APPENDIX A Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Environmental Microbiology Analysis 4t2t99
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APPENDIX A Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Environmental Microbiology Analysis 4t2t99
APPENDIX A Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Environmental Microbiology Analysis KansasDepartmentof Health and Environment SampleNumber Date Sampled CS-A 4t2t99 CS-A 8lr7l99 CS-D 4t2t99 CS-D 8l17l99 C S -F 6t23t99 CS-F 8t17t99 DTVISIONOF HEALTH & BNVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Healthand Environment ForbesField,Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 c5-A REPORT OF ANALYSIS fNORGAIIIC Report To: Bryan Bain-BEFS '\ ,no*-*=-_' ffil|Iil!m!!ilfl!ilr[l CHEMISTRY z/ Lab Number: 901152pT e ca-+ Collection CoIlect,or: Date/Time Si_te fD: Account Code: pE Location: TpNp #2 TaIJ.grass Prairie Nat'1 preserve Spring Brvan Bain Matrix: CoLlect Depth: Coliecred 04/02/99 13:50 Date/Time Received : Oa/O2799 16 :42 S a m p l e C o m m e n t s : F i e l d D H = 6 . 9 F i e l d T e m p .= 1 7 s q sl { c I Parameter AIkaIiniEy as CaCO3 Aluminum (N) Anmonia AnC imony Arsenic BeryI l Bj-ochemical Oxygen Demand Boron Bromide Cadmium Calc ium Chloride Chromium Coba I t Copper Dissolved Oxygen (DO) I ron Lead Magnes ium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nicke I Nitrate {N) Nj.t.rir.e (N) PoLassium Selenium Sil.ica S i Lver Sodium Specific Conductiwicy suI tate Thal. I ium Total Dissolved SoLids Hardness Total (p) Phosphorus Total Suspended SoLids (TSS) TUrbi di ty Vanadium Zinc Reporting A r a l y s- t : REH Date Reported: O 4/ 1 6 / g g Copies To: AnaTytical Resul. t 2't3.54 51.8 o.02 1.0 1.0 84.4 1.0 r.0 o.o92 0.02 1.0 93.83 3.08 1.0 0.010 26.1 4.9 o.26 o.126 1.0 9.02 101.0 0.0005 0.020 3.1 0.18 0.05 o.7') 1.0 1.0 5 .22 528.00 9.77 1.0 299.12 2-7), 0.01 2.00 o .49 0.005 0.012 Units Analysis Date m9/L ug/ L ng/L lg/L ug/L ig/L tg/L mg/ L ng/L m9/ L ug/ L ng/L mg/L w9/L ng/L u9/L mg/L n9/L ng/L wg/L ng/L ug/ L mg/ L ng/L ug/ L mg/ L n9/L mg/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ng/L umho/cm mg/ L ug/L mg/L mg/ t ng/L ng/L NTU mg/ L mg/ L 04/05/99 04/12/99 04/14/99 04/12/e9 04/L2/99 04/72/99 04/12/e9 04/o7/99 04/0e/9e 04/06/99 04/72/99 04/09/99 04/06/99 04/12/99 04/oe/9e 04/12/99 04/02/99 04/06/9e 04/09/99 o4/),2/99 04/09/e9 04/12/ee 04/ rs/ 99 04/0e/99 04/L2/99 04/06/9e 04/06/99 04/0e/9e 04/12/99 04/0e/9e 04/12/99 04/09/99 04/02/99 04/06/99 04/12/99 04/16/9s 04/16/99 04/13/99 04/o7/99 04/02/99 04/09/99 04/09/99 Not Det.ecLed Holding Time o Analycical Method o EPA 310.2 EPA 200.8 EPA 350.1 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.9 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.8 sM 52108 E P A 2 O O .? EPA 300.0 EPA 200.8 EPA 200. 7 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.7 EPA 200. I EPA 350. 1 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.8 EPA 245.2 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.8 EPA 300.0 EPA 300.0 E P A 2 O O .? EpA 200.8 EPA 200.7 EPA 200. 8 EPA 200.7 EPA 120. 1 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.8 uscs r751-8 sM 2340B EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA 365.1 160.2 180.1 200.7 200.7 at. Indicat.ed Exceeded Level Fite \_ / EnvironmentalLaboratories lnorganicGhemlstry Org.gnlc Chemtstry Radloc.hemtstry Env.Microblology 095) 296-1657 gresizSArOlz pasi zserozs OgSi2964971 . FoS9, H. Carlson, Ph.D., Director - flSS) 296-1620 Laboratory lnformation and Reporting - ff'SS) ' Zg6tOZZ Laboratory Fax - O85) 29&1641 Hearth;;;,",.;,;" Dlagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng - gerology Virology O85) 296-1636 O85) 296-1651 tzssi296-16s3 OAS)z9O-r64s DTVISION OF HEALTH & ENIVIROI{MENTAL LABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Health and Environment ForbesField,BIdg.240,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 REPORT OF ANALYSIS ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Report To: j Address: I BRYAN BArN - BEFS F o R B E s B L D. 2 9 3 , TOPEKA, KS 66620 Lab Number: 9O5z88pX Date Rec'd: 04/02/99 Report Date: 04/12/99 SiEe rD No. : Acct No: Sample T)pe: WATER Sit.e: TPNP #2 - (TALLGRASS PRAIRIE NAT ' L . PRESERVE) - SPRING Collected By: BRYAN BAIN - KDHE/BEFS Depth: Date: I PESTICIDES & PCB'S I I I acecochlor Alachlor Aldrin AErazine But.achlor Carbofuran (Furadan) Chlordane (Bladex) Cyanazine DCPA (Dacrhal) I P,P,-DDD P, P' .DDE P, P' -DDT Di.eldrin Endosulfan I EndosuLfan II Endosulfan Sulfate Endri-n alpha-BHC beta -BHC delt.a -BHC gamma-BHC (Lindane) HepCachlor Hept.achLor Epoxide Hexach 1 oroben z ene Met.horych)-or Metolachlor (Dua1) Metrj-buzin (Sencor) PCB- I 0 16 rrb- Lz z L Elb- Lz3z PCB-L242 PCB- 124 I PCB-1254 PCB-1260 Propachlor Propazine Simzine (Ramrod) (Milogard) ro):9r*.cq 'rI^ Ktx-x CONCENTRATION ( ug/L ) < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < AnaTysis Date 0.10 0.10 0.025 0.30 0 -50 0.50 o-20 0.50 0.050 0.040 0.020 0.10 0.050 0.020 0.020 0. 10 0.10 0.025 0 -050 0.050 0.025 0.020 0.020 0.10 0.20 0.25 0.10 0.50 1.0 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.30 0.30 2.0 Environmental Laboratories OB5) 29G1657 Env. Mlcroblotogy OgS) 2960971 org.gntcChemlsrry pasizsetocz Radlochemlsrry glesizs+rszs EPA Method 04/09/99 04/09/99 04/r0/99 04/09/99 04/09/99 04/09/99 04/LO/99 04/09/e9 04/LO/99 0 4/ L O/ 9 9 04/L0/99 0 4/ 1 o / 9 9 04/r0/99 04/L0/99 04/1o/99 04/70/99 04/ro/99 04/ro/9e 04/L0/99 04/).0/99 04/r0/99 0 4/ r o / 9 9 04/].0/9e 0 4/ r o / e 9 04/t0/s9 04/09/99 04/09/9e 0 4/ r o / 9 9 0 4/ L 0 / 9 9 04/70/99 04/70/99 04/t_0/99 04/ro/9e 04/70/99 04/0e/9e 04/09/99 04/09/99 04/L0/99 Not DeLected lnorganlc Chemlstry SP 0 50 RogerH, Carlson,Ph.D.,Director- O85)29&1620 LaboratoryInlormailonand Reporilngi- Cr'e$ ' ZgetOZZ taboratoryFax- O85)29e1641 at 608 608 508 508 608 608 508 608 508 508 608 508 508 608 608 508 508 508 608 608 608 508 608 608 508 508 608 608 508 608 508 oud 508 508 608 508 508 508 Indicated vel- HealthLaboratories Dlagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng s_ororogy Vlrotogy C|BS)296-1636 C/8q 29C1651 C/85)296-1653 grasizso-to+s DTWSION OF HEALTH & ENTWRONMENTALLABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Health and Environment ForbesField,Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 REPORT OFANALYSN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ReporE. To: Address: BRYAN BAIN - BEFS F O R B E SB L D . 2 8 3 , TOPEI(A, KS 6562O Lab Number: 9057BBHX Date Rec'd: 04/02/99 Report Date: 04/09/99 Site ID No.: Acct No: sample T)pe: WATER Program Code: Sp pRESERVE) - SPRING SiLe: TPNP #2 - (TALLGRASS PRAIRIE NAT'L. No. Composit.ed: 0 Collected By: BRYAN BAIN - KDHE/BEFS Depth: Dat,e: 0 4 / 0 2 / 9 9 Time: 13:50 CHLORINATED ACID PESTICIDES 2,4-D as Acid Silvex as Acid (2,4,S-Tpl 2,4,5-T as Acid (Tordon) Picloram Chemist: Mary Jane Ayal ^ Envlronmental Laboratorles lnorganlcChemlstry OrganlcChemtstry Radlochemlstry Env.Mlcroblology OB5)29&i652 O85i 29G1647 6reSiZSe-tOZS OSSI296{9Z1 / /J/ coNcEtf?RA?roJv ( ug/t ) < < < < AnaTysis Date 0.80 0.40 0.40 0.80 Not Detected RogerH. Carlson,Ph.D.,Director- Ct85)29S1620 LsboratoryInformatlonand Reportlng- Ogq 29e1627 lrboratory Fax - f/85) 29G1641 at EPA No. o4/oe/ee o 4 / o B/ 9 9 o4/08/9e o4/08/99 51s 51s 51s 61s Indi_cated Level_ HealthLaboratorles Dlagnostlc Mlcro. Neonatal Screenlng Serology Vlrology O85) 296-1636 C/85)29C1651 OSq 296-1653 O85) 296-164It DTVISIONOF HEALTH & ENVTRONMENTALLABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Health and Environment ForbesField,Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 REPORT OF ANALYSIS E}WIRONMEMTAL MICROBIOLOGY Account No.: 48M20 Wat,er Source: Bureau of Env. Field Date Col"Lected: Time ColLect.ed: Services Bureau of Env. Field Services Forbes FieLd, Bldg. 283 Topeka KS 65520-0001 Date Received: Time Analyzed: Time in Transi-t: Collected By: BAIN, B. C O I I C C T i O N L O C A I i O N : T A L L G R A S SP R A I R I E S P R I N G # 2 Lab Number 900394SS Method: Date Reported: Fecal Coliform LTlO per 100 mL Fecal LT]-O per 100 ml Analyst: Approved SG by: Streptococus Memlcrane Fi-ltration Than, Explanation: Neither fecal submit.ted. = lgss LT col-iforms nor Than, fecal E= Estimated streptococci- The examination of drinking waLer, wastewater folJ-owing processes which appear in standard and Wastewater. 15t.h edit.ion and 40 CFR 141.2: Method Presence/Absence *MMO-MUG P/A *MMO-MUG MPN Membrane Filtration Membrane Filtration Sludge Analysis Heterotroph Count o4/02/ee 10:00 Hrs 2 :40 Hrs 04/os/ee performed Analvsis tGT = Greater o4/02/9e 13:50 Hrs (MF) (MF) NA = Not Value, were found in the lyzed ) sampl_e or surface rdater are performed by the Methods: For the Examination of water Medium Clarks P,/A MMO-MUG (DSM) M M O - M U G( D S M ) FC Medium KF Medium A1 Medium Plate Count Medium Reference Section 9088 Sect j.on 9088, Section Sect.ion Section laFh FAiFi^- Section 4 0 c F R L 4 ] -. 2 40 CFR I4L .2 909C 910 9221E', 40 cFR 503 907 * MMO-I"IIJG= Minimal Media ONPG-MUG * DSM = Defined Subst.rate Media If you have any questions concerning this REPORT please CALL t.he Environmental Microbiology sect.ion, I(HEL at the number above, the Iab number is (785) 296-o9jL or Bureau Of Water tel cnhnnc f"aq,\ 296-5518. Environmental Laboratories lnorganlcChemistry Org.anlc Chemtsrry Radlochemlstry Env.Mlcroblology Og5)296-1652 tzgsi296-16az ilasi zserozs (zasi zseoszt . Roger H. Carlson, Ph.D., Director - flSs) 296-1620 Laboratory Information and Reporfing - (7'85) ' 29C1627 Laboratory Fax - fZ85) 29G1641 H"aftnUaUoratorle s Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng 9erology Virology C/BS)296-1636 C/85)296-1651 O8s) 296-16s3 C/85)296-164s \J -- r\ r'FT DIWSION OF HEALTH & ENWRONMENTAL LABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Healthand Environment ForbesField,Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-000f cs-A G F F. o REPORT OFANALYSIS stt INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Report To: nryan Bain - BEFS Forbes Field, Bldg. tfiiln|[ilmuilfit!il[| Lab Number: 000433PT 283 Topeka KS 65620 Collection Location: CS-A3A Collect,or: Brvan Bain Dat.e,/Time Coliected ? Og/L7 /gg Sample CommenEs:Field CaCO3 ToEaI Dissolved Hardness ToEaI Phosphorus Vanadium Zinc pH Solids (p) Reporting Analyst: REH Date Report,ed: Og/30/99 Copies To: Matrix: l-1:35 pH=6.9 Field Water Date/Time Col1ecE. Depth: Received. : oA / n7 g9 15 : 51 Temp.=299 AnalyticaT Resul E Paraneter Alkalinity as Aluminum (N) tuffnonia Ant.imony Arsenic Bariun BeryIIium Boron Bromide Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium CobaIt. Copper Fluoride Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Niekel (N) Nitrare (N) Nitrite Pot.ass ium Selenium SiIica Silver Sodium Sulf at.e 'Inarrrum Sit.e ID: Accoun! Code: SP 305.51 0.050 0.08 0.050 0.050 o.L27 0.001 0.020 0.02 0.005 4.30 0.010 0.010 0.014 0.31 o.072 0.050 9 -66 0.533 0.0005 0.020 0.005 o.L2 0.05 0.84 0.050 15.243 0.010 4.58 9.55 0.050 330.02 293 0.02 0.005 0.0r.2 7.50 Ana-lys js Date Uni Es 08/19/99 08/2s/99 0 8/ 2 0 / 9 9 o 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 o8/2s/99 o s/ 2 5 / 9 9 o8/2s/99 o8/2s/99 08/\8/99 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 08/L8/99 08/2s/9e 08/2s/99 08/2s/99 08/]-8/99 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 08/25/99 08/25/9e 0 8/ 2 s / 9 e 0 8/ 2 3 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 08/25/99 081r8/99 08/),8/99 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 0 8 / 2 s/ 9 9 o 8/ 2 s / e e 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 o8/:-8/99 o 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0s/30/ee 0 8/ 3 0 / e e 08/25/ee 08/25/99 a 8/ 2 s / 9 9 o 8/ 1 9 / 9 9 ng/L ry/L rs/L t\9/L tng/L r(g/L ns/L w/L ns/L ng/L ng/L (g/L mg/ L mg/ L w/L ng/L Rgl L ns/L (q/L m9/L ng/L n9/L (g/L tW/L ftg/ L pH unit Not DeEected Holding Time Anaiytical Method EPA 310.2 EPA 2OO,? EPA 350. r EPA 2OO.? EPA 2OO.? EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 100.0 EPA 200.7 E P A 2 O O .? EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 245.2 E P A 2 O O .? EPA 2OO.? EPA 300.0 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 E P A 2 O O .? EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 UJbJ sM EPA EPA EPA EPA I / J A -d 23408 365.1 2OO.? 200.7 r.50. r at Indicated Exceeded Level- FiLe Environmental Laboratorles lnorganlc Chemlstry Organlc ChemlstryRadlochemlstrv Env. Mlcrobiol5gy 29&1657 29G1647 29G1629 296-G)71 RogerH. Carlson,Ph.D.,Director.O85)296-1620 Laboratorylnformatlonand Reportlng- 6faS)2S41627 l-aboratoryFax- frSg 29e,1641 Health Laboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng Serology Virology 296-1636 29A.16s1 296-1653 296-1ss \n \1 DTITSION OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Kansas Department of l{ealth and Environment ForbesField, Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 REPORT OF ANALYSIS ORGANIC CHEMISTRY BRYAN BAIN - BEFS FORBES BLD. 283, TOPEKA, KS 66620 Report To: Address: Acct. No: Site: CS-A3A Collected By: BRYANBAIN PESTICIDES & PCB'S Acecochlor Alachlor AIdrin Atrazine Butachlor (Furadan) Carbofuran Chlordane (Bladex) Cyanazine DCPA (Dacrhat) P, P' .DDD ' P, P -DDE P,PI.DDT DieLdrin Endosulfan I Endosulfan II Endosulfan Sulfat.e Endri.n a Ipha - BHC bet a-BHC delra - BHc gamma-BHC (Lindane) Heptachlor HepLachlor Epoxide Hexach Lorobenzene Methoxychlor Met.olachl.or (DuaI) (Sencor) MeLribuzin PCB-1016 FWD- LZZ L PCB- r2 32 PCB-1242 P C B- 1 2 4 I PCB-I254 PCB-1260 Propachlor Propazine Slmazine (Ramrod) (Milogard) Lab Number: 0010G4pX Date Rec'd: Og/L7/99 Report Date: 08/3I/99 Sile ID No.: Sample BEFS/KDHE Type: Dept.h: WATER Program Code: Sp No. Composited: 0 Date: OB/t7/99 T-ime: 1t:35 CONCE,IfIRATTON ( ug/L ) AnaTysis Date 0.10 0.1.0 0.025 0.30 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.050 0.040 0.020 0.r0 0.050 0.020 0.020 0.10 0.10 0.025 0.050 0.050 0.025 0.020 0.020 0.10 0.20 o.25 0.10 0.s0 1.0 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.30 0.30 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 o 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 o 8 / 2 6/ 9 9 o 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 e/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 08/28/99 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 o 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 08/28/ee 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 e/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / e 9 08/28/99 o 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 e 08/26/e9 o 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 1^\,xaptyztf\ =t-+-4-+..-=- Chem ,N EPA Method Not Detected at 508 508 608 508 508 608 508 508 508 508 608 608 608 508 508 608 608 508 508 608 508 608 608 608 508 508 608 508 608 608 608 608 608 oud 608 508 608 608 Indicated LeveL i I l EnvironmentalLaboratories InorganicChemistry Org.anicChemistry Radlochemtstry Env. Microbiology O85) 296-1657 OSsi 29G197 OSS' 296-1629 OBsi 296-0971 _ Roger H. Carlson, Ph.D., Director - fl85) 296-1620 Laboratory Informatlon and Reporting - O'8S)296-1627 Laboratory Fax - f/SS) 2ge164t Health Laboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng lerology Virology C/85)296-1636 C/85)29G1651 C/8s)296-16s3 O8s) 296-1645 DIVISTON OF HEARFI & EI\VIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Kansas Department of Health and Environment ForbesField, Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas 66620-0001 REPORT OFANALYSIS ORGAI{IC CHEMISTRY ReporE To: Address: BRYAN BAIN - BEFS F O R B E S B L D. 2 9 3 , TOPEKA, KS 66620 Lab Number: 001064HX Date Rec'd: 0B/I7/99 Report Date: og/2o/99 Site AccL ID No.: No: site: cs-A3A Collect.ed By: BRYANBAIN - CHLORINATED ACID Sample Tlpe: BEFS/KDHE PESTICIDES 2,4-D as Acid Silvex as Acid (2,4,5-Tp) 2,4,5-T as Acid (Tordon) Picloram Chemist: II Mary ,Jane Ayala ,.1/JA Depth: program Code: Sp No. Composited: 0 DaEe: OB/t7/99 Time:11:35 WATER CONCENTRATION ( < < < < ug/r' AnaJysis Date ) 0.80 0.40 0.40 0.80 < - EPA No. o8/L9/9e 08/Le/9e 08/L9/99 oB/L9/e9 Not Detected at 51s 61s 51s 61s Indicated Level I ) EnvironmentalLaboratories Inorganic Chemistry erg.gnic Chemlstry Radlochemtstry Env. Microbiotogy OB5) 296-1657 C/85)296-1647 fies)zso-rozs (7BS)296-0971 . loger H.Carlson,Ph.D.,Director- fl85) 296-1620 LaboratoryInformatlonand Reporting- O-gS) ' 296-1627 LaboratoryFax - (/85) 296-1641 Health Laboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng p_erorogy Mrology O85) 296-1636 C/8Si296-1651 OB5) 296-1653 Ossi 29e164s DIVISION OF HEALTH & EN\/IRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Kansas Department of Health and Environment ForbesField, Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas 66620-0001 REPORT OFANALYSIS E}WTRONME}TIIAL MICROB IOLOGY Account No.: 4EM20 water Source: Bureau of Env. Field Date Time Services Bureau of Env. FieLd Services Forbes Field, B1dg. 283 Topeka KS G6G2O-OOOI_ Collected Collection 000127SS AnaLvsis Date 0 8 / L ' t/ e e 10:00 Hrs 4:10 Hrs Reported: oB/Te/ee performed Fecal Coliform Fecal Method: 08/17/e9 11:35 Hrs Date Received: Time Analyzed Time in Transit: By: BAIN, B. Location: CS-A3A Lab Number CoLLected: Collected: StrepEococus per ffiiln:;giTn-. / tt^; Membrane Filtration tGT = creater Than, Less Explanation: Fecal- coLiforms were not sample submitted. 100 mI found Than, and fecal Estimated Valuej strepEococcj- NA = lgeg Analyzed) were found The examination of drinkj-ng water, or surface water following processes which appear in standard Methods: For the and Wastewater. l6th edit,ion and 40 CFR 141.2: Method Presence/Absence *MMO-MUG P/A Membrane Filtration (MF) Membrane Filtration(MF) Sludge Analysis Heterotroph Count Medium Clarks P/A MMO-IvlUG(DSM) MMO-MUG (DSM) FC Medium KF Medium A1 Medium Plate Count Medium * MMO-MUG= Minimal Media * DSM = Defined Subst.rate ONPG-MUG Media *MMO-MUG MPN in the are performed by ghe Examination of water Reference Section 90BE Sanf i ^n Secti-on Qa^f i ^n QnOa Section 910 1 a|- h F.i ^u rvll F/l.i Section 40 cFR t41_.2 QnclIi 40 CFR t4I .2 , 922]-8, 40 CFR 503 907 rf you have any questions concerning this REpoRT pJ-ease GALL the Environmental_ MicrobioLogy section, KHEL at the number above, the Lab number is ( 7 8 5 ) 2 9 6 - o 9 7 t o r Bureau of Water tel-ephone (785) 296-5518. / EnvironmentalLaboratories lnorganicChemistry - OgS)296-1652 Radlochemtstry Env. Microbiotogy (7B5i296-1629 (zesi zsooszt Org.anlc Chemistry pesi zso-rocz ph.D.,Director- (78S)296-1620 . Roger H. Cartson, Laboratory Inlormation and Reporting - O'gS)ZS6-tOeZ ' Laboratory Fax - O85) 29G1641 ,"",rn taOoratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screening 9erology Virology Ct85)296-1636 CfSs)296-1651 C/SS)296-1653 OB5) 296-1645 c9-D DIVISTONOF HEALTI{ & ENVIRONMENTALLABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Healthand Environment ForbesField,Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 C-T-D +lzl4+ Report To: Bryan REPORT OF ANALYSIS INORGAI{IC Bain-BEFS,,/ Lab Collection Location: TpNp #1 Tallgrass Co]Lector: Brvan Bain D a t e , / T i m e C o l i e c t . e d : O A/ 0 2 / 9 9 ] , 2 : 4 5 Sample Comments: Fietd pH =7. 1 Field Parameter as CaCO3 ALuminum (N) Anmonia Ant j.mony Arseni.c Barium Beryl 1 ium Bj-ochemj,caL Oxygen Demand Boron Bromide Cadmium Calcium ChLoride Chromium Coba I t Copper Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Fl,uoride I ron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Ni cke I Nr t.rat e (N) (N) Nitrite Potass i-um Selenium SiLica S i- lver Sodium Specific Conductivity SUI fate Tha 1 L ium Total Dissolved Solids Total Hardness Tot.aI Phosphorus (p) Tot.aL Suspended Solids (TSS) T\rrbidi- ty Vanadium Zi-nc Reporting Anatyst: REH Date Reported: 04/16/99 Copies To: '\ rmn|lfl!ill0ilmilt[| CHEMISTRY Number: 901151PT Site ID: Account Code: PE Prairie Nat,1 Preserve Spring Mat.rix: Water Collect Depth: Date/Time Received : os/oz7g9 t5 :39 Temp.=19C Analytical Resu-l t 337.01 64.3 0.19 1.0 r.0 r 2 2. 5 1.0 1.0 0.018 o.02 1.0 96.35 5.08 1.0 0.010 6.8 7.6 0.33 0.045 1.0 19.15 1.0 0.0005 0.020 4-2 0 _3 3 0.05 o.'72 1.9 11.517 1.0 l-t .87 570.00 23.80 L.0 379.55 319 0.02 3.00 0.58 0,005 0.065 UniEs ng/L ug/ L mg/ L) ug/L ug/t vg/L ug/ b mg/L mg/ L ug/ L mg/ L ug/L m9/ L ug/ L mg/ L ug/ L mg/ L ug/L ns/L mg/L lg/ L ng/L ng/L ug/ L (g/L ug/ L umho,/cm mg/L ug/L rg/L mg/ L mg/ L ng/L NTU mg/ L mq/ L Analysrs Date Ana)yticaT Method 04/0s/99 04/72/99 04/L4/99 04/12/e9 04/12/99 04/L2/99 04/12/99 04/07/99 04/09/99 04/05/99 04/72/99 04/09/99 04/06/99 04/12/99 04/09/99 04/12/99 04/02/99 04/06/99 04/09/99 04/L2/99 04/09/99 0 4/ 1 2 / 9 9 04/\s/99 04/09/99 a4/L2/99 04/06/99 04/06/99 04/09/99 04/12/99 04/09/99 04/12/99 04/09/99 04/02/99 04/06/99 04/12/99 EPA 310.2 EPA 200.8 EPA 350. I EPA 200.8 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.8 sM 52108 EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.8 EPA 350.1 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.8 EPA 200,7 EPA 200.8 EPA 245.2 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.8 EPA 300.0 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.8 EPA 200.7 EPA 120. 1 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.8 uscs 1751-8 sM 23408 EPA 355.1 EPA 160.2 EPA r80.1 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 04/16/99 04/].3/99 04/0't/99 o4/02/9e 04/09/9e o4/0e/9e Not Detected Holding Time at Indicated Exceeded GF Fl T At vl : Level File \--.- / Environmental Laboratories lnorganicChemistry Org.anlc Chemlsrry Radlociemlstry Env.Mlcrobiotogy C/85)296-1652 izesi 296-1642 tzgsizgo-rozg tzasi 296-o9zt Roger H. Carlson, Ph,D., Director - O85) 296-i620 Laboratory Intormation and Reportlng - (785) 296-1627 Laboratory Fax - f/85) 29G1641 Health Laboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng Serology Virology O85) 296-1636 O85) 295-1651 O85) 296-1653 O8s) 296-1645 DTWSIONOF HEALTH & ENVTRONMENTAL LABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Health and Environment ForbesField,Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-000f REPORT OFANALYSN ORGA}IIC CHEMISTRY Report. To: Address: BRYAN BAIN - BEFS FORBES BLD . 283, TOPEKA, KS 66620 Lab Number: 905?g?pX Date Rec'd: 04/02/99 Report Date: 04/t2/99 tiLe rD No.: Acct. No, program Code: Sp Sample T)pe: WATER Site: TPNP #L - (TALLGRASS PRAIRIE NAT,L. PRESERVE) - SPRING No. Composited: O CoIIecEed By: BRYAN BAIN - KDHE/BEFS Depth: Date: O4/02/99 Time: L2:45 PESTICIDES & PCA'S Acet.ochlor AlachLor AIdrin Atrazine But achlor (Furadan) Carbofuran Chlordane (Bladex) C\ranazine DCPA (Dacthal) P,p'-DDD p, p' -DDE P, P' .DDT Diel.drin Endosulfan I Endosulfan II Endosulfan Sulface Endrin alpha-BHC beta-BHc delta -BHC gamma-BHC (Lindane) Hept.achlor Hept.achlor Epoxide Hexachlorobenz ene Methoxychlor Met.olachl.or (DuaI) Metribuzin (Sencor) P C B - 1 0 16 PCB- 122 I PCB-1.242 PCB- 124 8 PCB-1254 PCB-1260 Propachlor Propazine Simzine Toxaphene (Ramrod) (Milogard) i"r,Nt Chem CONCEM?RA?'ON ( ug/" ) Analysis Date 0.10 0.10 0.025 0.30 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.050 0.040 0.020 0.10 0.050 0.020 0.020 0.10 0.10 0.025 0.050 0.050 0.025 0.020 0.020 0.10 0.20 EpA Method 04/09/99 04/09/99 04/r0/99 04/09/99 04/09/99 04/09/99 04/Lo/e9 04/09/99 04/ro/99 04/ro/99 04/),o/99 04/70/99 04/ro/99 04/r0/9e 04/ro/99 04/ro/99 04/r0/99 04/ro/99 o4/),0/99 04/ro/99 04/ro/99 04/r0/99 04/r0/99 04/ro/99 04/70/99 04/0e/e9 04/oe/e9 04/ro/99 04/ro/99 04/ro/99 04/Lo/99 04/ro/99 04/ro/99 04/LO/99 04/09/99 04/09/99 04/09/99 04/70/99 0.10 0.50 1.0 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 o.25 0.30 0.30 2.0 Not. Detected 508 608 608 608 508 508 608 508 608 608 508 608 608 508 608 508 508 508 508 608 508 608 608 508 508 608 508 608 508 608 608 508 508 508 608 608 608 at. Indicated Level -/ Environmental Laboratories lnorganlc-Chemtstry - CfBg 296-1657 org.anlc Chemtstry fasi zso-toaz Radlochemlstry zsetozs Env.Mlcrobtotogy fiesi zm+szt 1-raSi . Roger H. Carlson, Ph.D., Dlrector - C/BS)296-1620 Laboratory lnlormatlon and Reportlng - O'8S)296-1627 Laboratory Fax - OB5) 296,1641 ".",rn a"b.r.,"r,." Dlagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng Serology Vlrology C/85)296-1636 OBS)29&1651 C/BS)296-16s3 OB5) 29G16,45 DTVISIONOF HEALTH & ENIWRONMENTAL LABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Health and Environment ForbesField,Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-000f REPORT OFANALYSIS ORGA}IIC CHEMISTRY Report. To: Address: BRYAN BAIN - BEFS F O R B E SB L D . 2 e 3 , TOPEKA, KS 66620 Lab Number: 905?BzHX Date Rec'd: 04/02/99 Report Date: 04/09/99 Site fD Acct. No: Sit,e: TPNP #1 - (TALLGRASS PRAIRIE NATIL. Collected Byr BRYAN BAIN - KDHE/BEFS CHLORINATED ACID PESTICIDES 2,4-D as Acid Silvex as Acid (2,4,5-Tpl 2,4,5-T as Acid (Tordon) Picloram Chemist: Mary ,Jane AyaI ^ /t Lr4 EnvlronmentalLaboratorles InorganlcChemlstry OrganlcChemlstry Radlochemlstrv Env.Mlcroblol6gy 29&'t657 29G1647 296-1629 296-0971 Sample Type: WATER Program Code: SP PRESERVE) - SPRING No. Composited: 0 Depth: Date: 04/02/99 Time: L2 45 CONCEN?RATTON ( ug/L ) < < < < AnaTysis Date 0.80 0.40 0.40 0.80 EPA No. o4/08/99 o4/08/ee 04/08/99 o4/o8/99 Not Detected RogerH. Carlson,Ph.D.,Director- Cf85)29&1620 LaboratoryInlormatlonand Reportlng- Ct85)29e1627 laboratory Fax - O85)29&1641 at 61s 5Ls 51s 5t-s Indicated Level HealthLaboratorles DlagnostlcMicro. NeonatslScreenlng Serology Vlrology C/85)296-1636 C/85)296-1651 C/85)296-1653 c/8s) 296-164s DTWSIONOF HEALTH & EIWIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Health and Environment ForbesField,Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 REPORT OF ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY AccounL No.: 48M20 water Source: Bureau Bureau Forbes Topeka Collected Collection of Env. Field Date Time Services of Env. Field Services Field, Bldg. Zg3 KS 56520-0001 By: BAIN, Locat.ion: Lab Number 900393SS Method: Date performed LTlO per 100 m1 Fecal LT].O per 100 m} Analyst: Approved SG by: Streptococus Membrane Fil_tration LT 04/05/ee Reported: SPRING #1 Feca1 Coliform Than, 04/02/ee 10:00 Hrs 3 :45 Hrs Date Received: Time Analyzed: Ti-me in Transit: B. TALLGRASS PRAIRIE Analvsis (GT = Greater 04/02/ee 1 2: 4 5 H r s Collected: Collected: = 1,qss Than, E= Estimated Value NA = in the Pqg a11s ed) Explanat. j-on: Neither fecal submitted col-j,forms nor fecal streptococci The examination of drinking water, wastewater following processes which appear in Standard and Wastewater. 15th edition and 40 CFR 141.2: Method Presence/Absence *MMO_I'IUG P/A *MMO-I"IUG MPN Membrane Filtration Membrane Filtration Sludge Analysis Heterotroph Count (MF) (MF) found sample or surface are performed by the MeLhods: For the Examlnation of water Medium Clarks P/A MMO-MUG (DSM) MMO-MUG (DSM) FC Medium KF Medium A1 Medium Plate Count MMO-MUG = Mlnimal Media DSM = Defined Substrate were Reference Section 9088 Section 908E, 40 CFR T4I.2 'I Section 40 CFR 41 ) Section Section 909C 910 Secti-on 907 92218, 40 cFR 503 Medium ONpc-MUG Media rf you have any questions concerning this REPORT please CALL the Environmental Microbiology Sect.ion, I(HEL at the number above, t.he 1ab number is (?85) 296-097I or Bureau of Water telephone (?95) 296-5518. Environmental Laboratories Inorganlc Chemistry C/85)29G1657 org.antc chemtsrry- Ogsizgct6az Radlochemtstry lz8SizSAtOzS Env.Microbiotogy OAsi296{9Zr H.Carlson,Ph.D.,Director- C/gS)296-1620 . _Roger LaboratoryIntormatlonand Reporting- O-85) ' 296-1627 LaboratoryFax- C/85)29t1 641 Heafth Lubor",ort" s Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screening Serology Virology O85) 296-1636 C/85)296-1651 O85) 296-1653 C785)296-1645 cs - 97.* DTVISIONOF HEALTH & EIWIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Healthand Environment ForbesField,BIdg.740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 REPORT OF ANALYSIS C;-D INORGAI{IC Report. To: Bryan Bain - BEFS Forbes Field, BIdg. CHEMISTRY tiltililnm[ilufit[I Lab Number: 000434pT 283 Topeka KS G6G20 Collection Locat.ion: CS-D3A CoLlector: Bryan Bain D a t e / T i m e C o l L e c t e d . O g / L 7/ 9 9 1 2 : 1 5 Sample Comments: Field pH= 2.2 Field Parameter Alkalinity as CaCO3 Aluminum Ammonia (N) Antircny Arsenic Earium BeryIJ.ium Boron Bromide Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium Cobalt. Copper Fluoride fron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nicke I Nit.rare (N) (N) Nitrite Pot.assium Selenium Si.Iica Si.Iwer Sodium SulfaCe Tha I I ium Total Dissolwed Solids Hardness Total Phosphorus (p) vanadium zinc pH Reporting Analyst: REH Date Reported: Og/30/99 Copies To: Site ID: Account MaErix: Water Dat.e,/fime Code: SP Collect DepEh: Received Oe/n7g9 LS 52 Temp.=24g AnalyEical Resu-l C 328.67 0.064 0.03 0.050 0.050 0.131 0.001 o.02 0.005 94 .995 4 .30 0.0r.0 0.010 0 .022 o.32 0.029 0.050 L8.'t2 0.005 0.0005 0.020 0.005 o.12 0. 05 0.61 0.050 13.30? 0.010 9.55 0.050 355.?0 314 0. 02 0.005 0.034 7.58 Aralysjs Date ttni Es (g/L ng/L 08/19/99 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 o 8/ 2 0 / 9 9 o 8 / 2 s /9 9 o 8/ 2 s / 9 9 0 8 / 2 3/ 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 08/18/99 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 08/2s/99 08/18/99 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 08/25/99 08/25/99 08/),8/99 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 e 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 3 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 08/2s/99 08/r8/e9 08/18/99 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 08/2s/99 08/2s/99 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 08/18/99 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 08/30/99 08/30/e9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 o 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 1 9 / 9 9 vtS/L (g/L tug/ L, mg/L mg/L ng/L m9/ L m9/ L m9/ L mg/ L rg/L (g/L ||tS/L m9/ L rtg/t mg/ L nrg/L rlg/L (g/L ng/L (tg/L r'g/L (g/L ng/L (g/L tog/L Eg/L rg/L fttS/L w/L pH unit Not Detected HoJ-ding Time Analytica) Methd EPA 310.2 EPA 200.7 8PA 350. r EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 2OO.? EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 2OO.? EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 2OO.? EPA 200-7 EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 2OO.? EPA 200-7 EPA 245.2 EPA 2OO.? EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 300.0 EPA 2OO.? EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 2OO.? c e l- 4 C I \I"t uscs r751-8 sM 23408 EPA EPA EPA EPA : 355.1 200.7 200.7 r.50.1 at Indicated Exceeded Level File I I Environmental Laboratories lnorganlcChemlstry OrganlcChemtstryRadlochemtstry Env.Mtcrobtology 296-1657 C/BS) 6resiZSO-tOlz pesizs+rozs (zasi zseo9zr - Roger H. Carlson, Ph.D., Dlrector - fl85) 29&1620 Laboratory Inlormatlon and Reportlng - OBS)29C1622 Laboratory Fax - O89 29S1641 HealthLaboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng 9erology Virology C/85)296.1636 OBS)296-1651 C/8s)29C1653 Cr85)296-1045 DTVISION OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Kansas Department of Health and Environment ForbesField, Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas 66620-0001 REPORT OF ANALYSIS ORGA}IIC CHEMTSTRY Report To: Address: BRYAN BAIN _ BEFS FORBES BLD - 283, TOPEKA, KS 56620 Acct No: Site: CS-D3A Collected By: BRYANBAIN PESTICIDES & PCB'S Acetochlor Alachlor Aldrin At.!azine Bucachl.or Carbofuran (Furadan) Chlordane C)ranazine (Bladex) DCPA (Dacr.hal) P,P.-DDD P,P,-DDE P, P' -DDT Dieldrin Endosulfan I Endosulfan II Endosulfan Sulfate Endrin alpha-BHC beta-BHC deIt.a - BHC gama-BHC (Lindane) Heptachlor Heptach)-or Epoxide HexachL orobenzene MeEhoxychLor MetoLachlor (DuaL) MeLribuzj.n (Sencor) PCB- 1 01 6 rvo- LzzL PCB-1232 PCB-1242 PCB- 124 I PCB- 1254 PCB-1260 Propachlor (Ramrod) PropaziR Stmazhe (MiIogard) \ Chemis Lab Number: 001OG5pX Date Rec'd: OB/L7/99 Report Date: 09/13/99 Site fD No.: SampIe Tlpe: BEFS/KDHE Depth: WATER Program Code: Sp No. Composited: O Dat.e: 08/r7/99 Time: L2:LS COI\ICEM|RAffON ( uq/L ) Analysrs Date 0.L0 0.10 0.025 0.30 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.050 0.040 0.020 0.10 0.050 0.020 0.020 0.10 0.10 0.025 0.050 0.050 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 08/26/ee 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 o 8 / 2 6/ e 9 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 e 08/26/99 08/28/9e 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 08/28/99 08/28/99 08/28/99 o s/ 2 a / 9 9 08/28/9e 08/28/99 o 8/ 2 8 / 9 e o 8/ 2 8 / 9 e 08/28/99 o8/28/ee 08/28/99 08/28/ee 08/28/99 o8/28/99 o 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 09/03/99 o8/26/99 o8/26/9e 08/2s/99 08/28/99 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 e / e 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 o 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 08/28/99 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 e 08/26/99 09/03/99 0.020 0.020 0.10 o.20 0.25 0.10 0.50 1.0 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.30 < - NoE Detected at. Indicabed ou6 608 508 608 508 608 508 ou6 608 608 508 508 608 608 608 608 608 508 508 508 508 608 508 608 508 508 508 508 508 608 508 508 608 608 608 608 608 Level I EnvironmentalLaboratories lnorganic_9hemistry CtAs)296-1657 org.anlcChemistry Fgsi 29G1647 Radloc.hemtstry izas)zs+rozs Enu Microbiotogy C/Bsi29m971 . .RoS9rH. Carlson, Ph.D., Director - flAs) 296-1620 Laboratory Informailon and Reportingi- C/'85)296-1627 Laboratory Fax - O85) 29S1641 Health Laboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng sororogy Virotogy C/8S)296-1696 C/BS}296-1651 C/8S)296-1653 grasizse_tons DIVISION OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Kansas Department of Health and Environment Forbes Field, Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 REPORT OF ANALYSIS ORGANIC Report To: AddrESS: CHEMISTRY BRYAN BAIN - BEFS FORBES BLD . 283, TOPEKA, KS 66620 Lab Number: 001065HX Date Rec'd: OB/L7/99 Repor! DaEe: og/2o/99 Site ID No.: AccE No: Site: CS-D3A Collect,ed By: BRYAN BAIN - B E F S / K D H E CHLORINATED ACID PESTICIDES 2,4-D as Acid Silvex as Acid (2,4,5-Tp) 2,4,5-T as Acid (Tordon) Picloram Chemist: Mary rlane Ayal^ /qJ/ Sample Tlpe: WATER Date: Deprh: CONCENTRATION ( ug/L ) < < < < AnaTysis Date 0.80 0.40 0.40 0.80 < - O85)296-1657 grasizSO-roaz izesi zso-rozs lzas)zSO-OSzr EPA No. 08/L9/99 o8/L9/9e oB/L9/99 08/L9/ee Not Detected EnvironmentalLaboratories InorganicChemistry OrggnlcChemistry Radlochemtstry Env.Microblotogy Program Code: Sp No. Composited: 0 08/17/99 Time: L2:LS Roger H. Carlson,Ph.D.,Director- fl85) 296-1620 Laboratory Inlormation and Reporting - Og5) 296-1627 Laboratory Fax - fz85) 29G1641 at Indicated 61s 51s 61s 61s Level Health Laboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng 9erology Virology O85) 296-1636 O85) 296-1651 C/95) 296-1653 c/85) 296-1645 DIVISION OF HEALTII & ENVIRONMtrN]AL LABORATORIES Kansas Department of Health and Environment ForbesField, Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas 66620-0001 r) /_t :r I l-, REPORT OF ANALYSIS ENVIRONMEMTAL MICROBIOLOGY Account No.: 48M20 Water Source: Bureau of Env. Field Services Bureau of Env. Fie]d Services Forbes Field, BIdg. 283 Topeka KS 65620-0001 Dat.e Collected: Time CollecLed: 0B/r7 /e9 12:15 Hrs Date Received: Tj-me Analyzed: Time i-n Transit: 08/1,7/ee 10:00 Hrs 3 :30 Hrs CoIl-ected By: BAIN, B. Collection Locat.ion: CS-D3A Lab Number 000126SS Method: Date performed Analvsis Reported: RESULT OF ANALYSIS Fecal Coliform LT 10 per 100 m). Fecal LT 10 per 100 mI Analyst: JIM^ SEreptococus Membrane Filt.raLion ,t Approved uvi]r_ {Ct = Greater Than, Explanation: Neither fecal submitted. LT = Less Than, coliforms nor fecal E= Estimated streptococci The examination of drinking water, wastewater following processes which appear in Standard and Wastewater. 16th edition and 40 CFR 141.2: Method Presence/Absence *MMO-MUG P/A *MMO-MUG MPN A1 Medium P1ate Count * * ONPG-MUG Media Valuej Medium tr,-t:\ A = Not Analyzed} *o were found in the or surface water Methods: For the Medium Clarks l/A MMO-MUG (DSM) MMO-MUG (DSM) FC Medium KF Medium Membrane Filtration (MF) Membrane Filtration(MF) Sludge Analysis Heterotroph Count MMO-MUG = Mini"maL Media DSM = Defined Subst.rate oB/Le/ee samcle are performed by the Examinat.ion of water Reference Section 90BE Section 908E, 40 CFR L4I.2 Section 40 CFR I4L.2 Sect.i.on 909C Section 910 18th Edition, Section 922]-8, 40 CFR 503 907 If you have any questions concerning this REPORT please CALL the Environmental Microbiology Seet.ion, IGIEL at. the number above, (?85) 296-O9jI the I a b n u m b e r i s or Bureau of Water felenhone {?Rq) 296-55:_8. \_ ,/ Environmental Laboratories lnorganicChemistry org.?nlcChemistry Radlochemlstry Env.Microbiotogy OB5)296-1657 OB5)29G1642 OBsi296-1629 oesi zgO-oszr - Roger H. Carlson, Ph.D., Director - f/85) 296-1620 Laboratory Informatlon 8nd Reporting - (785)296-1627 Laborarory Fax - fZ85)29G1641 HealthLaboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng 9erology Virology O85) 296-1636 O85) 296-1651 C/8s)296-16s3 O85) 296-1645 DTVISION OF HEALTH & ENVTRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Kansas Department of Health and Environment Forbes Field, Bldg. 740,Topeka, Kansas 66620-0001 ? Y3.&n Report. - BEFS Bryan Bain Forbes Fiel_d, B1dg. To: Topeka Collection Collector: Date/Time Sample REPORT OF ANALYSIS INORGANIC Lab Number: KS 56620 Fie1d Parameter Alkalj.nity as CaCO3 Aluminum Ammonia (N) Ant imony Arsenic Barium Beryl l ium Boron Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium coba I t Copper Fluor ide I ron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Mo).ybdenum NickeL (N) Nitrate Nit.rite {N) Pocassium Sel.enium Sil ica Silver Sodium SuL f at.e Thal L ium ToLal Dissolved Sotids Total Hardness Total (p) Phosphorus Vanadium ,1nc PH Reporting Analyst: REH Date Reported: 0 i / O 7/ 9 9 Copj-es To: pH= 7.1 901757PT 283 Location: TPNP CS-F3 Bryan Bain Collectedt 06/23/99 11:OO Comments: CHEMISTRY Field SiTe ID: Account Matrix: Temp.= Water Date/Time Code: SP CoLlect Depth: Received: oA/zl7g9 15:30 18 Analyt ical Resu-l c 301.16 3.097 o.02 0.050 0. 050 0.148 0.001 0 _0 8 9 0.02 0.005 111.40 1.11 o.o24 0 _0 1 0 0.019 o.24 3.238 0.050 12.03 0.144 0.0005 0.020 0.017 0.14 0.05 | .52 0.050 28.230 0.010 4 .4'7 11.05 0.050 354.36 328 0.19 0.005 0 _0 5 5 7.31 Uni ts Ana.lys js Date ng/L mg/ L ng/L mg/ L ng/L ng/L mg/L ng/L mg/ L mg/L mg/ L ng/L ng/L ng/L n9/L mg/L mg/ L m9/ L mq/ L ng/L ng/L mg/L mg/ L ng/L ng/L ng/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ng/L m9/ L mg/L ng/L ng/L ng/L pH unit 0 6/ 2 4 / 9 9 06/10/99 0 6/ 2 e / e 9 06/70/99 06/30/99 06/30/99 0 6/ 3 0 / 9 e 06/30/99 06/28/99 06/30/99 06/30/9e 0 6/ 2 8 / e e 06/30/ee 06/30/e9 06/30/e9 06/28/e9 06/30/99 06/30/99 06/30/e9 06/30/e9 01/02/99 06/3o/99 06/30/99 06/28/99 06/28/99 06/30/9e o6/3o/99 06/30/99 06/30/99 06/30/99 06/28/99 06/30/99 o7/0't/99 o7/o'7/99 06/30/9e 06/30/99 06/30/99 06/23/99 Not Detected Holding Time AnalyEicaT Method EPA 310.2 EPA 200.7 EPA 350. 1 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 E P A 2 O O ,? EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 E P A 2 O O .? E P A 2 O O .? EPA 245.2 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 300. 0 EPA 300. 0 EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 E P A 2 O O .? EPA 200.7 EPA 200. 7 EPA 300.0 EPA 200.7 uscs I751-8 sM 23408 EPA 355. r EPA 200.7 EPA 200.7 EPA 150.1 at Indicated Exceeded I LeveL t { € Pile u I -{ \ \\ Environmental Laboratories Inorganlc Chemistry Organlc Chemlstry Radlochemlstry Env. Microblology C/85)296-1657 O85) 296-1647 OB5) 296-1629 O85) 296+|71 Roger H. Carlson, Ph.D.,Director - f/85) 296-1620 Laboratory Information and Reportlng - O85) 296-1627 Laboratory Fax - fi85) 29&1tr1 HealthLaboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng Serology Virology 296-1636 29G1651 296-16s3 296-1gs DIVISION OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Healthand Environment ForbesField,Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 REPORT OF ANALYSIS ORGA}IIC CHEMISTRY Report To: Address: BRYAN BAIN - BEFS FORBES BLD . 293, TOPEKA, KS 66620 tite Acct, No, Site: TPNP CS-F3 (SPRING SAt4pLE) Collected By: BRYAN BAIN - KDHE/BEFS PESTICIDES & PCB'S AceCochl.or AIachIor Aldrin AErazine But.achlor (Furadan) Carbofuran Chlordane (Bladex) DCPA (Dacr.hal ) p,p'-DDD P, PI -DDE P, P' -DDT Dieldrin EndosuLfan I Endosulfan II EndosuLfan Sulfare Endrin alpha-BHC beta - BHc delta - BHC gama-BHC (Lindane) Heptachlor Hept.achlor Epoxide Hexach I o robe n z ene MethorychLor MeEolachLor (Dual) (Sencor) Met.ribuzin PCB-1016 P C B- 1 2 2 I PCB-1232 Pqa-L242 PCB- r-24 8 PCB-12 54 PCB- 12 6 0 (Ramrod) Propachlor (Milogard) Propazine Simzine Toxaphene Chemi s t : ,c $ Lab Number: 907601pX D a t . e R e c ' d : 0 6/ 2 3 / 9 9 Report Date: 06/30/99 rD No : Sample Type : honFh. Program Code: Sp No. Composited: 0 06/23/99 Time: 11:00 WATER Date: COATCEMTRA?rON ( ug/" ) Analysis DaEe 0.10 0.10 0.025 0.30 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.050 0.040 0.020 0.10 0.050 0.020 0.020 0.10 0.10 0.025 0.050 0.050 0.025 0.020 0.020 0.10 0.20 0.25 0.10 0.50 1.O 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 o.25 0.30 0.30 2.O EpA Method 06/2't / 99 05/27/99 0 6/ 2 9 / 9 9 0 6/ 2 7 / 9 9 0 6/ 2 7 / e 9 o5 /2't / e9 06/29/99 06/2't /99 0 6/ 2 9 / 9 9 0 6/ 2 9 / 9 9 06/29/99 0 6/ 2 9 / 9 e 0 6/ 2 e / 9 e 05/29/99 06/29/e9 06/29/99 06/2e/99 06/29/e9 06/29/99 0 6/ 2 9 / 9 9 06/29/99 06/29/99 06/29/99 06/2e/99 06/29/9e 06/27 /99 06/27/99 06/29/99 06/29/99 06/29/99 06/29/99 06/29/99 06/29/e9 0 6/ 2 9 / 9 9 05/2'' /9e 06/27 /99 0 6 / 2 7/ 9 9 0 6/ 2 9 / 9 9 Not. Detected at 508 508 508 508 508 608 608 bu6 608 608 508 508 608 608 608 508 608 608 608 508 508 608 508 608 508 508 608 608 608 608 608 608 508 508 608 608 608 Indicated Le v e 1 \_ -'/ Environmental Laboratories lnorganic Chemistry Organlc Ghemlstry Radlochemlsrry Env. Microblology O85) 29C1657 O85) 29G1647 085) 296-1629 Ogsi 296{971 Roger H. Carlson, Ph.D., Director - fl85) 296-1620 Laboratory Intormatlon and Reportlng - C/85)296-1627 Laboratory Fax - fl85) 29G1641 Health Laboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng Serology Virology Cf85)296-1636 O85) 296-1651 O85) 296-1653 Ct85)296-1645 DTVTSIONOF HEALTH & ENIVIRONMENTALLABORATORIES KansasDepartmentof Health and Environment ForbesField,Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 REPORT OFANALYSIS ORGANTC CHEMISTRY To: Report Address: BRYAN BAfN - BEFS FORBES BLD . 283, TOPEKA, KS 66620 Site Acct No: Site: TPNP CS-F3 (SPRING SAMPLE) Collected By: BRyAN BArN - KDHE/BEFS Lab Number: 907501HX DaEe Rec'd: 06/23/99 Report Date: 07/02/99 ID No. : SampIe WATER Program Code: SP No. Composited: 0 Date: 06/23/99 Time: 1t_:OO DepEh: CONCEN?RA?TON CHLORINATED ACID PESTICIDES 2,4-D as Acid Sj - l v e x a s A c i d ( Z , 4 , S - T p ) 2,4,5-T as Acid Pj-cloram (Tordon) Chemist: Mary ,Jane Ayala ( < < < < / us/t AnaTysis Date ) 0.80 0.40 0.40 0. B0 0 7/ o L / 9 9 0 7/ o L / 9 9 o 7/ 0 1 / e e o 7/ o t / 9 9 Not Detected at Indicated EPA No. 61s 61s 51s 51s Level .\ -,r/ Environmental Laboratorles lnorganlc Chemistry Organlc Chemlstry Radlochemlstry Env Microblology C/85)296-1657 O8S) 296-1647 C/8S)29G1629 O85) 296-@71 RogerH. Carlson,Ph.D.,Director- O85)296.1620 LaboratoryInformatlonand Reportlng- C/85)296-1627 taboratory Fax - O85)296,1641 HealthLaboratories Diagnostic Mlcro. Neonatal Screenlng Serology Virology C/85)296-1636 O85) 296-1651 O8s) 296-1653 Cf85) 296-1trs L>-rDIVISION OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES KansasDepartment of Health and Environment Forbes Field, Bldg. 740, Topeka, Kansas 66620-0001 Cz -Fl J l*t11 Account No.: 4EM2O Water Source: Bureau Bureau Forbes Topeka Collected Coll-ection Lab of REPORT OF ANALYSIS E}WIRONMENTAL MICROBTOLOGY Env. Field Servi-ces of Env. Field Servi-ces Field, B1dg. 283 KS 65520-0001 By: BAIN, Location: Number 900555SS Method: o 6/ 2 3 / e e 11:00 Hrs Date Recei-ved: Time Analyzed Time in Transit: 06/23/ee 10:00 Hrs 5:13 Hrs B. TpNp CS-F3 Date FecaL Coli_form FecaI St.reptococus Fil_tration Than, ExpJ-anation: Fecal coliforms ^ . vo/ l ^ - z2/ l ^ ^ >> per 100 m1 1300 per 100 mI Analyst: SEG 7 App;6;;d ;"- L tGT = Greater Reported: performed Analvsis Membrane Dat.e Col-Iected: Time Co]lected: LT = lsgr Than, Estimated and fecaL strept.ococci- Method Presence/Absence *MMO-MUG P/A *MMO-MUG MPN Medium p/A Clarks MMO-rvIuc (DSM) MMO-MUG (DSM) Membrane Membrane FiLtraLion(MF) (MF) Filtrat.ion Sludge Anal-ysis Heterotroph Count FC Medium KF Medium A1 Med:-um plate Count * * ONPG-MUG Media MMO-MUG = MinimalMedia DSM = Defined Substrate r&l\ = Not Value, were found in The examination of drinking water, wastewater following processes which appear in standard a n d W a s t e w a t e r . 1 5 t h e d i t i o n a n d 4 0 C F R 1 , 4 I. 2 : | the sample submitted. or surface water Methods: For the Medium Analyzed) are performed by the Examination of water Reference Section 90BE Saa|- qoQE' i ^n 40 cFR t4I.2 Section Section a 40 CFR 141 909C Sect.ion 910 18th Edition, 922rE, 40 cFR 503 Section 907 rf you have any questions concernj-ngi this REPORT please cALL the Environmental Microbiology Secti-on, KHEL at. the number above, the lab number is (785) 295-o9-tr or BUreaU Of Water Fal onl-rnna /"oq\ 296-5518. ./ Environmental Laboratories lnorganic Chemistry Org€nlc Chemlstry Radlochemlstry Env. Microbiotogy Og5) 296.1657 OB5)296-1647 (785)29G1629 CrSSi296-{F71 . FoS9, H. Carlson, Ph.D., Director - C/85)296-i620 Laboratory Intormatlon and Reporting - (7'85)296-1627 laboratory Fax - (785)29t1641 Health Laboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng Serology Virology O85) 296-1636 O85) 296-1651 o8s) 296-1653 c785)296-164s DTVISIONOF HEALTH & ENWRONMENTAL LABORATORIBS KansasDepartmentof Healthand Environment ForbesField,BIdg.740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 cg-F REPORT OF ANALYSIS INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Report To: Bryan Bain - BEFS Forbes Field, Bldg. lfln[!lililmunilm|til Lab Number: 283 Topeka KS 55620 Collection Locat.ion: CS-F3A Collector: Brvan Bain Date,/Time Coliected : Og/I7 /gg SiTe ID: AccounE Matrix: 11:05 Sample Comments: Fiel"d pH=7.3 Field Paraneter Alkalinity as CaCO3 Aluminum Ammonia (N) Ant.imony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Bromide Cadmium Chloride Chromium Cobalt Copper Fluoride Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum NickeI (N) Nit.rate (N) Nitrite Pot,assium Selenium Silica Si lver Sodium suI f at.e Thallium Tot.a} Dissolved solids Hardness Tocal (p) Phosphorus Vanadium zinc pH Reporting Analyst: REH Date Reported: OB/30/99 Copies To: WaEer DaEe/Time 000432PT Code: SP Collect Dept.h: Received: oA/fi7g9 L5:49 Temp.= 25C AnalyticaT Resu-l t Analysis Date Units 313.84 o.02 0.050 0.050 0. r.55 0.001 0 -0 7 0 0.02 0.005 112.591 7.60 0.010 0.010 0.014 0.26 3.r24 0.050 L L . ' I 0.248 0 -0005 0.020 0.010 0.10 0.05 !.72 0.050 zo . >>t 0.010 4.57 0.050 356.86 331 0.L1 0.005 o.026 'l.59 * o8/L9/99 ns/L ng/L ng/t .ry/L (g/L 08/2s/ee 08/20/99 o8/2s/99 o8/25/99 o 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 08/25/99 o 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 08/r8/9e 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 e o8/25/99 08/18/ee 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 (g/L m9/ L ng/L rg/t mg/L ng/L nS/L mg/ r, 08/25/9e 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 o8/2s/99 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 0 8/ 2 3 / 9 9 o8/2s/99 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 os/r8/99 08/L8/99 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 08/25/99 0e/25/99 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ r 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 s / 9 9 o 8/ 3 0 / 9 9 08/30/99 o 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 e o8/19/99 ng/L trg/L ng/L ng/L, mgl L tW/L rq/L (g/L $g/L (g/L fll(lt t) w/L IE/L try/L (g/L pH unit NoL Detected Holding Time AnaTytical Method -.- oYA 5LV.Z EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA 2OO.? 350.1 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 300.0 200,7 200.7 300.0 200.7 200.7 200.7 300.0 200.7 200.7 200.7 200.7 245.2 200.7 200.7 300.0 300.0 200.7 2 O O .? bEA ZVV - | EPA EPA EPA EPA 200.7 200.7 300.0 200.7 uscs r?51-8 sM 23408 EPA EPA EPA EPA 355. 1 2OO.? 200.7 r50. t at Indi-cated Exceeded Level File ; { *^ Environmental [aboratorles Inorganlc_9hemlstry 29&1657 C/95) Chemlsrry- grasizserocz Qrg-9n19 Radlochemlstry glasiZsetszs Env.Mlcroblotogy (zesizsetozr RogerH. Carlson,Ph.D.,Director- C/85)29&1620 LaboratoryInformatlonand Reporilng- C/8S)296-1627 LaboratoryFax - O85)29&1641 Health Laboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlng Serology Virology O85) 296-1636 O85) 296-1651 O85) 296-16s3 C785)296-164s o ut o U DIVISTON OF I{EALTII & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Kansas Department of Health and Environment Forbes Field, Bldg. 740,Topeka,Kansas 66620-0001 REPORT OF ANALYSIS ORGANIC Report To: Address: BRYAN BAIN FORBES BLD TOPEKA, KS Acct No, Sit.e: CS-F3A Collected By: BEFS 283, Lab Number: 001055pX Date Rec'd: 08/r7/99 Report. DaEe: 09/13/99 bbb-zu tite rD No': Sample BRYAN BAIN PESTICIDES & rcBIS Acetochlor Alachlor Aldrin But.achlor Carbofuran (Furadan) Chlordane (Bladex) Cyanazine DCPA (Dacthal) D D D P, P. . P, P -DDE P,PI-DDT Dieldrin Endosulfan I Endosulfan II Endosulfan Sulfat.e Endrin alpha-BHC beta-BHC de 1t.a -BHC gamma-BHC (Lindane) Hept.achlor Hept.achLor Epoxide Hexa c h l oroben z ene MeChoxychlor Met.olachlor (Dual) Metribuzin (Sencor) PCB-1015 PCB- 1232 PCB- 1242 PCB- 124 8 PCB-1254 P C B- 1 2 5 0 Propachlor Propazine Simzine CHEMISTRY (Ramrod) (Milogard) Chemist: - BEFS/KDHE F)anf h . Type: WATER Date: colvcsfTRATroN ( ug/t ) Program Code: Sp No. Composited: 0 o8/17/99 Time: 11: O5 Ara-iysjs 0.10 0. 10 0.025 0.30 0.50 0. 50 o.20 0-50 0.050 0.040 0.020 0.t0 0.050 0.020 o.o20 0.10 0.10 0.025 0.050 0.050 0.025 0. 020 0.020 0.10 0.20 o.25 0.10 0.50 1.0 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 o.25 0.30 o.30 2-O EPA 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / 9 e 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 08/26/99 o 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 o 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 08/26/99 08/25 / 99 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 e / 9 9 08/28/99 08/28/99 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 08/28/99 o8/28/99 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 o8/28/99 08/28/99 o 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 08/28/99 0e/2e/99 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 5 / e e 0 8/ 2 s / 9 e 0 8/ 2 8 / e e 0 s/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 9 08/28/99 08/26/ee 0 8/ 2 6 / 9 9 08/26/99 0 8/ 2 8 / 9 e Not. Detected 508 508 608 608 508 508 608 508 608 508 508 508 608 508 608 608 508 508 608 608 608 608 608 508 508 508 608 508 608 508 508 608 508 508 608 608 608 608 at. Indicated Level \_ Environmentat Laboratories lnorganic-Chemistry - C/SS)29G1657 Org.?nlc Chemtsrry fesi zso-ro+z Radlochemtstry lZaSiZSOTOzS Env.Microbiotogy (zesizsooszt . loger H. Carlson, Ph.D., Director - f/Ss) 296-1620 Laboratory Information and Reportlng - C/-95)29&1627 Laboratory Fax - (/85) 29&1641 HealthLaboratories Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screenlno Serology Mrology 296-1636 296-1651 296-1653 296-1ils DIVISION OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES KansasDepartment of Health and Environment ForbesField, BIdg. 740,Topeka,Kansas66620-0001 REPORT OF ANALYSIS ORGANIC Report To: Address: BRYAN BAIN - BEFS FoRBES BLD . 283, TOPEKA, KS 66620 Lab Number: Dat.e Rec'd: Report Date: Site Acct No: Site: CS-F3A Collected By: BRYAN BAIN - BEFS/KDHE Type: Dept.h: WATER Dale: Program Code: Sp No. Composited: 0 08/I7/99 Time:11:05 CONCEN?RATTON ACID PESTICIDES 2,4-D as Acid Silvex as Acid (2,4,5-Tp) 2,4,5-T as Acid (Tordon) Picloram Mary ,Jane AyaI ^ ( < < < < /'IJA 0010G6HX 08/17/99 08/2O/99 ID No.: Sample CHLORINATED Chemist: CHEMISTRY ug/r, AnaTysis Date ) 0. B0 0.40 0.40 0.80 < - Not DetecLed EPA No. 0 8/ 1 9 / 9 9 08/19/e9 08/L9/99 oB/L9/e9 51s 51s 51s 51s at. Indi_cated Level \ EnvironmentalLaboratories lnorganicChemistry OrganlcChemtstry Radlochemtstry Enu Microbiotogy OBS)296-1657 OBsi296-1647 OSsi29G1629 C/SS'296-(x)71 Roger H. Carlson, Ph.D., Director - (785)296-1620 Laboratory Informatlon and Reporting - O85) 29C1627 laboratory Fax - O85) 296-1641 Health Laboratories DiagnosticMicro. NeonatalScreenlng Serology Virology Ct85)296-1636 O85) 296-1651 C/8S)296-1653 C/85) 296-1645 DIVISION OF HEALTH & E,NVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Kansas Department of Health and Environment ForbesField, Bldg. 740,Topeka, Kansas66620-0001 RBPORT OF ANALYSIS ENVIRONMEMTAL I"IrciOS I OLO_CY Account No.: 48M20 Water Source: Bureau Bureau Forbes Topeka Collected ColLection Lab Field Date CoLl_ected: Ti-me Col lected : Services Date Received: Time Analyzed: Time in Transit: By: BAIN, B. Location : CS-F3A 000128SS {ct Env. of Env. Field Services Field, Aldg. 283 KS G6620-0001 Number Method: of Anal-ysis T)el- a Coliform FecaI Streptococus Membrane Filtration Than, Explanati-on: Fecal col-iforms LT = lsgr and fecal- Than, streptococci Membrane Filt.ration(MF) Membrane Filtration(MF) Sludge Analysis HeLeroEroph Count per 100 mI 3000 per 100 m1 Analyst: Approved rlllifi by:!- E= Estimated Value, were found The examj-nati-on of drinkingl water, wastewater fo)-lowing processes which appear in standard and 16t.h edition and 40 CFR 141.2: Method Presence/Absence *MMO-l'lIJG p/A *MMO-MUG MPN 11:05 Hrs 08/r'7/ee 10:00 Hrs 4.4O llrc o8/).9/ee performed Fecal = Pan^rFaA. oB/r'7/ee in L, . l/L'1 yr---. { NA = 11ei Analyzed) the sampLe submitted. or surface water Methods: For the Medi-um Clarks P/A MMO-MUG (DSM) M M O - M U G( D S M ) FC Medium KF Med.ium A1 Medium Pl-ate Count Medium are performed by the Examination of water Reference Section 9088 Qpnt- i ^n Sectlon QnQF Section Section 910 18th Edition, Section 4 0 c F R ] - 4 1. 2 40 CFR I4T.2 909C 922]-8, 40 cFR 503 907 * MMO-MUG= Minimal Media ONpG-MUG * DSM = Defined Substrate Media rf you have any questions concerning this REpoRT please CALL the Environment.alMicrobiology sectj-on, I(HEL at the number above, the 1ab number is (785) 296-097r or Bureau of Water tefenhone {?nq) 296-5518. / Environmental Laboratories lnorganicChemistry Org.ariic Chemistry Radioc.hemtsrry Env.Microbiotogy O85)296-1657 (zasi296-1647 (zasizs+rozs (zesi296{9zr ph.D.,DirectorOB5)296-1620 . FoS9, H. Cartson, Laboratory Information and Reporting - (7'8S)296-1627 ' Laboratory Fax - (785)29F1ilI H"unf,rub.r",or," Diagnostic Micro. Neonatal Screentng :-erorogy Virology C/85)296-1636 OOS'ZgetOSt C/8s)296-1653 C/8s)296-164s