Ground-Water Model and Pumping Scenarios for the Middle Arkansas River Subbasin
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Ground-Water Model and Pumping Scenarios for the Middle Arkansas River Subbasin
Ground-Water Model and Pumping Scenarios for the Middle Arkansas River Subbasin Don Whittemore, Marios Sophocleous, Jim Butler, Brownie Wilson, Xiaoyong Zhan, Dave Young, Mike McGlashan Kansas Geological Survey and Ming-Shu Tsou HydroGeoLogic Inc. Funded in part by the Division of Water Resources, Kansas Department of Agriculture and the Kansas Water Office Model grid boundary Middle Arkansas Subbasin A r ve i sR a ns a k r Active model area Kansas Geological Survey HYDROLOGIC RESPONSES TO CHANGES IN AND OUTSIDE OF SUBBASIN • Ground-water levels have declined in the Middle Arkansas subbasin in response to consumptive pumping from the alluvial and High Plains aquifers. • Water-level declines have decreased the discharge of ground water into the Arkansas River. Where water levels have declined below the bottom of the river bed, river water seeps into the underlying aquifer rather than flowing downstream. As a result, river flows have decreased and a dry river bed has been present over much of the subbasin during the last few years. • Long-term declines in the flow of the Arkansas River from southwest Kansas and of the Pawnee River into the subbasin have contributed to decreases in Arkansas River flow in the subbasin. Kansas Geological Survey WATER-QUALITY RESPONSES TO CHANGES IN AND OUTSIDE SUBBASIN • Long-term increases in the salinity of Arkansas River water from Colorado have increased the salinity of high flows that enter the Middle Arkansas subbasin. • The salinity of ground water in the Arkansas River valley in the subbasin increases when inflow passing through southwest Kansas from Colorado seeps into the aquifer underlying the river. The saline ground water is moving outward from the river in response to ground-water level declines. • Long-term decreases in Pawnee River flow have decreased the amount of freshwater flow entering the Arkansas River in the subbasin at Larned. Kansas Geological Survey Hydrographs of Wells in Edwards County within CREP Area Well 374954099270701, Edwards Co., Arkansas R. valley Well 375801099191001, Edwards Co., near river valley 2135 Water-level elevation, feet Water-level elevation, feet 2220 2215 2210 2205 2200 2195 2190 1/1/70 1/1/75 1/1/80 1/1/85 1/1/90 1/1/95 1/1/00 2130 2125 2120 2115 2110 2105 1/1/70 1/1/05 Well 375550099175601, Edwards Co., away from valley 1/1/85 1/1/90 1/1/95 1/1/00 1/1/05 2080 Water-level elevation, feet Water-level elevation, feet 1/1/80 Well 375847099081601, Edwards Co., away from valley 2145 2140 2135 2130 2125 2120 2115 1/1/70 1/1/75 1/1/75 1/1/80 1/1/85 1/1/90 1/1/95 1/1/00 1/1/05 2075 2070 2065 2060 2055 2050 1/1/70 1/1/75 1/1/80 1/1/85 1/1/90 1/1/95 1/1/00 1/1/05 Kansas Geological Survey Mean annual flow, ft3/sec 1000 100 10 1 0.1 Measured Flow at USGS Gages Arkansas River near Kinsley Arkansas River near Larned 0.01 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Kansas Geological Survey Kansas Geological Survey Kansas Geological Survey WHAT DOES THE GROUND-WATER FLOW MODEL DO? Mathematically simulates ground-water flow and stream-aquifer interactions in the Middle Arkansas subbasin for 1944-2004 and future scenarios Components of the model include: Areal precipitation recharge Stream inflow to the model area Ground-water flow into, within, and out of model area Ground-water flow to streams and leakage of water from streams and canals to ground water Pumping of ground water Recharge of applied irrigation water to ground water Loss of water from evapotranspiration Kansas Geological Survey Model grid boundary Middle Arkansas Subbasin A r ve i sR a ns a k r Active model area Kansas Geological Survey Kansas Geological Survey Kansas Geological Survey 5 Kansas Geological Survey Cumulative Net Aquifer Storage and Streamflow Gains 2,000,000 Cumulative value in acre-feet 1,500,000 Net aquifer storage gain Net streamflow gain 1,000,000 500,000 0 -500,000 -1,000,000 -1,500,000 -2,000,000 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Net aquifer storage gain = storage accumulation minus storage depletion Net streamflow gain = stream gain from ground water minus stream loss to ground water Kansas Geological Survey MODEL SCENARIOS Sensitivity to increased stream inflows during 1980-2004 Future pumping during 50 years, 2005-2054 Pumping at current levels No pumping Reduction of 24% of pumping in CREP areas Equivalent to 14.5% reduction in model area Reduction of 25,287 acre-ft/yr in net pumpage Retirement of Circle K Ranch water rights Kansas Geological Survey Cumulative Net Aquifer Storage and Streamflow Gains 4,000,000 Net streamflow gain Net aquifer storage gain Cumulative value in acre-feet 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 -1,000,000 -2,000,000 -3,000,000 -4,000,000 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 Scenario: Continued Pumping at Current Levels Kansas Geological Survey Kansas Geological Survey Comparison of Saturated Thickness Observed in 2005 and Simulated for the Continued Pumping Scenario for 2054 Kansas Geological Survey Cumulative Net Aquifer Storage and Streamflow Gains 4,000,000 Cumulative value in acre-feet 3,000,000 Net streamflow gain Net aquifer storage gain 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 -1,000,000 -2,000,000 -3,000,000 -4,000,000 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 Scenario: No Pumping Kansas Geological Survey Location of CREP Area (shaded green) within Model Area Cumulative Net Aquifer Storage and Streamflow Gains 4,000,000 Cumulative value in acre-ft 3,000,000 2,000,000 Net streamflow gain - CREP pumping Net streamflow gain - continued pumping Net storage gain - CREP pumping Net storage gain - continued pumping 1,000,000 0 -1,000,000 -2,000,000 -3,000,000 -4,000,000 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 Comparison of CREP Pumping and Continued Pumping Scenarios Kansas Geological Survey Comparison of CREP Pumping and Continued Pumping Scenarios Kansas Geological Survey 80 Great Bend gage Dundee diversion 100 Larned gage 2000 Base run 2050 CREP pumping 2050 Continued pumping 120 Pawnee River Flow for wet year with substantial Arkansas River inflow 0 20 Coon Creek 20 Kinsley gage 40 Walnut Creek 60 Circle K Ranch Mean annual streamflow, ft3/sec 140 40 60 80 100 Arkansas River mile Kansas Geological Survey HYDROLOGIC AND SALINITY RESPONSES TO FUTURE CHANGES IN THE ARKANSAS RIVER CORRIDOR • Ground-water levels will continue to decline in the Middle Arkansas subbasin unless there are substantial reductions in consumptive pumping. • Continuing water-level declines will increase the seepage rate of high flows in the Arkansas River from southwest Kansas (when they occur) into the alluvial aquifer and underlying High Plains aquifer. This will decrease the amount of river flow reaching the Lower Arkansas basin for a similar, past high flow entering the subbasin. More saline water from high Arkansas River inflows will enter the alluvial and High Plains aquifers. • Continuing water-level declines will increase the movement of saline ground water in the aquifer outward from the river valley. • Continuing decreases in Pawnee River flow will decrease the amount of freshwater flow entering the Arkansas River at Larned. Kansas Geological Survey Water resources future Cloudy or bright? Wet or dry?