and I am so proud to have such a supportive
and helpful community at Ashburton. We broke records this year with our dine outs and major
fundraisers - Spring Fling and Fall Festival. I want to thank all of you who attended these events
and patronized our dine outs, book fairs, and community events such as International Night,
Bingo Night and Skate Night. And, finally, I want to thank everyone who volunteered at our
various events - we are so grateful for your time and commitment and I hope that we can count
on your continued involvement next year!
With the funds raised this year, we were able to provide critical funding to the school for
multiple cultural assemblies and author conferences, the artist in residence program,
supplemental educational materials for the classrooms, subsidizing the cost of field trips,
providing a scholarship fund for students in need, and so much more. THANK YOU for your
generous support!
As we near the end of the school year, please stay tuned for announcements regarding a new
service to purchase your school supplies. The PTA is excited to announce a partnership with
SchoolSupplyFly, a company created by and 8th grader at our very own North Bethesda Middle
School! You will be able to order your child’s school supplies online at a discounted price and
they will be packaged and delivered to the gym for pickup on August 28th during the Open
House that afternoon. More details will be coming out on the listserv next week.
Finally, we are all sad to see Mrs. Garran go at the end of the year. She has planned special
celebrations with each grade towards the end of school. If you have not done so already, please
stop in the office to sign her guestbook before June 12th.
Our final dine out is at California Tortilla on June 9th - let’s go out with a bang - and a great
Have Fun...Make Memories... Get Involved.,
Laura Chace
Ashburton PTA President on behalf of the PTA Board
PS – The best way to find out about all of the PTA's community events is to get on the school list serve. We’re a
green school, and try not to copy too many papers, so by being on the list-serve, and agreeing to receive this
monthly newsletter on-line, you support that value as well.
Did you know Ashburton has two listservs?
The first one is our PTA listserv, and the only information that will be sent out on this will have to do directly with
Ashburton or the PTA, our cluster (Ashburton ES is part of the Walter Johnson Cluster), the Montgomery County
Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) or Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). To subscribe to this PTA list-serve,
which only sends out information about school and PTA sponsored events and afterschool activities, please
send an email to: [email protected].
The second is the Ashburton Community listserv, which was started to allow the Ashburton community to share
information about events and issues that are of interest to Ashburton students and parents, but are not related to PTA
or school-sponsored activities (e.g., sports teams, carpools, babysitting, yard sales, community events, etc.). The
Ashburton ES Community “discussion listserv” is a forum for the school community on issues that affect
elementary school children. The opinions posted do not reflect the official position of Ashburton PTA or MCCPTA;
they reflect the opinions of individuals and should not be interpreted or published outside of this forum as the
official position of any local PTA/PTSA or MCCPTA. Please follow these guidelines when using the discussion
· Messages should be posted directly to [email protected] and include your name.
· Refrain from making negative comments about individuals by name.
· Private matters such as discussions about a particular child(ren) or adult(s) are not appropriate on this listserv.
· Disagree in a friendly and respectful manner; email feels like a private discussion, but it is not.
· If you abuse your listserv privileges you will be given one warning then removed permanently, should the abuse
To subscribe to the Ashburton Community listserv, which has information for and from the overall community,
please send an email to: [email protected]
Support Ashburton Through Grocery Store Programs
Every time you shop at Giant, Safeway, or Harris Teeter’s, you can help raise money for Ashburton through their
grocery store programs. Please look for a flyer to send back in with your information, and our wonderful Bonus
Bucks Chairperson – Mary Miller can input your data, or you can follow the link provided by the listserv and
register directly. Please keep in mind that you need to re-register each year, so even if you registered last year, you
need to do it again. This is such an easy way to support your school, and our goal is to have 90% of Ashburton
registered within the next month!
Fly UP