
Principal’s News Jackson Road Elementary School

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Principal’s News Jackson Road Elementary School
Principal’s News
Jackson Road Elementary School
900 Jackson Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20904
Ms. Sally Ann Macias, Principal
Mr. Jason Reinke, Assistant Principal
301-989-5650 (Office)  301-879-1054 (Fax)
School Hours: Arrival and Breakfast: 8:40-9:00 a.m.
Instructional Day: 9:00 a.m.-3:25 p.m.
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that the school year will be concluding in just about one
month! The end of the school year incorporates many fun culminating activities,
including grade-level activities, field day, and promotion ceremonies. Please mark
your calendar with important dates. Also, please make certain that your children
have no financial obligations by returning all library books and materials, as well as
classroom reading books, as soon as possible. While the end of the school year is fun,
instruction will continue through the last day of school, so it is important that your
children be in attendance every day. Thank you for all that you have done and will
continue to do to ensure a successful and productive end to the school year.
We are continuing to progress with our spring benchmark and end-of-theyear tests. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade are completing reading
assessments (mClass and MAP-R testing), as well as mathematics testing (MAP-P and
MAP-M). Additionally, students in third, fourth, and fifth grade are completing
PARCC testing. The following dates remain for our PARCC testing:
 Friday, May 20: Grade 3 Reading/Language Arts
 Monday, May 23: Grade 3 Reading/Language Arts
 Wednesday, May 25: Grades 4 and 5 Reading/Language Arts
 Thursday, May 26: Grades 4 and 5 Reading/Language Arts
 Friday, May 27: Grades 4 and 5 Reading/Language Arts
Please help your children do the best on the test by reminding them to try their best,
never give up, and persist with the test. Also, please ensure that students are wellrested and arrive to school on time, and please avoid scheduling doctor’s
appointments and other events on testing days whenever possible.
Progress reports were distributed to all students in first through fifth grade
today. The progress report represents a mid-point appraisal of your student’s
academic progress in school this quarter. Please review the report and, if you have
any questions, please contact your child’s teacher directly.
Our Spring Concert will be held on Thursday, May 26, 2016. Students who
participate in instrumental music and chorus will be performing. Students who are
performing should arrive between 6:00 p.m. and 6:15 p.m., and the concert will
begin at 6:30 p.m. Please join us to hear the talents of our student performers!
The JRES Roadrunner Service Club is sponsoring a food drive to benefit the
Manna Food Center. Donations can be placed in the collection boxes in front of the
main office throughout the month of May. Boxed and canned items are being
collected. Perishable items, as well as items in glass containers, cannot be accepted.
Thank you for your support of this worthy cause.
There will be no school on Monday, May 30, 2016 in honor of the Memorial
Day holiday. Additionally, the last day of school for students is now scheduled for
Monday, June 20, 2016. Students will be released at 12:55 p.m. on that day.
May 19, 2016
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, May 25
Grade 3 Field Trip (Brew/Seale)
The Smith Center
Thursday, May 26
Grade 1 Field Trip
Imagination Stage
Grade 3 Field Trip (Hughes/Hugo)
The Smith Center
Spring Concert, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 27
PARCC Testing Ends
Monday, May 30
Tuesday, May 31
Grade 5 Panoramic Photograph
Thursday, June 2
Grade 2 End-of-the-Year Activity
Martin Luther King, Jr. Park
Friday, June 3
Kinder. End-of-the-Year Activity
Martin Luther King, Jr. Park
Tuesday, June 7
PEP, Pre-K, K, Grade 1 Field Day
Wednesday, June 8
Grades 2-3 Field Day
Grade 1 End-of-the-Year Activity
Martin Luther King, Jr. Park
Thursday, June 9
Grades 4-5 Field Day
In Other News…
Making a Connection with Math at Home: Get Ready and Check It Out
The grocery store is one of the best examples of a place where math is real. It is a great place for practicing
measurement, estimation, and quantity. Since trips to the store usually affect everyone in the family, the following
activities include activities for all children. Allowing your children to participate in weighing, counting, and figuring price
per unit versus price per pound will help improve their ability to estimate and predict a mounts with accuracy.
Get Ready (Recommended for PreK-Grade 2): Involve the family in making a shopping list. Mark checks or tallies next
to each item to indicate the number needed. This helps children learn to collect data. Choose coupons that match the
items on the grocery list. Discuss how much money will be saved on various items by using coupons.
Check It Out (Recommended for Grades 3-5): Have your child estimate the total price of items in a shopping cart. An
easy way to estimate totals is to assign an average price to each item. If you have 10 items and the average price for
each item is $2.00, the total price estimate would be about $20.00. At the checkout counter, what is the actual cost?
How does this compare to your estimate? When you pay for the items, will you get change back?
Register Now for Summer Activities with Montgomery County Recreation
Montgomery County Recreation, which includes the White Oak Recreation Center, as well as parks and other nearby
recreation centers, is now accepting registration forms for summer activities and camps. All program descriptors, as
well as information on the registration process, can be found online at the new Active Montgomery website
(https://apm.activecommunities.com/montgomerycounty/Home). Early registration is recommended, as space
availability for some programs is limited. Additionally, some activities include tuition assistance for families who qualify
for free and reduced meals services (FARMS).
Homework Hotline Live! is Available Online
Homework Hotline Live! is still helping students with homework online Monday through Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to
9:30 p.m. until the end of June. This service offers students in kindergarten through twelfth grade free homework help
from Montgomery County Public Schools teachers. Visit the website at www.askhhl.org.
PTA Officers Elected for the 2016-2017 School Year and Pump It Up! Fundraiser
At the most recent PTA meeting, our PTA officers for the 2016-2017 school year were elected. They are:
 President: Ms. Suzanne Isaacs
 Vice President: Ms. Kiyoung Nam
 Secretary: Ms. Liara Fredricks-Brown
 Treasurer: Mr. Eder Granados
We thank Ms. Raquel Robinson for her service as the Vice President this school year. The PTA is also accepting
membership applications for the 2016-2017 school year. Please contact the PTA at [email protected]
for an application. Finally, join the PTA at their final fundraiser of the school year at Pump It Up! on Friday, June 3, 2016
from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Admission is just $8.00 per child. Pump It Up! is located at 12210 Plum Orchard Drive in Silver
Spring, Maryland. Call 301-572-5867 to make a reservation, and be sure to mention the Jackson Road Elementary
School PTA when calling.
Parent Academy Hosting Final Sessions of the Spring Semester
The Parent Academy is a great resource for parents. The Parent Academy offers free workshops to parents throughout
Montgomery County. There are still a few courses this school year, and registration for the Spring Parent Academy
courses is open. They include:
 Positive Discipline
Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
Rosa Parks MS (19200 Olney Rd., Olney, MD)
 Overview of MCPS Elementary and Middle School Special Programs
Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
A. Mario Loiederman MS (12701 Goodhill Rd., Silver Spring, MD)
To register online, please go online to http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd. org/departments/parentacademy/.
Go Green at Jackson Road Elementary School
Fly UP