
Welcome New Ashburton Families 2015-2016 School Year

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Welcome New Ashburton Families 2015-2016 School Year
Welcome New
Ashburton Families
School Year
• Mr. Greg Mullenholz – Principal
• Ms. Barbara Cino – Assistant Principal
• Mrs. Erin Burrell – Teacher
• Ms. Amanda Call – Teacher
• Mrs. Sheryl Clements – Teacher
• Ms. Joanna Robbins – Teacher
• Ms. Solmaz Zabiheian - Teacher
• Mrs. Yvette Killian – Special Education Teacher
The First Day
• The first day of school is Monday,
August 31st. We look forward to
meeting and greeting your child.
• During arrival that first morning,
parents of kindergartners are welcome
to join Mr. Mullenholz, Ms. Cino, the
PTA, and others for Tea and Sympathy
in the Media Center.
Kindergarten Name Tags
• Please send your kindergartner with a NAME
TAG. Your child should wear this tag for the
first two weeks. It should have the following
Address: ______________________
Teacher’s Name: ________________
Phone Number#: ________________
Bus Color/Number: ______Stop#____
Walker / Car Rider: _______________
Meet in the Gym Lobby, Breezeway, or Drop-Off Loop
• An information card is helpful for all students
who are not familiar with their new information.
Students can keep this information in backpacks.
• Your child should have a BACKPACK with
his/her name on it. It should be LARGE
enough to hold standard pocket sized
folders. Your child will have a home/school
folder in their backpack daily with important
notices, newsletters and homework. Please
empty the folder each night and send it
back the following day.
• Please dress your child casually and comfortably.
We have active days planned. Kindergartners use paint,
glue and play dough; and we’ll play outdoors. Clothes
should be washable.
• Sneakers are safer for active play and required for P.E.
– Crocs and flip-flops are cute, but not safe for the playground.
• The health tech has some spare clothes for the
occasional emergency, however kindergartners may
keep a set of clothes in a sealed plastic bag at the
bottom of their backpack. Please keep it up to date in
terms of size and season. 
• Please dress your child for the weather.
» If your child wears rain boots,
you may want to send a change of shoes for the day.
MCPS Curriculum 2.0
Building a stronger foundation •
MCPS Curriculum 2.0 is built around developing students' critical and creative thinking
skills, as well as essential academic success skills, so that students are well prepared for a
lifetime of learning.
MCPS upgraded the existing curriculum for the elementary grades in a way that will
better engage students and teachers, and dedicate more learning time to subjects such as
the arts, information literacy, science, social studies and physical education.
By blending these subjects with the core content areas of reading, writing, and
mathematics, students will receive robust, engaging instruction across all subjects in the
early grades. In short, we are building a stronger foundation at the elementary level.
Reading Assessments - mClass
– Fall, Winter, Spring
– Goal: Level 4, however we aim for 6 or higher 
Math Assessments - MAP-P: Measures of Academic Progress – Primary Grades
– Fall, Winter, Spring
– Differentiation
» Small Group Instruction (Re-teach, Reinforce, Enrichment)
• MCPS guidelines state that homework is for reinforcing and
practicing concepts learned in school.
• Kindergarten homework assignments are curriculum based and
will be provided weekly. Homework frequently means "hands-on"
at this level, i.e., collections, sharing objects, and experiences,
listening to stories and talking about them, reinforcing literacy
and math skills.
• Keep your child engaged at home. Kindergartners should work
approximately 10 minutes per night to work on the objectives
being taught in class to reinforce those skills.
• Read, Read, Read!
Grades 1-5:
• Usually assigned Monday-Thursday
• Math, Reading, Spelling
• Special Projects
Home Supplies
• To complete homework students will
need a place at home with some basic
supplies: pencils, scissors,
(Kindergarten-safety scissors)
crayons/colored pencils, glue, tape,
and extra paper.
Field Trips
• Field trips are an important part of the instructional
program of each class. Students will go on different field
trips throughout the year.
• When a field trip approaches, teachers will send home a
permission slip form and ask for chaperones. Written
permission from a parent or guardian is required for a child
to attend. Parent volunteers help the teacher with
supervision on these outings; however, regulations prohibit
siblings from attending.
• There is usually a fee for bus transportation; often there is
also an admission fee. Financial assistance is offered by the
PTA through Mrs. Gillespie, counselor, for those children in
need; please contact Mrs. Gillespie directly.
We are in the process of planning a few field trips nowAirport Museum, Imagination Stage… 
PE – Physical Education
Computer Time
Media Center
• Chorus & Instrumental Music
– Grades 4 & 5
Report Cards/Conferences
• The parent conferences will be held on
November 11th and 12th. There will be sign-up
sheets for appointment times at Back-toSchool Night – September 9th.
• Kindergarten report cards go home twice a
year: February and June.
• Grades 1-5 report cards go home quarterly
You will learn more about Standards Based Grading and
Reporting during Back to School Night.
Ashburton Expectations
• We expect Ashburton Stars to focus on learning.
• We expect Ashburton Stars to respect everyone.
• We expect Ashburton Stars to solve problems
• We expect Ashburton Stars to think before they act.
• We expect Ashburton Stars to use their hands for
• We expect Ashburton Stars to listen and follow
• We expect Ashburton Stars to be kind to others every
AshburtonHome of the TQ Stars!
‘Top Quality Stars’
Behavior Management System
Green: Student was a T.Q. star.
Yellow: Student needed reminders
to follow directions/rules.
Red: Student broke a school rule –
The teacher will communicate with parents/guardians.
Stars of the Week
– A different student in each class
is recognized every week. Every
student SHINES at Ashburton!
– Students should bring in pictures
and special items to share with the
– Students will be announced on
AETV by Mrs. Gillespie. Students
will come to the office for a TQ
Star certificate and to have their
picture taken to be displayed on
AETV and in the office.
– Students will join Mr. Mullenholz,
Ms. Cino, Mrs. Gillespie, and the
Kindergarten teachers for a
special TQ Star celebration.
Students will receive a special TQ
Star gift.
• We do not have birthday parties for the students
in school; however, your child may bring a special
book to share with the class. Teachers will make
this day very special for your child.
• We will recognize all summer birthdays at the end
of the school year.
• We recognize birthdays on the morning
announcements. Students are excited to come to
the office for their birthday surprise in the
morning. 
• Student are not permitted to distribute invitations
to individual students, unless they invite ALL
students in the class.
• Grades 1-5:
– Please see teacher for guidelines regarding birthdays.
– We do not celebrate birthdays with special food
treats due to allergies.
• We have two class parties each year –
– Halloween and Valentine’s Day
• Room parents help organize the classroom parties.
ALL parents are welcome to volunteer! Please
coordinate with the room parent.
• There is always an alternative party option if your
child does not celebrate Halloween or Valentine’s
Day. Please inform the classroom teacher if your
child will not participate in the party.
• All snacks/food MUST be store-bought!
• Please work with the teacher on specific treats/food items
as we have many students with allergies.
• Your child will have a daily afternoon snack in Kindergarten.
• Please provide your child with 1 healthy dry snack each day.
Teachers will not provide snacks.
• Examples of healthy dry snacks are: one piece of fruit, one
granola bar or one snack sized baggie of dry cereal.
• Please do not send in a special drink for snack time. Students
are permitted to use the water fountain.
• Please do not put the snack in lunch bags. Students often eat
these snacks as lunch items and then they are without a snack
in the afternoon.
• If your child has any allergies (food or
otherwise) please notify your child’s
teacher and the health room in writing
• Since children will be eating a snack daily
in the classroom it is even more important
that we are aware of all allergies.
• (Snack time varies in Grades 1-5)
• We do offer hot lunch everyday at school.
• Printed menus are sent home bi-monthly. Lunch menus are
also posted on this website:
• Each student is issued a four digit pin number that allows
them to access their account.
– Please make sure that you are monitoring your SNAP lunch
account balance. You should deposit money into your account
first thing in the morning or parents can send money in with
students and it will be put into their account before lunch.
Paying during your lunch time will only hold up the line.
– You can use the computerized/prepayment system @
www.mylunchmoney.com/ (This may take 1-2 days to activate.)
– Students must have money in their account in order to buy hot
• Lunch Prices: Breakfast – $1.30 / Lunch - $2.55
• There are two hot lunch items everyday for students to
choose from or a grilled cheese sandwich.
For Example…
• Monday, August 31st
#1 – BBQ Chicken Drummies w/Seasoned Potatoes
#2 – Philly Steak ‘N Cheese w/Seasoned Potatoes
#3 – WG Grilled Cheese Sandwich
• Tuesday, September 1st
#1 -WG Cheese or Pepperoni Personal Pizza
#2 –WG Potato Crisp Fish Fillet Sandwich
#3 – WG Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Milk Choices: 1% or Fat Free Milk – White and Chocolate
8 oz. bottled water
Items to Keep at Home
• All toys, candy and chewing gum
should stay home. These are not
allowed in school.
• Cell phones, electronic devices, &
trading cards.
– E-Readers are permitted with parental
and principal permission. Please request
a permission slip.
Lost and Found
• To help prevent lost belongings, please label
all of your child’s possessions, including
clothing (especially coats, jackets, sweaters,
and vests).
• Lost items are placed in the lost and found
box located in a hallway closet outside of the
APR. Parents are encouraged to check the
lost and found box at anytime. 
– Lunch Box – Please make sure you label the lunch
box. We have a special LOST and FOUND for lunch
boxes in the cafeteria.
Bikes and Skateboards
Students are permitted to travel to school on a bike or
skateboard following the guidelines:
– Students are responsible for locking bikes to the bike
racks. Ashburton has two bike racks located in the
front and back of the school. Ashburton ES is not
responsible for damaged, lost, or missing bikes.
– Skateboards can be stored in the school office and
retrieved during dismissal.
– Students MUST not ride bikes or skateboards on
school property. Students must walk the bike or
skateboard once they are on school property.
– Students should wear a safety helmet.
• Dismissal is at 12:55. It is very important
your child’s teacher knows where your
child is going on half-days. Please provide
a note to the teacher if your child is not
going to leave school the way they do for a
normal dismissal.
• Please make sure your paperwork in the
office is updated because your child can
not be released to anyone that you have
not given permission to on the release
• Student success in school is directly tied to daily attendance.
Students needing to leave school early need a note from their
parent or guardian. For security reasons, you MUST always sign
your child in and out of the school building when arriving or
departing at a time other than the scheduled arrival and dismissal
• When your child is absent, please enter the absence on the
Ashburton webpage. You may call the office at 301-571-6959 by
9:30 a.m. to let us know. You may also email the teacher and Dana
Lynch, attendance secretary. ([email protected])
• When a child returns to school following an absence, s/he must
always bring a dated note from a parent or guardian stating the
reason for the absence.
Daily Arrival Routines
School doors open at 8:40 a.m. and students may sit in the hallways until
the first bell. Students may not enter the school prior to 8:40 a.m.
The first bell rings at 8:50 a.m. and students may enter the classrooms.
The second bell rings at 9:00 a.m. and morning announcements begin.
The back door will be locked at this time and you must enter through the
front doors.
If you arrive after 9:00 a.m. you are considered TARDY. You must stop
by the office, be signed in by a parent and get a late pass. It is essential
to the instructional program that all students are on time for school each
day. If your child is absent for any reason, please call the office and
notify them that your child will be out and write a note and send it with
your child the date of his/her return.
- When visiting or volunteering, always sign-in and wear a
visitor sticker.
- Kiss and Say Goodbye Procedures-
– Say goodbye to your child at the front door. Parents should not walk students
to class unless they check in at the main office and get a visitor’s badge. This
is primarily for safety purposes. Morning arrival is not a time for parentteacher conferences as they need to have their 100% attention on the
students. We appreciate your cooperation with our procedures at Ashburton.
Daily Dismissal Routines
Please send a note granting permission for any schedule
changes, including:
– Child to go home with Grandparent or another adult, per
your request.
– Child to go home with a friend on another bus or via other
modes of transportation – BOTH children MUST have a
– Play-dates should be scheduled in advance of the school day.
– *Please refrain from sending emails during the day to
inform the teacher of a change in a dismissal routine. In
case of an emergency, contact the office so the teacher is
notified immediately. It is always best to copy the office,
Dana Lynch and Marjorie Jacobs, on these emails to
ensure that the teacher receives the message.
If you do not live within walking distance to the school your child will
ride a school bus.
The school bus is free!
Each bus has designated routes and bus stops that correlate to
Each bus is called a different color, however all the buses are actually
yellow. 
On the first day of school please have your child ride the bus to school
because he/she will get a sticker with their bus color on it when he/she
exit which lets teachers know what color bus they ride. 
5th grade patrols ride the bus with students and 4th grade students will
escort students to their buses.
ALWAYS communicate with the teacher when there is any changes in
the departure routine.
– We have copies of the arrival and departure bus schedule. If
you have any specific questions regarding bus stops and
routes, see Marney Jacobs in the office. She is an expert! 
• Practice identifying the stop that your
school 3:27 p.m.
child gets off at… Leave
Broad St. and Kingswood Rd.
Broad St. and Ipswich Rd.
Edward Ave. and Fleming Ave.
Lone Oak Dr. and Edward Ave.
Greenlawn Dr. and Broad St.
• Please get to know the parents and
students at your bus stop.
• Exchange contact information!
• MCPS Policy:
• Single Bus Stop vs. Group Bus Stop
Walkers / Car Riders
Please instruct your children to use a walking route that ensures safety.
Walkers and Car Riders who are met by adults will meet in the Gym Lobby
or ‘Breezeway’ and be released to their parents or others with permission.
You should have a plan in advance and communicate the plan with your
child. Please mark the index card with Gym Lobby or Breezeway as a
meeting place during dismissal. If you would like your child to meet you at
the Drop-Off Loop, please also state this information on the index card.
Please make sure you are there promptly for pick-up at 3:25 p.m.;
supervision is available until 3:40 p.m. and then students will be sent to the
Students who are to walk home by themselves should leave the building
and walk directly home after school. Please discuss this with your child.
Please discuss weather emergency procedures with your child.
Address: ____________________
Teacher’s Name: ______________
Phone Number#: ______________
Bus Color/Number: _____________
Walker/Car Rider: _____________
Meet in the Gym Lobby, Breezeway, or Drop-Off Loop
• Ashburton has limited parking and one entrance for buses. To
protect the safety of the students, the driveway is blocked to
auto traffic from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and from 3:10 to
3:50 p.m. Only buses may enter to drop-off or pick-up.
• The drop-off in the rear of the building off Pomona Drive has
been constructed to help alleviate the congestion in the front of
the school. You may drop-off or pick-up students there or park
and walk in. The doors will be locked after 9:00 a.m.; students
who arrive after that time should not be dropped off at this
location since they would have to walk around the building to
enter. Walkers or children who are to be picked up can be met
at this drop-off loop in the afternoon.
Drop-Off Loop Guidelines
It is important that everyone follow the drop-off guidelines for picking students
up at the end of the day. The guidelines have been established for the
SAFETY of students.
Drop-off Loop Guidelines:
• Drive slowly for everyone’s SAFETY.
• Pull up to the end of the loop. You may not stay in the middle spot even if
you are the first to arrive.
• Stay in queue and once your vehicle is loaded, then you may slowly and
safely pull into the left lane to exit the loop. It is not fair for parents to pull in
and out of spots while other parents have been waiting in line.
• Do not double-park and ask students to run across a line of cars to board
your car. This was happening way too often and is completely an unsafe
• Do not park and leave your car in the drop-off lane. If you need to park,
please use the spaces provided or the road.
Drop-Off Loop Guidelines (Continued)
• If you park in the spaces, you must get out of your vehicle to escort your
child across the lot. Please do not wave your children across the street to
your car. Back out carefully as other cars queue up along the drop-off lane.
• Refrain from delaying the queue by using your cell phone or other things
during pick-up.
• RIGHT TURN ONLY – Please follow the sign as you are exiting the loop.
• Ashburton’s staff and patrols are there to assist in arrival and dismissal;
however, they are not to cross the parking lot nor wait with your child after
3:40 p.m. Students that are not picked up by 3:40 p.m. will asked to wait in
the main office. If staff is giving you a direction, it is only because they are
looking out for your child’s safety. Please be respectful. We truly appreciate
your cooperation!
• If you are not able to follow these guidelines, please park and pick up your
child from the gym area. Any parents that are available to help with
supervision during dismissal time, please contact the main office. Your
support would be greatly appreciated! I know you would agree that we all
want to create a safe environment for our students. Please help us create
that safe environment and follow the safety guidelines during dismissal time.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Ashburton Staff, Parents, & Students
Weather Delays
• Please listen to the radio or TV for weather delays and
school closings.
• MCPS also posts the announcement online at
• Email Alerts: Subscribe to MCPS Newsfeed to receive
alerts to your computer or phone about early
dismissals, emergencies, and other news.
Safety Drills
• Evacuate (Fire Drills)
• Reverse Evacuation
• Shelter
• Lockdown
• Severe Weather
• Drop, Cover & Hold
Safety System:
Computerized Sign-In
After School Clubs/Activities
• Ashburton offers a variety of after school
clubs/activities. It is difficult to hand-deliver
students to each after school club. Consider the
following before signing your child up for an after
school club/activity:
– Is your child confident to navigate the building on their own?
– Will your child remember that they have a club or activity by
the end of the day? (OR even from the classroom to the bus?)
– Is your child able to manage changes in their schedule?
Make sure that you email or send a note to the teacher and
office when there is a change in your child's schedule.
*It is important to copy the office on changes just in case there
is a substitute in the classroom.
*Clubs/activities are offered throughout the year…
you may want to consider waiting until your child is ready OR
come to school and escort your child to the club.
Ashburton Elementary School –
A Great Place to Learn!
• School Improvement Plan (SIP):
– Differentiated Instruction: Small Group Instruction
• After School Activities
– School & PTA Sponsored
• Parent Involvement
• Student Recognition
– Birthday Announcements
– TQ Stars (Top Quality Stars)
• Weekly Announcements, Pictures, Awards, & Special
Recognition from Administration and Mrs. Gillespie
– Kindergarten Stars of the Week
– End of the Year Awards in Special Areas
Ashburton’s Amazing
PTA Board Members
Parent Teacher Association
• President: Laura Chace
• Co-Administrative Vice Presidents:
Sindu Blume & Stacy Cohen
• Co-Membership Vice Presidents:
Jennifer Lewis & Tom McCarty
• Treasurer: Yvonne Morrison
• Secretary: Dana Adler Chan
Parent involvement is one of the reasons
Ashburton is a school of EXCELLENCE –
Please consider getting involved! 
Fly UP