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Thursday, April 28, 2016
Main Office (240) 207-2550
A Message from Gayle Starr, Principal
The pending end of school year continues to bring change. As a result of decreasing
student enrollment at Woodfield Elementary, our school lost 1 teacher position for the
coming 2016-2017 school year. Montgomery County Public School policy states that the
teacher in the school with the latest hire date for MCPS is the individual to be
involuntarily transferred. This teacher is Mrs. Korinne Panchura. Mrs. Panchura has
only been at Woodfield this year but already she has made such a difference for so many
students. Her enthusiasm for teaching and belief in all of her students is contagious. She
holds high expectations for each student and provides a rigorous and supportive,
nurturing environment for learning. Our loss is Wims Elementary’s gain. Next year, she
will be teaching kindergarten at Wims Elementary in Clarksburg. We all have been so
fortunate to have Mrs. Panchura as a teacher at Woodfield and we wish her the best at
her new school in August. Until then, Mrs. Panchura will continue to provide each one of
her kindergarten students the exceptional program that she has provided all year.
Due to my retirement, and the pending Montgomery County Board of Education’s
appointment of Woodfield’s next principal, all decisions regarding grade level
placements and teacher assignments will not occur until the end of the school year.
Throughout the summer, changes will continue to occur as situations warrant. I will
keep you informed as events unfold that have implications for next year.
Although the end of the school year is quickly coming to a close and standardized
assessments, like PARCC, will be occurring, please know that we will continue to do our
best to meet your child’s physical, academic and social emotional needs. Please do not
hesitate to call us if you have any questions or concerns.
Sneakers, Please!!
Now that the weather is warming up and we are all pulling out our scandals and flip
flops, please be aware that if your child wears scandals, flip flop, Crocs, etc. to school
that they should also bring their sneakers daily. Students are not allowed to participate
in PE without the correct shoes. Recess becomes a challenge when the child does not
have on the correct shoes for running, jumping, or climbing. Therefore, we ask that all
other shoes be removed for recess and only sneakers worn. Otherwise, activities at recess
are limited.
The Woodfield Eagle
Thursday, March 28, 2016
A Message from Mrs. Johncox, Art Teacher
Following is a list of students whose work was included in the MCPS Elementary & Middle School Arts Fair
which ran from April 19th through April 24th at the Lake Forest Mall.
Ishaan Agarwal
Molly Ario
Samanta Baires
Christina Blanco
Brianna Crosby
Allie Doyle
Gracie Emerick
Tess Francke
Shaddai Haynie
Delaney Hitt
Madeleine Khouri
Sierra Lynch
Isaac Martinez
Kathleen Miller
Tyler Mirani
Quinn Mitchell
Matthew Moore
Katie Nguyen *
Ava Rendelman
Keira Rifkin
Riley Sellers
Madison Slayton
Clare Van Hoven
Timothy Zalewski
*Katie’s art work was selected for addition display around the county and state, for the coming school year!
American Legion Essay Contest
A Recognition Reception was held at the Damascus American Legion Post 171 on Sunday,
April 10, 2016 to honor the following winners of this year’s Americanism Essay Award.
Ryan Clark – 5th grade
Grace Emmerick – 5th grade
Brandon Khouri – 3rd grade
Sierra Lynch – 5th grade
The Woodfield Eagle
Thursday, March 28, 2016
Field Day
Field Day Reminders from Ms. Spillman:
Please wear safe sneakers ~ Apply sunscreen at home ~ Bring a water bottle that you can
refill during the day!
The field day date for our PEP, K -2 is Friday, May 6th
The field day date for grades 3-5 is Friday, June 3rd
Lunch Schedule change
On Friday, May 6th our 4th & 5th graders will be out of school on Field Trips and our
PEP, K, 1st & 2nd graders will participate in Field Day! Lunch times will be adjusted as
11:35 – 12:05 grades 1 & 2
12:05 – 12:35 grades K & 3
There will be indoor recess for K, 1 & 2
Recess for 3rd grade will start at 12:35
Order Your Yearbook Today!
The Woodfield Elementary 2015-2016 Yearbook is on sale for $28.50.
Order can be dropped off at the office. Checks should be made out to
Extra order forms are available in the office!
The Woodfield Eagle
Thursday, March 28, 2016
Spring Book Fair
Buy One Get One Book Free
Below is the Scholastic Spring Book Fair schedulePlease plan to attend!
Book Fair Hours
No sales
No sales
After School
Keys for Reading
Keys for Reading Month at Woodfield March 21-April 22
How the program works:
 Each student receives a Keys for Reading Bookmark and a Friends and
Family Informational Flier.
 Students read THREE books suitable for their reading ability in a
one month time period and record the information on the RED Keys
for Reading Bookmark. Parents sign the bookmark.
 The bookmark is the ticket voucher and once completed, follow the
instructions on the back to redeem the students’ FREE ticket and
purchase additional tickets.
 Students do not return the bookmark to school.
 Students redeem their tickets the weekend of April 29-May 1.
Happy Reading! More information can be found at www.frederickkeys.com.
The Woodfield Eagle
Thursday, March 28, 2016
PARCC Testing Schedule
This is a tentative schedule for PARCC administration. The testing
window runs from Monday, May 9th through Friday, June 3rd. Students in
grades 3-5 will have 4 sessions of math, one session per day, and 3
sessions of reading, one session per day, for a total of 7 sessions or
days of testing.
On testing days please make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast and
arrives at school on time. If a student arrives after testing has begun
they will not be able to join their class and would need to make up the
testing for that day. Please try to avoid unnecessary absences on days
that your child is scheduled to test. If your child does wake up ill
one morning, please do not send your child to school. Make-up days are
scheduled within the testing window.
Monday, May 9th: Math, Grade 3 & 5
Tuesday, May 10th: Math, Grade 3 & 5
Wednesday, May 11th: Math, Grade 3 & 5
Thursday, May 12th: Math, Grade 3 & 5
Friday, May 13th: Math, Grade 4
Monday, May 16th: Math, Grade 4
Tuesday, May 17th: Math, Grade 4
Wednesday, May 18th: Math, Grade 4
Thursday, May 19th: ELA, Grade 3
Friday, May 20th: ELA, Grade 3
Monday, May 23rd: ELA, Grade 3
Tuesday, May 24th: ELA, Grade 5
Wednesday, May 25th: ELA, Grade 5
Thursday, May 26th: ELA, Grade 5
Friday, May 27th: Make-up testing
Monday, May 30th: No School
Tuesday, May 31st: ELA, Grade 4
Wednesday, June 1st: ELA, Grade 4
Thursday, June 2nd: ELA, Grade 4
Friday, June 3rd: Make-up testing
*ELA is English Language Arts
The Woodfield Eagle
Thursday, March 28, 2016
MCPS to Make Up One Snow Day on June 20
MCPS will extend the 2015–2016 school year by one day and end the year on Monday, June 20, 2016. The
MCPS request for a one-day waiver of the 180-day school year requirement was
approved on April 18 by the Maryland State Department of Education.
The school year was previously scheduled to end Friday, June 17, and now will end with an early release
day on June 20. June 17 will be a full instructional day.
MCPS was closed for six days this winter due to inclement weather that left many roads and sidewalks in the
county impassable. MCPS already had four emergency weather days built into the school calendar. With the
state waiving one day from the requirement, MCPS has implemented its weather contingency calendar, which
adds one make-up day to the end of the school year.
Final Community Dialogue on Choice Study Scheduled for May 5
MCPS wants to hear from parents, staff, students, and community members as it develops a plan to address
the findings and recommendations in the recently released study of the district’s school choice and other
special academic programs. Join us at the final Community Dialogue to discuss the study’s
recommendations and the vision for the role of choice in MCPS. The event will be held on Thursday,
May 5, at Walter Johnson High School, 6400 Rock Spring Drive in Bethesda, from 7–8:30 p.m.
The study examines how well these programs advance our school system’s core values of excellence and
equity and whether the programs are meeting their intended goals.
Free child care (ages 4 and older) and interpretation services will be provided at the meeting. Participants also
will have the opportunity to talk in language-specific groups. To request a sign language interpreter, call 301517-5539
For more information about the Study of Choice and Special Academic Programs, visit the Choice website at
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/info/choice/. Comments on the report’s recommendations and general
feedback about the study can be provided at the link above. For additional information about the Community
Dialogues, visit the Choice website or call 301-309-6277.
The Woodfield Eagle
Thursday, March 28, 2016
2015 - 2016 Important Dates
Monday, May 2 – Friday, May 6
Tuesday, May 3
Tuesday, May 3
Friday, May 6
Friday, May 6
Friday, May 6
Monday, May 9 – Fri., June 10
Monday, May 9
Tuesday, May 10
Tuesday, May 10
Wednesday, May 11
Friday, May 20
Tuesday, May 24
Tuesday, May 24
Tuesday, May 24
Wednesday, May 25
Monday, May 30
Wednesday, June 1
Friday, June 3
Monday, June 6
Tuesday, June 7
Monday, June 20
Monday, June 20
Monday, June 20
Monday, June 27
PTA Staff Appreciation Week
5th grade picture – 1:20 p.m.
PTA Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Field Day –Grades PEP, K, 1st & 2nd
4th Grade field trip to Inner Harbor Baltimore-Living
5th Grade field trip to Washington DC
PARCC Testing Gr. 3-5- See schedule above
Muffins for Mom A-M 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Muffins for Mom N-Z 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
1st Grade field trip/ Rose Hill Manor
2nd Grade field trip/ Brookside Gardens
Patrol Picnic 9:40 a.m. – 1:40 p.m.
3rd Gr. Field Trip – Baltimore Museum of Industry
Kindergarten Field Trip to Catoctin Wildlife Preserve & Zoo
Band, String, & Chorus Concert @ Woodfield 2:00 p.m.
Band, String, & Chorus Concert @ Woodfield 7:00 p.m. ONLY
Holiday – Memorial Day Offices and School closed
Volunteer Luncheon – Media Center 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Field Day for grades 3rd, 4th and 5th
Summer Reading Program w/ Amy Alapati in Media Room
Career Day
End of 4th Marking Period
5th grade Promotion Ceremony – 9:10 a.m.
Last day of school for students – Early release 12:55 p.m.
Report cards mailed
Note: Dates that have been added this week are in bold
The Woodfield Eagle
Thursday, March 28, 2016
The Woodfield Eagle
Thursday, March 28, 2016
The Woodfield Eagle
Thursday, March 28, 2016
Fly UP