“Log Petrophysics of the Lower Permian Chase Group southwestern Kansas”
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“Log Petrophysics of the Lower Permian Chase Group southwestern Kansas”
“Log Petrophysics of the Lower Permian Chase Group in the Hugoton Gas Field of southwestern Kansas” John H. Doveton Kansas Geological Survey Spectral Gamma-ray log of a Chase Group section Examples of spatial variation of uranium in Chase Group units From Luczaj (1998) Permeability versus porosity and uranium 0.1 m d 6 5 d 1m 3 d 2 1 10 m Uranium (ppm) 4 0 0 5 10 Porosity (%) 15 20 Lithodensity neutron logs of a Chase Group section Chase Group RHOmaa – Umaa crossplot Compositional profile computed from gamma-ray, density, neutron porosity, and photoelectric factor logs Council Grove core porosity calibration data set facies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NM Silt & Sand NM ShlySilt Mar Shale & Silt Mdst/Mdst-Wkst Wkst/Wkst-Pkst Sucrosic (Dol) Pkst/Pkst-Grnst Grnst/PA Baff whole plugs core total outliers final 156 106 262 9 253 167 31 198 2 196 70 33 103 0 103 67 22 89 0 89 147 59 206 2 204 35 19 54 1 53 116 64 180 11 169 34 28 62 2 60 792 362 1154 27 1127 Log/Core porosity comparison corephi 15 Dphi NDphi Porosity% 13 11 9 7 5 1 2 3 4 5 Facies 6 7 8 25 Facies 1 Facies 2 Facies 3 20 Facies 4 Core porosity Non-marine (facies 1 & 2) and marine (facies 3 and 4) siltstones 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 Density porosity (ls equiv) 20 25 Gas effects: Invasion and depth of investigation of density and neutron tools Example of gas effect in the Towanda Limestone Gamma Ray API units 0 Neutron/Density porosity limestone equiv. 30 20 10 150 density 2850 neutron caliper 2900 CGR PeF SGR 0 Photoelectric factor barns/electron 10 0 1.9 45 2.0 S 2.1 e m Li 40 ne to s e 30 Do lo mi te 2.2 ρb, bulk density (gm/cc) 35 2.3 25 20 2.4 15 2.5 10 2.6 5 2.7 0 -5 2.8 -10 2.9 -15 3.0 0 10 20 30 NPHI neutron porosity (p.u.) apparent limestone porosity) 40 Φd, denity porosity (p.u.) apparent limestone porosity Towanda Limestone gas effect on neutron – density crossplot an n to ds 1.9 45 2.0 30 2.1 ne m Li 25 40 ne to s e 30 mi te 2.2 2.3 Φ 15 2.4 Do lo 20 ρb, bulk density (gm/cc) 35 20 30 t 10 25 15 2.5 25 5 10 20 2.6 5 15 2.7 0 10 -5 2.8 5 2.9 0 Φt = (PHIN +PHID) -10 2 -15 3.0 0 10 20 30 NPHI neutron porosity (p.u.) apparent limestone porosity) 40 PHID, denity porosity (p.u.) apparent limestone porosity Relationship between Xplot porosity, averaged neutrondensity porosity, and gas effect Sa sto nd Common porosity estimations with gas correction: (1) Approximation of the Gaymard-Poupon equation 2 Φ= 2 (Φn + Φd) 2 (2) Empirical Φ = 0.33∗Φn + 0.67∗Φd Chase Group/ Council Grove statistical analysis of neutron density porosities calibrated to core porosity (accommodating gas effect) Limestones (n = 786 ): Φ = 0.399∗Φn + 0.610∗Φd Dolomites (n = 513 ): Φ = 4.63+0.259∗Φn + 0.523∗Φd Acknowledgements We thank our industry partners for their support of the Hugoton Asset Management Project and their permission to share the results of the study. ABP America Production Company Cimarex Energy Co. ConocoPhillips Company E.O.G. Resources Inc. Medicine Bow Energy Corporation Osborn Heirs Company OXY USA, Inc. Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc.